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8609347 No.8609347 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate the word "holistic".
Something about it's connotation of pretentious middle-management just make me want to rant about it on the internet

>> No.8609360

I hate the word "lighted"

Fuck that goddamn word

>> No.8609362


>Per se
>People making quotation marks in the air with their fingers


>> No.8609364


>> No.8609369



Anything intrinsically redundant.

>> No.8609378


>> No.8609381

"Mewling" Just makes me think of some greasy fedora'd edgelord imagining his superiority over the "mewling spawn of suburbia" with their swag and yolo. They don't understand what a man in a black fedora and a black trenchcoat is capable of doin' dude

>> No.8609384

I'm not sure if this makes sense, but I hate when people say, like, a trademarked name for something generic.

Hey man, try this Hormel!
Instead of Hey man, try this chili!

Does this make me a faggot?

>> No.8609386

sounds like u could use some holistic medicine

>> No.8609388

I was annoyed at how much Lovecraft used this until I looked it up and it turns out he was just describing a specific type of architecture. I always assumed it was something to do with Cyclops

>> No.8609389

anti consumerist if anything

>> No.8609391

There's that, and then there's the folks that have to go "Oh, look at that Renoir" instead of "Look at that painting." To me that's even worse

>> No.8609392

Anything that ends with -tude, gratitude, fortitude, exactitude.

It just sounds dumb to me.

>> No.8609398

Fucking "dude." Pointless and stupid filler word that doesn't mean anything anymore. I especially loathe it when people use it to sound condescending IE "whatever, dude"

>> No.8609405

Dude meant dandy at one time.


>> No.8609407

Yeah, it was similar to "fop." Didn't "guy" originate with Guy Fawkes day, referring to the people that dressed up like him?

>> No.8609446

It makes me think of a tiny baby mammal of some kind. It's pink and helpless and cute. Think of that instead, for your health.

>> No.8609454

Chill, dude. It's a California thing.

>> No.8609465

it's lit, pham

>> No.8609471


>> No.8609649

>"Oh, look at that Renoir"

if the painting is indeed a renoir, then theres literally nothing wrong with it, its the correct thing to do, in fact.

>> No.8609668

Yeah, it's not like Renoir isn't an improper noun or anything.

>> No.8609676

As in "it was pretty good", "it was pretty bad", "pretty much"... etc
You will never read a reddit thread the same way again, when I noticed how often it's used in this way it makes me rage so hard

>Hell, even..."

>> No.8609799

That kind of makes sense if you're trying to differentiate between paintings by different artists. Though it does bring in an aspect of culture snobbery if you're clearly speaking to someone who doesn't know shit about art.

>> No.8609809

No, it's shit.

>> No.8609834

whatever, dude

>> No.8609841
File: 1 KB, 228x23, waht the fuck are you talking about mate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only hate writing when the tone is smug/condescending/pretentious or when someone uses a word that they KNOW is obscure

Like this reply I got today on a Youtube comment that I made. Maybe it's a reference to something but why the fuck do people feel the need to sound like they're writing a fucking poem whenever they start typing a goddamn Youtube comment

>> No.8609858

>Per se
Damn it, I use it all the time. Is it that bad?

>> No.8609925

Of all obscure words you chose kindly as your example? Unless he is somehow using the archaic meaning—Of or relating to a status derived by legal descent from an ancestor, which does not seem to be the case—I don't think obscurity is the promblem with that comment; the unnecessary metaphor is.

Or are you perhaps having problems with the word discourse? Or mistress? I'd argue that they are no more obscure than ‘condescending’.

>> No.8609938
File: 38 KB, 399x654, hL1MxvM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I wasn't implying that a word in the pic was obscure, just that the writing is ridiculous. All of the words are fine, it's just a retarded comment that nobody is going to understand

>> No.8609943

All this rationalisation of words people supposedly irrationally hate.

>> No.8609953

Eh, while the writing in your pictures is comical, I find the effort itself laudable; they will grow up and experience the benefits of a larger vocabulary once they’ve learnt how to use it properly. People want to be seen as better than their peers and I think that being a pretenteous teenager is better than being proud of one’s ignorance.

>> No.8609968

no further explanation required

>> No.8609975


>> No.8610004

Hi red commenter

>> No.8610007

it's not.

>> No.8610009

...per se.

>> No.8610070

"Look at that Renoir" is shorthand for "look at that painting by Renoir" and therefore perfectly grammatical, dear autist

>> No.8610106

Truly a golden age to live in, when words are shunned before their meaning.

>> No.8610108

Irregardless isn't a real world though. It's like "thusly." A fake word perpetuated by jolly idiots.

>> No.8610111


I hate how it sounds.

>> No.8610128

no, I mean the word to use is actually lit. Lighted is dumb and only retards use it.

>> No.8610174

There's no 'real' words and 'unreal' words. If a string of letters conveys a meaning and can be used syntactically then it's a word.

People have been using 'irregardless' since at least 1910s and 'thusly since 1860s

>> No.8610191

I hear it more regularly than either regardless or irrespective, the two words likely conflated to form this idiotic neologism.

>> No.8610192

I was just fucking with you

>> No.8610214


>> No.8610218

a german word
word-wörd-ly (means literally)

>> No.8610329


>> No.8610383

Originally it did. The architecture style used massive boulders, and they were described as being so large that only one of the Cyclopes could lift them.

>> No.8610385

'Preclude', I can't even explain why, I just hate it.

>> No.8610392

I hate "convey". Aesthetically, it sounds like two syllables that got put together but don't belong together. Socially, its the go-to word for shitty undergrads.

>> No.8610876

"Preconceived notion"

>> No.8610903


>> No.8611302

Fuck you.

>> No.8611374
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>read a reddit thread

>> No.8611391


Yes fuck you dude

>> No.8611466


Gender, intersectional, privlege, decolonization, spiritual, life-changing, synergy

>> No.8611469


Also serendipity, I fucking hate that word

>> No.8611481

>Social Construct

All destroyed by obnoxious fuckwits.

>> No.8611537

Germanfag here. I'm normally fine with Anglicisms in our language because language is evolving, but god damn there are some annoying ones.
"Handy" for cellphones. Why are you using an english word for cellphone that does not actually mean cellphone? This one came about because self important business yuppie type germans in the 90s need to work as much english into their vocabulary to sound "worldly and successful"
Some people are calling bakeries "Back-Shop" Back being the german word for bake. Which is super fucking retarded.
"Patchwork family" for People who got divorced and remarried.
Some company made a bag that you wear on your body so they fucking named it "body bag"
Pretty much every place that had an "Information" or "Info" sign is now called "Service Point" in germany

>> No.8611540



>> No.8611547


>> No.8611572

'wörtlich' means 'literally'
'wortwörtlich' means 'literally word for word'
The difference may be small, but there is a difference.

>> No.8611605

I know that feel. For some reason, billboards are called "outdoors" here in Brazil.
And the "handy" thing is stupid too.
>mfw German teacher asks what is my Handynummer and I stammer because I had no idea

On topic, anglicisms annoy me.

>> No.8611612
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Saw this on my feed today

>> No.8611617

So, verbatim?

>> No.8611622
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>tfw she used to be a qt and flirt with me and dated a guy for a while

>> No.8611630
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Also mindfulness

>> No.8611651

There Is a fine line with anglicisms. Most of them are fine, Like Japanese, Japanese is a shit tier language that isn't very adaptive and thus is lacking tons of words for all kinds of shit. So what do they do? They just use english ones instead. That's fine. It gets stupid when you have a perfectly fine word in your language that somehow gets replaced with an Anglicism. In german we stopped saying "Zum mitnehmen" and started saying "to go"

Also: yeah. "Handy" is by far the most retarded one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow1nHW4j_8o

>> No.8611732


>> No.8611786

I agree with you. With "anglicisms", I meant the ones that can be perfectly translated.

>> No.8611788

I feel like there are much worse words, including anglicisms, in German. Especially the whole Denglish business talk is absolutely disgusting.

I really hate the words "puberty" and especially "pubes". The combination of letters and sounds, coupled with its meaning, just annoys me so much.

>> No.8611829


makes me want to blow up a fuckingbuilding

>> No.8611996

<<Inclusive>>, in spanish its a way to say something like "in addition".

Just bc my father used it too much

>> No.8612003

Not a single word, but "tour de force" fucking sucks.

>> No.8612012


>> No.8612019

Bucolic and rural

Rural, just for how unpleasant it is to say out loud— I don't actually mind the word in writing. Bucolic, on the other hand, is absolutely revolting regardless of the medium I encounter it in. To hell with that word.

>> No.8612040

I have a real hatred for euphemisms. This obviously makes debating anyone on the left an irritating experience.

>> No.8612105

>Lovecraft keeps mentioning R'lyeh
>turns out that's just how they used to spell Raleigh
wtf why didn't anybody ever notice?

>> No.8612152

It´s a spanish word for "trivial" or "banal".
I see Borges use it quite constantly. I just hate how it sounds.

>> No.8612154

ingenious :^)

>> No.8612159


>> No.8612165

"fuck." it is such a placeholder word that has no meaning and it makes the user sound less intelligent

>> No.8612202

it's not about sounding intelligent, it's about being intelligent ;)

>> No.8612226

This word no longer carries any valid meaning

>> No.8612227

When people use quotation marks incorrectly I want to slit my own wrists.

>> No.8612230

preggers is the most disgusting word in the english language

I also dislike it when people say "we're pregnant"

>> No.8612258

Exigence, specifically in the context of "what is its Exigence"

My ask is..

Baby momma
Baby daddy

>> No.8612277

How is nobody complaining about empty corporate jargon. "Leverage" and the like.

>> No.8612285

attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

>> No.8612289

but OP was literally doing just that

>> No.8612957


>> No.8612984
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I like using it it's pretty good, pretty pretty pretty good.

>> No.8613014

When people try to appear more cultured by using a non standard version of a foreign word

>hoodoo instead of voodoo
>gung fu instead of kung fu
>"latheeno" instead of just hispanic when referring to hispanics