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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 476 KB, 451x488, 8.24 get - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5343562 No.5343562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone been book shopping lately? A buck a piece.

>> No.5343579

Pure shit, m8.

>> No.5343586

We saw this already, OP.

>> No.5343590
File: 74 KB, 246x467, haul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, where'd you get them?

Pic related, should be arriving soon. I live in bloody Australia so cheap books are hard to find.

>> No.5343599

Which state are you in, m8?

>> No.5343600

Book-off. It's a chain from Japan that is trying to get into southern California. The cool thing is that they don't catalog their inventory, so you can get some amazing deals from time to time.

>> No.5343601


>> No.5343615

Depends what you want, but most classic literature, you can just pick up from op shops for like 50cs.

They have a lot of new stuff, too.
Most of it looks hardly opened, but I don't really read much new stuff, so no idea if it's good or not.

I've seen a lot of Neil Gaiman tho.

>> No.5343623

Goodwill and charity shops are good for popular stuff and most of the time it is in good condition. Also I get a lot of graphic novels that way too.

>> No.5343631

Alrighty, thanks!

>> No.5343684
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>> No.5343744
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>> No.5343777

what is left to the old Jew?

>> No.5343783

Introduction to Logic by Kant

>> No.5343798

richard ford! nice.

>> No.5343826
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>> No.5343877

What is wrong with penguin?

>> No.5343884

It's the new epik lit maymay

>> No.5343886

Terrible translations, terrible introductions, ugly covers.

>> No.5343898

Have you read every Penguin book there is?

Fucking autist

>> No.5343910

You know this is a board that is nothing but elitist pricks?

>> No.5343925

I've read hundreds of them, kid. They're all the same.

>> No.5343927


>> No.5343929

That's called irony, Plebby-pants

>> No.5343934

>thinking that having the same publisher makes two books the exact same.

>> No.5343937

You're autistic.

>> No.5343941

We both know you haven't, sport.

>> No.5343945

[citation needed]

>> No.5343947

explain so my autistic brain can understand.

>> No.5346138

At 15€, are these any good?

>> No.5346147
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oops, forgot file

>> No.5346167

Could probably keep you warm for a good 14 hours.

>> No.5346653


>> No.5347219
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Some Folio Society things I bought recently from charity shops around my area. Greek Myths was £4 and is as-new. The others were £3 each. The Marcus Aurelius book is in excellent condition but it smells funny, I guess it was owned by someone who smoked a pipe

>> No.5347778

>The first America was a white guy.

>> No.5348275

>Dat Marcus Aurelius
Muh dick
Can you provide some pictures of the inside?

>> No.5348280

Whoops, meant for >>5347219

>> No.5349874
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Finally had some disposable income and was able to pick up something new, rather than scrounging up second hand shit.

It's nice.

>> No.5349876

>Tribal mongoloids had a unified nation

>> No.5349982

i wanna read that loos book

>> No.5350045
File: 82 KB, 437x510, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some books just yesterday, usually I enjoy buying books from a thrift store I go to cause they cost 25 cents and you can find some good stuff, but I was feeling like a few specific things

>> No.5350051

those are some good azz books

>> No.5350097

Yeah, I heard they were good, been meaning to read them for quite some time just kept forgetting about them

>> No.5350231
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1st year English Philology student
>pls r8
Tess of the D`Urbervilles is missing from the lot because i am reading it atm.

>> No.5350254
File: 1.76 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20140827_19_32_09_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought these yesterday

I buy books much faster than I read them. I keep telling myself that I'll catch up, but I don't think I ever will.


>> No.5350288
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1 cover of book (same on front and back)
2 title page of "books" (sections) within the book - they are picture of engravings based on statues of Aurelius from various museums
3, 4 random text pages

overall it's a pretty nice volume actually

right, i am off to throw out all my bitter cucumbers

>> No.5350294

>tfw too many books and not enough room
>tfw buy books faster than i read them
>tfw 2 weeks until 75% off discount warehouse
i cannot contain my anticipation

>> No.5350499
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The Little Prince is fantastic, it's the first book I ever read on my own initiative, when I was seven. I definitely need to revisit this.

Kinda weird that you're reading a french guy translated into english by a german (sounding) guy.

I don't know what you're on about m8, penguin classics are absolutely fine, it's the digireads classics (second from the left, bottom row) that you should be worrying about. They are absolutely horrific.

That one book on erotic posture looks really interesting, you're reading a couple books about lovemaking though. Might I ask why?

That Einstein looks hella cool

>> No.5350573

I've only read 3 of these (GR, Waste Land, and the Oresteia), but every single one of the rest of them is on my to-read list. My man.

>> No.5350577


I can't decide if I love or hate that BNW cover

>> No.5350578

Are you studying in the Sofia University?

>> No.5350582

to be fair they are pretty /lit/core

>> No.5350583

I raided my mom's library last week and took a couple of things that looked good:

Philip Roth - Portnoy's Complaint
Orwell - Inside the Whale and Other Essays
Wilde - De Profundis, The Ballad of Reading Gaol & Other Writings

>> No.5350586

Got every book. Paid 0$. You can too!


>> No.5350588

yes, that's me :D

>> No.5350754

Each individual translation is different you numbnuts, such a blanket statement of quality is ridiculous. If you care about the translations they tell you who the translator and you can look that up. Your only real grievance is
>it's the most readily available version

>> No.5350786

I don't really like it that much. It was cheap so I picked it up on a whim.

>> No.5350985

Robert Fagles is best translation, God bless.

>> No.5350986

the guy from star trek wrote books?

>> No.5350992

Kindle books tend to have a lot of errors. You're missing out on high quality reading.

>> No.5351001

great, i bought one that had the translation by Samuel Butler

might as well KILL MYSELF

>> No.5351003

>Kinda weird that you're reading a french guy translated into english by a german (sounding) guy.
not that guy but Schmidt is actually known as the best translation of Rimbaud in English

>> No.5351157

What's with the huge-ass books in north america? The big titles and all. Nearly the only books that come in that format here in south america are best sellers

>> No.5351166

there's a charity shop near me that only opens on fridays and has a sign outside saying 5 paperbacks for £1
i keep meaning to go see what they have, if it's all shitty detective books or if there's a bunch of classics and random interesting stuff in there
maybe this friday if i remember

>> No.5351178
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I may have posted one or two of these individually. I got these all within the past week. I was able to get amazon to give me $22 store credit on a whole lot of bullshit which paid for TBK and the little Suskind book. And I got the Keats collection for $3 with shipping. It was the one that had that sad little note in it if anyone saw that thread.

Loving all of these so so much. Probably the best money I have ever spent in my life.

>> No.5351192

Why do my photos always get flipped?

I took the photo on my phone sideways so it is easy to read everything. It appeared in my phone facing the way it is so I cropped it in my phone and flipped it. It appeared normally then on my phone. Then I downloaded it on my computer and I am looking at the file right now and its arranged as it should, where you don't have to turn your head to read everything. I upload it and it then reverts to how it appears now. Any help anyone?

>> No.5351199

open them in mspaint
that'll show you the truth of the image and you can rotate it accordingly if needs be

>> No.5351206

Is there a way to ensure it is correct just through my phone? I have an android phone.

Will do in the future though. Thank you.

>> No.5351257
File: 39 KB, 735x551, today2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for poor picture quality, the dark one at the bottom middle is The Grand Inquisitor (which I've read) + Notes from Underground (which I somehow haven't)

>> No.5351538

>reading French books in translation

I seriously hope you anglos aren't so pleb that you don't even know French.

>> No.5351556

well these particular books
are not in north america, they're in the uk. they are published by Folio Society, a publisher that reprints books as reasonably nice hardbacks in slipcases, usually with new illustrations and introductions etc. they're pretty expensive new but they often don't hold their value (except special editions etc) and it is pretty easy to find a book with a new price of e.g. £40 for about £4 secondhand.

>> No.5351561

it'll probably be all chick lit and fifty fucking shades of grey

>> No.5351564

I'm reading Third Policeman and Love in (that edition) atm too. Library books though.

>> No.5351570

i seriously hope that you don't think that somehow French, uniquely amongst all the languages of the world, is somehow untranslateable

>> No.5351616


I have his collection of short stories and all his plays in paperback. Having read both, the Kindle translations (while not professional) are good of decent quality.

>> No.5351673
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>> No.5351688

>Christian feminism

Surely this is an oxymoron. Or is this just Moralistic Therapeutic Deism on the march?

>> No.5353744
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This just came in the mail. I'm really glad to have found a copy.

>> No.5353748
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It's the 1956 edition.

>> No.5354032

The Final Empire(Mistborn book one)-Brandon Sanderson
The Darkness That Came Before(Prince of Nothing book one)-Bakker
The Warrior Prophet(Prince of Nothing book two)-Bakker
Mason & Dixon-Thomas Pynchon
Inherent Vice-Thomas Pynchon
Vanity Fair-William Makepeace Thackery
The Canterbury Tales-Geoffrey Chaucer
The Cossacks-Leo Tolstoy
Childhood, Boyhood & Youth-Tolstoy

That's what i've bought recently

>> No.5354262
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, 20140828_154341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You reminded me that my local used book store has a few Folio Society books. I went and bought them all today. They are sexy as fuck.

>> No.5354356
File: 992 KB, 2048x1536, 20140828_173123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember how much these were altogether, but I've enjoyed each and every one of them, although I haven't read them all yet.

>> No.5354377
File: 2.80 MB, 3264x2448, 20140828_164427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got them all for 25 euro

>> No.5355102

Is that a hardcover of The Stranger?

Also, nice version of The Crying of Lot 49. The Harper Perennial is the best modern version.

>> No.5355168

Yes, it is a hardcover by Turtleback Books, a very nice book.

Oh yeah I love Harper Perennial paperbacks, they're a magnificent quality for such a cheap price, at least in Europe.

>> No.5355255

I also have that hardcover.

And yeah, HP generally makes better paperbacks than Vintage and Penguin.

>> No.5355267

>so much le in one post

>> No.5355281


>> No.5355373
File: 1.87 MB, 240x320, 1275681794756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Puzzle Palace: A Report on America's Most Secret Agency
The Code Book: The Secret History of Codes and Code-breaking
The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents - the Definitive Edition
Apathy and Other Small Victories
The Fountainhead
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: The Novel

Yeah not really proud about the last one but I read Welcome to the NHK and it was nice as a light read. Pretty much all except Hayek is light reading because at the moment I only have harder works at home and I like to switch it up.

>> No.5355439



How is it? I saw an interview on BBC where he was spilling his spaghetti all over the place.

>> No.5355454

They will arrive next week so I haven't read any of them.
Lolito just seem like a fun book and there was quite a lot of threads about it here on /lit a year(?) or so ago.

>> No.5355488

Bought Arguably, hitchens is much less irritating in print.

>> No.5355519

No Hitsugi gif, no.

>> No.5355545
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Get the fuck off this board. You are cancer.

>> No.5357343

outrageous self-bump

>> No.5357508

I like Hitchens.

He seems very passionate.

>> No.5357526

Your post gives her power. This post gives her power. Totally ignoring her is the only solution to the problem but it will never happen. In fact we're better off not here.

>> No.5358624
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I just picked these up from the post-office.

I'm >>5354356

>> No.5358635

Very nice, The Rimbaud collection is good.

>> No.5358637

That version of Monte Cristo has numerous errors.

>> No.5358835

Care to mention one?

>> No.5358838

This, ladies and gentlemen, is pure shitposting. Providing zero info whatsoever. Please go back to /tv/.

>> No.5359042

I've always been under the impression that Joseph Heller was the author of Hitch-22.

Is Christopher Hitchens like the translator or something?

>> No.5359157
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>> No.5359246

I can't tell if you are being serious or not.

>> No.5359319
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>has read sociologist Christian Smith

>> No.5359690
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How did I do?

>> No.5359712
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Odyssey translated by whom?

>> No.5359720

you should have spent that money on some bedsheets

>> No.5359756

George Herbert Palmer

Its the Barnes and Noble Classics version.

>> No.5361468

That copy of Notes From Underground looks very nifty. Good haul.

>> No.5361533

gotta start reading somewhere I suppose

>> No.5361535
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So maybe I have a bit of a Jack Vance problem. But I needed to fill in the holes of series I only have part of. Then I saw some more that I didn't have, and it kind of spiraled down from there.

>> No.5361541
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>> No.5361547

It's what's inside the computer that counts.

>> No.5361550

It's the peripherals that bind you to those insides.

>> No.5361603
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>> No.5361617
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>> No.5361625

is it good translation tho

>> No.5361634

It's the same one.

>> No.5361642

i dont mean in comparison

is vintage a good translation

>> No.5361646

Oh right, sorry about that.
I don't think they're too bad. Need an anon to confirm though since I'm not too sure.

>> No.5361672

Yeah thats the same edition and you found it for slightly cheaper, congrats.

and the Muir translation is the best Kafka translation.

>> No.5361686
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mmmm mad jelly of that bedspread

>> No.5361698
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>> No.5361704
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18 of the 20 books in series 1 of penguin's great ideas collection:

seneca's on the shortness of life
aurlius' meditations
augustine's confessions of a sinner
kempis' the inner life
montaigne's on friendship
swift's a tale of a tub
rousseau's the social contract
gibbon's the christians and the fall of rome
wollstonecraft's a vindication of the rights of women
hazlitt's on the pleasure of hating
marx and engel's the communist manifesto
schopenhauer's on the suffering of the world
ruskin's on art and life
darwin's on natural selection
nietzsche's why i am so wise
woolf's a room of one's own
freud's civilization and its discontents
orwell's why i write

as new, for about £12 gbp (~$20 usd) online. thank christ for people who're crap at listing books, so they don't draw attention

i thought the cover of aurelius' meditations looked hideous when I saw it online but it's actually quite nice in reality. i thought it was going to be glossy and flat (or with embossed letting) but it's matt with debossed lettering. they're all cool. i recommend them

>> No.5361741
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>buys the dildo cover of Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.5361760


>> No.5361763

It's the best modern copy and a dildo would actually be quite fitting considering the books contents.

>> No.5361764

Letters from a stoic is a good read. Nice pick-up.
Good luck on your journey to becoming the stoic übermensch.

>> No.5362385
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just got these for free from a lady in my parents' village who was clearing out and was going to give them to a charity shop

>> No.5363496
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How does one troll /lit/?

>> No.5363535

Mention that your favourite book is Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.5363538

Isn't that way too obvious?

>> No.5363554

>1. Use avant-garde autistic arows =>
>2. Constantly shift the goalposts in order to appear as contrarian as possible without engaging with actual content of the posts you're answering to
>3. Be sure to ridicule anyone who argues with you at any turn, not matter the context
4. Anyone who disagrees with you is an analytically-handicapped liberal arts major
>5. Make very clear that any attempt at knowledge outside of the hard sciences is retarded
>6. Don't forget to mention that you're doing a Ph.D thesis in science in a prestigious elite science institute (but don't say which one, people might track you back !)
>6. Btw you're a grill ; )

Not my OC, some image I saw once.

>> No.5363555

What's wrong with Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.5363556


just make a nietzsche thread and let /lit/ do their own thing

>> No.5363567

see, now you get it

>> No.5363599
File: 58 KB, 350x474, P30307005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just arrived in the post today. will have a proper browse when i finish my hemingway.

also hopefully bulk-buying a ton of books next week. have membership at a discount warehouse type deal. last time i found about 15 books, pretty excited i must say.

>> No.5363606
File: 33 KB, 400x576, 9780865164338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked this up yesterday

I love the format and it also has a gud introduction and nice plates

>not my picture because I don't have a non shit camera

>> No.5363628

Found Catch-22 for 85 (eighty-five) cents. Beauty.

>> No.5363649

Got a $1.50 trade paperback copy of The Strange today, along with a collection of short stories.
I can't stop buying these VA short story collections.

>> No.5363652

Fuck yeah John Wyndham!
i saw the original television adaptation of Day of the Triffids when i was a kid and it scared the shit out of me. it looks rubbish now of course. i must see if i can find the new version

>> No.5363667

I picked up Welcome to the Monkey House today because I enjoyed the short stories I've read by Vonnegut even if I hate his novels. Hopefully it's good.

>> No.5363673

Spinoza's Ethics and On The Improvement of the Understanding

Can you believe they didn't have any Descartes whatsoever
And the philosophy section was crammed between Spirituality and Eastern Religion

>> No.5365680

I finished White Noise by DeLillo just a few weeks ago. The ending was lackluster and wholly underwhelming.

>> No.5365845

welcome to most fiction novels.

>> No.5365881
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>make thread about tao lin
>denigrate a large philosophical school or famous philosopher
>imply that people only pretend to like literature to "look smart"
>call someone a pleb or a fedora regardless of context
>make thread about Phobe getting raped in TCitR
>lol ereaders!
>lol paper books!
>STEM masterrace here

>> No.5365966

what a tryhard poser, go back to /sci/ and try to impress them, we dont care about your coffee table books here

>> No.5366787

dat delicious humanities anti-intellectual insecurity