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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 350x500, hugologo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6388963 No.6388963 [Reply] [Original]

So what's this fuss about puppy rape at the silver dildo award?

>> No.6389103

Autist "writers" make up their minds about a secret feminazi conspiracy that is obviously keeping them down (because what other option is there for these geniuses not getting the acclaim they deserve). Decide to rig Hugos and finally manage to do it with the help of idiots who are still butthurt over the gamergate thing an year ago...

That's what I'm getting so far.

>> No.6389130

plebs having hissy fits over nerd shit

>> No.6389168

People want the awards to go to the best book, not the book written by a black lesbian

>> No.6389248
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What book would that be?

>> No.6389252

What if the voters actually thought the book written by a black lesbian was the best book?

>> No.6389256

Well, what book is it?

>> No.6389261

Over the past 10 years the Hugo winners for best novel have all been white, and pretty evenly split between male and female. Don't know about sexual orientation.

>> No.6389262

I don't even know. Point is a bunch of white nerds are throwing a hissy fit because minority writers are getting acclaim and it's fucking pathetic so they have to literally game the system in order to get their favorites recognized.

>> No.6389286

Retards are mad about shitty books written by one kind of person winning a dumb nerd award over shitty books written by another kind of person

>> No.6389288

That's meant to be a description of this thread btw LOL

>> No.6389292

That's the problem, though. It should ONLY go to white heterosexual males. Anything is, as we say on my home board, degenerate.

>> No.6389294

Anything else*

>> No.6389295

why not just invent an award that keeps whites out? Most readers are white. There's no way you're going to outvote them.

>> No.6389300

You seem to be implying that voters vote for the book written by someone of the same color as them. I don't think that's true at all

>> No.6389317

A sect of Hard Left lunatics (known as SJWs) have been rigging Hugos for years through ideology-approved slates from ideologically pure™ writers (Scalzi, ReuiresHate-like types, i.e. "wanting to #killallwhitemen is not sexist/racist" brigade).

A coalition of SF/F-reading (right-wing) conservatives, libertarians and (left-wing) liberals who have had enough of this bullshit entered the game in an attempt to make the SJWs taste their own medicine. They succeeded, hard.

So SJWs chose to trow a hissy fit and SLANDER their opposition as "racists, sexists, -ists" you name it, you know the drill, it has all happened already in Atheist/Secular community, Gaming/Gaming Journalism, RPG/Tabletop community, etc.

>> No.6389323

>hard left

lel back 2 /pol/

>> No.6389324

> Point is a bunch of rainbow-haired cultists are throwing a hissy fit because the dominant geographic is creating the most works and thus getting the highest number of awards/aclaim nd it's fucking pathetic so they have to literally game the system in order to get their favorites recognized

>> No.6389325

Yes, you go back there, please.

>> No.6389327

I'm so tired of this legbeard vs neckbeard bullshit

>> No.6389329

>*dominant demogaphic

>> No.6389331

They're degenerates, right?

>> No.6389334

/pol/ doesn't like my kind much. I am a liberal European leftist. You know, an actual leftist. Reminder: you don't have actual Left in Murika.

You on the other hand are a ridiculously fringe authoritarian cultist pretending to have anything to do with the Left or Left's values. Let that sink in.

>> No.6389336

It's almost as if centuries systematic destruction of other cultures has hindered their ability to create art and we're only now recognizing the great works produced minority and female writers today.

>> No.6389338

Oh, that wouldn't be anything to ruin.

Or, the PoCs* could end being racist (too).

*) Picker of Cotton?

>> No.6389341

I wonder why would you believe this is what I think if you yourself didn't believe the very same about whites.

Your projection is palpable.

>> No.6389342

SJWs aren't leftists. Get that through your thick shit skull

>> No.6389344

Too bad the Hugos have almost never recognized great works

>> No.6389350

they're destroying white civilization! Subversion of morals and decency

>> No.6389351

Yes they are, deal with it.

There could be right-wing SJW equivalent but there isn't. Doesn't change the fact that the SJW sect is left-wing.

>> No.6389352

Whites aren't degenerate they are oppressive, which is basically the opposite of degenerate

>> No.6389354
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But we do need some finger wagging.

>> No.6389355

This is also true.

This too. What's the deal with racists and gamergaters seeming to think there's some literal cabal of SJWs trying to sabotage white culture.

>> No.6389356

It isn't.

>> No.6389358

>gamergaters seem to think there's some literal cabal of SJWs trying to sabotage white culture.
Lol this is what SJWs actually believe

>> No.6389361

Blame neoliberalism. Right-wing-morons think this is 'cultural Marxism'

>> No.6389363

The only particularly good novel to win the Hugo was written by a woman, but this was decades ago

>> No.6389366

women can't write. They're degenerates

>> No.6389376

Well that's a crock of shit. Thanks for polluting my /lit/. Humans have been here and creating for hundreds of thousands of years, and you're telling me the oppression of the last couple centuries is why certain people groups have never done great things? Fuck you.

>> No.6389383

Stop posting

>> No.6389391

Stop being blinded by cultural stigmata.

>> No.6389402

have you taken the 'red pill'?

>> No.6389406

The only pill I've taken is the blue one, so I could stomach plowing your mom.

>> No.6389409


>> No.6389414

Your mom jokes are edgy now. This is what identity politics has done.

>> No.6389418

Blame the cultural marxists

>> No.6389420

>look mom, I'm using internet buzzwords and I don't know what they meeeeaaaannn!!!

>> No.6389421

So which "certain groups of people have never done great thing," exactly? You're right in saying that humans have been creating for hundreds of thousands of years. The oppression of the last couple of centuries hasn't changed that at all. What it HAS done, though, is give people attitudes like yours, and exclude them from being recognized for doing great things. In b4 you say blacks and women are objectively shit writers or something like that.

>> No.6389423


Dark Enlightenment please go


>cultural marxists

>> No.6389428

Blacks and women are objectively shit writers or something like that.

>> No.6389434

hehe this.

these liberal cucks will never realize that they have been brainwashed by their marxist professors.

>> No.6389436
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>> No.6389439



>> No.6389443

>worshipping a degenerate Western-civilization-subverting AIDS-ridden faggot who inspired all the identity politics and feminist shit we see today

well done, fagcault

>> No.6389447



>> No.6389448

>no arguments because you realize you are wrong


>> No.6389449

wots' wrong with saying hehe

>> No.6389452

huh? i thought science fiction books were the ones you gave to children to encourage them to read. what's this fuss about awards?

>> No.6389453

Identity Politics have made laughter obsolete and offensive. Fagcault is the reason for it and his degenerate theories about muh oppression and muh feels

>> No.6389454
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>> No.6389455

>worshipping "Western civilization"

>> No.6389456
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Do you think you are clever for putting fag in front of cault

>> No.6389458

No people group has ever been ignored for a sufficiently great thing. This is evidenced by the Servile Wars in Rome if nothing else. If they haven't been recognized it's by their own lack of merit. Speaking of today's times, these groups ride on these kind of coattails and try to get by on being and 'oppressed minority' instead of by the merit of their work.

>> No.6389459

some plebs have money

>> No.6389463


The old Protestant work ethic was the truth all along?

>> No.6389464

is Fagcuck better?

>> No.6389466

TRUE he should have said fouCUCK instead!!!

>> No.6389469

cuckmind o.0'''''

>> No.6389474





>> No.6389476

Mormans were right.

>> No.6389484
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>> No.6389487

Can you sci-fi plebs get the fuck off our board, please?

>> No.6389491


>misusing the word neoliberalism

Wikipedia is your friend

>> No.6389500

I wonder how many people ITT actually read or care about science fiction. I certainly don't

>> No.6389503

seconding this
genre shit needs to know their place, and that's out of /lit/. Maybe make some club to play with plastic rayguns, read crap and circlejerk all you want. Go discuss the new x-files show there.

>> No.6389511


but someone somewhere has some biting social commentary about jerks getting eaten by a tyrannosaurus

>> No.6389515

Yeah I couldn't care less about this nerd shit. It's like the Spanish Civil War. Instead of Franco's fascists versus Stalin's commies, we get neckbeards versus legbeards. Just gonna sit on the sidelines and watch the fun.

>> No.6389518


You mean Michael Chrichton?

>> No.6389525

Yes... YES. Michael Chrichton DID write a book about dinosaurs, and people getting eaten by them! Good job figuring that out!!!!

>> No.6389533


lol the title of the second book in that series was ripped off from Arthur Conan Doyle

>> No.6389538


Foucault was an idiot and a piece of shit but please don't revert to homophobia to make your point, you fucking bigoted caveman

>> No.6389549

But people DO get recognized for the greatness of their work, and every time they do there's huge backlash from the so-called "silent majority." Think about what you're saying. They've been recognized, and your reaction is to deny the legitimacy of that recognition, saying they're abusing some intellectual fad for popularity.

>> No.6389550
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>> No.6389554

would this happen to be your first time on 4chan? if so, welcome! :D

>> No.6389560

Wow bro you wrecked that strawman sci-fi fan pretty hard. You forgot to mention his fedora, neckbeard, and cloud of cheeto dust though.

>lol genre fiction is pleb shit i only read works of real merit like DFW and the Bible

>> No.6389576

It's true. Stop reading those nerds.
Read some Wallace or Pynchon.
Stop reading those sci fi fags.
Read some Mishima or Burroughs or Rimbaud.

>> No.6389577

But you're saying that everything these people are putting out is great because of the fact that they have been oppressed. A book about slavery is not better because it was written by a black guy. A book about suffrage is not made better by a woman writer. A book by a black guy that is good, is good.

>> No.6389589

Not 'is great' but 'should be recognized.' My bad.

>> No.6389595

If white males get grief over being oppressors, why not at least enjoy the crime of oppressing people if people are going to give you grief even if you can't be bothered to oppress people.

>> No.6389599
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I hate you people

>> No.6389604

some of my best childhood memories involve secretely borrowing my dad's college favorites and marvelling over how some adult brains could invent totally new worlds whose contradictions and flaws were invisible to me at the time; all i could see was genius speculation spun into tales of adventure and adult mystique. when i was in third grade, one of my dad's pals let me borrow a copy of "roadmarks" to entertain me while they drank coffee and talked about string theory, and every chapter incited philisophical and aesthetic rapture. it was about time-travelling dragons, with a guest appearance by hitler.

>> No.6389606

See. I haven't even oppressed anybody.


>> No.6389610


Oppression Olympics isn't why I hate you

>> No.6389629

Where did I say that, exactly? I agree that a good book by a black guy is good regardless, but you ignored my point completely: people don't want to recognize a good book written by a woman or a black guy (or God forbid, a black lesbian) because, again, there's this idea that recognizing the great works of minorities somehow invalidates the great works of the majority. What would you consider a "good book" by a black guy, or a woman? How do you know it isn't well-regarded merely as a reaction against the status quo? Conversely, how do you know that books written by white men aren't just held in high regard as a reinforcement of the status quo? We can argue about this bullshit for days, frankly.

You can read both sci-fi, and literary fiction, you know.

>> No.6389653

excuses excuses...

do you want me to call the wambulance?

>> No.6389655

I don't get you people. You'll say everyone else is whining about bullshit, but when you get called out on whining about bullshit you get all pissy.

>> No.6389675

The White Devil has yet again thwarted the blackman's attempts at artistic success. As the great Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) said: ''The blackman is the first and last, maker and owner of the universe.''

>> No.6389683
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So are the Hugos meant to reward oppressed minorities for overcoming the 'systematic destruction' of their culture...

or are they meant to represent the best books produced in the year as per the general consensus of the ENTIRE fandom?

You don't get to have both. Pick one and stick with it.

>> No.6389684

that is a terrible, TERRIBLE excuse. "cultures" are no longer responsible for art. individuals are.

>> No.6389686


From everything, literally EVERYTHING I've read on this issue, the 'white nerds' are not the ones throwing anything that can be described as a 'hissy fit.'

The side that seems rather... *upset* with the outcome, though?


>> No.6389691

and who's responsible for individuals?

>> No.6389699


>> No.6389702

minoritiez are too into awards from white people. Get some self esteem ffs. It's undignified.

>> No.6389703

Isn't it the exact opposite? White autistic plebian white nerds giving awards and acclaim to black lesbian writers because they are black lesbians? I mean Scalzi should never win a writng award, ever. It's just humiliating that any award would be given to someone whose dialogue is:
"X" he said
"Y" she said
"Z" he said

>> No.6389706

I liike how they have chosen something important like a book award to make their point at, rather than some utterly vacuous self congratulatory spectacle where only a sad person would care what came top of the list of unnecessary comparisons.

>> No.6389707
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>What's the deal with racists and gamergaters seeming to think there's some literal cabal of SJWs trying to sabotage white culture.

Because that's precisely what appears to be happening?

You've got an insular group of elite culture warriors constantly decrying and deriding 'white' 'cis' 'male' culture across ALL types of media.

Comic books
Video games
Sci-fi lit

You name it and there's a group of SJWs devoted to derailing it, and they are connected directly with other SJWs doing the same thing elsewhere. That much is directly observable, undeniable fact. That is what the 'right-wingers' are observing in reality.

What SHOULD they conclude?

What are the SJWs *actually* trying to achieve if not sabotaging 'white' culture?

I'm seriously asking.

>> No.6389714

people with persecution complexes who like feeling powerful latch on to a particular ideology and form communities. there is no long-term political agenda, because they don't think in the long term, just about getting their power rush and internet pitybuxx.

i should know, i used to run with that scene.

>> No.6389737
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>Because that's precisely what appears to be happening?

>> No.6389740



>Why? I think it's because I was reading novel after novel about the real world. And there are, at the risk of sounding superweird, only so many ways to describe reality. After I'd read my 189th novel about someone living in a city, working in a basically realistic job and having a realistic relationship and a realistically fraught family, I was like, "OK. Cool. I see how today's world works." I also started to feel like I'd been reading the same book over and over again.

>Here's my overly reductive, incredibly nerdy way of thinking about the novel: Consider it a simulation, kind of like The Sims. If you run a realistic simulation enough times — writing tens of thousands of novels about contemporary life — eventually you're going to explore almost every outcome. So what do you do then?

>You change the physics in the sim. Alter reality — and see what new results you get. Which is precisely what sci-fi does. Its authors rewrite one or two basic rules about society and then examine how humanity responds — so we can learn more about ourselves. How would love change if we lived to be 500? If you could travel back in time and revise decisions, would you? What if you could confront, talk to, or kill God?

>Teenagers love to ponder such massive, brain-shaking concepts, which is precisely why they devour novels like Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials, the Narnia series, the Harry Potter books, and Ender's Game. They know that big-idea novels are more likely to have an embossed foil dragon on the cover than a Booker Prize badge.

>> No.6389741


So what is the proper response when such a community actually garners some influence and starts to impact things in reality? What happens when they actually wield some power?

>> No.6389748


I fuckin feel like Kyle's mom. How much of a deep and serious fucking misunderstanding of everything about the nature of art and authorship of art do you have to have to actually BELIEVE something like this?

Why the fuck would "systematic destruction" of culture in the context of artistic creation have ANYTHING to do with the quality of the art or capability of creating it? No art can be made in that context? Is that some fucking rule written down some where that I missed? You need cultural stability, or not even, just a stable environment around you to create art? No art has every sprung out of hardship ? Ever? From anyone? Nothing artistic whatsoever could be wrung from negative experiences? Again i say WWWAAAAAT?

Look at the fucking russians, for christs sake. For how many generations were those faggots serfs, living among their own shit and the shit of animals? Then serfdom got abolished, and im sure we all just now how fucking stagnant russia has been since the 19th century in terms of the arts and sciences AM I RIGHT?

tl;dr kill yourself

>> No.6389749

subtlety is dead to these people

>> No.6389757


What does it look like to YOU, then? Are these just random unrelated occurrences with no entangled causes?

>> No.6389770

first, they must be understood as a group of malfunctioning people and slightly less malfunctioning people trying to make money. then, refuse to engage. these people usually rely on developing their goals in reaction to other people's actions and opinions (as seen by how they focus on writing critiques of other people's work instead of fleshing out their ideologies independently), so they will flicker out when starved of feul. hopefully, they then heal their broken psyches and start acting less weird.

>> No.6389774

I think it makes sense. People always push their own views. If Islam was ruling here islamic values would be pushed. But it isn't, this kind of liberal values (diversity, non-discrimination, free love and all that stuff) are mostly held amongst the rich. And it's natural for them to push their values, there needent be a conspiracy. And I think it's pretty clear that those values are the most prominent in pop culture.

>> No.6389785


First of all, I don't give a shit about the mythical "white culture" entity you could call in whenever appropriate like most dumbshit white nationalists so I think I'm going to pass talking down to you like a child only for you to go


>> No.6389786

I don't know but the whole thing is amusing.

I guess if they stick to the same nomination system next year it's going to be a bloodbath.

>> No.6389788



>> No.6389790

Nice meme

>> No.6389792


Nice walmart ideology

>> No.6389810

There is such a thing as kitsch subtletly and minimalism.

>> No.6389818

its not that they're out specifically to 'destroy white culture,' just that they cant stand the fact that the highest quality works in literature and most arts is produced by white males so need to pretend that some lesser works by women and minorities are as good when they're clearly not.

plus the liberal impulse to find something to consider offense and racist is very real. they truly WANT to find something in art to be outraged about and explain to everyone why it's racist and how it damaged society.

>> No.6389820

Puppies did nothing wrong

>> No.6389823


>highest quality works in literature and most arts is produced by white males
>Using the word liberal wrong

If your #1 impulse is to jump to the Renaissance for your art chances are you're a redneck

>> No.6389828

Awards have always been political. Leftists don't like the right wing crashing their party. Its in bad taste.

>> No.6389829

everyone knows what i mean by liberal there, you would think a good post modernist like you should understand that context is more important in language than proscribed definitions.

>> No.6389830

>the ENTIRE fandom
You mean whatever segment of the fandom pays the fee for worldcon, right?

>You don't get to have both.
You're right on that count, but a book about overcoming systematic oppression could very easily be one of the best books of the year as per consensus of the fandom. Right? SF has been a vehicle for social commentary since day one, and will continue to be such a vehicle.

The whole situation was caused by a hissy-fit. Rigging the ballot for ideological reasons is a hissy-fit.

Conservatives are too into awards from the liberal media. See how that's retarded? Just like there are obviously conservative SF writers, there are also minority SF writers. To call the Hugos a "white" award is ludicrous.

But they aren't impacting anything. There's still tits and ass flying everywhere in every movie and video game, and nobody with any sense takes the hardliners on either side seriously. Basically, the Puppies are reacting to a ghost that only they can see, and only they are afraid of. There's no cultural war. That would imply some organization on the part of either side.

You're missing the point. AGAIN, it's not that these people are incapable of making good art. They have been, in fact. Problem is, people like you will come up with any reason to deny that they're capable of creating good art.

>> No.6389831


>> No.6389835

>everyone knows what i mean by liberal there, you would think a good post modernist like you should understand that context is more important in language than proscribed definitions.

You are using the word past its breaking point

>> No.6389851

This paragraph can be applied to any group of people that anyone disagrees with for any reason.

>> No.6389871


So that's all you've got, then?

>> No.6389874

not really. some groups have well-defined ideologies and goals and don't freak out over trivialities

>> No.6389881

Nobody in this thread has even half a leg to stand on, and, in a typical fashion, anyone who actually makes a cogent point either way just gets ignored

>> No.6389885

ITT: butthurt hack mad he doesn't have any friends willing to vote for his book

>> No.6389889

Such as the ones you agree with, right?

>> No.6389890

What if people are socially coerced into thinking black people are more talented than they are?

>> No.6389896

well, duh, otherwise i wouldn't agree with them! :o

>> No.6389899

Stop throwing a hissy fit

>> No.6389902

>If your #1 impulse is to jump to the Renaissance for your art chances are you're a redneck

I'm quite liberal and educated and the Renaissance is my favorite period. It seems that you've confirmed yourself as an anti-intellectual dickhead on the same level as a redneck.

>> No.6389903


>> No.6389909

you like cool guys like el greco and not boring guys like titian, right?

>> No.6389910
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Who's anti-intellectual?

>> No.6389911

Sounds right to me

>> No.6389915

Epik fukkkk nice troll

>> No.6389916

why do you have a trip

>> No.6389925


>> No.6389926
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Who's anti-intellectual?

>> No.6389927

And what if the opposite is true? You're so willing to believe that the only reason people can like a book by a black author is because of social pressure, but balk at the idea that the same might be true of white authors.

>> No.6389929

i'm not the guy you're disagreeing with mr. foucalt. i just want to know why anonymity isn't good enough for you.

>> No.6389931

Except for being overweight and that Nazi poster he's got, there's literally --LITERALLY-- nothing wrong with his lifestyle.

>> No.6389939


It annoys nationalists.



>> No.6389952

And what if the opposite is true? What if white men are just the shit? We can run circles all day. And no, I'm not dogmatic like you insist. I said "what if", now you're making shit up

>> No.6389964

I give you give days before you drop trip forever and stop posting

>> No.6389970
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Why the competition ?


How many days are give days?

>> No.6389978

are you a lonely person

>> No.6389986


Why would you ask me, not anyone else here?

>> No.6389993


>Well-secured home, his family will always be safe from hostile forces
>Is aware of where he's from and is knowledgeable about history, the three different posters behind him show that he has an interest in all facets of history
>Proud of his forefathers and thankful for their many sacrifices, this shows moral uprightness
>Knows that enemies come in different shapes and sizes and attack in different ways, and has many different guns so that he may use the most optimal firearm in a specific situation. This shows foresight
>Owns a computer and many magazines, this shows that he has a voracious appetite for knowledge and information
>Guns are strewn across the floor somewhat negligently, which shows that while he understands the necessity of guns and the importance of owning them, he is not obsessed with them. He's like, ''Whatever, I have guns, I just put 'em on the floor, pssh, whatever, I use 'em when I need 'em
>Pizza, chips, and hamburger shows he has a varied diet.

And you?

>> No.6390001

when you ask an anon, it's hard to ensure that the person you ask will be the one who answers. and someone with a trip must want /some/ kind of recognition as an individual

>> No.6390017

underrated post

>> No.6390022
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I'm not a coward who's terrified of death or have so little faith in man? If anything I'm more afraid of people like yourself.

>Proud of his forefathers and thankful for their many sacrifices, this shows moral uprightness

I'm not white, nor am I proud of drunkard colonists who owned slaves? An entire industry so they could have a cheap labor force?

I'd rather have faith in no one person but ideals in which they can strive for. Mental Masturbation over states and nations and churches property owners is, pretty counter productive at this point in time.

>> No.6390030

>Mental Masturbation over states and nations and churches property owners


>> No.6390041


Churches, states, nations, and property owners. Nationalist eden.

>> No.6390063


yeah maaaaaan, like, down with the system, maaaaan

>> No.6390071
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>> No.6390092

>People complain one side rigged the nominations.
>They did this by just voting on them.

I don't understand how people can possibly get mad at this.

>Having Fanfiction awards drama general on /lit/

>> No.6390107

sci-fi is really cool so you should be quiet!!

>> No.6390116

>Read some Wallace or Pynchon.
>Stop reading those sci fi fags.
I know I'm responding to a third-rate troll, but Wallace and Pynchon wrote sci-fi. (Pynchon even has a Nebula Award nomination.)

>> No.6390135

I am Thomas Pynchon, and while they did nominate me for some sci-fi award, I am above sci-fi. I am better than them.

I only write 10/10 A+ postmodern fiction, none of that sci-fi stuff. Wallace is (was, actually, lol) a second-rater who won't be remembered in the future. He will, ironically, be nothing more than a footnote in the history of literature.

Thomas Pynchon

>> No.6390183

Exactly, thank you coming from another European left winger. At this point, people on the left, have much more to fear from these lunatics then from the right. Especially those on the left that aren't numerically illiterate, that can see trough their shit.

>> No.6390201

Don't you mean an endnote?

There's a lot of sci-fi like works that don't get considered because they aren't in the scifi publishing scene, which if anything just proves that the Hugos are a fannish circle-jerk. Bleeding edge is low tier pynchon, but it's still better than anything else nominated, and it's more sci-fi than shit that was nominated in the past. Margeret Atwood is even a woman and her sci-fi stuff doesn't get nominated.
If this sad puppies shit has done anything, hopefully it's made people only vaguely aware of the awards at all realize that they mean nothing regarding the quality of the work.

>> No.6390231

7.5/10 m8

>> No.6390821

>they aren't impacting anything
>nobody with any sense takes it seriously

Where are all these people with sense?


>> No.6390856
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>> No.6390871

>unarmed black man choked to death by police
Lol nigger had it coming
>white man cries because some people said mean shit about him on the internet

>> No.6390983

After being hounded, yes.

>implying that people actually care about police brutality

>> No.6391014
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>post after post of people dismissing the puppies as fucking retards
There is hope yet for the chans

>> No.6391056

>circlejerk forms
>blacklists people outside the circlejerk
>people get butthurt
>other circlejerk forms
>blacklists the other circlejerk
>people get butthurt

>> No.6391072
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This is John C. Wright
One of the puppy nominations, they got him 3 of the 5 novella nominations
He is a born again Christian
Hates liberals
And is an excellent tipper

>> No.6391088

Stop lying

>> No.6391092

Pretty disappointed that there are 175 posts and not one actually goes straight to the source. Here's the link of the guy responding to George Martin's criticism of what happened. Seem pretty fair and agreeable. There were writers that were sidelined from an award they thought were legit, and grew upset enough to do something about it. These awards were priding themselves for helping promote "diversity" a "diversity" strictly based on color and gender not ideological backgrounds. Sure you can have people look different than you, but if they all parrot the same ideological "moral" ethics is it really "diverse"? I don't. And that's what sad puppies wanted to prove. People against sad puppies aren't upset that people with no talent are getting nominated and recognition. No, they are upset for having people that have different moral upbringings or adhere to a different set of moral values are getting a voice. /lit/ you showed your true colors with this thread. Truly a pathetic showing from participants. Godspeed.

>> No.6391093

the last worthwhile Hugo winner was Neuromancer.

So i dont give a fuck.

>> No.6391095


>> No.6391114

who the fuck is "frank j fleming"

>> No.6391130

How? Its a popular award
On librarything Larry Correias most popular book has 510 users, Scalzis most popular has 4,600 users
The book Scalzi wrote that got a Hugo was a Star Trek parody/homage, Star Trek has a large fan base would of course enjoy a tribute.
Last years winner was a SPACE OPERA of course that's going to get attention
Its a popular award
People vote for what they like.
To use an example /lit/ will be familiar with lets look at Gene Wolfe. His work is complex and less appealing. So fewer read it meaning fewer nominate it meaning fewer vote for it. Because its a popular award.

And for years plenty have complained many of the works aren't literary enough!
Yet these folks in their layers of complaints say the works are too literary. A space opera and a Star Trek homage are too literary?
Then you scratch the surface and its the subject matter they don't like, subject matter that SF has been writing about for decades.
Dig deeper and its the type of authors and the type of voters.

Also if there was a conspiracy then why didn't 2312 win? It would cross all of the boxes on the transgender gender fluid inter this and that score card plus also have climate change and corporate evil. But instead a popular work a Star Trek homage won.

>> No.6391139

>ban Neil Gaiman
>wears dr who tshirt

>> No.6391144

Its just the standard rightwing noise machine mantra for anything they don't like, anything popular others like

>> No.6391147

Ursula k Le Guin is the only sf writer in Harold Blooms Western Canon

>> No.6391149

it was a "contest" to "try and read only non-white non-male novels" for a year, which may be terrible, but may also expose some people to stuff they wouldn't have read before

Dr. Who is (mostly) a TV-show so you can't really compare that, imho

and I agree with >>6391130, this whole "discussion" is retarded

>> No.6391155

That parody was written by a die hard liberal. Martin even goes into this and shoots himself in the foot. The entire argument is that the awards aren't even about the books, but the person that wrote them. If they meet the ideological criteria and are "politically vettted" powers that be deem acceptable and give them the push to win.

>> No.6391157

It was a challenge to herself. People here made threads pretending that she was challenging the world because some people have a huge persecution complex and don't read the links posted in front of them.

>> No.6391158

The Hugo awards are a popular award voted on by paying members of the worldcon SF convention
The majority of winners have been white, there has been a roughly 50/50 split between men and women
SF has for decades explored gender and race and identity
It did in the 50s
It does today
The edge lords bitching about shit they don't like are either lying or never read a sf book and are repeating talking points the liars have given them

>> No.6391161

Where is the plot in the hugos of SF?
Explain who and how and cite the works

>> No.6391168

>You're right on that count, but a book about overcoming systematic oppression
That would be one of the all time classics of SF, and a libertarian bible too, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.6391181

>There's a lot of sci-fi like works that don't get considered because they aren't in the scifi publishing scene
Do you mean the recent trend of mainstream literary authors to try to write sf?
Like Margaret Atwood, Cormac McCarthys The Road, etc?
First up the PUBLISHERS THEMSELVES try to deny the works are sf to avoid the stigma that the literary community view it with
And the sf community resents outsiders trying to do their shit and simultaneously trying to deny its sf

>> No.6391182

Lel people still thinking this is a color or gender issue. Jesus. Where's the diversity if all those writers think the exact same way when it come to politics and societal norms. This is not about color or gender. There is a reason sad puppies garnered so much support. There wouldn't be so much support if it was "sad puppies upset about blacks and bitches winning" Get over yourselves and stop thinking in a little box.

>> No.6391187

>Margeret Atwood is even a woman and her sci-fi stuff doesn't get nominated.
She denies her work is sf and describes sf as "rockets and octopus headed monsters"

>> No.6391191

Stanislaw Lem
Kurt Vonnegut
Aldous Huxley
Doris Lessing
H. G. Wells

Probably others

>> No.6391201

>the writer was liberal
So that's it then. That's all the evidence we need for a conspiracy. If someone with politics you ascribe to doesn't win then its a conspiracy. That's fucking insane.

What's more likely?
1) Star Trek fans being a very large bloc of SF enjoyed a loving homage of Star Trek, and who knows maybe others liked it too?
2) The conspiracy decided it should win to help the author, and to ignore another expressly political work for reasons yet to be explained

>> No.6391204

Oh but hold on, the protagonist is BLACK

>> No.6391210

Maybe that's what people wanted to read?

>> No.6391214

Noone is saying there is a conspiracy your using that ward to simply to ignore an alternative viewpoint. I don't see a conspiracy in people with influence excluding those they don't agree with on a human level. And that what's happening. And by "fans" voting you obviously don't know how the hugos are actually awarded and how voting is casted. Toodles

>> No.6391256

No, they are. They are saying there is an agenda to promote a certain type of view

Now either you don't like that most voters share that view or you believe that there is a plot to push it.
If the former then you're a fucking child angry people disagree with you and if the latter you're paranoid

>how its voted
They use the Australian preferential vote system

>> No.6391259

If there's anyone neutral here; get the information yourself, from all kinds of sources, before you form an opinion. The amount of absolute horse shite misinformation from both sides is staggering. I feel like with this and GG 90% just picked a side and then ignored criticism and attacked strawmen whilst jerking each other off.

>> No.6391265

>Vox days publishing company castalia house has 9 nominations
Tells you all you need to knw

>> No.6391275

Now that sad puppies certainly increased the amount of people being nominated why are the hugos now in the process in trying to eliminate those authors with the viewpoints they disagree with? Those people that lost influence are now upset and want to remove this type of thing from happening when no rules were broken. Whatever the hugos and other awards have been discredited by this and I'm all for it.
>hugos ded

>> No.6391475

>increased the amount of people being nominated
>John c. Wright has 3 of the 5 novella nominations and other nominations in novelette, and short story, and related work
Muh diversity indeed
Maybe the Scientologists should organise bloc voting to ensure the Hubbard finally gets the recognition he deserves too, its only fair right?

>> No.6391710


One of many reasons that, though I find Oryx and Crake a great novel, I highly dislike the author

>> No.6391744
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>Oppressed people can't create good art
>Russia doesn't real

>> No.6391764 [SPOILER] 
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My favourite part about this is that this is now both a gamergate and a 'sabotage white culture' argument too. Seriously /lit/, well memed!

>> No.6391774

I hate tripfags. Seriously, I just can't think of any reason for one to use a trip code besides whoring attention. You might honestly just want to go back to reddit.

>> No.6391785
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>Teenagers love to ponder such massive, brain-shaking concepts, which is precisely why they devour novels like Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials, the Narnia series, the Harry Potter books, and Ender's Game. They know that big-idea novels are more likely to have an embossed foil dragon on the cover than a Booker Prize badge.

Why does this upset me so much?

>> No.6391797

>A coalition of SF/F-reading (right-wing) conservatives, libertarians and (left-wing) liberals

That is fucking beautiful, friend.

>> No.6391806

There is no coalition
There is no backlash
Its a couple of rightwing hacks who went and spoonfed the right memes and buzzwords to the GG kids and got them riled up

>> No.6391811


It upsets you because you are both pretentious and closed minded

>> No.6391812
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>> No.6391815

No I think it's because it's patronizing and implies both that those are books suitable for people over the age of 12 and that those books are "brain-shaking".

>> No.6391823
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Finally an unbiased description of what this is about.

>> No.6391826


Anybody who uses the words "white culture" unironically is a nazi and I see no reason to tolerate nazis

>> No.6391831

Perfect description.

>> No.6391838


I'm sorry you can't look past outward genre trappings and recognize the innovative ideas in much of science fiction.

>> No.6391847

Well, where's an authoritative source that I could see? First I'm hearing of this.

>> No.6391864

Right wing science fiction, unless it's explicitly world war 2 or Cold War nostalgia IN SPACE, tends towards the incredibly stupid.

The anti intellectual, anti science undertones of C.S Lewis' space trilogy show an example of this, as do the anti muslim scare propaganda novels of Tom Kratman more recently.

If you want an even worse example look up a self published series called "Save the Pearls" that's about reverse racism.

>> No.6391873

Eccept for the mania and delusional persecution complex

>> No.6391901

They have no claims of any substance, it all comes down to "I don't like it - that's a conspiracy"
They can cite nothing at all except whatever Correia or Beale have previously whined about, they're just parroting their talking points
They have no idea about SF long history of exploring sex and gender and race and identity, its a fucking joke to be shocked and outraged about an sf novel with gender fluid or whatever characters and terms when that's been happening for decades

These people are from outside SF, that's the only conclusion this all points to

SF has always had a liberal/left and libertarian tendency

>> No.6391902

Wooh a great contribution that has nothing to do with the topic at hand whatsoever. 10/10

>> No.6391929


>topic is politically motivated rightists manipulating Hugo Awards
>bring up why this is troubling and has negative implications because right wing scifi is crap
>"nothing" to do with the topic

>> No.6391932

People often say Wolfe is too literary for sf and too sf for literature

It also doesn't help that the midlist has been taken over by the licensed media novels
There probably couldn't be a gene wolfe today

>> No.6391939

Those talking points are valid. And you are upset because they are. You use the word conspiracy as a pejorative to just keep your own ego intact. You must suffer from extremely low test if you are a male. Or have an ugly meat patty between your legs. Good luck with life softy. Reality is gonna hurt.

>> No.6391942

There is libertarian sf, they even have their own award the Prometheus lol, but I'm not familiar with 'right wing sf'

>> No.6391958

1) they're not
2) if you wade into a debate and a culture that you know nothing about and all you can do is repeat someone who used some buzzwords you're familiar with, you're an idiot
>you use the word conspiracy as a pejorative to just keep your own ego intact
Da fuk?
The claim is there is a liberal "SJW" plot/agenda/conspiracy/or whatever the fuck you want to call it to manipulate the hugos
They make this claim not I
>low test
Such debased memes demonstrate you're trolling and not serious and end the discussion

>> No.6391989
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All you really need to know about the Hugo Awards is that Gene Wolfe has never won one.

I mean, what else is there to say? It's trash.

>> No.6392004

That's been explained already

>> No.6392025
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>4 time winner of the Hugo award for best fan artist
People win awards for this

>> No.6392037
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>> No.6392046

Jesus lol
Do people actually believe this? "systematic" fucking lol'd

>> No.6392063

And the explanation is that the Hugo Awards are garbage, yes.

>> No.6392257

Ive never seen your trip, but reading through this thread makes me feel nothing but revulsion for you. Rarely have I seen a trip with so little substance.

>> No.6392280

"Awards". It's the Hugos. It's not like anyone cares when they happen. The Razzies have a bigger following.

>> No.6392295

Guys which one of these AWARD WINNING SPECULATIVE FICTION STORIES should I read

>Fat Black Lesbians on Mars XVII: They Sang as They Raped

>If You Were A Dinosaur and I Wrote Puerile Horseshit, I'd Win a Hugo


>> No.6392415


Spot on imo. I love non-SF novels. They have much to teach and are often beautiful. But there's something about a well done SF book that lets you explore humanity in a different way. Plus it often influences scientific inquiry. Some one dreams of a far out concept, a kid reads the book and tries with engineering and the scientific method to see if that concept actually could work. Pretty neat.

>> No.6392502

>anyone who says anything I dislike is a nazi
Do you have the same problem with "black culture" or "asian culture"?

>> No.6392919

>The claim is there is a liberal "SJW" plot/agenda/conspiracy/

No, not liberal. SJWs are authoritarians. That's the whole point, that's the reason SadPuppies/GG are politically pluralist (on top of that, organized opposition to AtheismPlus SJWs is nearly universally left-wing).

It's not a right wing vs left wing battle, contrary to what lying ass SJWs want you to think. It is a liberal(in a European sense)/libertarian(in an American sense) versus authoritarian kind of clash.

SJWs trying to paint themselves as the only leftists on the block, the only ones who care about issues XYZ, is their chief tactic both of attack and defense. They have been doing it for years, how can you be so blind? You have been bamboozled by a tiny, fringe faction of extremist authoritarians painting themselves.

This is the same kind if split you could have witnessed during the early Cold War in US, where Stalin-apologist-dominated (and USSR-infiltrated) Commie Party of USA was waging war against actual left-wing liberals in the US, cynically painting them as reactionaries and right-wingers.

see example: claremont org /featured-article /what-becomes-a-liar-most

>> No.6392939

b-b-but russians are white!!!!

>> No.6392946
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>Mongol Hordes' litter

>> No.6392956

Your point being?

>> No.6393154

>No, not liberal. SJWs are authoritarians. That's the whole point, that's the reason SadPuppies/GG are politically pluralist (on top of that, organized opposition to AtheismPlus SJWs is nearly universally left-wing).

The architect of this Theodore Beale, aka Vox day, is a Christian dominionist. He was kicked out of the SFWA for calling an African American writer a savage who was not a member of the species Homo sapiens sapiens. He says feminists should have acid thrown in their faces. He says marital rape is not possible.
Tell me again who the authoritarian is?

>no no no pls believe my GG talking points about how we're a diverse working together in harmony against an evil tyranny
Nope, not buying it. Stop shilling.
The complaints that i have seen you dittohead stooges make time and again are that works that are nominated are too 'liberal', or that the author is 'liberal', that they have issues about race and gender, that the authors are women or minorities, etc, etc

>> No.6393161

>calling an African American writer a savage who was not a member of the species Homo sapiens sapiens. He says feminists should have acid thrown in their faces. He says marital rape is not possible.

He's only wrong on the first count.

>> No.6393203

>>The “science fiction and fantasy has become too literary” critique, for example. Is that more the case now than back in 1975, when ballots were studded with the likes of Ursula Le Guin and Isaac Asimov? Not to mention the elitist charges
If they're right I'm fine with being wrong

>> No.6393245

If a woman said that a masculinist or one of these Puppy guys deserved to have acid thrown on them you'd be howling for her blood.

>> No.6393249

>The complaints that i have seen you dittohead stooges make time and again are that works that are nominated are too 'liberal', or that the author is 'liberal', that they have issues about race and gender, that the authors are women or minorities, etc, etc
Now THIS is shilling. Not him, but do you enjoy reading "news" sources like "the gaurdian" or "the rolling stone"?
>teh ebil ggers dun like wimmin and minoreties! dey raycist an sexist!
The only complaints about the gender or sexuality of the author are from these authoritarian "leftists" or SJW's or whatever.

>> No.6393253

There'd be no because no one identifies as a masculinist.

>> No.6393258


>> No.6393262

>RPG/Tabletop community

Wait what? expand.

>> No.6393267

You get what I mean you wanker

>> No.6393290


No, I would agree with her.

>> No.6393292

No, she'd say we need to get someone else, probably a man, to throw acid in his face.

>> No.6393362
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>Basically, the Puppies are reacting to a ghost that only they can see, and only they are afraid of.

>> No.6393368

>born again Christian
Ahem, Catholic

>> No.6393386

> "news" sources like "the guardian"
It's a legitimate broadsheet, and 10 times better than any American newspaper, unless your some sort of Mail or Telegraph reader.

>> No.6393425

>the guardian
Maybe slightly better than my morning shit, yes, and that's stretching it.

>> No.6393430
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>> No.6393482

Except that in that case they just saw what was pretty obvious to any political analyst of the last century.
The part of the magazines and ads was similar to undergrads reading for the first time Adorno or Hokenmeier.

>> No.6393515

>The architect of this Theodore Beale

>He was kicked out of the SFWA for calling an African American writer a savage who was not a member of the species Homo sapiens sapiens
You are implying it was racism and not tasteless rudeness, aren't you? Non-retards realize it is more of a rorschach test - whatever "subliminal" meaning you think that insult had, it tells us more about you than Bale. It still has nothing on SJW's favourite Lesifoere.

> He says feminists should have acid thrown in their faces
False. Oh, you are googling for muh proofs already? Don't, all you will find are sourceless RationalWiki claims from the partisan SJW brigade.

> Tell me again who the authoritarian is

You are missing the point, retard. I am not talking about SJW's personal beliefs, I am talking about the attitude towards people with different opinions. Vox and his like have no problem with braindead leftard cultists writing their atrocious, laughable, unmarketable prose, SJW cultists on the other hand want to PREVENT people of different political views, other impure leftists included, from having any kind of platform. They are actively engaging in shunning, censoring, boycotting and slandering - everything to make their ideological enemies perish. SJWs are not competing on the grounds of SF/F FICTION WRITING They are competing on the grounds of POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES.

Vox and his ilk have no problem with this, they are perfectly willing to let the market forces decide. They embrace meritocracy.

> Nope, not buying it.

Feels over reals, rite toddler? I don't give a fuck about your opinions anyway. If anyone at any point in its life has been bamboozled by SJW lies, he is just too stupid for me to be taken seriously. Natural selection at work.

>> No.6393521

>The whole situation was caused by a hissy-fit. Rigging the ballot for ideological reasons is a hissy-fit.

rigging the ballot was trolling. How much asspain it inflicted makes it epic trolling. Crying this much about getting outwitted and beaten out of your own game to people who already dislike you is throwing a hissy fit.

>> No.6393524

not helping yourself, man

>> No.6393726

BBC is only British news source that isn't rubbish.

>> No.6393909

Speaking of Wolfe, here's his awards:


Kinda sweet.

Black culture in america is a spook. If anything it's anglo, anglo and pretty much anglo. (The gullahs of South Carolina and Georgia are an anomaly.)


> Black identity has become a hot item in the movies, on television, and in the schools and colleges. But few people are aware of how much of what passes as black identity today, including "black English," has its roots in the history of those whites who were called "rednecks" and "crackers" centuries ago in Britain, before they ever crossed the Atlantic and settled in the South.

>Saying "acrost" for "across" or "ax" for "ask" are today considered to be part of black English. But this way of talking was common centuries ago in those regions of Britain from which white Southerners came. They brought with them more than their own dialect. They brought a whole way of life that made antebellum white Southerners very different from white Northerners

>> No.6393926

>Point is a bunch of white nerds are throwing a hissy fit because minority writers are getting acclaim and it's fucking pathetic so they have to literally game the system in order to get their favorites recognized.

No. The real point is that people like you equivocate a meritocracy with a racist patriarchy.

Please die now.

>> No.6393928

Who's crying?

In b4 invisible sjw bogeyman

>> No.6393937

>(left-wing) liberals who have had enough of this bullshit
Cool! Who are they? :3

>> No.6393941

Nominating 3 shit novellas by some nobody is not meritocracy

>> No.6393951

If Wolfe wrote the same books, but with genderbending otherkin main characters, would he fail to have won an Hugo?

>> No.6393955

>Dr. Who is (mostly) a TV-show so you can't really compare that, imho
Created by who?

So if you post a challenge to yourself to not read any books written by gay niggers, then you shouldn't be called a homophobic stormfag, no?

See: >>6389317

>> No.6393958

>Nominating 3 shit novellas by some nobody is not meritocracy

Obviously not, which is why people are butthurt in this thread, and elsewhere.

Why should someone get an award when they can't write, just because they have a gash between their legs, or have higher concentrations of melanin in their skin?

>> No.6393959

Nope, still to dense. :P

>> No.6393973

Oh, I get it, it's funny because I was talking about something that actually happened with this puppyshit and you took it to be about an imaginary affirmative action scenario

>> No.6393983


If someone got an award for doing jack shit it is literally affirmative action.

Why do you think Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize?

>> No.6393991

didn't you know? right wingers are all about affirmative action in favor of people they like.

>> No.6393998

>right wingers

I'm not right-wing you faggot. Try harder.

>> No.6394003

Why do you assume I was talking about you and not about the whole issue?

>> No.6394015

Fuck's sake you people are retarded.

>> No.6394021

>Why do you assume I was talking about you and not about the whole issue?

Yeah, nice evasion.

>> No.6394049

>who is Samuel Beckett

>> No.6394052

>guy says something
>"That doesn't apply to me!"
>"I wasn't talking about you."
>"Yes you were!"

>> No.6394077

>Black culture in america is a spook. If anything it's anglo, anglo and pretty much anglo.
I would disagree, sure it contains input from different cultures, but hip-hop, rap, clothing, mannerism, etc is not "anglo" in the least. Furthermore the fact they're the only ones indulging in it, assuming it was anglo, still makes it the black culture of today.

But that's beside the point, I was just trying to point the hypocrisy of calling anyone "racist" for using the term "white culture". After all it can be used in the context of encompassing all white cultures and not a specific one on its own.

>> No.6394087

Please re- read the article. Does this remind you of something?

>Violence was far more common in the South — and in those parts of Britain from which Southerners came. So was illegitimacy, lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. All of this would become part of the cultural legacy of blacks, who lived for centuries in the midst of the redneck culture of the South.

>> No.6394189

Yet the "redneck culture of the south" is not as violent or flamboyant, nor do they share much traits with the blacks, sure you can draw parallels, but I can do the same with Greeks and modern Russians, doesn't mean Russians have Greek culture.

Vague resemblance does not mean equation, and like I pointed out, even if that is the case, the black culture of today is still black culture.

>> No.6394195
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whoever this boy/girl is I actually would like to fuck them

>> No.6394206

He looks like Mrs. Doubtfire.

>> No.6394249
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, 1428857271654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GRRM is a SJW
>this is his legacy

It's like poetrry

>> No.6394272

>Yet the "redneck culture of the south" is not as violent or flamboyant,
Because what we see is a defanged version of the old redneck culture. Also, familiarity breeds contempt. The white and black rednecks had everything in common. But they did everything to distance themselves from each other.

>> No.6394551


>i just want to read about pew pew spaceships!

>> No.6394554
File: 129 KB, 570x752, 570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>typing out sjw

>> No.6394656

>Last years winner was a SPACE OPERA of course that's going to get attention
Right. Because it was, like, the only soap opera that was published that year. Serious question: are you mentally retarded?

>> No.6394663

>but with genderbending otherkin main characters, would he fail to have won an Hugo?
Certainly not, he'd have 15 awards across all nominations.

>> No.6394729

Posting /pol/ shit on 4chan is one thing, but posting it on facebook is going to cause you all sorts of problems.

>> No.6394827

>Serious question: are you mentally retarded?
The core argument is "a book containing themes I don't like or written by an author I don't like has been nominated or won, this is a conspiracy"

>> No.6394867
File: 237 KB, 379x529, twave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6394873


This is so clever. How did you become so clever?

>> No.6394886
File: 154 KB, 330x327, 1251763040631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive, brain-shaking concepts
>Harry Potter

Yeah, what would Hitler be like if he had a magic wand? Brain-shaking.

>> No.6394948

You are just pissed because regular novels has dropped the ball.

Fun game: Pick any number of novels or short stories written 1750-1950. Then pick their equal counterparts written 1950-present day.

>> No.6394966

well being so much smarter than the objects of my derision, and so far removed from the subjects with which they occupy themselves, it comes quite easily, their petty squabbles and insubstantial lives need only enter my periphery and presto!

>> No.6394968

>pew pew said the battleship
>wow, that was a rough battle
>gee whiz it was
>now it's peace, what do
>we can have fun, captain
>nice, btw are you a boy or a grill
>does it matter *giggles*

>> No.6394996

>Complaining about the evolution of genre fiction as it begins to address more interesting themes
>Uncomfortable with change and revels in repetition

>> No.6395231

Shitty SJW's literature has been winning since around 2008(Scalzi vs 2312 for example).
Shitty right wing conservative authors had enough.
Meanwhile nobody cares about Hard SF

>> No.6395237

>The book Scalzi wrote that got a Hugo was a Star Trek parody/homage, Star Trek has a large fan base would of course enjoy a tribute.Last years winner was a SPACE OPERA of course that's going to get attention

Scalzis book was shit and he only won because tumblr/SJW crowd supported him
Last year "space opera" was about brave stronk womyn who need no gender.
>Also if there was a conspiracy then why didn't 2312 win?
Robinson is a leftist thinker not a SJW getting erections from retweets on twitter.

>> No.6395473


That guy is like 13 and that Facebook admin seems to take the ironic shitposting eerily seriously

That entire screenshot is like a nightmare of the worst of humanity

>> No.6395482

I like how the sad puppy or w/e's ideas about liberal dominance of the genre are theoretically identical to Gramscian Marxists' ideas about ideological hegemony