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9258493 No.9258493 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9258507


medicalfag here. We use that term all the time, but as a /lit/ word it is kind of odd.

>> No.9258512

You're a little too sensitive, and not in a good way

>> No.9258597


>> No.9258614


>> No.9258621


>> No.9258625

>Clip when what's really being referenced is a magazine.
>The word "'copter" instead of "chopper" or "helicopter".
>Assault weapon

By the by, /k/ommando here. That first Resident Evil novel from back in the 90s pissed me right off. Constantly used the words clip and mag interchangeably, and also for some reason always used the term 'copter which annoyed the fuck out of me. JUST CALL IT CHOPPER OR HELICOPTER LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE, BITCH! Why did they have to get a woman to write a book about zombies and firearms... God fucking damn it...

>> No.9258627
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Women's rights

>> No.9258636

Space, as in "black spaces"

>> No.9259210


>> No.9259503


>> No.9259573


I'm a construction worker. I saw it once irl. Don't wear jewelry when using machinery, guys.

>> No.9259580

Booties (as in boots)
just a quick cross-section of the worst sections of the English language.

>> No.9259598

Fucking whilst

>> No.9259600

Yikes. My grandfather was a contractor for a few decades, he once got his hand caught in a hydraulic press. Every bone in his hand was broken and with all the pins and staples they put in him his hand looked like some kind of metal-human golem out of a horror story.
Now he has parkinsons and can't work. Poor guy shakes so bad he struggles to put together tabletop puzzles. He's a strong guy, though - I've never heard him complain or ask for help.

>> No.9259609

When some bitch steals your gloves and you cry out 'Alack the villain hath deglovèd me'

>> No.9259616

Are you autistic by any chance?

>> No.9259631


I guess this is as good a time as any to go on a bit of a rant. I grew up in a very comfortable suburban family. My parents brought in a very good 6 figure income, and I had an upbringing probably not dissimilar to most of you here. I became an electrician for my own reasons that aren't relevant here, and have been very close to electrical death a couple of times. I work on large scale jobs with thousands of other people, each working 16 hour days 5-7 days a week. These guys are always exhausted, and they keep going because they know that if they don't, they'll never have access to middle class wages ever again.

I've seen 2 deaths and innumerable life altering injuries. Like I said, I've been close to victim hood myself. It makes you realize how cheap the lives of men are. A common feeling on this site is that women should be forced to do combat roles and work jobs like mine if they want equal rights. Please. Take it from someone who's seen it. You don't want your women being exposed to this. Let them be stuck up cunts guarded from reality. It's better than having your means of reproduction dead.

>> No.9259650

Wow, yikes. Not sure I totally agree with you - if a woman wants to do the job and can then she should go ahead, but I definitely think it's foolish to say that they should work equal parts. Forced diversity doesn't make sense either direction. And desu it's probably not the way to teach people, either.

>> No.9259671


In a society of equality such as ours, we should not bar people from certain paths to success based on biology, of course. I have been very successful, and so have many other men who have done what I have. It would be wrong to deny that opportunity to women.

But the basis of human procreation would seem to benefit a society that discourages it's female members from taking on such work.

>> No.9259674



>> No.9259687

I dunno man, whilst has to be on my top 50 list of used words. I always say it wrong too, like while-st.

For me it has to be juror.

>> No.9259729


>> No.9259752

"sickening thud"

>> No.9259788

You're supposed to use it in place of "while" in some contexts. It's not even optional, it's just a more appropriate word sometimes

>> No.9259794


>> No.9259796


>> No.9259809

wtf that word owns

>> No.9259819

I'm aware, and had no problem with it up until about a year and a half ago-ish. Seems that's when everyone and their mother started using it to completely replace "while" and always unnecessarily. Just one of those things I guess, fuckin' rubs my rhubarb.

>> No.9259828


>> No.9259831

Stop being a cuck

>> No.9259863

Cookie, just can't stand it.

>> No.9259955

thrust when used in a past-tense context.
an example being "he thrust his fingers inside of me yesterday evening."

>> No.9259960


>> No.9259963

aww, i think it's cute.... :(

i second this

>> No.9259976


>> No.9259997

kinda hot though

>> No.9260039

i was writing about losing my virginity recently and i had to use thrust in a past-tense context. it just felt.. wrong. so did writing about sex in general, though, so whatever.

>> No.9260122

Would have posted this if it were an "awesome words" thread

>> No.9260159

dived instead of dove, etc

>> No.9260180

you're a faggot.

>> No.9260182

maybe you shouldn't write about degenerate topics.

>> No.9260191
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i was journaling.

>> No.9260466


>> No.9260560


>> No.9260794

I find alas annoying in modern English texts but in my other language, the word is āfsoos, which I think is very beautiful if used nicely.

>> No.9260818

orbs, when used in place of eyes

i swear to god

>> No.9261105


>> No.9261567


I'm not sure why but I hate it.

>> No.9261597


>> No.9261616

Booties would work in dialogue with a motherly character or with small children.

>> No.9262156

an universe

>> No.9262171


>> No.9262225


>> No.9262247

he did fuckin love those words

also nubbin

>> No.9262550
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>> No.9262792

prior to
sight to behold
any cliches really
shoot your goo my dude

>> No.9262811


>> No.9262912

The fellow, whilst using empirical and scientific logic and reason against feminism, had his testicles degloved by a toned female, which left some problematical spaces in his groin area, which no longer looked as resplendent as it once looked before.

The woman appeared to have objectively actualized a quite impactful, like, totes awful castration. She also happened to be wearing booties whilst doing all this.

A man who witnessed it was later asked to be a juror to the case the man brought against the woman, which role he fulfilled goodly; he claimed that he heard a "sickening thud" as he saw it happen, and that the groin obviously could not be fitted back into the man again.

He said that this all took place at approx 3:30 PM in the afternoon.

The woman was acquitted based on some new women's rights law which gave her the right to do so.

Anyway, it was clear that the man's dick would never sprout out anything fruitful again, not even a cookie; alas, for the man, before that, had thrust it into many a fair lass and wench. Whence it derives, that he could never have children, alas. He had dived into the miserable realm of eunuch-hood.

This misery caused him to pontificate: could a just God have allowed such a thing to happen to him? But such reflections brought him nothing worthwhile, he saw that his mind could not bring him out of this situation, and the next best thing he could do was pamper himself with every material indulgence he could. He bought fancy pillows, couches, and a feather mattress to recline on, a huge flat-screen plasma TV, an indoor pool, a pet yak, and every kind of rare food or delicacy he wanted --- including the very prized and succulent orbs of buffaloes, those tools once used by the poor animals for looking at the world around them.

But the one thing he could not get was a girlfriend.

So the noughties went on for him, and, with the arrival of 2010, he found himself quite pococurante to all the material satisfactions life had to offer. His life had become an universe of meaningless hedonism, and such a realization (which gave him the howling fantods) was not something to be dickied with. He realized the meaningless, annular nature of his day-to-day life --- eating, watching TV, sleeping, and waiting for the cycle to start again. Not even his art (for he painted) could save him from this abyss of meaninglessness.

His life and individuality (not to mention his groin), in actuality, was a mere nubbin of what it could have been, but he could not be the best he could by now; prior to the degloving, he had been a sight to behold, and people had said he was a guy who would go places (although, when asked, they knew not whither).

And where was he now? He was hither. And he could not shoot your goo, my dude, for he had nothing betwixt his legs now, or almost nothing.

>> No.9262939

This word shouldnt exist desu

>> No.9263410

good post

>> No.9263652


>> No.9263669

Which contexts?

>> No.9264251

you're a faggot

>> No.9264298


>> No.9264314


>> No.9264318


I always read it as starred. If a word could be your arch nemesis stared would be mine.

>> No.9264347


>> No.9264351


>> No.9264368

Whilst. Just say while!

yeah this only applies to Americans because apparently Brits still use it

>> No.9264418



This whole article. It's goldmine:

and pulitzer gem:
>The self-fashioning of the chef as artist casts him (the pronoun is deliberate) as untameable by nature, so volatility becomes part of the glamour.

>> No.9264437

How is your life as a construction worker? Do you like it? What would you change? Would you recommend it?

>> No.9264445


>> No.9264446

Came here to post this.

>> No.9264456

This. Make me want to punch through dry wall.

>> No.9264460

That is actually an interesting article and wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

>> No.9264475


>> No.9264483


>> No.9264512

i fucking hate this review:


>> No.9264573


>> No.9264634


>> No.9264645


>> No.9264685


>> No.9264690


>> No.9264714


>> No.9264820

ss'ed because you are my soul and i couldn't hold it together i love you