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/lit/ - Literature

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3516486 No.3516486 [Reply] [Original]

>thinking you can understand philosophy without historical significance
>thinking historical significance comes from starting with presocratics and reading the entirety of plato and aristotle
>implying all of plato and aristotle is worth reading

>taking existentialism seriously
>reading nietzsche and kierkegaard and posting about 2deep4u existential problems on /lit/
>yfw you realize you are too dumb to get into analytic philosophy so you resort to 2deep4u nietzsche

>trying to 'get into' philosophy
>trying to learn philosophy outside of academia

stay pleb, /lit/

>> No.3516487

i can destroy you

>> No.3516505
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>> No.3516523

now you're just being unfair

>> No.3516524

>implying any of aristotle is worth reading

>> No.3516522

>implying all of plato and aristotle is worth reading
dem dialogues are awesome though, anon. why you hatin?

>> No.3516526

the following things are incontestably plebby. check your pleb privilege, plebs:

✓ absurdism
✓ getting caught up in free will vs determinism
✓camus, sartre, existentialism
✓ thinking psychedelic drugs reveal to you the true nature of the universe
✓ identity politics
✓ owning a "BAD MOTHERFUCKER" wallet
✓ thinking palahniuk is really deep and controversial
✓ "why aren't stalin and mao considered worse than hitler?"
✓ aquatic musk or gourmand colognes
✓ "is my red your red"?
✓ the joe rogan experience
✓ getting caught up in capitalism vs communism
✓ believing stirner compares with other philosophers

thats all i have for now

i wish i was trolling

>> No.3516531

How would you suggest to learn philosophy? Learning it in academia is stupid and has no job prospects, it's clear that philosophy only has value as a pretentious circlejerk hobby.

>> No.3516533

>✓ the joe rogan experience
>✓ getting caught up in capitalism vs communism
Take these two out and you're nearly right.

>> No.3516538

oh god, now you've just projecting, seriously. you cannot tell me you understand stalin or mao, or even stirner. you can't lay claim to those names before that. also just pointing out their intellectual ideas, interests, or musings, isn't a criticism.

you feel inadequate when reading stirner, you can't fathom any notion of existentialism into your world view, scared that you can't rationalise the effect of hallucinogens, etc. you see, i'm not constructing an argument, i'm just pointing out and constructing a strawman, but it works as an argument. this is what you did.

>> No.3516584

projecting what?

the reason hitler is perceived as more evil than the other two has nothing to do with numbers, and more to do with deontological issues. when it comes to mao for example their question is essentially "why is genocide worse than famine?" which is plebby. they haven't done any research or put any effort into thinking about the question or attempting to answer it themselves, they just looked at some numbers and want to be contrarian. they think they're being original and insightful, analytical or critical, when they are none of these things.

stirner is limited. prescriptive politics for the self. that's incredibly narrow, and his conclusions are shallow, no matter how right or true we may feel them to be. you can barely consider him a philosopher.

existentialism is babby's first self-awareness.
>oh my god i'm gonna die what is my life

sure i can rationalize the effects of hallucinogens; the biomechanism of things like LSD and DMT is known. what i find plebby is people who trip on DMT and come to me the day after blathering about gnomes who are the fundamental reality of the universe, that they talked to aliens and the solution is love, etc. i'm not coming down on love, but you've probably had friends who talk to you all glowing like this after they tripped. they're not thinking about their hallucinations, they just immediately trust them.

>> No.3516596

didn't you ever feel like you were once someone like that? so naive?

>> No.3516600
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>thinking analytic philosophy is anything but worthless mind-games
>thinking logic has value
>thinking that by studying philosophy you will improve your lives

Stay unhappy /lit/

>> No.3516617

This is the dumbest post I've ever read on /lit, ever. congratz

>> No.3516614

not today guys

>> No.3516620

>wahh he insulted my analytic ideology
Stay indoctrinated.

>> No.3516629

OF things some are in our power, and others are not. In our power are opinion, movement towards a thing, desire, aversion; and in a word, whatever are our own acts: not in our power are the body, property, reputation, offices, and in a word, whatever are not our own acts. And the things in our power are by nature free, not subject to restraint nor hindrance: but the things not in our power are weak, slavish, subject to restraint, in the power of others.

Remember then that if you think the things which are by nature slavish to be free, and the things which are in the power of others to be your own, you will be hindered, you will lament, you will be disturbed, you will blame both gods and men: but if you think that only which is your own to be your own, and if you think that what is another's, as it really is, belongs to another, no man will ever compel you, no man will hinder you, you will never blame any man, you will accuse no man, you will do nothing involuntarily (against your will), no man will harm you, you will have no enemy, for you will not suffer any harm.

>> No.3516637

>taking anything but existentialism seriously

Why waste your time?

>> No.3516642

>historical significance in philosophy
>analytical dogshit
pick one

>> No.3516644

I have to agree.

>> No.3516649

>forgetting that the best analytic philosopher eventually grew out of it

>> No.3516650

>studying joke subjects like philosophy and history

They're for entertainment on long flights or conversation starters.

Aren't you embarrassed when people ask you what you're studying?

>> No.3516655

✓ making list
✓ craving for external validations
✓ bashing entry-level, yet good, writers

>> No.3516657


>> No.3516660


U mad.

U got told Nigga

>> No.3516662

>having the reading comprehension of an austistic two-year old
>not being able to understand the not-that-hard texts of philosophers
>posting your entry-level babby's first angst whinings on /lit/ to my displeasure
>not being capable of gradually applying philosophy's wisdom into your gay whitebread lives while actualizing at all moments, uncovering dozens of epiphanies daily, silently bequeathing untold wisdom upon the world's landscape, being the multifaceted object of pretty much everyone's affection, the goal of most aspirations, known as the earth-shattering sexkilling god, forever and infinitely expanding into the vague yet determinate future, hindered by nothing but your own fucking self


>> No.3516663


Precisely where juvenile subjects like Philosophy belong.

>> No.3516661

u wot m8

>> No.3516668


>Dat wannabe Joe Rogan/Bill Hicks

Stop writing like a socially awkward tween.

>> No.3516674

>juvenile subject


>> No.3516676

eat my dick

>> No.3516673

pls go with it then

>> No.3516681
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>> No.3516751


This is a good list for someone in their 20s or older. It's perfectly fine for a teen to go through a stage for a few weeks where they care intensely about free will v determinism or "is my red your red"

But on the whole great post

>> No.3516779

All correct except the part about analytic philosophy.
Analytic philosophy is pleb-level.

>> No.3516788

u just mad cuz yo analytic black ass got served

>> No.3516792

>stirner [...] his conclusions are shallow, no matter how right or true we may feel them to be. you can barely consider him a philosopher.

Stirner is not understandable outside the Kantian tradition, that's the problem of many of his critics today.
Still I think a very deep point is the attention he brings back to the problem of solipsism which I believe has not been solved (and probably cannot be solved under certain aspects) and just gets swept under the carpet (not a very good move especially on the part of traditions that claim to be defenders of truth and rationality).

>> No.3516796
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take a look at this faggot

please, come back when you're 18, or 21 for that matter

>> No.3516797

Nope because I studied philosophy and I make now $50k a year after 6 months out of college.

>> No.3516801

>believing stirner compares with other philosophers
What is meant by this, exactly?

>> No.3516806


eat my dick

>> No.3516813

>implying the first set of implications don't contradict the second set
>implying analytical philosophy has ANY understanding of the historical or material conditions that underpin it

>> No.3516817
File: 230 KB, 1000x1000, 1353453190082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, very intelligent of you

you act like everyone wants to be like you when, in reality, you are probably the multifaceted object of just about everypne's hatred

20 epiphanies a day my ass

>> No.3516839

>you are probably the multifaceted object of just about everypne's hatred
sometimes. i try to work against it

>20 epiphanies a day my ass
i literally have epiphanies after i cum sometimes
20 epiphanies right out of this dick

>> No.3516840

>implying there's such thing as "analytical" philosophy
>implying Russell didn't write an entire treatise on the history of western philosophy

>> No.3516844


You forgot:

✓Buying into the pleb/patrician dynamic

>> No.3516857

>implying Russel's 'history' was any good