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/lit/ - Literature

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7271516 No.7271516 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone else on /lit/ who isn't very intelligent?

Serious question.

>> No.7271535

They chased away the last really intelligent person to frequent here.

>> No.7271540

Me. I am not very intelligent. I wonder if that's a side effect of having browsed 4chan for so long.

>> No.7271650

I'm pretty sure I'm not very intelligent. There are people who tell me I am intelligent, which leads me to believe they're even worse off.
I get pretty sad about that sometimes.

>> No.7271663

I used to be intelligent, until I spent 2 years smoking weed and hanging out with dumb conspiracy theorists.

Feels like I'll never get my mojo back. I've developed so many bad habits. Filled my head with so many stupid ideas.

and I don't have any intelligent people in my life that would force me to raise the bar and pull it back together. This site certainly isn't helping.

>> No.7271681

I see my perceived intelligence level on three tier systems: Academic, Cultural, and Family.

In comparison to the academic crowd, I'm not that smart.

In comparison to western culture at large, albeit one under a huge sweeping blanket statement, I'd consider myself competent.

In comparison to my family, I'm pretty smart. But that says less about me, and more about their sheer levels of idiocy.

>> No.7271687
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>> No.7271691

I'm not. I'm pretty unintelligent. I wish I were dead sometimes.

>> No.7271717

In all honesty, there's no way in hell I'd be able to call myself intelligent with any conviction. I lurk this fucking site for hours daily, and haven't ever done anything significant with my life.

>> No.7271728
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>kids think they know everything
How trite.

>> No.7271736

I have a clinically-tested genius level verbal IQ but I'm a bit shy and not very well spoken (weird, I know, but there's a reason for that) so most people in real life assume I'm stupid. This has given me great insight.

>> No.7271743

Into what?

>> No.7271749

Intelligent people do that, too. Half of the Wittgensteins killed themselves.

>> No.7271755

Intelligence is a spook.

>> No.7271757

Into how people work.

>> No.7271765

Share some of it, brotendo.

>> No.7271771

Being smarter than the average person isn't particularly hard. It certainly doesn't make you intelligent. Remember the average person doesn't read, didn't go to University, and doesn't have any vocational interests outside of watching television. I would hope with the amount of time I have spent in education, and the amount of free time I spend reading that I would be marginally more intelligent than the average person.

Still, I'm not very intelligent. I have a lot of interest in literature but apparently lack "common sense".

>> No.7271791

Someone truly intelligent doesn't need someone else to tell them what to think, so reading a lot doesn't automatically mean you're smart.
Your interpretation and understanding of what you've read might give others some indication of your intelligence however.

>> No.7271813

Right, intelligence is usually inborn but needs to be cultivated. There's a difference between knowledge and intelligence. I'd wager that most people on this board have at least a smidgen more intellectual curiosity than most though.

>> No.7271819

Nope it's just you.

>> No.7271945


I don't really think this is true, I don't see why it's so commonly accepted that intelligence is purely inborn... I find that the more I "practice" intelligence (i.e., pursue cerebral interests like maths, debating, reading and programming), the more honed and aware my general thought gets, while my brain kind of starts switching off if I go into long periods of mindless entertainment.

It all depends on your own definition of intelligence of course, but I have a feeling there's more to it than an inborn ability to solve IQ tests. It's a lot more about attention I think, and being able to control your awareness. At the least I think this a more useful definition than that of inborn IQ

>> No.7271951

i'm a huge moron but i have no problem grasping 'difficult' theoretical concepts

>> No.7271958

I think the idea here is that your potential intelligence is inborn but how smart you actually get relies heavily on the life you lead. At least that's what seems to be the case in my experience.

>> No.7271972

I took an IQ test as a teenager and got a Mensa qualifying IQ, but now I feel as though it was a fluke.

>> No.7272000

i consider myself pretty dumb,although i heard people saying i am pretty smart for my age.

>> No.7272015
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>All these people ITT trying to win the humility wars
>on 4chan
How many times do I have to read the "I think I'm pretty dumb but people tell me I'm smart. :D" post, bros?

>> No.7272019

Well, some people might genuinely believe they are not above average intelligence. I mean, there's lots of those.

>> No.7272036


IQ tests place me a hair above average, I think they might be accurate

>> No.7272040

What "hair" are we talking about here?
If it's less than 120 it might as well be 100.

>> No.7272045

I am dumb. I find it hard to concentrate and I struggle to complete basic tasks.

>> No.7272051

115 iq puts you at top ~16% of the population if the SD is 15.

120 is top 10%

>> No.7272056


Something like 127 I think, don't remember exactly

>> No.7272061

What about 138?

>> No.7272064


ehh I thought the average upper limit was 120, maybe I scored 117? I don't really remember, I remember that it was something like 5 points above the upper limit of average

>> No.7272065

top ~0.5% of the population

>> No.7272070

Time to intelligently apply for mensa and intelligently add another intelligent expenditure to my intelligent life.

>> No.7272084

I'm dumber than a towel.

>> No.7272090

Towels are useful.

Never underestimate a towel.

>> No.7272095

I'm pretty sure I'm an idiot. I can pretend to be intelligent to idiots though.

>> No.7272098

Everyone can. That's why they're idiots.

>> No.7272160

I'm a goddam dysfunctional towel. I can't even soak up water.

>> No.7272165

If they were very intelligent they wouldn't be here
Most people here are above average at best

>> No.7272171

Most probably me.

>> No.7272176

My state of my personal affairs would strongly suggest that I'm not intelligent, but I still secretly believe that I am... which is maybe the final proof that I'm not.

>> No.7272178
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I'm not.
I've been doing very bad in college, considering to drop out since I'm already older than the average student. I also graduated late of higschool (20 y/o). Never had a job. Still living with my parents. Everyone in my family except my parents remind me every day that I'm a retard (I tried to ignore them because it still hurts me).

>> No.7272190

>dropping out of school because of age
Now THAT's stupid.
Prove your wrong, you retard.

>> No.7272192

Your family* rather.

>> No.7272198

I only finished High School.

>> No.7272226

I wouldn't say I'm incredibly intelligent. I'm pretty clever though, and I can charm people.

>> No.7272234

Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.7272343

I'd say the majority of us, myself included.

Clinically and in innumeration, I am supposed to be. I took an IQ test as twelve intended for adults and scored 139.

How I scored that, I don't know. I DID understand it, but I don't know HOW I understood it.

In brief, I think I suffer from some sort of reverse-autism, but I do not have Williams syndrome as I lack the calcium levels.

Scared as hell that it was dumb luck, I haven't took one again, and this alone I see as a sign of ineptitude. I shouldn't be worried about numerical scores, but I am.

I'm "gifted" in the liberal arts and "classics" and other things that don't really matter.

I suffer from disgraphia and math anxiety which have haunted me most of my life. I had a reputation as the "smart kid" in high school, and people thought my denial of it was just modesty. The minute they gave me a math problem to do, I died a little inside and admitted I couldn't do it, to which point I was just called lazy.

Truth is, I really couldn't. I can't even do division to this day. Geometry, Chemistry, and most Physics just make me break down crying in frustration.
Strangely I am OK at Trig, Calc, and things relating to "number theory."

On a related note, I'm so stupid I can't play a single instrument because I can't wrap my head around sheet music, but I excelled in a course on music theory and I am a bit of an audiophile.

I have self taught myself several simple woodwind melodies, but that leads me to believe I am even more retarded.

Self taught tricks tend to be barely more than improvision.

Speaking of which, I'm also rather impaired in instruction following. I can rarely see through convolution.
If someone gives me sloppy instructions, I have almost no faculties for "de-bullshitting" it. And I see this as a sign of being an academically banal person, and it harmed my education slightly.

Other reasons for me being a royal poshlost is because I have a tendency to be cynical.

Cynicism is an intellectual crutch, through and through. Similar, I have a vulgar mouth, and I find swearing to be another compensation.

I often contemplate killing myself, and I've heard and read studies that suggest suicidal thoughts stem from the more primal and retarded stock in humanity, so there's that.

On the bright side I fit all the stereotypes of a k genetic person, which I enjoy the thought of not being an R selection. Genetically I am still a shit hole. My father was a redneck, and my mother a rape baby.
Any sign of firing neurons coming from me was because of my own bookworm status and my forceful injection into the academic strata by pushing myself to learn more and more.

I'm also religious and it is a marker of "lesser individuals."

I am fully capable of thinking for myself however, and most of my political, philosophical. moral, and theological conclusions, while mirroring others, were obtained through my own processes.

Maybe I just have an inferiority complex.

idk tbh fam

>> No.7272345

kill yourself, you narcissistic freak.

you're living the life of a marty sue in 3D, but none of it is real.


>nihilism = intelligent trait

this meme should die, it is degenerate in all forms.

>> No.7272412

Not me. I'm brilliant! :)

>> No.7272420

I hear it often, but I consider myself stupid as fuck. Being the king of idiots doesn't make you intelligent, people

>> No.7272425

I am I wasn't before but I don't care anymore

>> No.7272426

>I don't care
Yeah, I see that...

>> No.7272461
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Whom? A tripfriend?

>> No.7272467

ah, these memes are dank.

>> No.7272469

I've been smoking weed for 5 years and I think it's killed my memory and attention span. I think I still have my intelligence, it's just more difficult to access it.

>> No.7272495

I have brain damage, so I'm pretty dumb now ahah. I still like interesting ideas but whenever I think too hard on them I realise i'm just too stupid now to really go beyond the basics. Fuck I can't even remember 90 percent of what I read.

>> No.7272498

Among actual smart people I bet I'd look pretty dumb. I can't do math, I have wide interests from science to philosophy to art, but only understand any of them on a superficial level. There are a few things that I'm genuinely knowledgable about on a fairly deep level, but I'd hesitate to call them intellectual pursuits. Overall my inadequacy and curiosity drive me to learn more, so that's good.

And still I can claim to be way above average because at least my whole life isn't watching The Voice after a long day at my sales job.

>> No.7272502


Please post more, about how you think, and how you feel it is different to a normie. as an actual autistic I am so jealous of you. Please don't say the liberal arts are useless, it is people like you who have the social status.

>> No.7272545



ayy lmao

>> No.7272547

Just stop you shitposting faggot.

>> No.7272567

I'm smart but I pretend to be way smarter than I am.

>> No.7272573

Honestly I feel like I present myself as dumber than I actually am. I don't even know why.

>> No.7272581

Intelligent relative to?

>> No.7272586

If you have to ask then you probably aren't.

>> No.7272589

that's a relief

>> No.7272594

Well, first off, I think that normie is a state of mind more than anything.

A "normie" is someone content with both contention itself and being sedimentary. While I have a healthy love of order and sensibility, the average Joe is fine with everything being stemmed to wired framework of a world. They're content with dichotomies and euclidian shapes and social norms of strata.

I'm not going to call myself patrician, as I am not more patrician than I am legitimately intelligent, but the anti-pleb, the artisan or the illusionist so to put it, is someone who has an organized approach to creating chaos and the article of upheaval.

While we talk in terms like pleb and pat in roman terms, it wasn't actually either that did most of the great works. The patricians are the same dullards that are celebutantes and politicians today, often because of birth, and the plebs are the wide eyed mouth breathers who manage to unconsciously fall in to the sway of rockstar like charisma.

It was the working class hero who didn't do the working class jobs that made the difference, the man who could look above him, below him, AND to the side of him, creating his own impetus for kismet.

Or so I'd like to think.

That's one of the things (besides my religion) that keeps me from killing myself. I am not content being "slightly above average" but I AM ambitious to always be "consistently average or better." I want to be the jagged line that indicates an increase in the world's heartbeat, even if for a second, not the "skip of the beat" that most people aspire to be.

Shape norms, not break norms.

Well, honestly, I'd LIKE to break norms and I'd LIKE to leave a gap in the world when I die, but I don't see that being realistic.

Which brings me back to the liberal arts.

I was wrong to say they were useless, really. But they are of no utility to the world at a large. The song "World at Large" by Modest Mouse ironically sums up what arts really are.

They're what I can do, and I will do, or at least would do, maybe even enjoy doing. But I WANT to be the man who cures cancer, I WANT to be the man who prevents starvation, I WANT to be the next household name, etc etc.

But I simply realistically can't because of my lacking qualities.

But it won't stop me from adapting my will and ambitions.

It's one of the few reasons that I am not a Randian objectivist and voluntyrism nut. I do not possess the "virtuous greed" or the "lust for embetterment."

But I do enjoy the act of fucking shit up with what I DO have, and may have.

It honestly depends on how he was asking, in his defense. Maybe he was wondering if there was a standard to measure by at all, instead of what/which/whose standard.

>> No.7272600
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>> No.7272604


err, regarding liberal arts again, Walt Whitman kinda summed it up when he said so many cities claim Homer as some sort of symbolic paradigm, when in reality he begged on their streets. That's what it is like to be stuck between intelligent/patrician and mundanity/plebian.

...Though I guess how successful he was is subjective.

>> No.7272610

The only thing I know, is that I know nothing.

And I'm really dumb.

>> No.7272616
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>> No.7272624


>> No.7272628

>there are people who went to high school with 4chan man
Where did moot even go to HS?

>> No.7272672

Nathan Bedford Forrest High

>> No.7272676

"Exceeding expectations"

>> No.7272682

I don't even read and I'm smarter than everyone on this board
I'm the king of dialectic and rationality tbh

>> No.7272686

you're also my favorite type of humorous dilettante.

>> No.7272689

Nice samefag.

>> No.7272691

I wish, for your sake.

>> No.7272698

I could beat you in any argument and probably put you in a headlock too

>> No.7272700

What the fuck are you doing? This is an imageboard. Not reddit.

>> No.7272717
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I dunno. As the guy who is both >>7272594
and >>7272343's semi-self-centered diatribes, I'd like to say that bullheadedness is my only true area of expertise and intelligence, and I do lift bro.

checked. But still, I have nothing wrong with being nice every fourth friday or so.

>> No.7272742

Me. I can well and truly do very little math. I get confused by simple directions and tasks.

I swear to god the only thing I'm actually good at is thinking and writing and even then, I'm mediocre at best.

>> No.7272744

gotta be 140 for mensa


>> No.7272750


>> No.7272753

>scared of iq tests
>royal poshlost

is this a copypasta?

>> No.7272756

I am not dropping school, at least in the immediate future. It's just that is not extremely easy walking around the hallways knowing that many of my classmates now have teaching positions in the university. It's going to be shameful at every step of the way.

>> No.7272760

You forgot the line spacing.

>> No.7272763

and if you quit you'll be ashamed for the rest of your life.

>> No.7272767

Shit you serious?

I'm only two points on my last tests from entering. Maybe I should really try.


I wish, but I'm really that pathetic. And yes, the line spacing is a bad habit when you're on mobile. I have a heavy finger for indentation, apparently.

Still stand by all of it too.

I have the opposite of all syndromes of autism, I have enough of an ego to be proud of the 138 I scored at age twelve and would hate for it to be lower when I got older, and I am fucking petty, pathetic, and banal person sometimes.

>> No.7272778

Daily reminder online IQ tests score 10 to 20 points higher to appease the masses.

Go to mensa or shut up.

>> No.7272790
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The IQ test is actually to not pay for an IQ test to get a paid membership to the "smart club" in the first place.

>> No.7272791

I do very very poorly on IQ tests. I have never scored above a 100. On LSAT I couldnt break 160, and I am terrible at general problem solving and math.

But I do have a very very good memory, and huge knowledge base. Some people have told me I am the smartest person they know, but I am really just a filing cabinet with poor analytic abilities.

>> No.7272797

Same here, really, except I am alright at testing.

>> No.7272801

I have an intelligent mind however I failed all my GCSE's and A Levels apart from a select few, like Philosophy and basic maths and english

>> No.7272808

Normies tend to mistake a diverse knowledge base for general intelligence.
It doesn't even really have to be diverse to be honest. Throw some basic science facts out now and again and demonstrate a superficial interest in anything even remotely related to science and they will assume you're smart.

>> No.7272829

They also score below.
Online IQ tests differ on +/- 15points.

>> No.7272838

There's something very banal and sad about this post.

>> No.7272840

Reminds me about the time I saw a friend on facebook bragging about their score of 100.

>> No.7272843

Maybe it is the lack of


and lewd

over usage

of line spacing?

>> No.7272847

Some of us got tested by our schools or by child psychologists because we're maladjusted. Mensa and Nigerian scammers don't have a lock on IQ testing.

>> No.7272852


Relax you're probably just naturally stupid

>> No.7272855

I've shut out reality/depressed myself into idiocy

I used to be quite smart and perceptive, now I am bordering on retarded.

Can't imagine things, can barely navigate world, make elementary spelling mistakes unless very careful, can't concentrate.

Feels like all my avenues of thought have been stifled out of fear/anxiety like all perceptions have to penetrate some frosted glass in my head which they rarely do and if they do, they come out distorted.

Any one know this feel?

>> No.7272857

I sound smart (tested verbal iq of 145).

>> No.7272859

There're lots of them. You can tell because they think having books as your hobby requires you to not read books but pretend you have. It's comparable to someone who says "I love woodwork, I'm better at it than you" and then goes on to tell you French polishing is racist. More of them by the day, and mods think they're accurate judges of literature because they are the majority on this board. We're letting the hipsters have views on books they haven't read, while they try to shout down anyone who hurts their feelings by having reading books as a genuine hobby. Think about that for a moment, and then realize that we look dumber than teen yahoo forums about books to any one with a genuine interest in literature, and some of us want to be the "smartest" person in the group of retards we have become which favors not having read books as "smarter".

>> No.7272867

You should probably have yourself checked out.
That seems like more than just a psychological issue.

>> No.7272873

Yeah I've been going through the same thing for a very long time.

>> No.7272881

I once scored 160 on an IQ test. But at the time I had a very painful sinus inflammation and was thus completely fucked up on painkillers while taking the test. I have zero recollection of the test itselft. So I dunno.

>> No.7272884


should have a baby that is entirely normal and average and still abuses line indents.

>> No.7272885

sounds like you have clinical depression, get yourself some SSRIs prescribed my man

in before "fake happiness" (it's not really happiness it's more like motivation) and in before "society used to work fine without that stuff" (no argument there but it clearly doesn't now)

>> No.7272886

I'm pretty smart, got 2 master degrees in 1 year.

Compared to my environment I often feel dumb though. Sometimes I try to convince myself I'm dumber than average, but then I take the subway and see all the plebs with shitty jobs and no education

>> No.7272893

There is nothing to brag, but there isn't anything wrong with it either.
/sci and /lit/ are so self-absorved that the majority think an IQ lower than 125-130 is reason enought to be depressed and feel stupid.
More than often the high IQ is just another reason for people to feel 'special' and have a (sort of) personal and unique identity.

>> No.7272897

I agree, but the thing that irked me is that they were bragging about their ONLINE TEST SCORES, which are obviously deflated/inflated.

People think their IQ can define them. Which is why I refuse to join Mensa, and give a sideways glance to everyone that does.

>> No.7272907

This thread is dumb

This will be the most intelligent thing most of you will read in a while

>> No.7272909

When I was 10 I was tested professionally for IQ among other things. I scored in the mid 180s on the first test and in the 160s when they retested me. I only found out this information a few months ago; I had always thought my IQ was around ~140. The value of "raw" intelligence is vastly overrated by our society. Hard work and discipline are much more important. If you have an iron will you can do anything. All of my ambitions and goals--academic, linguistic, and creative--rely much more heavily on hard work than on innate ability. I consider intelligence to be an unimportant factor.

>> No.7272911

ok faggots, there's six of these, lets see if you get them since we've all got high IQs, here's the first one:

>1. Jack is looking at Anne, but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married, but George is not. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?

>A) Yes
>B) No
>C) Cannot be determined

>> No.7272912

It's possibly the least intelligent post in the entire thread ironically.

>> No.7272916


>> No.7272944


>> No.7272947

We'll find out when I kidnap George and ask him if he ever made eyes at Jack.

>> No.7272952

Yeah you OP.

>> No.7272953

Through cognitive dissonance, yes.

>> No.7273050 [SPOILER] 
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Thank you for giving everyone a pat on the back

>> No.7273054


>> No.7273063


I think that 'innate interest' is a better term than 'innate skill.'

>> No.7273066

I'm sure Jack and George look at each other when they fuck.

>> No.7273075

Yeah, enough with the false modesty. Who else here is told they're smart and knows they're smart?

>> No.7273082
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smh tbh

>> No.7273168

Are you going to be a faggot about this or are you posting the answer soon? Know what? I'll be the bigger faggot and go with B. If Jack is married and is assumed to be eyeing up someone else, wouldn't it follow that Anne too - being married - would also be assumed to be eyeing someone else as well? George isn't married, so in this context, wouldn't be eyeing anyone.


>> No.7273998

Honestly sounds like you're of fair intelligence and are just hard on yourself and have some anxiety issues.

You can be smart and be bad at math and such it depends on what grabs you really.

>> No.7274002

Jesus Christ thank you, I thought I was the only one who was sick of this shit on /lit/.

>> No.7274006

nope, that honor belongs to you friendo

well done!

>> No.7274011

i didnt ask for your life story sperg, lol

>> No.7274013

I am very IQ: IQ means nothing. But it doesn't mean nothing nothing.

>> No.7274019

Word, being intelligent seems like shit. I have panic anxiety and it's apparently a trait of "intelligence" fuck that, I'd rather be a complete moron then.

>> No.7274023

everyone on /lit/ isn't very intelligent.

>> No.7274024

I'm the smartest person on /lit/.

>> No.7274026


>> No.7274027

I feel like I have the smarts, but I don't have the smarts to actually use them.

>> No.7274032

I have an IQ of 250 but I'm such a dumbass pls validate me xddDDD

>> No.7274035

Surely no intelligent person would take an online IQ test and use that as their IQ level?

>> No.7274041

I dunno m8, people take the MENSA test when it bumps your IQ up a standard deviation on Stanford-Binet, it could just be people who want the ego boost are the main market for these things after their use declaring people legally retarded.

>> No.7274062

I am the useless kind of intelligent — as with most "literary" people

>> No.7274096

Most people here are fucking retarded and barely educated.

If you think otherwise, ask yourself questions about your own culture and intelligence.

>> No.7274113
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>> No.7274148

Who was judging this? What tests were taken? Seems like complete BS.

>> No.7274165

I do care about what I post though

>> No.7274183

Dunno how else to break it to you, but you meme'd, hon.

>> No.7274198

...Where /co/ landed, lower than /v/ and /tv/. Yeah that's bullshit.

>> No.7274206

I'm barely literate, to be honest; I don't know how I've managed to survive this long.

>> No.7274210

...yeh, that's the most obvious way to figure out it's bullshit

>> No.7274214

>this obvious shooped troll picture still gets reposted

>> No.7274216

/co/ is the 'Comics & Cartoons' board. What did you expect?

>> No.7274227

I'm typically absurdly humble in RL, so I'll bite.

I was valedictorian in high school, graduated summa cum laude in college with an Honors diploma plus a minor, somehow in four years thanks to 18-21 credit semester.

For weaknesses in my intelligence... I like to think my intelligence mostly lies in creative thinking and recognizing patterns and connections in general. I can interpret what I read pretty easily, but I fail at long-term memorization. Also, my vocabulary sounds impressive to your average Joe typically, especially when I write, but I suck at decent verbiage when I lecture or in conversation. Again my memory just doesn't retain a lot of stuff in the longterm and that makes me feel like I'm not nearly as smart as I used to think I was. In any case, natural intelligence doesn't mean shit if you don't apply it somewhere.

>> No.7274233

It's shopped?!!!

>> No.7274236

I frequent there, and we have some pretty in-depth conversations bro. Heck a lot of us are /co/ and /lit/ because we just read a variety of stuff.

>> No.7274240

And what does it mean when applied

>> No.7274257

Like with any talent, you need to use it. You can be a smart fucker and just sit on 4chan all day and do nothing else. I'm not about to make a tier list of what is "valuable" or "useless" in terms of applying your intelligence, but I spent years teaching Gifted students who were lazy as hell at times but were cocky about how much more clever they were than the general populace. That sort of pride over something you're born with but don't make use of pisses me off.

>> No.7274264

I don't consider myself intelligent no. Well-read maybe, but not intelligent.

It really depends on how you define intelligence, because I suck at IQ tests and math for example.

>> No.7274288

But they do use it, they use it to be cocky i.e. feel powerful i.e. what everyone wants

>> No.7274398


>> No.7274409

Ah, I didn't know that. I probably shouldn't judge things prematurely.

>> No.7274434

Being smart!=knowing errythang

>> No.7274681

I'm not very smart, but I work hard.
I score above average, beating most others in a STEM field at a good university because I spend 12-14 hours a day studying and learning.

.... The smart people barely study or don't study and get top marks, but I still know more then them (because I learn fucking everything).

I'm actively compensating for my shortfalls to some success. We'll see how this translates to real life however.

>> No.7274695
File: 11 KB, 228x221, yellow_kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non stem faggots think they're remotely "smart"


enjoy interpreting Shakespeare while making my coffee, fuccbois

>> No.7274774

Yes, this is the whole basis for my claim to sub-intelligence. It is really the only true marker of cultural and global intelligence.
I didn't give my life story, friend-o. I gave the reasons I am retarded.
Maybe. If I ever manage to be productive, you'll be the first to know.

>> No.7275128

What a supremely clever retort! You got me.

>> No.7275139

Nanny state.

>> No.7275140

Probably very well. Unless you wear yourself out.

>> No.7275144

The post was meant to be facetious.

>> No.7275178

Newfags, pls

>> No.7275216


It's a different world now brah. Ain't gotta beg just live cheapy. Still get mad social connectionz and status and pussy from your flexible artistic brain.

Maybe I just overvalue these things because i'm autistic, but the ability to connect, make friends, be valued by people, seems to be the biggest determinant of happiness. If your social group eschews money, then being academic-neet is fine

>> No.7275223


Also have you ever thought you've got schziophrenia, as you talk a lot like my really smart schziophrenic friend kek

>> No.7275225

>Maybe I just overvalue these things because i'm autistic
You do.
The main factor to being happy is being able to recognize and let go of the shit that doesn't matter, which today is most things.

>> No.7275260

>scored in the 160s on an IQ test
>suicidally depressed for ten years
>have literally done nothing with my life
>new drug comes out, take it
>suddenly cured
I'm at a loss what to do now. I feel like I've been in a coma for ten years, while having a really vivid nightmare.

>> No.7275300

>>new drug comes out, take it
>>suddenly cured
What's the name of the drug.

>> No.7275305

>Welcome to the online world where everyone is a genius with a 10" cock.
>I'm not a failure I'm smart but lazy.

>> No.7275340


>> No.7275359

Only antidepressant I've ever had that felt as though it had an effect.
I've been on it for a year and a half. I've started going back to college and I've dropped nearly a hundred pounds. My social anxiety has nearly disappeared. I've quit drinking. I've read more books in the past year than I have in the previous five. I have no idea how I used to live the way I did.

Part of me is just waiting for the stuff to quit working, but so far it's been amazing.

If you feel depressed, I strongly urge you to never quit looking for a solution. It was a complete fluke that I began taking the drug and I never expected it to have a real effect.
I was literally waiting until my brother graduated college to kill myself, I didn't want to be the cause of messing up his life more than I felt I had to.
I had three months left and was counting the days.

>> No.7275364

>Boast that you have a genius level IQ
>immediately commit spelling error
It's brintellix

>> No.7275372

Why didn't you become a scientist instead so you could cure your depression by experiencing the joy of science?

>> No.7275396

dunno if u understand how being smart works

or anything rly



(i'm not whoever you're talking to so don't pin my shitpost on them, but also yr bad)

>> No.7275398

>/g/ that high on the list

I frequent /g/ and they should probably be yellow at best.

>> No.7275401

Says the guy coming on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.7275466
File: 126 KB, 550x413, SimplerTimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was a gifted child who regressed towards the mean. As of now I'm only one deviation and some change above the norm.

I feel like I have a unique experience as I know what it's like to be both gifted and normie. I was also never diagnosed with any spectrum disorders, albeit I was introverted but that must not be confused with the spergs; I had no trouble communicating, I just preferred solitude.

There's very specific differences in my cognitive processes. I remember being 8-15 and very talented with structures in general, i.e. at ease in developing more efficient ways to design systems; whether geographical or structural. This ability obviously transferred into being very precocious in maths, more specifically geometry. Also, short term memory. Practically endless thought processes could be strung together to form thought webs developing propositions and drawing conclusions. The endless thought and inquiry sort of made me bitter and existentially depressed from age 10-14. That's where I really fell off.

I know that's vague, but any more details sound ridiculously braggadocious and more autistic than needed.

Now I'm just kind of..eh. It just sucks to know what might have been is lost. I'm not sure if I regressed because of genes or environment; maybe both.

I'm getting my degree in philosophy and currently scoring fairly well on early LSAT testings, so while all is not lost I'm still disappointed in myself. I've always had a narcissistic existential yearning to be remembered as someone important. But I'm okay with a life of philandering and booze.

pic unrelated

>> No.7275689

he's gone? did he left any departure notice?

>> No.7276111

>tie into a rope
>escape prison
Thsnks towel kun

>> No.7276140


>so while all is not lost I'm still disappointed in myself. I've always had a narcissistic existential yearning to be remembered as someone important. But I'm okay with a life of philandering and booze.

Diogenes > Alexander

>> No.7276149

I'm dumb as shit but I read constantly.

I don't know why but I feel like I'm getting even dumber. My Goodreads is getting more and more pretentious to try to balance it out but I don't think it's working.

>> No.7276160

but he is remembered as someone important

>> No.7276205

Thanks for the encouragement anon, but living the /lit/ life isn't really my dream. There have generally been four tiers of liberal arts workers. The Intelligentsia, what /lit/ wants to be, who creates the thoughts and debates the points that tier two, the Academia, teaches to the students who then can, if they are above average, advance the Academia themselves, or work on their own outside of the Intelligentsia tier. That's the Cognoscenti. Lastly there are just skrubs who get a useless degree and end up working minimum wage jobs for the rest of their life.

There are always exceptions of course, and those are the celebrity philosophers who are pretty much a successful member of the Academia who happens to roll a D20.

Nah man. I wish I did, in the most narcissistic way, as it would at least help people relate with me. I am really just a normie with slight inferiority complexities.

Never heard voices or suffered from delusions of grandeur, or paranoia.

I know right? Someone on /lit/ without delusions of grandeur. I really don't belong here.

>> No.7276344

Here we go again.
>What is intelligence?
>What is stupidity?
Why does it even matter. I'm out.

>> No.7276374

>that self defeating post
Why did you even make it then?

>> No.7276379

As long as you are honest with yourself, there is no reason to be sad

>> No.7276488

well, they forced me to do it in the hospital, so in theory i was paid to do it.

>> No.7276510


Is that really important to you? Seems like the most futile example of vanity.

>> No.7276522

Yeah, you really inherit a range of possible IQs. Environment shapes the rest.
The thing is, though, the rage can be pretty wide. Inheritance may ensure that you'll be of above average intelligence, but environment will determine whether it's, say, 115 or 125. And so on. Someone born with the potential for average IQ could become above-average through training, though they'll never become a 160 IQ genius. Though they will be able to get scores of 160 on IQ tests if they practice enough, which is just one among the many, many things that suggest that IQ maybe isn't the end-all-be-all of psychometry.

>> No.7276819

All of us, fam. 4chan is just not that smart. I bet /lit/ is one of the smarter boards, but it's like being the big fish in a little pond.

>> No.7276839

Not a single fucking correct answer.
Confirmed board is full of dumbshits.

>> No.7276849

This chart is absolute bullshit

>> No.7276887

A, obviously. If Anne is married, she's looking at an unmarried person. If she's isn't married, she's being looked at by Jack, who is married.

>> No.7277016

Wow, someone gives the correct answer after I mention all of the other answers are wrong. Bravo.

>> No.7277042

smart people avoid meta threads about what it feels to be a dumb 4channer.

>> No.7277083

No, tripfriends are not the only retards on this board. In fact, though many may consider them egocentric, they also coincide to be the quality-posters.

>> No.7277096
File: 152 KB, 338x362, Imagen 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfriends and avatarfags are trash.

>> No.7277102
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Similar problem. Budget cuts means you have to let one of your two assistants, Anne or Jack go.

So do you lay Anne or Jack off?

>> No.7277121

I'm going to second this statement.

>> No.7277149

I started browsing /lit/ in jan 2014 and it has gotten noticeably dumber.

>> No.7277365

A, Anne must be married in order for this teaser to not be fallacious.

>> No.7277396

She was a 40+ year old woman.
There was a whole long thread about it.

>> No.7277399

It's C, retard. There is not enough evidence to know whether other people exist or whether we even exist as 'people' mongoloid

>> No.7277406

About she leaving the board?
I hope it's in the archive.

I miss butters...

>> No.7277483


>> No.7277545

What did you major in?

What do you do now?

>> No.7277764

This. Compared to Academics, professors and composers I'm not particularly knowledgable in anything. Compared to the rest if the world and society I am king of patricians.

>> No.7277777

He's not saying he's perfect in every field. Just that the populace's empathy to intellectual pursuits leaves him looking smart in comparison.

>> No.7277784


>> No.7277798


What was that thing some smart muddafugga once said about shoulders and giants?

Reading a lot will make you smarter unless you put absolutely no effort whatsoever into comprehension. It'll broaden your horizons, give you new perspectives on the world and enhance your ability to synthesize new knowledge.

>> No.7277812

fuck those are some fine quints. really appreciate the lietmotif/foreshadowing in the first integer of the series. the 2 kept me at the edge of my seat

>> No.7277816

The intelligent sense of humour guy is quoting a sarcastic meme that mocks fedora tippers. (I've seen it on here before.)

>> No.7277828

You sound like a fedora tipping loser. On a different note, I'm good at playing an instrument with sheet music but I Pavoratti while singing.

>> No.7277834

I don't understand what intelligence is.

>> No.7277858

I'm similar. I can be a trolling moron or somewhat intelligent depending in the mood I'm in.

>> No.7277865

Actually, if you have to ask you probably are in this case.

>> No.7277866

Sometimes I think so. If intelligence is measured by grades, then apart from in Politics and Economics, I'm really no good. Not even in History it appears. I have an excellent grasp of the context but when I need to analyse hypotheticals, I fall down. I can analyse evidence, examples and explain significance, but apart from that, not anything special. If intelligence is thinking for yourself, then yes, politcally at least. I have a figurehead as a source of my political beliefs, but I still adapt and since encountering him, I tend to distance myself more and more. But then again, that is my sole interest almost, that's just the natural development I suppose. I'm horrible at anything STEM. Just don't even get me started.


>> No.7277895

Kek. Same here. People at my school thought I was an elitist for liking Gilbert and Sullivan and Leonard Bernstein. They're great but not what an elitist would listen to.

>> No.7277909

He didn't mention his wicked sense of humour.

>> No.7277952


>> No.7277971

The answer is C but it would be A if the question determined how they were positioned. If they were in a straight line it would be A.

>> No.7277995
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I sometimes hold myself in high esteem for having off the wall ideas/thoughts but I am probably really fucking stupid

>> No.7278011


>> No.7278034

Now I feel dumb for not realizing that.

>> No.7278137

A. If Anne is Married, she's looking at George (Unmarried)

If Anne is Unmarried, she is looked at by Jack (Married).

So we don't need to know if she's married or unmarried, either way a Married person is looking at an Unmarried person

>> No.7278173

i would never call myself intelligent in the way that most do here. im just average, i know a lot of stuff about a few subjects. most people here would be the same, but claim they are smarter because they can answer a few jeopardy questions correctly.

and whats with people professing their opinions for every fucking subject? my bros boyfriend does this and it gets fucking annoying. we dont need a critique on why you enjoy instant ramen

>> No.7278183

never considered myself that intelligent. still doesn't stop me from enjoying books like Ulysses and Gravity's rainbow

>> No.7278189

I quite often have people seem impressed by how intelligent I am. As in, they'll break the flow of the conversation to tell me I'm smart. That said, I'm pretty certain I'm actually retarded and nobody has figured it out yet.

>> No.7278489

Me too man, mee too. It's a struggle that takes no effort.

>> No.7278545

> >>>/therapy/

>> No.7278590

Above average yet still not genius-level IQ here. Anyone else with me?

>relying on drugs to "cure" you of your problems

Jack, to boost office morale.

>> No.7278881

any side effects? from what i've heard from other people who have been on antidepressants, they experience stuff like feeling like a zombie, feeling less creative and less spontaneous.

absolutely none of that kind of stuff?

>> No.7278907

I'd say I'm more creative than intelligent, but that doesn't mean I'm a creative genius, like Kanye.

>> No.7278984

Is this a shitpost?

>> No.7279117

My point was that I may be more creative than intelligent, but that doesn't make me good at being creative, just more creative than intelligent.

The Kanye part was just a joke.

>> No.7279814

if you guys are so smart, then why aren't you rich?

>> No.7279821

we don't apply ourselves

>> No.7279825

literally lazy

>> No.7279829
File: 5 KB, 160x172, 1443994713205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dumb, smelly, bigoted and deserve to get shot in the mouth tbh

>> No.7279837

My dad is. He gave me an allowance and both he and my mother have given me pretty much limitless freedom to do what I want.
I realize in hindsight that while I could have used the time more "productively", I never really developed the ambition to get money as I always had some for whatever I needed and most of what I wanted.
I'm great at managing money though, and I have become very psychologically independent so I could pretty much live on the street and still be happy at this point.

>> No.7279844


fuck you, give me money, etc

>> No.7279854

rich might be a bit of an exaggeration. Well off would be a better term.

>> No.7279896

This was me. My memory is coming back, albeit slowly. I regret the weed man, I miss my memory.

>> No.7279940

I'm in the top 1% for intelligence but I have attention span and focus issues which hinder me a lot. I'm the guy who is constantly starting new things but never finishes any of them. I simply lose my interest and with it, my focus.

>> No.7279951

Wikipedia is good for that.
Keeps you engaged and trailing down paths of knowledge gathering you otherwise probably wouldn't have.
ofcourse this doesn't really benefit you unless you remember what you're reading about but if you do then it will build a considerable knowledge base from which to derive some understanding as time goes on.

>> No.7279957

Reefer does not hurt your memory you are not understanding whats going on here

>> No.7279960

can i sleep on your floor

>> No.7279961

If we think spelling correctly makes you smart then computers are smarter than all of us right?

>> No.7279962

what's really going on here then? enlighten us.

>> No.7279963
File: 167 KB, 800x816, 1385422131138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called a doobee, homeslice.

>> No.7279964

I've got no problem reading, I can do that hours and hours, especially if I have a deep interesti in the subject matter, my problem is producing something. I start something, do it for a while, get a better idea or notice the faults in the project, move on, repeat and repeat.

>> No.7279968

>get a better idea
Write it down. Put a pin in it.
>notice the faults in the project
Fix or find some way to circumvent them.
From what you're saying, your problem doesn't seem to be attention span, rather that you're fickle.
The point about writing things down might help you stay focused on one thing at a time.

>> No.7279970

Please enlighten me anon. It was my impression and that of varying scientific journals that reefer negatively affects working memory, and subsequently intelligence.

>> No.7279974

You probably could but i won't let you.

>> No.7279991

pls m8, like I said I'm really high up the IQ quotient, the problem is more deep rooted than that, when I lose interest in something the quality of my work goes down to shit, it's utter and final, your tip is like telling a severely depressed person "don't worry be happy what's the problem?"

Any way I'm resolved to solving this shit, I just need to find the right vision, right project, right purpose.

>> No.7279992

try writing stories that are as short as your attention span

flash fiction or whatever length works for you.

>> No.7279999

No it isn't.
You are literally giving up. Have you even tried tabling your ideas by writing them down just to see if you can maintain focus on what you're currently doing?

It was a tip. Not a guaranteed solution.

>> No.7280002

>enlighten me
That is a big one I don't think I know how to do that but I can shed some light on the cannabis issue at hand. Please show me to these scientific journals that are the root of this belief? Without seeing these and their methodologies I don't think we can get to the bottom of this one.

>> No.7280021

Does anyone really take IQ seriously?

>> No.7280028

I am intelligent in some areas, and not intelligent in some areas

>> No.7280031

Never mind, I've been mislead by /sci/, time to start thinking for myself. I suppose I'm a bit closer to enlightment, thanks anon.

>> No.7280034


>> No.7280064

anecdotally i've met enough smart people who have gotten noticeably dumber after regular marijuana use to believe it's perfectly healthy.

granted these are all former 16 17 year olds, so maybe it's true that pot is only an issue before your brain has fully developed.

but i'm pretty convinced that it causes permanent changes to your brain chemistry, your personality and your thinking in ways that are counterproductive, at least until your brain has fully developed.

i've seen this happen far too often to believe otherwise.

>> No.7280087

I'm at Oxford uni for aerospace engineering and mathematics, and although I have friends they say I'm socially retarded and have no common sense or self-awareness. ie I can do the academics well but can't even cook more than ready-made tesco curries.

>> No.7280112

>I don't see why it's so commonly accepted that intelligence is purely inborn
It's not.
The majority of it is, though.

>> No.7280128

combo of both really

one way to think of it is that genetics impose a hard cap on IQ and environmental factors determine to what degree it gets filled

miss some key developmental periods for whatever reason in your childhood & early adulthood and you will never reach your potential, same if you don't bust ass in adulthood

the more genetic potential you have, the less ass you have to bust to be above average

>> No.7280132

>one way to think of it is that genetics impose a hard cap on IQ and environmental factors determine to what degree it gets filled
It's not just a hard cap, it's a head start from the moment you start puberty.

>> No.7280165


Did they get dumber even after cessation of use, or was it when they were using?

One mechanism that might be at play is that a pot-addled mind is never at work. It atrophies on shitty entertainment and shit-tier nutrients from the munchies.

>> No.7280176

Constant use of pot in teenagers drops IQ permanently by about 3 points, confirmed by a couple studies you should google because I'm a stranger on the internet that can't be bothered to do so

>> No.7280193

Oh yeah of course the thread completely not about literature at all but rather about yourselves and how smart/humble you are is the one with nearly 300 replies.

>> No.7280207

I'm the smartest. Debate me!

>> No.7280225

I assert that you are a faggot

>> No.7280278

it's hard to know for sure. they're definitely not the same anymore, though.

my one friend, after a rough period of about 5 years, has really been turning things around, but in my opinion even though he is still a very intelligent person, he is not quite what he once was.

it's possible that with some work he can pull it back together. it's possible some of this was just slacking off. i really hope so. no idea if these kind of changes are permanent. i personally think that they are, though.

>> No.7280283

And a lot of it is about people whining about the thread or other people in it such as yourself.

>> No.7280467

Sorry Fam. I'm not outstanding academically, but from my IEP testing a few years back in High School, I have a superior intellect.