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/lit/ - Literature

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8990652 No.8990652 [Reply] [Original]

Why does right wing literature get no respect around here?

>> No.8990670

you ruined your own thread with that image

>> No.8990686

Go kill yourself faggot

>> No.8990689


becuase people here like to discuss ideas, not the petty resentment of incel failsons and their conman idols.

>> No.8990692

This what I'm talking about. Leftys don't even bother offering serious critique of right wing lit, they just brush it off and enjoy their safe space instead of confronting new themes

>> No.8990696

>it's a le roooooman salute! XD

made me think

>> No.8990698

richard spencer is such a rosy-cheeked little fucking faggot. He acts so tough but he's clearly a private school-educated bitch.

i respect right wing literature though OP. :)

and i mean a lot of classic authors and books aren't exactly liberal.

>> No.8990711

There's no critique necessary because there's literally no substance to this branch of conservatism.

This isn't classical high church conservatism, this is low brow populist mud wrestling conservatism based on spinning some ridiculous alternate reality bubble that no one ever questions.

>> No.8990717

Because lets face it, /lit/ is about fiction.

Very rarely are there any discussions here on political books.

Also there is some mental illness going around here lately where alot of people have the /pol/ bogeyman mental ghosts obscuring everything else when they see anything they don't agree with.

Also just to get the juices flowing
>implying not 96% of all western canon classics are not right-wing literature

>> No.8990718

>be right wing and uneducated
>"lol trailer trash redneck hick"
>be right wing and educated
>"lol pampered bitch"

>> No.8990721
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/lit/ hates him.

>> No.8990722

Because the right-wing has completely bastardized conservatism

>> No.8990724

What right wing literature?

All the right wing has ever done in my country was:
>da juice are responsible
>da muslims are responsible
>da X is responsible

And when they were in the government until a few years ago, they were responsible for the biggest corruption scandals we are still investigating today.

>> No.8990726

>implying not 96% of all western canon classics are not right-wing literature

this. lots of classics even name the fucking jew

>> No.8990730

go suck some hitler dick /pol/ faggot

>> No.8990731

Because people who see the world in terms of political partisanship are infantile.

>> No.8990735

just look at him

he has bitch tits. he literally has moobs

>> No.8990739
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>> No.8990748

Yeats, T. S. Eliot, Borges (and more) all get plenty of respect.

>> No.8990751

/lit/ isn't anti-conservative. Although it was annoying when we had an influx of reddit-tier commies a couple months ago, but they all got bored and left or integrated with superior /lit/-tier commies.

I've seen many positive threads about actual conservative thinkers. Hell, the other day, we had a good one about William F Buckley.

>> No.8990756
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>> No.8990758



>> No.8990759
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dont make me say it

>> No.8990763

Great arguments, no wonder /pol/ is not taking seriously outside of /pol/.

>> No.8990764

/lit/ is lefty /pol.

>> No.8990766

Alt-right rekt

>> No.8990768
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All the left wing has ever done in my country was

>Destroy the nuclear family.
> Advocate hedonism.
> Subvert Christianity.
> Discredit my racial history.
> Advocate for socialism/ big government.

>> No.8990770

No, it's not.

>> No.8990774

Yeah seriously, /lit/ also don't cover trash tumblr-tier left wing schools of thought. Only patricians here, and DFW

>> No.8990780

Did I say that the left is any better? Stalin was as cruel as Hitler and Mao killed way more than him.

Both extremist sides are horrible for prosperity, freedom and democracy.

>> No.8990782

>modernist poet
Fucking rapist of the Western Tradition.
>oh look I don't rhyme my ramblings are still poetry though haha feminism haha everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi
Get this bluepilled degenerate cuck out of here.

>> No.8990786

Not even close, not that certain members of a certain school of thought, that will go unnamed, haven't tried to make this left wing /pol/ in the past. /lit/ stays itself. Having /his/ as a containment board has actually helped a lot lately.

>> No.8990810

Wasn't Dostoevsky right-wing in a way?

>> No.8990812

>getting this mad because free verse got co-opted
>not knowing the first basis of modernist poetry was about male ingenuity and masculinity

okay whitman was gay, but still

>> No.8990822

OP will never respond to this.

>> No.8990824


>> No.8990825

>defending a leftist kike like (((£zra)))
I bet you're a Jew too.

>> No.8990831
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how many of you taken the brown pill yet?

>> No.8990835

kek, Pound would probably beat your leftist ass into submission while still being professional enough to edit your drivel. There's no way you're competent enough to be a representative of the right, unlike him.

>> No.8990839

I bet you'd burn his books.

>> No.8990847

>right-wing and left-wing are extremists

this is why not everyone should be allowed to vote

>> No.8990849
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>muh right-wing
>muh left-wing

Ever since I started "getting interested" in politics I only hate this world more and more.

>> No.8990860

He was a conservative, but that should not be taken to mean he was right-wing as we think of the term today.

>> No.8990869

>right wing

Let this meme end. Many of "alt-right" flat out support economic fascism and other forms of socialism. There's nothing conservative of libertarian about them.

>> No.8990870

Well, if the right-wing in my country is blaming minorities for all problems, even like obesity, they certainly aren't moderate.

>> No.8990876

you mean how it's thought of by people who couldn't place either right or left in terms of policies? those are leftists by their policy to history, and you're welcome to them.

>> No.8990880
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>> No.8990881

They support ethnonationalism, what is so hard to understand about that?

>> No.8990891

I bet they're right though. Especially if you live in Europe.

You not agreeing with them doesn't make them extreme.

>> No.8990894

So muslims are to blame if the majority of white inhabitants is obese? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.8990895
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>there is no substance to enthnonationalism
Be honest, how much right wing literature have you actually read? You sound like an undergraduate.

>> No.8990901


That's neither a left or right position because you can support or oppose ethno-nationalism regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum.

>> No.8990904

fascist are radically centrist

>> No.8990905

No one has ever made that argument, not even in your made-up country.

>> No.8990910

>low brow populist mud wrestling
>based on spinning some ridiculous alternate reality bubble that no one ever questions.
So just your average Leftist fantasy of equality and diversity?

>> No.8990911


Hispanics are because they're disproportionately obese and count as white in the census.

>> No.8990913

Name me one other group in the USA that advocates for a white ethnostate.
Bonus: name one that is on the left.

>> No.8990916


Why do you believe that's true? Fascism is a form of socialism, they just use different methods to control the economy. Would you say socialism is centrist?

>> No.8990919

dumb frogposter, name 10 (ten) right wing works worth my time

>> No.8990921

Why don't you look at it this way.

Instead of posting some sort of evidence that there is substance for the ideology of ethnonationalism (aka any sort of argument) you instead posted a meme image and threw out an ad homenim attack that all together isn't even that damning.

I'll tell you what though. If you can have a reasoned compelling argument and I concede that you do, I will read any book you want and comment on it in a megathread with this trip.

>> No.8990923


The "alt-right" is a leftist group because they literally advocate for economic fascism and many of them even share the same social policies as Democrats in regards to abortion and gay marriage.

>> No.8990932

Did I identify myself as a member of the modern left? No.

I'm closest to a Federalist in american politics. This is the same tradition to which TS Eliot belonged and to which I believe Obama more or less belonged.

>> No.8990933

We're finally free from pol now

>> No.8990937


>> No.8990938

You're not interested in discussing enthnonationalism if you frame your non-argument to a priori dismiss anything I say. Standard operating procedure for partisan liberals.

>> No.8990948
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Name one left wing work, worth my time. Labor theory is the most laughable thing I have ever read.

>> No.8990954

You haven't said anything.

There's literally nothing for me even to respond to.

Do you want me to do the work or constructing an ideology for you that you can then simply claim isn't your ideology if it doesn't pan out in the argument.

All you have to do is say the things that are most important to you in modern american politics and why you think they are superior to the policies the federal government has recently pursued.

This is how people discuss. I'm offering you the chance at a dialogue.

>> No.8990958

can you name some?
the only one I know off the top of my head are the merchant of venice

>> No.8990964

wtf i hate alt right racist pepe now

>> No.8990971


It's the unlock inner potential and return ancient glory conservatism.

>> No.8990972

I'm going to make a list of some of the more well known and respected conservative thought leaders, that way if somebody was interested in learning about conservatism I could tell them to Google these names and listen to what they have to say. I would make a list of leftist intellectuals but there aren't any

William F. Buckley
Thomas Sowell
Ben Shapiro
Andrew Klavan
Peter Schiff
Mark Levin
Milton Friedman

Anyone have any to add?

>> No.8991009

Expand on this, anon. Explain what you mean.

>> No.8991011

socialism =/= state power

>> No.8991057


Socialism is government planning of the economy. The classical socialist would plan the economy from a central office, the fascist would plan the economy in a much more indirect way, like with regulations or taxes if not outright telling which companies can exist and in which location. They pick and choose winners and losers in an otherwise free market, and this is what the alt-right support.

>> No.8991062

And yet OP will never understand

>> No.8991072

wtf i love the left wing now

>> No.8991075

I'm just going to point out that it has been nearly 20 minutes since I have asked two different alt-right anons to provide any substantive arguments and neither has responded to anything or provided any sort of argument in favor of "ethnonationalism"

Next time one of you shitheads decide to say something like
>/lit/ doesn't respect right wing literature
>Leftys don't even bother offering serious critique of right wing lit, they just brush it off and enjoy their safe space instead of confronting new themes

When asked to provide these for said discussion, these same people have failed to do so.

>> No.8991077

Same reason video game literature doesn't.

>> No.8991078

lol i'm more right-wing than he is, clearly still a fundamentally insecure, intellectually dishonest person. also he comes across really badly in almost every interview.

>> No.8991080

you could add the intellect of all those shitheads together and it still wouldn't be a tenth of Chomsky's intellect (and he's not even our most gifted public intellectual).

Anti-intellectualism is a core tenant of conservatism, fascism and all right-wing ideologies, hence why your intellectuals are thoroughly underwhelming.

>> No.8991092
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(((Ben Shapiro)))
(((Andrew Klavan)))
(((Peter Schiff)))
(((Mark Levin)))
(((Milton Friedman)))

>> No.8991094

Because bad behavior can't be attributed to a genetic component beyond general stupidity and anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking trash.

>> No.8991096


Hey now, Klavan converted.

>> No.8991098

right wing is about action, not writing

>> No.8991102

>what are the benefits for white society if whites were united
dunno newtrip

>> No.8991121

The tripcode is for the chance that someone with some intellectual backing shows up, I have committed to read a book and discuss it if they make any interesting points.

No one, of course has even attempted.

>benefits for white society if whites were united
State them. For christ's sake I've been trying to get one of you to actually state something for near an hour.

None of you do. Just make a fucking argument if you want to actually discuss something instead of simply complaining that no one wants to discuss.

>> No.8991136


>> No.8991142

for starters crime and taxes would go down

>> No.8991147

For white societies. Black ones would have widespread famine and extremely high crime rates.

>> No.8991168

>crime and taxes would go down
And your evidence for these claims?

And is those are seriously the only things you could think of?

>> No.8991180 [DELETED] 

t. leftypol creating strawman right-wingers here.

>> No.8991193

How the fuck was (((£zra))) a representative of the Right (save a representative of all it stands against), thou Cultural Marxist cuck?

>> No.8991195

>muh "thought leaders"
While I enjoy a number of those people I would definitely say some are more on the thoughtful side of things and others are more pundit types.

Intellectuals: Buckley, Sowell, Friedman, and Shiff in some regards.

Pundits: Shapiro (the hack), Klavan, Shiff (does Radio etc.) and Levin.

>> No.8991196

FBI statistics.

>> No.8991201

Leftists want to deny crime statistics and IQ data so don't worry about it anyways.

>> No.8991203

Do you actually read these? Is them being Jewish not a problem?

>> No.8991204

Where is the FBI report that concludes that an ethnonationalist state will result in both lower crime and lower taxes while retaining things like tax revenue or significantly decreasing the national population?

>> No.8991207

Sticky this shit. Anon is a hero

Dont leave sharp objects and rope lying around. Lock all the second floor windows. The alt right fags are on LITERAL suicide watch now

>> No.8991209

Not even all "alt-right" people are entirely obsessed with the JQ. Sorry, not sorry.

>> No.8991214

Fucking. Upvoted.

>> No.8991215

What would be everyone's recommendations for right-wing literature? I want to have my opinions challenged.

>> No.8991219
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If you want your ideas to catch on and make a difference, you have to on some level make them appealing to either normies or intellectuals. I don't see how Nazi LARPing does anything than repel people and turn you into an easily dismissed living meme.

>> No.8991221

In my brief visits to pol, nearly every thread has the happy merchant caricature. The extreme amounts of antisemitism are what drive me away from any nationalist or alt-right groups.

>> No.8991222

These groups commit the most violence and take the most in government subsidies compared to what they produce. If you remove them from your nation it follows that there will be less crime and more resources to be distributed to a more worthwhile ethnic group- namely your own ethnic group. See how this works?

>> No.8991225


How come you don't like Shapiro? I've found him to be a good bridge between a lot of leftists that I've talked to. They'll never admit to agreeing with him on anything but they'll concede that he least makes sense or is logical on issues and stuff like that.

>> No.8991229

8gag pls leave

>> No.8991230

>If you remove them from your nation
How do you intend to do this?

>> No.8991232

/pol/ on suicide watch

>> No.8991233

>ad homs and acts condescending
reddit tier

>> No.8991235

>editor and translator of dead languages
>military school trained
>part of republican dynasty
>actually understood the proper use of the last four words you used
>argued people like you are pointless to educate outside herding their opinions
to be honest you're going to make left or right look like idiots by association, so let's assume you vote like a good boy and just how the elite wanted. or don't vote at all but spend lots of money on things you have to spend money on to throw out :3 either suits your purpose perfectly.

>> No.8991238

>In my brief visits to pol
That is a good way to get a strawman of a political option considering 4chan is a vast microcosm of political and social life.

If you want to seriously entertain alt-right and/or more nationalistic ideologies I'd honestly consider looking around some more and branching out in terms of sources you consider.

>> No.8991247

You are moving the goalposts, you were crying about the idea itself now you are squirming over the mechanics and the formation of a white ethnostate. It was clear you were intellectually dishonest from the get go, I explicitly called you out on that. You can drop your trip now.

>> No.8991248

forcibly remove.

>> No.8991254

The Michelle Fields thing got blown out of proportion really fast. And that was only because if furthered the never Trump agenda.

He is actually somewhat decent when it comes to anti-SJW stuff and academic freedom on college campuses.

>> No.8991258

>I use le pol boogeyman but I haven't spent any serious amount of time there
>I'm an expert on /pol/ now hehe
Fucking cringeworthy, go to reddit you little bitch. Next you're gonna tell me that /pol/ is a hugbox.

>> No.8991279

What I am doing is attempting to get one of you to elaborate on a fundamentally shallow ideology.

You want to commit genocide, no?

But you're just going to bring up crime statistics and softly imply that the only solution to these problems is to forcibly remove those people from existence in this country.

What I want you to do is provide an argument and a legitimate critique of american public policy that can be discussed.

Not to vaguely imply something that you can disown at a moments notice because you didn't outright state it.

>> No.8991303

t. very butthurt leftypol

>> No.8991305


Yeah I'll give you that. He can be a bit slimy on things like that, he was pushing the whole "Trump is dogwhistling to the KKK because he didn't immediately condemn them for the 500th time that day" thing pretty hard too. That one was particularly annoying to me because I remember just a few days earlier on his podcast how he was talking about the way Democrats always try to tie Republicans to the KKK during election seasons and I believe he even mentioned how they always use David Duke to do it. Sure enough, a few days later the media started repeatedly asking Trump to disavow until he got frustrated with answering the same question but Shapiro rolled with it because it supported his cause.

>> No.8991319

>tfw to red-pilled for right wing literature

>> No.8991339

He was a professed fascist you moron

>> No.8991344

Very eloquent. My argument is truly vanquished.

>> No.8991363

The Anglo-American right is an embarrassment. Clowns who worship King Clown Trump

>> No.8991372

This. Trump is a fucking Jew shill
>inb4 b-but those are the good Jews!
No such thing

>> No.8991374
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>You want to commit genocide, no?
No, just make it illegal for any more of them to come in and incentivize them to leave/disincentivize them to stay.
I gave you exactly what you asked for, the upsides of a white ethnostate.
Now you are asking for me to bring up specific US government policies so you can begin your argument from something else. You want to move onto the next point
>and GET OFF this one

>> No.8991379

If you choose a political side you are a brainlet.

>> No.8991389
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>tfw to intelligent to care about the future of my society

>> No.8991395

whos this guy?

>> No.8991397


I am far too intelligent to have opinions on anything.

>> No.8991402

You stated that crime and taxes would go down in a white ethnostate because you would eliminate the non-white populations but now you're stating that what you really want to do is limit immigration to stop this.

If you intend to keep the current populations (who you believe are responsible for "leeching" off of the white population and causing crime) how is that going to positively impact taxes or crime.

>> No.8991407

So what you're saying is you're an "ideas man"?

>> No.8991410

It does. /lit/ is right wing board if you did not know.

>> No.8991415

good containment thread for the Hillary flunkies

>> No.8991423

>Dornford Yates
>Even Tolkien
Nice bait, OP

>> No.8991424

as bloom said, modernist were still in touch with the tradition of rome

>> No.8991425

What the fuck is wrong with hedonism? You moralfags need to leave.

>> No.8991428

Nobody ever questions it? Talk about personal reality.

>> No.8991430


A FAS retard that LARPs in the woods with an axe and thinks he's a pagan viking

>> No.8991431

he meant crypto-nazi writers

>> No.8991445

is he on youtube?
name please, i need something to waste my time on

>> No.8991447

the golden one is his youtube channel

>> No.8991450

look just because we like buckley jnr better as a writer doesn't mean we're anti right wing. thank you for smoking is just a better book than anything his dad wrote.

>> No.8991463

Is this a man literally a fucking satire?

>> No.8991465

Had to be white ethnostate? Oh yeah,because if we took the white out then we would have to contend with raza aztlan and black supremacists. Might even have to talk about how clannish asians are...

And that would mean your post has no reason to exist. It's easy to mock the alt-right as long as you keep your blinders on.

>> No.8991469

Artists, by default, are not contributors to society. 99% of them are welfare babies who want to leech off the work of workers. Absolutely anyone who did not focus on art, wanted to make a living in a career, some of which they enjoy (its shocking for leftist lunies to understand that yes, some people's passions are what they pursue in their careers) in order to provide for their family, their government, and their communities.

Artists are the death of communities. They cry and bitch day by day that surely they are not at fault. They will vehemently reject any advise that entails monetary gain and the circulatory system of the economy. Therefore, they cannot hold pride in themselves as human beings. Their brains are unable to comprehend loving one's community, one's nation, one's people, because they are never contributed to such a thing. The only thing they have contributed to is themselves.

The irony truly is incredible. They believe that capitalism is the greediest system of Man. However, sitting in their government built homes, on their government welfare checks, walking on their government roads; built by capitalism; built by working people; built by proud people; built by people with a real identity, they criticize the nature of the working people while dedicated solely to themselves and not for the betterment of those around them.

I imagine that their entire lives have been an edge-fest in which they accomplished very little. Instead of killing themselves early on (teenage years) before their burden becomes felt by the rest of society, they continue on living damning the nature of the society around them. Now, it is true that all government should be corrected. With that said, you can't have a government nor a society that is successful when all who exist in it do nothing and want everything. Their beliefs follow some flawed flow that school is bad and the achieve in school you have to actually obey a curriculum. This idealogy these people (including the majority of /lit/) entertain is the result of half-readings of communist manifestos, biographies, so on and so forth. What's worse, they are willing to believe everything anyone who remotely preaches against capitalism without question.

Communities such as these, of these eternal failures, exist here. The artists they admire do not entertain them. Instead they abandon them because now they have found success. They have perfected a trade, sold it, made money, pay taxes, don't leech of society, and provide a service of which people wish to pay for. The rest sit back and pretend their false idols care about them. These false idols of course are leftists. Anything outside of the paradigm of leftist artwork, literature, music etc. is not allowed nor is it acknowledged by these communities of failures.

Therefore, right wing literature does not get respected or read here for the most part. Whiners. It all comes down to leeches and whiners.

>> No.8991483

why do all neoreactionaries have that same gay haircut

>> No.8991486

Just close the computer and spend some time with your wife's son Tyrone!

>> No.8991487

>If you intend to keep the current populations
I'm not involved in this thread but he did suggest incentives for leaving and disincentives for staying for these peoples.

>> No.8991492

anon, please, never look up tolstoy or wittgenstein. i do not want you to cry yourself to sleep over the 1%

>> No.8991502
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The Nu-Right which current poster boys on Milo and this cuck offer nothing
Everything they speak of is a worse copy of something that has come before them - their (((ideology))) for what it's worth is a piss poor Frankstein

>> No.8991505

Idk OP. Tbh im a marxist but even i have more respect for the radical right than the casual bourgeoisie liberals.


>> No.8991506

I would let Asians stay to be honest.

>> No.8991510
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Not who you are having this conversation with but what potential policy/legislation would you attempt to implement that would "incentivize them to leave/disincentivize them to stay?"

Also -- I'm a bit ignorant of the tenets of your ideology. Why do you feel that non-white domestically born citizens of the U.S. are detrimental? The majority of them are tax paying law abiding citizens who actively contribute to the growth and prosperity of the nation. Sure there are fringe sub-populations who statistically are more likely to engage in criminal activities but whites are just as guilty of this. Not to mention that the incidence rate of welfare fraud is about 1% of the total recipients. Basically peanuts compared to the corporate welfare we dole out to our nation's most prosperous companies.

Sure the country takes in refugees from foreign war-torn countries but we have a very strict immigration policy and have a limit to the number we accept into our country per year. The educated ones are given priority and the ones that aren't educated work gas-station tier jobs. I don't really see these people as a threat to our national prosperity.

I'm not really a leftist or a conservative in my political ideology so I'm not trying to be inflammatory here. Just curious if you could explain/expand upon why white ethnostate supporters feel so strongly and are so fearful of immigrants/domestic non-whites past the usual xenophobic tropes.

>> No.8991511

>frankenstein is the monster
better troll than everything else you wrote, jimmies truly rustled etc

>> No.8991513

Frank (((Stein)))

>> No.8991521

>he did suggest incentives for leaving and disincentives for staying for these peoples.
But he didn't state what they were. How am I supposed to respond to some completely hypothetical "incentive" with no practical framework?

It's this terminological inexactitude that I see as central to the way politics is discussed among the alt-right.

>> No.8991524

Culture is not a xenophobic trope

>> No.8991532

Still impressed by Chomsky ? Next you'll get hair in funny places. jk. I think the new left could benefit from "Manufactured Consent" but this dude should have stuck to linguistics...

>> No.8991538

No, he's just very ugly

>> No.8991543

Levin is a big silly bear. Most of the time he is lambasting the GOP.

>> No.8991548

Glad we we can agree on something then. In these times the right has to try and remain somewhat united, at least among certain elements of its population.

>> No.8991549

i'm actually liking it
deleted all my porn already

>> No.8991551

I used to think Levin was decent in some regards, then he turned into your cuckservative dad's poor man's Sean Hannity.

>> No.8991552

Then he should have said so.
Besides - Nazis were Lefties

>> No.8991559

The alt-right was a laughingstock to the actual Far Right years back

>> No.8991560

>Besides - Nazis were Lefties
oh yeah, and dont treat on me am i right xD

>> No.8991567
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How can anyone take this seriously?

>> No.8991571


What culture are you referring to? Even among the white population of the U.S. there are so many diverse sub-sets of culture you can't just make a blanket statement like that. Again not trying to be inflammatory -- what specific subset of white culture is being overtly influenced/degraded/threatened by the existence of domestic non-whites and immigrants?

>> No.8991573

Is this one guy crediting his own post in a bad attempt to legitimise it, or another guy trying to act like a bunch of morons crediting his post in a bad attempt to delegitimise it?

>> No.8991587

Different poster but the influx of immigrants who often retain their home cultures leads to the ghettoization/balkanization of the United States on massive levels that are destructive towards society desu.

>> No.8991589

I assume you meant 'tread'?
I am no Liberal American clutching his gadsden flag as a talisman against the wrong sort of Liberal

>> No.8991601


>> No.8991605

>buttblasted hick thinks his living in a shitty trailer park within walking distance of ma' and pa' and being a plumber is somehow contributing more to the national consciousness and identity than the artists actually putting it into substance

>> No.8991608

Who knows. Does it even matter?

>> No.8991615

Actually Heidegger is pretty well liked around here.

>> No.8991618

I'm just sayin that the notion of undermining the legitimacy of a white ethnostate does nothing to ameliorate the trouble with the progressive rainbow coalition since most of the special interest groups have no interest in multiculturalism either. Unless it's gays (mostly white) or the guilt infected liberals (also mostly white) who are terrified of being called a racist.

>> No.8991621

Mishima, Eliot and Pound are well respected here. Pull your Spencer-themed dragon dildo out of your arse, please & if you actually want to discuss books rather than political dickwaving, that would be great.

>> No.8991622

So why the fuck is this thread not removed?

>> No.8991624
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Got 3 (You)s

>> No.8991627

I don't know who that guy is but I assume he masturbates while listening to Burzum. Dur das reich!

>> No.8991629

Because the mods are busy doing other things. Those tasty snacks aren't going to eat themselves.

>> No.8991631

who is this semen demon?

>> No.8991632

First off, a plumber wouldn't be living in a trailer park. You obviously have no idea how much money a certified lumber makes.
Next, the idea that artists somehow add substance to a 'national consciousness' [rather than just mirroring it] AND that this is somehow more important than running water, indoor plumbing, and basic sanitation, is the sort of thing only believed by a guy that makes $4k/year doing pencil sketches

>> No.8991638

A plumber is always useful. The same can not be said of "artists"

>> No.8991639

wtf i love Ezra Pound now
this was a blatant troll by the way

>> No.8991640


Idk man in my personal experience those immigrants who don't integrate into American society are often shunned socially and economically (ie lack of fluency in language makes it difficult for them to acquire/hold stable employment).

I grew up in an extremely diverse metro-area in the south and I saw no evidence of overt cultural influence by the immigrant populations there. If anything they benefited our local communities by starting up a large amount of small businesses which bolstered the city/county/state's economy. I was also active in the local political community and citizen's police groups and saw quite a lot of support/representation there from those immigrants in our community.

Maybe you have had a different experience with those groups? Have you seen evidence of a "massive" cultural shift in your own community due to this subset of the population?

>> No.8991649

This is grown folks business. Away with you scamp.

>> No.8991740

lel does /pol/ like this guy?

>> No.8991744


>> No.8991881

The grand irony is he clearly has some Finnish mongol blood judging from that elven nose. That or he has wicked foetal alcohol syndrome.

>> No.8991942

it's not about books though



pick only one

>> No.8991963

>/lit/ also don't cover trash tumblr-tier left wing schools of thought
you sure are new around here

>> No.8992004

He's fake news, dude wasn't even mentioned on Pol until the MSM started spamming his face everywhere.

>> No.8992200

And then the Muslims get shunned and start blowing people up. Not worth it multiculturalists.

>> No.8992281

Americans can't really be right wing

>> No.8992441

This man deserves a medal.

Pragmatism, I like it.

/lit/ stands alone.

>> No.8992948

Underrated post.

>> No.8992952

This is /ourguy/ right here.

>> No.8992969

I feel like I'm doing something wrong by responding to this and after a while people started responding laudatorily to this post just to be ironic.

I mean Jesus Christ, there's not even an argument in it, even I can admit that, and I hate /pol/tards. Or is it just one or two people samefagging b/c they thought it was funny? saged cuz this thread sucks btw :^)

>> No.8993009
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I agree. I've patiently tried to engage some alt-right subscribers multiple times throughout this thread and all I've gotten in response are half-sentence sound-bytes. Idk if I'm expecting too much from the posters of 4chan but if you really believe in your alt-right ideology why not try and at least convince me? Or start up a dialogue? Is alt-right a synonym for shit-post?

>> No.8993026
File: 279 KB, 898x790, f93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too smart to figure out why importing millions upon millions of niggers is a bad thing
explain it to me, p-please

>> No.8993065

There is literally no problem with immigration if you aren't xenophobic.

>> No.8993080

You obviously don't browse /lit/.

>> No.8993113


If you don't want to just hand over your homeland to strangers you're a foaming alt-right kiddy who's been brainwashed by /pol/, it's just that simple. Nobody worthy of respect cares about themselves or their kin you troglodytes, how can you not understand this?

>> No.8993121

Y-you want to roleplay, anon? I'll be the poltard desu. You start.

>> No.8993123

Lel. This shows exactly how wild people have become with the alt-right boogeyman lately. >>8993065
Muh xenophobia. It isn't a fear if it is rational.

>> No.8993150

Why would you choose that assblaster as the face of a right-wing /lit/ thread?


>> No.8993167

right wing literature is not good for gaining social capital which is all the SWPLs here care about

>> No.8993189
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>come into right-wing /lit/ thread
>no one is posting right-wing literature
>just flinging shit

Chomsky is a hack who still hasn't recovered from being BTFO by Sam Harris.

>> No.8993190

bc t.b.h /lit/ is essentialy r9k for hipsters that somehow think they are superior to their autismo counterparts because they read infinite jest.

/lit/ is arguably even more of a circle jerk than pol .

>> No.8993232

It does. We had a huge thread about right wing politics/literature about a week ago. But by posting (((Spencer))) you dun goof'd.

>> No.8993242

It's not worth your time because your time is worth nothing.

>> No.8993269
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>> No.8993279

I'm convinced Daily Stormer is a fucking honey put.

Anglin is just not likeable. I guess if I got backed into a corner, I'd be alt-right but I hate like half of the supposed "leaders".

I don't want to create a fourth reich, I just don't want my kids raped and murdered by blacks and muslims in our own homeland.

>> No.8993281

>Everything is subjective!

Fuck off to the grave.

>> No.8993285

same to be honest.

>> No.8993289

AND he got dubs! It's fucking over, delete /pol/ now.

>> No.8993301

sucks it got this way desu. too many on the alt right are fucking autist who relish pain. I don't want pain for people, I just want to live in a primarily white country that shares the same values we do.

The left created this beast and it's going to get way off the chain.

>> No.8993332

because it's spooky enough that mists clouds every thought scribbled down on the book that came from its author

>> No.8993335

>alternate reality bubble that no one ever questions

Then how would you explain THOSE DUBS YOU UNBELIEVER

>> No.8993345


What epidemic of rape by blacks and muslims are you referring to? You are just as likely to be killed by someone white than either of those populations. What part of the country do you live in? Have you experienced this first hand?

>> No.8993350

human biodiversity is one of the biggest taboos of all, people are absolutely terrified of discussing it, even serious scientific/philosophical circles will run away from the idea

>> No.8993360

You just memed on several different political ideologues without any supporting evidence
>le populism
>le conservatism
>le high church

>> No.8993372

Go to Sweden or Germany cuck. Tell your wife's son Abdul I said hello.

>> No.8993379

Glad we can all try and do our part to Make America Great Again!

>> No.8993386

It isn't rational.

There is no case in US history where it has been rational. It happens every single time any influx of immigrants arrives in the US

>> No.8993387

aaaaaand you're wrong.

crime is normally among it's own ethnic populations but when it does cross over it's overwhelmingly black on white. Sweden is now the rape capital of the west with a 300% increase in violent assault and a stagger 1200% increase in rape reports.

I bet you're brown or a 90 pound faggot who lives his life virtue signalling.

>> No.8993395

Let's just let our politics get entirely upended based on the voting behaviours of anchor babies that will be adults one day. Makes sense to give ourselves over to the invaders and breeding hordes.

>It happened before so it must be fine
Not an arguement

>> No.8993397

this. thanks. I'm getting real tired of lefty pol's shit here.

>> No.8993403

Latinos don't vote as a racial block. They have assimilated very quickly.

You really should try to be less overtly paranoid.

>> No.8993407

Probably the only good answer in this thread. /lit/ is only genuinely political on rare occasions, because literature is largely apolitical. Most other times it's just hackneyed memery.

>> No.8993409
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Ben stiller

>> No.8993410


Yes and look at areas like Detroit and what happens when the population that built up areas gets replaced by another

and look at all the terror attacks and rapes in sweden/germany, the rise in deaths and rapes is a direct result of their immigration policy

but go ahead and call me a "far right" or "fascist" when these views are extremely reasonable. not carrying about who's coming into your country is totally irrational

>> No.8993412

Cubans are the only really solid ethnic group that Republicans have been apply to count on to help them edge out wins in Florida. Even then, younger generations of Cubans are becoming less reliable in their voting patterns.

>> No.8993418

are you fucking kidding?

you must not live here. This is why neocons lost for 8 years and trump won this time around. Hispanics, when you can even get their asses out to vote, overwhelmingly vote democrat. Why would they vote otherwise? they come from a shithole country and live off of our social services. Why would they not want this?

This whole "hispanics are natural conservatives" is the biggest lie out there. There is a legitimate marxist party in mexico and all the other parties are leftist. The only exception might be cuban exiles from the 50's, but there are no more hispanic, conservative immigrants.

Trump won because he realized trying to get the hispanic vote was entirely a waste of time. he would need to get 25% increase in hispanics to vote republican or just 2% of the white vote to win the election, compared to older data. Neocon idiots tried to canvass the beaners and lost big time.

Latinos totally vote as a racial block.

>if this was satire please forgive my autism

>> No.8993424

>t. money loving kikes

not conservatives.

>> No.8993427


The US is not the world

>> No.8993440

Never seen a rightwinger offer any criticism on here that isn't muh degeneracy or muh jooz

>> No.8993445

i gotchu senpai. gimme something. won't blame the jews, although they do fuck a lot of stuff up

>> No.8993450

this is honestly an AJ+ or Mic tier comment and the fact that /lit/ vindicates it makes me think this board is even more of a fucking circle jerk

>> No.8993455

Dude, it's fucking 1 am. I'm not reading your TL;DR post about how awful it is that people that don't speak English are moving to the country.

I don't like the Republican Party or it's policies. I vastly prefer the democrats and their policies and am fine with immigration at the current levels.

Have a good night.

>> No.8993462


To be fair Irish gang members and terrorists killed thousands of people. Those "No Irish need apply" signs existed for a reason.

>> No.8993464
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t. I like foreigners fucking my wife/girlfriend ... oh wait I probably don't have one because i'm a beta nu male.

>> No.8993466

And yet, somehow, America survived.

>> No.8993468

Boo hoo your fairy tales aren't forced down everybody's throats like they used to

>> No.8993470

Because being alt right is the first level of anti establishment hipsterism on here bit going full circle and being anti alt right is the second layer of antiestablishment because lit has always wanted to be extra special snowflake from other boards

>> No.8993471

>muh ideology trumps ethics

>> No.8993476

You've clearly not read any task literature, just go back to pol

>> No.8993478


>> No.8993480


The Irish, Italians, Polish, and Jews were dragged kicking and screaming into modernity. They were forced to assimilate and they did not enjoy the process one bit. America will not survive the multicultural era, it is visibly becoming more and more Balkanized, and we all know what happened in the Balkans.

kebab removals

>> No.8993491

>I like foreigners fucking my wife/girlfriend
Haha, that's a meme, anon. Go out into reality some time and stop hanging around /pol/ so much.

If you believe the white race is so superior to other races, why do you feel so threatened by other races. Is it actually that you're an absolute piece of human refuse despite your "whiteness".

It must almost be as if the achievements of historically significant white men have absolutely nothing to do with you.

>> No.8993492

>accept capitalism, patriarchy, hierarchy in general


>> No.8993502

The Balkans were fine until a bunch of Serb supremacists decided that people that they'd lived with for decades were suddenly the embodiment of pure evil and went about forcing a bloody Civil War in the name of ethnic purity.

Maybe you should actually study the conflicts to which you refer.

>> No.8993505

fucking leave. seriously. move from this country because you don't deserve it. I bet your grandfather, if he was even an american at that point, is glad that his grand children will be brown and that he fought in wars for fucking nothing.

you're fucking weak.

>> No.8993514

>right wing literature
Sorry mate I don't browse /pol/, I get enough of it from crossboard shitposters

>> No.8993517

It's not a superiority thing. I just don't want to live with people that have a different value set, lower iq, more proclivity to violence and generally are just shitty.

you're one of those types that fetishizes the demise of their own people, if you're even white.

The reality is it's a demographic game and you won't be acting so smug when you live in eurabian and are forced to put up with stone shariah bullshit because you were too much of a coward.

>> No.8993519

lol loser

>> No.8993522

You will get no constructive responses on here. /pol/ users don't read.

>> No.8993529

>you're weak
I'm not the one so piss scared that I'm willing to put an ape in the White House just because he's as racist as I am.

Go outside on the last day of Obama's presidency and look around. Every god damned thing is fine. People you see won't kill you, you can go into a minority neighborhood and no one is going to attack you. The world is a pretty boring place. Maybe if you'd stop reading hypersensationalist news sources you'd be more level headed.

>> No.8993537


>non fiction
pat buchanan
the bell curve
culture of critique

starship troopers
ezra pound
not right wing per se, but dune addresses alot of sociopolitical issues

that's just off the top of my head, there's more

>> No.8993540

One cup of coffee Cletus, no sugar.

>> No.8993542

I think you should.

>> No.8993546

>Every god damned thing is fine
The current left-narrative won't appreciate you saying this. You evidently haven't been to a meeting in a while. Better get to the next rally, Anon - you're sliding into wrongthink.

>> No.8993548

I think Obama is technically the ape who lived in the White House here. Oggaa booga!!

>> No.8993549

you're probably upper middle class at least and not exposed to it or 19 and in university.

study rhodesia/zimbabwe and south africa. Tell me what the common denominator is there. Statistics say otherwise.

>> No.8993556

"Yugoslavia" was a dubious idea in the first place, should have never happened. The civil war was 50 years in the making.

>> No.8993557

Brazil seems to be the best case when it comes to the "muh diversity" types.

>> No.8993560

except it is to the perception of the basement dwelling pol user. being lt right is just another contrarian kneejerk to the influx of millenial idiots.

>> No.8993561

Because political ideology is for low IQ cattle.

Get spooked politicucks.

>> No.8993562

>you're one of those types that fetishizes the demise of their own people, if you're even white.
Not everyone that disagrees with your batshit nonsense is some stereotype you've made up.

Muslims are not going to ever be the majority in the United States. Latinos are not going to be the dominant ethnic group.

The literal worst case scenario by any credible projection is that whites end up being 49% of the population in 2060. Assuming Trump cuts off immigration and deports millions of Latinos, that number changed to 53%.

That's why you're doing this, this is the hill you're going to die on, for 4 fucking percentage points and the ability to say "we da majority" you're going to decrease the US population in 2060 by 60 million people? That's going to limit US GDP and long term international relevance.

But never mind, I'm arguing into a wall. Go back to your white supremacist hug space and leave me be. I have more interesting things to do than talk to statistical illiterates.

>> No.8993563

No, Obama is jewish. Get your facts straight. You anti-semite!

>> No.8993565

I don't even browse pol but nice boogeyman you've got there anon.

Because they breed like rabbits because they have nothing better to do.

The votes off their offspring have as much weight as ours and they will only further polices that bring more of their lot into the United States.

>> No.8993567

Non-Hispanic whites are already only 48% of the US population. I've got some bad news for you.

>> No.8993572
File: 35 KB, 600x600, CPjU1F1UwAAoAGs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i came

>> No.8993573

>look at areas like Detroit and what happens when the population that built up areas gets replaced by another
Detroit went to shit after the auto industry crashed, the black population just grew at the same time. If you look at the Rust Belt at the moment you see similar shit going on, without much demographic change.

>> No.8993574

my grandfather killed nazis like you. he would love my brown kids dipshit.

>> No.8993578

>muh stockholm syndrome for a system which I have been imprinsoned for my whole life and am not capable of escaping so I complain when others find a way to do so.

Some people have realized that working for a corrupt society is futile and would rather starve pursuing their passions than ever subject themselves to slavery for the lords of industry. When you grow up at the top crust of society, you realize that it bottoms out. That hard work didn't get the rich where they are, only the proper manipulation of people like yourself, who will contribute their efforts endlessly for a steady paycheck. I choose to be free from society, to find work where I may and create what I will, an independent agent who calls no man their master. Society as it is structured can never be eqaully beneficial as long as people remain a part of it. I would love to free you and each and every one of your ilk from your bounds, but if I do I deprive others of their freedom, ones who would benefit more from unchaining themselves. So go and push your rock up the your hill, and let it fall just to be pushed again. The folly of the working man is believing he is free just because he doesn't have to push the rock "all the time". But this statement in and of itself is a mistake. It is true torture to be given the levity of a break, to be given the oppurtunity to ponder and imagine what freedom might be like if you didn't have to push your rock. You are given enough of a taste so that you always crave more of this caged freedom, insatiably striving for it forever, thinking the only way to attain it is to push your rock up the hill. But I have no rock to push, I have no hill to climb, or slope to descend. I exist in a plane so infinitley more free than yours, whose only bounds are my own will (or lack there of), my will who is striving only to find meaning. A task that us exceedingly more wholesome then the empty life you lead.

>> No.8993580

*real literature

>> No.8993586

They still have their own ghettos in which they are pluralities or majorities of the population.

> "Muh GDP"
>White supremacist hug space

Not everyone that disagrees with your desires for demographic decline of the white race and cares about crime and IQ statistics is a racist xenophobic white nationalist strawman from pol.

>> No.8993587
File: 161 KB, 500x574, hwv-e-ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artists, by default, are not contributors to society

>> No.8993593

Crime rates are at their lowest in 30 years. And with such a tiny percentage of non-white populations actually committing crime, let alone interracial crime, you should wonder why you're so quick to blame it on race or even culture.

>> No.8993596


To be fair the blacks and hispanics think that white people are the embodiment of pure evil. Their intellectual class thinks that "the white race should be abolished."

To be fair the Croats and Bosnians became as radicalized as anyone else and were only too happy to massacre Serb women and children when they had the chance

To be honest you're getting a little emotional right now which means I've probably struck a nerve.

>> No.8993597

Correction, your wife's brown kids. How do you enjoy paying for her boyfriend's son Tyrone there?

>> No.8993601

Look at Chichago or should I say Chiraq?

>> No.8993603

I have an African American wife dipshit. Why would I marry a disgusting cumskin when we are so inferior compared to the utter perfection of melanin goddesses?

>> No.8993604

>Tell me what the common denominator is there.
Previous colonial states in which the Europeans actively sought to play ethnic groups off of one another to keep them divided and then left administration to locals with little sense of national identity?

Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. If only the US had some grand unifying identity of being a melting pot, you know like a history of being a place that takes people of varied backgrounds, colors and creeds and gives them the unified identity of being "americans".

Yeah, you're right. Fuck that. I'm white. I don't need patriotism, just ethnocentrism so I can live vicariously through historical figures.

>> No.8993612

You know that's because of you, right?

It's because of your race baiting and garbage attitudes that people stereotype whites as hicks.

>> No.8993614


>GDP goes up
>Population goes up

What happens to GDP per capita lol? Protip: all of that growth is going to be captured by the immigrants themselves.

>> No.8993615

What benefit do I gain by looking at Chicago? Chicago is notable for being an outlier, but it is exactly that -- an outlier. Historically, crime rates are still way, way below what they used to be.

>> No.8993622

Nice spooks!

>> No.8993628

Lol either this is master or bait or he legitimate enjoys the decline of his race.

>> No.8993629

>tiny percentage of non-white populations actually committing crime,

Isn't it something like 1 in 3 going to prison at least once?

>> No.8993630

circle jerk over a baseless nonsensical claim, never change /lit/
but please for the love of god leave your mothers basement for once

>> No.8993631


>victim blaming

So I suppose the Jews are to blame for the Holocaust. Let me guess, if white people just paid darkies some sort of reparation fee, they would leave us alone. If anything violent happened it would be our fault for not being compliant enough, right?

>> No.8993632

It's unlikely to go down. At the current immigration rate. You'd have to have completely open borders to see any noticeable decrease in GDP per capita and even if you did, all it would mean is cheaper consumer goods for the domestic market.

>t. Actual Economist.

>> No.8993634

That is also conveniently the fault of MISTAH WHITEY!!!

>> No.8993635

You realize that a higher population means 60 million more people spending money on goods and services right? Plus immigrants are more likely to be poor, which means less saving, more spending, and more money circulating through the economy. If your going to try and argue against immigration on economic grounds, then you should at least get the economics right.

>> No.8993640

All evils in the history of mankind have been perpetuated by whites, we deserve to die.

>> No.8993643


Immigrants tend to patronize businesses owned by other immigrants, and they also tend to hire other immigrants (from the same ethnic group) to work at those stores.

>> No.8993645

>t. Actual Economist.
Frankfurt is not actual economics.

>> No.8993646

Reminder: Muh diversity and muh multiculturalism are just code words for anti-white and white genocide.

>> No.8993647

I mean the Reagan administration literally targeted communities of blacks and hippies with the war on drugs. There's more crime in black communities, but they also tend to be significantly over-policed, which leads to skewed stats.

>> No.8993649

Let me explain the difference between the holocaust and the "white genocide".

One was a coordinated national effort of a dominant ethnic group to forcibly remove and exterminate a minority group.

The other is a majority ethnic group claiming that an uncoordinated movement of individuals is going to gradually decrease the political power of a racial group that already does not vote as a homogeneous block.

>> No.8993650
File: 5 KB, 314x300, USA_2009._Percent_of_adult_males_incarcerated_by_race_and_ethnicity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not.

>> No.8993651

What matters is the benefit of the country. You just want to masturbate to being "white", admit it.

>> No.8993653

Nah the Jews are pretty coordinated to be honest with you.

>> No.8993655

It's a shitload more economics than you know.

>> No.8993656


If it weren't for blacks the US could have the paradisiacal homicide rate of western Europe or Scandinavia.

>> No.8993657

Reminder: Muh ethnonationalism and muh white race are just code words for white supremacy and non-white genocide.

>> No.8993658

The problem is that the invaders vote as a political bloc. See above comments by various posters regarding this matter.

>> No.8993662

Again with the white supremacist straw man. You leftypols sure are on a roll tonight!

>> No.8993665

>106 unique posters
>anon says to one of them
>I obviously know more than you even though I have no idea who you are or if you have posted in this thread before that post

Economics is a pseudoscience.

>> No.8993666

>not accepting armed combat as part and parcel of both poetic licence and justice of the working classes
letterless coward

>> No.8993667

I don't think you understand.

When whites become the minority everything goes to hell.

There are parts of Africa that were relatively untouched by slavery and they still are in shambles. You need to lose the equality blinders anon. I don't hate these people but whether you like it or not this is how it works.the average iq of a subsaharan African is near retarded.

Ask yourself, why are all high black population cities full of crime, shitty schools and general societal upheaval. Of you look at Detroit their infant mortality rates are actually getting closer to that of parts of Africa. This isn't because of White, it's because the demographics are leveling off. You can say all you want about ancestors etc, im not saying this for some sort of historical catharsis.

I don't hate them, but you can't ignore the truth.

>> No.8993671

Yeah you'll get relatively insular economic communities, but the stores are still buying wholesale from companies outside the community, so even then you get money flowing out. Not to mention taxation, which redistributes things somewhat.

>> No.8993672

This. If only they had more mayors like Gulliani who cleaned up New York with smart and aggressive policing that really dealt with the POC problem that no one likes to name.

>> No.8993674

You contradict yourself retard. If whites are not superior to other races there is no reason to be against "white genocide".

>> No.8993678

How do you explain the homicide rate of Russia if you can't blame it on blacks?

>> No.8993679


Don't condescend to me you little queer. You would have to be deaf as well as retarded not to hear the open calls for white genocide coming from the black "community."


>> No.8993683

Different poster but maybe it has something to do with mudslime degeneracy? Call me crazy.

>> No.8993684

Every immigrant group in US history voted mostly as a block until they became assimilated around the third generation.

This is nothing new. And, as I've said before. Their "block" is going to vote my way until they become assimilated.

Look at it this way. 99 percent of these immigrants are fundamentalist Christians that vote with democrats now based on economic issues but will vote with Republicans on social issues like abortion or gay marriage.

>> No.8993686


Russia is like Africa except the wrong color by accident.

>> No.8993691



>> No.8993692

I'd like to see some numbers.

>> No.8993694

I don't see why this is a problem. All demographics have relatively set political beliefs, if you want more immigrants to vote republican, then the republicans need to start offering them something that the democrats aren't.

>> No.8993697

Muslims are not more degenerate than Christians. You are mistaking culture with race, arabs are predisposed by race to be child fucking rapists. Their religion has nothing to do with it. Hell why do you think atheist jews fuck children? A kike is a kike, an arab is an arab. Religion is just a smokescreen goy.

>> No.8993699

>When whites become the minority everything goes to hell.
Haha, there's not some magic day when whites lose all political relevance. They're going to be the largest ethnic group well into the 2100s, and once Latinos become assimilated, we're just going to consider them white.

It's literally only morons like you that are scared of this shit.

>> No.8993701

>30% muslim

>> No.8993702


Holy fuck nobody can be this neutered, surely?

>I don't think I'm superior to everyone else so I don't care about existing

>> No.8993706


Depending on the state, one quarter to one third of black males have been convicted of a felony. That doesn't mean they're literally all in jail right now at the same time. Some of them have been released, some of them got probation, etc etc.

>> No.8993708

You realize that some edgy kid isn't representative of the entire black community right?
Not to mention that you could replace white life with black life and that argument would fit right in on /pol/

>> No.8993709

>we're just going to consider them white
So the entire world will be Brazil.
You're confusing culture with race. Mexicans are mestizos and not white. Enjoy your brown future TRSodomites.

>> No.8993710

See above comments dispelling the myth of that Hispanics are "natural conservatives" by virtue of their Catholicism.

Just look at places in the US and the UK that have experienced significant change due to migrant invasion. One of the problems is a lack of assimilation. It doesn't matter how long it takes if many of the second generation Muslims start terrorist attacks against the nation. People today can live in their own insular immigrant communities in which they retain their home cultures and attitudes.

Also I'm a Republican voter who is not dogmatically pro-life and also happens to support the gay community, like Mr. Trump does.

>> No.8993713

>I don't care about existing
Nothing more pathetic than a cuck who thinks he can achieve immortality through progeny. In 100 years or 100 trillion the human race will be gone, and your false immortality with it. KEK

>> No.8993718

That's not how it should work. They are predisposed to vote democrat. All that would happen is each party fights on another to see how many immigrants we can pack into the nation until the house of cards falls tumbling down, tumbling down.

Or maybe if you want the Republican party to survive you come to your senses and see immigration as the threat to the political system that it actually is.

>> No.8993719

I don't give a shit.

There are a total of less than 30 black people in elected national office and none of them support black nationalism.

All would unquestionably prosecute any race crimes against whites and even if they didn't, they're outnumbered by 100 to 1 in government.

You're an absolute moron. Unequivocally a medically certifiable moron.

>> No.8993721


And it's from a shitlib rag. Rest of the stuff is out there anon.

>> No.8993726

>Also I'm a Republican voter who is not dogmatically pro-life and also happens to support the gay community, like Mr. Trump does.
Get ready for the big beautiful wall trumpcuck. Get ready for tens of millions of legal immigrants a year.
>b-but mexicans are white! Right esse I es white ayo

>> No.8993727


If black students at Harvard think that genocide is cool then I'd hate to find out how the street trash feel about it.

>> No.8993731

The only people that don't have a problem with this are obviously democrats.

>> No.8993732


you sound like someone well worth listening to, please could you say some more?

>> No.8993739

Democucks and Republigoys are the same you fucking prole. You can't stop white genocide unless you successfully overthrow the governments of western countries, namely the US. good luck cuck cuck cuck

>> No.8993743

Those places are fine. I've been to many of them.

They all have really good food. That's the key thing I noticed. I never felt all in danger, everyone was friendly.

They were fine. Everything is fine. Just go outside.

>> No.8993749
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>I don't give a shit. . .You're an absolute moron. Unequivocally a medically certifiable moron.

Wew, you seem pretty upset. I'm sorry my opinions offend you so much.

>> No.8993751

Detroit's a shithole because it's economy collapsed, not because of the black population, you fucking illiterate.

>> No.8993756

All of us do go outside. We just make sure to stick to white communities and not go into ethnically invaded areas.

t. we aren't getting raped anytime soon

>> No.8993758
File: 854 KB, 600x887, THIS IS FINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They were fine. Everything is fine.

>> No.8993763


>it's economy collapsed, not because of the black population

The economy collapsed because all the white people fled and took their money with them. They went to live in safer, quieter, neighborhoods with less "diversity."

>> No.8993764

>reverting to memes
Ahh, so clearly you've been defeated. It's okay, anon. Try again next time.

>> No.8993765

>look as a non-white I can say that these places are fine nobody was hostile to me as I was one of them
I see. Tell us more.

>> No.8993767

Well here's the HuffPo article on the '1 in 3' statistic you cited, and the report itself:



Crime rates and arrest/conviction rates don't match up perfectly.

>> No.8993770

>used ad hominem and insults from the very beginning
>nuh uh ur da retard herrrr
Really made me think.

>> No.8993772

This sums things up nicely.

>> No.8993774

No you don't. You see everything through a lens of confirmation bias.

>> No.8993777

>black students
Again with the generalising. The video shows like two black guys on a debate team, hardly a representative sample of the Harvard black population. I'm sure you could go to Oxford and find someone who thinks that the military should test chemical weapons on poor areas, but they're not likely to be representative of the school as a whole.

>> No.8993778


It's hopeless to even argue with you because you're completely c*cked and wont see reason. Your "argument" degenerated into calling me a bunch of mean names. You're no Cicero, that's for sure!

>> No.8993779

You see everything through the Arab man's cum on your face.

>> No.8993781

Are you seriously posting Fake News in the seventh year of the second decade of the first century of the second millennium anno domini? By God man.

>> No.8993783

>Rest of the stuff is out there anon.

Where? You must have seen it somewhere in order to come to your conclusions, surely.

>> No.8993787


>> No.8993792

>The economy collapsed because all the white people fled and took their money with them
No it fucking didn't, it collapsed because the auto industry failed, leaving basically everyone without a job. All the people with money then moved away in search of work, but the new black population, who just moved north away from Jim Crow laws and economic disadvantage in the south, tended to be both poorer, and less valuable workers, leaving them stranded in a decaying shithole.

>> No.8993795

So it wasn't because of the inability for black people to look after themselves, just white people's racism.

>> No.8993796

But we should import more poor people from 3rd world nations right guys?

>> No.8993799


>> No.8993800


You know, I like memes as much as the next guy but get off you're fucking high horse. You're down here in the mud with the rest of us slinging names and ad homenims.

You have a fundamentally flawed worldview. It sucks, but it's true. You can accept that fact or you can stubbornly refuse but the key thing I want to as all white supremacists to do is this:

Think of all the greatest white men in history. Politicians, Generals, Scientists, All the Napoleons and Isaac Newtons and just remember, you aren't them. You do not get credit for their achievements.

>> No.8993804
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>not wanting to be mugged is racist

>> No.8993805

Again. I repeat. It is more about the low quality of invaders and the hordes they bring into our nations, not some idea that we are perfect white angels.

>> No.8993806

Black people don't need to work. They shall eat the white man's flesh and drink of his blood to survive. DEATH TO WHITEY!

>> No.8993809

It was the whites who terrorised the blacks lol

>> No.8993814

They couldn't possibly be a lower quality group of humans than /pol/.

>> No.8993815

My how the tides have turned.

>> No.8993816

No ideally we should stop invading middle-eastern countries, supporting dictators and invest in the infrastructure and economy of poorer nations allowing them to function as states, rather than lawless shitholes, but until such a time as that's likely to happen, the US should take responsibility for the way it destabilized massive areas of the world.

>> No.8993819


>Think of all the greatest white men in history. Politicians, Generals, Scientists, All the Napoleons and Isaac Newtons and just remember, you aren't them. You do not get credit for their achievements.

Where did I say I did? Don't put words in my mouth you stupid mongrel.

>> No.8993821

Again, everything I dislike is pol.

>> No.8993824

Yeah remember slavery? Oh wait the main importers and purchasers of slaves were... jews. But remember the civil war? Oh wait that was funded by the Rothschild Dynasty... BUT what about uh... Whites are evil okay muh shoah.

>> No.8993827

>He doesn't dislike /pol/

>> No.8993828

If you do not fully support the complete replacement of the white man with Arabs and Africans you are worse than pol, kill yourself you human trash.

>> No.8993833

I agree the US should try to help other societies maintain themselves instead of import Others.

That still doesn't place on us the burden of shifting our demographic for matters of political correctness and virtue signalling.

>> No.8993836

Are you doing alright, man?

>> No.8993838

Not everything. I dislike a lot of stuff that isn't /pol/.

/pol/ is absolutely fucking awful though and it's full of awful selfish and disgusting people that lack moral or philosophical convictions that go beyond protecting a vague and idiotic inferiority complex.

>> No.8993840

>He has not really visited pol he just isn't for unfettered invasion.

>> No.8993841

People here are not automatically from pol if they disagree with you though.

>> No.8993842

>They couldn't possibly be a lower quality group of humans than /pol/.

>> No.8993845

I'm actually kind of unused to seeing cucks in the wild these days, this thread has been almost nostalgic. Here's hoping you grow some balls eventually kids.

>> No.8993848



>> No.8993850

If you harbor ethnocentrist and white supremacist views, I don't give a shit if you're actually from /pol/ or not.

Feel free to replace /pol/ with either of those in my statement if you object to the classification.

>> No.8993851

>implying this thread isn't 90% /pol/ pretending to be cucks and kikes to get a rise out of /pol/tards
nah mate nah

Like 50 posts are me pretending to be a cuck or jew.

>> No.8993856


>> No.8993857


>> No.8993860

oy vey I've been outed! THE GOYIM KNOW

I'll never get a pay raise at this point.

>> No.8993862

/pol/ on suicide watch!

>> No.8993868


Today just has not been a good day for /pol/.

>> No.8993881

This is interesting right?

It's like an ironic agreement with a joke that you actually disagree with but hate so much that you try to paint the people that agree with the joke as... overly earnest?

What is the stereotype of the person that likes this joke supposed to be? Like, just someone that's lame?

>> No.8993932


It's the same as if they just posted
>hey, that's not funny

But it basically means that it really upsets them.

>> No.8993954
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>calls others low-IQ

>> No.8994038

Hopefully someone made another thread for this?

>> No.8995030

Jesus Christ, you people are literal memes, every thread about right-wing ideas ends up with retards posting their precious IQ statistics and rambling about black neighbourhoods. You don't even realize how spooked you are. Read some economics and sociology to figure out why populations resort to crime and deviancy. Oh wait, no, social science is a Jewish field, so you must avoid it.

This is what being a literal anti-intellectual is like.

>> No.8995035

holy shit leftypol got btfo

>> No.8995137

Nah, /pol/ got destroyed and you're just doing damage control.

>> No.8995143

but leftypol literally didn't have any arguments and samefagged

>> No.8995151

no (((substance)))

>> No.8995184

Go read again. /pol/ was absolutely blown out and never even articulated a point of view.

The fact that near the end of the thread it hit the bump limit and was a vacuum chamber for /pol/fags doesn't make them win.

It makes them desperate and pathetic.

>> No.8995214

>lefties lose argument
>ad hominem
>samefagged 20 times on a reply

>> No.8995247

Let's drop it, okay.

No one won. It's two groups of people living in fundamentally different realities arguing past one another for 400 posts.

It's an absolute clusterfuck and anyone that already agrees with one side is simply going to read this thread and agree with their side.

The problem here is that /pol/ creates it's own hypersensational version of reality based partially on memes but then goes on to believe those memes are reality.

People who have actually studied the issues /pol/fags argue about can't even get a word in because /pol/ is convinced that "book learnin' is da Jews!". It's a self fulfilling ideology.