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/lit/ - Literature

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4490304 No.4490304[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Official Book Pact Thread.
We agree on reading a specific book with a fixed time limit.

Book Pact exists to:
Help motivate you to read more books
Create larger synched groups and individuals, reading the same material so we can share opinions, experiences, epiphanies etc.
That way you absorb the most out of a book and it is retained firmer in memory.
Maximum Novelty: You might get into a book/genre/author/etc that you would never do it by yourself, thus breaking your comfort zone, opening your mind and mental horizon.

If you can't get a physical copy you can get a digital here: http://en.bookfi.org/
Open Goodreads Group: "Book Pact YV"

More info: http://pastebin.com/5kHSEttE

Previous reads:
Snow Country 27-31 Dec
To The Lighthouse 1-5 Jan
Siddhartha 6-12 Jan
Holes 13-20 Jan

Given the last thread, there is an apparent abuse of Strawpoll voting (applicable to virtually any online voting system), to combat that we'll change the book selection method from democratic to chaotic.

Which means, starting from today you suggest books under 250 pages and once we have about 10 solid suggestions, in 20th Jan i'll make a post.
In that post each book will be represented by a number, the last digit of the post will have the honor to select the book for us.
The good ol' traditional way.

*I usually bump the thread before it dies as it's too low for anyone to notice to bump, got caught up yesterday, anyways.
The current suggestions are laid in the post below.

>> No.4490310

The Good Soldier Švejk
Getting Even
Ask the Dust

Need about 2-3 more.

>> No.4490321

El Buscón a.k.a The Swindler ~ Francisco de Quevedo

A Spanish picaresque novel written in the early 17th century.

>> No.4490330

You're the Spanish guy that suggested couple of books earlier, right?
I don't know Spanish so writing the full title of a book in English is preferred.

>> No.4490336

I'm probably not the person you are referring as I'm not Spanish but the full English title is 'History of the life of the Swindler, called Don Pablos, model for hobos and mirror of misers', other alternate titles are 'The Scavenger' or 'Paul the Sharper'.

>> No.4490351

A Room with a View
This Is Water
A Modest Proposal and Other Satirical Works

My extra 3 suggestions and couple more good ones ITT.

Ok but try to check Goodreads for most accepted title. Because i checked and it's usually part of some other stories, could be great to find it standalone.

>> No.4490414

Youth without Youth by Mircea Eliade.

>> No.4490648

The Twelve Chairs by Ilf and Petrov

>> No.4490821


>> No.4491026

Why insist on this book?

>> No.4491055

I suggest Trust by Thea Larson. Its a cheap indie title that I am quite fond of. Its always worth giving the indies a shot to prove themselves. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/349840.. Linked since its harder to find indie titles if you aren't used to rooting around the net for them.

>> No.4491155

The Deep Blue Good-by, John MacDonald

>> No.4491548
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0 - The Good Soldier Švejk - Jaroslav Hašek
1 - Getting Even - Woody Allen
2 - Ask the Dust - John Fante
3 - A Room with a View - E.M. Forster
4 - This Is Water - David Foster Wallace
5 - A Modest Proposal and Other Satirical Works - Jonathan Swift
6 - Youth without Youth - Mircea Eliade
7 - Kokoro - Natsume Sōseki
8 - Walden - Henry David Thoreau
9 - Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett

Some of the suggestions itt weren't chosen for different reasons but mainly for their length.

Ending digit shows us the book that will be read by this symposium.

>> No.4491562
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The Absolute Grimdark Fellowship of Abysmal Ancient Rite Tidetearing Omnilove of Neverwhen has chosen its Official Book:

~Walden - Henry David Thoreau~

>> No.4491571

till 27 Jan(uary)

>> No.4491575

Oh boy, another book I won't read. Just go back to the voting system.

Posted from my iPhone.

>> No.4491582

>i won't read
Why is that?

Posted from my lAptop.

>> No.4491607

I usually don't read older books because the language is so outdated and the sensibilities and customs are hard to relate to.

Posted from my iPhone.

>> No.4491608

because it's you forcing your shit taste down everyones throats, in an attempt to show how knowledgable you are.

it's coming from a place of ego, more than anything else.

you want people to read this book so you can tell us all about it. so you can say "and did you know" and "i personally have been a fan since i was 14" etc

you want to tell us about your deep awareness of the sub genre, etc.

the purpose of a book club is to find things a lot of people are excited about, read them, talk about them and you could even say "bond."
sure, that's what you want to do as well, but only based on ego, not growth.

hard to deny, especially with a trip....

>> No.4491623

Book club status = Fuckin' told!

>> No.4491625

>anonymous passive aggressive shitposter with no recognisable community input expressing bitter sentiments about people who are helpful enough to make their own posts easier to identify and judge while attempting to foster community through co-operative projects

not a big surprise

>> No.4491635

not passive aggressive at all.
just speaking the truth.

IF you truly think that was passive aggressive, i'm curious why. not in a trolling way, but genuine curiosity.

if you think it's possible, make a post using my same points (whether you agree or not) but in a non passive way.

>> No.4491650

but sure, i see your point about not contributing any suggestions.
the reason i didn't do that is because i just got into reading and assumed my taste is too pleb. Here are some things on my personal "to read" list:

Naked Lunch
by William S. Burroughs

One Hundred Years of Solitude
by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
by Tom Wolfe

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
by Philip K. Dick

Haruki Murakami

Blood Meridian

and more.

>> No.4491696 [DELETED] 

>admits to pleb taste
>mad at other people for pleb taste
>only wants to read books he picks and nothing else
>doesn't read old books because literally retarded
>thinks people cant 'bond' over books that some might have read before

You sure are a faggot.

>> No.4491700

>admits to pleb taste
>mad at other people for pleb taste
>only wants to read books he picks and nothing else
>doesn't read old books because literally retarded
>thinks people cant 'bond' over books that some might have read before

You sure are a faggot.

>> No.4491701

Nothing is too pleb for book club, look at what we've read so far.

>> No.4491708

>Thinks all anonymous posts that aren't him are the same person.

>> No.4491766

Seems reasonable or you could treat it as a chance to have a glimpse to another era?
Still, we can discuss this.

You're trying to project your potential behavior to others, you might think and act like how you described but not all of us do.
All your accusation seem to stem from me disregarding your suggestions.

I neglected novels all my life, instead read tons of non-fiction, so i have very little knowledge on novels which was one of the basic motivations to try to create a 'book club'.
I never found bragging about knowing things fulfilling, bragging in general is weak, being admired is great but they are different things, again it's what you value, not me.
Trip is used for the obvious utility.

The reason why i 'block' some books is cause i know the community of 4chan and somewhat /lit/s, there are some books that only the person requesting them would enjoy.
While it's fun to read 'out of the comfort zone', too far from it and too early is a turn off.

My suggestions are drawn from typical "books under xxx pages" from Goodread lists, knowing the crowd i often try to avoid the obvious choices that would rub off the club the wrong way, that's my only "bias".

Your analysis is way off and filled with, ironically, your ego.
I am sorry but no one wants to read Tyra Banks book no matter how many times one suggests it.
Maybe one day, in a non-sincere way.

>> No.4491840

I think the voting system was better, still if you found the vote manipulated or whatever we could just read both the first and the second book in a bigger period, I doubt someone will complain.

>> No.4491932

That seems like a good idea.
How about in the next selection, we have a poll and the top picks will be chosen by chance like we did now.

I hope it doesn't sound too le chaotic democracy feis.

>> No.4492047

We've talked about the voting method and the goodreads club more than we have all the books we've read combined.

>> No.4492079

>>only wants to read books he picks and nothing else
that is not the case.
in fact, that's why i didn't make suggestions.
but then when asked for some suggestions i simply gave a list of some stuff i plan on reading.

i am interested in a book club to learn about new books. therefore NOT ones i'm already interested in.

but this thread and these last few posts are a good example of how people can take what they WANT from something, instead of what is actually there.

>> No.4493740

Why do people read?

>> No.4494935

Noice book

>> No.4494936

The Whitsun Weddings
High Windows

>> No.4496596 [DELETED] 

I single-handedly kill these threads with my sages

>> No.4497031

Suggesting of Mice and Men, fucking litcore breh

>> No.4498105

Catcher in the Rye for next poll ;^)

>> No.4500278

So which book book is the best you've read so far in this club?

>> No.4500392

To The Lighthouse

>> No.4500414

Can you rank them books?

>> No.4500508

1. To The Lighthouse
2. Siddhartha
3. Snow Country
4. Holes

>> No.4500509

>not first

>> No.4501353

You would have to be retarded to not put Snow Country ahead of Siddhartha

>> No.4503300


>> No.4504733

Because I said so.

>> No.4505527

>being a weeb

>> No.4505703

>being gay

>> No.4507243

>being filthy cis

>> No.4507837

>Not being in the Republic

>> No.4508169

Maybe I'm a pleb, but I really hate Walden and can't get myself to finish it.