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/lit/ - Literature

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3532469 No.3532469 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, why do you write? Is it because you want to feel like you're telling people something important? Is it because it gives your life meaning? Or are you a pseudo-intellectual hipster trying to look cool who shits out...well...shit? What is it that drives you?

Personally, I write because I goddamn feel like it. It's a fun thing to do.

>> No.3532470

Pic sort of related.

>> No.3532479

I like words.

>> No.3532502

I like to see how many pretty words I can string together to make myself sound smart to make up for being gross and having poor social skills.

>> No.3532509

I like enchanting people with stories. Their faces as they read my short stories is all I need to keep on. Children, especially.

>> No.3532531

I write to improve my writing ability so I can write better. The satisfaction comes from when I write something and say, "Hey, that's not total shit."

>> No.3532619

I love these answers.

>> No.3532637

wait a minute....... apples poop??!?!?!?!

>> No.3532678

I enjoy telling fantastical stories that many can be whisked away by. Wonder is my tool, I enjoy being creative, while having fun.

>> No.3532686


>> No.3532724

What do you think those little brown things in the middle are?

>> No.3532762

Its therapeutic. also books and writing have been there when everyone else has not

>> No.3532771

Because a story formed itself in my head over the years like a fucking brain tumor and refused to let me sleep until I wrote it down.

Everything after that's just been learning the craft for the sake of clarity and coherence.

>> No.3532821

I write because it's my outlet for depression.

Without the ability to express all of my sincerely depressing thoughts and views on the world via dystopia fiction, I'd be alone and without anybody to talk to.

My keyboard is my best friend.

>> No.3532824

I don't write. I've tried to. I hate that I can't be amazing without effort.

I'm an anti-perfectionist.

>> No.3532861

I write because they locked us all in a basement and if we don't produce terrible fiction and shallow screenplays the guards come at night and whip us until they.....

Oh shit! Oh Shit! Here they come again!

Um, It was a dark and stormy night.... oh god!

>> No.3532879

Why are you depressed? If you don't mind me asking, that is. It seems as though a lot of people are, but I don't understand it. It seems to me that there is so much joy in just being alive.

>> No.3532916

Oh, I'm not depressed. I would be if I couldn't write.

They say that when you journey into the world of understanding, those who do not understand are almost like sleeping children to you.

It's not a thing of hatred of self-pity, but vast loneliness. I feel as if I'm the only person in my entire life who thinks aside from what is put on the plate placed directly in front of me.

>> No.3532926

Oh, I forgot to mention: My writing style is a reflection of a mixture of my world views and my favorite author's writing style (whose name is Richard Kadrey). He wrote Sandman Slim.

Obviously it's not exactly the same. I just like the crudeness he implements into his stories. It's a really nice feeling. It's almost as if when I type those crude and immoral words, all of my negative thoughts and feelings leave me and go into them. I no longer have to think or feel what I was feeling before.

>> No.3532969

It's a treatment; cheaper than visiting a psychiatrist.