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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 640x640, Black_9b2dda_5425329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6176011 No.6176011 [Reply] [Original]

You are now the main character of the last book you 've read how fucked are you /lit/?

>> No.6176029

P well off actually, assuming plays count. Otherwise I'm the Underground Man.

>> No.6176035

>I'm a bird


>> No.6176585


Before or after I kill the Arab

>> No.6176587

I survived the war when all of my squadmates perished, but my life is shit. Like, so fucking shit.

>> No.6176590

What a racist image.

>> No.6176595


>> No.6176600

who is the main character in A Canticle for Leibowitz?

either way I'm probably fucked cuz they all lead hard lives except Hannegan who has concubinea

>> No.6176601

Richard II

I don't want to lose my kingdom to some upstart :(

>> No.6176628

John Cena.

>> No.6176639


Not sure how I feel about this, but I'm liable to be pretty hype.

If I get to be Narcissus, I'll be even more hype.

>> No.6176642

>In The Mountains of Madness
Never forget.

>> No.6176643

The Stranger

I was pardoned so I'm fine, I went to Paris after all, got married and spend my weekends in the country.

Oh wait it was just a dying dream

>> No.6176645

>Rand al'Thor
Well, as I'm a lazy ass I'd probably just sit about, end up going mad and dying.

>> No.6176646

>Lord of the Flies

That last minute save tho

>> No.6176670

>tfw I am Gertrude Stein's live-in girlfriend

>> No.6176675


>> No.6176686
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I don't read books with characters.

>> No.6176784

Darkness at Noon
Future looks short but I would have a much more impressive past than I do.

>> No.6176789

I'm Andy Warhol

>> No.6176792

>Omon Ra

Pretty fucked I guess.

>> No.6176800


Damn I guess I'm a fucking top alpha and saviour of humanity

>> No.6176822


I'm fucking a young french girl.
But.. It could be true or it could be not.


>> No.6176826

Last one I read was Machiavelli's "The Prince", so...

>> No.6176838

Will Graham.

>> No.6176849

Yo nigga I'm set I'm fucking Dre nigga I look after my homeboys and spread da love will I get knifed or weill I knife some niggas who knows Dre out.

>> No.6176851

>the mezzanine
i have a slightly better job and a gf, but am basically the exact same person

>> No.6176861

>900- Baricco
I am the best pianist in the WHOLE WORLD, YES!

>> No.6176879

Emperor Octavian the August. Not too fucked, I'd say.

>> No.6176893

>Ship of Theseus
I think I'm not even in the book at all.

>> No.6176899

Still Life with Woodpecker. so I'm fine.

>> No.6176928

>A Confederacy of Dunces
No difference, I guess

>> No.6176929

Pickman's Model

I'll be fine. Terrified, but fine.

>> No.6176932

one flew over the cuckoo's nest

>> No.6176935

>Jonathan Franzen's Freedom

Hey kid wanna /ss/?

>> No.6176940

The plague....aw fuck

>> No.6176943

I'm a russian prince.

>> No.6176948

Go back to /a/

>> No.6176963

Are you telling me if you became a disturbed housewife you wouldn't have sex with your daughter's male friends?

>> No.6176971

so that's the collective name for niggers
a squad of niggers

>> No.6176974

A tribe or klan in the wild, but domesticated ones are called a gang.

>> No.6177006
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you are replaceble anyway.

>> No.6177039
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a day in the life of ivan denisovich

>> No.6177055

>Black No More
I'm an ex-black white supremacist now stealing all the white wimminz

>> No.6177077

>the old man and the sea
no regrets

>> No.6177169


Mmmmh. This is both great and catastrophic.

>> No.6177182
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>Los Santos Inocentes
A retarded man who pees on his hands and lives in a shitty village.

>> No.6177186

you now know Russian.

>> No.6177187

I am the perfect Idiot.

>> No.6177198


>> No.6177200

Don't you mean Narziss?

>> No.6177206


Thank god I'm not one of Odysseus' shipmates.

>> No.6177290

>the kid
>or I guess the judge depending on how you read it

I'm either fucked or a great favorite. Somebody pee on me

>> No.6177295

I now have Nyodene D in me.

>> No.6177356

I'm now Lord Delamere... It'll be an exciting and thrilling life, but hard work pioneering the development of Kenya

>> No.6177362

That makes me Joel Knox (from Truman Capote's Other Voices Other Rooms)

i guess i'll just have to deal with being gay in the deep south in my own way
i'm staying away from cousin randolph tho

>> No.6177483
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>tfw can't no nuffin

>> No.6177519

I fuck bitches and smoke hash and my personality is smeared across Europe.

>> No.6177534
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Discourse on method and other writings.

I'm not fucked at all.

>> No.6177538

New Testament?

>> No.6177541

>Robinson Crusoe


>> No.6177567

>Crime and Punishment

I'm actually not sure whether I'd handle the burden of my crime much better or much worse than that crazy motherfucker.

>> No.6177579

I set my "friend" on fire after he forces me to burn my house down because I was hiding books.

I don't think I'd do as well as he did in the novel. He ran a lot and I'm asthmatic. The mechanical hound will get me, surely. I fuggered.

>> No.6177592


I´m fucking Archimboldi. I fuck whores in every town, have a crazy gf with tuberculosis, I´m related to mass murder and raping of mexican women and I´m nominated for the Noble because of my mysterious writings. What else can I ask for?

>> No.6177609

> The Bell Jar

Lol i'm probably going to be kill ;_;

>> No.6177681

>Raoul Duke

Oh boy

>> No.6177685

>i'm addicted to opium
sounds fine

>> No.6177686

O Heeellll yes

>> No.6177953

Pecola Breedlove, I'm quite fucked, in the most literal of ways.

>> No.6177967

>Last read non-fiction
I am now a psychologist

>> No.6177974


My wife tried to kill me with a cockroach :/

>> No.6177977

The Double, i dun goofed

>> No.6177989
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Those numbers haven't goofed though.

>> No.6177992

>"logos" by heidegger
idk i guess laying shit down in the shelter before the storm comes in isn't so bad

>> No.6178049

>Stephen Dedalus
I'm gonna sniff so many farts.

>> No.6178058

>On the road

I think I am okay with this...

>> No.6178067
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>The Double

>> No.6178081

>50 shades of grey
I guess I'm fucked pretty hard ;)

>> No.6178201
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>> No.6178208


no thanks

>> No.6179049
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>Blood Meridian

hold me /lit/

>> No.6179086
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>Tyrone Slothrop

It's worth it for the blazer with Dillinger's blood and the complete mental and physical collapse.

>> No.6179291
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Kvothe - Just finished the Name of the Wind, I would be done to be Kvothe

>> No.6179316
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>storm of steel
At least my death will be in vain

>> No.6179317

>Gravity's Rainbow
>oh boy

>> No.6179325

The Colour of Magic. I'd be alright.

>> No.6179341

>One Hundred Years of Solitude
Is there even a main character? I was confused because everyone had the same name.

>> No.6179402

The Grandmother would be the main character. She was the there the whole time. It's not the best way to look at it, but I'd say it is something like that.

Or better yet, Colombia is the main character, or Macondo. These are cop-out answers, but they may be the best, because the novel is pretty allegorical for Colombian history and its development of national identity over time.

>> No.6179409
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>either Kafka's The Burrow or Blood Meridian
Oh damnit, either the Judge will get me, or some unknown burrowing animal way larger than myself.

>> No.6179411

I'm an Italian prince who marries a rich and beautiful American girl and then gets embroiled in a psychological drama involving my former lover.

Sounds pretty sweet.

>> No.6179446 [SPOILER] 
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Next month will mark 95 years since my death. Life was kinda shitty what with the whole being batshit crazy, a murderer of a young man with a wife and kids and all that. Contributed more to the creation of the OED than almost anyone though, so that's cool.

also I had a fucking righteous beard

>> No.6179451 [DELETED] 

Interesting as fuck.

>> No.6179459
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Before or after the story took place?

>> No.6180712

>Hopscotch by Cortázar

I don't know who the main character is, maybe I'm Cortázar himself

>> No.6180719
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>american psycho


>> No.6180732

> Band of Brothers

So Maj. Winters, I guess? Or just some other E-company shmuck?

>> No.6180735
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>don quixote
I barely started, but I feel like I'm fucked.

>> No.6181031

Guess I'm going to start shooting up that skag

>> No.6181052

>Geralt of Rivia

Improvement of sorts.

>> No.6181063

>Pat Bateman


>> No.6181077

>not Narziß

>> No.6181135

>All the King's Men
Am I jack burden, or willie stark?

>> No.6181802


Severin, not severian. Get the man's name right.His heart didn't break so that you would forget him.

>> No.6181817

> mfw I am Myskin, Hey-zeus incarnate

>> No.6181836

Billy Parham. Pretty fucked.

>> No.6181849

well, you tell me, monsieur; how "fucked" am i?

>> No.6181860

Ya. Get Severins name right.

>> No.6181915

I'm a slightly older Jewish lady in New York who wrote a shit book and made fake letters purportedly written by Hollywood fuckers

I'm pretty terribly off, TBH

>> No.6182071


>Patrick Bateman

More like how fucked are those bums and hookers?

>> No.6182171

One Hundred Years of Solitude,

We would slowly decay over time until our relationship is forgotten by everyone including ourselves.

>> No.6182240
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>I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream

>> No.6182631

This hot woman who adored me turns out to be a spirit sent by the devil to make me fall into sin. I sold my soul to the devil to get out of prison 5 minutes before I was about to be pardoned. Lucifer himself just dropped me down a mountain, I am laying broken and helpless as insects devour my flesh and carrions pluck up my eyes.

>> No.6182656
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>> No.6182664

Umm yeah Horselover Fat. I'm an insane schizophrenic who God shot with pink laser beams.

>> No.6182665

I'm a fictionalized version of Proust in volume two of his novel. I'd say I often suffer needlessly. I hang out with a group of girls everyday. The most intelligent one seems to love me, but I'm attracted to a plebeian girl with "matt" cheeks. When I tried to kiss her she told me not to do that. One of my pals is a 10/10 aristocratic guy, but I don't care about him now because I see that group of girls. I'm from the upper middle class. I get to hang out in Balbec and go to Paris whenever I want. My Jewish friend Bloch can get annoying sometimes, but he's pretty funny. Still kind of sad about what happened between me and Gilberte, but oh well. Things aren't so bad for me.

>> No.6182672

At least you had some time getting sweet 21 year old pale pussy.

>> No.6182696
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not fucked at all until I watch the Mike Meyers movie

>> No.6182698
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>> No.6182704
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>catcher in the rye

Wow absolutely nothing has happened

>> No.6182732

The Good Soldier.
tfw cucked.

>> No.6182740


Am I a lot of people or nobody at all?

>> No.6182743

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.

Fuck, and I thought last night's rereading would have been an innocent affair.

>> No.6182745


Cool, now I have superpowers and I'm the emperor of the universe, I hope I don't get killed in the sequels, maybe that's why it gets bad

>> No.6182752

Last whole book: Jake in Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises
> impotent
last bit of a book: Bill Caspar in A Kestrel For A Knave
>doomed to work in the mines in grey fucking yerksher

>> No.6182754


>> No.6182794
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>last thing I read was this.

Can't say Ihaven't been there before.

>> No.6183570

Better go mess up some [spoilers]giants[/spoilers] I suppose

>> No.6183654

Bob Arctor. Sorta shitty, but pretty cool at least.

>> No.6183687

sweet. i am Pechorin

>> No.6183758

>Ex Priest from Coldfire trilogy
Man I didn't get a single drop of pussy in the third book.

>> No.6183790

>Paul from Taipei

Not bad

>> No.6183793
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>tfw I become Harry Dresden

>> No.6183822

>have sex with a demon and have demon babbies
>die and be reincarnated by a tree into the same body
>no new Dresden Book
fucking Butcher

>> No.6183835

>Tfw I'm Captain Vimes


>From recovering alcoholic to recovering alcoholic

ah well

>> No.6183846
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Not sure if I'm Bouvard or Pecuchet.

>> No.6183859

>Cincinnatus C

>> No.6183875
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>Ernst Junger in Storm of Steel


>> No.6184708 [DELETED] 

Which book?

>> No.6184712 [DELETED] 


>> No.6184737

>Bob Arctor

I am so fucking fucked.

>> No.6184777

>The Catcher in the Rye
Nothing changes. Why would anything change?

>> No.6184784

>Giovanni's room

Hell yeah I get to fuck a dago

>> No.6185933

hey, he turned out alright

>> No.6185951

I'm Euclid, sweet.

>> No.6185961

I saw the movie first, so I think Mark Renton is the main character of Trainspotting, in which case yay!

>> No.6186001
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This R.H. Webb translation is... odd.

>> No.6186013

>Julius Caesar

>> No.6186034


>> No.6186041


>> No.6186094

I'm Humbert

Nothing changed

>> No.6186111

I'm Laura Palmer...

>> No.6186213

Could be worse, at least your'e not an axolotl.

>> No.6186238

>William Madela from The Forever War.

So, I go into the future while fighting an enemy over a misunderstanding, then go live on some heterosexual compound planet with a girl I was in an open relationship with in the army? Cool, I guess.

>> No.6186246

>No longer human.
Wait, did my wife just get raped?

>> No.6186481

>Mein Kampf
the complete opposite of fucked

>> No.6186495


>the complete opposite of fucked

apart from getting cucked on a global level lol.

>> No.6186520

>Yiddish Policeman's Union
>I'm a lazy, lonely, depressed, alcoholic, Jew.

Business as usual :^)

>> No.6186524

>notes from the underground

My liver starts hurting and nothing else changes.

>> No.6186530

>Infinite Jest

I don't know, is it Don Gately or Hal? Or Pemulis?

>> No.6186532

>Inherent Vice
I'm okay with it.

>> No.6187166
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>The Book of Job

faaack, I guess it'll be worth it in the end.

>> No.6187174

You should hide, in this economy lots of people are looking for you.

>> No.6187258
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>> No.6187305

Alexei Ivanovich, in The Gambler.

It's not that different from my actual life, i just spend my time on 4chan instead of casinos.

>> No.6188814

American Psycho
Yeah I killed a lot of people, I`m just a happy camper, by he way who handles the Fisher account? Gonna drink me a J&B on the rocks and murder a faggot and some girls.

>> No.6188824

hahahah fuckin` trips

>> No.6188850
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>just finished Lolita

>> No.6188894

K from the Trial

I don't think I'd feel much different

>> No.6188983


No thank you :(

>> No.6189233

>my struggle part 1

Everything I ever wanted in life.

>> No.6189352

>100 Years of Solitude

I'm not sure who I am, but the theme hasn't changed at all from real life.

>> No.6189402

I'm Benedetto XV, a not very famous pope during WW1

>> No.6189429

I'm Lestat De Lioncourt, that seems good enough.

>> No.6189448


Midnight Tides by Steven Erikson. I haven't a clue how fucked I am because there are so many protagonists in it because it's a book by Erikson.

>> No.6189480

Edmond Dantes - eh could be worse

>> No.6191343

this is much funnier with only the first two panels.

suffers from the same issue as the bring back 80s speed metal butterfly

>> No.6191494

Converting to Mudslime

>> No.6191501

I'm Latro in the mist. I have long term memory disorder and kick ass.

>> No.6191507

Stranger in a strange land.

I will manage...

>> No.6191511

based rand al'thor

>> No.6191514

Was that book good? Been thinking about picking it up.

>> No.6191981
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I'll be the most beloved politician in France, then beheaded by the very constituents I tried to saved

>> No.6191985

Ishmael in Moby dick...could be worse.

>> No.6192016

We have a winner, Marcus Aurelius

>> No.6192086
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>Dagon's narrator

>> No.6192098

>Twin Peaks

Nice trips, though.

>> No.6192109
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Extremely underrated post.

>> No.6192290



>> No.6192839
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>Paul Muad'Dib

>> No.6193582

Came here to post this.
Just keep your copecks handy and remember to hide your socks.

>> No.6194361


Eh, bang harper or miranda

>> No.6194378

The glass bead game

I just drowned in a cold mountain like for being a pedophile

>> No.6194391

>King Lear
Pretty fucked

>> No.6195962

> The Road


>> No.6195988

I will get raped in toilet by The Judge

>> No.6196000

Well, I get executed at the end, but other than that it's not so bad.

>> No.6197152



Oh look at me I'm a teenager and I haven't done enough research hey ho

>> No.6197157



>> No.6197158


Confessions of a Mask

cool I'm a gay sickly weirdo now

>> No.6197159

Hey Meursault

>> No.6198147

Nothing different from unusual, then?

>> No.6198154
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ho oh oh x ) fuck I loled

>> No.6198326

> Pay proles the value of their labor power
> Absorb their labor time, which is hopefully worth more than the labor power
Pretty sweet arrangement I'd say

>> No.6198397

>Jack Kursed
I'm an immortal and invincible mary sue who can't sleep, and adopted an 8 year old daughter.

I like it.

>> No.6198867

I'm Amir from The Kite Runner.

At least I didn't get raped and killed by Al Queada

>> No.6198880

The sun also rises

... A semi-impotent well traveled handsome alcoholic writer fishing in spain and getting drunk in preparation for the fiesta..

I aint even mad'

>> No.6199038
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>> No.6199052
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>In Search of Lost Time

>> No.6199573

>Things Fall Apart
I'm an angry negro /lit/
>at least I have yams

>> No.6199728

Gallipoli, Alan Moorehead


>> No.6199744
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I'm... me, I guess.

If I'm the compiler, I'll live out my life doing the most menial task imaginable and I'm maximum fucked.
If I'm Dennis Richie, I'm an anime-eyed, non-autistic version of Stallman. So pretty based.
If I'm the programming language itself, I'm the best lang, so not fucked.

>> No.6199754

>domesticated ones are called a gang
I thought they were called 'inmate'.

>> No.6199760

You read the bible?

>> No.6199768
File: 468 KB, 1280x1949, Free_Comic_Book_Day_Vol_2007_Spider-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am pidurman

>> No.6200380
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>/v/ comics editors

Comic's more about stubborn self delusion in the face of growing evidence of an issue rather than a blippy "Haha, that dog is wrong!".

The added context also ensures original intent is preserved. You can bet redditors would use those first two panels as some kind of 2deep4u zen buddhist "calm in the face of adversity" bullshit if the rest of the comic didn't utterly shut that down.

>> No.6201354
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>Paradise Lost
So what am I? Humanity? Lucifer? Jesus? Destiny?

>> No.6201518
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>Main character

>> No.6201591

macbeth. pretty fucked but at least i'm a BAMF

>> No.6201614
File: 40 KB, 323x511, Timemachinebook[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mite b cool. Stressful and troubling, too, but cool.

>> No.6201653


My mom isn't even hot

>> No.6201681

Dante. i have actually been developing a mega crush on virgil. am i gay?

>> No.6202496

Yossarian. I've always wanted to go to Sweden.

>> No.6202513
File: 44 KB, 310x500, AmericanGods_MassMarketPaperback_1185415388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good. I can finally be exactly what I always wanted.

A big guy

>> No.6202603
File: 1.17 MB, 1452x2000, he#@_#).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucked beyond fucked. I'm going to die painfully, and probably slowly at that.

>> No.6202651

Song of Achilles... I'm doomed.

>> No.6202655

Did you like the book? I've had Catch 22 sitting on my shelf since I was a kid but it's one of the only books I have that I haven't even attempted to read.

>> No.6202658

Sade's Justine.

Literally completely fucked.

>> No.6202714

>Asura Girl
But I don't want to be a teenage japanese girl

>> No.6203639

its hard not to at least enjoy it.

>> No.6203683
File: 258 KB, 976x1000, fa69799d226dcebf2c12672d98d6ccf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6203784

>tfw Dr.Frankenstein

>> No.6203975


I'm 100% fucked, get to kill a dragon first tho

>> No.6206411
File: 213 KB, 852x581, 1424493954342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pros: japanese schoolgirl
Cons: osamu dazai book