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/lit/ - Literature

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9928834 No.9928834 [Reply] [Original]

Had a successful thread like this the other day:

>Where are you studying/what are you studying?
>Do you enjoy it?
>What are you currently reading?

>> No.9928866

I honestly can't tell you how much better my life has been since I entered pinkycord

>> No.9928879

These threads is just an outlet for students of 'prestigious' universities to inflate their own ego and delude themselves that their alma mater actually matters in life.

>> No.9928964

Trinity College Dublin/ Classics
A Man Asleep - Georges Perec /The Persians - Aeschylus

>> No.9928967

>Trinity College Dublin/ Classics

uhhhhhmmm latte machiato please?

>> No.9929042

University of St Andrews, second year Classics
The Education of Henry Adams

>> No.9929139

Economix @ Ell Ess Eee
i'll have a uhhhhhhhhh big mac

>> No.9929164

"Oi! I asked for these chips EXTRA SALTY, I wanna spake to yor manager!"

>> No.9929189

>university of guelph

>> No.9929191 [DELETED] 

>Amherst; English and Math double major
>yes, but it's very stressful
>the wizard of loneliness

>> No.9929220

>Where are you studying/what are you studying?
Some typical university in Germany, a specialized MSc within Computer Science
>Do you enjoy it?
I absolute loathe it. In fact I have sent out applications for nurse apprenticeships. I won't even bother to make use of my BSc in CS.
>What are you currently reading?
Modern Culture- Scruton
The book of disqiet - Pessoa

>> No.9929501

It does matter if you measure how worthwhile it was by income thereafter and/or quality of education

>> No.9929508


>> No.9929523
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> Graduated a year ago with two master's
> Finance
> It was a financial drain and I don't like the job prospect and the state of the industry in my home country
> The Virtue of Selfishness, Ayn Rand

>> No.9929887


Hey, I went to Trinity. What year are you in?

I'm doing a Phd in Oxford now in genetics

>> No.9929906

First day of writing class I namedropped Joyce.

>> No.9929908

I am in second year.

I might do a masters in Library and Information Studies after graduation, if they take me.

>> No.9929925


Ah, we've had very little overlap then. I finished my final year there in 2016.

You'll probably get it. Trinity are really good about letting people who did their degree there into Masters programs. I wasn't even interviewed for my masters there while all of the non trinity folk were.

>> No.9929930


I took a creative nonfiction course with David Wallace at Ponoma back in '94. We weren't allowed to show anyone our essays outside of the class for some reason. He seemed naturally intelligent, didnt need to look at any notes or textbooks or prepare for any lectures, he just knew his stuff and was super casual.

I saw him talking to a girl on campus one day. He uncharacteristically wore a Fila sweatsuit, the kind that looks like it's made from the same material as parachutes, and trainer sneakers with a matching bandana. That was his pussy hunt outfit apparently. Several times a week, same outfit, I'd see him hitting on women in it. I once saw him wearing it while carrying an identical outfit from the dry cleaners, he had like 4 sets of same Fila sweatsuit.

I asked him about it in class and he said we aren't allowed to discuss anything unrelated to class while inside class, the same way we can't show anyone outside of cass our essays. A student called out "but Dostoevsky isn't in this class and last week you talked about replicating his black tea obsession to test its affects on your own writing". Wallace stared blankly at the student with dead eyes for 30 seconds in dead silence then said "you just got knocked down a full letter grade. Any other smart asses? Didn't think so." and pushed up his glasses with his index finger.

I remember telling myself this guy will either be super successful or kill himself.

>> No.9929978

Namedropping Joyce in a writing class is like namedropping Trump in a political science class.

>> No.9929992
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>> No.9929995

Me too but I'm in the blinndergarden program

>> No.9929997

Nice, Blinn isn't so bad. I went there for a year

>> No.9930148 [DELETED] 

>Pratt Fashion Institute
>Fashion Design
>Key of Solomon

I'm a straight guy by the way. Also a huge disappointment to my family. Also realize I probably can't go anywhere because I'm not connected with any big names.

>> No.9930407

What's wrong with Joyce?

>> No.9930515

University of Kansas/ History

>> No.9930586

University of Kent
Computer Science and Networks

I regret not going to oxford for classics I had the grades. Still, a lot of money.

>> No.9930598

>straight guy in fashion
Are dateable females abundant? thought on this for a bit

>> No.9930606

>mathematics and russian at public uni in va
>petersburg by andrei bely

>> No.9930619

Oh, and Histories by Herodotus

>> No.9930634

In the UK you can literally get employed into prestigious grad schemes because you went to Oxbridge etc. It matters a lot.

>> No.9930637

white male

>> No.9930735

Southampton, Law.
I guess. It's not the best law school - it's not the worst. I'm only there to be able to work afterwards, rather than any other lofty ambitions.
T.S Eliot's poetry is my current focus.

>> No.9930750

Rutgers University (new Brunswick, fuck newark)

math. Just was offered to join the honors class for mathmatical reasoning. Feels good man

Don Quixote

>> No.9930781

Always surprised by the number of classicists in these Uni threads. I am one too, same uni as OP

>> No.9930807

A literature board has a high concentration classicists and you are shocked? No wonder you only got into Cambridge on the lowest grade boundary course there is

>> No.9930857
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Queen's University (Canada), doing Philosophy and Classics
Yeah, I guess. I love the school and the material is great but I have some regret for choosing not to go to Toronto or McGill. I was originally doing a different program and the phil faculty at those schools are a lot more prestigious. Our department head was a prof at Oxford, but most of the faculty is kind of lacklustre.
The Origins of Political Order by Fukuyama

>he got tricked into going to the farmer school

>> No.9930877

Anyone here at Imperial? I'm there for CompSci. It's a STEM uni so I think I might be alone here? None (literally none) of my friends read fiction.

>> No.9930917

i got pooled too

>> No.9930918
File: 401 KB, 1024x1024, Stanford-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'sup brainlets?

>> No.9931548

I'm studying a double degree in finance and journalism at Monash University. My main aim now is to find a decent job at a bank whilst secretly hating my reality.

>> No.9931552

Oh yeah, and I just finished Portrait of a Lady, and I'm now rereading select poems from Leaves of Grass.

>> No.9931580

People at ICL are so weird

>> No.9931739

Former HUD Secretary Julio Castro got into Stanford with a 1210 SAT. For all I know you're a Mexican who had mediocre grades.

>> No.9931760

Why do you keep posting this? Are you obsessed with status or something?

>> No.9931767

BA in English with Supporting in History at Waikato Uni (NZ)
I was, in my last semester for the degree now and I feel tired and want it to be over with. Still don't know what to do after I graduate though.
Reading the KJV Bible, I've been very slow with it. It's been like a month or two since I've read it and I've only just finished the first Book of Kings. Beautiful book though.

>> No.9931783

>Where are you studying/what are you studying?
Cambridge Anglosaxon Norse and Celtic
>Do you enjoy it?
feels like im wasting my life
>What are you currently reading?
st augustines confessions and st jerome shit

>> No.9931871
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got into a russell group uni by the skin of my teeth lads (2 grades below offer) feel like an absolute brainlet

>> No.9931896

I only posted this twice. Last time I incorrectly said it was Juan Castro and I wanted to correct myself the next time there was a uni thread.

>> No.9931931




Plato's Dialogues, currently Meno

>> No.9932028

Welcome to the water kid.

>> No.9932051

>making mistakes
well, we can be sure you wouldn't get into stanford

>> No.9932136

another New Zealand lad. I'm at Auckland for Law and History. What's the faculty like at Waikato?

>> No.9932414

Not been to Auckland so I don't know. I'm assuming it's no where near as good. Waikato isn't really impressive but it's sort of comfy, there's a few lecturers and professors I like studying under as well so I don't mind. Hamilton is so dull though, I come from Tauranga so I'm kinda used to going up the Mount or going to the beach if I get bored.

>> No.9932715

Any reason in particular why Waikato?I mean lectures at Auckland are probably no better than anywhere else in NZ, but academic performance gets recognised pretty well so that's good i guess. I pretty much picked Auckland just because I live here already, and everyone else i knew was going there

>> No.9932723

University of Oregon
English Major
Yeah, I like it. I like to read and I've had some good teachers.
I'm not gonna say what I'm reading right now.

>> No.9932759

University in Argentina, studying math and physics. I absolutely love what I study.
I'm currently reading Seneca's dialogues and The Hobbit for like the 3rd time. So cozy.

>> No.9932778

It was cheaper and closer to home. Plus they offered me $3k scholarship money because of my NCEA performance. Also I'm not very good with cities, I used to live in the UK and I always hated them.

>> No.9932942

Plenty of ASNC'rs do alright for themselves. Whata the problem? You're not that robot from Jesus college are you who always goes to McDonald's on his own?

>> No.9932952

>who always goes to McDonald's on his own?

is this another one of those normie things i periodically learn about, like when my friend told me that it's "not normal" to wear comfortable sneakers and couldn't explain why

or when they get really upset if you don't have a cellphone

is going to mcdonalds alone some kind of normie faux pas?

>> No.9933014

I don't see a problem with wearing comfy sneakers or going to McDonalds by yourself, which either means your friends have strange opinions, or that I'm a robot too

>> No.9933107

I dress like a tramp to uni, idc, I'm there to study not to impress pseuds

>> No.9933411

The thing that you don't realize is that one of the most important parts of going to a good university is impressing pseuds so you have connections later in life.

>> No.9933428

Oxford, French and Russian
Not started yet.
Phèdre - Racine

this. A degree from a good uni is good and all, but being at Oxbridge/some other prestigious uni means having the opportunity of making friends in the right places. You could be mingling with a future Prime Minister for all you know (depending where you hang out).

>> No.9933436

imperial college here

fuck you oxbridge cunts

currently reading: Homo Deus

>> No.9933445


>> No.9933450

Harvard University extension school for government. Shits alright but school in general in such a scam

>> No.9933602
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>caltopia 2017
>it could be better, too many annoying cs kids
>surrealism in latin american literature - melanie nicholson

>> No.9933749

Not Harvard or Oxbridge is it though

>> No.9933760

If the sneakers are hideous then comments from friends is probably to be expected

Not having a cell phone is objectively unusual

Going to McDonalds on your own is not strange unless you do it everyday, in which case it outs you as a loner and person with awful diet

>> No.9933800

Anyone here know if the University of Glasgow is any good? Might be doing physics there

>> No.9933817

True - he is either a lucky darky or a priveliged white kid

>> No.9933847

Cornell in New York/ Information Science (data concentrating in data analysis of literature and text)
Yeah it's pretty cool
Light in August by Faulkner

>> No.9934108

I'm a 20 yo freshman for English, been in Dublin for a year.

>> No.9934245


>> No.9934658

Best in Scotland I guess. Can't go too wrong with physics at one of those top schools.

>> No.9934705
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>Universidad de Chile / Medicine
>Kind of
>The Solitude of Prime Numbers (Paolo Giordano), Essential Cell Biology (Alberts, etc)

>> No.9935012

Physics at Edinburgh, St. A or Glasgow is worthwhile. I'm currently doing Physics at Edinburgh but people (my friends from school) who went to Glasgow seem to be happier than the ones who went elsewhere.

>Do I enjoy uni: No, I never have.
>Currently Reading: Just finished Stoner two minutes ago. Going to read Ivan Ilyich next.

>> No.9935032

Pratt fashion institute
Fashion Design
It's fun. I'm a white straight guy so maybe I've dissappointed my family but it's all good. Won't ever have a job though ;^) not sure what I'm doing here because I'm not rich or know any rich guys in the biz
Gelmans Poetry

>> No.9935103 [DELETED] 
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Biology/University of Toronto
The Republic - Plato

>> No.9935117
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University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine/MD
The Republic - Plato

>> No.9935125

You don't know that he isn't a Mexican

>> No.9935136

>Where are you studying/what are you studying?
University of McDonald's/double majoring in Burger Systems and Fry Theory
>Do you enjoy it?
It's alright, except when my professor makes me clean the bathrooms
>What are you currently reading?
McDonald's: Behind The Arches

>> No.9935150

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Faculty of Philology (major - translation from native to English and vice versa).

Well, I really like what I'm studying, and there's like 2 from 40 teachers that are... acceptable, and make my day, because I haven't seen any better.
Otherwise, it's awful. When it's rainy, there's a pool in front of the biggest amphitheatre, because the roof leaks, and it hasn't been fixed for decades.
It's a public university in a capital city. There aren't enough seats in the classrooms, sometimes not enough tables and we put the textbooks and notebooks on our laps and we write like that. In one of the amphitheatres there's a sparrow nest, and the sparrows once somehow pushed some pebbles and a student almost got a skull fracture.

I won't even mention the other billion finesses. Come and witness, infernal Narnia of miserable opressed masochistic stoics.

For Whom The Bell Tolls

>> No.9935156

>either be super successful or kill himself
Both. Boom!

>> No.9935241

History major at UF
Meh, it's a means to an end
The Will to Power

>> No.9935244


What's up? Fellow winner here.

>> No.9935424


>> No.9935880

>prestigious grad schemes because you went to Oxbridge
not sure how "literally" true this is. I would say it certainly helps with application processes
even though it shouldn't

I got into one of the two and i'm dumb as shit

>> No.9935920

I'm at a community college in SoCal. I'm studying Psychology. Why else would I fucking study something full time? Dorian Gray.

>> No.9935943

>tfw you'll never be 19 again
>tfw you'll never get to undo your decision to go into STEM instead of some interesting humanities degree
>tfw you feel intellectually stunted from being a lab rat 60 hours a week and reading nothing but lab manuals and journal articles

STEM is a fucking meme don't do it god damn do not do it

>> No.9935946

>tfw 20
>wanted to go into STEM because it guarantees my future almost inevitably
>said fuck it and went into humanities
It's fun but people can be some real fags.

>> No.9936097

are you the same sex that posts on /shugazi/? I'm in second year

>> No.9936131


Me too but M.A.Sc Aerospace Engineerinf.

>> No.9936140

Some community college. Electrical Engineering.
It's okay, though I haven't really gone deep into it yet.
The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.9936176

>tfw when 21
>Starting college in 2 weeks
>About to fall for the Stem meme
>But why the fuck would I pay money to study what I already read for recreation

>> No.9936197

>But why the fuck would I pay money to study what I already read for recreation
Because you will be able to get a 6 figure job due to the degree.
That's the STEM meme.

>> No.9936203

ivyshit has a terrible quality of education.

>> No.9936205

Hey lads
I'm starting at Auckland in February, hoping to major in physics

>> No.9936208
File: 120 KB, 660x664, UofA%20Logo[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I still alone? Nobody ever responds to me.

Taking a special course on ecotheology starting on the 31st, planned a few others too. It means I can't take writing courses until next year, but I think it's worth it.

>> No.9936209

Classicists are massive tools and this thread is filled with tools, so what do you expect?

>> No.9936212

Good luck. Are you flatting or staying on halls?

>> No.9936217

A hall for a year, then flatting I guess

>> No.9936220

>Boston University/Graphic Design
>I don't fuck with this place but I do like my major
>The Brothers Karamazov

Life is so mundane here sometimes. It seems like there are interesting people all around this campus but I can't seem to befriend anyone like that. Holla at ya boi I would fucking love some /lit/ friends to talk deep shit with.

>> No.9936223

I'm talking of humanitites desu

>> No.9936230

Halls is good if you like meeting new people. I'm pretty anti-social but I made some good friends in that first year.

>> No.9936302

That's good to hear, I'm not full on sperg but I am a bit anti social

>> No.9936426

Sperg here: didn't stay in Auckland halls and now I have no friends. Wouldn't recommend anyone do the same, unless they're joining some fairly active clubs/societies to compensate

>> No.9936436

I really hope this is true because I screeched at "pussy hunt outfit"

>> No.9937123

Know a few friends going here, and for majors like psychology.
Sorry. Never heard of it.

>> No.9937126

Why aerospace engineering out of the other engineering areas?

>> No.9937500
File: 447 KB, 1600x1200, Old College University of Edinburgh (3264 x 2448).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


University of Edinburgh - Classics
I start September
Rereading Hitch 22

>> No.9937519

eee here
afraid I don't really read fiction either, sorry
currently: kierkegaard secondary lit

>> No.9937575

guys I got accepted for student exchange in Uni of Essex
Any tips, is uni any good?

>> No.9937581


I did my undergrad in mechanical and aerospace seems pretty interesting to me. I'm doing more computational aerodynamics with a focus on CFD numerical method algorithm development and optimization. Maybe try and see if there's any projects on machine learning for computational science and design in aerospace as that seems like a cool field.

>> No.9937585

Which college has the best bar and why is it Darwin?

>> No.9937593

Yes, I'm that one. How's physiology treating you?

>> No.9937636


> Somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere
> Maths and Physics
> I enjoy maths and physics. I enjoy my courses sometimes too.
> Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman

>> No.9937750

I've heard the Wolfson bar is sick but I've only been to Caius, Fitz, Clare and Queens, all decent but nothing special.

Darwin seems like a comfy college

>> No.9937813

>University of Lincoln, Computer Science
>The Bible

>> No.9938219

Homerton and Robinson

Worst is by far and away Downing

>> No.9938231

Do you guys think it's worth taking a CELTA course (for $2500) in November, or should I do an Oxford Seminars TEFL class in the next few weeks for certification? Does either matter?

>> No.9938242


Going to University of Leicester in September. Been stuck at my parents' place for 9 months so it'll be a nice change of pace. Studying MA Media and Advertising.

>> No.9938247


Where do you want to teach? I knew some guy who took the CELTA so he could teach adults. Everybody else I know went to China/Thailand/Korea with just their undergrad degree.

>> No.9938258

University of Toronto
Yes, I only dislike the ethics courses (a little too tumblr-esque for my liking). Other than that the logic courses as well as courses on individual philosophers are great.
The Gambler

>> No.9938260

I always see a lot of people from edmonton in city threads, but assuming you're the same guy who's been posting in all the uni threads for the past ~3 weeks, i've only seen 2 people who go to Alberta on 4chan. One on /r9k/ and then you.

>> No.9938342

I have no preference, whichever pays the highest. I'd take pride in official certification, it'd look better on a future resume, and I've heard it can bump pay up enough to be worthwhile.

My apprehension comes from how far in the future the class is, and not knowing if it'll actually help as much as I want it to.

Any advice?

>> No.9938719

USC - Electrical Engineering. fell for the STEM meme but some of it is okay
The Book of Disquiet, White Noise, a book on information theory
my guy

>> No.9938854
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University of Edinburgh
It's good, but I should become involved in more societies
War and Peace, it's excellent (just under halfway done)

>> No.9938957


No sorry I can't offer any advice

>> No.9939732

skipped like 90% of the classes the past semester and struggled a lot, but managed to not fail
hit me up at the /shugazi/ discord if you need anything

>> No.9939749

University of the West Indies, Medicine
Storm of Steel

>> No.9939862
File: 169 KB, 640x480, akagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Northern Virginia Community College
Psychology (no I'm not a woman)
Yep, very interesting
Fear and Trembling, and The Sound and the Fury

>> No.9939981

Same here (UO). We might know each other.
English and Comparative Literature
White Noise, the other book is a secret.

>> No.9940113

switch to majoring in english and go to the gym.

>> No.9940165

>Chemistry at St. Edward's University
>I don't know. Classes haven't even started but I already feel like everyone is settling down into groups. I'm aware that it's hard for me to make friends, but my paranoia's really starting to increase. I thought I made a friend at orientation, we had some interesting conversations and we were joking a lot. One or two days later and we just kinda nodded at each other when we passed by on the hallway, but that was it. Of course, I'm too much of a pussy to ask him to hang out. Roommate's cool, I guess.
>Post Office by Bukowski

>> No.9940175
File: 44 KB, 750x600, STE-austin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image

>> No.9940177

Where my vassar children at.

>> No.9940361
File: 993 KB, 290x198, 13PZ0dKw1J3LzO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>77% acceptance rate

>> No.9940747


>> No.9940784

Utrecht University /Math +Physics
Under the Volcano and Conference of the Birds

>> No.9940926

I'm studying economics
I like the subject. Went to it because nothing else was interesting, or did not pay well. Only problem are my shit grades
Gulliver's travels

>> No.9941084


Utrecht your privilege recently mate?

>> No.9941150
File: 98 KB, 200x269, 200px-King's_College_London_crest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>History & IR
>the state and the revolution

I wanted to study in London but I was too much of a brainlet for LSE and UCL which I got accepted but lacked the grades to get into. What am I in for lads? Is it that bad?

>> No.9941246

I didn't know KCL was a brainlet Uni?

>> No.9941485

Not the worst uni but definitely worse than obviously oxbridge, LSE, UCL, and ICL.

>> No.9941572

>Ivan Ilyich
Yeah it alright, (glasgow student)

>> No.9941641

Listen, your whole college social life is at stake here. Don't make the same mistakes I did which was staying in the room the entire time. Any interest you have, go to that club. Everyone is equally nervous except for annoying chads and stacys so don't psyche yourself out. Forget about the faggots on your floor, they probably suck. You should seek out people with the same interests as yourself and just go there.

>> No.9941653

The secret to making friends in college is not to agonize over individual acquaintances that don't work out, but to be constantly searching for acquaintances and just throwing shit at the wall until something sticks

If you have actual intellectual interests, and you take classes that are in line with them, you can meet people pretty easily by just chatting people up and asking them about what they study and why

>> No.9941830

I was waitlisted almost everywhere. The few good schools that did accept me didn't give me any financial aid.

>> No.9941837

I've heard both Wolfson and Jesus are very nice from other people, but Jesus' is just a bit too contemporary for my taste, plus it's the most expensive I've been to.
It's nice, but really?

>> No.9941994

How do you find Under the Volcano? Reading it annotated with a group right now.

>> No.9942629

What's are the most plebeian/Contrarian/patrician colleges? I get the impression the likes of Caius, Kings and Queens are very pleb tier, whilst the likes of Robinson, Johns and Downing are contrarian, and patrician colleges include Trinity and Pembroke. I've always considered Clare are secret plebeian and Fitzwilliam a secret patrician also.

>> No.9942649

Just moved to Boston for grad school at Northeastern.

>haven't started yet, but I loved my undergraduate
>Philosophical Investigations and Underworld

>> No.9942660

Is it significantly more difficult to get into one or another college in Cambridge? Surely that's inefficient in terms of talent mining.

>> No.9942674

I'm 20, not gone to uni, could start next year at 21 if I apply somewhere this year, got AAA at A levels in stem stuff, and I could do quickie A levels in humanities this year at local college if I wanted to. Couldn't get into oxbridge but likely could get into an otherwise good uni. Should I do it? Or go tradie? Am UKfag, if that matters.

>> No.9942678

What subjects were they?

>> No.9942689

The majority of colleges are exactly the same, in terms of getting in. There is an unofficial ranking table of the colleges (Tompkins) but there is little statistical difference between the bottom 5 colleges and the high ones. However, the likes of the "elite" colleges, Trinity, Johns, possibly Emmanuel and Pembroke, are more selective in their admissions and have their own criteria. A lot of people say though that if you can get into one college, you can get into any, and there's still an element of truth in that. Best thing to do when applying to Cam is just pick the one you like the most, but if you do apply to those top 3 or 4, bear in mind that it's slightly harder.

>> No.9942695


>> No.9942697

>English w/ a concentration in Secondary Education
>Yes, but I hate the obvious anti-white male sentiment being pushed down my throat.
>Just finished the Giver for my YA lit class

>> No.9942701

kek, yeah. Good guess.

>> No.9942705

I know chem would be better but hey ho

>> No.9942722

I wouldn't pursue a maths degree unless you got a very comfortable A*. You could try A-level economics while revising your maths and apply for some sort of finance degree. It all depends on what you're interested in.

>> No.9942768

I was pretty fucked up in my last year, hence not going on to uni. I also got a C in Further Maths, an A at AS. I know that's easy as fuck but I just mean it shows I didn't scrape my way to an A overall. I reckon if I redid maths this year I could get an A*. Not sure if there's such a thing as a comfortable one unless your autism-obsessed but still.

I won't go my diary desu on what I want and dream of, but realistically, do I sound like the type of person who could go to a good uni, get a 2:1 in an economically worthwhile degree, and make some sort of connections/social life. And at 21 will I be the weird older guy?

>> No.9942774

not >>9929978 but i think his implication was not that joyce is shitty but is well-known. Trump is ostensibly shitty and undeniably well known, so it could still be either depending on anons political views.

>> No.9942791

if you yourself arent a meathead how do you deal with the fact that everyone who goes to your school is in fact a meathead

>> No.9942798

I'm thinking about switching to math from finance. What it like as a math major at Rutgers?

>> No.9942803

you got tricked into going to the dumpster school

>> No.9942826

>And at 21 will I be the weird older guy?
I'm a fresher and my best friend is 22, it's fine.

Especially in the UK there are plenty of people who have taken a year or two out. I'm not exactly sure how the admissions process works in the UK, do you have to sit all the exams you're using for your application in the same year?

>> No.9942865

Shit I hope not. i guess I could redo things but it would be a bit of work to do three again, plus new ones, plus part time job. But thanks for that about the age thing, good to know.

>> No.9942897

If you're living with your Mum, give up your job and do maths, further maths and economics or physics for one year. The amount you're making part time is not worth the pressure you put yourself under, unless it's only 7-8 hours a week.

And yes, you should really check the UCAS requirements.

But just be warned, I got 98% in the honours mathematics school leaving exam in my country and I find my mathematics and economics degree very challenging.

Have you been studying these subjects since you left school?

>> No.9942903

>York University/Professional Writing
>Shadow of the Torturer

>> No.9942942

Any Harvard kids here?

>> No.9942950

Are you a yid?

>> No.9943005

Robinson has a 6 pint pitcher for £4.50, cheap shots and loads of room.
That plus the fact their hall doesn't limit how much alcohol you can bring in makes it quite easy to enjoy an evening

>> No.9943036

No, haven't done any maths since last exam two years ago, I think it would only take me two months to get where I was though. May sound like I'm kidding myself but I was one of those fucking idiot kids who studied nothing all year then tried really hard in the last month.
I've spent the last two years reading, especially the last year. And I'm far more mature as a result, and far more prepared to do disciplined study than I was before.

Which is harder out of econ/phys? And what are you planning on doing with your maths degree? I never researched any long term degree plans, so don't know what maths grads go for.

>> No.9943056

I haven't decided on an out with my degree.

I'm not familiar with the A-levels, so I couldn't tell you whether economics or physics is more challenging.

Where do your interests lie? What have you been reading for the past two years?

>> No.9943067

Maths grads tend to go into finance or computing.

>> No.9943079

Dalhousie University
Haven't Started
The Hero With A Thousand Faces

>> No.9943081

Mate, your school is ranked minimum 100 schools less than ours in the world being 351-400 and significantly less than ours in Canada.

>> No.9943090

forgot to mention I'm taking English

>> No.9943092


I don't do maths myself but a lot of my friends at uni had real difficulty adapting from A-level to degree-level mathematics, especially as the course content shifts to almost entirely theoretical mathematics as opposed to practical/applied.

In contrast, I got 96% on the 'introduction to mathematics' unit on my economics course because it was GCSE/AS-level tier (although prepare to enter a borderline abusive relationship with statistics if you do opt for an economics degree).

In terms of career trajectories from what I've seen they're widely the same - strong numerical and analytical skills are always highly prized in the (well-paying) jobs market (I recall some website ranking the average salary of graduates 12 months after graduation and maths and economics were very similar and very high on the list).

>> No.9943130

General academic canon, using uni reading lists and such, with some theory and spoonful of philosophy (just enough to understand namedrops). I've read the stuff that oxbridge expect you to have read by the time you get there. I read all of shakespeare at the start of this year and that's when things really kicked up a notch in terms of how many hours I was putting in - outside academia it's hard to motivate yourself unless you have a kind of personal epiphany. I feel as though literature/humanities will be a personal vocation and interest as opposed to something I would study professionally - I'm not rich and just couldn't put that much faith in both the degree, and my own intellectual capacity to get the degree (if I thought I could get a first in english at Oxford I'd do it, but I just can't).

I'm okay with pure maths and I understand the difficulty with the switch from A level - the last stuff I did at A2 further maths was, (to my understanding) the stuff that maths undergrads start with, and it was too much for very immature me at 18.

Some would say "follow your passion" re: english but that life seems so poor and stressful. I assume you vaguely agree - I mean why did you choose maths? I'm assuming you are into literature as well.

Also - what sort of internships do maths majors do?

>> No.9943188

best site to torrent textbooks??

>> No.9943235



>> No.9943377

Which Oxbridge reading lists were have you been looking at? I've done the same, but with stuff like politics, economics, philosophy and all the canonical english texts they recommend. didn't know this was an idea others had till now actually

>> No.9943382

libgen.io has torrent links in the mirrors I think? It's got most major college textbooks on it

>> No.9943517

Forget exactly, it was a while ago I wrote them up, I think each college has its own list, I just collated three or so - one I remember was strange as it had Slaughterhouse 5 (which seemed a bit basic compared to the others), and the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins was asterisked as an essential volume. Plus the first course/module is on victorian literature, or something - there's a pdf of them somewhere, fairly easy to find on one of the college websites, probably the first one on google.

I searched the same things in the harvard and yale and so on lists and got some good material, but it wasn't quite the same, oxbridge are more clear on their canons and seem more focused on what they want you to be versed in - I get the impression that american unis give more choice as to what is studied.

>> No.9943530

The best aspect about Oxbridge lads is the girls. Lots of /lit/ talent up for grabs everywhere. That should motivate you to apply more than anything

>> No.9943550
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i actually go to a private liberal arts methodist college in georgia

I'm a second year history student specializing in east asia

its freakin sweet. all the history staff aren't religious except the secretary, and they're all really laid back and teach well (imo).

I was super surprised with the college because the people that work there are legitimately invested in your education, and they bend over backwards to help you

i wasnt even gonna go to college because I didn't think anywhere was genuine/worth my time but my college gave me a HUGE scholarship

also i'm reading Illidan (world of warcraft novel) and i just finished Cell by stephen king

>> No.9943610

Reed college
Madam Bovary and Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.9943766

>private liberal arts methodist college in georgia

Young Harris or Reinhardt?

>> No.9943800

Ah, a fellow history student, tho I am studing to be a history professor (because the university I was able to go to only has formation course for history teachers)

>> No.9943817

Sure. Lot's of DFW kiddies that think they're his successors
Richard Henry Dana's Two Years Before the Mast--highly recommend this if you enjoyed Melville

>> No.9943859
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I go there too. History major.

Fav prof?

>> No.9943870

Guttmann is very formal and knowledgeable. How about you? Thinking about juggling a doubling major with history + english

>> No.9943883

Sen's great, he's really passionate about his field, and I like his teaching style. The Benedettos got me through Calc II and III, they're wonderful too.

Never thought I'd bump into a "Mammoth" here lol.

>> No.9943886

Sen! He seems like a really cool guy. You can't be angry around him honestly lol

Yeah I've seen a few others on this board

>> No.9943901

Cognitive Science at UC Berkeley

It's a very good school. Everyone is nice and they work hard. No worldbeaters here, however. Everyone's too good at behaving themselves

Currently reading volume 3 of Reiner Stach's biography of Kafka (the early years).

>> No.9943907

I go to cal too, what are you majoring in and what's your favorite book?

>> No.9943922

Melbourne Law School/JD
It's OK. Final year so it's becoming abstract and I love that element, job prospects aren't great though. Spend about 7 days a week at school on average.
Currently reading through Franzen's bibliography.

>> No.9943947
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where my swatties at
please tell me there's one of you

>> No.9944128

I chose maths because it was my favourite subject at school all my life.

If you want you can find somewhere you can do a degree in maths and English (Trinity College Dublin, for example). This will mean only one half of your course is incredibly hard.

>> No.9944131

Or alternatively you could pair Maths with the subject you find most interesting among the canon you've read.

If it's English though you will probably have to do an A-level in it.

>> No.9944161
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Who cares what they think?

>> No.9944166

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
English Literature
Yeah, it's okay.
The Corrections by Franzen

>> No.9944314

How are you finding the book?

>> No.9944463

what if i'm gay and i'm going to oxbridge? plenty of closeted public schoolboys?

>> No.9944567

Feels like everyone's gay at this bloody uni.
Didn't meet a single queer in all my years at home and suddenly living with three on a 6 person staircase. 10% of my college identifies as some flavour of fag.

>> No.9944708


Okay, thanks for the advice lad

>> No.9945808

Best of luck.

Start studying TODAY.

>> No.9945845

study physics in germany
Yes but some semesters were not fun
Gulag Archipelago

>> No.9945867

Medicine in Germany
I'm done in two months but it wasn't really my thing
Demons by Dostojewskij

>> No.9945879
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>Where are you studying/what are you studying?

I'm at a small, absurdly picturesque liberal arts college in Florida (Flagler) studying philosophy

>Do you enjoy it?

I love it, but debt isn't fun. Seems to be what it takes now though, so whatever.

>What are you currently reading?

Nothing. Been on an Iraq war/Middle East kick lately. Might start on a big tome covering the history of the Arab peoples, but I'll be swamped with course work soon so who knows.

>> No.9945929

So you're not going to practice medicine?

>> No.9945941

Northeastern University/Mathematics
It's alright. i wish i went somewhere else
wilhelm meister's apprenticeship

>> No.9945946

Nah I won't, it just doesn't feel right. Instead I'll do second degrees in philosophy and bioinformatics.

>> No.9945957

jesus how old are you now?

>> No.9945962

24. Why?

>> No.9945972

Just cause you'll be sort of old upon graduating for the second time.

>> No.9945991

tfw you know your friend from class posts on lit but you don't wanna post your uni cos he will know it is you

>> No.9945995

>Philosophy PhD at Loyola Chicago
>Ideas I, Husserl

>> No.9946006

27/29 isn't that old in my book. Wouldn't it be more of a shame to settle with the results of bad decisions just cause they were long in the making?

>> No.9946012

At least link to the post Judas.

>> No.9946293
File: 187 KB, 400x288, 1491354508602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a STEMfag and I absolutely loathe it, I want to die

My fourth semester starts this fall, I don't know how it even got this far
I am confident that I will not graduate, the only reason I haven't dropped out yet is that I have absolutely no idea what I would do afterwards

At least I'm not accumulating debt

>> No.9946430

Your fourth semester is not too late to change your major.

I wish I had, now I'm unemployed and do stretches every day so that I can eventually suck my own dick and be self-sufficient.

>> No.9946499

edINBURGH, mEDICINE, can;t complain

the iliad

>> No.9946525

mom you've had this phone for years how on earth do you still have trouble typing your text messages

>> No.9946903

Medicine at UCL
Collected Fictions of Borges

>> No.9947591

uoft, math, compsci
some of it (mostly the theoretical math) i enjoy
Star Maker and new testament

>> No.9947617

>University of Adelaide, Bachelor of Arts (English/Philosophy major)
>It's cool
>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.9947666

San Diego State University
MFA in Fiction (it's cool, cheap)
School starts tomorrow. I'm reading some Palahniuk essays.

>> No.9948376

How is UCL? Full of internationals?

>> No.9948381

russell group is a meme my brother went oxford and the teaching is shit+ everyone is a boring nerd

>> No.9948393

i wish i was smart enough to get in ucl

>> No.9948508

Russell group is a meme but Oxbridge and ICL are not.

>> No.9948520

UCL as well.

Yes, but more or less depending on your subject. The Engineering building is literally just chinks.

>> No.9948546

Nice, reading Husserl in Chicago too

What's your main interest in his work?

>> No.9948941

stanford life

>> No.9949462

Woah shit, fellow northeastern mathematician /lit/ poster. I'm >>9942649

>> No.9949550
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Perhaps this isn't the best place to ask, but I want to go to university to study either English, psychology or history. What do you think is the best to get a bachelors in? Not that I'm not open to grad school, but I would like to not go if I could.

>> No.9949953

Starting there next week in math & phys, is the school as intensive as they say, and is the library system any good for fiction?

>> No.9950537

Fellow Cornellian
Entomology/Bio, English minor
Winesburg, Ohio - Sherwood Anderson

I've got a few friends in info sci

>> No.9950572
File: 24 KB, 299x299, hampshire college seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets meet up, lads

>> No.9950591

germanon here who was considering going into cs back then, where's the anger coming from my friend?

>> No.9950606

English is probably the best of those three. Decent writing skills are still sought after in many professional areas. History would also be ok for that, I guess. Regardless, you will have to do a lot of work on the side (internships, extracurriculars, hobby-writing etc.) if you want to be employable; that's unavoidable.
Just don't major in psychology. You won't get the quantitative skills of a real STEM degree, nor the writing, critical thinking experience and breadth of a degree in the humanities. You probably won't even be able to get a job in psychology because that field is absurdly saturated at this point.

>> No.9950642

I've been meaning to read winesburg for a while, how is it?

>> No.9950643

making my masters now and follow up with phd in stem in germany and i learned to love it, master and margarita bulgakow

exactly my thoughts >>9936176

>But why the fuck would I pay money to study what I already read for recreation

>> No.9950653

It's one of my favorite books, I'm just rereading it. Although if you're not into southern gothic, it may seem a bit dry and convoluted.

>> No.9950675

Are you doing the foundation year with Kong's college as well? I'm not going to uni until next year, but that was the program I was looking at

>> No.9950679

>Harvard (undergrad)
>Course syllabi

hey :)

>> No.9950848

It's my favorite, McCullers, O'Connor, and Faulkner are my go to authors

>> No.9950895

Also from Cornell. Neurobio major, hopefully a CS minor. I'm hoping to take an Entymology class at some point, but only because of a massive spergy interest in bugs. I only just transferred from Emory, but it seems alright.

I've been dipping into Nick Land's Fanged Noumena, but I don't think I'm getting much out of it.

>> No.9950935

R u studiyng both? UBA?

>> No.9950961
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Anyone else here?

>> No.9951037
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>twinned with Catz, Cambridge
Lucky fucks.

Also, who lives in the medieval cottages?

>> No.9951133
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>all these non-Americans
>they're all happy
what the fuck

>> No.9951274

>Where are you studying/what are you studying?
Auburn, Electrical Engineering.
>Do you enjoy it?
Yeah, usually. It's pretty fun.
>What are you currently reading?
The second half of the Book of the New Sun. It's so good. I think I'll read it all again once I'm finished.

Also, I'm reading Edith Hamilton's Mythology, which is interesting, but it really makes me want to read the original works that she cites.

>> No.9951367

what major desu

>> No.9951399

where are you guys living?

>> No.9951759
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>tfw i love dfw
>tfw ill never go to amherst and study his work and live the /lit/ life
>im not even an english major
>in some shitty uni in the middle of nowhere
why live?

but really how'd you guys get into amherst? ill never get to go there but perhaps some day ill visit the campus.

>> No.9951785

Ayyy qué semestre, colega?

>> No.9951801
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Binghamton University/Political Science

I have literally fallen flat in every attempt to socialize and make friends thus far (and I have tried). I am a failure and I feel bad.

Europe Central

somebody please tell me you go here too so I can find someone to relate to

>> No.9952388

>internationally, it is ranked in the cohort 801–1000 according to QS University Rankings for 2018.
>Binghamton is considered to be one of the "Public Ivies," a publicly-funded university considered as providing a quality of education comparable to those of the Ivy League.

this doesn't make any sense wikipedia

>> No.9952403

Engineering physics, Chalmers University.
Yes, although I feel bad about my completely average grades. Then again it's supposedly the hardest program in the country.
Currently reading Iron John - a Book About Men. It's interesting, but I don't buy all of the authors arguments and psychology.

>> No.9952551

St. Andrews / Chemistry.
Vision in Elementary Mathematics by W.W. Sawyer; good teaching tips.

>> No.9952729

My friends gf goes there

I am at Temple. All I could afford

>> No.9953357

how're you enjoying the first day shitshow

t. alumn

>> No.9953409

how do i into a stanford masters program

>> No.9953428
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>Kutztown University
>Business Management
> Yes
>The Making of Modern Japan by Marius Jansen

>> No.9953578

>Nothing at Nowhere

>> No.9954918

yeah the boys

>> No.9954954
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>> No.9955011

Karolinska Institute
Bowling Alone

>> No.9955017

>essential cell biology
>not reading THE CELL
Do you even have back pains from carrying it?

>> No.9955166
File: 24 KB, 264x265, udelar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.9955172

You fucking asshole why would you make this post and then not check the thread to see if anyone had replied. I'm hurt. We're not friends anymore.

>> No.9955240

Babe he didn't mean to hurt

>> No.9955290
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It feels the same either way

>> No.9955318

Son, it's called MBoC. Only patricians have read the fourth edition.

>> No.9955320

Harvard, Religion, yes but it's inhumanly hard
I'm reading everything but hoping to finish Six Walks in Fictional Woods by Umberto Eco. Also you should all subscribe to Boulevard Magazine

>> No.9955348

This thread is almost over, but any other Emory fags here? Lit courses here are pretty comfy.

>> No.9955362

No, but I grew up in Georgia and "dated" a girl who goes to Emory who damn near drove me to suicide. She's a nice girl tho

>> No.9955387
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Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul



The revolt of the masses

>> No.9955514

Read that recently, what were your thoughts?
Embarassing but I picked it up thinking it was going to be far left commie trash, though obviously it turned out not to be at all

>> No.9955549

damn what's her name, what are my chances

>> No.9955551

I'm studying Pashto. It's fun, but I may as well be learning Dwarven because it's an illiterate's language. I'm reading Solaris.

Im not sure what I want to go to school for real for though. The Pashto thing is a military thing and I'll walk away with an associate's.

>> No.9955733


>> No.9955754

heh, kid, here at Harvard we don't have what you philistines call "majors". Our enlightened minds only have Concentrations, and those things that our minds Concentrate Upon.

>> No.9955772

Princeton representing. Anyone here?

>> No.9955830

damn dude, that's pretty cool.

>> No.9955894
File: 864 KB, 945x472, logo-small-london-cmyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RHUL - Film, TV and digital production

Haven't started yet but my roommates and classmates seem nice in the group chats.

Kurosawa: Film Studies and Japanese Cinema - Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto

>> No.9956936

Is film school not a meme?

>> No.9956964


>British bourgeoisie wank thread
>+280 replies

Oh /lit/...

>> No.9956992


Sounds nice


Isn't that literally in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.9957038
File: 11 KB, 1490x349, mcgill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B.A. history. no complaints, worked under some excellent profs. it's a great option for international students and was one of the only affordable options i had. montreal is a great place to live if you want a new york vibe without the new york price.
i'd love to hear some stories from Reed. I appreciate it's academic rigor, but i imagine that it also has some legendary snowflake otherkins. i've also read that they do a ton of drugs there as well.
got accepted to the oxford campus, but it was way too expensive. seems like one of the best spots in the south tho. the masters program for history looks great but it's selective as hell

>> No.9957208

Université Paris Descartes, Medicine
Yes I enjoy it
I just began Marguerite Yourcenar's Mémoires d'Hadrien (Memoirs of Hadrian).

>> No.9957514
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I don't know but I'm planning to work my ass off make a short films and get placements in the summers, but in terms of skills as its 60% practical.
Yep its in Egham but why I like it, its a lovely place to live and is close to home in reading.

>> No.9957626

>Not in commerce
Enjoy going to a shit school

>> No.9957915

>University of Iowa
>English (taking LSAT soon)
>Love it
>The Faerie Queene Book Five

>> No.9957922


>> No.9958375
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if ur frat fuck off

>> No.9958800

>Hate it here
>Nothing to do
>Have no interest in making friends
>Only class I like is journalism
>Only joy I get is texting my girlfriend
But my grades are really good so at least i'll have my pick come Winter.

>> No.9958885

I love that book. Fantastic. I have never read anything else by her, though

>> No.9958932

I'm shit poor and I still got in Cambridge. It's not like in America where only the rich middle and upper classes can go to elite universities.

>> No.9958966

doesnt America have financial aid anyway?

>> No.9959005

Shitty public university/ economics and philosophy. Absolutely love my majors, sophomore right now and have only taken 2 gen eds.
Currently reading fathers and sons by ivam turgenev

>> No.9959069

((((((Financial aid))))))))

>> No.9959135

Sorta. You can take low interest loans from the federal government, but the maximum you can borrow isn't enough to cover the cost of tuition.
Most universities (especially the expensive ones) will offer some kind of contribution, which is really just a deduction on your tuition, based on your family's income. They come up with an "expected family contribution" (EFC). You end up with the equation:
Tuition = EFC + the financial contribution of the university.
Predictably, the EFC is super-inflated beyond what any middle-class family could hope to contribute. Unless you're dirt poor (in which case you get a full ride since your EFC is zero) or filthy rich, there's no way you'll be able to cover tuition without taking out student loans. There are, however, some states which will pay for your tuition if you 1) from that state, 2) attending a public school, and 3) maintain a certain GPA. Surprisingly enough, most of those states are located in the deep south.

>> No.9959151

>Predictably, the EFC is super-inflated beyond what any middle-class family could hope to contribute
To elaborate on that by way of example: the EFC for a family with a household income of $80k would be around $15k - $20k, when realistically said family can probably only afford to pay for about $6k per year.

>> No.9959181


Are your econ classes calc based? If not, run for the hills. Don't become a 30 year old starbucks barista with a worthless algebra based economics degree. Fucking state school.

>> No.9959938


How are there four of us in one thread this never happens

>> No.9960694

what's wrong with being a starbucks barista? :(

>> No.9960817

Your major.

>> No.9961744

It's Calc, first thing my micro 2 professor said was a warning about Calc in the syllabus

>> No.9961755

>tfw my philosophy/russian degree is being entirely funded by wealthy corporations and I am not paying a dime for my undergrad

>> No.9961781

>philosophy/russian degree is being entirely funded by wealthy corporations
Russian Mafia?