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3768233 No.3768233 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the greatest English poet of the past 200 years and why is it William Blake?

>> No.3768285

D.H Lawrence

>> No.3768287

It's William Blake because he sounds like he knows some great mystery about the universe.

>> No.3768291

Either Whitman or Pessoa.

>> No.3768294

Tao Lin.

>> No.3768299

Oh fuck I just actually read the OP, sorry.

>> No.3768307


His bastardization of Christianity is a little fucked, but his idea of double vision and the mythology he created in his works are absolutely amazing.

>> No.3768338

Pessoa's sonnets are excellent.

>> No.3768349
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Milton, god damn it.

>> No.3768357

Milton sucks compared to Blake.
Look, he even has spelling errors in his own works!
Paradise Loft? Am I reading a poem or a real estate manual?
0/10 he couldn't even see

>> No.3768369

>Paradise Loft.. spelling errors
you better be joking

>> No.3768375


>implying he could possibly not be joking

you're appreciably lowering the level of discourse here, son.


Because his particular brand of total insanity is truly compelling and unique.

>> No.3768377

If you get to include Milton in 'best poets of the past 200 years', I'm having Sappho ( oh how I wish I could have her).
>tfw when no 3000-year-old qt3.14 bisexual gf

>> No.3768388

>Paradise Loft.. spelling errors
should be: fpelling errors

>> No.3768395


>English poet of the past 200 years



so next step is someone who wasn't even a poet, I guess. I vote for Lucius Cornelius Sulla.

>> No.3768414

I worship Blake, but would submit Wordsworth, though by 1813 his best was behind him. He created the mode of English poetry that has dominated the past 200 years. Without Wordsworth there is no modern poetry and we're still slumming it in the 18th century.

>> No.3768412

I'm not too keen on his mythological stuff. Stuff like marriage of heaven and hell has quite a few good aphorisms in it but it's so prosaic.

He could never top the nuance and simplicity of songs of innocence and experience.

>> No.3768420

>My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
>My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
>Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
>One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:
>’Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,
>But being too happy in thine happiness,—
>That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees,
>In some melodious plot
>Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,
>Singest of summer in full-throated ease.

>> No.3768419

>but it's so prosaic
>prose work
>so prosaic
>prose work is prosaic

>> No.3768433

Did you mean to type Whitman perchance?

>> No.3768440

>greatest English poet

>> No.3768443

Nope. Wordsworth is greater. Though Whitman is great.

>> No.3768453

I don't think you know what prosaic means.

>> No.3768454

Whitman is not an English poet.

>> No.3768464

brb, renaming my real estate company.

>> No.3768468


>> No.3768466


Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.3768490

Bill and Ben the flower pot men.

>> No.3768512
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Yo, Mliton...taking credit for my work again, eh?

>> No.3768524
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Lord Byron. Cutting it off at two hundred years still gives you The Giaour, Bride of Abydos, The Corsair, Manfred and Don Juan.

>> No.3768542

How many read all Blake, or just those famous lines?
If not Blake, then Keats.

>> No.3768563
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Yo dawg...you talking credit for my work again? I'll corrupt your ass biatch.

>> No.3768639

I've read his prophetic works... I've spent most time with Milton and Jerusalem. I found Four Zoas almost too difficult to enjoy. But Jerusalem blew my fucking mind. Blake was not of this planet, I'm convinced.

>> No.3768666


>tfw when no 3000-year-old qt3.14 bisexual gf

c-can we get married loike?

>> No.3768743
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Nigga please. I had the plagiarizer, without a doubt.