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File: 769 KB, 2074x1383, Arena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8054262 No.8054262 [Reply] [Original]

If all philosophers in human history were put into a giant gladiator arena and they were to have a fist fight to the death, who would emerge victorious?
Who would die first?

>> No.8054264

They're all gay so they'd just fuck and die of aids.

>> No.8054268

Trick question(?), none would fight

>> No.8054278

>were to have
wow you are one of the biggest high schooler on 4chan

>> No.8054302

I'd usually veer to the Greeks but then they'd be all like five foot tall

>> No.8054308

Diogenes. Skinny guys fight till they're burger.

>> No.8054309

Aquinas was also huge

>> No.8054313

Stirner, he'd bring a gun.

>> No.8054321

The Greeks would slaughter everyone.

>> No.8054323

Kant would probably die first since he'd refuse to fight. Also, autism isn't exactly a superpower.

>> No.8054330

he's was also a tiny gimpy goblet of a man.

>> No.8054331

These guys know. The Greeks would set aside their differences, band together, and slaughter the remainder. Most of the Greek Philosophers had ripped six packs and could toss stone columns. Diogenes once got jumped and had his ass beat so he went and wrapped his hands found the guy who beat his ass and beat him to near death. Aristotle was fit, Plato was fit, while Socrates is described as a manlet, Socrates is still described as being physically fit. The Greeks also loved to wrestle and show off how strong they are. There are tons of quotes by them about being fit. I can't name a single Philosopher after the Greeks who valued raw physical strength as much as they did, aside from maybe the Romans.

>> No.8054333

*goblin desu cheers

>> No.8054344
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>> No.8054349

I think Nietzsche would be literally killed with one punch to the stomach.

>> No.8054358

That's because you're gay and don't realise all philosophers are equally shit so insulting one of them means you must like others and therefore got memed on sick it faggot

>> No.8054362

It's because he had severe stomach problems actually.

>> No.8054367

A better question is, Which of the Greeks would come out on top?

>> No.8054370

Haha I love when a fag denies it don't make excuses your obviously faking

>> No.8054434

The Greeks seem like hardy dudes. Some fought in wars or wrestled.

>> No.8054440

Weren't they all tiny manlets back then though?

>> No.8054443

Not sure about manlets but they sure weren't tiny.

>> No.8054452

Most people before the 20th century were manlets.

>> No.8054453

This so much

>> No.8054471

I'd still be afraid of a 4 foot tall man who could break me in half with a single jab to my stomach.

>> No.8054503

Socrates was a war hero and Plato was a professional wrestler

>> No.8054520

Pro wrestling is fake though

>> No.8054531

Does that mean Plato was the John Cena of his day?

>> No.8054640
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>> No.8054721


>> No.8054736

They'd be like 5'5-5'9.

Either way, they'd still literally all be soldiers and in peak physical condition. Modern philosophers, and even later ancient philosophers are, with only a few exceptions frail stock.

>> No.8054758

No it's not

>> No.8054791

Marx would die first, pretty much all of the Existentialists would die afterward, the Greeks would die last, Socrates would win

>> No.8054817

im not sure, the idea of people from older times being shorter comes from until the last few centuries, where most people lived in poverty and basically ate bread and suffered from regular diseases

didnt the ancient greeks basically live off deer/sheep meat and have all kinds of other things? certainly the philosopher class wouldnt be malnourished

>> No.8054821

I think either Nietszche, Kierkegaard or Evola would be the first to go.

>> No.8054824

We know from skeletal remains, they were shorter than recent times but not as much so, it seems like noblemen weren't significantly taller either until the 19th century

>> No.8054828


>> No.8054846
File: 7 KB, 271x186, ARNOLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

>> No.8054875


>> No.8054884

Conan is my favorite philosopher 2bh

>> No.8054885
File: 12 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be a toss up between Wittgenstein and Descartes.

Wittgenstein was an actual soldier for a while in the Austrian army and was known for his violent outbursts. He was made of hardier stock than most philosophers.

Descartes made a living as a legit mercenary and probably killed people, so he's no stranger to combat.

>> No.8054887

Infinite Chest

>> No.8054894

Stefan Molyneux.

>> No.8054895

Socrates>these niggas

>> No.8054899

Socrates, that lovable oaf? He wouldn't hurt a fly. Descartes on the other had would shank you with a sly grin.

>> No.8054916

>Sun Tzu and Machiavelli start a betting pool with suspiciously high odds on an exacta.

>> No.8054923
File: 59 KB, 157x345, elitist sicko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8054928

Soc was a great warrior with a big dong.

>> No.8054932

Heh, probably would be the same just like this


>> No.8054940

wittgenstein goes utterly berserk and uses bertrand russell as a human shield while brutalising everyone with a hot poker
wittgenstein wins
stirner maybe comes second, assuming we mean 2d cartoon stirner and not real stirner who was probably a clueless fop

>> No.8054948

is jesus a philosopher?

>> No.8054960

Socrates was a soldier and fought for Athens in battles.

>> No.8054962

I doubt he would qualify, and even if he did he would probably flop in the ring.

You sock that bastard in the face and he just turns the other cheek.

>> No.8054963


Alexander was 5 foot 7 and considered short by Greek standards.

>> No.8054969

Besides Sparta none of the Greek city states actively trained for battle

>> No.8054970
File: 352 KB, 872x855, Schopenhauer1788-1860-sqr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schopenhauer goes straight for Hegel and beats his fucking ass.

>> No.8054992

jesus vs adam smith's got to be worth some teeth

>> No.8055005

Magic powers count as cheating.

>> No.8055007


>> No.8055017


Hourly reminder that Schopenhauer grabbed his landlady by the scruff of her neck and hurled her down a flight of stairs like an old pussycat

>> No.8055038

He was a teacher in a girls school.

>> No.8055077

>was known for his violent outbursts

Source? Not saying you're wrong, I'd just like to read more about this.

>> No.8055085

> But he soon had to return to Berlin to answer a charge of battery brought by a seamstress: Schopenhauer, who hated noise (and wrote an amusing essay [1851; translated, 1890] on the topic), had been enraged by her loud chattering on the landing outside his room; in the ensuing altercation he pushed her, and she fell down a flight of stairs. He lost the case and was obliged to pay her a monthly allowance until her death. (When she finally died, twenty years later, he commented, "Obit anus, abit onus" [The old woman dies, the burden is lifted]). The experience served only to make him more misanthropic and misogynous--his diatribe "Über die Weiber" (1851; translated as "On Women," 1890) is notorious.

>Obit anus, abit onus

Such moments make me want to learn latin.

>> No.8055095
File: 56 KB, 405x720, 74951bbb-5f37-4b38-958a-a18775298b36..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were you expecting to accomplish by reminding us of such fact, that he was a badass or a faggot who couldn't even beat a woman with his own hands?

>> No.8055126


Well Evola was in a fucking wheelchair, thanks to going on an existential stroll in the midst of a bombing run.

It'd probably be some half-mad goon like Nietzsche who'd go for the cripple.

>> No.8055137
File: 3.34 MB, 640x358, 支配者民族.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He beat the shit out of kids pretty frequently, if that counts.

>> No.8055142

>Descartes made a living as a legit mercenary and probably killed people, so he's no stranger to combat.
What the hell?

Maybe Marcus Aurelius would do decent, he was both a slave and soldier.

>> No.8055144

Yeah, that's why I put him, he had good spirit, but was physically crippled.

Nietszche and Kierkegaard were sickly too though, and I could definitely see both of them shrinking from the situation.

>> No.8055385

People overestimate historical poverty, owing to the pauperization of industrializing economies.

>> No.8056486

You know aside from all that wrestling they practiced for, the drills, and daily work outs.

>> No.8056508

Is this a poem

>> No.8056511

Marcus Aurelius was never a slave, bro. You're probably thinking of Epictetus.

>> No.8056515

Those kind of weight lifters aren't going for strength unless they are in bulk season

>> No.8056522

What's the correct usage then?

>> No.8056533
File: 104 KB, 384x797, 1425488523794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh oldfag alert

>> No.8056813

Truly underrated

>> No.8056868

The Greeks. Just as they win in philosophy, they win in personal combat. Plato was a trained wrestler before he was a philosopher.

>> No.8056907

I wish I could remember who won.

>> No.8056935
File: 43 KB, 454x131, russian lit in a nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a good game

>> No.8057007



>> No.8057068

For starters Zizek, Kierkegaard, Sarte, Nietzsche, and Hume would get pounded. I doubt any of them could even take a hit. Stirner would get BTFO. He died because of a fucking BUG BITE.

I would put money on Aurelius. That mother fucker was smashing savages by day and writing philosophy by night.

>> No.8057072

>implying a greek manlet that needs a shield and jar of olive oil to be manly would be able to stand his ground against an insane kraut with a tendency towards strangling his own brothers with piano wire

1.1 You
1.2 Are
1.3 Fucking retarded

>> No.8057083

Ayn Rand would use her freaky frantic-eyes to psych out the competition and then close in for the kill.

>> No.8057094

Nietzche, Deleuze, and Guattari would be so coked out of their minds they wouldn't feel it

>> No.8057109

Sartre boxed when he was young. As an amateur of course, but still.

>> No.8057118

An enhanced field of vision too, he's got that going for him

>> No.8057135

Go let a professional fly-weight boxer who's only 5'5" or 5'6" punch you in the face, if you honestly believe height matters that much, especially outside of a rules-governed competition.

>> No.8057139

Honestly, Sam Harris would probably win. He's some high grade martial artist.

He destroys their arguments and he'd destroy them all phyically.

The. God. Man

>> No.8057165

>all this western philsophy
>everyone forgets 90% of chinese martial arts are built from philosophy about life and, therefore, conflict
>everyone forgets Bruce Lee's Jeet Kun Do was a philosophy and not simply a martial art

If the Greeks could stop literally fucking each other in the ass long enough to team-up against them, they'd have a shot, but I'd imagine all the fucking warrior-theologians and philosophers from China and Southern Asian would give them a run for their money, since they actually have a long history of putting their differences aside to fight common enemies.

>> No.8057211

Fucking Bodhidharma man

>> No.8057237

look at China's military history
even when they fight each other all they do is die

>> No.8057336

Fov slider to the max