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/lit/ - Literature

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3881965 No.3881965[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just read Schopenhauer's essay on women.

Jesus christ, we western men have the patience of gods.

>> No.3881974


Fuck off.

>> No.3881983

too bad you've never read anything else Schopenhauer read, you big-brained man, you

>> No.3881984

Listen, I'm not that guy who left your apartment after a one night stand. Stop displacing your anger.

>> No.3881989

Listen, just because the truth hurts your feelings, doesn't mean you should ignore it.

>> No.3881990


>> No.3881993

everyone who has ever said "muh feelings" as a defense is a smelly creepy weirdo with brain damage

>> No.3881994

that's basically what Schopenhauer's philosophy is about, though
do you even read and so on
>inb4 ascetic denial is truth or some other nonsense

>> No.3881997

Listen, just because you can't get guys who are out of your league (such as me), doesn't mean you should get all edgy.

>> No.3881998


You look like a guy who never left any girl apartament after a one night stand.

>> No.3881999

I don't even know what side I'm on in this debate but /lit/ has become so stupid, I'm leaving.

>> No.3882001
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That's right, I stay and demand breakfast before leaving.

>> No.3882003

what accomplishments do you have to speak of, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"
do you even lift

>> No.3882004

I'm a bit frightened that you're this impressionable OP.

>> No.3882010


Look man, you know and we know that you are a virgin who is afraid to even talk to a girl. There is no need to pretend. You just need to seek a psychiatric to help you solve this problem of insecurity, rather than let this insecurity leak by your pores and infect the computer.

Peace, bro.

>> No.3882013
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>> No.3882023


Whatever, man. But you know that this bad feeling will not go away just by trolling on 4chan.

>> No.3882028
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Damn right I'm rustled
that loser Schopenhauer deserves to be more than a sop for pathetic misogynists
if I were at my computer I'd spam pictures of my ass but for now I can only tell you to fuck off

>> No.3882039

It's 4chan. Angry betas who can't into women make up the majority of posters. And what's that? A philosopher who hated women?

>furious storm of masturbation

>> No.3882047

LOL Still ignoring the truth that men fight wars to protect you. Men have invented and built virtually everything human on earth.

That's why it's called man made.

Stay buttmad, petulant, and useful only for the purposes of breast feeding and procreation (both of which require no actual skill).


You'll scoff off this truth by going "fuckin muhsogynists!".

Truth is not patriarchal, ladies. Truth is a bitch, just like you.


>> No.3882050

>calling misanthropes misogynists

Why do people always insist on this?

Also, Schopenhauer did say that women were on average more vapid cunts, but also that great women could reach greater heights than men and that women possessed to a greater degree the virtue he deemed the greatest: Compassion. His views were far more nuanced than the babby's first cynicism kids would probably like.

>> No.3882054

▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒THREAD ALERT▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒



▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒THREAD ALERT▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒

But now that that's all clarified, and no one cares, does anyone want to actually talk about literary misogyny?

Anyone know of a good scholarly book on the origins of chivalry? Not pop stuff.

>> No.3882059

Feminism is still pretty retarded.

>> No.3882065

We get this thread a lot here. Anyway, in one of the threads, it said that Schopenhauer partly recanted some of his views on women's abilities after he had his portrait done by an American woman. Anyone else heard of this?

>> No.3882066

>Criticizing women
>The same as misogyny
Top lel.

>> No.3882068


>... for the point is not who said the words, but whether they are true or not.

>> No.3882071

Wikipedia obliges:

"After the elderly Schopenhauer sat for a sculpture portrait by Elisabet Ney, he told Richard Wagner's friend Malwida von Meysenbug, "I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man."
Citation: Safranski (1990), Chapter 24. Page 348. in "Wieviel Wahrheit braucht der Mensch? How much truth do we need? Über das Denkbare und das Lebbare. About the thinkable and liveable. München ua, Hanser. Munich, Hanser. 1990. ISBN 3-446-16045-0, 1990th ISBN 3-446-16045-0."

For those of you who don't know, old Mawilda held a salon in Italy which Nietzsche patronised many years later, where he and Paul & Lou met, unless I'm mistaken.

>> No.3882072

That's nice but it has nothing to do with my post.

>> No.3882074

Nobody is saying that women absolutely cannot be impressive in some ways.

Nikola Tesla's mother was an inventor like him.

It's just that statistically, women are far inferior in every single way (except of course breast feeding and makin babies).

>> No.3882075

I'm not sure where Safranski gets the source for this. It may be Mawilda's diaries? Serious Schopenhaurians might regard it as little more than gossip unless it can be substantiated a little better and there are echoes of it in his later letters and works.

>> No.3882076

That shit is true. When you meet a girl who, for some crazy reason (maybe she was hit in the head in just the right away), sees any type of excuse for her poor performance as a limitation on her ambition and self-cultivation, she's usually aggressive and ambitious as fuck, because goddamn are there are lot of excuses to be had when you're a woman.

That's just because the gilded cage Wollstonecraft described has been transmuted into a golden throne they're chained to by the ankle. The atrophy of men grovelling for their affection remains, and the atrophy of men grovelling from patriarchal guilt has been added. Not a lot of room for self-determination in there.

>> No.3882082
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>> No.3882083
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Ever since the first treaty was signed promising "good peace" "forever," men have fought wars to protect their masters; your corpses fertilize their crops.

>Truth is a bitch, just like you.
No, life is a bitch... AND SHE'S BACK IN HEAT
heat of mechanical men robbing you of your labor, the same heat whirring below you as you type your response; heat that melts down the Greek complex and every gender role; heat of factories, heat of blood, heat of cities, heat and wetness; heat of liquid advertisement and gaseous desire, desire that enslaves you more each day into pessimism as effeteness, cosmopolitan fingering, decline

anyone who posts an "On Women" thread is almost certainly all of these

>> No.3882086

>The atrophy of men grovelling for their affection remains, and the atrophy of men grovelling from patriarchal guilt has been added. Not a lot of room for self-determination in there.
If things returned to the way they're supposed to be, men wouldn't grovel AND women wouldn't be self-determined to do what men should be doing. Women nowadays are even trying to fill the shoes of men because the men nowadays are incapable of doing it themselves. The roles are mixing too much.

>> No.3882096
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>> No.3882101

>health and fitness
Fuck off with this shit faggots

>> No.3882110

Anyone read Weininger?


>> No.3882118

fuck off you reactionary cunt

>> No.3882138
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I want to get hurt

>> No.3882165

Hey OP, I never pay these any head. Women bitch because they are...well...bitches. I combat them silently. I'm a manger and when raise time comes around, I give the raises to the males. When I read resumes, Ill always hire the male over the female. I've been doing this for years. No amount of bitching can make me stop.

>> No.3882189


you are the worst tripfag on /lit/. Satan is better than you.

>> No.3882195
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You're doing God's work son.

>> No.3882207


I am all of these, so is it ok that I'm here?

>> No.3882212

>dat pic
oh god hahahaha nice one

>> No.3882213

you're a western boy

>> No.3882219

keep calling names he/she

doesn't change the fact that women are only good for sex and nothing else

sex is a woman's currency

>> No.3882223

Anyone have that recent study that shows MtF/FtM actually has no neurostructural basis

>> No.3882221

I don't know why people use class structure as an argument against feminism. Sure, higher class women 'oppress' lower class men (with the help of their husbands, which is commonly ignored in this argument), but that is completely beside the point. The point is that in no identifiable class of western society is a woman considered more highly than a man.

>> No.3882227

>man criticizes women
speaker of truth
>woman criticizes women
one of the only sane ones
>man lauds women
beta white knight
>woman lauds women

such integrity

>> No.3882234

men are only good for dying at the hands of other men

you don't even fight for anything

>> No.3882251

My fucking sides

>> No.3882254


They've become the same thing in the eyes of feminists. And anyone who questions the wisdom of feminism is also a misogynist.

>> No.3882255

When the fuck do women laud women? They just criticize men.

>> No.3882257

Wait, what? You're not even talking to the right person, please refrain from directing your strong opinion's towards me. My feeling's are easily bruised.

Also, that list doesn't isolate a single gender. All of those trait's can also apply to female's.


>> No.3882258

Anyone who questions the wisdom of men is a man-hating feminazi.

>> No.3882259
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>personal insults used to back up an argument

oh wow

>> No.3882269


Dont you think you should first talk with a girl, sleep with a girl and have a true relation with a girl to finaly make an opinion?

Right now you are in the same situation as someone who hates Americans but never talked to one or went to the U.S.

>> No.3882284

I most assuredly lost my virginity much earlier than you. I wish I didn't, but she was persistent.

Longest relationship I had was 1 month. The main conflict of our relationship is that she was boring, was too a.d.d. to read the door stopper books I gave her, and she wasn't as hot blooded or horny as I usually was.

What now baybay?

>> No.3882290 [DELETED] 

i want to fuck your nigger ass right now. where do you live.

>> No.3882296

It's sad, really. Usually I can at least see where he was coming from, but his essay about women is extraordinarily close-minded, although his characteristic stubbornness almost makes it readable.
Oh well, at least he was anti-slavery.

>> No.3882313 [DELETED] 

you want to know what's sad? what's really sad? niggers.

>> No.3882314 [DELETED] 

>anime weaboo nigger shit
didn't read

>> No.3882317

>his essay about women is extraordinarily close-minded
That's what I thought at first. But as it sunk in, and weeks passed, I started seeing real life situations of girls actually doing the things he was talking about.

I had an epiphany moment then, Schopenhauer was 100% right about women. Every single thing he said about women was correct.

>> No.3882323

>one must have cancer to legitimately deem cancer to be an undesirable condition

>> No.3882331

>closet weaboo on a weaboo site
didn't read

>> No.3882340


rly tho making ridiculous generalisations with a straight face is never big or clever, Idk what Schopy was thinking when he tarred all Western women with the same brush. Perhaps is was more true when he wrote it (a time of "ladies" and bourgeoisie etc.) but nowadays it's an ugly relic of a pre-feminist age.

>> No.3882343
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*it was more

>> No.3882345

how new are you, friend
stan is certainly better than me, he has a better grasp on logic and philosophy
I have better taste in music and a nicer ass AFAIK though
but that doesn't mean you can't offer a stronger rebuttal than "you're a faget"

we all have cancer now

>> No.3882367

>Posts link to a reddit subreddit on 4chan

You're either a brilliant troll, or the new wave of 4chan.

Prob both.

>> No.3882374

>playing the 'truth hurts' card
confirmed /pol/ troll thread

>> No.3882380

>new wave of 4chan
been here for three years m8, and there've been feminists and tripfags here all that time

>> No.3882381

So the truth is /pol/ now?

Troll or brainwashed to an insane degree (prob both).

>> No.3882382

He was giving a reddit link to send him there you flagrant retard. It's no different from
which is where you should go too, by the way; you'll find it's even more of an echo chamber than /pol/ is.
Sadly you aren't the new wave of 4chan, just the old garbage.

>> No.3882388

>common sense

shouldn't you be red-pilling sheeple about the Illuminati right now, squire? The truth is out there!

>> No.3882432

> writing about how a whole gender behaves and is. missing that the difference between each individual is greater than those between those groups

yep, /lit/ is this retard

>> No.3882480


>Not realising that in-group differences don't mean shit and we're talking about averages.

>> No.3882489

Get out you kretin, you wouldn't spot old 4chan if it hit you in the face.

This entire thread is filled with trite tumblr/reddit lingo.

Ever wondered why /lit/ has become shit? That is because we actually talked about the subject matter: literature

Not its just my feelywheelings, cult of personality and their politics

>missing that the difference between each individual is greater than those between those groups

hurr durr... what is child birth

/lit/ should be renamed to /socialconstructs/

This board is beyond redemption.

That said Schopenhauer was nigger tits. Just because you were right about one thing it doesnt mean you're right about the next. Chomsky is also a prime example of that.

But then again critical thinking has never been a virtue of this board.

>> No.3882500

This has gone beyond feeding a troll. Now you're just stocking his larder for winter

>> No.3882506
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>> No.3882532

I'm a man and I agree with them.

>> No.3882548


>> No.3882576

That's funny, because bitching about tumblr and reddit is everything that's bad about modern 4chan. It isn't a sekrit club if you have to keep telling everyone that it is.

>> No.3882616

How is Schopey a misogynist? Have you guys even read Simone de Beavoir? She also makes a similar point that women themselves can lower the autonomy and self-improvement of individual women by refusing to do away with certain socially-constructed concepts that all women are allowed or forced to be part of. And Schopenhauer was basically attacking those same concepts at a time when they were much more prevalent in women.

The contemporary example would be attacking things like gossiping, shopping-as-a-hobby, make-up, laziness, refusing-to-initiate-romances, passivity, harem-worship (Justin Beiber, Beatlemania), etc. All things that prevent the self-improvement of women and are actually carried-out more by women than men.

>> No.3882621

>implying that is what I said

But i guess you're just trying to be stupid

>> No.3882629

Simone was just a self-hating woman. How disgusting.

>> No.3882636

That's wrong since modern feminism is highly indebted to her.

>> No.3882674

it's true that women can hinder the feminist agenda just as much as men, and that aspect (that is to say, the claim that Western women are limited by a self-perpetuating tradition of "ladies") of On Women I can almost agree with, but some of the stuff (about women being the less fair sex due to their figure, etc) seems almost spiteful.

>> No.3882684

>but some of the stuff (about women being the less fair sex due to their figure, etc) seems almost spiteful.
Well categorising a whole essay based of one of it's many points might be considered spiteful itself :')

And yet, his comment there isn't wholly irrational either. It's pretty common knowledge that men and women have different bodies, we discriminate against women in sporting events because of it. So yeah, I don't think that's enough to speculate Schopenhauer was particularly spiteful to women, he was simply spiteful to everything he found intellectually disagreeable, often in hilarious fashion.

>> No.3882708

It's one of his essays where it feels like he doesn't have a powerful argument, more like he's scraping the barrel to find more points to conjecture. It's certainly not as compelling as some of his essays on metaphysics, and even if it's not genuinely spiteful it seems like he's being pretty blasé when it comes to disregarding such a large group of people as "Western women". It hasn't dated well.
That's true, but I still find his disgust at hypocritical Christians and his cheerful disregard for anyone he disagrees with a lot more enjoyable, personally. To each their own.

>> No.3882726

political correctness is ideological
just consider the fact that maybe you aren't being intellectually honest