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/lit/ - Literature

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7099462 No.7099462 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your only arguments are memes
>tfw you've sunk to a level where you tried to debate a professor on theology in class using the words "reddit" and "fedora"

Today I called a girl a retarded entry level pleb to her face when she asked if I wanted to go see something at the movie theaters. What the fuck is happening to me? Is this from being on /lit/ too long?

>> No.7099472

these posts are the best on 4chan hands down

>> No.7099481

no you're autistic

>> No.7099485

I'm not shitposting, I'm genuinely wondering

>> No.7099490

>first day of college
>everyone is asked to say their name and talk a little bit about themselves
>introduce myself as intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

Fuck /lit/

>> No.7099491

I wasn't shitposting either.
Greentexts about taking the board culture out into the real world are literally one of the funniest things I've ever read.

>> No.7099499
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>tfw you talk about all of the depressing thoughts in your head enthusiastically while smiling and laughing at your self and people think you're kidding hilarious and have a good sense of humor but you just wish you didn't exist tbh

>> No.7099501 [DELETED] 

OP is a fucking boss, god damn

>> No.7099504
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>tfw I say tbh in my head after every thought I have
My life is a living hell tbh (to be honest)

>> No.7099509

>First day of class
>teacher goes around the class and tells them to introduce themselves and say their favourite movie
>people say "My favourite movie is [insert pleb film here] because they're afraid of looking like pseuds"
>It gets to me
>Put on a snobby voice and tell them my favorite FILM is Eraserhead

No one even laughed. I hate myself.

>> No.7099512

>Fuck reddit*

>> No.7099513


>> No.7099515

>girl asked you to the movies

>> No.7099520

this, REEEE tbh

>> No.7099530

Nah. I was tested and I am not officially "on" the spectrum. My doctor told me I was very insecure and defensive, though

>> No.7099534

No, she asked me in a friendly way. I think there was gonna be another person there. Not romantic.

Eraserhead is a movie, not a film.

>> No.7099548

>people talking about oscars at school
>they bring up birdman
>lunge into conversation yelling "A DECENT FLICK, BUT A MEDIOCRE FILM"

>> No.7099563

>Is this from being on /lit/ too long?
Nah, the root of your problem is being immature and highly impressionable.

>> No.7099630


OP you're most likely just a young bitter teenager looking for an excuse to be a contrarian, you'll grow out of it

>> No.7100163


>What the fuck is happening to me?


>> No.7100178

This is probably a byproduct of subvocalizing. You instinctively internalize anything you read to a much higher degree than non-subvocalizers.

You should stop subvocalizing.

>> No.7100612


I never take the chans into life, it's my guilty pleasure to have that secret.

Someone meets me and he has absolutely no idea how memed my memes are.

>> No.7100614

I've been saying 'tbh' in real life for weeks now and every time I do it I noticeably wince.

>> No.7100619

>see some hipster looking guy on the train
>he's reading infinite jest
>tell him to 'start with the greeks'
>he stares blankly

>> No.7100623

I quite liked birdman on a technical level but content-wise it was very mediocre.

>> No.7100628

>be me
>drinking at a party
>a grill is there and we talk books
>she even likes me
>she says she likes Coelho
>I explain why it is awful shit
>she leaves
>my friends watch in disbelief
>I actually knew that if I wanted to make out I'd have left it out
>I just can't stand the book
>I knowingly defended my patricianhood
>This is why I'm still a kissless virgin
>but at least I'm not a pleb

>> No.7100634

>implying that most people can have sex and still be a Patrician

To be a Patrician you must find knowledge more appealing than sex, but for most of us, we aren't gifted with that privilege so we must abstain from the action to keep on our journey.

>> No.7100644

But at some point I'd think it'd still be ...useful, in some human extent, to know a woman.

>> No.7100654

I did this once criticising Maya Angelou, but I'm not a KV, so I don't know, in your situation I wouldn't have.

>> No.7100662

I was quite drunk, almost a litre of wine.
Sober I would have probably tried to score.
I didn't even read Coelho

>> No.7101937

Underrated post

>> No.7101956

that's called being an asshole. it's not that uncommon

>> No.7101974

I get pretentious when people gush over children's movies (Hayao, Pixar etc). Waiting for the resurgence in adults reading picture books--Oh wait, comics exist.

>> No.7103419

>>I knowingly defended my patricianhood
no, you are just completely insecure and you were afraid of being intimate with the girl so you choose to cowardly bolster your ego and prevent the encounter.

You are as plebby and beta as they come tbh

>> No.7103540


>> No.7103549

Subvocalizing is good for reading in-depth, though.

>> No.7103568

Don't writers subvocalize while they write?

>> No.7103762

I hope you understand these are fake...

>> No.7103781

>week one of a creative writing class, we have to introduce ourselves and say what influences us
>most people say Stephen King, Chuck Pahlanuik or some YA garbage
>I say the writers that have had the most influence on me are probably DH Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield and Ernest Hemingway
>one girl rolls her eyes and sighs loudly at the mention of hemingway
>I say 'what's the problem?'
>she says 'oh it's just funny the only white male in the class is the only one who likes hemingway'
>bitch please Lawrence was a faggot and Mansfield was a female faggot, don't give me this bullshit i can like hemingway if i want

>> No.7103801
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Subvocalizing is how you realize, internally, the meter and rhythm of a text, as well as potential tonal nuances, to say nothing of responding to the text yourself, conversing with it. You've essentially trained yourself to juice text for surface meaning, discarding the nutritious pulp. It's the ultimate dilettante practice, which speaks to a deeper deficiency, the view of reading as a sort of prestige collecting, rather than as an experience that changes you ans is to be savored. That, or you actually dislike literary fiction and are forcing yourself through it. Probably both. You should really go back to reading genre fiction. You'll be happier.

>> No.7103816

is that brendan frasier? he looks so old, holy shit

>> No.7103851

Jesus H. Christ do you all have Aspergers?

>> No.7103864


I don't want to believe stories like this but i'm happy i don't go to college with the other faggots like the one you mentioned, sorry for ur loss, some real subhumans they let in nowadays.

>> No.7103866
File: 343 KB, 1218x1600, Hitler-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give her the Hitler eyes and tell her flatly "white male blood built the civilization you're living in, cunt."

>> No.7105768
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1070, ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7105802

yes, entirely.

You are an idiot who has assimilated into a society of idiots how have circled jerked themselves into a state where they think their idiotic replies hold some weight.

Do not worry that you upset these people or made a fool of yourself, they are probably concerned for your health

>> No.7105837

Have I become /lit/ or has /lit/ become me?

>> No.7105848

it's "learned Aspergers," kind of like how everybody has SAD nowadays--i.e., we are damaged from too much time in isolation, but that sounds pathetic, so please just refer to us as aspies.

>> No.7105856

*tips fedora*

>> No.7105910

this OP, don't let anyone ever fucking know

>> No.7105916

>Lawrence was a faggot

>> No.7105925

I've been using 'meme' as a verb for about a month now. Other people I spend time with are doing it too now.

>> No.7105934


>> No.7105941

ayy lmao

>> No.7105950

pro wrestling is fake too, but it's entertaining as fuck

>> No.7105956

she's right. hemmingway is white boy faggot shit.

>> No.7105971

Do you say to be honest or tee-bee-h

>> No.7105978


>> No.7105982

Tee b h just has a ring to it tbh

>> No.7105997

>only white male in the class

I'm having trouble picturing this

>> No.7106029


>tee bee h
>not tee bee aech

>> No.7106057

>using 'know' to mean have sex with
are you 500 years old

>> No.7106061

>she asked me in a friendly way


>> No.7106100

same and english isn't even my native language, tbf

>> No.7106108

Literally what else could even be causing it you fucking faggot

>> No.7106140
File: 59 KB, 331x319, 4chan laughing face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tbh (to be honest)

>> No.7106157

tfw you can't ironically greentext irl

>> No.7106237

As in ridiculing someone by paraphrasing him? You can do that by mimicking them in a exaggeration of their voice, though you'll look childish in a serious discussion.

>> No.7106249

This tbh.

>> No.7106261

That's actually not as bad as the rest of the rest of the stuff in this thread, groups of friends usually have in-jokes and a bit of distinctive lingo and such. Though I can't say you wouldn't make me cringe.

>> No.7106296

No its not.

>> No.7106325


>> No.7106338

That's not horror fault. Millennials are fucking horrible at detecting sarcasm due to texting their whole adolescence. Not even being fedora, texting had no tone or emotion since you don't have room for it