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/lit/ - Literature

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7056893 No.7056893 [Reply] [Original]

>Female writer
>An important role is given to menstruation

>> No.7056900

I'm pretty sure if I were writing about life and I experienced regularly bleeding out my vagina as a normal of life I might include it in my life. However I guess write what you know doesn't apply to women.

>> No.7056906
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>male writer
>an important role is given to phallic imagery

>> No.7056910

>female writer
Literally stopped reading there

irl and in your post

>> No.7056911
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>female writer
>muh passion to live free

>> No.7056914

that's why I use a pen name tbh

>> No.7056932


>Transgender writer
>an important role is given to feminine penis and mind menstruation

>> No.7056939


>Female writer
>hairy and fat man raped me when is was a child

>> No.7057052

so patrician

>> No.7057173

i've literally never read something that wasn't poetry where menstruation played a more than passing role if that, I can't even remember the last book I read(by a woman or not) that even referenced it

>> No.7057177

Sorry you mom didn't love you enough op. :(

>> No.7057182

>Male writer
>Muh whining about self-imposed suffering

>> No.7057512

>female comedian
>not funny

>> No.7057544

>Male writer
>Muh passion to enslave and/or bind to socially constructed fallacies.

>Reading a book aimed at other women.
Yes, some books are aimed at just women.
Men *never* do this! Right?

>> No.7057605

/lit/ posters can't read a book written by a female without fixating on gender, so when they come across a reference to menstruation, they take it as confirmation that they're reading something inherently feminine

>> No.7057620

>listening to audio course on mythology
>"hand-picked expert" is a feminist who interjects every so often about how patriarchal X myth and Y myth is
>cringes at particularly violent and dark myths
>rambles about shitty passive mother goddesses
>complains about Athena(!) because she served zeus
Spare me, cunt. I want to hear about Hercules and the Nemean lion, not your menstruation goddess. Holy shit do women get on my nerves.

>> No.7057622

>Yes, some books are aimed at just women.
>Men *never* do this! Right?
In different amounts. Women act like minorities, they always need to make everything about their womanhood rather than their personhood. Too obsessed with essentialist spooks.

Of course they also get widely rewarded for this brave behaviour.

>> No.7057625

More like men treat women like minorities, instead of realizing anything about womanhood is about humanity.

>but um nut uh wominz lol
Yeah, but you have interacted with them right? Why wouldn't you want to read something that is coming from a view of about half of humanity?

>> No.7057631

Menstruation is an event that happens on a regular basis throughout their adult lives, anonymous.

>> No.7057632

It also makes a great salsa.

>> No.7057633

This. Thank you.

So much r9k in here today.

>> No.7057636

I can only think of 3 female writers I'd actually consider reading, and I only have books for two of them.

>> No.7057664

A male writer writes a woman.

The male writer overlooks anything uncomfortable.

The male writer refuses nuance with the role gender plays.

Anything which can be construed as effeminate is sidestepped.

The only characters given nuance are the paradigms of masculinity.

Any character whose background is unpleasant to empathize with is plot fodder.

The author engages the vapid audience.

The author rejects humanity.

The author is respected.

>> No.7057666

This is too fucking real

>> No.7057672

>Why wouldn't you want to read something that is coming from a view of about half of humanity?
Because it's the less entertaining and interesting half.

>> No.7057689

underrated post

>> No.7057700
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>they always need to make everything about their womanhood rather than their personhood
this is pretty true tbh

>> No.7057702

That's fine and dandy. Just stop judging them inferior. Just write it off as stuff you don't have time for.

>> No.7057706

Why don't you think womanhood amounts to personhood?

Does manhood amount to personhood?

>> No.7057709

I guess out of the "interesting" people I meet the divide is 80/20 male/female but that could just be my own bias

>> No.7057722
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I think the point is that they're so obsessed with only one facet of their identity they ignore the rest
you notice it in trans people more

>> No.7057732 [SPOILER] 
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indeed, and if the women are feminist, they will call the menstruation RAPE

>> No.7057739

Why wouldn't I 'judge them inferior' as authors if they fail to entertain me?

It's just an aspect of it. Men tend to write more 'from themselves' rather than as representatives of the dick club, they seem to feel less need to write about 'the male condition'.

>> No.7057743

For me it's more steep than that. I can't remember the last time I felt compelled to read through a woman's Wikipedia page.

>> No.7057756

It amuses me that, in your unfailing collective stupidity, my high quality post (honestly, the most damning one in this thread) was overlooked in the span of 11 separate replies. My post completely upended the argument being made by this thread. It should have been the end of discussion, but you goons refused to read it. A pity... your loss, not mine.

>> No.7057758

You can't judge them, just try not to do it on the basis of their sex. Or start asinine threads like this.

>> No.7057760
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>Men tend to write more 'from themselves'
this is true and follows from the nature of the woman.
by her existence naturally revolving around the tragedy and the drama, we could expect that she would become an artist, a creator, but that would be missing the obvious fact that the female does not live through such excruciating lives. The woman remains poorly creative, precisely for she has an interest in art. On the contrary, the masculine angst brings some abilities, themselves leading to creativity: mostly as males who seek the feminine approval through the mundane activities as well as the comfort, the men are not interested in the drama nor the tragedy, even less when their lives are filled of events of these natures, but those few at ease with communication becomes the perfect artist, inventor or creator, which attracts, incidentally, the female. The lesser exposition towards the female of the alpha men leads those rare men naturally to a strong intellect, or for the fewest, to wisdom, foresight, in particular once equipped with equanimity.

>> No.7057778

You're no better than I. Just thought you should know. Call me classist but it's absolutely true. My views are the only ones with any oomph. You're a toothless peddler for the righteous cause. I'm a progressive with gusto.You are not necessary so long as I exist, so cease, scram, and shoo.

>> No.7057793

I don't get it, menstruation is not that disgusting. I do not eat bleeding pussy, because come on now, but I ruined many a blanket in a period bloody mess.

Less chance of pregnancy and all.

>> No.7057802
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>You CAN judge them
Horry crap. Stupid typo

Toothless. Just the word for this post.
(And why are you arguing with yourself Edgar?)

>> No.7057807

>Men tend to write more 'from themselves' rather than as representatives of the dick club, they seem to feel less need to write about 'the male condition'.
Oh no, please stop. I know this is only /lit/, but please.

>> No.7057832

really awful post my man

>> No.7057842


Is it that none of you could refute this? Did it fly over your heads?

>> No.7057853

It really was, I don't know why he even posted that dumb.

>> No.7057855

Desperate as fuck.

>> No.7057861

Everyone shits and pees everyday, yet they don't make a big deal out of it in books.

>> No.7057869

That would mean that I would have to read them all before I judge them, which would be a waste of time.

Prejudice is a useful trait, it saves time and lives and all kinds of things.

>> No.7057872

You could have just replied 'boo' and your post wouldn't have been less substantial than it is now.

>> No.7057875

men being especially disgusted by menstruation is a feminist meme
it's disgusting in the same way that pissing and shitting are and warrants the same level of discussion

>> No.7057877

I don't feel bad, the post it was in response too isn't any better or more substantial.

>> No.7057889

idk if the lining of one of your internal organs was painfully shredding itself and you were bleeding (actually giving birth to it, period cramps are actually small labours) it all out of one of your orifices you might see it more worthy of mention than pissing and shitting

>> No.7057894

You're quite something, friend.

>> No.7057895

You can judge. It was a typo. Judge as any of us judges a work of art, but don't let their sex get in the way. Take into consideration, but reevaluate. Stop being a prig, in other words.

>> No.7057905

Is this more of a feminist thing or a female thing.

>> No.7057906

The thing is that they are generally the ones who let their sex get in the way, so for me avoiding to read women is a good tactic in minimising the amount of shit I read.

>> No.7057912

It was an actual statement, yours was merely a 'no' without any reasoning but dressed up with snarky filler. Pretty feminine response, actually.

>> No.7057914

I'm not sure why you think passive-aggressively implying that I'm a woman isn't snarky filler either m8y. If you wanna suck my dick, feel free to drop by any time :^).

>> No.7057919

Refer to this post for the ultimate rebuttal to the OP's mentality.

>> No.7057920

I do see some books like this, they're pretty bad. But guess what else I see.
I see male authors letting their sex get in the way. But these books and authors are appreciated for it. Do you understand yet?

>> No.7057927

Because when men do it, the result is not a shitty book.

Do you understand yet?

>> No.7057930

Male authors don't do it anywhere to the same extent. Just like the work of white authors aren't based around their race anywhere near the same extent as minorities in the US.

>> No.7057940

Hey buffoons, yeah, your conversations aren't relevant. Edgar said all that needed to be said absolutely it this subject. It's obvious that the only reason you BUFFOONS insist on keeping the conversation going is because you're vapid poseurs who want to believe your words are worth Jack.

>> No.7057944
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>> No.7057945

Sometimes they are shitty, sometimes they aren't. Do you comprehend yet? Do you need more of it spelled out?

>Presses button to trap door

>> No.7057954

Hemingway and Joyce addressed their own gender and race, respectively. Not saying they didn't write good books because of or in spite of it, just saying that female writers can also be successful while doing that.

>> No.7057963

That's very kind of you. I would ask you to be more polite about it, but you're not wrong.

>> No.7057968

You keep out of this Edger.

There ya go.

>> No.7057976
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You sure bout that?

>> No.7057987

Does the normal feminine biology bother you? You boys need to grow up and get over your fantasy ideal of women.


>> No.7057992

>Sometimes they are shitty, sometimes they aren't. Do you comprehend yet? Do you need more of it spelled out?
Yes, but their shit to non-shit ratio makes it a more sensible investment of my time to read male authors than female authors, in the same way that going out of your way to avoid young black males in the street at night is a more sensible investment of your energy than avoiding elderly white women.

>> No.7057994

Of course it does, with your sloppy menstruation. Can't you lay a nice neat little egg like a chicken?

>> No.7058002

embarassing tbh

>> No.7058006

What I'm getting to is that when you identify as part of the "default" group, you feel much less of an impulse talk about it in your art. Joyce wasn't merely white he was Irish, and so he emphasized Irish identity. Hemingway came from a very socially conservative (racist) background, so race was a bigger deal for him than the average white dude at the time.

>> No.7058010

Stop pretending to be a woman. You are a man.

>> No.7058011

dude this has got to stop

>> No.7058017

Don't help.

>but their shit to non-shit ratio m–
This is where your opinion comes in. Lets put it to the test.
Your opinion is shit. This is my opinion. The end.

>> No.7058022

He probably is, but the post is fine. Equality over idealization.

>> No.7058023

Males like to build things, fight things, and fuck things.

Females like to ... feel things and complain? Menstruate?

>> No.7058028

See the post above you: taking a crap is also a normal part of human biology, but that doesn't mean it can't be unpleasant to read about.

>> No.7058029

Of course, the disenfranchised are more likely to write about disenfranchisement, and they're more likely to want to read about it. If you're part of the default group, just consider yourself lucky and move on.

>> No.7058035

The issue is that people (including some in this thread) recognize it until it's pointed out by someone else in a disparaging way. Then they basically try to argue it happens just as much with the default group.

>> No.7058039


The only way a woman can acquire any true knowledge is by drinking a man's sperm, it's no surprise then that man-hating feminists can't write absolutely anything worthwhile

>> No.7058047

My opinion came in a long time ago. Of course this is mere opinion, what else would it be?

>> No.7058048

>manlet poster
>still raging against that which they don't understand

>> No.7058051

So you're unhappy with the fact that shit-flinging occurs on the internet? Sounds like an uphill battle, friend.

>> No.7058053

It's not shit-flinging it's irrational intellectual dishonesty.

>> No.7058060

Honest question, but which books even mention menstruation? The only one I can think of is Anne Frank's diary.
Maybe the feminists were right and I should read more books written by women.

>> No.7058064

The horror!

>> No.7058099

>The male writer refuses nuance with the role gender plays.

By making the females more feminine and not talking about periods?

fucking idiot

>> No.7058551
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>female writer
>moral is that one can be completely happy without men

just makes me sad is all

>> No.7058554

they don't need you

>> No.7058555

The witcher series had a funny part about menstruation.

>> No.7058568

It's cause women love delusions.

I know womwn who will glorify nonsense just so they can freely use it to justify their lifestyle, even if it's absolutely redundant.

Lying is their passion.

>> No.7058576

who are these gorge-on gorgons?

>> No.7058581

The works of white authors are absolutely based in whiteness, it's just that white experiences get to be 'universal.'

>> No.7058582

like what?

>> No.7058599
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I really, really hope the feminuts push this gender war to its conclusion and we males collectively wake up.

We will smash the cunt menace. Utterly destroy it.

Rivers of menstruation will run in the streets.

They will be sorry they declared war on the warrior engineer sex! AHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.7058601


No, what white experiences get to be is normal. This is because whites have, or at one point had, their own culture which they identified with and celebrated, whereas blacks were forced by violence to participate in that culture and then to integrate with it, leaving them without ground or culture that they could call their own. Black culture is abnormal precisely because they are blacks who practice it. Their literary output also therefore seems to whites to be about blackness to an alarming degree, because the sense of abnormality that blacks experience about the twisted form of culture that their race possesses is very strong and I dare say the dominant issue of all forms of black thought, not merely their literature. When a literary black does something, he can never be confident of its rightness the way that the character Elizabeth Bennett, for example, could be confident of the rightness of marrying Darcy. And this is the condition to which whites and white literature are also increasingly being brought.

>> No.7058604

Insecure woman

>> No.7058607
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>he fell for the gender spook

>> No.7058627

Blacks are the turds of the human species, they have achieved NOTHING unlike ANY other race, they have no civilization (hurr durr egypt was black, hurr durr slightly more civilized spear throwing savages are comparable to actual civilizations).

They should have been wiped out like native americans, even more so. Unlike them native americans actually had some sort of culture and order, and south americans had actual civilizations.

>> No.7058639

That's bullshit.

>> No.7058644

>equality with women
please dude

>> No.7058647

They have their good points. For example, I think they're better middle management/administrators than males.

They're better and maintaining and nurturing things, especially institutions.

>> No.7058651
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yeah, lol

>> No.7058657


I don't believe this though. Egyptians weren't black but there were subsaharan civilizations, albeit of pretty primitive character. Mali is a bad example because they were Islamic, but the kingdoms of Zimbabwe and the Zulu do constitute native African civilizations whether you like it or not. It's black experience in white civilization that is necessarily abnormal, distorted, and ridden with anomie.

>> No.7058671

you don't get it, anon. men will never kill all women, we need them to be happy, or at least each generation anew will think so—just look on r9k or any other place online, or in the wider world. women, on the other hand, can do fine without us, and rarely let up an opportunity to remind us of that; they're proud of wanting nothing, of relying on nothing, of being a self-sufficient system, a closed loop, a box of inward facing mirrors. this awakening happened recently; it's almost done

we can't see where she's going; we can't know it. this is because she goes alone, utterly alone, and free

cold comfort for one contorted in the dark

>> No.7058677

I blame the hot weather. It's impossible to think when it's that hot. Just like games run slower in the summer.

>> No.7058679


This is precisely why I don't think Mali is a good example, it's exactly the same phenomenon of blacks assimilating not-particularly-well to an external culture. Compare that shit with the Blue Mosque and it's difficult to be impressed.

>> No.7058685


Just get laid already, you humongous pussy.

>> No.7058693
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I always thought this was the more impressive piece of African religious architecture.

>> No.7058699
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Males built and invented everything. We also operated and maintained every industry WITHOUT WOMEN until we started letting them work.

I see you've been thoroughly brainwashed by feminist dogma.

The simple truth is this: women are incompetent. They can't collaborate, and they don't do anything essential.

Schopenhauer had them pegged: they're children, and feminism amounts to empty and pathetic boasting.

Every exclusively female institution collapses. They are incapable of collaborating and operating independently.

It's true that males have a psychological dependence on women, but that can be satisfied with technology. Look at Japan--half of the youth there is so obsessed with their male-created anime and male-made visual novels that they have LOST INTEREST IN SEX.

That's right, we males can produce entertainment for ourselves superior to sex. We can out women women.

As soon as we have artificial wombs and virtual relationships, it's over for them. Their sole essential function is reproduction, and we will seize it for ourselves, as Prometheus stole fire from the Gods!

>> No.7058709

Black civilizations were far more primitive than any other area

Blacks are unique to other races in their utter inferiority

>> No.7058710

>female writer
>it ain't me starts playing

>> No.7058713


>As soon as we have artificial wombs and virtual relationships, it's over for them.

But we don't, though.

>> No.7058718
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Soon... you will join her in paradise. A paradise of the machine. A paradise free of constraints!


>> No.7058724
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>> No.7058725

>We can out women women.
that's pretty gay; you're pretty stupid. nippon sterility isn't because of animé, artificial wombs will never B real, least not in your lifetime, nor will their arrival trigger some schism, most people don't save pheonix wright reaction images you fucking weeb and consequently they like and are liked by the opposite sex, even just to be around.

honestly, though, we both live in different worlds, made out of different materials. communication is impossible; you're a cat, i'm a dog

>> No.7058726
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Yes, we, bitches. Live by the collectivism, die by the collectivism.

The Male tribe will awaken, and crush all others to dust.


>> No.7058729


>> No.7058732

I'd rather not join your gay little collectivist club, thanks.

>> No.7058737


>> No.7058739

> Look at Japan--half of the youth there is so obsessed with their male-created anime and male-made visual novels that they have LOST INTEREST IN SEX.

They would wish they had a gf like the anime girls, it's just that the girls are shit or the guys are incompetent

>> No.7058747
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>book/film has a strong brave woman
>she inevitably ends up with a powerful, borderline sadistic man, showing that all a woman wants to do in life is to submit

the way of life tbh fam. that's why it's impossible to take feminists seriously

>> No.7058749
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Total immersion sex simulations will be available within 30 years.

>> No.7058751

>Implying you'll ever have more significance than a fly to "your" collective.
Keep deluding yourself, faggot.

>> No.7058756
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What feminism does for women, masculism will do for males. Males will achieve reproductive liberation and dispense with our need for the female parasite entirely.

>> No.7058758

Why do girls type like retards?

>> No.7058766

why the fuck are women so disgusting? why did god make them like that?

imagine if you bled out of your cock all the time. look at a hot girl's dirty underwear sometimes, it's fucking disgusting beyond belief.

>> No.7058768

You can keep your retarded labels and your insecurity for yourself. What other people achieve has nothing to do with you, you're entitled to no credit. Nobody needs your homosexualism.

>> No.7058772
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Silence, cunt! The male revolution cannot be stopped.

We will RULE the pathetic female race. We will grind you beneath our heels!

>> No.7058775

I'm a male, you pathetic faggot.

>> No.7058776

wanna touch dicks then? :3

>> No.7058778

Tell that to your mom, kiddo.

Getting read to go to school next week?

>> No.7058789

i'm a guy

>> No.7058792

But only to strengthen our comradery
>no homo

>> No.7058797

you're pretty effeminate

>> No.7058836

at least i'm not gay

>> No.7058846
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>> No.7058852

Ethiopians are Afro-Asiatics m8. They're closer to Arabs, Berbers, and Jews than Bantu.

>> No.7058870

I can't imagine being so stupid as to think that "female author" is a genre and tells you anything about the content or quality of a piece of work. People posting things like that all the time in any thread semi-related to women as though they're declaring anything but their own illiteracy is baffling. [Then I remember where I am.]

>> No.7058873

For you

>> No.7058874
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hello john green

>> No.7058883

>to socially constructed fallacies.
Just can't complete a sentence without some prime tipping huh?

>> No.7058896

all of you creeps- please seriously consider killing yourselves

You guys aren't even trying to veil that all this comes from a. never talking to women b. women never wanting to talk to you/you being unlovable and frustrated c. a complete ignorance of history, what words mean, literature, women, men

Stop pretending that you read.
What are the last 5 books you read? Give us some of that fine Male Art.

What are 5 books by mainstream/known female authors that have more than a few sentences about menstruation that aren't about vampires or entering puberty?

>> No.7058902
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Oh wait! I thought of an example of a book that heavily features menstruation that has come out very recently!

>> No.7058908

You seem cranky. Are you on your period?

>> No.7058922

he he he

How much debt are you in for that degree?

>> No.7058931

I don't mind. It's just that males tend to ignore "by female, for female" media, and females tend to COMPLAIN about "by male, for male" media.

I don't care that the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants exists, but the Bitch Armada is constantly complaining about male fantasy books.

I'm also pretty incensed about male heroic mythology just being surrendered as a giant buffet for females to make light of.

The Hero is a male archetype. If a woman goes off into the wilderness, bears smell her menstruation and devour her. There are physical limitations.

That's why we had separate words for hero and heroine. Males can do things females can't, and can think things females can't.

But, whatever.

>> No.7058962

Anyone read Toni Morrison?

>> No.7059003

Women have been the main audience for fiction literally since novels became something most people could buy...men may think they're just writing for men, but the market has never been majority men. I don't give a shit about your little genre wank I'm not reading, but even the most "male" authors like Hemingway, Bukowski, and Tucker Maxx for a low brow inclusion have huge if not majority women who are fans.

>That's why we had separate words for hero and heroine. Males can do things females can't, and can think things females can't.

But, whatever.

Oh wait I'm responding to some cry baby child, keep clinging on to your fantasies that because you're male you aren't weak, stupid, illogical, unlikable, and powerless as you are here and undoubtably are in person. Sorry you don't have anything else to base your worth on.

>> No.7059010

>>muh passion to live free
>Paid for by the government of course
>Also people should like me and i should get social boons from them regardless of their desires and opinions
>Because I want it

>> No.7059013

gimme those lists

>> No.7059055

I've only read Ted Hughes' Ovid for weeks now. Most of that time I'm rubbing the head of my penis with a picture of Sylvia Plath, while drinking a mixture of poppy tea and vodka out of a swirly straw.

>> No.7059081
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>male writer
>male main character adores a woman
>would do anything for her

>female writer
>female main character loves a man
>the man doesn't care about her
>realizes she's a strong woman who need no man

>> No.7059084
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>woman doesn't care about man
>man realizes he's a weak man who desperately needs a woman

>> No.7059100
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>> No.7059139

Heningway's hyper-masculinity was a coping mechanism for dealing with the shattered reality of post-war Europe and something of a defense nechanism by allegory to his traumatic childhood.
It wasn't OH GOSH BEING A MAN IS SO HARD, even when his characters were explicitly injured due to their involvement in stereotypically 'masculine' activities (A Way You'll Never Be, The Sun Also Rises, Snows of Mount Kilimanjaro, Big Two-Hearted River, The Old Man and the Sea)

>> No.7059222

This is a popcorn worthy thread. It does not matter what side anyones on their getting triggered equally as hard. All girls are ignorant cunts and all men are insecure faggots

>> No.7059234

check mine bruh

>> No.7059242
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>You guys aren't even trying to veil that all this comes from a. never talking to women b. women never wanting to talk to you/you being unlovable and frustrated

>> No.7059252
File: 193 KB, 640x400, Takyon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's true
>tfw even your own mother only loves you because you're a continuation of her genes

>> No.7059257

don't bother most people on /lit/ don't have any female friends

>> No.7059262

I love women mate, just not when they get all uppity. More like the rivers of lily, child-sore nipples and home cooked meals with run through the streets.

Do you even romance faggot

>> No.7059272


>> No.7059276

You're holes too pretty boy, one less doesn't make you less of a little bitch.

>> No.7059290

hey mira

>> No.7059307

lmao tru tbh trips confirm

>> No.7059323

I had heard before that this board contained some of the most intelligent users or, at least, the less number of uneducated ones... yet there are at least four threads bashing women in one way or another right in the front page.

It's fucking 2015.

>> No.7059347

>artificial wombs will never be real
We've literally already cloned animals. Genetics is the hard part, finding a sack to put the embryo in is ezpz.

>> No.7059359

I swear just yesterday I was surprised that /lit/ wasn't being as stupid as usual...guess all the little hs and college lads were busy with homework.
75% of lit are people who don't read and just post in dumb ass threads like this without providing anything to back up their unhinged little theories.

>> No.7059366

>It's fucking 2015.
There's an expiration date on bashing women? Really? Wow, who knew.

>> No.7059369

Damn... I thought it was some other year, thanks for showing me the error of my ways

>> No.7059386
File: 381 KB, 260x317, 1422466322165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet again, this is the toptier irony and playful banter of those who have supposedly read the greatest of American literature.

>> No.7059389

>It's fucking 2015
yeah nice one bruh hahahah like i didn't already KNOW that haha!

>> No.7059391

>he watches nichijou but he doesn't like fun

>> No.7059400

I love fun, nigga. I truly do. But this irony meme of bashing women, despite effective at trolling, is ceasing to be funny or witty or ironic.

Go onto /mu/ and read the threads they have on Lauren Mayberry. They used to fawn over her music, until she started bringing gender politics into her public sphere. And despite their claims that their aimless misogynistic banter is just that, it has clearly metamorphosed into something else.

>> No.7059429

bashing clams is more relevant than ever tbh

>> No.7059448

>You guys aren't even trying to veil that all this comes from a. never talking to women
Well I talk to myself plenty when I'm working or frustrated, so I guess that counts.

Here's the thing, as a woman I still think women's fiction is often (not always) focused on shit no one but emotional teenagers and women with the mind of emotional teenagers care about. I use a pen name for the few stories I have published to distance myself from that, not because I'm worried guys won't read it but I just don't want to be associated with it.

>> No.7059456

/mu/ here. We were never talking about the mvsic. The threads were always about Lavren solely. (I was there when Chvrches were starting to be a thing; not so much as of lately, though.)

>> No.7059476

/mu/ is so embarrassing...

>> No.7059483
File: 22 KB, 400x400, Wa3GOLKa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a qt tho

>> No.7059506

She's fine, I meant how everyone on /mu/ posts like they're one group/ are desperate to get media attention or even just from third tier reviewers and how every thread is the same memes repeated over and over again...I'm mostly just mad every time I check for a Joanna thread to see if anything else has come out about the new album it's a bunch of antisemitic /pol/ shitposting about her husband with no good posts.

>> No.7059533


>Its fucking 2015

Oh fuck off you cuntlipped mincing ponce. I'm sick of folk telling me what year it is as though it means buggery.

>> No.7059654
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>> No.7059704


>> No.7059722

shut up bitch go back to your romance novels