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3762331 No.3762331[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most effective method to advertise my e-book?

I just made a facebook page. Not sure what else I should do. I paid to advertise on websites and that doesn't seem to work much.

>> No.3762346

Become a meme like Tao Lin.

>> No.3762345


Put a catchy title, like, 50 shades of gay or Riding Miss Daisy.

>> No.3762354

Unfortunately, nobody wants to read your book. It's time to move on.

>> No.3762357


>> No.3762361

The book is already published and sadly doesn't have a title as cool as that.

I should have thought of that.

>> No.3762365

The problem is that not enough people know about it. I know the book is solid enough, I just have to get people to see it.

>> No.3762371
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I don't know why I did that.

>> No.3762376


Would you share it here?

>> No.3762388

It's called Pendragon University.

>> No.3762389

Get an extract published.

>> No.3762396

Sounds like a garbage Harry Potter ripoff.

>> No.3762403

I think that if you want more readers, Ms Smallwood, you should make your book interesting. At least the preview.

>> No.3762410


Kaitlin, dear, you must tour, I am afraid. There is no better way of promoting your book than to dust your boots and meet readers. Read to one or two nerds in small bookshops in Nowherem U.S.A., if that's all you can get, it doesn't matter. Eventually the kilometers and the effort will pay off if you put enough perspiration in it.

>> No.3762411


is that some kind of sick joke?

>> No.3762414

PS no offence. I'm was just going off the title, and I haven't read it, so take that impression for what it's worth. I just looked at the Amazon page and it sounds like pretty much what I thought it was. I just don't like that genre. I dislike the cover art, too, and it seems to be in the wrong proportions for a book cover.

>> No.3762423

What's it about? Brief extract? I cant be bothered to google.

>> No.3762430

All right, that said, to promote your ebook, you should start a twitter. Put a link to your book in your little personal blurb space. Post once a day at minimum about your book or whatever. Follow a couple dozen people a day. Follow back everyone who follows you. Retweet people. Discuss things with people. You should grow a nice twitter with a few thousand followers in a few months and make a few sales that way. Maybe start a wordpress blog and do the same.

>> No.3762444



Chapter 1
Darcy Hill: Oregon, Modern Day

I stared out the backseat window of the car as my parents drove me to Pendragon University. Rain showered in gusts over the glass, and even with the windows closed I could feel the dampness on my skin. My sketchbook was on my lap, and I doodled on it unconsciously. I’d had an ongoing case of artist’s block for the past few months. Though I couldn’t find inspiration anywhere, my fingers itched do draw something, and my pen swirled aimlessly. It was really depressing whenever I looked down at the results. Drawing without looking was definitely not one of my talents.
“Now don’t be afraid to call us, Darcy,” said my father, “even if you have to sneak away from your friends to stay cool.”
“I’m not embarrassed by you, Dad.”
“Oh, I can’t believe we’re doing this,” said my mother for the millionth time.
“I can’t believe it either,” I said.
It was no secret that my academic history was a shambles. Since Sophomore year of high school, I had always been on the edge of failing. My parents had supported me and insisted that it wasn’t my fault. Maybe it wasn’t, but the shame couldn’t be helped. When I said I couldn’t believe a good college accepted me, nobody mistook it for sarcasm.
My mother looked upset. “You were accepted to plenty of other schools besides this one.”
“All community colleges,” I said. “And I'm perfectly grateful to get accepted to them, but come on. Pendragon University? Why would a school like this accept me? Don’t you think it’s a little strange that I sent out dozens of applications and the only acceptance letter I got that wasn't a community college was this one? Pendragon University is supposed to be incredibly prestigious and I’m no academic wizard.”

>> No.3762462

>Pendragon University is supposed to be incredibly prestigious and I’m no academic wizard

Is this le epic foreshadowing? It's actually not that terrible otherwise.

>> No.3762498

This needs a better opening line. "I stared" is kind of boring.

You should say the wind gusted the rain against the glass.

I don't like the line about feeling dampness. Usually sitting in a car while it's raining outside makes me feel dry and cozy.

Drawing without looking is a talent few, few people possess.

Why not open the book with the acceptance letter? Why the flashback?

>> No.3762506


Anon, the lady asked about protips on promoting her eBook.

>> No.3762511

Alright, I'll get into twitter then. That's a good idea, thank you.

Anything else? I mean, I know I'm at last half decent, I've won some competitions and shit and my short stories online are well received. The trouble is what I write online is a different genre, so I can only peek interest so much from the followers of my online story.

Anyone here published who has suggestions for advertising? Any sites I should join?

>> No.3762526


I just told you what to do. I've done it myself. What else do you need? At least try to be educated and reply to all good faith suggestions.

>> No.3762528

Yeah, sorry. It's already finished and published.
>Why not open the book with the acceptance letter?
Interesting idea, but sounds a bit like Harry Potter. Darcy's family life isn't quite as colorful.

I'm working on my next book, and I'll do my best to make the beginning of this one more intriguing.

>> No.3762530

All I'm saying is it could've used an editor. A quality product is usually a lot easier to promote.

It's not like this is the worst thing I've ever read, though. I'd edit it for some $$$.

>> No.3762545

I appreciate it and I'm going to do it. I just want to know if anyone has more.

And does anyone think it's worth it to find an agent? I did a lot of research on agencies but things came up and I just self published. I feel it was a foolish move.

>> No.3762549

Oh and join tumblr and do the same things you'd do for twitter. For wordpress you only need to post about once a week or so, since longer entries are expected, although a post once a day would be better. Leave comments on other peoples blogs and whatnot. Link all your social media things together. Build yourself a platform.

Join a local writers group and make some writer friends.

>> No.3762556

OP, I'm going to buy your ebook to support a fellow c/lit/. I hope I am not disappoint.

>> No.3762558

Yeah, self-publishing is usually a bad move. There are plenty of markets (nonpaying and token paying) that will publish your short stories and whatnot. Don't post them online yourself for free. Build yourself some cred by "selling" to markets. A track record of editorial approval goes a long way to establishing your desirability as a writer. Don't look for an agent until you've sold a novel to a publisher.

>> No.3762563


Thank you. I hop more suck... er, fellow /lit/izens, I mean, follow your example.

Long live Pendragon!

>> No.3762564

You can always release a second edition. It's your book and you're the publisher.

>> No.3762566

>Oh and join tumblr
I'm promoting it on tumblr, which has helped somewhat however tumblr seems more fanfiction oriented when it comes to writing. Still, I'm using it.

Join a local writers group and make some writer friends.
I actually did this too, I found a great club nearby and a few writing buddies who bounce ideas around with me.

>> No.3762569 [DELETED] 


Nah, it kicks ass as it is. Thanks though.

>> No.3762606

Thank you! I hope you're not disappoint as well.

>> No.3762616

That's interesting. Any markets specifically?

>> No.3762642

post it on blebddit/r/books or something

>> No.3762662

buy ads for websites