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File: 86 KB, 554x800, Dresden+Files+Vol_+3+by+Dan+Dos+Santos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3182723 No.3182723 [Reply] [Original]

Just hanging out, waiting for midnight to roll along so I can read Cold Days...

Anyone else busy waiting?

>> No.3182732

Which timezone is it released by?

>> No.3182738
File: 59 KB, 397x600, cold-days_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably should have dropped the cover as the first pic...

>> No.3182837

Local store near me always breaks street date, already finished it.

It's damn good.

>> No.3182911

I ore ordered it for my kindle fire. First time doing that (the ore order thing)

Anyone else ever do that? What time can I expect delivery?

Cant fucking wait. The time between books keeps growing and growing and its like waiting to get my fix. I'll be awake with my new baby and will have nothing to do but read it to him as he rocks to sleep

>> No.3182926

Goddamnit, I keep telling my friend to read it faster. We both grabbed it when they released it early, but he's a slow reader. He's halfway through when we grabbed it yesterday, and I finished it last night.

>> No.3182961

All my co workers are into it too, but none of them read it. They all listen to the audio book at work over... like a week. I burn through it like in a day and want to talk about it and their slow asses are not finished. Drives me bonkers

>> No.3182965

I desperately want to buy it as soon as midnight rolls around so I can read the fuck out of it, but I'm currently poorfagging it to the max right now.

So here I am, refreshing Tuebl and searching every torrent site I can for a pirated version with seeds.

Forgive me Jim, but I honestly just cannot afford it right now. I'll make it up to you by buying it later, and talking to my friends about it so they'll pick it up.

>> No.3182969

Anyone want spoilers?

>> No.3182971

I always wanted to read the Dresden Files, but the bookstores I go around to always have random volumes of it and never have the first one (stormfront?) so I can get rolling. Is it worth the full 10 dollars to get book 1, or can I skip it?

>> No.3182978

Naaaah. Don't do that. Part of the joy is the anticipation

>> No.3182982

You can kinds jump in wherever early on but its much more rewarding to start at the beginning

>> No.3183016

How is it lengthwise? Quick read?

>> No.3183022

515 pages or so

>> No.3183044

Not bad. Hoped for a little more but thattle do :)

>> No.3183078
File: 471 KB, 1024x640, 1282873290010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frothing at the mouth waiting on this thing to drop.

>> No.3183084

So unrelated to cold days.... what's the story with the graphic novels? Is that going to keep going or what? Anyone know?

Fuck I cant wait for this book.

>> No.3183100

I don't have a kindle so I have to wait til tommorow to get it in the mail. Lets just say I'll be sitting on my porch til it comes

>> No.3183282

I'm not sure, they've changed artists/publishers a few times, right? I waited for the first one to be compiled into a single volume and bought it then, but I don't think that's happened with the others yet, seems a bit off.

>> No.3183305

what the hell are you guys talking about

>> No.3183335

Mothafuckin Dresden files, son!

>> No.3183395

Anyone find the pdf online yet? Already have the paperback pre-ordered, but I don't want to wait a year hoping to not get spoiled by my friends.

>> No.3183414


I'm digging through the internet now, Anon. Tuebl has nothing, every torrent site I've tried has either a torrent with 0 seeds, or the same password protected rar that requires a survey to to the password (it's probably fake). Usenet has turned up nothing as well.

I'll post it here if I find it, but that's looking less and less likely.

>> No.3183427

I appreciate your help in this quest. I moved recently, have all my Dresden books in another state and yet I can't make myself buy this one while it's in hardcover because it'd throw off my collection. I'm sure it will exist eventually, so I'll keep checking in!

Want to discuss anything series-related while we're waiting?

>> No.3183436

I think Cowl is Justin, it has the right amount of ass pull to it

>> No.3183441


Have you read the preview chapters, yet?

>> No.3183461

Jim did say Justin is dead, but he also said there's different degrees of dead. I'm sure something he's done or will do will bite Dresden on the ass again soon, been long enough.

Preview chapters were great, yeah! I want to see who else is at the party, and how badly he messes things up.

>> No.3183462


Nah, I like Justin where he is: In the past, where Harry can properly tear himself to shreds on the guilt. It also seems like an obvious choice, and Jim likes sneaking up on us with his surprises.

Although if that was the case, I would love to see the next conversation between Harry and the Merlin.

>> No.3183476


Mab's totally faking him out with all this "tempting with lust" shtick. If's she's half the manipulative fairy queen she's built up to be, she'll use Dresden's fetish for guilt and self hatred to con him into doing the things she wants.

>> No.3183489

email me at email, and i can send you the .file or w/e when the book drops (I've got the ebook preordered on kindle)

>> No.3183495

He's proven to be (usually) rather resistant to the lust angle, and he's publically smacked Maeve back in a similar scenario. I was surprised he ripped into her so much actually, I thought Lily warned him that she's not as slutty/stupid as she seems and it's just another manipulation hook. He sort of forgot about that or overreacted.

>> No.3183557


I think he's terrified of becoming the monster that Mab wants, so he's going to respond to any such provocation in an extreme manner. It's following along the lines of his "The best way to resist temptation is to run screaming from the room when it enters" philosophy.

>> No.3183578


You are a shining example of humanity and I salute you as such, sir.

>> No.3183593

I just have one question (not particularly spoilery so I don't feel overly bad): does Butcher do that annoying bit at the beginning (or at the re-introduction of any recurring character) where he just copies and pastes the same paragraph every book getting the reader up to speed on their character developments to date?

I remember reading through the first four or five in the course of a week or so a while back, and every time I started a new one I had to actually check it was the next one, because those paragraphs were literally almost verbatim from book to book.

I get it, Jim. I know the laundry list of Murphy's attributes. That's fucking enough.

>> No.3183599

That's normally a good philosophy, but he's in a place where screaming and annoying the wrong person will make his brain turn into a slushie. Some more caution would be good on his part, is all.

>> No.3183609

He's tapered off with that in recent books. I think that's been because of how a lot of Harry's life and his preference for a static environment kinda got disrupted drastically, so he doesn't have that stuff to recount anywhere near as much.

Whether that repetition was done on purpose because of it being Harry's narrative, or Jim being a less than stellar writer (or just wanting people to be able to jump in at any novel), is up to debate of course.

>> No.3183614


that gets less and less common later in the series, but i remember what you're talking about, begin to know word for word the description of mac's bar, 13 fans and 13 irregular columns, jesus christ.

speaking of repetitive, how about "scarlet" and "My will lashed out with raw power", that shit gets tiring

>> No.3183623

But now that raw power destroys fucking buildings rather than pushing people over.

>> No.3183634

like flipping over cars onto men named cowl, who is, incidentally going to turn out to be simon petrovich, senior council member thought dead after vampire attack at archangel

>> No.3183644

Well, I'm glad to hear it. I think my last book was Changes, though it honestly was quite some time ago and I don't rightly remember.

>> No.3183645

>First name Simon
>Alias is Cowl
>Attracts hatred like flies to rotting meat

I know who he's based off.

>> No.3183651

Then there's now been two books since, and after what happened in Changes, well, you understand why there's less recounting.

>> No.3183656

for those waiting for me to email, im anxiously refreshing, dont worry

>> No.3183659

I hope they go off East coast then.

>> No.3183661

do these preorder things usually come in a particular format? i don't have an e-reader, but the few books I've seen posted online have been in pdf formats.

>> No.3183662

I think they use mobi.

>> No.3183665

.mobi or .azw, im not sure. you can always change it in calibre (and read it there too)

>> No.3183672

Anybody have a copy of this shit yet?

My body is so ready

>> No.3183680

I'm assuming everyone that wants a digital copy has a kindle.

>> No.3183684

im going to take a shower, ill check when im back if it has dropped yet, then i will email it to everyone who has emailed me. if you find something in the meantime, share it, ill still email if anyone still needs it

>> No.3183690

I don't, unfortunately. I'm typically a buyfag, I just can't stand getting a hardcover copy of something if I have the rest of the series in paperback or visa versa. That's why I was hoping there'd be some pdf version of it at some point.

>> No.3183691

Nexus 7 with Kindle app count?

>> No.3183716


Poorfag Anon, here. I inherited a Nook from my grandfather, but it sure as hell beats the shitty second gen iPod I was using for reading in bed.

Calibre is nice to have.

>> No.3183722

It is very nice. I hate when I get a pdf though; converting it into other file types make it worse than trying to just open the pdf's themselves on a kindle.

>> No.3183738

So kindles can open pdfs and other file types too? Really need to look into getting one some day, but I just like the physical feel of a book.

>> No.3183748

I got the kindle3 (also known as the kindle keyboard) because it was the cheapest and it plays music. It can open most file types, but I convert everything into mobi. It is almost exactly like reading a book, but no physically turning pages, so you can read it with one hand (either side, for lefties wondering).

>> No.3183752


I'm an actual bibliophile (it causes me pain to watch my toddler nephew scribble on his books), so I know what you mean. Ereaders are just too convenient to ignore, though.

>> No.3183764

Good to know, appreciate you taking the time to confirm that!

Before the move I didn't think a few bookcases worth of books were that big a deal, then you try to cram them all into one car and... yeah. One e-reader could've probably had my entire library while fitting in the glove compartment...

>> No.3183782

Damn this wait. I have it preordered on my Nook, just waiting for the download to start.

>> No.3183839

What time do they usually update new releases for the various e-readers? Someone's got to have it out unless there's some distribution problem...

>> No.3183846

ive never waited for a book online, or ever, actually. some folks say its at midnight PST, since amazon's hq is in seattle, but that could be bullshit

in any case i need to go to sleep soon, ill send the book in the morning to whoever emails me, good luck for tonight tho

>> No.3183853

night, and thanks for waiting so long.

>> No.3183872

Yeah, appreciate you trying to help people out, we'll keep things bumped so people get a chance to email you.

>> No.3183887

So, to keep conversation going or to momentarily distract people between hitting F5...

I heard that this book will shed a bit more light on Lash, the Gatekeeper and Demonreach, any theories about what we'll find out?

>> No.3183898

I accidently read spoilers on /tg/. Anyone want me to repeat them (in spoilers?)

>> No.3183901


It is PST apparently.

>> No.3183903


As long as you spoiler tag it, go for it. I've managed to get this far with minimal spoilers, it would suck to fall short now.

>> No.3183906

I'm staying up until 2am to try to read 515 pages to avoid being spoiled, personally. I'm more curious as to how /tg/ got a copy when /lit/ can't, and how it even came up in conversation.

>> No.3183909

As long as you hide them behind the tags, that'd be fine. Appreciate you asking.

I'm guessing Amazon's the main e-reader file distribution people, as opposed to smaller chains right?

>> No.3183915

Dude, amazon.

>> No.3183920


Okay, Demonreach is apparently a prison for the really evil things, with his pentogram made by Merlin across time.

Mab dies and Holly becomes the new Winter Queen.

>> No.3183922


You wouldn't expect it from a board about games, but /tg/ is full of some resourceful motherfuckers. If there's a way to do it, /tg/ will figure out how to make that way awesome.

I would expect that they were discussing the Dresden files pen and paper RPG.

>> No.3183926

There was a Dresden thread about the first book. I assume the person who posted spoilers got it because his store broke the street date.

>> No.3183930

Did I say Holly? I meant Molly.

>> No.3183935

Oh, right, the tabletop game, that makes sense

>> No.3183939

I thought those spoilers were from a fa/tg/uy in Canada.

>> No.3183941

Or that. I only read the spoilers and then ditched the thread.

>> No.3183945

Isn't it hard to believe that there are still 8 more books before the trilogy ending?

>> No.3183962

Oh, and Odin is Santa Claus.

>> No.3183967

Barnes & Noble seems to have it up


>> No.3183974


Dresden has yet to become the hardest motherfucker on the block, which is what he's going to need to be to deal with something that can take on every other supernatural powerhouse and win.

>> No.3183997

Dammit, kindle, get me my book.

>> No.3184000

1 hour and about 7 minutes left.

>> No.3184005


It's okay, Anon, we'll wait with you.

>> No.3184006

No download option on my Nook yet.

>> No.3184027

Some daaaay, my book will come....

>> No.3184040


>> No.3184077

So, 23 minutes until Amazon has it, unless someone who got it from Barnes and Noble has uploaded it already?

>> No.3184083

Yep. I'd appreciate if whoever gets it first tosses it onto mediafire.

>> No.3184105

12:01 PST, nothing on my Nook.

>> No.3184106

Maybe there is a temporal distortion. Make sure to calibrate your chrono-stabilizer.

>> No.3184107

Anyone get it yet?

>> No.3184109


It's no longer a preorder on Amazon, sent a sample to my phone, so it should be soon.

>> No.3184118

Sample chapters or did you mean you bought the whole thing?

>> No.3184119

Well, how should I go about getting into the dresden files? Books first? Comics? The tv shows?

>> No.3184121


Sample, but the button to buy it's there.

>> No.3184122

Books. TV show is meh, comics are meh.

>> No.3184127

Sounds good, thanks.

>> No.3184129

The comics are okay, but seem to be written with the intent that you've already read the book. I'd imagine a new reader would get the jist of what's going on without being too impressed, but it's more to let readers of the books see some of the scenes they've just read about.

The books are a different continuity than the tv show, I love the books but can't get into the show at all.

>> No.3184139

Anyone got a copy they can upload, or should I just come back to the thread in the morning?

>> No.3184146

I'm holding out hope still, but in the last four hours there's been no actual upload. One person, >>3183846 , said he'd email the file in the morning to whoever sends him an email asking for it.

>> No.3184152

Well, at the speed of this board, it should be up still for another 12 hours at least.


>> No.3184189
File: 1.82 MB, 407x235, 1353739168387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to be the first time I've seen a thread going so well, so I'm intrigued: what's so good about these books? Is it comparable to The Dark Tower?

Also I thought there would be something like 3 or 4 books.

>> No.3184190

Op here. Kindle fire version is downloaded and ready to go (got tired. When it didn't come out midnight eastern went to bed. Baby crying 3am central like clockwork. Wake up and here she is.)

Happy reading folks!

>> No.3184204

Have not read dark towers, but its on my list. Don't know quite what to compare Dresden files to but it is just magical (huuurrrrr de hurrrr)

They are just damn entertaining books. Each one building on the last. Good as they are, the firs couple you are reading thinking "yeah, ok. I can dig it. Urban fantasy crime novels with a sarcastic wizard helping Chicago Pd solve crimes." But it just keeps building. The world keeps growing. Stakes get higher and nuttier but in a well grounded way.

Just damn fun reading. I started the series around when dead beat came out and burned through it super fast. Then re went through it with the awesome audiobooks that James marsders reads. Each time getting better and better. These book releases are like my christmas

>> No.3184217

The picture in the first post actually happened, in series, around book 5 or so. We're clamoring for book 14 and I think there's about 8 or more to go, so it'll get crazy.

And I'm glad they're out finally, I'll just have to check in the morning for files. If anyone spots a pdf file, please mention the location or upload it somewhere? Thank you in advance!

>> No.3184231

Thanks for your insight!

>Urban fantasy crime novels with a sarcastic wizard helping Chicago Pd solve crimes

That's why I was wondering, it's rare to see people not shitting on each other for reading books with magic/wizards/vampires (without spoiling, they're all in The Dark Tower, and sometimes I was wondering "whyyy?"). Might give them a look, but it seems to be at least 4 months of reading ahead. I was happy (and sad) to finish TDT because I have so many things to read that are not fantasy-oriented, but if I start The Dresden Files I might not be able to do what I wanted to do. But strangely, I'm addicted to long series because I know that once I like them, I will not be disappointed.

Pretty sure I saw the dino (maybe not exactly the same) on a bookmark when the first book was released here some time ago, but I never bought it.

>> No.3184244

I pre-ordered the book ages ago but still can't wait to start reading until mid-afternoon delivery, and no torrents can be found yet, woe is me.

>> No.3184246

Jim Butcher also wrote the Codex Alera series (I think that's the name, at least). More swords-and-sorcery, but only six books long and that series is completed. It might be a shorter read for your plans and still give you a chance to see if you like his writing style.

As far as Dresden, it's definitely not Twilight. I think a vampire even wears a Twilight t-shirt just so he can smirk about it, at one point.

>> No.3184277
File: 2.97 MB, 292x400, 1352145335088.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Codex Alera series

Will look at that, thanks. May even be the time to buy a Kindle with all the books I want to read…

>> No.3184339

Guess I'll go to sleep and check back on this thread when I wake up.

>> No.3184344

How about someone downloads the file from their Kindle and uploads it for the rest of us to read?;)

>> No.3184361

I will have to hand out 10 internets to the person that uploads a copy. The U.K. will not give me the one I paid for till sometime on the 29th. One day a digital world wide release will get sorted hopefully...

>> No.3184375

It SUCKS so badly that if you're in the US, you can buy the Kindle version today, otherwise you've got to wait 2 long days...

>> No.3184409

At it. Wanna Audiobook files too?

>> No.3184411



>> No.3184413

Does anyone have a link to download it?

>> No.3184419

Audiobook part will take some time, as I'm a t work. AAX files thou, don't know any converter.
http://www.mediafire.com/?63hpw6geriau2cj Enjoy.

>> No.3184424

Thank you!!

>> No.3184425


Can't say I do either. Anybody else around here have the capability?

>> No.3184431

Damn Sir/Madam, you are a STAR

>> No.3184440

My anticipation toward this book and the reaction to anon sharing that link can NOT be considered healthy.

Thank you very much and if you do upload the audiobook files I will be forever grateful to your kindness.

>> No.3184441

download "Calibre".
the .rar also has an .ePub

>> No.3184442

Thank you, you beautiful bastard!

>> No.3184446


May a flock of your preferred genitalia find their way to you before your next rest, sir and/or madam.

>> No.3184450

After short thinking, is it safe to send my audible files as they are? I really don't want to read rest of the series from the wrong side of prison walls.
And you do know you can download one free audiobook form audible after sign up?

>> No.3184457

Is it scifi or some crappy detective novel?

>> No.3184459

Fantasy. Let detective-y lately but still damn good. Good for a laugh.

>> No.3184535

Up to the beginning of Chapter 3. Cat Sith is awesome.

>> No.3184560

I don't know if audible.com digitally water mark stuff, In the U.K. they don't even have "Ghost Story" on the site, Little own "Cold Days".

One day they will work out that selling people around the world legal copies makes good business. Hell I already bought the thing but can't touch it for 2 days...

>> No.3184564

Thanks a lot uploader! Ordered the book on amazon some time ago, but its together with A Memory of Light in order to save money on shipping, and since that book doesnt come out until january ive been anxious to find a version online since i fucked up and read the preview chapters on jim-butcher.com

>> No.3184596

11 chapters in. gotta go to work. So far so good. Dig the vibe thus far :D

>> No.3184604

Oh well. I trust in you guys.


Also, buy the book so Butcher know that we want more of his stuff.

>> No.3184607


>> No.3184608


Already have anon, but since I live on the other side of the pond, I won't be seeing my hard copy before another two weeks. But thank you for being in the sharing mood.

>> No.3184610

I love you. In every dictionary sense of the word. Most of the thesaurus ways too.

>> No.3184616


Good lord, you are one chill dude.

I'll make sure to keep it secret and safe.

>> No.3184627

Dude, you're great, we all owe you. Our prayers and dark forces sent straight from out pentagrams are with you!

>> No.3184633

What is a good way to convert aax to mp3?

>> No.3184747

OP would like to know too.

>> No.3184811

DRMBuster seems to be able to do it, if you actually own the file via audible, but I haven't figured out a way to do it without that ownership. Still working on it, but it'd be easier if I could torrent :/

>> No.3184855

I'll try it on my files then.

>> No.3185018

Up to Chapter 44, now. Poor Cat Sith. ;_;

>> No.3185035

Dude, don't be a dick and spoil stuff for people that are returning to the thread.

>> No.3185057

Fast reader you are.

>> No.3185140

Guy who read it early here. Got it two days early, finished it that night. People must read faster so I can discuss it.

>> No.3185172

Only got it an hour ago, up to chapter 10. Working on it, friend!

>> No.3185186

Just finished it. Oh, man. Butcher wasn't kidding when he said that this book was filled with world-changing stuff.

>> No.3185199


>> No.3185358

No crack on the audiobook yet?

>> No.3185367

>it is being downloaded as we speak only 600mb more to go.

>> No.3185372

I have it but its a private tracker sorry.

>> No.3185377

Try this.

>> No.3185431

WTF /lit/, nobody is bashing this YA trash, tailored by spreadsheets and uncleverness ? It's not because there is a T-Rex that it's good, it's bad sci fi TV show tier, it's trying to be funny but it's not, it's the Call Of Duty of books, tailored for 15 years old male with a gaping mouth for a brain, it's unimaginative and even the author knows this, it's a buffy fan fiction.

>> No.3185440


I would take your argument into consideration if your post was intelligible. 1/10 because you got me to respond, and even a whole point is still graciousness born out of pity.

>> No.3185531

>never read it, but i will bash it
You got me to respond.

>> No.3185536

What you say is self-evident. It's so bad no /lit/izen sees the need to point this out.

>> No.3185540

Link is already down. Anyone care to reupload?

>> No.3185549

>buffy fan fiction.
s-so, you're familiar with my work then?

>> No.3185576


>> No.3185625

Is there an Audiobook?

>> No.3185631

Welp, just finished the book, and honestly I wasn't too impressed. It had a lot of the same problems that made me dislike so much of Changes and Ghost Story. Not bad overall, but it's sort of continuing in the post Turn Coat slump.

>> No.3185707


Yes, but nobody seems to have cracked it.

>> No.3185751

There is the copying i am downloading says it has 26 mins remaining.

>> No.3185757

There is, the copy i am downloading***

I need some sleep.

>> No.3186080

Goddamn it sucks to be Molly... ;_;

>> No.3186123


There's still some hope. MS implied that it *is* possible for the Mantles' holders to resist the personality modification indefinitely. They *can* stay themselves if they have the necessary strength will.

>> No.3186520

I think it's important to recognise that she never *chose* to become the new Winter Lady. She should still have free will, at least until she chooses to entirely embrace the role.

>> No.3186559

And now we wait for the next one.

>> No.3186631

my thoughts exactly, jesus christ

>> No.3186644

Pretty much my thoughts after every one.



>> No.3186656

>busy waiting

That's how productive /lit/ is

>> No.3186662


start re-reading the series? eventually the ache will fade

>> No.3186670

I re-read them prior to purchasing Cold Days

>> No.3186681

I love the last convo between Murphy and Harry. Brings back hope.

>> No.3186682

fuuuuuck that, i cant stand that hag

>> No.3186797
File: 40 KB, 337x466, Cold_Days_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the call from local bookshop telling me its in.

Pisses me off that the dresden files is not a big thing over here in Australia. Not only did we not get a midnight release but we got it a day late because they could not be bothered.


>> No.3186810


But that's just the thing. Molly is *not* human any more, she's one of the Fae. And as such Choice and Free Will is no longer hers.

>> No.3186838


The Queens' mantles, unlike the Knights', don't require their new holder's consent. Lily explicitedly spelled that out in her rant. Molly's fucked. Poor girl. ;_;

>> No.3186891


Little help from the Big guy for the daughter of a knight?

>> No.3186907


this is gonna be great, watch the character development, she's gonna shatter

>> No.3186939

I want to see how the Council handles, well, everything. Dresden, Molly, the Red Court, the Fomor, everything.

>> No.3186971

Did I understand the last exchange with Dresden and the guy in the red coat properly? Can someone spell it out?

>> No.3186978


Depends. How did you understand it?

>> No.3186982

odin = santa. like odin is still the god, but he took up the mantle of santa ("king" of winter), same as dresden picked up witer mantle to be winter knight

>> No.3187001

Sooo, a year or so for Butcher to write and publish the next book?

>> No.3187005

I... meant it without spoilers for people in the thread. And was just confused over the fae status for a deity. Fucking hell, sorry people...

>> No.3187091

So, anyone else thinking Titania will try to off Maggie in some unsummer like behavior?

>> No.3187163

No, I don't think so. She knows what it's like to lose a child.

>> No.3187372

I got the book this morning and still haven't read more than the first chapter. My girlfriend has been insisting I spend all day with her making out, having sex, and doing couple stuff. This day sucked.

>> No.3187433

Still no dump of the audiobook without the Audible DRM?

>> No.3187727


I doubt it. It'd be another case of 'But that would go against the purpose of Free Will. Murphy Choose to take that shot, and as a consequence Molly Carpenter the Human Being is no more'.
Made all the worse by the book dropping hints that it may be possible for a Knight to shed his mantle without dying. Harry will get the oppertunity to weasel out of the consequences of his Choice, Molly never got to have one in the first place. As time goes on, Molly will become just as much of a sadistic sociopathic nympho as the previous Lady, and there's fuck-all she can do about it. Bob said as much.

>> No.3187736


Truly, it is a wonderful thing to be a friend of Harry Dresden.

>> No.3187753

How much of Maeve's sadistic sociopathic nymphomania was the result of her being tainted by the Nemesis, though?

>> No.3187783


By what Lily implied of her time as a Changeling under Maeve(years before Maeve could have been exposed to Nemesis) in the little get-together they had in Proven Guilty, most of it. Nemesis, "merely" drove Maeve to act in full-on defiance of Mab, forcing a schism in Winter.
Unless Butcher pulls something out of his hat that lets one the Fae become human, and lose the Lady's mantle without dying first, Molly might as well be dead. The mantle is a template that will mold her into a new Maeve, regardless of what Molly might actually want, because unlike Harry, Molly is no longer human so she doesn't get to have Free Will(or a soul for that matter, IIRC how soul gazes and faeries interact).

>> No.3187922

Yeah, but I doubt Dresden will let her just disappear under the mantle's personality overlay. I mean, this is Dresden we're talking about. You think he's going to let something like that slide?

>> No.3187925

If nothing else, Dresden might go and do something like pulling her soul back from Up There and shoving it back into her body if has to. I have no doubt that he's got the power to pull it off.

>> No.3188252


I don't really see what Harry can do about Molly's 'condition'. The series has repeatedly beaten the readers over the head with the fact that human/mortals(including Scions) are *who* they are because they(can) CHOOSE to be, and that supernaturals are who/what they are because they HAVE to be.
And what Molly is now, is the Winter Lady: a faerie.

>> No.3188288

So I wonder what Dresden's going to do when he breaks the Law of Magic about not traveling through time. As Butcher has said, if there's a Law then Harry's going to break it eventually.

Anyway, why can't he maintain a status quo anymore ;_;

>> No.3188464

i will say that the events culminating in this book are either butcher setting things up for a decade now, or a MASSIVE retcon on his part. was impressive either way

>> No.3188689


15 months or there abouts, if he keeps the same pace as with Ghost Story and Cold Days.

>> No.3188701

So what was up with this 'starborn' title that all the faerie monarchs were giving Dresden?

>> No.3188707

It goes back a few books. Or all of the books.

Basically his mother had him born on some astrological thing that makes him able to hurt outsiders with magic.

>> No.3188712

So does Dresden follow the cliche of being "the chosen one"? I haven't read any of the books.

Actually, how much of a cliche are the Dresden books in general?

>> No.3188713


Command them actually. At least if we take Lash at her word.

>> No.3188721


Speaking of her, looks like we'll get some resolution as to her actual fate in the next book, what with that "parasite" threatening to burst Harry's head.

>> No.3188739


Kind of. His "chosen one" drama is more of him being reverse C'thulhu (being born when the stars were right somehow lets him fuck some outsider shit up (this was not a mistake, his mom was one really crafty bitch)). There hasn't been a whole hell of a lot of exploration in that area, because Harry has been too busy putting out fires since he found out.

And as far as cliches in general go, not very. The books have their moments, but Butcher does a good job of twisting the cliche and coming at it from a new direction.

Also, do you guys like the odds that the parasite is Lash, who is feeding on Dresden to become her own self sufficient entity and will not do any major damage when she "bursts forth" from his mind?

>> No.3188740

Here's hoping that the next book won't start too long after where Cold Days ends. I really want to see how the charcters handle the fallout from Cold Days, not read Harry's cliff notes version when the next starts up 6 to 12 months after Cold Days ends.

>> No.3188744

Now that we know what Demonreach's deal is, I want to go back and read all of the senior council's reactions when they each found out Dresden had bound himself to that place.

"WAT" just doesn't seem adequate, but I can't think of anything more appropriate.

>> No.3188758


We don't really know any other beings that started out as a thought-echo and staked out a piece of Harry's brain, and was then made into an independent being when he gave her a Name, do we?
She's probably been evolving and growing since Harry Named her, and has now reached a sufficient metaphysical 'mass' that Harry's head can't 'fit' her any more.

>> No.3188769

Anyone think we'll ever see Harry's Pentacle and Ways Gem map again?

>> No.3188815


Since he wore them when he took the plunge into Lake Michigan in Changes, they're either at the bottom of the lake or in Mab's possesion.

>> No.3188880

he's already got the pendant back, was using it to light the area around him when he first showed up to the party and almost got jumped

>> No.3188913


A massive retcon of what?

>> No.3189036

it was indicated throughout cold days that a lot of the events occurring had been building up for several books now. either butcher was consciously setting these situations up in the prior 13 books, or he managed to make prior situations amenable to the plot of cold days without actually having planned for it before. e.g.

mab was super angry back in small favor, to the point she couldnt speak, angry because nemesis took her daughter. did butcher have her angry for that particular reason when writing small favor, or is he just using those circumstances now to justify present actions in cold days? in grave peril, lea received the nemesis-tainted athame...did butcher already have an idea of nemesis even in book 3, or did he recently come up with nemesis and happens to be able to spin the events in grave peril to support nemesis' presence as far back as grave peril?

does that make any sense?

>> No.3189063


Yeah, I get what you're saying.

>> No.3189179

Molly's last hope is that the Mantle's power isn't absolute.

I don't know, I just keep wondering what would happen if one of these parasitic forces tried to attach themselves to something that was just completely out of even its league.

It can't just be, oops it touched you, game over. The mantles aren't anymore absolute in their power than the force of Winter itself.

The answer is simple.
Beat Winter.

>> No.3189196

next short story is a dresden/molly fapfic, titled winter is coming

>> No.3189505


Just thinking about the wait is almost painful. FUCK.

>> No.3189614

Anyone have any theories about Mac?

>> No.3189759


Maybe in keeping with the whole "choice" thing that Butcher has a hard-on for, he was a supernatural entity that did the impossible and simply quit. He was obviously a major player by the way Sharkface instantly recognized him. And he never seems to age.

Also, fuck this wait. I finished like 20 minutes ago and the deep hurting is setting in.

>> No.3189820
File: 506 KB, 1258x2064, Trapped1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I waited since last year i don't know if i can take another..... i have the new Iron Druid Chronicles to hold me over but... that will be done in a day or two what next.....

>> No.3189895


I know that feel man. Another 15 months, give or take, before the next fix of Dresden. It hurts.

>> No.3189904


Still waiting for a semi-satisfactory ending, like in Small Favor or Turn Coat. Every single ending of the last three books has ended in a place that makes me crave more.

>> No.3189928


I get the distinct feeling that there won't be many of those as we trundle towards the end game trilogy.

>> No.3189973

Was probably asked, but does the TV show follow the storyline of the book well?

>> No.3190004


Negative. I found the show passable when I first watched it, but it hasn't aged well at all in comparison to the books

>> No.3190182


Here's hoping that Butcher's allready at work on the next book.

>> No.3190204

Stopped reading at "Changes". Is Ghost Story worth the time?

>> No.3190265


While I don't dislike Murphy, I do hope that her and Harry *never* get together. I prefer Harry as being an eternally starcrossed tragic hero.

Also, Murphy has to be pushing her mid-thirties by this point in the series, so if she really wants to start a family and have children like she said in Proven Guilty, she's kinda on the clock by now.

>> No.3190291


Ghost Story's sort of a 'breather episode' between Changes and Cold Days. It's slower paced, and character development heavy, but there's still action and thrills. I enjoyed the book, thought it was good, not great perhaps, but still a worthwhile read. It also elaborates on some key points of Harry's past.

>> No.3190296


Have we ever actually gotten an exact age for Harry and Murphy? Or any of the other 'human' characters, besides Maggie, Molly and the rest of the Carpenter children?

>> No.3190308


He's actually working on a steampunk novel right now, with the next Dresden files book coming after that.

He claims that working on other books between Dresden files helps him write them better and faster, and I can't disagree with his results. Some of his best stuff was written at the same time as the Codex Alera

>> No.3190325


*sigh* So we are looking at something more like 24+ months before the next Dresden Files?

>> No.3190330


I think I vaguely recall some offical answer that said Harry and Murphy were both 37 in Changes. Don't quote me on it though.

>> No.3190335


Nah. Year and a half at most, he usually does it in less. It isn't the first time he's worked on two series at once.

So it w-won't take t-that long.

>> No.3190354


And how many more books does Butcher intend to write in The Dresden Files, again?

>> No.3190364


Butcher's stated that he intends the Dresden Files to be 23 books long, at the LEAST.

>> No.3190363


I think his plan for the "case files" was 20 or so, with an apocalyptic trilogy to cap things off, which means we're more than halfway there.

>> No.3190374


He had planned for 20, but events have pushed that to something looking like 21-23 plus the trilogy.

>> No.3190383


So with 9, maybe more, books to go and Butcher averaging one Dresden book every 18 months or so, we're looking at 13.5 years, minimum, before the series concludes.

>> No.3190389


Jesus Christ, I'm gonna be in my mid-forties before I reach the finish line.

>> No.3190429


I imagine it to be the orgasm after 25+ years of really slow, but really good sex.

>> No.3190431

>Molly is no longer human so she doesn't get to have Free Will(or a soul for that matter, IIRC how soul gazes and faeries interact)

Could you point me to which book the whole 'faeries, souls, and soul gazing' thing gets covered? Because I'd like try and see if I can get all this straight, so that next time Butcher's taking questions I can ask wether there's any hope for Molly at all, or if Molly Carpenter has functionally ceased to exist, replaced by a slowly incubating Maeve 2.0.

>> No.3190441


I'd have to re-read them to be sure, but I think it was Death Masks, the first book Lea showed up in.

>> No.3190494

Also, the RPG books.

>> No.3190980


The RPG is good for general rules, but when it comes to specific stuff like fae and souls, the RPG isn't quite canon.

Better than nothing, though.

>> No.3190989

It's canonically what Harry and Bob think of things circa Book Ten, though.

>> No.3191158


And they both think a lot of Wrong Things. It's one of the things that makes the Dresden files series so charming: It has an unreliable narrator.

The RPG is okay, but a lot of the statements are just asking for someone Uriel's level of knowledge to swoop down and set things right.

>> No.3191282

Was it just me, or did Harry's reaction to Mab positioning Molly to assume the Winter Lady's mantle seem kinda, you know, underwhelming?

>> No.3191292

>And they both think a lot of Wrong Things. It's one of the things that makes the Dresden files series so charming: It has an unreliable narrator.


>> No.3191302


I'm not disagreeing with you that it's not true at all and that's the end of it, I'm saying there's a bit of wiggle room if Jim decides to do something else.

Mainly that yes, that looks like the most likely direction for now, but it shouldn't be considered concrete at all.

>> No.3191310

He went and held a gun to her head on the one night a year she could actually die, and ordered Demonreach to imprison her if she fought back! How is that "underwhelming"?

>> No.3191370


Add that to the fact that if she had shot him after he gave that order, it would have literally ended the world.

She would have been imprisoned, but not dead. The mantle of Queen of Winter would have been nullified Loyd Slate style, meaning the Outer Gates would have been vulnerable. For a moment, Harry equated "End me and end everything and everyone."

Smart money says that's going to bite him in the ass next time he talks to some angelic being.

>> No.3191385

Some faggot uploaded a shuffled version of the audiobook to audiobookbay.

Does anyone have an unshuffled and unprotected copy of the audiobook?

>> No.3191665

Next book is supposed to focus on the Denarians, right?

>> No.3191704

It's divisible by 5, so yup. My money's on it starting with Dresden and Molly paying a visit to the Carpenter's house to give them the news about Molly's new "promotion", or them paying a visit to Arctis Tor to visit her, when shit hits the fan like it usually does.

Also, I look forward to Dresden ordering an army of tiny faeries to choke Nicodemus to death with his own noose-tie. His reaction should be *hilarious*.

>> No.3191706

DO NOT WATCH THE SHOW... i downloaded all 12 episodes of that show on a SLOWWW ass internet connection too me a week.... when i watched half way through episode one , i deleted everything.
The show is garbage people can enter your house by someone ripping cloth from your door and bob isn't a talking skull its a butler(looks like a servant yes he is i human form)

>> No.3191735


I kind of hope their plan so "normally" evil that Harry just laughs at them when he compares them to the Outsiders.

>> No.3191765


Pretty sure Nicky won't stand for that kind of thing.

>> No.3192080


It's seems much more likely that we're gonna see some kind of a 3-way fight between Harry, Nicodemus, and Tessa.

>> No.3192425


Ooh, fun thought, what if Tessa and co got hit with the adversary?

>> No.3192432

Has there been an audio yet?

>> No.3192462

yeap, it's out

i'm listening to the first part right now, while at work.

downloading the other 2.

the files are fucking huge 2.5 gigs in total (800+mb each)

Read by motherfucking Marsten!

>> No.3192467

here ya go

>> No.3192468

where does this spelling come from? i knew a person from south cali who always typed this. i read it as 'yee-ap.' always typed 'yep.'
sorry this is just scratching an itch. but where did you pick this up anon?

>> No.3192472

God damn that was a quick read! Loved it.

I'll listen to the audiobook with Masters in 4-6 months time to make the wait for the next one seem shorter.

>> No.3192486


>> No.3192656

for some reason i can't post the other torrent link for the audiobook

this one is 2GB, split up into chapters

i really don't know. i'm from NY.
i've been using that for a pretty long time.

>> No.3192985


This seems like something Butcher wouldn't answer until we've had at least one book with Molly as the Winter Lady.

>> No.3193400

finished it this afternoon. great book. my favorite dresden moment up till now was riding sue into battle. i think this book passed it by with the last half of the book... starting with the hunt. so good

>> No.3194624


They're pretty goddamn important questions though, so they're still gonna be asked.

Molly is no longer human right? Does she, or does she not retain Free Will? Does she still have her soul?

>> No.3194654

Out of curiosity, does anyone have an Epub copy of Changes? I'm curious about the scene where Harry becomes the Winter Knight.

>> No.3194739

You are welcomed

>> No.3194902

I don't want to sign up with my email address to some dodgy site. You got a link where I can actually download the .torrent, or the URL for it so I can plug it straight into my BitTorrent client?

>> No.3194933

How did you guys like how Butcher interjected his views on Gays in the Book I just read it and LOL'd, is this a way to pander to gays so they can support him and he can get more money or is he just a pro-gay supporter?

>> No.3194940

You don't wanta secure place? Ok here

>> No.3195273

No, Maeve is killed and Molly becomes the new Winter lady. And Santa is Santa but more badass with swords and chainmail.

>> No.3195334

Well there are a few serious nods to it in retrospect. The Gatekeeper all but told him what it was. "The laylines don't flow through here, this is where they Well up." The Merlin wanted him under constant supervision and McCoy offered to leave him Merlins freaking journals. I thing the reason there wasn't more of a response is because the council didn't want to draw attention to it. A lot of effort has been made to all but erase the island. If they started focusing on Dresdens connection with the island been then in Turn Coat its possible a lot more things would have taken a harder look at it.

>> No.3195356

As I remember, when Lily got her Summer lady mantle it was stated that she was still human until she made the choice to fully accept the new position. I'm pretty sure Molly still has her soul.

>> No.3195415


I suggest you go and read chapter 48 in Cold Days again anon.
Lily outright says that when the mantle passed to her, her Choice, wether to become mortal or go Sidhe, was made for her. Because you can't be mortal *and* the Summer Lady. Lily got no choice at all.

>> No.3195461

oh right. Sorry. I just reread both the part from summer knight and from cold days. Basically she had a choice to become one of the sidhe or stay human before becoming the winter lady but once taking the mantle the choice was gone.

But what makes me wonder was how vague the qualifications of getting the mantle are. Hanging around with Lea was enough to qualify Molly? Really?

>> No.3195506


Yeah, I don't get that either. Lily being a mortal that became the Summer Lady was suppose to have been an unprecedented event. The first time a mortal had become one of the Queens. That said Lily was a changeling, and as such had the capacity to become a Fae being already 'built in', was what was suppose to have made it feasible to begin with. But now any non-Scion mortal rubbing shoulders with one of the Sidhe for 9 months suddenly qualifies as an 'acceptable vessel'? What the shit?

>> No.3195523

To be honest there are a couple things that I found rather chilling.

First the whole Outer Gates. The fact that a few million Sidhe troops and one lonely wizard are all that stands between oblivion is almost as scary as the thought that it had always been like this, one failed battle from the end.

And the line that Thomas said, relaying that Lara had said. "We spent centuries cultivating this Herd." in regards to protecting American cities. Does that mean that the white court was partly behind the founding of the United States as a nation?

>> No.3195584

Also is anyone else annoyed that James Marsters does and awesome job with all the audi books but couldn't do Ghost Story? I honestly can't listen to the the Ghost Story Audio book, the guys voice just sounds wrong.

Thank God Marsters is back for Cold Days.

>> No.3195614

I like to think the last few books was the series switching gears and now we will get another few "episode" books where the major players dont change too much.

The world cant shift at the pace changes-ghost story-cold days set for the rest of the series. We would run out of places to go.

>> No.3195649

The longer a series the higher the chance the author will get hit by a bus/get cancer/ die of an untreatable genetic disease before it ends.

Jim is basically a dead man walking.

>> No.3195666

>Jim is basically a dead man walking.
Aren't we all?

>> No.3195667

I had pretty much assumed that was the case. There were bits of dialogue from Nicodemus that suggested tessa and crew had been infiltrated/were working against the home team.

>> No.3195759


'Suggested'? Nicodemus outright said it was either Tessa and/or Rosanna who collaborated with the Black Council. The question is wether they're doing it of their own volition or they've been tainted by Nemesis.

>> No.3195874

Which, given the fact that their fallen angels, might mean that the Ousiders are even stronger then they are. Could that be a reason why the swords were kept out of the fight and why the angels are staying out? to keep the Nemesis from spreading to them?

>> No.3196103

It's also possible that they were kept out because they might have been breakable on Halloween. It is, after all, the night when Immortals are vulnerable, and wouldn't the Swords be the sword equivalent of Immortals?

>> No.3196259

you can already unmake a sword by using it against its purpose, using the sword of love, amorrachius, in a hateful action, or using the sword of hope, esperacchius, in a moment of despair, sth like that

>> No.3196431


Or, you know, just using any of the swords to spill innocent blood. That'll break'em just fine as well.

>> No.3196724


Kinda makes you wonder if it's possible to destroy the Blackened Denarii on Halloween.

>> No.3196951


In regards to the 'herd' comment, I think that was just Lara being Lara. What I did take notice of, was what Thomas said about her starting to expand her influence to the State and National level.

>> No.3197580


That's not really news. She had the clout to get a US Navy chopper to medivac Molly out of Chichén Itzá back in Changes.

>> No.3198275

I think it comes down to the same question ans Harry Potter 7? Was it all planned all along? I like to just say that the writers are geniuses either way,

>> No.3198811

Butcher planned the series from the start. He has added and removed things over time but it is safe to assume he planned these things. He had been hinting at the Adversary since the first book so its shouldn't be all that surprising.

>> No.3198842

Yeah, the Black Council was pretty much brought from the beginning.

>Who was teaching Sshadowman and the Becketts about the ritual magic
>Who gave the werewolf belts to the FBI

That's just from the first 2 books.

>> No.3198867

I did feel like that was kinda shoehorned in there. It was the only "wait... what? where is this coming from?" moment that i have really had with his books. made me laugh, but felt out of place. went on to forget about it till just now when i read your post.

>> No.3199230

I gotta say, I didn't really care for how humanized Cold Days made the Courts, especially the Queens.

>> No.3199521

Yeah when i read that it felt forced in, it had NO business being in there. Why the fuck would a Queen of summer care if men wanted it up the butt.
Unless something leaked out onto her flowers and plants i would understand but...

>> No.3199528

I could see the white court being kind of interested in it, I dunno. in books past the Sidhe were kinda lustful sexualized folk, but whatever. didnt bring the book down, just was a lolwut for me.

>> No.3199605

And when did Gatekeeper first show up? Book 4? I don't know why I never really questioned what his name meant, considering how important names seem to be in the series. Not to mention the Sidhe recognizing his specific style of magic when Harry showed up for the war.

>> No.3200251

Did I miss something, or did Butcher blatantly disregard the in-universe metaphysical law of 'the Free Will of a mortal cannot be compromised or stripped from a mortal, unless the mortal willingly consents'?

>> No.3200282


Sure seemed that way, with Molly becoming the Winter Lady without any consent on her part.

>> No.3200468


Yeah, Cold Days' ending makes me conclude that either Uriel is full of shit, or Butcher cannot into consistency.