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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 308x80, Screenshot 2016-01-06 at 10.53.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7554251 No.7554251[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that this happened.


>> No.7554269

Why do I need a reminder when I can just look at the catalog? Or half the posts made?

>> No.7554285

Welcome to the end game
You will be just like /v/ and /tv/ by the end of next year

>> No.7554334

Hypershere also made it to r/all recently apparently. /lit/ is the Reddit safespace within 4chan.

>> No.7554351

This is why we need to be harsh as possible when dealing with newfags trying to talk about genre and middlebrow trash. Cultivate the most unwelcoming environment ever. We used to be better at it but I suppose we've already been gentrified to some degree.

>> No.7554354

How do we become more /pol/ without turning into /pol/

>> No.7554356

Do you have a link?

>> No.7554364

Barely made a difference desu.

We don't, we remain /lit/.

I see what you're getting at. But that has risks of becoming memey as fuck -- just look at what happened to /mu/.

>> No.7554366

Statistically speaking, 100% of the posters in this thread are likely to have come from Reddit.

>> No.7554368

Nice try.

>> No.7554372
File: 144 KB, 1024x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we stay /lit/, we're going to be overtaken by Reddit. Aristotle warned us by tolerance and apathy

>> No.7554406

this isn't /a/, being civilized (really, not overly happy or supper friendly, just acting maturely) is the best way to get newfags moving along. They'll find it boring.

/pol/ is not only where every fag goes to be politically incorrect (meaning that is a place atractive for outsiders) but also stormfront 2.0 which isn't a nice alternative.

some of us have been here since before /lit/ was a board, posting about books in arcanine.

The real solution isn't to become something else to move away people we don't like, that's acting entirely with them in mind. The solution is making a place where new people feel the need to act as we do, turn them into us.

>> No.7554471

They made their own list lol.


>> No.7554481

oh no reddits might come and ruin /lit/

because it was awesome before. there were no shitposts at all and 95% of the discussion wasn't trash. it used to be like the fucking academy of athens here. now where will I go to read people make fun of john green and reference max stirner?

>> No.7554502

/pol/ has safespaces where intelligent people discuss world events
this is hidden in plain sight behind a wall of openly racist shitposting and if you cant filter through that just stay out
we must find a way to flood /lit/ with shitposts which scare away redditors without turning into /tv/

>> No.7554510

Le unashamed reddit man appears!

>> No.7554513

Every time you say the word Nigger, 10 Redditors leave 4chan forever.

>> No.7554517

we already do it, is called infinite jest

>> No.7554520

reported for racism.

don't post racism outside of /b/, please.

>> No.7554521

>pretending reddit doesn't love infinite jest

found the redditor

>> No.7554522

Friendly reminder that this is supposed to be a literature board, not internet tribal bitching.

>> No.7554524


>> No.7554526

/lit/ is a community of highbrow intellectuals, shitlord.

>> No.7554532

you need only look at their list >>7554471 to see why we don't want them here. We don't want our board to be taken up with Game of Thrones discussion and fucking memes, now fuck off back to reddit.

>> No.7554536

>he thinks /lit/ is anything but memes

tears buddy

>> No.7554540


>> No.7554541

i dont know i dont go to that shit hole.

>> No.7554542

It's too late you guys, reddit is clearly already here.

>> No.7554544

I love this board. I love /lit/. I didn't come to 4chan until I found this community. I love that you can post a list like that and I laugh out loud but I can't go anywhere else on the web and people understand why.

There is nothing on that list that is above a 7th grade reading level.

>> No.7554547

better leave then, mio familia

>> No.7554553

>shitskins prevail once again

>> No.7554554

don't you have some garbage fantasy series you should be reading right now?

>> No.7554555

>le racism man

>> No.7554563


>> No.7554565


>> No.7554571

>build bookshelf

>> No.7554572

don't you have some literature for 18 y.o. upper middle class white males you should be reading right now?

see list: >>7554251

>> No.7554580

Haha, oh wow. Kill yourself you double digit IQ shitskin. Just end your fucking life so we don't have to suffer your presence any longer. Just fuck off back to the middle east so we can bomb the shit out of you already, Ahmed.

>> No.7554594

>4chan paragon of virtue """""""banter""""""""

>> No.7554600
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>> No.7554611

This is the product of enlightenment.

>> No.7554625

just report him and move on

>> No.7554628

most of the comments are basically one of these

"You don't read Moby Dick. You might read excerpts of Moby Dick, but you don't straight up read all of Moby Dick."

"I'm surprised that The Hitchhiker's Guide is that low on the list to be honest."

"You forgot "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card"

"This list is 97.6% troll"

"The Catcher in the Rye may be one of my least favorite books I've ever read. Seriously it's just an asshole complaining about everything"

"From skimming this list, 4chan seems to think the best books are almost exclusively written by white men"

>> No.7554635

>reporting the guy telling the redditor to go fuck himself instead of the redditor

>> No.7554637

>getting out-memed this bad

>> No.7554653

a clear indicator that you're not from /lit/ is when you substitute the word "meme" for a lack of vocabulary or thought. just thought i'd let you know.

>> No.7554683

a clear indicator that you are from /lit/*

sorry, its been a long day

>> No.7554684


>> No.7554696

>[...]or thought. just thought i'd let you know.
kind of loosing at your own game, m8

>> No.7554714

pathetic. i wish we could round up and gas every last one of you.

>> No.7554725


>> No.7554737

Angry farting is pretty much the neckbeard's response to normies on their internet

>> No.7554758

It's impossible for either of you to have any original thought. I would recommend just calling it quits on this whole reading endeavor. You were never cut out for it.

>> No.7554768

Hey guys, I love SJWs and want to have more SJWs on this board! So please don't become more redpilled!

>> No.7554776

No /lit/ is a /pol/ board, you redditcuck.

>> No.7554777

*tips fedora*

>> No.7554784

Yet more unoriginal thought. You can only think in memes and internet lingo. Your brain has been completely destroyed. Fascinating.

>> No.7554790

go back to tumblr, cuckold

take the redpill

>> No.7554795

fuck the sjws this is a redpill board!

>> No.7554799

Post of the fucking year.

>> No.7554805

This is a fucking /pol/ board no matter what the SJWs think.

>> No.7554811

greatest post in /lit/ history

>> No.7554812

Couldn't have said it better myself. 10/10

>> No.7554813


Imgurborne Toxic Event.

>> No.7554825

This! We are against women and blacks and for fascism. Great post 10/10

reddit btfo

>> No.7554830

Yep. A miasma of toxicity is upon us.

I'll be leaving for a month, focus on reading and writing. Hopefully things will have cleared up by then.

>> No.7554833


>> No.7554840


>> No.7554847

/lit/ is for entry level /pol/sters who get ignored there when they say niggers. So they come here ranting about women and trying to shock. It's like the kiddie paddling pool of /pol/ because /lit/ sometimes bothers to rise to their bait rather than having the pool entirely filled with shit.

>> No.7554865

Reported for being too edgy for my sensibilities. Can't believe you'd just say nigger on 4chan like that

>> No.7554885


>> No.7554895

>just acting maturely
Yes. The /lit/ way is to make intelligent, overwrought, extensive, and autistic posts arguing minute and pedantic details, and doing so for hours on end.

>> No.7554898
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>implying this image probably wasn't at the top of it at least once
>implying the userbase isn't exactly the same anyways

>> No.7554908

The banter was about 6, maybe 7/10. It's a /pol/ or /int/ style bants, though, not that of /lit/. I haven't seen proper /lit/ banter in a while, though. :(

>> No.7554910

Maybe, and this is just a maybe, having shitty meta threads isn't helping to contribute to actual literature discussion? Maybe instead of caring so much about what random strangers that happen to use other websites think, you could post a thread all about literature. Though that might be a pretty radical idea on a literature board, right?

>> No.7554913

the beauty of it is 90% of normies have no interest in literature
we could never be as bad as /v/ unless we started actually discussing videogames imo

>> No.7554915

Because you have a terrible taste in literature and I don't want you shitting up the board with your terrible taste.

>> No.7554917

>What is YA

>> No.7554918

Someone give me the run down on why I should care in the slightest if a few dozen members of Reddit come here? In a board where discussion of literature is less common than threads consisting of berating those who poorly review a classic novel on GoodReads, you would think that to be given the opportunity to enhance the lives of those coming in from the outside would be taken happily. And to say that the terrible off-topic threads are a byproduct of the outside agitators coming in simply isn't true, as it has been this way for years. You are also welcome to use the filter on any subjects you feel detract from your experience. I guess I'm just rambling.

>> No.7554919


I don't know if it's real or a simulacrum, tbqh. Whether there has actually been an influx of uncultured swine or if it is just a few trolls playing on the perception of it, or if the quality of posts always was this low.

Stumped really, and slowly losing grip on reality. 8/10 experience so far.

>> No.7554922


Okay, mate. I'll just go back to r/books :^)

>> No.7554927


>> No.7554934

If you're going to go on a witch hunt for rebbit then you're probably going to end up abusing mostly litizens. Which is likely what you've been doing all along. Stow your grievances and stop being a child.

>> No.7554947

The purity of out blue board race! Our anarchic freedoms that we hold sacred will be put in jeopardy and we will be forced to upvote, circlejerk more coherently and meme slightly less.

>> No.7554955

Why do hotpockets let meta threads sit around for so long

>> No.7554961

It was kinda scary at first seeing but then seeing the comments in the link it seems not many if any at all seem interested in the kind of literature that is predominantly read here.

>> No.7554979

Yeah reading through the comments, we can be reassured, that 4chan's reputation remains intact.

Only valid comment/criticism that I've seen so far is this:
>The feminist in me is screaming for more female authors! Herland, Anne of Green Gables, Frankenstein, Little Women, Austen, The Awakening...

>> No.7554988

Also this is the old top lit chart, I'm not sure how many more female authors got in the second and better made one.
Let me try to find it.

>> No.7555000

>tfw consider myself a misogynist
>tfw read and love Wuthering Heights every Christmas

I do not give a fuck about who wrote the book. Guy, gal, black, Asian, who gives a fuck. If it's good, I'm going to read it. Tired of people claiming that we, in general, only like old dead white guys. What is the point of that argument anyway?

>> No.7555004

That's really not a valid criticism. It's wanting more diversity for diversities sake.

>> No.7555011

This is very poignant comment for a very poignant post number.
Honestly I don't know, I guess some think that diversity is good on itself.

Yeah just realised that. But I mean, there are actually good female authors, that "should" be on the list for the quality and not for their gender.

>> No.7555016


fuck off to reddit. having more women authors for the sake of equality is fucking idiotic

>> No.7555020

>fuck off to reddit.
seriously, that like the weakest meme ever.

>> No.7555022

That's a lie, though. I come across those books from time to time. Ultimately, a feminist general is odious to me and unsuitable for /lit/.

>> No.7555026
File: 2.70 MB, 1820x4348, 1446912945404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I'm with them, I don't see why we should diversify our chart, it was simply made through votes, i.e. it's representative of what we like most... having to include gender, race, age, nationalities just for the sake of diversity wouldn't show what the chart is trying to do, simply tell what /lit/ likes the most.

>> No.7555032

Look I did backpeddle a bit, saying they should be on the list for their quality not gender. And I still stand by that.

>> No.7555079

The fact that there are comments along the lines of "The Bible? Really?" is a 'testament' to the caliber of people we are dealing with. Pure fedora tipping.

>> No.7555087

there are little 0 top tier books written by women though

>> No.7555103

A million views, what the fuck

>> No.7555108

>it's not even the infinitely superior 2015 version

>> No.7555118
File: 58 KB, 647x753, harry potter and the martian are my favorite books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also pic related, I wonder what their equivalent subreddit would vote for as their top 100?
Brave new world, harry potter, the martian, to kill a mockingbird and what else?

But it's not about quality, it's just what we like the most.
We voted for our favorite authors and books and then the charts were made for both.
For example I consider Gene Wolf to be pretty meh compared to the other 5 next to it in either direction, yet it's 27 on the chart.
Woolf has two entries, and Wuthering Heights is in the list, these three are imo way better than the ones the imgur poster listed with the exception of Austen who (imo) could have made the list easily but I guess we just didn't vote enough for her.

Reddit is huge.

>> No.7555121
File: 192 KB, 376x390, dfw o really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


which one of you fuckers did this

>> No.7555124

The waves or to a lighthouse are top tier.
If you include poets, Dickinson is top tier.

>> No.7555132

>hungry catepillar
>#1 book of all time

>> No.7555140

I blame television and the internet for this. People unwilling to sit down and concentrate for a decent amount of time not having their minds on autopilot. The reward of a difficult read doesn't even compare to the reward of a simple "entertaining" read

>> No.7555144

>We voted for our favorite authors and books and then the charts were made for both.
Yeah I get that. I wasn't there to vote, but
>implying my votes would matter.
It's pretty much the same on any board, when /mu/ makes a new /mu/-core list it's also a lot of entry-level or "popular" stuff that personally I don't feel deserve the spot, but that's just how it works.

>> No.7555157
File: 43 KB, 415x494, [HorribleSubs] Log Horizon 2 - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.54_[2014.10.25_20.51.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy - Douglas Adams
>6 Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
>7 A Brave New World--Aldous Huxley
>8 1984 - George Orwell
Wow, I didn't think their list would be this predictable.

>> No.7555159


it's a meme you dip

>> No.7555161

>If you include poets, Dickinson is top tier.
>top tier

Top tier is Dante, Milton, Vergil. She's nowhere near top tier.

>> No.7555164

sorry for not knowing reddit memes

kill yourself

>> No.7555169

This thread reeks of r/4chan. Please lurk for at least a few months if you want to join in.

>> No.7555177

She is the second best American poet, I'd call that top tier.

The fellows you mentioned are above top tier, in something dumb like legendary tier.

>> No.7555179

But why would you have a meme on supposedly serious list.That's like if our list would have The Legacy of Totalitarianism in Tundra or whatever.

>> No.7555188

Emily Dickinson isn't even the second best female poet, much less American poet.

>> No.7555194

Bloom please go

>> No.7555199

>Herland, Anne of Green Gables, Frankenstein, Little Women, Austen, The Awakening

what bothers me about the reddit/imgur shills is their shit taste in women non-white/anglo writers. They also tend to use it as a cover for anti-intellectualism. Joyce and Melville are irrelevant dead white males, but Heinlein and Tolkien somehow aren't.

>> No.7555236

Just post cp

>> No.7555252

how about no

>> No.7555264
File: 33 KB, 771x217, too cool for 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you gay or something?

>> No.7555272

kill me now

>> No.7555284

this was actually you?

what horrifying degeneracy

>> No.7555289

Spotted the redditor

>> No.7555298

/lit/ isn't /b/. get out of here

>> No.7555309

Man last few posts made me wonder if I'm still on /lit/ or was I redirected to r/4chan or some shit.

>> No.7555318

No u

>> No.7555457

I couldn't handle reading those comments. /lit/ has turned me into something awful when it comes to plebs

>> No.7555505

This is the only answer.

>> No.7555527

>being acquainted with reddit memes
kill yourself

>> No.7555531

death is the only answer

>> No.7555534

Name one better female poet and one better American poet (excluding Whitman).

>> No.7555537

I get infuriated just being reminded of those comments.

>> No.7555556

Yeah, and harshest= >>7555236

>> No.7555564

Actually it's an /r9k/ board. The only recurring politically incorrect theme is /lit/'s shared hatred of womyn.

>> No.7555582

Elizabeth Bishop and Sylvia Plath are both better poets.

e.e. cummings
T.S. Eliot
Ezra Pound
fucking Edgar Allen Poe

>> No.7555583

Most accurate post itt. Reddit absloutley blown. le. fuck. out.

>> No.7555588


>> No.7555625

The only ones I might agree with are Eliot and Pound.
Dickinson is still the best female poet though.

>> No.7555672

Yes, because acting like autistic, raging man-children will definitely set you all apart from the common rabble and their plebeian entertainment.

Is your desire for divisiveness and exclusion from most people just a way for you to have a bullshit feeling of superiority when it comes to first-world things?

Christ almighty.

>> No.7555673

Stevens and Crane are the best Yank poets.

>> No.7555677

I am literally superior to you

>> No.7555680

/lit/ is already the definition of middlebrow

>> No.7555683


>> No.7555687

>Is 4chan just becoming school teachers?

>> No.7555690

Maybe if you don't include Whitman. After him it becomes close and a matter of taste.

>> No.7555695


>> No.7555704
File: 91 KB, 489x808, smileandwave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage and report guys, sage and report.

>> No.7555706

Whitman is shit

>> No.7555719

There is nothing similar between r/books/ and /lit/ other than that we both read combinations of spaces and letters. Everything else is virtually dichotomous.

It's like the difference between a professor doing Joyce studies and a teenage girl reading John Green.

>> No.7555732
File: 4 KB, 566x40, y6b54w3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these people for real?

>> No.7555752

>/r/books obsesses over shit books

>/lit/ obsesses over shit books

>both think they are better than one another

>both are shit.

>> No.7555756

Since we're talking about lists what does everyone think about


It's basically 90% female authors.

>> No.7555758

>Yeah, I dont really care about classical literature either. I read all of Asimov's Robot, Empire, Foundation universe novels, read many
Oh God.
We need D&E again

>> No.7555759

You're fucking fucked /lit/
reddits 4chan forum knows about the book you've made and its all the meme-esque type of shit they love. once you see swaglord doing his antics here you better get ready because the board you know is over

>> No.7555772

>where will I go to read people make fun of john green and reference max stirner?
Honestly want to know this 2bh

>> No.7555773

I wonder how do these people look irl.
Are they as ugly and incompetent as I imagine them to be?

I guess it's time to shitpost less here and read irl, or try /his/ out.
Not like /lit/ is the standard board of anyone, right? I'm sure most of us have a home board that isn't /lit/.
/a/nalord (and /jp/) here.

>> No.7555787


>> No.7555788

>don't you have some literature for 18 y.o. upper middle class white males you should be reading right now?
Yes I do thankfully; none of what you just said is a pejorative, except for the '18' part, white and upper class is a compliment, pleb.
Now go back to your garbage and fuck off.

>> No.7555790

>Go back there if you don't like prosaic and intelligent literature.
>prosaic and intelligent literature
>prosaic and intelligent


>> No.7555792

The books /lit/ reads are thousands of times more complex and intricately-woven than the pop garbage filler r/books/ reads. Go back there if you don't like intricate and intelligent literature.

>> No.7555811

I think I'm going to have an anyuerism.
Patrician uprising when?
When are we going to line up plebs against a wall?

>> No.7555847

You redditards just don't get it, it's not just about other people using multiple sites, it's about plebs like you shitting up /lit/ with your garbage taste.

>> No.7555864

What's interesting is people expect 4chan, an open website, to be off-limits from people who browse the internet. If just one item from here ends up on another site then it's out with the bathwater and the baby - they's takin over our website!

>> No.7555867

I don't even understand that, if a book is vapid I don't find it entertaining.

>> No.7555868

>If just one item from here ends up on another site

It's not just one thing. EVERYTHING from 4chan ends of on reddit.

>> No.7555870
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Because then you get what /tv/ has become

>> No.7555871

>he deleted his post cause he got called out on his shitty vocab and reposted it, kek


>> No.7555874

It's even funnier when you consider that 4chan is one of the most popular sites on the web.

The same people who get angry about it too, will mostly be newfags who haven't even been here for longer than a few years at most themselves.

>> No.7555877

I'm not interested in reading Moby Dick either. It's genre just doesn't appeal to me and if I was forced to read it in school like many of them were, I would talk down on it too probably.

>> No.7555884

If we post /pol/ shit we just attract the /r/redpill and /r/gg crowd
If we post /leftypol/ shit we get the /r/SRS and /r/socialist crowd
But none of them, can handle cp, while 4chan veterans know to jsut report and close the tab for a while, resistors will just leave.

>> No.7555892


>> No.7555905

>while 4chan veterans know to jsut report and close the tab for a while, resistors will just leave.
so, you're gonna get the permabans for the team? please do.
also, impact shit lost all push years ago. no one cares about goatsee or 1guy1cup anymore.

>> No.7555948

All the others are shit, but I've heard rather good things about We need to talk about Kevin

>> No.7555952

You idiots really are autistic.

>> No.7555955

>I'm sure most of us have a home board that isn't /lit/.

>> No.7555962

But they all still are fucking scared to the bones about pedophilia. I mean, look at how many comments just pointed out Lolita.

>> No.7555980

gb2reddit your autism insults have no power here.

>> No.7555981
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I lurk /a/ but it's all so banal, I can't write more than two sentences about anything or they'll ignore it. No one cares about expansive analysis of structure, rhythm or visual themes. That and every single show ends up being the same. It's fun for a quick shit, but I couldn't lurk permanently. Then, /lgbt/, of course, but there's a point complaining and relationships gets repetitive.

I really want to have a good /lit/, but we'll have to wait till april for the undergrads to come and compensate a little bit the shitposting.

>> No.7555983
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>> No.7555991

Hey fellow Anonymouses, what's your favorite subreddit?

Mine personally is usedpanties, I've met a lot of great friends and got some killer deals there.

>> No.7556004

Nigger detected.

>> No.7556012

More like the other way around

>> No.7556025

This. I have a Reddit Gold account and have obtained over 100,000+ upvotes (upboats, if you will) from my posts, which I have seen time and again recycled on such sites as /lit/ and other meme-friendly webpages. Have you no shame? Stealing from a friendly OC creator?

>> No.7556030
File: 80 KB, 575x554, ballingouttacontrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send help.

>> No.7556044

Enough upboats to last me a lifetime.

Many of these memes happen to revolve around atheistic jokes (Darwin, Dawkins, Sam Harris, etc.). But always they are in good spirit and always do they deliver the rofls (laughs).

>> No.7556045

See >>7555847

>> No.7556064


>> No.7556069

It's hard being a Redditor and trying to pay my rent off of these memes, especially when /lit/ steals all of them! I am now going to lurk (watch without posting) should /lit/ (thieves, if you will) try to use any of my Reddit memes without my approval. This shall be the end of you, /lit/! A new generation of Reddit has begun!

>> No.7556075

I just want the redditors to leave. Can whoever uploaded that PLEASE delete it? it might do well for some damage control.

This board has gotten way too big for its own good. We need to separate. Is there a /lit/ on cripplechan?

>> No.7556079

You ppl need to realize that it's time to get real and flood the real child f***ing tbqh fa.m

>> No.7556090

‡f***ing (fucking)
tbqh(to be quite honest)
posted by a real gold account redditor

>> No.7556108

Yes but it's shit, we need to start our own /lit/ Imageboard, but nobody would migrate and it would die.

>> No.7556129

It's time for some real /pol/shit

>> No.7556189

MaharynArts1point : 18 days ago

Having frequented /lit/, I can say without a doubt that this is a good list to avoid unless you REALLY love literary writing.

>> No.7556208

/pol/ stuff just attracts a different kind of redditor. honestly CP spam was the best actual suggestion but I don't have a dynamic IP so fuck that

>> No.7556236

Holy shit I wouldn't be surprised if this retard is a regular at this grenre-pleb generals.

>> No.7556240

You guys are talking about a problem that has existed since the dawn of time. People don't lurk. They read a few threads, get a superficial view of a board, and post. The substance and humor comes from posters that somewhat understand the mentality of the people on it. You can blame Reddit and any other website but it's a user problem no matter where they come from.

>> No.7556243

haha using this meme list.
Come on, it has Harry Potter on it!

>> No.7556267

Holy shit and Paradise Lost is all the way in the 90s
Fucking meming faggots

>> No.7556286

Holy shit that is a funny list. It has fucking comic books on it. And don't forget about the Art of War desu!!

>> No.7556292 [SPOILER] 
File: 731 KB, 499x499, 1452215308777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MRW i discovered 4chan through /r/4chan

>> No.7556303

>all those YA and grocery store checkout books
>all those XDDDD meme choices
>has lovecraft's most meme book

Are normies memes?

Can they think in anything other than ideas other normies had? CALL OF CTHULHU XDFDDD LOVECRAFT IS #EPIC omgggg the hungry caterpillar made me cry so much as a kid ;_;

>> No.7556349

As usual, another "/lit/izen" (thief) taking my Reddit memes from me. (The "MRW" meme (used to accompany a spoilered picture of Pepe "The Meme Frog") was my own personal creation.) I need the potential upboats (upvotes, if you will) to pay my rent. Don't you thieves understand?!

>> No.7556353

Let this miscarriaged gimmick die on the floor

>> No.7556359

Just trying to pay my rent. I'm sure you understand.