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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 325x500, man_in_the_high_castle.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
851806 No.851806 [Reply] [Original]

Post the last three books you read, and have kind anons recommend what you should read next. I'll start!

The Master and the Margarita, Snow Crash, and The Man in the High Castle.

I plan on reading The Stand, and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich next. Oh, and Metro 2033.

>> No.851820

You should read your high-school diploma.

Here's mine:
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
Dubliners - James Joyce
The Lice - WS Merwin

>> No.851825

The Bell Jar
Of Mice and Men
Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.851826

>>851806metro 2033

hahaha oh wow oh man

>> No.851829

You should read your freshman required reading list.

>> No.851830

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies-Seth-Grahame Smith
My Tank is Fight!- Zack Parsons
The Grapple- Harry Turtledove

>> No.851834

>Pride and Prejudice and Zombies-Seth-Grahame Smith
>My Tank is Fight!- Zack Parsons
you spend too much time on the internet

>> No.851838

>>851829The Bell Jar

man you love wasting time huh

>> No.851844

Did you like Joyce? Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is great, Ulysses is fucking orgasmic, but it takes real commitment to tackle.

Do me anon:
Song of Solomon - Toni Morrison
Sons and Lovers - DH Lawrence
Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris

>> No.851849


P&P&Z was something I saw in the bookstore. Picked it up to kill time while waiting in line for Toy Story 3.

As for My Tank is Fight!, I'm a history buff, and World War 2 is my favorite. Reading about failed wacky experiments? had me begging to borrow this from my buddy.

>> No.851853

OP here. I just enjoy reading random things that are often made note of here on /lit/, I tend to enjoy them too!

>> No.851859

>>851849Picked it up to kill time while waiting in line for Toy Story 3.

movie sheep as well as a literary sheep? sad
>>851853bawww im a sheep

>> No.851862

Maybe university age (18-22), but Sedaris makes me question your taste.

>> No.851871

oh oh me next!

invitation to a beheading - nabokov
a school for fools - sasha sokolov

>> No.851876


Midnight showing bro, needed to kill a few hours. And hey, read the original and I like the parody as well.

>> No.851877 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 311x475, aseparatepeace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Separate Peace

>> No.851883
File: 87 KB, 344x615, aseparatepeace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Separate Peace

>> No.851890


Second time's the charm

>> No.851898

Yeah, I had the image mislabed the first time around. I post this image almost every time someone mentions A Separate Peace.

>> No.851903

The Human Stain
How It Is

>> No.851905

Crime & punishment, Fatherland, Blue at the mizzen

>> No.851908

The Sedaris book was okay, but I definitely won't buy anything else of his.

>> No.851914

You just called someone a sheep because they saw Toy Story 3. I want you to think about that and then reflect upon your life.

>> No.851917

American Psycho
The Stranger
Dies the Fire

>> No.851921

nostalgia sheep are worse than ordinary sheep

>> No.851923
File: 43 KB, 530x398, pretentious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't even make sense.
Also, this is you.

>> No.851931

calm down little sheep, don't get angry because someone can you read you like the flimsy little book you are

>> No.851933
File: 171 KB, 323x347, pretentious dinosaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calm down little sheep, don't get angry because someone can you read you like the flimsy little book you are

>> No.851936

that's actually all the images relating to pretentiousness I have, but I would keep going otherwise.

>> No.851937
File: 379 KB, 446x600, wtf_amireading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because someone can you read you

>> No.851939
File: 245 KB, 600x450, haters-gonna-hate-32402-1270523864-286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God forbid someone enjoy themselves in life.

>> No.851947

Agree. We're all sheeple on some level. Stfu with your elitism. Poast moar lists.

>> No.851949

but my enjoyment is calling you out on your western illusion bullshit! fucking sheeps

>> No.851948

Read Lolita. You seem to like the stuff that fucks with your mind a little bit.

>> No.851952

how the fuck does lolita fuck with your mind whatsoever

>> No.851953

Out of curiosity, what's your favorite book/movie/music person?

>> No.851963

a house of leaves/the hurt locker/radiohead

don't let my superior tastes anger you as they force you to confront your inferiority

>> No.851967

If your favorite book is House of Leaves and you call other people sheep something is wrong.
I liked the Hurt Locker, though. That was good.

>> No.851969
File: 13 KB, 400x300, Crochet-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're motherfucking whiny bitches the whole lot of you.

I'm not recommending shit to none of yall.

>> No.851974
File: 38 KB, 500x332, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.851976

implying i want you to attempt contaminating my awesome taste with your puerile dumb sheep shit

>> No.851977

No matter how many times I see that picture, I will never be able to comprehend what the hell is going on.

>> No.851980

He's portrayed as a really nice likable guy. Then he's a pedo. Just like American Psycho he starts going a little crazy, but you like him when he's sane.

>> No.851993

I made this thread last night, you bitch, and now it's been motherfucking ripped off by fuckers who can't recommend shit.

Man, if you think taste can be contaminated, you deserve to be fucking ITT getting advice from these bitches.

Lolita is in every fucking thread on /lit/ it's fucking shameful. Read some fucking Pnin you motherfuckers.

>> No.851996

She stepped off her motorcycle to piss on a turtle. What don't you get, buddy?

>> No.851997

There are just so many questions that it raises.

>> No.852000

and it's not even a motorcycle.

>> No.852015

They recommend Lolita as a starting point you miserable joke of a human being. Get the fuck out of here, you senseless piece of trash.

>> No.852026

Not just this thread, dude, every. single. thread. It's like you've all read seven motherfucking books between you and the rest you fucking use Wikipedia for you.

Anyway, why you so mad, bro? I'm a fucking banana.

>> No.852029

Faust - Goethe
The Little Prince - Exupery
A Power... - Zinn

>> No.852043


I read Zinn's A People's History of the US in junior year AP US HIstory. Disagreed with Zinn's views, but God, the discussions that book brought up.

>single nostalgia tear

>> No.852054

>>852043junior AP history

goddamn you must have never participated in a good argument before huh

>> No.852064


Went to a California public high school, intellectually enlightening? For the most part, naw. Lit classes and last two years of social studies were brilliant exceptions.

>> No.852087

VALIS - Philip K. Dick
Hitchhiker's Guide - Douglas Adams
Inferno - Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven

>> No.852139


>> No.852149

game change
the sociopath next door
Scott Pilgram vol 5

>> No.852199

The Game

>> No.852205
File: 18 KB, 300x279, critic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armond White has been located.

>> No.852213
File: 18 KB, 500x448, double-facepalm-facepalm-stupid-idiot-facepalm-lol-ignorant-demotivational-poster-1228730103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god you are the stupidest fucking person on 4chan right now

>> No.852248

Your thread yesterday wasn't original, been posted many times.

>> No.852271

Animal Farm
Notes From the Underground
The Metamorphosis

>> No.852282

it does me good to see my half-ass troll posts still piss people even hours later

>> No.852313

Drawing of the Three - Stephen King of trolls
The Way of Shadows - Brett Weeks
Moonraker - Ian Fleming

>> No.852320

Destroyer of Worlds
The Ringworld Engineers

>> No.852324

Because the only thing on there I've read is Animal Farm.

>> No.852332

Yeah, I already have a copy so I think I'll read that next.