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10075989 No.10075989 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books similar to Taxi Driver? Particularly to the part about being an isolated male who's completely alienated from society and fails to have any significant relationships with women. Extra points if it also had the dreamy atmosphere.

Also, I read A Man Asleep by Perec already.

>> No.10075992

my diary desu

>> No.10075995

Notes from the Underground
Crime and Punishment

>> No.10075998

it's literally catcher in the rye for people who can't read, only without a satisfying ending.

>> No.10076001

Raskolnikov gets qt Sonia, tho.

>> No.10076007

wait a second. it's literally catcher in the rye, without the satisfying ending.

>> No.10076008

notes from underground is the obvious choice and actually inspired paul schrader's screenplay.

fuck off. there's no comparison. you're an idiot.

>> No.10076041

catcher in the rye is primarily about adolescence and the hypocrisy of adulthood. taxi driver is a first person study of a deeply disturbed vigilante/potential assassin and the media's lionization of him as a hero, as well as an examination of loneliness and existential malaise in an urban environment. there isn't any comparison between the two works, and the only reason you're comparing them is because they both feature "angsty" characters for lack of a better term.

taxi driver is arguably the greatest american film of the 1970s, and its ending is one of the greatest in all of cinema, although many shallow viewers misinterpret it as a "dying dream", nullifying the film's satire of the media.

>> No.10076691

>...although many shallow viewers misinterpret it as a "dying dream", nullifying the film's satire of the media.

You can't blame them though. The movie goes so out of it's way to be realistic and unaffected that the last ten minutes seem like a blatant and unbelievable fantasy

>> No.10076717

Kafka's Metamorphosis.
No, not at all. One is about an edgy, self centered kid and the other is a war veteran who tries his best but is screwed over.

>> No.10076736

Just all of Kafka, man. Also check out the movie After Hours for scorceses explicitly Kafkaesque take.

>> No.10076742

>he thinks self-hating jew biography is the same as isolated white guy biography

>> No.10076744

I don't see it as a fantasy. The violence was shocking and lacking any polish. He was still alienated at the diner with the other taxi drivers. And he clearly does not get together with Cybil Shepperd and moreover, it is hinted he is stalking her.

>> No.10076851

My Twisted World
Diary of Arthur Bremer

>> No.10076877

This. Paul Schrader has said time and again that Dostoevsky was one of his prime inspirations for the script.

>> No.10076910

Not quite but almost - Libra by Delillo
Oswald does have a Russian bride but they're unhappy and he abuses her.

>> No.10076957

>He let's antisemitism ruin literature for him

Go back to /pol/ before you hurt your fragile ego

>> No.10076997

I don't know that movie, but for some reason that character is go-to avatar choice for edgemaster kiddies in youtube comments under vaguely related 4chan videos, how come?

>> No.10077006
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>he doesn't know Taxi Driver
Are you underage or just living under a rock?

>> No.10077017

Hollebeque, Whatever
Ousama(?), not human(?)

>> No.10077020

Scorcese is my least favorite director desu, I don't see the appeal of any of the movies of his I watched

>> No.10077021

I don't particularly care for american cinema.

>> No.10077025


The subtext in your post is that you are a newfag.

>> No.10077042
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>I don't particularly care for american cinema.

Isn't there some forum on reddit you should be instead?

>> No.10077057

Sheesh, the amount of hostility just because I'm not aware of some cultural symbol for beta incels, amigos you should chill out.

>> No.10077082

some of salinger's short stories about veterans with ptsd

>> No.10077091

My Friends by Emmanuel Bove

With the Flow - Huysmans

>> No.10077093
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>> No.10077249

The Collector

>> No.10077345


An assassin's diary by arthur bremer. its the book shrader ripped off to write the screen play. can never watch taxi driver the same way after this

>> No.10077468
File: 341 KB, 500x293, tumblr_om11b7H3kG1uxbwf5o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Travis Bickle embodies male loneliness and isolation. It's a cry for help

>> No.10077490

Don't pop that bubble, anon! Quick, to your safe-space!