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File: 117 KB, 800x534, NibelungenFritzLang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7275821 No.7275821 [Reply] [Original]

Rate your national epic on a scale from 1-10


>> No.7275823

I rate this thread 0/10

>> No.7275950

Interesting idea for thread.
Kitab-i Dede Qorqud -7/10.
Epic of Koroghlu - 8/10

>> No.7275954

Divine Commedy


get rekt tbh fam

>> No.7275959

The Mabinogion


>> No.7275987

But y
I'm not gonna disagree with that rating. DC it GOAT

>> No.7275999

Elder and Prose Edda: 8/10
Terje Vigen: 9/10

>> No.7276000

Well, I'm Greek, so.... yeah.

>> No.7276002

Beowulf 8/10 (it's underrated)
Paradise Lost 9/10

>> No.7276006

Gesta Danorum.
>Written in latin.
>Pretty badly written.
>Nobody except dedicated scholars even know it exists.

At least we have H.C. Andersen.

>> No.7276008


>> No.7276013

lmao Denmark, ur national epic is probably the ugly duckling or something. SMH.

>> No.7276020

Mahabharata - 9.9/10

>> No.7276021

so, the Odyssey or the Iliad?
i would say odyssey

>> No.7276023


>> No.7276029

yeah, odyssey is actually way better.

>> No.7276039
File: 801 KB, 994x1432, Cuinbattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's prose rather than verse, but it's probably the closest thing to an epic. 7.5/10

>> No.7276048

Ang Ibong Adarna (The Adarna Bird)


>> No.7276053

Not Peer Gynt?

>> No.7276061

>van den vos Reynaerde (apperantly)

>> No.7276062

Norwegian scholars don't count that as an epic afaik, rather a dramatic poem, but it could definitely classify as such as well (if the Illiad and Oddyssey counts, for example).

if it is I'll give it a 10/10

>> No.7276063
File: 1.73 MB, 800x1386, Facial_Chronicle_-_b.10,_p.299_-_Battle_of_Kosovo_(1389).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stuff about Brigands, Mercenaries and The Battle of Kosovo, Serbian national poetry ain't bad

>> No.7276066

Or apparently*

>> No.7276071

>tfw Dutch

>> No.7276075

Willhelm Tell


>> No.7276076

8/10 for me.

Fuck the lost books and fuck the Sorkočević version that I've read.

>> No.7276080
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>even belgiums is better

>> No.7276081

Right on!

>> No.7276083



>> No.7276089

>tfw Banterland Down Under doesn't have a national epic

>> No.7276107

not as such, more just a body of poems and folk tales creating a body of work exploring Australia's national identity

>> No.7276116

Song of Myself


>> No.7276120

Beowulf 8/10
Paradise Lost 9/10
Canterbury Tales 8/10

>> No.7276128
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>tfw Austria has never produced an epic

>> No.7276137
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Is there an American national epic?

Pic related?

>> No.7276138

I suppose we could just claim whatever Germany's got, we're practically the same country anyways. It's not like when WWIII breaks out we won't willingly offer our annexation to The Reich.
>tfw can boast about composers and philosophers now

>> No.7276152

Chanson de Roland, 9/10 would slay kebab after reading it.

>> No.7276156

Song of Hiawatha
Leaves of Grass

>> No.7276164
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What about the National Anthem? (pic related)

>> No.7276184

God, the british are so good a epic literature, it's almost scary
That's what you get for letting a bunch of criminals have their own country
I don't think I ever read a Serbian epic. With which one should I start?

>> No.7276210

Graal cycle (though strictly speaking it spans several countries).


>> No.7276212

Don't forget the Faerie Queen

>> No.7276225

The Aeneid - 7/10
The Divine Comedy - 10/10

>United States
According to wikipedia, its


I have not heard of a single one of these.

I would personally go with Moby-Dick. In which case, 10/10.

>> No.7276241
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I guess it's not technically an epic poem, but it is epic nonetheless.

>> No.7276242
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I believe this counts. 7/10

>> No.7276245

Does Paradise Lost count though? Seems to me a national epic should at least refer to the nation in passing.

>> No.7276250



>> No.7276253

Os Lusíadas

9/10 in portuguese, probably a 7/10 translated into other languages.

>> No.7276267

>Song of Hiawatha
He wasn't even American, and the Iroquois weren't even allies with the U.S.

>Leaves of Grass

It's about a fucking Canadian.

A poem about Washington's escapades in the revolution would've been better tbh.

>> No.7276271

add to those British ones Don Juan by Byron, Idylls of the King by Tennyson, Dunciad (for banter) by Pope... the list goes on

>> No.7276280

Pan Tadeusz 8/10
I prefer Dziady by far when it comes to Mickiewicz

>> No.7276301

Burgerland reporting in. I can think of a few possible epics:

> Mason and Dixon, 9/10

> Border Trilogy, 7/10
(Would be higher if not for the sloppy second act of ATPH)

>Red Dead Redemption, 8/10
(Points retracted for not being literature, but it's one of the most American stories I can think of)

>> No.7276309

Ah, shit you are right! I feel I should now dig up Spenser and apologize to him.

>> No.7276313
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>I have not heard of a single one of these.

... you haven't heard of leaves of grass? lol they teach whitman multiple times throughout american education

>> No.7276321



>> No.7276333

why does lit say "tbh fam" so much it makes me want to kill myself

>> No.7276341

Smh tbqhwy fam

>> No.7276349
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>> No.7276435
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First four lines of The Brus are this:

>Storys to rede ar delatibill
>Suppos that thai be nocht bot fabill,
>Than suld storys that suthfast wer
>And thai war said on gud maner
>Have doubill plesance in heryng.

>tfw you have a worthless national epic


>> No.7276443

Leaves of Grass is a collection of barely related poems m8. It isn't an epic at all.

>> No.7276444

Táin Bó Cúailnge 11/10

>> No.7276446

I think 'Song of Myself' was meant.

>> No.7276463
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I haven't read my national epic

Which national epic is the best?

Also, can anyone name some Slav national epics?
I don't think I know of any

>> No.7276479
File: 227 KB, 479x800, Stella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hart Crane's The Bridge

7/10 (lost a point for a couple weaker parts)

>> No.7276484

Just claim the nibelungen

>> No.7276490

I'm agreeing with this. I'd also categorize American Tall-Tales like John Henry, Johnny Appleseed, and Paul Bunyan but those nowhere near epics. Still great stories though that embody the American Spirit.

>> No.7276503

EIN VOLK, mein Bruder

>> No.7276513

What is Mein Kampf

>> No.7276519

an autobiography of an art student

>> No.7276521

Yeah. England's true national epic is the Faerie Queene

>> No.7276530

pity the tudors are welsh and a dead line

>> No.7276531

Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County 11/10

>> No.7276549

>I haven't read my national epic

>> No.7276560

>mfw jos neki srbin na /lit/u

>> No.7276572

jesus i don't even know if australia even has one
if it does
1/10 probably

>> No.7276582

I'm pretty sure it was read to me at a young age, but I can't recall any of the details besides some major plot points and set pieces.

I'm feeling rather bad about that and have been meaning to get to reading through it myself, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

>> No.7276588

>still holding onto to concepts of nationalism

Goddamn it, we are never going to evolve are we? The time for the Overman is gone isn't it?

>> No.7276609

>I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

>> No.7276611

>Terje Vigen: 9/10
Why not 10/10? It has an ending that first time readers are unlikely to expect, moreso if they are foreign.

>Beowulf 8/10
Which country do you consider it to belong to?

>> No.7276614

You didn't read the original?

>> No.7276615



The only countries that can match us are Italy (Dante) and Greece (Homer).

>> No.7276618

>confirmed for non-reader

>> No.7276620

>Also, can anyone name some Slav national epics?
Well, I'm a Croat, so here are some (according to Wikipedia):
Marko Marulić - Judita (Judith)
Ivan Gundulić - Osman
Brne Karnarutić - Vazetje Sigeta grada

I have, but with the missing parts rewritten by Sorkočević.

>> No.7276626

But they were written by Mažuranić and it's pretty great.

>> No.7276627

>implying homer was greek

>> No.7276629

England, since it's written in early English - we've located the composition (the only manuscript of it) to somewhere in East Sussex, looking at the vocabulary and all that jazz.

>> No.7276630
File: 128 KB, 1024x768, jar-jar-the-real-reason-lucas-invented-jar-jar-binks-involves-ewoks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Star Wars

>> No.7276635

Well, the ones written by Sorkočević weren't so good.

>> No.7276639

Tears of the Prodigal son and Osman as well as Judith by Ivan Gundulić and Marko Marulić.

>> No.7276640

Pretty sure he wasn't anything else

>> No.7276644
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>muh homer

>> No.7276649

I didn't even know there was a version by him and not Mažuranić.

>> No.7276653


Come on, son.

>> No.7276658

>be American
>that feel when the age of classical epics had ended before my country was even founded

>> No.7276668

Well, there are at least five reconstructions of the missing parts, IIRC. Sorkočević and Mažuranić are the most popular ones.

>> No.7276669

Strange, isn't it, that it is set somewhere else? I am not drawing conclusions and I am not a Swede, I just found the origins a bit odd.

>> No.7276675

Several national epics don't actually take place in or originate from their nations. I wouldn't make that a necessarily disqualifying factor

>> No.7276686

Canterbury Tales is 10/10, but it's not a national epic.

Faerie Queen is though

>> No.7276688

Not really, a lot of the northern counties in England still have partially Norse lexicons. Old English is mostly North Germanic.

>> No.7276691

>barely related

>> No.7276692

No, I don't think that's particularly strange.

>> No.7276698

Guy rips bears apart with his bare hands, no jokies, i wsar aon me4 on mi,q

>> No.7276713


>> No.7276715

you don't joke azround lāčplēsos cunt

>> No.7276717
File: 385 KB, 1000x2000, mchan tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this image

>but this is spam! MODS MODS MODS!
If you are a 4chan defense force cuckold, that enjoys this place that was destroyed by the mods who censored anything fun or political in nature, then your opinion is irrelevant at this point. You like 4chan and belong here, stay here.

>too long didn't read
then you belong on 4chan as well, this image is not for you.

>> No.7276729

it's accelerationism fam
catch up tbh

>> No.7276735

tbh, why? are you racist fam? smh

>> No.7276754

this is the most cuck post I have ever seen

>> No.7276766


>> No.7276771
File: 44 KB, 650x366, 813359-australia-day-parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you see, uh, the the thing about that is, uh

>> No.7276782

>The Illuminatus! trilogy


>> No.7276816

john brown's body

>> No.7276852

I am not disqualifying it, I just find it odd.

At the top of my head I cannot remember any other national epics that do not link to the country of origins. Could you provide some examples?

>Old English is mostly North Germanic.
I was told the Scandinavian and the old English were much more similar than today. I read parts of Beowulf in original text and it seemed like an odd mix of English and Scandinavian. I was rather surprised I could understand so much of it.

>> No.7276860

>I was told the Scandinavian and the old English were much more similar than today. I read parts of Beowulf in original text and it seemed like an odd mix of English and Scandinavian. I was rather surprised I could understand so much of it.

>> No.7276879
File: 398 KB, 738x550, consejos-del-martin-fierro-138x191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martin Fierro

10/10 :)

>> No.7276899



Also Lang's Die Nibelungen is amazing.

>> No.7276902


Huckleberry Finn
Tom Sawyer
The Great Gatsby
East of Eden
Grapes of Wrath
To Kill A Mockingbird
Infinite Jest

>> No.7276904

You forgot Blood Meridian tbh fam

>> No.7276911
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>Infinite Jest

>> No.7276916

What about ossian mate

>> No.7276989

What does canada have

>> No.7277012

You have no idea what an "epic" actually is, do you?


>> No.7277063


Huckleberry Finn and East of Eden qualify tbh

>> No.7277079
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>> No.7277085

Shahname: the only true 10/10 epic out there.

>> No.7277089
File: 486 KB, 640x1026, Moby_Dick_final_chase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 fam

>> No.7277095

At most it's a 3/10 (I'm being particularly generous).

>> No.7277128

bump for this.

>> No.7277180

>Beowulf 8/10
>Which country do you consider it to belong to?
Denmark, though it's actual composition was most likely done by Catholic Monks (probably from Ireland or Scotland).

>> No.7277194

Beowulf is written in Anglo-Saxon though

>> No.7277239


Thirding this. Also 7/10.

>> No.7277246

pay debts

>> No.7277270

You can find some stuff on Wikipedia, Wacousta, Flint and Feather.

Can't speak for Wacousta, but Flint and Feather is allright... probably really boring for most and I dunno who could call it an 'epic' though. If you're interested in the traditionally Canadian read Sunshine Sketches of a Small Town :)

>> No.7277323


Miorița 4/10 (literally about a shepherd talking to his sheep and waiting to die)

>> No.7277418

That sounds interesting, tbh

>> No.7277443

Never read a Mexican epic. Don't even know which ones qualify as a national epic. ?/10

>> No.7277451

Faust.10/10. Nobody else better captured the midlife crisis of a highly educated man. Not to mention the craftsmanship that went into phrasing it.

>> No.7277461

I didn't know a drama about a man's midlife crisis can be considered a national epic.

>> No.7277470

it's not really an epic, it's just a really old ballad and has countless variations
it's also fairly short

Meșterul Manole (Master Manole) is more 'epic' http://www.tkinter.smig.net/romania/MesterulManole/index.htm

>> No.7277493

Epic of the Forgotten 10/10
Song of Blood haven't read/10

>> No.7277498

>literature worth reading

Few and far between

>> No.7277695

I'm Australian, so you win.
At least you have Munro, and Atwood, if you're into that.

>> No.7277874

Epics are more ambitious in scope.

>> No.7277891
File: 115 KB, 1024x819, Frazetta-Conan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America's epic is painted on the side of a rapists van.

>> No.7277953

As russian I'd say that Constitution is really epic.
seriously, I prefer Greek

>> No.7277970


The Oddyssey is literally a dude on a boat of redshirts sailing around, getting into mishaps, and going home.

Can't you see that Huckleberry Finn is literally the same book set in America?

>> No.7278001

Might be the case that those works are unknown outside the US.

In which case, we're all just a bunch of self-aggrandizing funcummers

Or he could just be an idiot

>> No.7278004


Also Moby Dick is literally the same book as Rainbow Fish, it's really just two books about a fish swimming around.
They even both have the fish's name in the title.

>> No.7278010

No. Not bigger than life like the Odyssey was.

>> No.7278142


Nice trips tbh fam.

>> No.7278226
File: 31 KB, 250x250, 1310093477019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Aeneid
Holy fuck son

>> No.7278240


isnae Ossian git a muckle o' invention in it but?

>> No.7278435

Gone With the Wind

>> No.7278451

I guess its 100 years of solitude. 10/10

>> No.7278468

El Cid 8/10

After reading Gilgamesh, The Song of the Nibelungs, the Rddas and the greek classics, what do you guys reccomend? I was thinking some english epic

>> No.7278509

Moby Dick is about the human condition, not America
500 years from now it will be common among academics to name the national epic of the Americans to be Mason & Dixon

>> No.7278549

>500 years from now it will be common among academics to name the national epic of the Americans to be Mason & Dixon

How come the cover looks so terrible then?

>> No.7278555

Ayy yo fam

>> No.7278569

It deserves far worse. Roman propaganda trash.

>> No.7278581

legitimate 10/10

>> No.7278600

>Aeneid - 7/10
>hasn't heard of Whitman's most famous work

Pull your shit together, man.

>> No.7278607

I completely agree, actually?

>> No.7278611

Can you consider a body of work as one epic?
If so, right with you there m8

>> No.7278649
File: 23 KB, 468x263, Varon-Borges-retratado-Grete-Stern_CLAIMA20130916_0099_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No ∞/10

>> No.7278651
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Honestly, Munro is one of my favorite short-story authors, and I'm a burger

>> No.7278679

> Loosely defining "Nation" here

My peoples' language only continues to exist in about a dozen known speakers. Our folklore is patchwork at this point, our bloodlines muddied, our way of life no longer existing as such -- reduced to the highly conception thesis work of pale folks in wide-rimmed glasses.

But Louise Erdrich's Ojibwe stuff is a solid 9/10. She's gonna do amazing stuff as she gets older.

Might give Faulkner an honest run for his money.

>> No.7278696

The Plains of Abraham. Well I guess.

>> No.7278709

America encapsulates too many distinct cultures to have a single epic.

>> No.7278710

ohohoh wow

>> No.7278720

No it doesn't. If America has an epic, it's Song of Myself.


>> No.7278736

Two Solitudes? Duddy Kravitz? L'avalée des avalées? Bear? There's great Canadian lit man...

>> No.7278835

Isn't Ojibwe pretty healthy as Native American languages though? Or is your mother tongue a related language?

>> No.7278855
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The Scarlet Letter - 9/10
Huckleberry Finn - 5/10
Moby Dick - 11/10

>> No.7278861

>not having the greatest literature in the western canon
Smh tbh fam

>> No.7278876
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RIP João Ubaldo Ribeiro

>> No.7278899

America's national epic
me me me me
me me me me
me me me me
me me me me
jagoff poem tbh

>> No.7278970

My country doesn't really have a national epic. Song of Roland is too old and not studied enough in our schools, but it's the closest we had. Hugo's Legend of Centuries would be a good shot at a 10/10, but it's not cemented in popular consciousness as "le epic of our country".

Though I guess you could say the same for a lot of works mentioned itt. Still, is saddening.

>> No.7278975
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>I haven't read the poem
This would've also been an acceptable reply

>> No.7279001

>Not I-Juca Pirama

No meio das tabas de amenos verdores,
Cercadas de troncos - cobertos de flores,
Alteiam-se os tetos d’altiva nação;
São muitos seus filhos, nos ânimos fortes,
Temíveis na guerra, que em densas coortes
Assombram das matas a imensa extensão.

>> No.7279011


>Adán Buenosayres

>> No.7279015


Oliver Goldsmith Jr's The Rising Village


>> No.7279044

With which one?

>> No.7279198

0/10, the worst of /lit/'s memes

>> No.7279393

This. It's the same as when people claim that the divine comedy was just a polemic against his political enemies. They've obviously never read them

>> No.7280275

Dreamtime 1.5/10

>> No.7280716 [SPOILER] 
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Not applicable

Kill me

>> No.7280752

To my limited knowledge, "my" language isn't related to at all, aside from some of the most surface-level concepts.

Embracing her is a matter of extreme irony for me, but I'm happy she's around. Hoping the boom in Native lit keeps up.

>> No.7280776

That's the best Fritz Lang film as well as the best adaptation of the Nibelungenlied

>> No.7280831

Sir Thaddeus, or the Last Lithuanian Foray: A Nobleman's Tale from the Years of 1811 and 1812 in Twelve Books of Verse


>> No.7280859 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 183x275, 1445789399512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7280870

>A Statistical, Historical, and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales and Its Dependent Settlements in Van Diemen's Land, With a Particular Enumeration of the Advantages Which These Colonies Offer for Emigration and Their Superiority in Many Respects Over Those Possessed by the United States of America
10/10, eternal and incomparable

>> No.7280875

The lusiads

>> No.7280972

Kambar's is better than Valmiki's and I think is the first proper epic, but it's medieval. Lots of poetry and even a grammar treatise were written before.

>> No.7280987

>7/10 translated into other languages
more like a 2 in english

>> No.7280990

Popol Vuh

>> No.7281013

these aren't epics

a national epic is defined as a long poem with a narrative that is somehow connected to a nations values and ideals

honestly, it makes sense that America doesn't have one

>> No.7281321


No excuses anon, get working

>> No.7281335

Seriously now

>> No.7281379

How do you read an aztec or mixtec codex?
also isn't popol vuhl just mayan not "mexican?"

>> No.7281395
File: 291 KB, 1572x1060, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lord of the Rings


>> No.7281526



>> No.7282345

Oi reading's for cunts aye

>> No.7282395

You guys aren't making your country look any better by spouting /pol/ memes.

So fucking embarrassing.

>> No.7282415

Allen Ginsberg - Howl

>> No.7282754

Reading the second part sure is.

>> No.7282767
File: 128 KB, 600x1250, 1penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw MF is Pynchon approved

>> No.7282867

Snorra Edda
It's fucking brilliant

>> No.7283084

La Araucana
5-7/10 in spanish
10/10 in mapudungu

>> No.7283339

Huckleberry Finn----9/10
Moby Dick--------------8/10

>> No.7283364

It's Quiché Mayan, which I think is South Mecican?

>> No.7284137
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Yeah but the sheep can see the future, come on man. I've always liked the wedding description, it's surreal.

>> No.7284139

Isnt it Karel en de Elegast?

>> No.7284281
File: 207 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kalevala 9/10 in finnish, 0/10 in all other languages

Fänrik Ståls sägner 8/10 in swedish, 5/10 in finnish

>> No.7285339


>> No.7285348

Hotel California is an 8 out of 10

>> No.7285353

Star Wars, America, 10/10

>> No.7285395
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>tfw your national epic is YA-tier

>> No.7285409

whose is that?

>> No.7285441

>mfw my country has literally no cultural impact yet alone any fucking epic
Just fuck my shit up fam

>> No.7285473

Then create it, mate!

>> No.7285480

Odyssey, iliad

>> No.7285633


>> No.7285654

Szigeti Veszedelem

9/10 it's alright - IGN

>> No.7286779

I will write the great Canadian epic poem

>> No.7286875


Krst pri Savici

It's all right, though it can't compare to the greats.

Also, since there appears to be no Irish here:
Ulysses 11/10

>> No.7286899


Epic MUST have a character doing epic stuff. You know shooting an arrow through axes, spearing people trying to fuck your wife, stuff like that.

Finn is a kid having an adventure. To compare the two is simply idiotic.

>> No.7286903


Just no.

>> No.7286909



>> No.7286912

Waltzing Matilda
10/10 mate

>> No.7286913

Not Hlapci?