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4993163 No.4993163[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are the greatest philosophers of the 21st century? Are there any candidates yet?

>> No.4993172

Jeremy Butterfield

>> No.4993182

Over 85 years left, it's a bit early for this discussion

>> No.4993192


>> No.4993197

Colin McLarty

>> No.4993288


>> No.4993319

This is the century we realize we are all one and become one, dividing thought as originating from some special brain is antiquated.

>> No.4993327

hopefully kripke publishes something so he can dominate two centuries

>> No.4993558

Quentin Meillassoux

>> No.4993568

Alain Finkielkraut

>> No.4993579

Zizek will be regarded as the greatest philosopher of the 21st century simply because of his popularity.

>> No.4993599

Well he has a collection of various essays that came out a few years ago if that counts. Dunno about when the individual essays were written though (some are old though, pre-dating N&N).

>> No.4993603

I like how just from the title page, you can tell the book is 100% pure unadulterated bullshit.

>> No.4993607

>We (trying to be) Nagal/Chalmers now!
That's basically all I get from the title.

Speaking of Chalmers, he has papers published in the 2000's and a book came out a bit ago.

>> No.4993625

>>We (trying to be) Nagal/Chalmers now!
not sure what you mean. Every sane person, and especially Nagel, would agree that there is no 'what it's like to be a brick'. Even if you are a new age quantum mystic, the 'what it's like to be a brick' would be so alien/spiritual that it cannot be expressed in language. So even if you think there is such a quality, that the idea of the existence of such a quality makes sense, it would be fundamentally inexpressible in human language, and writing a book about it would be retarded.

>> No.4993627

I was just going by the panda for Nagel and the other shit for Chalmers and his thermostat.

I was just making a joke, friend.

>> No.4993633

Well, now that I think about it, maybe OPs pic is actual panprotopsychism, which is not completely retarded in itself, but inherently irrelevant because purely speculative.

>> No.4993639

Dennett, Zizek, Chomsky, Gettier, Butler, Hofstadter, West, Eco, etc.

An interesting question that must be considered: can a person living in the 21st century even be considered a philosopher?

>> No.4993804

Dennett, E.O. Wilson

>> No.4993819

out of that list, only dennet would even call himself a philosopher. do you recognize that?

>> No.4993839

the amazing atheist

>> No.4994053

Harman also put some interesting twists on Heidegger's thoughts, although with his Lovecraft fandom and whatnot he gives a somewhat pulpy aura which might not attract the history books.

Maybe Brassier, if he gets over his pretentious language and takes his nihilism all the way.

Zizek will certainly be mentioned a 100 years from now, whether anyone takes him seriously anymore is another matter.

>> No.4994064

>Maybe Brassier, if he gets over his pretentious language and takes his nihilism all the way.
>Zizek will certainly be mentioned a 100 years from now, whether anyone takes him seriously anymore is another matter.

>being this deluded

>> No.4994068
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>> No.4994069

Quality post.

>> No.4994126

Are Dawkins and Hitchens considered 'great' writers? If so I don't want to live on this world anymore

>> No.4994145

Peter Singer?

Chomsky and Zisek will be remembered, even if only as the Biggie and Tupac of Pop-Social Science

>> No.4994167

Dawkins older popular science stuff on evolution (like The Blind Watchmaker/Climbing Mount Improbable) is great, but his newer stuff starting from God Delusion is terrible, hamfisted and pants-on-head retarded

>> No.4994175
File: 44 KB, 451x700, gloria tesch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her books are of such philosophical depth that most people fail to see it and immediately mistakenly reject them as trash.

>> No.4995324

Name a correlationist. You can't. CHECKMATE OOO/SR.
Zizek will be considered Sartre tier in like 50 years. People will still talk about him, but only as an example of what was wrong with our era.

>> No.4995368
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Yes, but:

This is the century we realize we are all one and become one, AGAIN.

Intellectuals (artists, philosophers, scientists) will serve as "messiahs" now and the message will be common origin, equality, compassion, nature, etc. That is not so new

>> No.4995391

>People will still talk about him, but only as an example of what was wrong with our era.
Maybe. Or maybe he will inherit the mantle of Hegel and people will never shut the fuck up about him.

>> No.4996244

I think he's a little too "pop" and doesn't take himself seriously enough to really ascend to that kind of status. (I don't mean that as a criticism of his ideas, by the way.)

>> No.4996261


Don't care if you like them. They're very influential.

>> No.4996349

paulo coelho

>> No.4998828

Zizek will definitely be a contender (if nothing else for the sheer volume of his works).

>> No.4998863


>> No.4998881

Dawkins is retarded - for sure - but if you don't give credit to Hitchens for class, then you're just a fuck

>> No.4998884

South Park fucking slaughtered Dawkins, I don't know how he still goes outside anymore

>> No.4998888

Stefan Molyneux is my favourite. He has very interesting ideas on the direction of human society and the human condition while at the same time he demolishes the socialist delusion and conspiracy held by most post 19th century philosophers.

You guys should check out his stuff on Youtube:

>> No.4999112


What's your opinion of de Chardin?

>> No.4999118

dawkins is an idiot, but
>taking a cartoon this seriously

>> No.4999121
File: 43 KB, 231x363, 2501361-1338667681665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fuck off.

>> No.4999423

>muh non-aggression principle!

>> No.4999828

Not amongst philosophers. Your metric for greatness:
