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6255224 No.6255224 [Reply] [Original]

So the subject says it all. Bear in mind I'm reading on a kindle. Basically I'm looking for a recommendation of modern (please modern) horror or weird fiction although cyberpunk is fine too. Actually, if there was an amalgamation of the three that would be the most ideal. I've already gone through the wiki so we can dispense with the canned
>read the rules / read the wiki faggot
Statements. Not only that but I've been going through book lists on the internet and compiled a list of books in each genre that have appeared in multiple lists and tried to read them. Maybe /lit/ has a nugget that hasn't popped up.
TL:DR read the wiki but want recommendations from you guys

>> No.6255255

Blindsight by Peter Watts has a bit of everything

>> No.6255264

Is it any good?

>> No.6255278


>> No.6255284

Got one recommendation. Any modern horror? Just finished Revival by King thought it was okay. I've pretty much read all of King 's books, even the hard boiled crime drama stuff. Anything concerning the Cthulhu mythos that's new?

>> No.6255286

I'm really drunk and OP's pic made me sad


VanderMeer's The Weird is a compendium of "weird" stories - some horror, some unexplainable, some strange stories, about 1500 pages, they're sorted chronologically, so if you read them from end to start you get modern stuff


>> No.6255289

David Cronenberg has written a novel, and it's not that bad. I hope he turns it into a film, it reads like his better films.

>> No.6255292

Don't be saddened by the picture. When I went to post I realized I didn't have a picture and I've only got a few on my tablet because it really only serves as a book and occasionally movies. That was just something that made me chuckle.

>> No.6255293

Greenberg. I think I looked at some of his books but never read them.

>> No.6255295

Fucking stupid Swype auto correct shit thinks it knows what I'm spelling. Cronenberg.

>> No.6255301

Was getting drunk part of your plan?

>> No.6255306

This is his one and only novel. Screenplays don't really count.

>> No.6255309

that is always part of my plan

a "central" pub in my hometown had its last evening tonight, we all had beer and whisky and schnaps

and now I'm alone in my place and I'm listening to Chet Faker


>> No.6255314

Wait Cronenberg. My mistake, I didn't read your post right at first. He made eXistenz. I liked that movie, something about the biological gun tickled my fancy

>> No.6255315

that's alright my friend! it wasn't your intention. it's never anyone's intention, because you'll never know what's going to happen to the things you release into the world

>> No.6255318

I've recommended it so many times but whatever, Shipley's Dreams of Amputation is a really good example of horror/weird/cyberpunk done right. A bit dense, but whatever, I'm sure you can handle it. Was published two years ago, too.

Cyclonopedia, by Reza Negarestani, is another cool little book that basically mixes up continental philosophy with Lovecraftian, sci-fi horror. It's kind of a heavy read, but some of it is pure gold.

Surely you've read China Mieville? If not, Perdido Street Station and Looking for Jake are right up your alley.

If you accept recs outside books, I'd line up Tsutomu Nihei's mangas (Biomega and Blame!), Tsukamoto's movies (especially Tetsuo: The Iron Man) and I don't know, a few vidyas? The Amnesia series?

Of course, you could wait for my book but it'll take a while.

>> No.6255327

same anon, I'd say it was pretty good.

>> No.6255331

>Perdido Street Station
that book was fucking terrible.

>> No.6255333

Tetsuo was strange from what I remember but I was pretty drunk and more than a little high do I guess it's time to fire up the Netflix and see if the movie is on there. I'm always open to suggestions other than just “books". Amnesia scared the shit out of me. As did their other series but I can't think of the name of it. Can't say I've ever heard of some of the other works you have mentioned. But in the same vein Junji Ito always makes me smile.

>> No.6255376

It kinda was and kinda wasn't, but it had a few pretty interesting ideas. The quality of the execution is debatable, yeah.

I think I've seen the movie of Uzumaki. Pretty bonkers, thanks for giving me the name of the guy! Was Outlast the series you wanted to mention? And if you liked a Machine For Pigs, you'd do well to look into The Old City. I've been told it's really similar, more Lovecraftian. The soundtrack is amazing, too. And the Room, the little ipad game series, nicely fits the mood we're talking about I think.

>> No.6255393

Nah I never played machine for pigs but dark decent got me pretty good. I was trying to think of Penumbra.

I like Ito because he hits on some Lovecraftian stuff quite a bit, man's mental fragility, how small and frail man is, beings that drive you mad with knowledge or their pure blindness.

>> No.6255397

Isn't Uzumaki the one about the girl who can't die or the one with the fish monsters?

>> No.6255401

Nah, it's the one about spirals.

>> No.6255405

uzumaki is the cheap one with the spirals everywhere, the snails, the crazy father making all this weird spiral pottery

soooo maybe neither?

(The Manga was heaps better - the movie stopped somewhere in the middle of it. Junji Ito is great in general)

>> No.6255412

Ah yeah the spirals was a weird story. Never seen his movies but I might check them out.

>> No.6255420

Well the other two stories I mentioned are pretty good too. I think the one about the girl who can't die was made into a movie but I'm not sure.

>> No.6255424

What's the name?

>> No.6255425

The girl is Tomi and I knew it was

>> No.6255430


>> No.6255436

Thanks, that's my evening sorted

>> No.6255442

Both are movies but the manga is pretty good too

>> No.6255495

I was trying to think of the other story by Junji Ito that had holes but not the one where they go "ddr ddr" but it turns out the one I'm thinking of was a hentai manga. Still, it's very disturbing, Junji Ito disturbing. I'm posting it in a spoiler link but you guys, be warned if lotus fingers or nipple bothered you this is going to make you run screaming. It upset my stomach to the point that I can hear it gurgling. http://g.e-hentai.org/g/303709/8c24ffab57/

>> No.6255501

that reminds me (and certainly was made because of) that old /b/ shoop with the holes in the fingertips, they look 100% identical
anyway got boner, thank you

>> No.6255510

That was lamprey finger. Lotus nipple is the other image. Google lotus nipple and enjoy the skin crawling images

>> No.6255515
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Seconding manga rec, you should also give Hellstar Remina a shot too, it's bretty gud.

Pretty much anything by Ito is good, Mimi's Ghost Stories are all pretty great, and Army of One, the Hanging Balloons, the Back Alley and Secret of the Haunted Mansion are all good shorts too.

>> No.6255521

That was pretty good. I thought that one was cool.

>> No.6255524

It's that image the one about the brother who is super greasy?

>> No.6255566

Anyone hit some good postapocalyptic stuff?

>> No.6255688


Seconding Cyclonopedia. Helps if you've read 1000 Plateaus, but that's pretty good and strange too while you're at it.

Kenji Siritori's Blood Electric is spastic piece of work in a mishmash of violent sexual stylized programing language.

Semiotext(e) SF Collection has a lot of cool odd ball shorts in it you can use to track down authors you like for more of their work.

JG Ballard has a few good novels and short story collections. Crash got made into one of my favourite Cronenberg films.

Check out Kathy Acker and William S. Burroughs too for strong weird shit.

>> No.6255699

Have you read Siratori/Shipley's collab Necrology?

>> No.6255702


I guess? The story is about a guy who forces his family to work in a traveling haunted house who has a little son who eats people.

>> No.6255721

Never mind it's not. The one I'm thinking or is the dad that runs a barbecue restaurant.
I have not.

>> No.6255761


I didn't even know it was a thing. Cool, thanks.

>> No.6255807

That was pretty good, just got around to looking it up

>> No.6255823

>I'm listening to Chet Faker

>> No.6255845
File: 131 KB, 333x509, House_on_the_Borderland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not quite modern, but worth it.

>> No.6255850
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What about stories with ghosts?

Whenever I bring up ghost stories on here and ask for anything that isn't just pulp good fun horror, like King, I only get James' A Turn of the Screw.

>> No.6255868


Haunting of Hill House is supposedly scary as fuck. I finished Lady in Black recently and i can't say i recommend it - it's not that scary, and actually makes you feel pretty comfy at times.

>> No.6255894

Already got it on the tablet. That was one of Lovecraft's inspirations.

>> No.6255978

Damn thread is dying

>> No.6256063

Abstraction by Shintaro Kago


>> No.6256065

are you actually paying for this or torrenting it all?

>> No.6256156

Why do you ask?

>> No.6256166

And does it make a difference?

>> No.6256201

Have you read "The Lady's Maid's Bell" by Edith Wharton?

>> No.6256206

I have no idea what to make of this.

>> No.6256260

It gets hard to read when it starts turning eh?

>> No.6256262

How good is Mieville's Kraken?
I saw it in a bookstore here but it was kinda expensive. Is it worth it?

>> No.6256314

Thanks for being so condescending.

I really liked the idea of taking the two dimensional image you get on a manga page and twisting it to show a sort of recycled 3d image that gets recycled on multiple pages. I guess I'm just unfamiliar with the genre because it was all the erect penises and hemorrhoids that I didn't quite "get."

>> No.6256380

I wasn't trying to be condescending at all, my apologies that it felt that way. I was being sincere. When the image started rotating I got confused and irritated so I quit reading it.

>> No.6256401

I went back to try to read that again and all I can say is,"What the fuck?". Seriously.

>> No.6256573


Mon negre, I've been looking for that exact collection since somebody recommended Michel Bernanos' The Other Side of the Mountain in that obscure books thread all those days ago. All of my danke.

>> No.6256727

Bump so I can read thread after finishing hw

>> No.6256827

Bump for anon

>> No.6256834


Oh, and from the aforementioned thread, somebody turned me onto The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, which I'm in the middle of but can say is kind of like de Sade inside a virtual reality--which technically isn't a virtual reality, because the setting is a replacement by a supercomputer of the entire physical universe as we know it.

>> No.6256846

Sounds interesting.

>> No.6256886

It feels as if it borrowed a lot from Evangelion and the sequel is pretty halfhearted but thankfully more direct, but never ends up resolving the first books end. Still, it's quite entertaining though it's quite guilty of jargon vomit.

>> No.6256903

I hate when authors do that sometimes. Seems really prevalent in military fiction.

>> No.6256904

I also enjoyed Shades of Grey by Fforde. It's got nice worldbuilding and fantasy elements, some horror elements though the prose is quite simple in comparison to something, say, like Blindsight.

>> No.6256914

Yeah, though in this case it's pretty much biology vomit. (The author ends up quoting quite a few research articles in the endnotes/appendix, basically). I suppose the readability depends on your background.

>> No.6256935


>> No.6256939

I think it's on Bookz.

>> No.6257071 [DELETED] 

She's books have many .mobi files on it?

>> No.6257077 [DELETED] 

Not she's, I'm on my kindle and it auto corrects words ask the time.

>> No.6257082

Looks like bookz is down

>> No.6257339

just curious. if you were, I'd be curious where from.

>> No.6257358

I was going to recommend Shipley as well. He's going to be one of the greats.

>> No.6257418

Annihilation, Authority, and Acceptance by Jeff VanderMeer. It's a really good trilogy.

>> No.6257420

No. Go read Mieville's Embassytown instead.

>> No.6257446

Try Lansdale drive in trilogy. Not cyberpunk but b/movie style weird fiction

>> No.6258253

When I torrent or download books I just Google the name of the book, .mobi, and/or download

>> No.6258259

Also shocked this thread is still up.

>> No.6258924

That picture startled me. I had no idea Bane had a little sister.

>> No.6259734

ahh, I see. that's what I've been doing.

can't shake the paranoia though

>> No.6259776


What did it borrow from Eva exactly?

>> No.6259827

I'm quite fond of Mieville so tend to give him more credit than he's due but Kraken was mediocre.

>> No.6259828


Have you tried some of Dan Simmons stuff?

Carrion Comfort, The Terror, and Summer of Night are pretty decent. Not much cyperpunk but good horror.

>> No.6259830


This genre is not for you. Delete your thread stupid nigger.

>> No.6259869

fuck off

>> No.6260057

Ok, thanks.

>> No.6260115

I second the Semiotext(e) Sci-Fi Collection

>> No.6260145

I thought maybe this was the best place to ask.
I'm searching for a book, or rather multiple books (like 4-5?) for kids/teens. They take place in kind of a small world that exists on a big floating rock. These floating rocks also power Ships and in the capital there is a city above the city, also floating on these rocks.
All the books have realy cool illustrations of all the monsters and creatures.
I think the Illustrator also illustrated a book about a boy who finds some kind of graffiti and calls them scribbles or something like that. Maybe someone remembers them

>> No.6260153

No worries. This website has trained me to assume sarcasm rather than sincerity.

I'm still at a loss as to all the dicks though.

>> No.6260249

I bought it yesterday on a whim after it was reccd. Can't wait to read it.

>> No.6260294

Peter F Hamilton - Night's Dawn Trilogy, it's space opera meets the undead.
Neal Asher - Owner trilogy - dystopian sci fi with a fairly high body count.

>> No.6260835

Someone should recreate this as a 3D model