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/lit/ - Literature

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9235441 No.9235441 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9235455

Дa хyй знaeт

>> No.9235456

One day at a time :)

>> No.9235488

learn their cryllic alphabet. you'll see that when you learn the sounds and letters it really isn't too much different from learning spanish or french. learning a language just takes time, but don't be daunted by cryllic.

>> No.9235558

yчитьcя yчитьcя и yчитьcя

t. Lenin

>> No.9235594

Should I learn Swedish or Norwegian?

>> No.9235609


>> No.9235637

Why would you want to learn that godforsaken language.

>> No.9235880

Its /lit/.

The two most /lit/ languages aside from English are Russian and French.

>> No.9235886

You fucking idiot, the most literary languages are Bantu and Maori. Whiti te rā.

>> No.9235924

chur cuz

>> No.9235928

Ma te Atua e manaaki

>> No.9235935


open up your soul to dread

>> No.9235936

ummm...contristatus aestuosi, but its actually Greek and Latin.

>> No.9235939

alg bro fuk these mutts

>> No.9235947

giz a look at your phone g

lemme send a text to my auntie

>> No.9235955

oi nah cunt you'll rax my phone ae

>> No.9235960

You said Russian and French but you actually meant German and Italian.

>> No.9235976

get duolingo :^)

>> No.9235988

Swedish so you can laugh at how stupid Norwegian sounds.

>> No.9236002

Is this a good way to learn languages ?
Legit question

>> No.9236008

its supplementary

>> No.9236012

The answer is no, get a textbook

>> No.9236429

Learn Arabic if you want to visit Sweden.

>> No.9236435

I'm taking Swedish at univeristy and I would have rather taken Norwegian but I'm quite content with Swedish

>> No.9236439

but then how do I talk to kurds, somalians and iranians?!

>> No.9236456

They are learning it as well. The Quran is supposed to be read in Arabic.

>> No.9236462

>the average immigrant is devout
shiggy and sho on

>> No.9236469

>implying they are not
They are invasion forces to take down European nations when the time is right.

>> No.9236474

yeah we better watch out for those master-strategist-thelogian unskilled workers

>> No.9236477

Of course not all of them are in on it, but they will fall in line.

>> No.9236514

we all know how much the various middle eastern groups love each other and harmonize internally

>> No.9237670

When will you fuckoff, faggot

>> No.9237725
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>> No.9238121

Not to learn from scrap. First learn their grammatical persons (i, you, he/she/it, et cetera) then watch a shit ton of cartoons on said language (the reason i suggest animation is because it's easier to listen to than a movie) and then practice your grammar with duolingo.

I dropped it because it's useless on hard languages like german

>> No.9238131
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>> No.9238138

Congoids fuck off to Congo. Africa belongs to the Capoid man.

>> No.9238164

Real niggas learn Farsi

شاید فارسی را ردس خواندید چونکه زنان از شعر حافظ را خیلی خوششون میاید

>> No.9238178

>wanting to be a real nigger

>> No.9238180

Fuck off. It's not entirely useless

>> No.9238207

>whispering ambiguously homoerotic Persian poems into your bitch's ear
>deflowering tight-assed Turkish cupbearers in rose gardens
>making fun of imams like 13th century Charlie Hebdo
>getting paid in silver and spices by the Shah for writing a poem about his manly thighs
>writing a ghazal with polysyllabic AAAAAA rhyme scheme because your language is so /lit/ that every third word rhymes

fuck your shit-tier language nigga

>> No.9238234
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>speak 4 languages with the best lit
>mesopotamic subhuman calls me a nigger

>> No.9238237

duolingo is nice, why would he talk shit about it

>> No.9238238

My dad knows Muay Thai.

>> No.9238245

Чypки пpocнyлиcь

>> No.9238304



four languages but apparently no geography lessons, faggot

Goethe wrote Faust centuries after Hafez Shirazi died, at least he had the smarts to call him one of the greatest poets of all time. Four languages and you're still muh redpill? sieg heil in hell frogposting faggot

>> No.9238564


latin, ancient greek, italin and english here. I'm also fully redpilled and hate marxists

>> No.9240343
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Can a person who doesn't speak in memes explain how they learned Russian and what they'd do differently?

Do you gents agree with this?

>> No.9240420


I have always had the most success learning languages by using readers/chrestomathies. The method described in that chart seems like an instant dead end since it involves (it seems) no extended readings. Without reading longer passages, the words appear without context and are very hard to remember. It also makes the case system more opaque. I find that if you slam your head up against a wall of tough text, review it frequently, and keep moving through stuff that' about at your level, you'll do far better.

I am not fluent by any means, but this method allowed me to gain genuine reading fluency in Latin in about 8 months. I am not really interested in anything other than reading, so f you want to watch movies or write, you'll probably need a different method. Also, once you get to the level where it's possible, try browsing the Russian (or any language) equivalent of 4chan/reedit, etc. Instead of spending time shit-posting in English, shitpoisting in Russian will help your composition and comprehension.

>> No.9240446

Aye thanks lad, could you spoonfeed me a few examples of good readers / books to read for a beginner so I don't go slamming my head into the wall that is Dostoevsky.

Perhaps a reader should be added somewhere into the regiment in the chart, or would it be best to start and end with the reader?

>> No.9240499


There's a torrent called "Russian Language Learning Pack (Updated)" that has readers and texts with facing English. #88 in that pack is pretty good. You will probably need to familiarize with the grammar first or it won't make sense.

What other languages do you speak/have studied? Russian is basically a syntactically more predictable Latin with more complicated case and verb systems. You also lose about 95% of that cognate that makes Latin approachable despite the total "opposite" grammar.

>> No.9240534

I've only got experience with romance languages and a bit of Latin; I've been meaning to go through this Latin textbook I got "Wheelock's Latin" or whatever it's called.

I'll check out the torrent, thanks for being a spoonposter champ.

>> No.9240550


Hi, it's me, the spoon-poster. Please use the textbook "Latin via Ovid" instead. It is basically a chrestomathy that "frog-boils" you up to reading Ovid in ~45 medium-length passages. Wheelock is mostly nonsensical, disconnected sentences that make retaining/contextualizing anything very difficult.

Seriously, that textbook was the best $20 I ever spent.

>> No.9241872

>implying pizza niggers and Greek degenerates are better than Persians


>> No.9241878


En mycket god ide.

OP, do this!

>> No.9241890

RT the news network has free courses to learn Russian. I'm not sure how thorough it is but it might be worth a try.


>> No.9241929


>> No.9241954

Why do you want to learn Russian? Are you a Putin/trump shill?

>> No.9241987

Russian isn't lit, they have like five good books at most.

English, French, Italian, Greek, Latin, and Spanish are lit.

>> No.9241996

Russian is worth learning for the poetry of pushkin, pasternak and ahkmatova alone.

>> No.9242006

No it isn't, stop shilling your second-rate national poets Ivan

>> No.9242024

Учи или нe yчи, вce paвнo pyccкyю дyшy нe пoймeшь.

>> No.9242189

>pyccкaя дyшa
Eбaл eё нa впиcкe.

>> No.9242218

Hy хoть кoгo-тo ты eбaл

>> No.9242220


>> No.9242228
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>> No.9242237

Looks like a retarded Arabic.

>> No.9242341

>Its another insecure American talking shit about European authors to make their own authors look better.

They have hundreds of classic novels (and authors) worth reading from Russia. How high are you?

>> No.9242351


Pick one

>> No.9242394

Russian poetry shits on awkward english verse any day, and I'm saying it as an angloboo who reads prose exclusively in english

>> No.9242524

I learn languages to impress girls

>> No.9242916
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>> No.9242942

French, German, and English are the holy 3.

>> No.9242977


Learn swedish kek, it sounds gay

jag vill ha en mycket bra manslem i mina mun i nästa morgon efter mina killevän har sovde gott

jag ocksa gillar köttbullarna

t. finn who passed high proficiency test in swedish at university level

>> No.9243059

>high proficiency
>that swedish

You talking about wanting to suck cock is the least upsetting part of that comment.