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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 297x170, Truman_Capote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6305469 No.6305469 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if you aren't published by the age of 25 (twenty-five) you will NEVER be patrician and your work will NEVER be canon.

>> No.6305472

>DFW was 24 when Broom of the System was published
>Zadie Smith was 25 when White Teeth was published
>Marek Hlasko was 23 when Eighth Day of the Week was published
>F.S. Fitzgerald was 23 when This Side of Paradise was published
>Carson McCullers was 23 when The Heart is a Lonely Hunter was published
>Tao Lin was 24 when EEEEE EEE EEEE & Bed were published
>Italo Calvino was 23 when The Path to the Nest of the Spiders was published
>Kerouac was 20 when The Sea is My Brother was published
>Goethe was 25 when The Sorrows of Young Werther was published
>Musil was 25 when The Confusions of Young Torless was published
>Hemingway was 25 when In Our Time was published
>Tatsuhiko Takimoto was 24 when Welcome to the NHK was published
>Ryu Murakami was 24 when Almost Transparent Blue was published
>Garcia Marquez was 20 when Eyes of a Blue Dog was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when "Napoleon III as a President" was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when "Fate and History" was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when Free Will and Fate was published
>Nietzsche was 19 when "Can the Envious Ever Truly Be Happy?" was published
>Nietzsche was 20 when "On Tendencies" was published
>Nietzsche was 20 when "My Life" was published
>Saramago was 25 years old when Land of Sun was published
>Dickens was 24 when Sketches by Boz was published
>Dickens was 25 when The Pickwick Papers was published
>Huxley was 25 when Limbo was published
>James Joyce was 25 when Chamber Music was published
>Proust was 25 when Pleasures and Days was published
>Mishima was 23 when Confessions of a Mask was published
>Bret Easton Ellis was 21 when Less Than Zero was published
>Bret Easton Ellis was 23 when Rules of Attraction was published
>Kenzaburō Ōe was 23 when Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids was published
>Emile Zola was 24 when Contes à Ninon was published
>Balzac was 20 when Cromwell was published
>Baudelaire was 24 when Salon of 1845 was published
>Hitomi Kanehara was 20 when Snakes and Earrings was published
>Stig Dagerman was 23 when Ormen was published
>Stridnberg was 22 wheb The Outlaw was published

>> No.6305477

I'm curious, why does this thread keep getting posted? Nothing but negative vibes!

>> No.6305479

Dammit man, I insist you tell me why you put the full words "twenty-five" in spoilers after the number! It makes no sense!

>> No.6305481

>every sadfrog post ever

>> No.6305490

snobby people ruin this board

>> No.6305491

Between the ages of 18 and 24 there are 52594 hours to write a novella that will help establish you as a writer. What did you spend all those hours doing, /lit/? Giggling at a thread about David Foster Wallace? Drifting from board to board hoping to be entertained?

>> No.6305494

Why do people sadfrog post?

>> No.6305496

Because they're sad and they find the image of a depressed frog relatable.

>> No.6305497

Trying to get laid.

Trying. :l

>> No.6305502

Why don't they do anything with their sadness? Yes I'm seriously asking this. Sadness is great if you make friends with it.

May as well drop the fact that Haruki Murakami wrote his first, Hear the Wind Sing, at 29.

>> No.6305507

Don't bother, man. Every time this thread is posted dozens of people post many canon authors whom were published well into their thirties and forties, and OP either disregards these or replies with ">Murakami was patrician."

>> No.6305508

>muh Murakami

He also translated novels from American into Japanese throughout his twenties.

>> No.6305511

Getting published is a way to get laid, that's why people do it

>> No.6305513

So OP basically wants to make people feel like shit that they aren't stumbling over themselves to become successful literary figures? Don't you guys know how much sadness and shit DFW went through to fall into the success of Infinite Jest? Do you all fetishise the ideal of a tortured artist that much?

>> No.6305517

capote's short stories are shit. i have his collected works and am yet to come across any of interest. i would enjoy to be proven wrong

>> No.6305521

It's just low-level trolling. There are always threads trying to make people feel insecure for one reason or another, this is true on most boards. After a while you start to automatically filter them out.

>> No.6305572


>> No.6305582

have you read A Christmas Memory? That one made me cry

>> No.6305600

and there you have it ladies and gentlemen a comprehensive list of every good author ever and their best works. Incontrovertible proof that you will never be a succesful writer if a publisher doesn't pick you up before you've been around the sun 26 times.

>> No.6305929

Didn't see the thread for a couple of days. Was afraid you got hurt or something.

I am sorry that you are still well and shitposting.

>> No.6305954


Inb4 kafka

>> No.6305999

> Implying getting published means a goddamn thing
> not holing yourself away mastering your craft and not giving a fuck about anyone.
> OP thinks he can contribute to the ENGLUSH CANUN

Your mom must've been one dumb cow to give you that brain

>> No.6306003

Mark Z. Danielewski

>> No.6306019

Jokes on you, OP. I've had poems published as well as articles in an encyclopedia.

>> No.6306026
File: 19 KB, 200x306, 200px-Portrait_de_Dante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vita Nouva was finished when Dante was 28.

>> No.6306031

You forgot John Barth you dumb fuck.

>> No.6306075

He should have sat on it longer.

>> No.6306079

I, too, have edited Wikipedia articles

>> No.6306122

John Barth was 26 when The Floating Opera was published

>> No.6306131

I was doing mathematics instead. I'll probably be published in a year or two, before I get to 25, so I'll technically fulfill OP's criterium.

Feels good man.

>> No.6306150

i-i want to die

>> No.6306152

>John Kennedy Tool was dead when A Confederacy of Dunces was published

>> No.6306161
File: 158 KB, 500x357, hibari bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I really connected with Dazzle

>> No.6306178

What about Kafka and Raymond Carver?

>> No.6306200

inb4 Neon Bible

>> No.6306209

what? he was even more dead by then

>> No.6306210

>Raymond Carver was 23 when The Furious Seasons was published

>> No.6306252

This thread again? It's been established as bullshit. Who wants to be in the same category as a fucking coon like Zadie Smith who should be hooked with a ring through her top lip and dragged in the dust behind a fucking truck until her body flays to KFC leavings?

>> No.6306254

>from American

>> No.6306381

Your jelly is almost tangible

>> No.6306389

he was 16 when he wroteit

>> No.6306417

he was 30 when he still couldn't finish it and he was dead when it was published completely unfinished.

>> No.6306423
File: 33 KB, 400x388, 1309422181937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Tatsuhiko Takimoto was 24 when Welcome to the NHK was published

>> No.6306444

>hating on JK Toole

>> No.6306472

i'm not hating, neon bible was a book he couldn't finish in decades and he knew it and never tried tog et it published.

>> No.6306475

>F.S. Fitzgerald
>Garcia Marquez
>Tao Lin
>Bret Easton Ellis
people I give zero fucks about, along with most of the non-western sounding names on that list

>> No.6306476

>tfw published at 26 and its all ogre

>> No.6306485

That's good because nobody gives a *beep* about you either

>> No.6306488
File: 53 KB, 500x497, writerr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Mfw I'm 24, about to turn 25
Luckily I should be published before the year is out anyways. Finally gonna get to live that literary lifestyle baby! I'm actually just hoping the book allows me to quit my normal job amd focus on other interests in the mean time.

>> No.6306493

What's the book about?

What job do you have?

>> No.6306495

In my opinion op has like 40 years and needs some justification to start writting. So, he shipost expecting us to refute his argument and give him reasons to believe in success.

>> No.6306503

>has like 40 years

Spaniard or other Eurofriend detected

>> No.6306510


dude this is literally the height/dick size trolling of lit. how new are you to the internet?

I hate to tell you all women expect 6'5 and an 8inch dick at least. Oh and if you don't make 80k by 24 you are a no life degenerate.

Oh and if you don't fuck a new girl every week you are a beta loser


>> No.6306511

Do non-fiction contest count? I feel I got a pretty good chance of getting published in one this year (and getting the 7,000 prize)

>> No.6306516

No way, only fiction. What prize brah?

>> No.6306522

On which aforementioned giving a fuck is also absent to threads like these, including you too, since most of the people here on this board who are actually published, write smut under an alias, and make horrible shit-posts, made up of unreadable, god awful, DFW-tier run on sentences, that start with fucking prepositions, you insignificant shit stain.

>> No.6306528

You don't say someone 'has years' in any Germanic or Slavonic language. The guy is most likely a spic, maybe a Mexican, maybe a wetback living illegally in your neighborhood right now RIGHT. NOW

>> No.6306542

It's a tragedy. I'm writing in multiple implications of hope that everything that has happened will lead to something good. Then in the last chapter, specifically the last sentence, I take that ship of hope I've built for them and smash it against the rocks. It sounds edgy I know, but there's meaning behind the feeling of emptiness I'm.hoping to inspire.

And I work as a web developer/grapgic designer/programmer. It's good work and gives me a lot of freedom, but I don't want to work at all really. I want to spend my time focusing on more creative pursuits.

>> No.6306543

Don't scare me like that man

>> No.6306553

Where do you live?

I'm guessing Brazil or Poland.

>> No.6307466

or fucking French