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File: 43 KB, 324x500, stranger1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3515360 No.3515360 [Reply] [Original]

Was the stranger autistic?

>> No.3515363


>> No.3515368

probably not.

>> No.3515389

He was indifferent.

>> No.3515400

>what do you do m mersault?
>I drive

>> No.3515398

to a degree yes.

>> No.3515404



>> No.3515405

That's an absurd question.

>> No.3515590

Didn't Camus die in a car accident?

>> No.3515592

A more appropriate song:


>> No.3515593


>> No.3515604

Is the Ocean wet?

>> No.3516377
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>> No.3516410

It's funny because people like The Stranger and Drive for the exact same reasons

>> No.3516417

stranger, not potato

>> No.3516425

>L'Etranger film adaptation with soundtrack by Kavinsky
I don't know why, but my penis is rising.

>> No.3516427

People like Drive for adolescent reasons; I guess adolescents like The Stranger to appear different.

The only common link being adolescent admonishment.

>> No.3516432

admiration* I mean.

>> No.3516434

>wanting Kavinsky involved with a The Stranger film

No, thanks.

>> No.3516439


Le Samourai

>> No.3516447

Adolescents don't like The Stranger to feel different. Well, I hope not. I'm trying not to be cynical because of my own experience with the novel.

I read it for class and I could relate. Detachment and indifference seemed like the only true solution in a world of absolute absurdity. But the book helped me enjoy life more and grow up. I never told anyone else about my love for the book to score hipster points, or womyn points; I just kept my admiration to myself.

I hope that there are youths out there who enjoy it for sincere reasons, not just point tallying for making impressions.

>> No.3516465

>read The Stranger in class and the teacher is discussing Mersault
>someone says that I'm just like Mersault
>everyone starts laughing and agreeing
>everyone including the teacher calls me Mersault for the rest of the year

And on that day I became the literature defener

It's fucking true though I'm not kidding

>> No.3516481

I never saw it as an 'angry young man' book when I read it the first few times. I loved it. Then I read an article that said it was a book for "black-clad teenagers reading in the AV room and listening to The Cure." Ever since then I've been seeing this opinion come up all over the place.

Never saw it that way, and still don't.

>> No.3516484
File: 185 KB, 580x686, king feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my class nobody understood the book.

Public education, Queens, New York. Tons of minorities.

Most of the students said something along the lines of, "What's wrong with this nigga?"

"He gay."

"Fuck this book."

And there I was, in the corner, dying inside because a literary character I could identify with was being lacerated by my fellow students.

>> No.3516497

Isn't "What's wrong with this nigga?" a perfectly legitimate response, though

>> No.3516499

I agree, that's bullshit.

Camus fucking loved football

>> No.3516503

I suppose so.

It just hurt. The entire class trashed Meursault.

>> No.3516511

Yes. He did.

>> No.3516518

I know that feel. Public education, Manhattan, New York reporting in.

But I thought it was funny and my teacher was amazing so he laid down the law.

Ahh high school memories..

>> No.3516530

Mersault is the Ultimate Cool Guy

>> No.3516539

I'm surprised your urban classmates weren't fond of Mersault.

>He kill that nigga cuz of the sun and dont give a shit! Daaymn, Mersault be ICY!

>> No.3516564

Upper middle class ultra-educated Boulder, Colorado reporting in. Everyone in my high school class loved the book.

>> No.3516576

same in my wealthy high school. Same with Catcher and the Rye

>> No.3516678

I went to a fairly wealthy school but no one read
or I'm just not as wealthy as I thought

>> No.3516713

Lol nope

>> No.3516726
File: 85 KB, 400x300, 1360948413408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might help to look at Meursault as an example of responses to the absurd as fleshed out in the form of suicide or rebellion on the Myth of Sisyphus. We all know that Camus rejects suicide as a response to the absurd and therefore turns to rebellion as a way of saying yes to both life and death. In this sense, at the beginning of the Stranger Meursault was living a (maybe) absurd life, as an absurd man, and in the last half of the book culminating in his outburst at the priest, he demonstrates a certain rebellion.

It's hard to put Meursault within a clear absurd position because there are some elements of the Stranger that go against seeing him as the absurd man/hero. But that's another story.

So yeah, maybe Meursault wasn't autistic, but was an absurd man.

>inb4 torn a new asshole

You should also read Caligula.

>> No.3516735

lumpenproletarian frijolero reporting in. everyone in my prepa was too busy sniffing resistol to even read this white people trash.

>> No.3516741

>lacerated by my fellow students

It's time to put down the thesaurus and check definitions

>> No.3516757

Unfortunately, I did not have such a teacher.

But I did have one teacher who yelled at me in front of the entire class because she thought I had plagiarized. All because of my use of the word "behemoth."

She thought it was too sophisticated for someone in our age-range to us.

Fuck public education and fuck Queens.

>> No.3516758

People argue -- and quite rightly -- that Mersault wasn't an absurd man until the end: reconciling with death.

I'm not sure indifference is the sign of an absurd man; or, rather, I don't think it should be considered one -- since absurdity requires actual action, not lack thereof.

>> No.3516762

hurr hurr there is no intrinsic purpose in the universe and I'm seriously considering suicide because of it durr

pls die in a car crash

>> No.3516773

nigga you a bitch.

>> No.3516772

I don't get it either.
Also the fact that the angry young man is just a phase is a lie repeat by concerned parents and believed by teenagers trying to be edgier by being square.

>> No.3516969

Considering that Sartre was known to have at least some autistic traits, I wonder of Camus based any of Mersault's personality on the lazy-eyed Frenchman.

>> No.3516992

I see what ya did there

>> No.3517022

>known to have
known by whom?

>> No.3517076

Camus stole the bitch of Sartre, so maybe but i don´t knwo why

>> No.3517079
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four students in my Lit class during high school

One guy won't stop saying that Camus himself is racist for repeatedly using the term 'Arab'.

>> No.3517086


>muh multikulti

You yurobongs only have yourselves to blame.

>> No.3517091



sartre was at such a disadvantage from looking like a gargoyle that he had to up his game several levels above camels to even have a chance, and he scored constantly. sartre could mac like a motherfucker, camels just went around just being an indifferent well dressed faggot and girls liked that despite his autism.

so really, its the other way around.

>> No.3517356

But Arab is completely PC, why

>> No.3517392

Naw man, this nigga merassault is all abs tracter and shit. He be decentsitized and conefused, that why the nigga is cold blood mang. He pop pop that honkey good.

>> No.3517471


I chuckled

>> No.3517473

Assholes who deprecate other people's appreciation of literature to make themselves feel superior. Gj

>> No.3517492

They didn't get that far in the book