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474844 No.474844 [Reply] [Original]

BEE thread?

Also, I know this isn't /r/ but does anyone know a link to the Glamorama audio book? Torrent or download or something? Been looking for ages.

>> No.474846 [DELETED] 

HeR€ 1s a CRAZy iD3A: StoP FU{KIng W|+h wWW.@NOntAlk.{om @Nd shuT DOWn Th|s IliEgAl Si+E. by tHe WAy, hERE iS +hE meNTAlLy Ill Ly|Ng pSYCHoPAth tH1EF <HRIST0pH€r pOOl3 (akA M0OT) 1n ACTiON (TUrn 1T iNtO loWer-c@sE As{II): HT+p://wWW.anONTaLK.[om/DuMp/moOtarD.+xt

Wiil YoU [0Ntinue t0 Be a SheeP?

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>> No.474865

got halfway through this book and stopped

why is bret easton ellis obsessed with his characters listing things repeatedly in each chapter

>> No.474869


It is because he likes to show how contemporary humans are trapped in their obsession about their superficial materialistic existences.

That or he gets paid by the letter.

>> No.474870


i get that but he takes it a bit too far sometimes, to the point where it becomes difficult to read past the list of celebrities he's naming

Zoolander on the other hand..

>> No.474880


I agree. I have never been able to force myself to read anything by him but American Psycho, I simply find his works tedious.

>> No.474883


I enjoyed American Psycho oddly enough but it took me a lot longer to read than normal.

>> No.474890

you should have kept going, it's a different book in the second half.

>> No.474892


I did sort of too. I guess the gore helps a lot. I couldn't imagine myself reading about him writing about 80's yuppies going to the dogs without the gore though. Which is one of the reasons I never have read more than the first pages of "Less than Zero".

>> No.474920


oh I know, I got to the bit where he arrives in paris/london and finds his flatmates I think with a fake dead body of him or dead body of someone else. Was getting good but got distracted