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8383204 No.8383204 [Reply] [Original]

> When he invites you up and you see he has all of Pynchon's novels

>> No.8383207

R u grill who likes pinch1?

>> No.8383209
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More appropriate.

>> No.8383232

fuck off slut

>> No.8383243

Its pronounced pine cone

>> No.8383250
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>mfw some slut tries to nick my pinch biblios

>> No.8383262

>tfw you see another guy leaking fluids and your brain says "hmm, his fluids are leaking. i bet those fluids stink. i hope he stays away from me"
>tfw you see a woman leaking fluids and your dick becomes turgid and you want to lick them up off the floor and make out with her holes

>> No.8383283


menstrual blood too?

>> No.8383284

Pynchons my fav writer for sure because my fav thing in books is goofs, gags, jokes and rambunctious behavior, and his books are full to the brim of it. Every novel is like one of those novelty snake cans, you open the book & POP you get a face fulla snakes and you fall back cackling. The mad mind, the crack genius, to do it! and then you think hmmm whats he gonna do next, this trickster, and you pick the book back up and BZZZZZZZZZZ you get a shock and Hahahahahah you've been pranked again by the old pynchmeister, that card. "Did that Pynch?" he says, laughing yukyukyukyuk. Watch him as he shoves a pair of plastic buck teeth right up into his mouth and displays em for you- left, right, center- "you like dese? Do i look handsome???" Pulls out a mirror. "Ah!" Hand to naughty mouth. And you're on your ass again laughing as he snaps his suspenders, exits stage right, and appears again hauling a huge golden gong.

>> No.8383286

especially menstrual blood

i have haematophillia

>> No.8383298

Thanks for this

>> No.8383304

This never fails to make me laugh.

>> No.8383306


if you've read some Bataille, we can start talking.

>> No.8383308

Where did this pasta originate?

>> No.8383311
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>> No.8383319

>girl hitting on me at work, we are talking for hours
>instincts are telling me to ask her out
>all of the philosophers and essays I've read and the extensive introspection/critical thinking I've done on the topic of women win out
>decide she is an insipid whore
>tell her I've got to go and head out

This happens every time; how do I get this shit out of my head and just learn to date someone?

>> No.8383323

i only read bataille while i was binge-reading foucault, and wanted to understand why he found thinking in terms of violence and destruction so appealing across sexual, ethical, and epistemological domains

can i eat your sweaty ass some time or is that not good enough

>> No.8383339

Books are for girls.

>> No.8383464

who are some authors like this post

>> No.8383512

Tao Lin

>> No.8383562


>> No.8383748
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>> No.8383756
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Ask them out and get to know them before deciding they are a whore for showing interest?

>> No.8383774
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>women actually hit on him

>> No.8383786

>This happens every time; how do I get this shit out of my head and just learn to date someone?
Read some Simone de Beauvoir.
Acknowledge that women, like men, aren't defined by their gender.

>> No.8383801

A short term solution would be to do cocaine.

>> No.8383804

>Read some Simone de Beauvoir.


>> No.8383820

>>it's a real story

>> No.8383930

>unseathes doubleplusblade

>> No.8384762

you into omorashi?

>> No.8384770
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>When he says he's not an objectivist.
>Infinite Jest? No I didn't finish it - too boring!
>When his books are all sub-400 pages or are novellas.

>> No.8384774

I was nailing a girl the other day and I was trying to get her wetter and I said 'who's my girl' and she went drier, sad face emoji

>> No.8385070

I say the same thing when I fuck my dog.

>> No.8385081
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>mfw a women pretends to understand my loyalty to the Emperor

>> No.8385088

I'm to /lit new. who are we talking about?

>> No.8385099

I like feeling a girl's pussy over her panties when she is wet. It's really fun.

>> No.8385107

It's hard for me to comprehend people I interact with have had sex. It seems so unreal to me. I acknowledge it as fact but do not believe it, like death. So talking to nonvirgins is like, talking to the dead, to souls who have passed over.

>> No.8385113
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this hit way too close to home for me

>> No.8385268

Go to bed Tao.

>> No.8385289 [DELETED] 

>all of the philosophers and essays I've read and the extensive introspection/critical thinking I've done on the topic of women win out

No, what actually happens is that you're either too insecure or too self-loathing to imagine someone would like you, but you rationalize your feel of human contact through Schopenhauer or whatever so that you don't have to face it.

>> No.8385292

>all of the philosophers and essays I've read and the extensive introspection/critical thinking I've done on the topic of women win out

No, what actually happens is that you're either too insecure or too self-loathing to imagine someone would like you, but you rationalize your fear of human contact through Schopenhauer or whatever so that you don't have to face it.

>> No.8385511

>talking to nonvirgins is like, talking to the dead, to souls who have passed over

This reminded me of a Yeats quote I saw:
"The tragedy of sexual intercourse is the perpetual virginity of the soul"

>> No.8385518


>> No.8385537
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>It's hard for me to comprehend people I interact with have had sex.

>> No.8385570

Yeah I have this problem to. Sometime I'll be talking to someone (usually this happens with women) and it'll occur to me that they've had sex and my mind reels. It's an unfathomable kind of thing. The image of person in front of you and the fact of them having sex don't seem to cohere or even take place in the same universe.

>> No.8385591

>It's really fun.
yes it is fun for her. and fun for the beta willing to entertain her

>> No.8385628

Nothing wrong with shunning normies, especially women

>> No.8385666
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Sure thing, buddy. I'll have you know I've had 4 chances to lose my virginity (one of them doesn't really count because I was so drunk I couldn't stay hard), and have declined each time, in favor of a handjob or a blowjob.

When I'm on the first or second date with a girl, I always try and see how far I get. If she let's me take her to my bedroom, I know she's a slut and has had sex with multiple guys, based on the fact that she's willing to fuck me so easily.

I hope women take note of this. Being easy is only attractive to guys as vapid and pathetic as you; intelligent men like me are sent reeling by your promiscuity. A woman has really lost her beauty once she has been claimed even once by another man, and it's the whore-promoting media that has disseminated propaganda telling women it's okay to have sex freely; it's their body; it's their right. All this, despite centuries of tradition stating otherwise.

>> No.8385712

when facing a women, I think too about her natural state being a whore and it helps not caring about her. I do not waste my time with them.

>> No.8385713

>women take note
Fucking wew lad. This post came together like the perfect retard salad.

>> No.8385721

bitter virgin detected

>> No.8385783

I forgot to mention that I do not care about girls as soon as I finish wanking off. This plus the praise of slutiness from women makes me totally indifferent to whores.