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File: 94 KB, 300x275, EricCartman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7252224 No.7252224 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the Cartman of literature?

>> No.7252226

Gore Vidal

>> No.7252228

John Greene

>> No.7252233


>> No.7252378

In that he 'does what he wants,' yeah.

Whether it's any good or not is your call.


>> No.7252394
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Judge Holden

>> No.7253384

Rush Limbaugh

The fuck are you smoking?

>> No.7253464



>> No.7253491

It's without a doubt Sir John Falstaff.

>> No.7253492

You have a skewed idea of Stirner.

>> No.7253600
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>> No.7253608

Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.7253632

this tbh
edgelord who is occasionally amusing

>> No.7253636
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>> No.7254686

what the fuck are you smoking? go read vidal and tell me that is not some shit cartman came up with.

>> No.7254906
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Thomas Pynoch

>> No.7255007


>> No.7255008

Can you not tell the difference between Trump and Sanders either?

I have read Vidal and I have watched some South Park.
Cartman is a fat racist right winger. Which is why I say Limbaugh. He's put out books

>> No.7255017

Cartman has an ambiguous sexuality which he tries to reverse by divorcing acts from sexuality; he frequently dresses as a female to commit crimes in an alter ego; his other alter egos are tyrannical social manipulators of a higher order than Limbaugh; you don't deserve Vidal or South Park.

>> No.7255029



>> No.7255047

Granted I haven't watched the show in some time. They seem to be making him into a sort of J. Edgar Hoover.
I can't think of a cartoon equivalent to Vidal atm.

>you don't deserve Vidal or South Park.

>> No.7255055

Yeah, all the names you're dropping are talkshow tier. Not worthy.

>> No.7255072

You're not making yourself very clear.
Are you trying to elevate your cartoon character as a bigger than life character, and you agree that he's nothing like Vidal, who has been on talk shows?

Adolf Hitler/j. Edgar Hoover. My final offer.

>> No.7255077


Titus Andronicus

Kenny is Hamlet

>> No.7255099

I'm saying the similarities between the two as character creators and as characters are immense. I don't think you have any depth of understanding which would lead you to a right answer for a reason. You're not familiar with the character the thread is about, and are butthurt he could be compared to someone you like because he's liberal, despite them sharing many of the same traits and plot lines. Your depth of thinking is >>>/pol/ tier and your judgement of Cartman as being like Rush Limbaugh more than any other author is just demonstrating your ignorance of the wealth of other literary types he could be compared to: specifically Gore Vidal's. You're retarded enough you don't know how retarded you're being. No deal.

>> No.7255224

An author I don't personally like.

>> No.7255823


He hates jews, and he fucks off whenever he wants.

>> No.7255965

What about Hamsun? Or Walt Disney?

>> No.7256018

>writes a book about a starving artist
>fat bastard
Hamsun's defense of his Nazism isn't even like Cartman, everyone is willing to believe Cartman hates Jews and isn't innocuous.
>Walt Disney
>Cartman of literature

>> No.7256037

Honestly Cartman really reminds me of Odysseus.
>abrasive, cruel, selfish, well-spoken, cunning

>> No.7256052

Walt Disney was a joke, my point being that he supported the Nazis

>> No.7256054
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The Disaster Artist

>> No.7256056

And you could think of no writers who did? m8

>> No.7256129

Hamsun didn't hold any explicit hatred against the jews. Some of what he says in letters suggests that he thought it would be for the best if they got their own country to live in, away from us, but at the same time he also says they're here, and we should accept it, and we might even be better off for it. He also had close friends who were jewish.

He was complicated, to say the least. His support for Germany probably also stemmed from the fact that he absolutely loathed England, and held Germany in a much higher regard culturally.

>> No.7256269

No...I don't read about writers, so unless they wrote a pro-nazi book i would have no way of knowing

>> No.7256277

I am not sure if I believe it, most Norwegians are awful, it is in their soul,

>> No.7256359

there are entire movements which were fascist writers (mussolini's friends and speech writers), even mosley would be closer to cartman than walt disney. the imagist support of fascism is why a lot of people still don't like erza pound, and many other writers came out in support of hitler at the time, which still ignores all the openly antisemetic authors and characters from every other time period. you might as well say the buddha because lol they're both fat.

>> No.7256813
File: 29 KB, 500x377, Brett Holmes - go away now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm saying the similarities between the two as character creators and as characters are immense
Disingenuous. You're telling me Parker and Stone have turned Cartman from a racist power mad cross-dresser to an eloquent if curmudgeonly anti-imperialist?
I highly doubt you're doing anything but sparing with me.

>> No.7256882

You probably need to sit down and watch the series then. You also need to read Myra Breckinridge and, stop thinking characters are as one dimensional as you are, especially if you're going to read or watch satires.

>> No.7256893

Not even close.

>> No.7256899
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Without a doubt. Only the plebs argue otherwise.

>> No.7256905

Cartman would not ruin his own plans for his personal gain in order to release a novel about a homosexual relationship, he will literally convince himself that the book he wrote is bad and unworthy of his time in order to achieve personal gain

>> No.7256906

Harold Bloom.

>> No.7256912

You haven't seen the one where he releases a picture of him in a class presentation sucking Butters' dick in order to convince everyone he isn't gay

>> No.7256923

his selfishness supersedes any possibility of him committing an act of sincerity or authenticity, his only sincerity id towards his personal gain, hes incapable of doing such a thing
He started the crack baby basketball association

>> No.7256926

Cartman isn't really jolly and lovable

>> No.7256930

I don't know how you thought that refuted my point about him being pretty like both Vidal's stories and Vidal's own attitude to sexuality. It did tell me a lot about how you judge people in general, which is poorly and with a sense of entitlement unmerited by your expertise.

>> No.7256995


>> No.7257058
File: 72 KB, 920x537, gore-vidal-best-of-enemies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying Parker and Stone have turned Cartman from a racist, power mad, cross-dressing, Hannibal Lecter rip, in to an eloquent, if curmudgeonly, anti-imperialist.
No. You stop short of this.

This isn't helping your case.
You're assuming Myra Breckinridge was semi-autobiographical probably.

This seems to be the only South Park episode you're familiar with.

>> No.7257160

>he can't see the religious parallels between the time child episodes and Julian
>he doesn't recognise cartman's epistolary style in the confederacy episode or other parallels to ibid.
>he can't see the parallels between cartman's repeated split personalities and alternate reality episodes and the Myra/Myron duology (the episode where clyde frog dies/the future selves episode/the end of the time child conflict/the episode where his personality split into good and evil/the freak strike episode)

>This isn't helping your case.
>>7256912 is a direct refutation of >>7256905

You however have provided no understanding besides the crack baby episode and you think "Of course we needed a Jew" is not a line Gore Vidal would write. Sounds like you couldn't understand a cartoon let alone Vidal.

>> No.7257197

are you talking about the Shampoo?

>> No.7257201
File: 59 KB, 573x720, atheist-quotes-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7257209

stunning antithesis