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9553356 No.9553356 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people generally assume that life has an instrinsic meaning?
And if you believed that, why would you want to know the answer? With that kind of logic the answer will completely ruin your existence.
To me it seems that nihilism is the only possible way of dealing with the absence of God, by embracing the fact that nothing matters we are able to appreciate the pleasures that life gives us, and if we never feel enough joy to make up for the pain and sadness that life also gives there's always suicide.
What does /lit/ think about this?

>> No.9553358

Clean your room
You're not even describing nihilism, you're describing Existential Absurdism

>> No.9553361

to be honest the more likely isn't that there's a lack of God, but rather we're but an intricate simulation.

you won't commit suicide because you lack the free will to do so.

>> No.9553364

and which "people" are these

>> No.9553365

>There is such thing as 'life'

Take the deadpill, faggot. It's all just natural processes.

>> No.9553381

Besides religious people, almost everyone that considers life sacred

>> No.9553383

Because it does

>> No.9553443

That entire theory is predicated on demonstrably false pretenses. Grow up.
Simulation of our universe would require infinite computing power and/or infinite space, which would not be possible according to the laws of physics - and if you arbitrarily posit that whatever is running the simulation works under unique laws of physics from our own, you've either A: invented a Deity or B: obligated yourself to posit an axiom on which the laws of our physics could be simulated, which would also need to fit with the external laws of the simulator's reality.
The entire concept is "DUDE UNFALSIFIABLE SCIENCE FICTION LMAO". Might as well be a Scientologist.

>> No.9553450
File: 29 KB, 500x464, tacticalbladeofnihilism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life does have an intrinsic meaning.

>> No.9553474

No, only natural processes are natural processes. Introspection and external expression are Emergent properties of both humans and human society. The brain is a slab of meat but the Persona and its expression are experiential, time-born entities.
A beehive, which is certifiably not alive, expresses all of the criteria we associate with life: movement, reproduction, response to stimuli, etc. Formal Cause is not the only Cause.

>> No.9553492

Which is....?

>> No.9553510

Pure suffering.

>> No.9553531

End your life then, you don't have to suffer

>> No.9553546
File: 316 KB, 450x600, Atlas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather carry a heavy load to counteract the suffering.

>> No.9553552
File: 182 KB, 1024x768, Anakin Skywalker - Anakin Skywalker Wallpaper (17186740) - Fanpop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing maters
>Here's a graphic explaining my position that doesn't matter because I desperately want you to understand how much I don't matter

Really convincing stuff there.

>> No.9553559

>our universe is infinite

[Citation Needed]

>> No.9553577

I'm not trying to convince anyone here, all I wanted was to see other people opinions about the subject

>> No.9553667
File: 276 KB, 306x480, 1495364655823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people generally assume that life has an instrinsic meaning?
for the same reason that people generally assume that the earth orbits the sun and that water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, or that killing people is wrong. it's what they are told by people they interpret as figures of authority, regardless of whether it is founded in observation or not.

"matters" is a relative term. nothing matters to whom?

you say nihilism but you're making a hedonistic argument, that pleasure is inherently to be striven for in life, which contradicts nihilism's rejection of inherent axiomatic principles. why?

>> No.9553697


>"matters" is a relative term. nothing matters to whom?


>> No.9553771

Nothing is known, therefor everything is possible. Nihilism has a constant flaw. You assume life has no meaning, yet you also assume you mean enough to say life has no meaning.

>> No.9553799

Natural processes processing the natural. Is this life?

>> No.9553801

I believe that there is no objective meaning and it is up to everyone to determine there own meaning in life. If you want to believe that were here for no apparent reason other than to live, suffer, and die then be my guest, but so far believing in nothing has brought me to a state of inertia and apathy that I have never felt before in my entire life and it sucks. At least if I try to work towards a goal and take on responsibilities than it gives my suffering a purpose.

>> No.9553903
File: 13 KB, 549x234, Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) struggles with the bucking ___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing matters
>I'm interested in other peoples opinions about my chosen philosophy even though other people, other peoples opinions and my own curiosity dont matter.

I'm still not getting it.

>> No.9553963
File: 50 KB, 488x495, 1495237087133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unlucky nihilist on left
lucky nihilist on right

>> No.9554006

Why did you write this? Do you not know people?

>> No.9554034

fuck off with your shitty facebook/tumblr memes

>> No.9554512

Isn't the latter a subset of the former?

>> No.9554544

No. Existentialism is the realization that the qualia humans ascribe to phenomena is nonexistent, an invention, and there's no reason to follow it (but there's also no reason not to)

Nihilism is the assertion that ALL qualia is void, and that quantitative existential properties are equally meaningless because everything is just locked in an ignoble repeating cycle. When taken to its logical endpoint, nihilism almost demands suicide as a relief from the continued suffering of existence (not accounting for Nietzsche's Ubermensch nonsense)

>> No.9554823

>Why do people generally assume that life has an instrinsic meaning?
They were mostly born to a family, to a society, to a religion. You were born to a farm, with a weird metanarrative, and with an increased chance to having been raised by a single mom.

>> No.9554828

You're using the word 'qualia' incorrectly. Qualia are things like the direct subjective experience of color, temperature, sound, etc

>> No.9554832

I wish God didn't exist so I could spit in your face right now.