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7495999 No.7495999 [Reply] [Original]

Can a book save me from existential nihilism? I don't want to feel this way forever.

>> No.7496002

only death

>> No.7496003


>> No.7496004

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.7496030

You could try reading buddhism or some variant. Although it won't remove the nihilism, just makes it more bearable.

>> No.7496075

the only cure is to revert back to pleb ways, my friend. Im not even joking, either.

>> No.7496079

DFW t b h

>> No.7496081

This. Buddhism can get you through any philosophy.

>> No.7496087



>> No.7496091

Principia Discordia.
It's good for a laugh too.

>> No.7496096

think less
do more

>> No.7496540


read this


>> No.7496551

if you are able to chew this stuff correctly it will literally turn your nihilist view upside down

>> No.7496555

oh jesus
I haven't seen this cliche posted on /lit/ unironically in years

>> No.7496564

>lol like transcend your physical self like dude just feel enlightened lmao here's some weed

>> No.7496571

honestly tho weed had done more for my existential anxiety than any book

>> No.7496581
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Or you could man the fuck up Philosophy 101 student.

>> No.7496586
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The Ego and His Own

Embrace Egoistic Nihilism

>> No.7496602

Almost anything by G.K. Chesterton. "Heresy" and "Orthodoxy" especially.

>> No.7496606
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How old are you?

>> No.7496615

I have never understood why nihilism is making so many people depressed

>> No.7496911
File: 128 KB, 600x400, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read everything by Sartre. He explains how you can be really free because life is meaningless. Before I was a pessimist, now I'm almost an optimist.

>> No.7496931


Read books by Robert Anton Wilson.

He'll remind you of the mysteries of the world, thereby reinjecting the world with meaning.

>> No.7496940

Read the poems of Walt Whitman. Analyse them as leisurely or as strenuously as you please, but you can't only dissect the poems for technique or semantics. Instead, you have to look at them ideologically. Try to interpret Whitman as a voice of nihilism and you'll come out with life's meaning I promise.

That or just read Plato.

>> No.7496952
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Pic related.

>> No.7496960


>> No.7496962

My diary desu

>> No.7496966

You just need ataraxia.

>> No.7496974

What is good to read from plato?

>> No.7496976
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>If you're an existential nihilist and you feel bad about it, you misunderstood existential nihilism

>> No.7496977


If you think Nietzsche was an existential nihilist, you misunderstand Nietzsche.

>> No.7496987

Bump for this

>> No.7497073


>> No.7497081

Nah stoicism would be better. Less aimless

>> No.7497092

where do you start with sarte, my family?

>> No.7497165


>> No.7497175

Make your own meaning.

>but what if I'm wrong?!

You're probably not very important to many people and humans are short-lived in the big scheme of things. Just prioritize shit that seems to work for you.

>> No.7497198

Read the "fun club" of nihilism:
>Special Guest: Friedrich "Get sum will" Nietzsche

>> No.7497203

How do you feel about people who say that quietism is "giving up?"

>> No.7497214

Wait until your balls drop kid, then come back if it persists.

Unless you're a woman, then your only option is to get married and give birth to 2-3 children.

>> No.7497436

That's kind of like saying someone is giving up on scoring when he stops playing football, I think, while he is not so much giving up on scoring as he is giving up on the framework in which scoring is a goal in the first place.

The 'giving up' is giving up on the meaning/truth searching game here (if I interpret you correctly) but giving up is only bad within the game, not outside of it. When you no longer play the game, the rules of the game don't apply to you.

>> No.7497448

First read Notes from the Underground to understand what your nihilism is getting you into. Then read Nietzsche. Start with The Gay Science or Twilight of the Idols. The man was a genius like no other who ever lived.

>> No.7497492

For Camus, read in this order:
Myth of Sisyphus
The Stranger
The Rebel

>> No.7497647
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just read Nausea
if ur a whiny little shit ur gonna get even more depressed
if u actually try to understand the book beyond "life is meaningless everything sucks" then ur gucci tbqh senpai
>mfw when i finished Nausea

>> No.7497683

You need spirituality, nigga.

>> No.7497715

If you read Nietzsche, you misunderstood Nietzsche.

>> No.7497863

Yes, read Nishitani's The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism

>> No.7497896

Someday some breath just like that will be your final breath.

What will you think of then? How will you face it, it all, on that final breath?

This is my crippling fear/thought that resurfaced because of stupid fucking TV-show showing death over and over and over again.

It paralyzes me. That someday you will have to face dying, death, on that final breath. Not the breath before the final breath, not the nothing after the final breath.

But the final breath.
That's the one that keeps crippling me. The one breath.

>> No.7497932


you just die nigga, it's nothing really

you just can't breath for some seconds and puff, you are gone and unconscious. if you have got unconscious before you know it's very fast and you literally don't feel anything

>> No.7497961

but every joy and every fun thing and everyone you know, your memories vanish at that moment and then nothing you cant ever experience them again

its terrible really

>> No.7497974


it's terrible because you are thinking now about it

when you die you don't have time to think about it, you don't feel anything about it, at most i think you will think "so this is it huh?", maybe laugh a little and then die (if you don't die you would start crying though, that would be terrible)

>> No.7498025


>> No.7498028

you've already forgotten many fun days you had as a child, but you're not grieving for them. the fact that you had them in their own moment was enough.

>> No.7498043

but I want to live forever. I want to travel the stars, I want to see sun swallow the earth, I want to learn every language...

Yeah but I have not forgotten them all which basically happens at the end of the life when you die and the fact there will be no more.

>> No.7498057

Meh, it helps me

>> No.7498073

remembering is a worthless act, a poor imitation of the memory's subject, something derivative to do when you are bored or when you can no longer replicate the act but wish to. Forgetting a memory is trivial, the memory is of infinitesimal value compared to the experience within the same moment of the act.

Don't worry about forgetting.

>> No.7498097

It matters to me.

>> No.7498113

you are being irrational and causing yourself pain because of that

>> No.7498127


this is the most interesting line i have seen today

it's deep as shit man

>> No.7498136

slightly related :
What if you don't give a shit about dying but are intensely scared of being trapped in a coffin?

is it still possible to be pronounced dead incorrectly in 2015 and put in the ground with no way out? Or can you just get cremated or something?

>> No.7498141
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it's really not?

>> No.7498142

Human error finds away anon

>> No.7498183

how comforting, senpai.

>> No.7498191

Make sure to the right people you want to be cremated.

Worst case scenario you'll be burned alive, trapped in a coffin.

>> No.7498208

Buddhism, stoicism, cognitive behavioral therapy and new sincerity to be quite honest family. Your opinions are a reflection of your mental state more than anything OP. You're probably just depressed as shit and are intellectualizing it

>> No.7498209


>> No.7498214

there is no way to unfuck yourself, my friend. somethings you cannot unsee.

the only way to be saved is to actually accept it. not just ''know'' it.

>> No.7498333


>> No.7498493

just read the phenomenology. hegel will make you feel better.

>> No.7498509

alternatively, the sickness unto death

>> No.7498827

What are you doing in /lit/ if you think buddhism is about "dude weed lmao"?

>> No.7498875
File: 22 KB, 220x330, Rage_Against_God_Cover_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rage against god.

>> No.7499072

Only you can write the book that can save you.

[SPOILER]nice trips[/SPOILER]

>> No.7499101

Seconding Myth of Sisyphus, but just the first section. The rest is just Camus stretching out his main argument.

>The main argument is really good though

>> No.7500243

Bump, we need more and better contributions to this thread

>> No.7500645


>> No.7500733



>> No.7501103

Why would you want to be saved from your freedom? Do you seek restriction? Do you desire slavery?

>> No.7501437

>When you no longer play the game
Yeah because you gave up!

>> No.7501483

From the perspective of someone still in the game, sure. But it's sort of like screaming 'offside' from the football field to someone getting a beer on the patio next to it.

>> No.7501506

Everyones on the field playing the game from the start, and if you're not on it then you either won, lost or gave up.

>> No.7501518

Whatever, I'm sad and alone on christmas again and just trying to keep myself busy by being a smartass, I'm sorry.
Merry christmas, anon!