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3809574 No.3809574 [Reply] [Original]

Whenever I find or think up a creative story idea, theme or for that matter any interesting and somewhat original element of a potential story it sets my imagination of fire which is great fun.

Does anyone have any interesting ideas or themes they would like to share?

The more original and creative the better.

Anything that can indulge my imagination really.

>> No.3809594
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A Story about Michael de la Parra.
His first name is actually pronounced Miesjel.

He studies IT and has a mini-laptop.

>> No.3809601

What that sounds horrible whered you get that picture, tumblr?

>> No.3809633

do this one

>> No.3809699

I heard the idea a while ago just googled the image.

It may not be a great idea but at least its somewhat original (probably because no ones done it because its a terrible idea in hindsight) but I enjoyed exploring the concept at least.

>> No.3809707

>Someone should write If on a winters night a traveller
I dunno man, I think there might be a law against that kind of thing...

>> No.3809730

Go away Peter Molyneux.

>> No.3809735

So /lit/ is officially overwhelmed by /v/ and /pol/. I guess that's why no fucking book discussion goes on these days, because nobody here has actually read any fucking books.

>> No.3809741


>> No.3809753

I'm not OP. I was just making a general comment about the quality of the board recently. I think OP's post pretty much embodies the quality of this board recently, as does your retarded fucking ironically retarded post that just reeks of /v/.

>> No.3809759


>> No.3809765

My worldview of reading and discussing books? I don't why that's a particular unreasonable worldview to expect of people on this board, given that that's the sole purpose of this board.

>> No.3809767

*see why

>> No.3809792
File: 47 KB, 641x427, Mourinholaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't reddit faggot, no one expects or wants you to make an "edit" to fix minor mistakes.

>mfw redditors come here and try to change how things are done

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck off.

>> No.3809811

I was correcting my own post you fucking child, Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you? I've been coming to /lit/ for years and at no point has there been a problem with correcting a spelling error.

How about fuck off, stop throwing an autistic shitfit about something entirely unimportant and focus on discussing books.

>> No.3809836

>I've been coming to /lit/ for years

no your from /co/ i recognize your name

>> No.3809847

Any horror ideas?

I absolutely love good horror literature, but it's hard to come up with good, original concepts.

>> No.3809849

oh shit u got me

>> No.3809855

Okay, so there's a family, and they live in a relatively large, sub-urban American house. There's a mum, a dad, two sons and a daughter. One of the sons starts seeing ghosts, and from the age of 12 through 16 the son deals with this ghost that haunts his house. None of his family are aware of it, and he constantly gets into trouble for lying. But he keeps seeing this ghost, and it's terrifying him, he's losing his mind. Eventually his family decide to send him to see a therapist. Anyway, it turns out the ghost was a hallucination stemming from his father, who was a member of the KKK, molesting him at a young age.

>> No.3809880 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3809889

>implying OP wouldn't piss himself from fright at my horror ideas

>> No.3809895


>> No.3809899

>implying I will give you my ideas

>> No.3809914

So, there's a little girl named Charlotte who lives in an orphanage. And a boy who just arrived. Charlotte is mute, missing her tongue and her lips are partially sewn shut. The matron lady of the orphanage tells the boy Charlotte
did this to herself one night, and there is very little known about her life before the orphanage. Anyway, Charlotte has all sorts of other self-harm injuries, arm cuts and burn marks. The matron tries to restrict
her access to sharp objects, but
they keep appearing. Suddenly Charlotte is missing a finger. No one can figure out how it happened. Then another. The next day, another. The other children are whispery and concerned, but they're used to Charlotte having weird injuries. The orphanage is isolated from adults, the Matron is their sole caretaker.
One stormy night, the little boy wakes up at an odd hour. He hears rats skittering in the old walls. For some reason he desires to see them. he follows the noises till he reaches a place where he can pry back the wooden wall. Inside is a huge, strange man, holding a butcher knife over Charlotte's arm.

I've grown bored so here's the rest greentexted
>threatens boy
>cuts off Charlotte's arm
>Boy doesn't tell anyone next day
>Charlotte is killed that night, all traces of her dissapear
>strange man was the Matron's brother
>Charlotte comes back as a ghost? or is that anticlimactic?

>> No.3809930

about the pic, Borges wrote a story about the main character killing the reader

>> No.3809934

How about the retrospective story of a group of young children growing up together after all the adults in their remote village somewhere in the wilderness were killed or disappeared never to return.

>> No.3809980

In my head I have an idea for a screenplay for Canadian television (because that way I stand a chance of people looking at it, and I want to help create the first hopefully decent Anglo-Canadian programming)
>two sons get secretly involved in organised crime to support their struggling family
>bring in Mennonite friend
>Mennonite drug trafficking

>> No.3809984

I don't get it. There was nothing misspelled in that post, was there?

>> No.3810003

>decent Canadian programming of any kind
>ever being created

Yeah, this country can be kind of embarrassing. At least it's one of the only places where multiculti seems to be working, but even that can't last forever.

>> No.3810008

not amazingly origional but, to plan a trology or similar, ave a book set in any era (i'll use medieval.middle-ages for te purpose of te example) where a young man finds his father and only guardian has left him, he goes to find his father and on the way ends up involved in a military group his father was a major part of.

There is a serious war that has been brewing with a few years and had kicked off about 6 months before his father left.

After finding his father and learning about this group he decides he wants noting to do with it and goes home to find his home has been destroyed, his friends and any remaining family killed, he is changed by grief and goes back to his father wanting to fight in the war. He slowly descends into madness from his grief but the reader is a bit sheltered from this and is told everything from the protagonists point of view

The protagonist becomes a very effective soldier/assassin and over time becomes very well known in the hostile lands. Fast forward to book 2, taken from the point of view of a soldier on the other side of the war, now we see the insanity gripping our former protagonist but it is protrayed in a very propagand-ish way so the reader is not sure who to believe.

In book 3 it comes to light that the protagonist has descended into complete madness nd becomes the antgonist, being killed at the end of the book, thus ending the tragic trilogy.

P.S. please excuse my completely fucked up keyboard

any thoughts/contributions?

>> No.3810028

Don't change the perspective in the second book.

>> No.3810034

as in keep him the 'good guy' or just try and exclude him from the novel?

>> No.3810044

No, keep the descent into madness or whatever, but don't switch the POV to some newly introduced generic soldier character. It would be a lot more interesting to continue seeing insanity from the protagonists point of view. You could still keep the ambiguity, by using unreliable narration, portraying actual propaganda from his enemies, whatever you want. Lots of possibilities.

>> No.3810045

Interesting, I like the theme of switching perspectives, similar to game of thrones in the way evil is seen as entirely relative.
However it would probably be more interesting and effective as a theme if both stories were told side by side.

The madness needs to somehow be relatable, hopefully it should make the story more unpredictable.

Also it seems like almost everyone bases fantasy in the medieval era; I know its only an example but try to think of some less used setting.
Perhaps a coastal location with marine combat at the dawn of the bronze age, just a thought take it or leave it.

>> No.3810050

>that pic

They're called "eroge".

>> No.3810055

i was using it for the simplicity of the example, its too late to go into setting
i was thinking more dystopia modern urban enviroment type thing, full 1984 but without face crimes and big brother, just a general shit hole, altough i went back and forth between urban and rural setting in this shit-hole world

perhaps switching to 3rd person narrative for the second book? i find 3rd person is a lot more objective and a lot easier to see what is actually appening, 1st person narrtives really influence the readers interpretation (or at least mine)

>> No.3810062

by too late i mean its 2:30 and i can barely type

>> No.3810073

>1st person narrtives really influence the readers interpretation (or at least mine)

Well, you are trying for ambiguity, aren't you?

>> No.3810077

oh and yeah, his descent into madness has to be as relatable and well hidden as possible, i want the reader to actually agree with his insane/sadistic actions, I'll probably have to re-write the book repeatedly just to get the tone right.. if i ever write it at all

>> No.3810085

well, i want the protagonist to seem like the good guy as undoubtedly as possible for the first book and let the cracks begin to show in the second, so a first person narrative seems much more appropriate, there is more emotional connection too which i'm kinda of going for

>> No.3810086

Again, first person would probably be best. Imagine if the Undergound Man had been written in the third person.

>> No.3810107

>underground man
>i've never read it
>now i feel like a pleb
>haven't read brave new world either

but yeah, no contest on first person, anyway, i'm going to bed, if this thread is alive in 8 hours somehow or there is one similar i'll samefag the shit out of it pushing my poorly thought out novel ideas. Goodnight

>> No.3810147
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How about a story where a military deserter goes around a war-weary country in Africa or Eastern Europe, convincing other deserters, bums, veterans and swindlers to help him form a new republic.

Rather than the traditional kill-the-dictator-and-establish-communism they turn the making of their new country into an event, pretending that their little shithole is a mighty country and they're on top of the world. Somehow they convince others that this is true and this new world grows through criminal enterprise and black market influence fueling everything (ie buy land and clean water by trafficking drugs between countries).

The climax can be when the country grows so big and unwieldly that civil wars break out and the 'celebrities' that founded it start to turn on each other.

>> No.3810152 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 400x300, at the very least.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This already exists pretty much it's an anime though.

>> No.3810160

You could make it work.
Do yourself a favor and allow for massive amounts of time to pass.
And choose a couple of characters outside of the mains to follow through the development, so that you can get perspective from inside and outside the country.

>> No.3810233

What is it?

>> No.3810260

It's called Boku no Pico.

>> No.3810266

Things I want to write:

100 years of solitude-esque account of an internet message boards through the rise of fansites in the late 90s/early 2000s to the burnout when social media became big, emphasizing the e-dramas and all.

a vaguely surrealist account of a man rising from obscurity to political prominence, and using his power to thrust the US into another civil war in the service of his own ego.

a realistic "political relevant" story of a young man being laid off form his good manufacturing job and his struggle to find a new path in life in the post-industrial US.

a guy with NEET-tendencies uses his spare time to solve a 100 some year old murder mystery or something. i have the idea that he finds some sort of note as piece of evidence which is his impetus for doing so in some sort of antique book collection in a library or something in a book no one had opened since its being donated. i think in this one i would be preoccupied on the effect technology has on modern society.

i think i might try to write the post industrial one this summer.

>> No.3810269

>a guy with NEET-tendencies uses his spare time to solve a 100 some year old murder mystery or something. i have the idea that he finds some sort of note as piece of evidence which is his impetus for doing so in some sort of antique book collection in a library or something in a book no one had opened since its being donated. i think in this one i would be preoccupied on the effect technology has on modern society.

Make sure he also finds true love when he meets a quirky, studious girl who is also investigating the mystery.

>> No.3810273
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Legend of the Galactic Heroes

It's pretty much exactly what you described but in space.

>> No.3810309

The only problem with your post-industrial story is that the USA isn't presently going post-industrial. That's a story from the first wave of automation, which really started to cut into manufacturing jobs in the late 80s and throughout the 90s.

Right now, between just surprisingly good numbers to the ongoing government support of a "green revolution" in manufacturing, to the resurgence of formerly american automotive manufacturers as global companies that are putting jobs back into the USA, to the growing grass-roots of 3D prototyping, it's a pretty exciting time to be in manufacturing in the USA.

Source: I'm an English graduate who was hired by a robotics manufacturer as a technical writer because the company is expanding. I live in the rust belt, too.

I'm not saying don't write the story, but consider that perhaps it won't be the story you originally intended it to be.