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/lit/ - Literature

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6060500 No.6060500 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6060531

/lit/? Community colleges, and whatever university is "close" or "local".

Do you mean literary? Because that's different from /lit/ and honestly probably the complete opposite.

>> No.6060544

People barely learn anything in college, read this:


>> No.6060559

All education depends far more on the student than it does the education. They cannot force the kids to learn and study.

>> No.6060571

I agree. I think education should be for those who are hungry for it, but obviously the trend has been for almost everybody to go to college after high school as if it were some kind of practical business move rather than because they want to learn.

>> No.6060595

stay pleb, plebs

>> No.6060667

The University Of Antarctica


>> No.6060675

Is there a Legacy of Totalitarianism course?

>> No.6060689


Not yet. It hasn't generated enough critical acclaim, there probably will be by 2020 though

>> No.6060772

St. Johns

>> No.6062354

Probably this, mostly because of all the terrible start with the Greeks stuff. I don't think you can expect a proper university education just from the great books curriculum, though.

I think it'd be really cool as a high school, but there's nowhere with a high enough concentration of capable and interested high schoolers to get it to work. At the university level it seems like a waste.

>> No.6062371


>> No.6062373

Anyplace with a big accessible library.

>> No.6062421
File: 80 KB, 1106x1505, UBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to hit up the Birdcoop in an hour

>> No.6062442

That's pretty interesting. Thanks for the link.

It looks like they teach modern math and science and just emphasize classics more in their humanities courses. I think this is an improvement over the St. Johns method.

That said, I think it ends up being pretty comparable to a normal high school except with less choice (no electives, which in a lot of ways would end up holding back the advanced students). It looks like they read more books overall, but I don't think the quality is much different than what a typical prep school would be.

>> No.6062446

university of chicago

>> No.6062540

University of Columbia
The New School

>> No.6062544


St Johns in Annapolis

>> No.6062596
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Anyone else here?

>> No.6062686

The University of Queensland

QUT plens pls go

>> No.6062694

Lingnan University in HK seems pretty /lit/

In the US, probably Bennington College because Bret Easton Ellis and Donna Tartt graduated from there

>> No.6062942

Some of the classes at my University are pretty /lit/, but the majority of the student body also sides very predominantly with the left and has since its founding, so I guess in that sense it probably wouldn't count.

>> No.6062955

>the majority of the student body also sides very predominantly with the left and has since its founding, so I guess in that sense it probably wouldn't count.

/lit/ used to be and still is to an extent very left-wing, until /pol/ started an invading a year or so ago at least.

>> No.6062959



>> No.6062968

/lit/ is further left than most of 4chan.

>> No.6062976

Haha lying to strangers anonymously on the internet?

Yeah, me too.

>I went to cromwell

>> No.6063074

Well then, here is a sample of the kinds of programs offered: http://www.evergreen.edu/catalog/2015-16/programs/ofbloodandbeautythethoughtliteratureandartofgermanspeakingcultures-12435

3 quarters of classes, totaling 16 credits per quarter, all learning about German culture and language and culminating in a quarter long trip within Germany.

Or: http://www.evergreen.edu/catalog/2015-16/programs/dangerousreadingreadingsinthehistoryofideas-11319

We have a big reputation nearby as a stoner school where slackers in High-school go because it's very easy to get in and either thrive and learn a ton, or just take a fuck ton of drugs and easy classes. Evergreen is the epitome of what >>6060571 said. For those who can handle the responsibility, it's amazing, and probably the best education in liberal arts you can get nearby (though there are some good schools for libarts in Seattle, and I hear U of Puget Sound is good. Fuck Reed though). If you cant keep on top of things though, you can end up with an education and degree of less worth than one from a community college.

Still, I don't know any other University where you can take a pack of introductory courses on Biology and Animation at the same time.

>> No.6063102

>University of Columbia
What's University of Columbia? I'm familiar with Columbia College and Columbia University, is there another one too?

>> No.6063120

On the polar opposite end of /lit/ universities (like extremely non-/lit/ universities) does anyone here have the copypasta of that ancient /lit/ thread about a guy who got bullied by jocks at FSU for reading H.P. Lovecraft?

>> No.6063125

Unless he is referring to a university in the country of Columbia, I don't think there is. In a similar situation though, Cornell College, which is different from Cornell University, seems like a pretty /lit/ school. You get to study 1 topic intensively for each semester.

>> No.6063332 [DELETED] 


>> No.6063360

>most /lit/ university

Well, it would need to be filled with posers and pseudo-intellectuals, so probably some New England or upstate New York liberal arts college. My money is on Bard.

>> No.6063365


The pseudo-intellectuals would mostly have to be douchebags who think they are being clever by playing Devil's Advocate for discredited, outdated or counterintuitive ideas

>> No.6063541


>> No.6063547 [DELETED] 

We are a self-governing community that lives by shared accountability and personal responsibility. Every voice is heard, all beliefs respected. We count among us prodigies who left high school early, homeschoolers, transfers, veterans, sci-fi writers, multilinguists, painters, philosophers, contrarians, misfits, and the double-jointed.

>> No.6063552

the most lit thing you can do is become a janitor and then have all your works posthumously published and be marketed as a lost genius after you die.

>> No.6063593

The new college of the humanities, London

>> No.6063613

Ralston College

>> No.6063633


I am but a day rat.

>> No.6063656

honestly, going to college is about spending 4 years schmoozing with other people who met the acceptance standards (ie other people as smart as you)

you learn more by just hanging with other smart, driven people, than going to your classes, which give you nothing you couldn't get on your own

it's just a bougie clubhouse

>> No.6063747

>you learn more by just hanging with other smart, driven people, than going to your classes

>suburban moms who talk about college experience and hardly care about education

>> No.6063763

I went to Columbia, so that one

they make you start with the Greeks

>> No.6063913

that's the plan

>> No.6064031

>What's the most /lit/ university?
The School of Hard Knocks.

>> No.6064044



>> No.6064051

about to be in a New School ancient philosophy course (like 1 hour)

we havin' a two hour long discussion about Thales and Heraclitus nig

>> No.6064243


>tfw my brother in law went to oxford
>tfw i went to edinburgh

>> No.6064253

In Stoner, William Stoner's university in Eastern Missouri - which is shit, by the way - is the University of Columbia.

>> No.6064268

What else would be considered a "proper university education" for someone interested in literature? How could being personally involved in a discussion about the classics be inferior to sitting in lectures about something like The Homosexual Caribbean Novel in the Late Twentieth Century?

>> No.6064380


CU fag here, NYC masterrace and we were definitely /lit/ as fuck. Core curriculum, 2 years of philosophy/literature, started with the Greeks, also had required classic art and music classes. E/lit/ists of the highest caliber.

>> No.6064396

Aren't the overwhelming majority of colleges/unis left leaning though?

>> No.6064423
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Boilermakers WW@

>> No.6064442

Yeah, but Evergreen has a reputation up there with the best of them (or worst, depending on you're perspective). Very large Anarchist community, LGBT, and then whole school is huge on environmental conservation. It used to be much more 'hippy' when most students didn't come straight from high-school, but that's toned down a bit more. Along with the ability to create your own curriculum and having written evaluations instead of letter grades, Evergreen has a bit of a bad/slacker/stoner reputation in Washington (though I hear its name fairs much better on the East Coast).

>> No.6064445

> Imbroglio Deep Springs isn't the most patrician

You have a circlejerk with the same 12 dudes for two years, then finally grow up and go someplace better. Plus, ?Vollmann.

>> No.6064448

> Attending the Sarah Lawrence of the West

>> No.6064455

Asheville is gorgeous. So is Boone and the university in Boone(Appalachian state?)

>> No.6064459


>Reed, you might learn something
>Free love, atheism, communism

Evergreen state is a place imitation

>> No.6064462

I think it's 15, 30 if you count both first and second years.
>That 7% acceptance rate tho
>Almost every student who was accepted has attended

Except it's publicly funded, so it's way fucking cheaper. If you get the right financial aid, you can bring down the costs to less than a year of community college, which is nice considering all of the other Liberal Arts schools in the area are expensive as fuck. Some of the staff are surprisingly well qualified (One of the profs for Dangerous Readings has 3 degrees from Yale). In the end though, it's structure is probably do loose and De-emphasiesd from traditional education to count as /lit/, which is what matters for this thread. At least we have great graduate school placement rates.
I see that there's still a Reed student out there who hasn't overdosed on heroin yet, what a surprise!

>> No.6064646
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>> No.6064662
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>tfw strathclyde

>> No.6064666

There are gender-neutral toilets all over campus and all of the people working in the bars and campus shops wear 'I <3 consent' badges and none of the security care if you smoke cannabis and yet weirdly, it's one of the top research universities in the country.

>> No.6064677

Where would this be?

>> No.6064701

there is almost nothing /lit/ about almost every student body

>> No.6064735


>> No.6064761

I don't study literature, so I guess that was more aimed at subjects where you're supposed to gain a standard set of knowledge to be competent.

Even in literature, though, that curriculum is ignoring most everything in favor of a really outdated canon. It might suit some people, but I can't imagine studying literature for four years and not once having somebody mention what's gone on in literature over the past century.

>> No.6064767

Evergreen's reputation is indeed better on the East Coast if you consider absolutely nobody having heard of it as better than some slacker stigma.

>> No.6064769

UChicago, Wesleyan, Bard, Oberlin these are the most lit schools.

>> No.6064876

>all these people posting anything other than Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard trying to feel better about their shitty no-name college

>> No.6064879

>yet weirdly, it's one of the top research universities in the country.
i don't see how that's weird. 'intellectuals' with too much time on their hands have been the ones who have been driving this whole thing.

and 'research' itself refers to this kind of incestuous cycle of inventing new jargon in the humanities and social sciences to 'deconstruct' society.

>> No.6064886

>all these ameridumbs defending their shit system
>not a single mention of University College Dublin
>Joyce, Flann O'Brien, Colm Tóibín
>Chris O'Dowd yeah I went there

>> No.6064891

what does 'majoring' mean?
do americans study more than one subject?

>> No.6064906

Is University of Chicago really lit-tier? I'm planning on going there for computer science. Might minor in literature if its truly this good.

>> No.6064908

American universities are set up like the last years of high school, where you pick up something you want to graduate in and then you can fill it up with courses "for easy grades bruh".

You won't ever need these so the uni makes more money and you go more into debt.

That's why you see people majoring in biology who in a semester are also enrolled in "comparative literature" or "cultures of other countries".

>> No.6064909

Yeah. Universities and colleges want to provide their students with a "well-rounded education", so all students have classes in different areas they must take, regardless of their major course of studies. Even business and English majors have to take science and math classes, for example. And STEM majors have to take courses in the humanities.

Your major is what you mostly study, and you can also minor in something else (whatever else). I know a guy who majored in German but minored in horticulture.

>> No.6064931

>Even business and English majors have to take science and math classes, for example. And STEM majors have to take courses in the humanities.


>> No.6064936

it's a way of keeping those irrelevant leftist deptarments alive

>> No.6064949

To get a well-rounded education.

>But the resulting courses can “transverse the silos of education,” Prof. Davidson notes, thus encouraging students to explore fields outside their comfort zones and see humanities and sciences as complementary rather than two solitudes.


>> No.6064955

it's also why ivy league students don't do well in post-grads in the UK because they aren't as specialised in their subjects

>> No.6064956
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C'mon guys

>> No.6064966
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Xinle City University in China, aka Hogwarts

>> No.6064974

>be German
>enroll in biology BSc
>only have biology, chemistry and maths courses, about 6-8 hours per day, 4 hours lectures, 4 hours practicals
>there is not much time for other courses
>interesting german lit course
>just go to lectures, don't need to enroll

And that's how you "traverse silos of education", you don't need the university to coddle you for that. No wonder Americans are the most immature people.

>> No.6065007

I'm with nazibro on this one

>> No.6065101

>'intellectuals' with too much time on their hands
I think that is a bit of a generalisation
There's certainly valued work being done, it's just been made problematic by the sheer number of deconstructive approaches, meaning real successes are swamped by the 'incestuous' cycle of those merely applying techniques instead of aiming to develop them

>> No.6065117

My friend studied classics at Virginia Tech(a STEM school) and loved it. I wonder if the lit circles at extremely anti-/lit/ schools are better because there's not as much posturing.

>> No.6065158

If you're somewhat smart you'll use those credits to pick up a minor or a double major instead of taking stupid classes, but I guess that's just the mindset of people who only come to college to have fun.

>> No.6065424



You go to a school whose students insist on keeping defunct and discredited ideologies alive, while the curriculum simultaneously makes its students unemployable and irrelevant on a grand scale

>> No.6065428


so in other words, /lit/ as a school

>> No.6065435

>free love
long dead

>> No.6065445

>Anything that isn't Oxford/Cambridge, or at a generous stretch for our cousins across the water, an American Ivy League.

Also, it's not /lit/, but the most literature-rich city in my mind would be Edinburgh. Lots of writers have been inspired there and you can't move without experiencing some nugget of history relating to an author or book

>> No.6065447


Atheism is simply lack of belief in God. It's been given a bad name by the anti-theists who try to politicize it.

Free love is very much alive and well, though it's less free love than sexual openness.

Communism has never worked particularly well as a national ideology.

>> No.6065458


>> No.6065459

Adding to this, Edinburgh Uni itself isn't very /lit/. Too many basic bitches who shit their pants over how the city looks like Hogwarts and who fetishise Scotland too much. Everyone is middle-class, English and insipid. And none of our lecturers are worth any mention.

>> No.6065467

trying to transfer to Berkeley. That's what I'm hoping

>> No.6065472


I hope you're all enjoying your ideological indoctrination camps.

>> No.6065483

Stanford and Chicago are probably better schools than several of the lesser Ivies

And there's also some pretty decent liberal arts colleges that would escape this definition (eg Amherst)

>> No.6065488

we should meet up and high five by raising our right arms in a straight manner

>> No.6065559
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You know it's true.

>> No.6065583

How are you enjoying the new school? I've applied and I'm pretty positive I'll get in as it was one of my backup colleges.

>> No.6065585

How were your grades in high school?

>> No.6065590

Not him, but I went to CU and I was second in my class in HS. Public high school in the midwest, though.

>> No.6065605

Hmm. It's my reach school. I'm not sure I'll get in, but I think I have a chance.

>> No.6065611


>> No.6065627

Cambridge is better for literature faggot

>> No.6065665

If i could have done it all over again I would have gone to school at the American University of Beirut

>> No.6065667

They're also incredibly pompous. They left me in suspense until only a few hours before the deadline to turn me down.

>> No.6065694

edinburgh isn't bad

>> No.6065709

>being unable to overlook their position as an ISA in order to gain access to all kinds of resources
keep an aesthetic distance between yourself and your academic study so whatever your personal study may be, it remains uninfluenced.

>> No.6065716

Wishing I could go back. I was way too young to be making that choice. Didn't scope them out. Didn't have any clue what I liked. Just followed my grades and even then I picked the second best option because it was the only open day i attended with friends. Still, maybe I pick up some courses in retirement.

>> No.6065788

Loving it there, first year English.

But fuck Old English

>> No.6065828

yeah but oxford has a better image

>i went to cambridge
>tryhard faggot probably has shit chat

>i went to oxford
>effortless intellectual type

>> No.6065841

Even as someone who considers themselves relatively liberal, it is much to my distaste that the left leaning schools have begun gravitating more and more toward touchy feely postmodern hooey rather than focusing on rationality and objectivity - thereby defeating the very point of an education in the social sciences, humanities, and general liberal arts.

>> No.6065949

>durr hurr y u takin more than one subject
Pretty much all Universities throughout history required their students to be well-rounded, no matter if they only needed to learn one particular subject. That was kind of the point of being educated in pre-Industrial society, to be well-rounded in classical studies to feel superior to plebs. You see, you probably live in some shit hole country who doesn't want their students studying more subject for cost reasons.

>> No.6065958

>Still, I don't know any other University where you can take a pack of introductory courses on Biology and Animation at the same time.


>> No.6065971

I can smell your sore butthole, fuccboi

>> No.6065977

>left leaning schools have begun gravitating more and more toward touchy feely postmodern hooey rather than focusing on rationality and objectivity - thereby defeating the very point of an education in the social sciences, humanities, and general liberal arts.
But those studies necessitate an inherently subjective form of enquiry. When trying to correlate actual objective reality with our presuppositions concerning it, often what one finds is merely anecdotal evidence, as opposed to the 'objective' answer you've been searching for. As the focus of these studies are structures formulated entirely through the filter of human thought, their relationship with reality is intrinsically subjective.

>> No.6066002

When will Americans stop with the liberalism = leftist meme?

>> No.6066040

Going to Oxford to read english lit this October

A-am I going to m-make it? Is Oxford actually light years ahead of anywhere that isn't Cambs/Harvard/Yale etc in terms of English and the humanities? Assuming I get a first or 2:1, where should I go to do post-grad stuff?

>> No.6066140

That sucks, man. After 2009, Edinburgh became really selective about who gets in and who doesn't. Knew a girl who got straight A's, did all things extracurricular and didn't get accepted

>> No.6066161

sometimes i imagine what it would be like if i studied at some historic liberal arts college instead of getting a business degree at this financial aid factory

>> No.6066171


Liberal is the American word for people who support left wing policies

>> No.6066220

Like killing the bourgeoisie and clergy?

>> No.6066227

Cambridge for STEM; Oxford for humanities. Pleb.

>> No.6066232

My favorite US city.

>> No.6066243

Yeah, it really is.

>> No.6066291


I'm considering UChicago for History.

Anyone here have any word to say about the program?

>> No.6066312

I live down the street from Amherst College, DFE's alma mater.

>> No.6066329


>tfw David Foster Ellis visits your campus

>> No.6066331

Who /Bard/ here?

>> No.6066337

David Foster Ellis is an amoral young man doing cocaine using paper full of footnotes and endnotes he wrote

>> No.6066420

>Is Oxford actually light years ahead of anywhere that isn't Cambs/Harvard/Yale etc in terms of English and the humanities?
This rings true for English more than other humanities, but in essence it mostly comes down to your response to the text at hand, and how to argue your enquiry successfully. So long as you're confident enough in your ideas and have a certain style to your writing, the course is exactly what you make it.

>> No.6066426
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>in major I actually came to uni to study
>have to take 20-40 courses to graduate
>only allowed half to 2/3 in courses directly related to my major
>have to do around 1/3 in garbage I'll never use or care about like this is fucking high school
>each one costs me $1-1.5k



>> No.6066437

>Not Stanford

>Not on the Best Coast

enjoy living in the past pleb

>> No.6066637

But berkeley is an elite /lit/ university. Just read some of the work that comes out of that their departments.

>> No.6066684

stanford is becoming better than all the ivies, it has a lower acceptance rate than any of them

>> No.6066731

It's a lot easier to do stuff with your degree afterwards, but it depends what you're talking about. A lot of universities specialise, it's hard to beat a department that focuses on Shakespeare exclusively at its own game for example. The undergrads I've met from Oxford were not especially above other undergrads elsewhere in their knowledge or perspective or whatever either, tho I've found English surprisingly lacking. A lot really do coast through which is good and bad depending on how you look at it.

>> No.6066752


I'm a STEM grad student at Stanford and trust me, you don't want to come to Stanford to study literature. Silicon Valley has basically taken over campus to the point where you will just feel disrespected all day every day if you are in the humanities here. There are about 10 whiny campus newspaper editorials a year about "why the humanities are important"; it's just sad. My own sympathies lie much more on the side of the humanities since I'm very interested in literature and find many STEM and tech people to be assholes. But Stanford is great for almost anything STEM, it's really hard not to succeed as an undergrad because you have so many opportunities thrown at you.

>> No.6066950

I took a couple history classes when I was there, they were good. I feel like asking whether a school's history program is good is such a broad question that it's kind of meaningless though- it's all about the type of history that you want to specialize in. UChicago, like the Ivies and Ivy-tier schools, has a good history program overall, but if you're interested in Early Byzantine history then Bumblefuck University probably has all of the top ranked schools beat. I guess that's more of a concern for when you go after a history PhD though.

So unless you have a specific historical period you want to focus in UChicago is a good choice, assuming you visited and liked the atmosphere.

>> No.6066963


I'd be looking into History PhD programs with a speciality in East Asian History and possibly a secondary speciality (if allowed) in Middle East history

>> No.6066983

If your focus would be on East Asian History then I'm not sure you'd even be in the History department given that there's an East Asian Languages and Civilization department- but since I got my graduate degrees elsewhere I can't say for sure.

>> No.6067517

Just like /lit/

>> No.6067523

Like the school of hard knocks?

>> No.6068002

The New School is hardly literary.

>> No.6068266


>> No.6068708

>Oxford to read English lit this October
me too! Christ church, what about you?

>> No.6068724

confirmed for never having gone to university, the average undergraduate is a mongoloid

>> No.6068858


Am him, pretty stellar. Extracurriculars on fleek too, standardized tests killed. I honestly think I peaked in high school, it's been downhill ever since. If you're a beast, you're in. If you're not, you'll work hard and go to a great grad school and do better than people like me.

>> No.6069779

That's a pretty interesting perspective. I've kinda been cursed with a struggle in the maths and sciences. My language, history, and english grades are all damn high. But maths and sciences are another story so I'm not sure I'll be heading to an Ivy.

Thanks for the info, anon - good luck to you.

>> No.6069793

community college, creative writing class

>> No.6070559


hah, nice! I loved Christ Church when I saw it in the summer

I'm at Worcester college, which is beautiful as fuck, and the tutors I had in my interview were really fantastic (all young academics, early 30s, like characters from manhattan or something) so I can't wait. How were your intervews?

>> No.6070585

There is this very one sided war that STEM students feel like they are waging where they and only they are worth a shit in this world and everyone else is wasting their life and money.

How many people do we really need programming a computer especially when that stuff will be done by robots?

You can't teach a robot creativity. And if you can fuck humans we are obsolete, good job Mr. Gates way to go we designed our replacement.

>> No.6070675


>> No.6070703
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Need I say more?

>> No.6070713


Did you read the article tearing Shimer apart for having virtually no curriculum? It was pretty amusing

Granted I wouldn't mind teaching there once I earn my PhD....

>> No.6070724


If you want to go into a teaching job it's more helpful to have a PhD in a specific traditional discipline. I've been cautioned quite a bit against interdisciplinary PhDs.

>> No.6070753

or go to college for an education, not the degree. get fucked!!!

>> No.6070834


I mean, like I said, I'm no STEM elitist and I love literature and the humanities. But I would argue that it's not "one-sided" at all. I pick up on a lot of resentment from humanities people directed at the sciences and the tech world. This could just be a Silicon Valley thing, I guess.

I went to a public Q&A with Mark Zuckerberg here at Stanford and he was asked by the moderator about the importance of the humanities. He said something about how the tech industry ethos is all about doing things, and how it has nothing to say about what things are worth doing. Which is basically true. But I can imagine I would have found it a bit patronizing if I were a philosophy professor sitting in the audience. Lip service is okay, but actual money and power are something else entirely.

As for your second point, programming can actually be very creative, and programming jobs are not going away. If anything the industry is more resistant to automation than any other industry. Programming is really just a tool (a set of many tools, actually) that can be bent to any purpose.

>> No.6070915

>trashy american neo-classicism

yes, you have to be more specific

>> No.6071006

Did you mean to post a picture of Princeton?

>> No.6071021


>American neo-classicism

From democracy to architecture, the former colonies and first states of the U.S. did one thing incredibly right: we started with the Greeks.

>> No.6071023

This. Can confirm.

>start with the Greeks
>no standardized tests
>great books program; no pleb-tier books
>classroom environment encourages students to be Ubermensch
>no stupid postmodern memes like liberal=femenist=political left

>> No.6071036

>>American neo-classicism

Just because I called the neo-classicism in the picture trashy doesn't mean that I find all American neo-classicism trashy, Aristotle.

>> No.6071104
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WnL's architecture is abhorrent. The college itself is boring too. Exactly.

Pic related: UVA is not /lit/ except for small enclaves, but the architecture is excellent. (except for the chapel and a random building)

>> No.6071127


Really? I've heard UVA's History and Religion programs are pretty decent at the graduate level. Those fields are pretty /lit/

>> No.6071162

>A-am I going to m-make it?

No-one who gets in thinks that they will, but obviously most do in the end. Some advice

>try not to get a mental illness
>if you do get a mental illness then don't fuck about and go to a doctor post haste because otherwise you'll fall behind and tend to stay behind
>collections (mocks at the start of each term) don't matter as long as you don't consistently fuck them up. Hit a 60 or thereabouts each time and you should be fine

source: PPE finalist

>> No.6071479


The student body isn't exactly like Bennington's and the curriculum isn't like Columbia's. There are pockets of undergraduate /lit/ circles. Many /lit/ grad programs though.

You'll see many qts in the religious studies/history building reading Benjamin in the lobby.

If you attend, please attend one philosophy department function. It's comically analytic.

>> No.6071480

A lot of cocaine and Ketamine should help.

>> No.6071562

Question for /lit/: when selecting your classes, how do you avoid professors who are closed minded demagogues or ideological hacks?

>> No.6071569

>Mixing cocaine and K

Yeah speedballing is awesome so is wasting blow feeling sick in a khole you faggot

>> No.6071642


I didn't suggest mixing. K and coke are the most popular and widely available drugs around Oxford.

>> No.6071661

>tfw majoring in economics and sociology
>tfw the econ department is full of neoliberal hacks and sociology department is marxist
>tfw the intro to macroecon lecturer is a clown who ripped his shirt to revel 'Friedman is my Homeboy t-shirt'

>tfw favorite sociology professor never assigns writings and only multiple choices because she can't bother correcting athletes' essays

>> No.6071673


Neoliberal economics make a whole lot more sense than Marxism

>> No.6071675

rise up and murder the Friedman prof, for the proletariat. you have nothing to lose but your chains

>> No.6071735


The professor is a hack(publishes soft papers that are based in his neoliberal utopia). The worst thing is that he gets to teach thousands of students, usually freshmen, and he's damn good lecturer. He makes frequent quips at all things leftist.

>while lecturing on laffer curve circles the 100% taxation rate and calls it Marxism.

>recommend a sowell book in his second lecture.

did some math to prove how government spending during recession is hurtful to private business while covering Keynesian . The lecture hall was quite and attentive. Then he explained his calculus, then he hunched, and delivered his punchline while making a sweeping gesture: 'guys, government spending doesn't work.' Supported his statement with sentences delivered with the same amount of seriousness and dramatic gesturing.
>tfw I wanted to walk out of lecture hall through the front door in both the instances but didn't

>> No.6071742


There's a guy at my uni whom I've loudly overheard extolling the virtues of sweat shop labor just by standing 12 feet away from the open door of the lecture hall he usually teaches in

>> No.6071750


New Keynesian economics seems to be the school that makes the most sense from multiple perspectives and probably the most ideal to influence policy

>> No.6071784

hippie or liberal-yuppie scum detected

>> No.6071792


I think so too. However, undergraduate and graduate econ are worlds apart and I don't feel like devoting any more time into economics. So I can't say it with conviction. I hate neoliberal hacks with a burning passion though.

Ultimately, I ended up regretting an econ degree. I could have majored in math and taken the interesting classes as a economics minor/as a math major.

>> No.6071812

It's good if you ignore the leftism (unless you are a leftist, of course). The professors are great and the courses are great but the administration seems a little out of control. I'm happy here though.