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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 690x564, 46106175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
899312 No.899312 [Reply] [Original]

Wishlist time!

>> No.899316

One who creates a wishlist thread must states if it's a giveaway thread or a lurking and hoping to JP's watching thread.

>> No.899318


>> No.899319


>> No.899321 [DELETED] 

So, here we go again on a hope jp's watching thread.

>> No.899322

The Iliad is on it's way.

>> No.899324

Enjoy Kafka.

>> No.899325

OP is troll. Don't post.

>> No.899327

I'm not buying any of you shit.

>> No.899331 [DELETED] 


I need some more recommendations. I don't really need anyone to buy me books since I have $50 B&N gift card.

>> No.899332

buy me every book please

>> No.899335


I'm not expecting anything, but if you do, then a million thanks.

>> No.899336

Thanks JP.

>> No.899338

>implying that is jp's trip

>> No.899339

That's not his trip you dumbfuck.

>> No.899347

yeah like anyone remembers those

>> No.899348
File: 3 KB, 236x176, 1277466111475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alice In Wonderland higher than Chomsky

>> No.899355

Hurrr look at OP and look at every other trip in the thread.

>> No.899367



>> No.899394


>> No.899398

Lewis Carroll knew a lot more about language than that fucker.

>> No.899411
File: 18 KB, 300x400, noam_chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chomsky is a genius.
Screw you.

>> No.899428

They can both be geniuses and one know more about language than the other, you know.

>> No.899433


>> No.899437


>> No.899698


>> No.899705

Don't want anyone on here to get me anything, just want people to recommend me bueno books.


>> No.899706

please. it is only one book, and a difficult one to find in the book shops. love, yours truly.

>> No.899729

I keep mine on Notepad - not Amazon. Here it is:

The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
Paper Towns by John Green

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan

A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

Invitation to a Beheading by Vladimir Nabokov
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight by Vladimir Nabokov
The Enchanter by Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Pnin by Vladimir Nabokov
The Luzhin Defense by Vladimir Nabokov
Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle by Vladimir Nabokov
Glory by Vladimir Nabokov

>> No.899766

op's pic is fukken hawt

>> No.899801


Anyone wanna help an il/lit/erate out?

>> No.899816


>> No.899818

Alright, here's mine:

Suggestions would be nice. :)

>> No.899819


dat Nabokov.

>> No.899820


>> No.899826

Not in any particular order

Many thanks to someone who buys anything off of this list, and I'll do my best to return the favor

>> No.899842


There's not much in it as I'm not used to updating my Amazon wish lists.

>> No.899845

Just for showing off, but I doubt anyone here cares about graphic novels enough to "appreciate" it? A few books on my list though.


>> No.899852
File: 376 KB, 464x480, 1278367365346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's mine. I haven't had time to prioritize it yet so it's just in the order I added them. Feel free to make suggestions for other books I might like /lit/.

Now to browse all the ones posted already.

>> No.899856

OH, also, no one buy anything for me or something silly. On the small chance someone would have. I just like these threads to see what other people like. It's like last.fm for books to me.

>> No.899877

>I just like these threads to see what other people like. It's like last.fm for books to me.
Oh hey, it's the same for me. Fellow /mu/tant I see.

>> No.899882


>> No.899907


weird/supernatural fiction fag here. let me know what you guys think.

>> No.899909

Does nobody see anything odd about this post?

>> No.899912


>> No.899914
File: 22 KB, 320x240, pynchon simpsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite threads. I get to check out what /lit/ is reading and get new ideas.

Also, feel free to give me suggestions based on my list. Pic related, he's my favorite author.


>> No.899937


>> No.899944

You seem to enjoy some sci fi, I recommend The Time Ships by Stephen Baxter. One of the best hard sci fi I've read.
Also I noticed the The Deep in your wishlist, look for the book Otherwise. It includes The Deep, plus two other novels by John Crowley, and is still in print.

>> No.899958
File: 127 KB, 320x319, 1278560505639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.899961
File: 23 KB, 500x345, Bene+Gesserit+band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just added both, you're awesome!
Thank you.

>> No.899987
File: 4 KB, 126x121, 1278440921340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice List. I would buy you the Illuminatus! Trilogy if I could :(
You should read all the other Robert Anton Wilson books, too. Like, for example, the Schrödinger's cat trilogy or Cosmic Trigger.

>> No.899997

sweet, i'll look into it. thanks man.

>> No.900015
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>> No.900034


>> No.900038


>> No.900041
File: 64 KB, 311x311, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


crossing my fingers for Russian Beginners Course

>> No.900062

>House and Philosophy: Everybody Lies (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series)


>> No.900082 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 154x198, rincewind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The Color of Magic
>>Priority: low

This makes Rincewind sad.

>> No.900091
File: 519 KB, 900x600, 21c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Crossing my fingers.

>> No.900109


>> No.900173

Is Amazon the only place to buy books?

>> No.900184

ya rly

>> No.900198

Enjoy the Russian book, it should arrive Wednesday. It's the one I've been using, and I think it's great--it's written for adults, and assumes you'll actually be motivated to read and learn, not just learn a few cliched phrases for travel.

>> No.900202
File: 67 KB, 850x719, winternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your a good person

>> No.900211


>> No.900214


>> No.900215


>> No.900218

"Victor Hugo once got so mad he threw a baseball through a dog."

>> No.900229

ANYTHING by H.P Lovecraft.

i really want to start reading him

>> No.900230

Damn, I was going to buy you some Sartre, but then I noticed you're in Brazil. Last time I went on a spree, I paid 1/2 my money for shipping, and that just feels stupid. NorthAmerifags only from now on.

>> No.900232

Sigh. One last time for suggestions and kind anons.


No particular order, except when they were added.

>> No.900242

http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1A4GSLYHKUEWX I wish I had the money for these things. :/

>> No.900246

Gardner's Grendel, one of my favorite books ever, for you. Also Canterbury Tales, because Gardner was a medievalist who wrote a bio of Chaucer, and because your list is pretty great.

>> No.900255

BTW, I'm done buying for today. Some other richanon will have to step up.

>> No.900259


I'm starting to kinda go back into the classics a bit and some beat things. Many many thanks if you decide to help a poor college student.

>> No.900262

Awww. Not that guy, but I don't live in North America. Sucks.

>> No.900265

really cool of you, i didn't get mine, but i still feel good thinking about other people getting their wishes.

>> No.900271


Wow anon. Thank you so much.

You just popped my donation cherry! Expect a picture in a week or so with even more thanks.

And I plan to pay it forward. I'm poor this summer, but come fall when I get financial aid I'll pay someone back for this.

Thanks man.

>> No.900273
File: 166 KB, 375x500, Stylized_Geometric_Sculpture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it does, and I feel bad about excluding you guys. Maybe if people post your country with your list URL, generous c/lit/s from your area will be more likely to jump in.

Or am I the only one who buys shit in these threads? Whatever, at least I know I'm getting into heaven.

>> No.900298

I think it's really nice of you.

>> No.900300

I live in Thailand, so I'm kind of resigned to the fact that no one will be sending me anything.

>> No.900303

>>900262 here
I could easily contribute because I earn a lot of money every month, but I still don't get my credit card approved >:|, stupid bank.
Whenever I get one, I'll buy random books for everyone.

>> No.900321

Ahh Howl and Bukowski! I wish I had the money to help you out anon):

>> No.900328

Just putting this out there for people to peruse.

>> No.900333

Sometimes there are local depots - I think britfags are sent their swag from luxembourg (which is only a few hours away considering the chunnel and open borders) with proportionately cheap shipping.

>> No.900360



>> No.900370


If only amazon delivered hookers and beer. They need to broaden their services.

>> No.900388


bitter cinephile/postmodernist

>> No.900396

cool pokemans

>> No.900412

Enjoy your new skull

>> No.900421


>> No.900425


I can't be the only one who's into Lovecraft, Blackwood, Machen, Dunsany, etc. Anyone else familiar with this stuff?

>> No.900430

I promise once I am out of school and have a real job, I will buy you guys some stuff.

>> No.900446
File: 38 KB, 89x76, JohnVictoryDance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Mercurius: The Marriage of Heaven and Earth by Patrick Harpur

Don't know about this one, but I like the other stuff by him.

>> No.900453

Yeah, I'm familiar with some of his other stuff too. I figured that book would be interesting given the subject matter (the alchemical process)

>> No.900454

I am, but I have most of Lovecraft's books already. :\

>> No.900482

Any more wish lists? I'm thinking of being generous if I see something good.

>> No.900487

Get this guy some Ginsburg

>> No.900494

You could check mine, but I live in Venezuela... Shit sucks.

>> No.900496

Nice with some inspiration. Hope I can inspire someone as well:

>> No.900497


Today's already been my lucky day. Why not push it to the limit? (LIMIT!!!!!)


No particular order and please feel free to offer suggestions. And don't buy unless you feel inclined to, I've already received plenty of kindness from /lit/

>> No.900498
File: 17 KB, 451x316, 1253249733918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




I am from Germany, though :(

>> No.900502


Thanks if anyone does mine!

>> No.900509


>> No.900513

Who is the lady in Op's pic?

>> No.900516


Reposting. Maybe I'll get lucky. Also, please offer suggestions.

>> No.900519



>> No.900524

I would love to read some Richard Yates. Feel free to make me a present if you like but I'm already happy that some anons got something.


>> No.900587


You I'm buying Herodotus, because he's awesome.

>> No.900597


Yo dawg. I heard you like Dan Simmons, so I bought you a copy of Hyperion. Enjoy.

>> No.900600

y noone like me?

>> No.900606


Because you are illiterate.

>> No.900608


You I'm buying Turgenev, because you're from Washington.

>> No.900609

>Ship-to: No address entered
>Birthday: None entered
>About me: Nothing entered
>only one item


>> No.900614

Also, I have Prime so I don't buy anything from third-party merchants.

>> No.900615

oh shit i didn't realize. but that is really the only book i have ''wished'' for because it is nearly impossible to find in my local bookshops.

>> No.900618

It's always the Amerifags who get lucky :/

>> No.900619

Reposting, just in case someone out there wants to be nice to a Thaifag.


>> No.900622

Reposting for luck, very short list.


>> No.900627


Pleasssseee oh kindest anon??

>> No.900635

The beggars are killing /lit/. Fuck off!

>> No.900636


Sucks to pay for shipping, plus you don't know what the currency conversion is exactly.

>> No.900642

Gimme suggestions on what to read!

>> No.900648


I also would like some reading suggestions.

>> No.900652
File: 114 KB, 650x401, fuck_yeah_washington.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


samefag that just bought a guy in Missouri "Hyperion"

Washington kicks ass. I'm a Bellinghamster myself


>> No.900653
File: 492 KB, 1200x1600, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please help me out :)

>> No.900654

Seems like whenever I gift someone, they're in Australia, Europe, and South America.

>> No.900660


Please continue :) We need to spread the love to the whole world.

>> No.900661

okay here's hoping it has my ship to and my birthday and all that. I know it is just one item but like i said it's the one thing i really most deeply want.

>> No.900668


>> No.900672


List is pretty bland as of now. I'll look through others' for inspiration.

>> No.900675


Then buy it yourself, cheap bastard.

>> No.900678


I work for Amazon, so I'm sure as fuck not giving anything from a B&N wishlist. ;-)

>> No.900681


Bro-fucking fist for Aragon

>> No.900685

man, i really could go into why i can't afford these things but i'll spare you the sob story.

>> No.900686


Not expecting, but just a try

>> No.900691

My list is a bit of a mix between old and new. I like learning from both ends of time.


>> No.900707



>> No.900708


>> No.900711


That last post was supposed to say: Thank you good sir. I'll pay it forward once I get paid.

>> No.900718


>> No.900722

enjoy Pride and Prejudice

>> No.900736


Hey, you've updated it!

Nice list ~~

>> No.900739 [DELETED] 

WwW.AnOlOlTAlk.SE_RePlACe_LOl WitH_n
bcnfwt cqjvf bcaymviw xkved eofiwpf

>> No.900740

Order Placed: July 11, 2010
Order Total: GBP 10.46

Not Yet Shipped

Items Ordered: Pride And Prejudice, Jane Austen
Condition: New
Sold by: Amazon.com, LLC
Price: $9.99

Shipping Address:
Matthew Blair
(Full address hidden for privacy.)
Gift Registry Address

Shipping Speed:
Standard Shipping

>> No.900742


thanks broseph. I already bought one anon a book, but thanks to your kindness, I guess I could spare a few extra dollars for someone.

>> No.900744

oh snap bellingham wa is a great place i used to live in spokane =) i misses washington.

>> No.900745


oh noes, now anon knows my name. please don't rape my facebooks.

you got a list? I'd like to pay it back, like I said above.

>> No.900752

Sorry man, but the name comes up on the wish list anyway.

I'm here, but please don't feel like you have to

>> No.900754
File: 13 KB, 200x135, 27424_25914234_633_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.900761


Any polite recommendations? I went through the wikia's recommended reading to choose some books, but i'd like /lit/'s opinion on some more, many thanks.

>> No.900762


Just a single book.

>> No.900770

Nathaniel M of Vermont, if you're on, have you received the Penguin Classics clothbound of Great Expectations?

>> No.900772

It doesn't work.

>> No.900778


I love these threads, just so I can check out what other people are looking to read.

>> No.900788


Nah dude, it's cool. I'm not that special and I have nothing to hide. Hope you like Lewis Carroll. I read Alice's Adventures and Through the Looking Glass this year and loved them both. In fact, I have the exact same copy I just got you. Thanks again, and enjoy your day Billy from the UK.


gasp, you found me! I'm interviewing Geo from Blue Scholars in that picture. Good times.

>> No.900792

Ah dear, privacy settings were still on. Should work now though

>> No.900794


I love that cover of Pale Fire. Wish I could get it for you, but payday is next week :/

>> No.900809

Thank you very much sir, I can't wait for its arrival. More anons need to get involved in this gifting!!

>> No.900810

Hi /lit/ :3

super poor college kid who loves Lovecraft and other horror masters, as well as classics XD

>> No.900811
File: 262 KB, 1000x1023, norbauer05-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm leaving my address viewable so some potential kindanon won't be surprised by overseas postage costs...

>> No.900812
File: 110 KB, 500x375, killing machines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.900826

The giftanons are gone. Stop posting your shit.

>> No.900839

Ever thought that we all have the possibility of being giftanons? After one giftanon bought me a book I bought four other anons a book each.

>> No.900861

I see nothing wrong with posting some lists if its in one gifting thread.

>> No.900866


Are you still buying?

>> No.900868


I had no intention of buying or receiving books today until 2 anons bought me 3 books total. Now I've bought books for 3 people even though I can barely afford it.

Where else can you have a situation as cool and earnest as here? The key is not to expect anything and be gracious when it comes.

>> No.900870

Maybe I'll get lucky?


>> No.900892


My point is that nobody is buying anymore now. So fucking johnny-come-lately beggars like this


should just stop. That way we can get back to talking about books as opposed to whoring like /b/tards.

>> No.900905

Just ignore the thread if you don't want to be involved. People are still looking through lists to find something they might buy.

>> No.900936


Pipe down, you moody fuck.

>> No.900945
File: 115 KB, 800x800, 1255450847261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.900966


At least I'm not begging for books.

>> No.900976 [DELETED] 

wWW.aNoLOLtalk.sE RePlaCE LOl_WItH n
e rwc l ra viar etlq awn wwj a vmpbx z w hivsp

>> No.900985
File: 45 KB, 512x385, fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go away. I got enough cash to buy one more for today. Who wants it? Just a warning, I'm going to buy one of the cheaper ones on your list.

>> No.900991



Whichever you like :)

>> No.900995

>>900985 this

>> No.900996


I've got one for 67 cents :D

>> No.901014


Stop trolling.

>> No.901040

haha... you guize got trollololol

>> No.901048
File: 281 KB, 600x600, haters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where's dat list?


Anon delivers. Happy early birfday. I too love JG Ballard, so I can get behind this buy. Have a good day. Remember to pay if forward when possible.


Go fuck yourself you jealous hater

>> No.901065


Guess you didn't see anything you liked here:


Well, thanks for buying for the others and spreading the joy anyway.

>> No.901070


Shit ain't real until you post screenshots, faggot.

>> No.901077

Getting a gift should be a side effect of sharing lists. Everybody wants more books so it should go without begging.

On that note, http://amzn.com/w/3O0UNBIM00RZ0

>> No.901087

Woulda bought you something, but:

> http://www.amazon.ca

>> No.901091

oh my god! thank you!!!!!!!!! i will totally pay it forward when my pell grants come in (august) this confirmed my faith in humanity. also lol @ ''get behind" jg ballard ;) thank you lovely, beautiful anon!

>> No.901093


I tried, I really did, since you were first, but for some reason Amazon wouldn't let me ship to your address in Canada. Sorry.


lulz yep. And screenshot my address so everyone can see where I live. I don't care if you believe me or not. Either way some lucky anon in NC is getting a copy of "The Atrocity of Exhibition" and it isn't you.

So go fuck off.

>> No.901097


you're welcome dude. Have a good day and don't let the haters get you down.

>> No.901099


Does the shipping cost that much to Canada? I've had relatives in the US and UK send things on my list before, so delivery doesn't seem to be problem.

>> No.901104

Don Quixote is awesome shit, so I hope you enjoy it.

>> No.901107

>>901087 again
No, it's that I don't have an amazon.ca account, and don't want to create one.

>> No.901110


I don't know. I tried to buy you the book on birds (sorry, I only kinda remember what it was) and when I got to the shipping part it said that it wasn't able to ship to that address. Hang on, I'll try one more time.

>> No.901117

Enjoy your copy of The Brothers Karamazov Scott Seibel.

You can learn everything there is to know about life from it...or so I hear.

My list:

>> No.901120

No, I don't get paid for another two weeks and want to make sure the first 4 people got their books before I buy any more. I didn't even realize I forgot to post my own wishlist this time, doh. I'm really loving the priority setting options, makes organizing a lot easier.


>> No.901121


Ah, many thanks. Hope it works; otherwise, the thought alone is kind enough.

>> No.901122


>> No.901126


It shouldn't matter. I've sent stuff to .ca and .co.uk lists before.

>> No.901128

this anon is totally legit it went from the ''unpurchased'' column to the ''purchased'' column and now i'm so happy i could piss myself.

>> No.901131


Yeah, sorry. It's still not letting me purchase "Birds of America." I tried.

Anyway, I think my generosity and bank account are a little tapped. Thanks for the books anons and I hope those of you fortunate enough to receive books feel blessed enough to hook someone else up soon.

>> No.901133

Feeling the love around here.

>> No.901143

>>901087 here again
Just realized I can sign into amazon.ca with my amazon.com account, so I'll get you something after all.

>> No.901153


Thanks anyway! Just curious, was the problem just Birds of America or the same with the other books on the list as well? I'll email their customer support if that's the case.

>> No.901154

Birds of America it is.

>> No.901155

Can someone (maybe a Canadian) hook up this kind Montreal anon instead?


I would but I keep failing for some reason. Every time I try, I can't get past the shipping. Even buying the book from an American vendor, it wont let me ship into Canadaland.

>> No.901159

Thanks dude, you read my mind. And thanks for the other books earlier. I did my best to pay back others with my limited means.

>> No.901161

Yeah, I hooked him up with Birds of America. Didn't complain to me about the shipping...where are you? I'm in NY.

>> No.901162


>> No.901168

Gotta put your address in, dude. Also,

> Deathly Hallows

>> No.901169

ITT: Niggards asking for books.

>> No.901171


I'm in Bellingham WA. You sent me Grendel and Chaucer earlier. I was so floored by your kindness that I ended up buying books for a few people. I feel very good about myself now. It's always more fun to give than to receive.

>> No.901174

Right on. /lit/'s making the world a better place.

>> No.901182


Thank you so much, kind anons! Didn't realize it'd require a group effort. People like you are the reason why /lit/ is class.

>> No.901183

done and thank you

>> No.901208

All right, Abraham--your name is cool, so Brothers Karamazov for you.

>> No.901212

abraham is an epic name.

>> No.901224

Greetings, fellow montrealfag. Enjoy your book.

Let me try my luck.


>> No.901237
File: 30 KB, 383x419, glass of derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't the other Montrealfag have the same books?

>> No.901244


Since you were a kindanon first, enjoy your copy of Camus' "The Stranger"

>> No.901249


Recommend books or rate please.

>> No.901251


I posted earlier in this post. But the bird book is not on my list.

>> No.901260

is there any way to see when a book that someone else got you from your list will be shipped?

>> No.901263

Which book are you expecting to receive? If it was from me, I can tell you when it should arrive. Otherwise, I dunno if you can find out yourself.

>> No.901267

>The Gun Seller

Can Hugh Laurie actually write?

>> No.901271

I would hope so, I heard some people raving about it on /lit/ so I added it.

>> No.901280

the anon who got me Attrocity Exhibition....

>> No.901299

bumping this thread for awesomeness

>> No.901302


Samefag here. I just want to add that I didn't get anything from posting before, if that is important.


Only the person placing the order can.

>> No.901306

Well he wrote lots with Stephen Fry in Cambridge

>> No.901309

>HARIBO Giant Sour Suckers 60 Pieces
>Priority: high

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.901315


Heard Fry's writing is not that good.

>> No.901320
File: 5 KB, 189x251, 1276271008563s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone get Nigra Existentialism is Humanism, it's great.

>> No.901321

Okay, wasn't me, sorry.

Okay, wasn't trying to be accusatory, just thought it was odd. Anyway, I'm tapped out for tonight. Can someone else help out our francophone friend?

>> No.901325


That was me. It says its shipping soon and should arrive between July 16 and August 2. I just did the regular shipping, because as much as I love you, I'm not paying extra for it to get there tomorrow.

>> No.901328

/lit/huania inspired me to more than half of it

>> No.901337 [DELETED] 

wwW.ANOLoLTAlK.se_REpLAce lOL_WitH_n
kss rnuhzfpkfozhbb kz q dzhcfc tw s ri sam uohn

>> No.901335

Still trying to see if you got your book. I don't have your email to send you the shipping tracking number from the seller but it supposedly arrived today.


>> No.901340


No biggie. Canadians are invading /lit/, eh? I have no luck with these things anyway, but you're cool in my books for doing what you did tonight.

>> No.901342

hahah THANKS and no i wouldn't expect you to get priority shipping even if you were in love with me....thanks again and have fun when you get to heaven

>> No.901361


frenchfags shouldn''t get books.

>> No.901367

Cool, my name is the Arabic version of yours :)

>> No.901378


Here is my list. :)

>> No.901398


Didn't you get that nice backpack already?

>> No.901402


Yes, I did.

>> No.901410


Then why are you posting? There are people who haven't got anything.

>> No.901411


>> No.901431


Please please PLEASE.

>> No.901446


Not expecting anything, mainly scrolling through people's lists.

>> No.901455

>Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives

That book sounds retarded.

>> No.901491

I'm really into classic Gothic lit and such - if anyone's also into this stuff, please get me something XD


>> No.901496

no one's buying shit anymore, you dirty sandniggers.

>> No.901512





>> No.901527


You and I have a lot of the same items. I would buy you something if I was capable. ;-;

>> No.901529


So you don't see what's wrong with being greedy?

>> No.901535

I feel you man, it sucks not having money =/

>> No.901536

Fuck you.

Fuck you a lot.

Not even that poster, but its great.

Everyone should read it.

>> No.901538


I like gifts, leave me alone.

>> No.901541

I hardly recognized any books on your list--this must be a genre I've somehow remained totally ignorant of. What would you recommend as a first venture into Gothic lit?

>> No.901548


I'll remember to skip you next time we do gifting.

>> No.901549

Really, you can start anywhere. A lot of the stuff I've added is more for historical significance than anything else, however some of it is awesome stuff that can't even be found online (despite the fact that those books are 200+ years old!). You're probably familiar with Poe, Hawthorne, those guys...if you don't know Lovecraft, some of his stuff's pretty Gothic (the whole supernatural thing, I mean). In terms of older stuff, Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto was an awesome book. I also really, really enjoyed LeFanu's Carmilla. Check that one out first; if you dig it, I'd totally recommend exploring anything you can find pre-19th century. Some of this stuff's gold.

>> No.901554

Great movies, and you like nihilism too, great. :)

>> No.901559


Okay, pal.

>> No.901563

Is it just me here, or does the OP picture look like a 40 year old woman with a cellulite covered sunk-in ass? I'm not sure how that's attractive.

>> No.901566

...Thank you. I'm quite interested in it.

>> No.901569

for some of us, pornography and body-dysmorphic media have not wreaked havoc on innate sexuality, so that we can get a boner easier than you can. maybe. or maybe it's just can't account for taste...I think pic is hot.

>> No.901576

I dunno, it just feels like her torso is extremely short and her ass is way too flat. I'm not into the overly tanned stick thin shit on tv either though. Maybe I'm too picky.

>> No.901583


She has nice tits.

Her ass is horribly flat, though. It's like she was in an accident that resulted in the loss of a quarter of her buttocks.

>> No.901585

could be but for me, there is also the element of the nylons which brings another facet into it and perhaps if she were in different clothes and a different position I wouldn't like it as much...

>> No.901589

>She has nice tits.

Ugh. They look like udders.

>> No.901590

but yeah her ass is too flat, really.

>> No.901592


Um, that's kind of what tits are.

>> No.901595

Yes. exactly.

>> No.901596


I know, but they shouldn't look like they belong to a cow.

>> No.901601

Thank you kind anon?

>> No.901605



>> No.901634


Same givefag from earlier.

Enjoy House of Leaves by Danielewski, Rory from Ohio. One of my favorite books of all time. Remember to pay it forward later when you can. And don't be greedy. That's the easiest way to ensure you get nothing.

Leaving my list in case someone else wants to find a little ounce of kindness.


>> No.901647

Go back to /a/

>> No.901649

omg titties! nipple too

>> No.901660


let me know what you guys think :3

>> No.901675


Fuck you.

>> No.901678


I hope your new copy of God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything can be of some assistance to you.


>> No.901702

God you guys ruin everything.

Plenty of people being nice, and you had to ruin it with your bickering.

>> No.901710

Pretty dark huh?

>> No.901723

Hah I suppose so - lots of cutesy fantasy and stuff in there too. Always loved anything Lovecraftian.

>> No.901732


A fellow atheist? Yay.

>> No.901773

Anything would be appreciated. I NEED SOMETHING TO READ!!!


>> No.901781

hopeful but tragically impovrished lit student:


>> No.901797

Thank you so much man, you just made my night.
I will pay it forward, I feel like it is all about sharing what ya' got, and in this case funds to buy anon books!

>> No.901811

night? if somebody got me something from my list it would make at the very, very least my month, threads like theses refresh my faith in human kindness..or at least taste in books.

>> No.901812


Go to the library.

>> No.901841

I love /lit/

>> No.901882

You get Ada or Ardor. I get the thrill of having bought that book for an English girl.

>> No.901886

one day i'm gonna buy you guys a shitload of books...one day.

>> No.901897

Thank you very much! I will truly enjoy it.

>> No.901899

I'm willing to buy someone a feminist book if someone will post their wishlist with anything feminist on it for under 25$.

>> No.901907

Ooh, tisk tisk.

>> No.901910

no way! i get Nabokov and the pleasure of a gift from somebody with an exotic accent (wouldn't mind knowing which one that may be) all in one night?

hmm, and to think i thought nothing of value would come from this weekend.

>> No.901913


>> No.901915



>> No.901917


>> No.901920


>> No.901922

After having a few people I bought books for turn out to misogynists asses when they realized the type of person that bought them a book, I'm not very willing to buy non-empowering books anymore.

>> No.901926



See A Room of One's Own.

Why you probably wouldn't buy it: I live in motherfucking Thailand.

>> No.901930
File: 65 KB, 333x450, CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to say, my accent is (to most people, I think) the least exotic of all. Also, I'm old as fuck. So the titillation will be unfairly weighted in my favor.

>> No.901931

Sup dawg, we heard you like rioting, so we bought you a feminist book.


>> No.901934

I've wanted to read The Song of Eve: Mythology and Symbols of the Goddess for awhile XD

I think it's somewhat "feminist" in nature; it touches on a lot of feminine symbolism I would imagine

>> No.901936

Please, tell us what happened! If a femanon bought me a book, I'd spring a boner for days on end.

>> No.901937

That's unlikely to stop my internal monologue from reading Ada or Ardor with a slight twang, extemely unlikely.

>> No.901943

Then I'm happy to be of service.

>> No.901946

I totally would if I could afford shipping to Thailand

Other poster: I'm reading through your list. You have so many books on here, I'm impressed!

>> No.901954


Riots and curfew and wasting precious time with a political pissing contest, to be more precise.

>> No.901957

What about me?

I was the first to reply

>> No.901963


I don't blame you. Cheers anyway, mate.

>> No.901965

That's it, i got some pretty feminist books there.

>> No.901996

One crazy guy, Brad P., mailed the book back to me with the word "CUNT" written all over it. It was a copy of War and Peace I had wasted $15 dollars on for an asshole who didn't want a book just because the purchaser was a femanon.

Another made a thread saying they didn't want the book anymore and are now against these threads because "bitches" are buying books.

Shit sucks.

Looking at your list, I'm surprised you don't have The Left Hand of Darkness on here. I'm not done reading through it yet though.

>> No.902002

Look pretty awesome - will definitely look into it. I've read some other stuff by Ursula K. Le Guin; really fantastic writer.

>> No.902019

Lol, is that Brad. P thing real? Hahaha shit.

>> No.902031


>> No.902033

Hey, does the name of the purchaser come with the book?

>> No.902037

Look mine >>901965
You may be interested.

>> No.902040


WTF?? What the hell is wrong with people? I'd be really happy to get a book.

Did you get refunded?

>> No.902047

That's really incredible. But somehow I don't think feminist literature is likely to turn around that sort of shitholes. Guys like that make me wonder how many freaks are just two steps from being serial killers.

>> No.902053


We have very similar interests!

>> No.902057

I don't have nothing against femanons who buy me books. Right, and I think feminism is the evil of the century.

>> No.902059


I'd wager more than you think, kind anon.

>> No.902062

Yeah, I think that too.

>> No.902084

Wow. I can't believe someone would waste a book like that. Writing cunt all over a perfectly good Dostoevsky. You should have mailed the guy back your uterine lining or something. I'm pretty sure you womenfolk have no use for that once it falls out, right?

Adding my list again because I love the THRILL!


>> No.902090

> Dostoevsky

>> No.902094
File: 13 KB, 675x139, Amazon.com Thanks You_1278905770873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really is. Okay well I hope you enjoy Frankenstein and The Princess and the Goblin. Would've bought you the Eve book but for the same price I was able to get you the two others.

>> No.902102


Ah goddamnit. That's firefox's doing. It told me that Dostoevsky was misspelled. Since I trust firefox anytime it underlines a red word, I changed it and now look like a retard. Hooray

>> No.902107

No way; you're amazing XD

I swear, when I have the money, I'm going to do the very same for some other anon (with good taste)

Thanks again <3

>> No.902109

It depends on how you have your Amazon set up.

Enjoy your books Michael A.!

I might as well post mine now

>> No.902114

Ha ha great, gay books.

>> No.902115


The lesson here? Never doubt yourself

>> No.902116


And it was War and Peace by Tolstoy. Damnit, double retard. I'll go fail somewhere else now...

>> No.902121

The spelling was fine, it was just that he's not the author of War and Peace.

>> No.902129

UpstateNYanon posting & hoping.

>> No.902133

No I didn't but I'm going to turn it into a collage book. It depresses me to see a great book ruined, but since it already is so beyond repair I don't know what else to do with it.

I don't think guys like that would want feminist literature anyway but I completely agree with you about the fear. Just think of any guy like that who gets dumped, half of them talk about hoping their ex is killed or gets a horrible STD or how they want to kill them, it's scary.

I didn't buy Oscar Wilde, I bought Frankenstein and Princess and the Goblin. Hard to be gay when you're the asexual retelling of the adam and eve creation.

>> No.902135


>> No.902244


>> No.902249

Bumping. Every time anon gives a gift with no thought of recompense, Lucifer gives Ayn Rand another little jab with his pitchfork.

>> No.902253


I think this thread is auto-saging.

>> No.902295

b-but it's so wonderous!

>> No.902315

Well gentlemen, beautiful things have happened in this thread.

>> No.902363

We should start a new one.

>> No.902455


>> No.902518

New thread here: