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/lit/ - Literature

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8944409 No.8944409 [Reply] [Original]

literary confession thread

>> No.8944415

That guy looks familiar, what's his name again?

>> No.8944426

Delillos later work is his best

>> No.8944427

Mike "Bash 'Em Straight" Pence

>> No.8944438

Mike Pence. He's Donald Trump's VP.

I hope this post has been informative for you. Cheers.

>> No.8944467

harry potter

>> No.8944481

Mike "The AC of DC" Pence

>> No.8944484


I had 11 days off work and played XCOM 2 the entire time...

>> No.8944490

I'm a professor and choose favorites based on what they read

>> No.8944502

I've read 4 books so far over winter break. 3 of them were YA.

>> No.8944567

I went on /r/books.


>> No.8944585

I've never in my life read a book straight through. I own over 1,000. when I write my plagiarism is so fucking liecemeal that nobody can thumb my robbery. I incorporate from Gary Paulsen all the way to Hermann Broch. Nobody knows where I steal my shit from.

>> No.8944591


I think the superior approach to appreciating literature is from characters and plot down.

The best pieces of fiction of all time contain the best stories of all time, and you aren't more intelligent if you appreciate a book with a bad story but better writing than a book with bad writing but a better story.

I also believe whatever message hidden within the book is not that important compared to characters and plot.

Literature for generations since the greeks has emphasized meat and bones storytelling over aesthetics and art.

Pick a different medium with a lot more ambiguity if you are so obsessed with aesthetics and prose.

>> No.8944701

I think Nonfiction is better than Fiction

>> No.8944717

You won't get away with it forever!

>> No.8944725


i read way more essays and articles than novels; actually, i havent read a novel in years, but i like to comment on any thread about a novel because i have enough knowledge of the book from reading previous threads.

>> No.8944737


I started off 2 years ago reading very pretentiously, and really was convinced plot was irrelevant to the philosophical underscore. Then I became obsessed with postmodern and modernist wanking and read only that. Then I read only poetry for a while. Then only drama. etc etc etc etc etc

I'm really convinced the only thing a great non-scifi/fantasy fiction writer has to do is have superhuman empathy for the human race and an ability to project that onto paper. And even a fantasy writer should at least have some empathy for the real world rather than just creating bland escapist falsehoods. All fiction is fantasy, I think Nabokov once said. Not that I think Nabokov had much empathy for humans other than in Lolita and Pnin.

Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Homer, and Proust really are the great gods of literature.

>> No.8944745
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I dont read modern books because I don't want my writing to be dumbed down. No actual literature has been produced in the last 10-20 years.

>> No.8944750


so, which postmodernist, modernist works did you like

>> No.8944759
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How do you find out what they read? Or do you ask the whole room what they're reading right now and base your choice on that one book?

>> No.8944764

> I dont read modern books
> No actual literature has been produced in the last 10-20 years.

How could you possibly know that then?

>> No.8944786

I read a large number during my bachelor's in lit because I had to. I also see excerpts here on /lit/ from time to time, and I'll sometimes sample books recommended by friends but never actually read them. A lot of the time I can just tell by the plot summary on wikipedia that its going to be pretentious baloney,

Plus bland prose is basically a given in this day and age, or worse, prose that forces itself to sound post-modern and just ends up sounding disjointed nonsense.

>> No.8944787

I do a sort of friendly introduction with my students since it's a liberal arts college, so I get a lot more one on one time with students. Some are just the typical Harry Potter kids but there are some kids who remind me of myself when I was younger reading works like Metaphysics and such

>> No.8944794

>In tutorial for English 230 (or something)
>Tutor asks what our favourite books are
>Say Blood Meridian by Cormac Mcarthy
>Nobody knows what it is
>Tutor doesn't know what it is
>Smiles and says 'that's cool' and moves on to the next person

>> No.8944809

I've never read Shakespeare or Brecht. I just watch the film adaptations.

>> No.8944843
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Mike Pence is a proponent of electroshock gay conversion therapy.

Mike "Cocksuckers Are in for a Shocker" Pence
Mike "Pillage Greenwich Village" Pence
Mike "LGBT BBQ" Pence
Mike "Set Phasers to Straight" Pence
Mike "Pole Smoker Choker" Pence
Mike "Zap the Traps" Pence
Mike "10 Megawatts a Day Keeps the Gay Away" Pence
Mike "AC of DC" Pence
Mike "Fry Away Your Inner Gay" Pence
Mike "Homocaust" Pence
Mike "Like it in the Crapper? You Get the Zapper" Pence
Mike "Disco Inferno" Pence
Mike "Watt Watt in the Butt" Pence
Mike "Feel the Itch? I Flip the Switch" Pence
Mike "Deus Volt" Pence
Mike "Putting the Amp in Straight Camp" Pence
Mike "Curing Queers with Amperes" Pence
Mike "The Closet Electrician" Pence
Mike "Electroshock Your Love of Cock" Pence
Mike "Dropping Fags and Loading Mags" Pence
Mike "Electrocute the Fruit" Pence
Mike "Ignite the Sodomite" Pence
Mike "If You Catch or Pitch, I'm Flipping the Switch" Pence
Mike "Like Other Men? The Dial's Going to Ten" Pence
Mike "Jolting Fear into the Queer" Pence
Mike "Want to Get Pounded? Please Stay Grounded" Pence

>> No.8944959

And yet I will never not picture him as the older dude turning young "straight" twinks into silly cockwhores in some filthy porn series.

He just has that classic manly "adopted my lover because marriage isn't legal for us" look.

>> No.8945026
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Do you generally feel satisfied?
Aesthetics are just another resource for telling the story. Great prose just mean that a story is told well.

>> No.8945225

You missed a few.

Mike "Suck a Cock, Get a Shock" Pence
Mike "Turning Fruits into Vegetables" Pence

>> No.8945254

Mike "Pride Parade Hand Grenade" Pence
Mike "Sodomy and Vice Make Lightning Strike Twice" Pence
Mike "Special Camps for Fags, Dykes, and Tramps" Pence
Mike "Sex Change Firing Range" Pence
Mike "Transgender Life Ender" Pence
Mike "God Commands Me To Nuke The Pansies" Pence
Mike "If you like men's buns, I reach for my gun" Pence

>> No.8945480

My reading experience lies mostly in Harry Potter, 1984 and other assorted High School fiction. Is reading stuff like Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow accessible if I'm not a brainlet or do I need to start with Homer or something

>> No.8945491

some people will tell you that you have to slowly work your way up to hard books, but honestly the most important thing is that you're enthusiastic, and you can usually start anywhere and fill in the gaps later. if infinite jest or gravity's rainbow appeal to you, just fucking dive in. it's easier to read a hard book that you're really interested in that force yourself through an easier one for the sake of it in my experience.

>> No.8945770

thanks homie

>> No.8945791

>no ''Mike ''If men make you jerk it you complete the circuit'' Pence''
wtf that's the best one

>> No.8947146


Mike "Omar Mateen" Pence

>> No.8947205

Mike "I take credit for following the constitutional mandate to not let the state go into debt" Pence

>> No.8947215

I have the best ideas but on paper it all seems like shit

>> No.8947230

>says he majored in lit
>says he read lots of contemporary lit
One of these is more than likely a lie.

>> No.8947238


I don't give a fuck if /lit/ calls be a plebe.

>> No.8947310

>Mike "Disco Inferno" Pence

>> No.8947366

The most trouble I've ever had with a book was finishing Babbitt. It's not difficult to understand, it's just so incredibly mundane that I can't read more than 4-5 pages at a time.

>> No.8947389

>calls be a plebe

You're not a pleb you're just a fucking idiot

>> No.8947422


u wot mate?

>> No.8947472

sometimes, if I've spent more than 3 weeks with a book, but don't care enough to finish it because i'm bored, I'll still list it as read on my goodreads.

>> No.8947476
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Once a redditor, always a redditor.

>> No.8947595 [DELETED] 

I am literally 10 years old.

>> No.8947607

I dropped House of leaves about halfway through. It's a gimmick book with an interesting premise that is squandered on boring, monotonous writing.

>> No.8947722

Gordon Ramsay Baneposts?

>> No.8947767

I started reading english books 6 months ago

>> No.8947775

btw i'm a girl too

>> No.8947821

Who cares fukkk I'm one too and I'm not saying my sex on an anonymous taiwanese board

>> No.8948572

how did you know anon?

>> No.8949002

>I'm one too
>I'm not saying my sex

>> No.8949418
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>> No.8949433

it took me ~300 pages to start liking lotr

>> No.8949504

The only book I remember quitting was the silmarillion .

I skipped parts of Great Expectations

>> No.8949751
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Emanuel "The Mike Pence" Espartos

>> No.8950203

Mike "LGBTBBQ" Pence

>> No.8950297

Little late pal

>> No.8950320

I don't really read all of this board's pretentious shit. I just come here to shitpost about it in between reading books I actually enjoy.

>> No.8950350

I legitimately think that Kurt Vonnegut is the best author of all time

>> No.8950867

I read a translated version of a book even though I knew the original language.