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/lit/ - Literature

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10232694 No.10232694 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.10232704

I have untreatable phimosis, I have no money and I'm going to fucking kill myself.

>> No.10232711

I'm scared for the near future, but excited for the far future. Just have to keep chugging until I get there.

>> No.10232719

In apriority:

1. The will of the being is the thing-in-itself.
>If the will of a being is the thing-in-itself, that being is.
2. Therefore, the being is.
>What is always was and will always be
3. Therefore, the being always was, is, and will always be.

In aposteriority:

1. The will of my being is the thing-in-itself.
2. Therefore, my being is.
3. Therefore, I always was, am, and shall always be.

>> No.10233346


do you own a pair of scissors? can you see where this is going?


>> No.10233353
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i will send hiroyuki a BUCKET FULL OF CASH if he creates a philosophy board just to get you feeble, wrist-flapping felching homosexuals out of /lit/. you are a plague and a curse, and not even /pol/ deserves you.

>> No.10233404

During the time slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person in the US, if you murdered a slave would you get 3/5 of a standard murder sentence? Or were you charged with vandalism or property damage or the like? Which of those possibilities is worse?

>> No.10233419
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I will write whatever's on my goddamn mind you stinky weeb shitter.

Shove it up your ugly ass.

>> No.10233439

How would you advance the claim you know, or could know, these things?

>> No.10233469

3/5 was for census purposes if I remember right. Aside from that context they were considered personal property.

>> No.10233490

That story we had going was fucking great

>> No.10233804

When does being man mean less about being himself and more about being in charge?

>> No.10233810

I sure hope I can get this short story collection published.

>> No.10233902

I don't plan on publishing anything before I turn 30. I'm 25 and I already know what I have written so far is a shadow of what I have inside of me. I have no idea what the actual publishing process is like, or what I have to do for prep (aside from finding an editor), but I know I don't want to show anyone my writing until it is more polished.

I'm wondering if I shouldn't try to build a presence in social media, like starting a blog or writing op-eds, just to get my name out there. The thought makes me sick, but if it helps me in the future I may as well.

>> No.10234254


This guy found out very late in life and had very severe phimosis. He has pictures so you can see how bad it was and how far he got.

>> No.10234291

I don't have it so bad, but mine doesn't bother me. Why's it untreatable? Just get into Philosophy and become Volcel. Start with St Augustine.

>> No.10234353

s-so the jews were right?

>> No.10234361

>be me
>be at circus/fair thing
>getting a blowjob from a qt3.14 near a tent
>I'm kinda lengthy and don't feel much so she has to blow me for a while
>a few minutes pass
>some little boy and their dad walks up to the tent where I'm getting blown
>kid looks at me getting blown by some girl
>my face is bright red
>"I want one of those, daddy"
>girl looks at the dad
>dad nods in approval
>girl grabs me and ties me up
>folds me into the shape of a dog
>hands me to the kid
>TFW I'm a red balloon animal

>> No.10234398

Chloe felt tethered to heavy places, to cursed damp places where she'd sit and think and let the millipedes crawl over her fingers. One time a witchetty grub went up her bum.

>> No.10234417

there’s this giant centipede or prawn, or a cross between the two, crawling into me head first, my legs being really wide apart to accommodate him. As he crawls into me, his thousands of fuzzy legs fall off onto the sheets around me. He tickles and excites me as he undulates and wiggles from side to side getting further and further in, and he becomes drenched with my nectar, which he licks up and is strengthened by. He goes on up and up. This all takes hours as he is ten thousand feet long, but I like every inch of it.
The next morning, happily exhausted, I begin the ritual of carefully gathering up the thousands of orange fuzzy legs that surround me, and take them in a wicker basket to the kitchen. There I dump them into my blue enamel jam making pot, and add sugar, orange peel, lemon, nutmeg, banana peel scrapings, and a bit of hash when available (very optional). At the hard-ball, or so-called crack stage of cooling, I pour the orange mass into penis-shaped molds (can be bought in your nearest sex shop), and allow them to cool and harden. To be sucked later when desired, but I usually give mine away to my friends, as the penis-shaped mold itself is far more satisfying and I share him with no one. You’d be surprised how many of my friends drop by for their sucks. As you can tell, these aren’t things I really think about while fucking. They’re not even masturbatory fantasies, just the kind of idle daydreams I have after a bath, while I’m lying down for an hour or so, half asleep, half awake, waiting until it’s time to get dressed and go out for the evening.

>> No.10234453

the jews are always right

>> No.10234473

I hope I can finish this degree before I kill myself.
If only I knew what to do afterwards.

>> No.10234809

>go to bed early and wake up early feeling terrified I won't be able to get any writing done the next day because of whatever the latest reason writer's block is throwing up
>manage to get more slightly more done more easily every morning than the day before
>feels fucking great

>> No.10234838

Law school killed my will to live

>> No.10234891


Why is it untreatable? I had no luck with stretching and opted for surgery. Best decision I've ever made.

>> No.10235167
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Does anyone really deserve anything, good or bad?

>> No.10235181

Define "deserve"

>> No.10235187

They will send me in army

>> No.10235191

I'm using earlobe stretchers but it's not really working

>> No.10235197

Mine too, anon

>> No.10235217

to gain or be punished justly

>> No.10235237

'Just' according to what measure?

>> No.10235339

I had a sequence of dreams last night that concluded in a mid-dream acceptance of death, and it was kind of fucked up. Like, for several nights in a row (in my dream), I'd almost die in some super gruesome way, but barely survive. For example, the last one had me rescuing a puppy before crashing and skidding about a mile on the asphalt, yet we both were fine. At the end, I told my mother how happy I was to have God's favor, and she agreed. Right then, my mind turned to all the hideous end points of flesh - the decay of old age - and so on, and it all went sour while she was still smiling.

Who comes up with stuff like that? That's some Twilight Zone-level material. I'd rather have the incest dreams than this.

>> No.10235644

My job is too stressful for the pay. Maybe I'm too easily stressed out. But I'm sick of dealing with the dregs of society who feel like they can berate me as they please, and who don't understand the very simple rules of "the game". It's not my fault you're in your situation. I don't care if you end up homeless. Don't act like it's my fault.

>> No.10235671

I enjoy these comfy threads.

>> No.10236161
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>been having dreams where im flirting with married coworker

In my dreams I am a Chad

>> No.10236178
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I moved into the living with a single mom and her 10 year old son to save money as I had just moved from across the country and wanted to stay somewhere cheap while I worked on finding a job and a good place to live.

My fantasy of living with a sexy milf quickly evaporated when I saw that the woman was a short and fat Irish women with heavy jowls. She was nice enough but after living with her and her son for a month I think she is mentally ill. She rarely cleans up and the kitchen is usually a disgusting mess, I have to do most of the cleaning myself. She complains of not having enough time to do it but spends all her time at home watching tv, even going so far as to set timers for what she cooks and then going back to catch a few more minutes instead of cleaning while she's there.

This has also been a firsthand education in how single-motherhood leads to children not being raised properly. The kid is a brat who spends almost all his time on his computer playing games. Sometimes he switches it up by bringing out his laptop into the living room so he can listen to the television while playing on his laptop. On multiple occasions in the past few days money has been taken out of my wallet and when I asked his mom to talk to him about it she seemingly accepted his explanation of innocence and acted offended when I implied he took it.

Whenever he doesn't get what he wants he adopts a hurt and offended whiny tone as a strategy to get her to comply, just yesterday he ate all of the whipped cream she had bought for some pie and over the course of the day she berated him 4 or 5 times over it and asked if he took it only for him to whine each time about how he didn't take it even though all 3 of us knew that he did. It's depressing to watch. I want to find somewhere else to move but I need to save up the money first.

>mfw trapped in this situation for the next several months

>> No.10236223

Dad's not around at all?

>> No.10236229

Do you have stairs in your house?

>> No.10236245

Never seen him once, She gets child-support from him but it's my impression that they had a non-amicable separation. I don't know what the reason is but when talking about how hard she has it she has referred to herself as a single mother and says the dad is not around and so I assume they are divorced.

>> No.10236258
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no sex and no friendship on the horizon as a continuation of the past through the present on to the future, bam

check that off the list of things to care about

now, to get down to business
this thing of being alive
the thing I would find most disgusting were I to come to know it as my future: work a job, come home and be passively entertained, rinse repeat

sooner would I hang myself right now

a job grinds you down, and I don't need to impress anyone with buying stuff, that's the dumbest thing I could think of pursuing right now

the less I need the better
if your life is creative instead of passive, you need less, because your mind and your hands are your entertainment, and only one or two tools are necessary
if you're a writer, it costs you practically nothing, and you can read from libraries and steal their pens and paper
if you're a musician, you just need your instrument, or your one decent laptop, a one time investment
all the other superfluous things must die off
the less time I spend making money the better
500 dollar single room rent, or fuck it if i can find a private place to wash my body in some natural water everyday then 0 dollar rent with me and my one man tent

no ties with family, with anyone, no cellphone, no distractions
that old messiah complex that swelled within me during the sleepless nights
I don't want to see lights at night anymore
I want to be in darkness at night, to restore my relationship to the darkness and to our dead ancestors, who dwell in natural darkness and shy away from the well lit suburbs and cities
everywhere is encroaching upon the benevolent darkness
I have visions of the type of world I want to live in
That should be enough to sit, and try to see, ever more clearly, those places
their interesting geometries, fauna, colorful clothing, strange customs, but the supreme virtue is the garden
would that we would worship the world as a garden and help it return to its glory as a garden
an endless garden no matter how far you travelled, or if it be deserts and tundra, then these are beautiful sacred empty spaces, the kind that are fast disappearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYey4L6hIWQ

>> No.10236283

>On multiple occasions in the past few days money has been taken out of my wallet
You're a fucking cuck. Take it back.

>> No.10236290

Put a mousetrap in your wallet. Or flash paper and armstrong's mixture. Get an exploding wallet.

>> No.10236300
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I feel this insane urge to do something, but I’m not sure what and it’s killing me. There are things missing from my life that I cannot identify. What do you call this? Does it have a name?

>> No.10236306

God, some say

>> No.10236342

I have lost my will to do what I once found pleasure in, not all to long ago I was completely fine but at the moment I feel completely despondent about everything and like I've lost all my motivation, I sometimes oversleep in the morning despite not needing to, skipping breakfast to hurry to class where in turn I am an unfocused drone who is simply there, not paying any attention at all, despite me not caring I still feel overwhelmingly stressed and pressured to finish up any schoolwork I need to do, I have no idea what is happening to me.

>> No.10236343

Put cyanide in the cream.

>> No.10236357

I'm too fucking dumb to figure out modularized functions that pass inputs into an array in another function holy shit

It's not even complicated but my brain refuses to parse it

>> No.10236391

told my therapist id have the first chapter of my novel done before i next saw her but the appointments tomorrow and i havent even started

>> No.10236502

Stop procrastinating? If you didn't do it yet, either you're a lazy fuck or you have no inspiration to write an introductory chapter.

>> No.10236558

but i want to watch anime and play games

>> No.10236569
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Y-you can't do that if you want to write a book, senpai. It shows that you have a shitty character if you can't keep your promises or just being superficial.

Also, I thought /lit/ isn't a big fan of anime and video games.

>> No.10236585

maybe you dont want to write a novel then frend
if you have to force yourself to do it then you shouldnt do it because it'll be shit anyways

>> No.10236650

Maybe somewhere deep inside he wants to write, but I think he needs to change a lot. A person that watches anime and plays video-games instead of giving his writing a chance to see how he does, needs to change. I despise superficial people (Because I was one a few years ago and I felt like shit after I realized that too), it's like seeing an old-self in the mirror.

But if he just "wants to write a book", then I 100% agree with you. Writing must come naturally, it must be your hobby at first and then to become your passion.

>> No.10236803

What the fuck does that even mean? is this what philocucks spend their life on? Not even /b/ deserves this level of trash.

>> No.10236914

Sounds like depression. Seek help, you are worth the effort. It does get better, with or (my preference) without drugs, depending. Set aside time to do what makes you happy, even if it's something new. Exercise, and spend time outside. It will get better, just don't get stuck in a rut or it will take longer. Good luck, friend.

>> No.10236917

I'm pretty sure /lit/ is a bad board
Just watch anime and live a plentiful life

>> No.10236926

...and think.

(I still trust the wiki, however.)

>> No.10236947

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.


I swerved into oncoming traffic to avoid its hypnotic glare. I had become all too familiar with this suffocating blackness, this writhing mass of warm, intoxicating blood and scathing pupils.
I saw the jagged red spikes emanate from the approaching vehicle, signaling a volatile mixture of terror and rage. I could feel the blood pump avidly through my veins, producing heavy, terrifying beads of sweat. The car screeched and bounced off the street while the houses shimmered in the edges of vision.
When left distrustful of physical sensations, you are only left with a torrent of psychotic mental apparitions to cling to, and even they are designed to cunningly mislead.

>> No.10237028

/a/ is a bad board

>> No.10237201

Or, these were jews pretending to have phimosis to quell all the 'evil jews cut my baby dick' discussion

>> No.10237208
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I did not see this thread, made a different thread that I mutated into this sort of thread. Ignore the one with the same image as this.

I saw hand’s in that stream, faces, feet. Bones dashed against the rocks when they would not flow. A horde of onlookers lined the banks where I walked. Stepping among the stones and rocks and wide smiling skulls tilted towards the cascading mass. Each rough node another entity, silent with judgement. The trial closed, the current now carrying the penitents down down downstream further, through this savage gauntlet. On the far bank was greater hulking beasts, imposing despite of, or because of, their formless strength.

I remember one camping abckpacking fall, spending the night in the presidential range. Maybe grover cleveland or probably garfield, something with a g. We camped one hundred steps from a waterfall, and it leapt from pothole to pothole to the edge of cliff, then down. The day before was spent descending the upper portion of the falls, tracing a path from bank to bank and down the falls themselves, scrambling from rock with careful feet. Jon with his old knees tried to make his poles his other legs but they could not reach far enough, he slowed and went to six points of contact, the hands dropping the weight to his legs and the poles doing their best to push him side to side as they swung from his wrists.

I remember when the girls came into our tent trying to be quiet by revealed by the rush of nylon and zippers. We laughed and felt each other in the dark, they came into our mummy bags. We had been five days on the trail but everything smelled the same. I remember how the moisture collected on the inside of the bags and the space between us. They came the next night too but the next after we were too tired after pushing twice as far that day. I felt strong and thought to walk around the night without a headlamp. While my tentmate slept I zipped out and made my way to the stream to find some light in the clearer sky. While swinging my legs in the current another hiker came upon me. He had a full pack and one long stick, well notched at either end. His headlamp light up the trail, but i hadn’t seen it untill he was next to me. He stopped some yards downstream to get water, did not see me. But I saw his face, hallowed with sharp bones further marked by shadows, and knew why he walked through the night. The season was late and there were many miles left before katahdin but much less days before snow.

>> No.10237213
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The ebook industry is worth tens of millions of dollars and I can't get people to download my free magnum opus jr.

: ^ /

>> No.10237316

whats your job?

>> No.10237372

where were you without your wallet and where was it that it was so accessible?

lock on your room door? hide your wallet better?

>> No.10237380

>seeing a female therapist
youve got problems alright

>> No.10237409

I spend the majority of my time lurking /v/ and /tv/ now not because I care about those hobbies, but because it's the only activity capable of stimulating my broken brain. After some coffee, I can make a little art, but I don't see the point - even if I did improve, I wouldn't be happy, and no one would care. Five weeks now I've been on the pills, yet my emotions are still gone. I can't keep living like this.

>> No.10237432

It wasn't clear because of a typo in the original post but I'm living in their living room for reduced rent. There is a loft bed accessible by ladder with a desk underneath it. In one instance I came home late from work, emptied my pockets including my wallet onto my desk, went to bed and when I got up to go to work the next morning the money was gone.

I'm assuming he snuck out and pilfered it while I was asleep. I hide my wallet in my bags now so it won't be an issue but it's just annoying that I even have to worry about that.

Unless it's for something like schizophrenia I would recommend taking up meditation or yoga and using it to wean yourself off of the pills, modern psychiatry is mostly a scam pushing outdated drugs that are 50-60 years old. Also stop using electronics before bed and take melatonin so your sleep cycle is no longer fucked.

>> No.10237447

It's not Schizophrenia, but I have most of the symptoms of SPD, and a form of Anhedonia worse than any case I've read online. Meditation helps with the stress of the condition, but you're SOL as far as treatment goes unless you have a lot of cash to spend on drugs that probably won't work. I just fixed my sleep cycle, at least.

>> No.10237478


I would recommend getting into eastern philosophy if you haven't already, the Bhagavad-Gita is good and has a lot to offer people who are afflicted with problems. The Tao Te Ching is good as well.


>> No.10237677
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Every time something I like gets popular with young people and the American mainstream, I immediately start disliking and losing all interest in it. It happened with anime, my favourite video game series, genres of music, even certain figures of speech. To take my mind off these things, I indulge my other interests, but they're all very solitary and I can't really discuss them with other people.

I feel sorta sad about it, but I otherwise have a comfortable and successful life, so I generally just accept it and try not to think about it when I can.

>> No.10237695

I sure do love fat girls.

>> No.10237705


>> No.10237750

Reading the republic for the first time. I'm an undereducated loser, yeah. But Why did no on tell me how comfy this was? I have been putting it off for ages because I was scared of philosophy.

>> No.10237770

not posterfag but thanks friend. You helped me some.

>> No.10237778

Property management. I suppose I could have been more transparent in my op. The job has been great in terms of experience and realizing what my strengths and weaknesses are but holy shit is it ever stressful. Though I hate the term "red pill" there is no greater red pill than working in property management believe me. People are shit. White black or brown. Actually immigrants are probably the best tenants desu. It's always the white trash on disability that act like entitled cunts.

>> No.10237779

I have no idea how to control my desires.

>> No.10237866

>It's always the white trash on disability
maybe you can have a little more understanding about how hard it might be to do basic things with certain disabilities.

How did you get into property management? Do you work for a company, or do you yourself own properties? And do you actually fix things, or are you more of like a secretary middle man auditor?

>> No.10237873

Everyone feels that the first time through. Had a different take the second time though.

>> No.10237889

and how much it sucks to live in apartment without proper amenities, water, heat, electricity, whatever it may be.

Or what are some of the regular conditions? You also mentioned homelessness, so you make deals with people that are late on rent and stuff?

>> No.10237897

Go on

>> No.10237900

Don't worry. It gets easier with age

>> No.10237961

I have trouble reading intensive works due to a schizoid/OCD/ADHD hybrid thing where I fixate on something and it really distracts me. Besides that I'm literate and can comprehend things well enough.

I might just try reading poetry and focus on that. Easier for me.

>> No.10237972


Most people on disability are able bodied people with "social anxiety" or have a history of drug problems. Most people with disabilities could work if they needed to. As far as I am concerned, as someone who has dealt with hundreds of these "people", that is a fact.

Apartments can't be rented if they are unfit to live in. Must have all necessary amenities (though they may have to pay for them themselves) and be free of pests. As for deals, you learn quickly in this business that deals are for suckers. I can't even bare to tell you how many times I got burnt before I stopped making deals with people. Now I send out eviction notices on the 2nd if I don't get rent in. No exceptions. Part of the reason you can't make these deals is because of the bullshit involved in evicting a tenant. It can take up to 4 months to evict a tenant for non-payment of rent (thank you social justice/welfare state). Then after I am out 4 months of rent, plus legal fees, they just go and dupe someone else. Because it's illegal for landlords to share "Do not rent" lists. I am actively trying to find a way to circumvent this and create an open-source anonymous DNR list for Landlords in the area. Oh, and you can't garnish disability, or pensions because people with those are apparently immune from repercussions.

Are you starting to understand yet? Why I don't care if some dumb fuck in a wheelchair says "I'm gonna be homeless if you don't rent this place to me without me paying first and last months rent upfront!!". I really don't give a flying fuck because I've been burnt so many times by people just like him.

>> No.10237990

Thats why I am a marxist. You didn't answer my question about whether you work for some company, or you yourself are the owner of the properties?

>> No.10238003

Hey man I'm on disability but I try not to put people through bullshit

>> No.10238008

I was taking melatonin and over time it made me depressed. Suicidal, even. I stopped taking it and I'm insomniac again, but I don't want to die anymore. I should've known better than to take a hormone in pill form, our bodies have a very delicate balance and for some of us the baseline is low enough that it kinda sucks, bt not so much that you'd want to stop living.

Some people become depressed while taking melatonin, some do not, so the person in question should take it for a week and see how they do.

>> No.10238069

I will cut the bullshit.

You need to get out of your head and play your nature.
Exercises (I recommend boxing)
All sorts of relationships
Being good at something
Having a girl idolize you

You get the memo, don't fall for the "literary lifestyle" people preach here, you are flesh. You need to be the archetype of a hero, discover the means and get good at it.

The end game is being proud of who you are, every comfort you have in life will only be sweet the moment you believe you deserve it, and you can't bullshit yourself. I would be 100% at peace even if the world were to crash around me, knowing I could build it up again for me and those who rely on me.

>> No.10238087

Why so sad, Ladies? One in four ( that we know of) are on drugs.

>> No.10238093

the heroes journey is about overcoming ego, Might want to reread Campbell and Jung with that in mind.

>> No.10238106

>tfw on disability in socialist country
>do basic maintenance to help landlord out
he doesn't fuck me up on rent and i don't charge him for keeping my place in shape, though legally we both could. i think they have a special list for wheelchair accessible housing because you cannot make a person live in a house they cannot access. why does the government not pay direct to landlord if they are social housing?
t. yuropoor

>> No.10238113

>You didn't answer my question about whether you work for some company, or you yourself are the owner of the properties?

Why is the relevant?


You guys are good people. Not saying you don't exist but most people on disability can only afford low-income housing and that attracts a certain crowd. And yes, rent does come in direct but they can cancel direct payments at any time.

>> No.10238132

I feel totally baffled by casual drug use. I like to drink, but outside of that I've never done drugs at any point in my life. I've never even smoked weed. I just don't see the appeal of it all.

>> No.10238183

>And yes, rent does come in direct but they can cancel direct payments at any time.
here. what? the money goes from government to landlord. how can the person living in the housing stop payment?

there are very bad landlord here, so if you find a landlord who is good, you respect him. very bad landlords cannot become social housing, but the government pays for damages in social housing because the government holds the lease, no? here social housing is guaranteed pay to landlords for basic standards, and i think more if you modified for disability because that is less common property, to encourage landlords to register and modernize.

most people don't go through the system to work out repairs because it is less time and paperwork to just tell landlord that electrical or water things are broken and need fixing. you're meant to, so government has record, but then nothing would get fixed. you can stop money if you need repairs to make liveable, but that is because the government says do not pay for social housing that is health risk. you cannot stop pay for no reason. what if they are schizophrenic and think banks are evil one day? the government doesn't give them decision to live in shithole bad landlord apartment either, why do they let them stop pay?

saged. i do not understand how the disabled person is allowed stop payment from government to you.

>> No.10238198

Here disability is considered their money. Direct payments are encouraged by their workers but not enforced. Because it's "their" money they can cancel direct payments at any time just like you could do with a post dated cheque. Gov doesn't pay for damages or anything like that.

Really they should bring back mental institutions but because of alleged abuse they stopped funding them and all the disabled retarded got unleashed on society, driving up rents for normal working folks

>> No.10238202

the final redpill

>> No.10238231

Worked in social services for 3 years before my current job(logistics). Citizens are entitled faggots that keep delaying and lying. Immigrants do what the fuck you tell them they need to do almost every time.

>> No.10238240

oh. that makes no sense. rent is government to landlord for housing disabled here, because disabled person cannot provide for oneself. we consider some money the person's, but bills are also direct to utility from government, and if you go over amount, they put in timer meter for you. not paying is sign you are very disabled or maybe dead, if you understand.

the government also allow you ask for certain amount of money to be put aside for bills or other necessity, but that is normally for people who need nurse/parent to manage care, and money might go missing.

institutions here are no good. social housing here is good because most reasonable people realize government money is guaranteed. some bad landlords charge much much more, and landlord can stop social housing by asking to charge much more next year, but most choose to get about average rent guaranteed for i think seven year contract.
it's stopped a lot of very bad landlords. once i saw this place and landlord told me "oven is in wardrobe" as if that was normal sentence after price he mentioned and i thought someone or something just died in there from smell.

with disability, government has to inspect it for you because you are dependent. it is not like unemployed, because unemployed deal with landlord like private citizen.

>> No.10238269

I felt faith so strongly when I was desperate and needed help but now that things are okay i am like reflexively like psh I'm in control of this ship who needs Jesus

Why do I fall back into thinking I don't need God so quickly after I needed him so much

Am I a bad Christian

>> No.10238278

Ennui? Also, avoid the rookie mistake--it's a French pronunciation

>> No.10238289

I know this isn't helping, but your problems only get worse once you leave school and start waging it. I would tell you to enjoy the insular, mollycoddled, opportunity-ridden world that is college while you still can, but you seem not to care.

>> No.10238316
File: 3.81 MB, 320x240, he doesn't do anything?.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever think one day you'll wake up and say "in the end, I was always just another dipshit with access to the Internet"? I will.

>> No.10238512

No, not really.

>> No.10238824

>I've never done drugs at any point in my life
>I just don't see the appeal of it all
Connect the dots.
Would you see the appeal of some foul-smelling liquid that tastes like fuel if you'd never used alcohol?
That being said, good for you.

>> No.10238843

>some people cant pull their foreskin back so you need to have a rabbi suck your babies dick to make sure it doesn't happen to them
thanks zuckerberg

>> No.10238995

I have two scenes left to write and I'll have a finished first draft. At the current speed I'm writing I should have a finished second draft by mid January at the latest.

>> No.10239119

some beautiful music on Radio 3 right now. Russian composers since 1917.

>> No.10239121

Who's playing right now?

>> No.10239139

I am glad to help. Hang in there, I had a rough couple of years and I thought every day that my life was irreparably ruined. I know from experience that you just have to hang on tight and things usually work out just fine.

>> No.10239642

I'm doing basically the same thing as you. I just think that praying is my last resort in a situation which I tried everything to turn it around.

>> No.10239792
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raphael's f+b,b,b in Soul Calibur 2 and Bryan's 1,4,3 in Tekken 3 are the same string.

>> No.10239973

That makes very little sense within the belief system that you claim.

>> No.10239981 [DELETED] 

At least you're asking this question Anon, which is the first step. I ask you to not stop looking for that answer.

>> No.10240086

I only want to write passionate sexual and romantic fantasies of the women in my life but it makes me feel disgusting and more virgin looser

>> No.10240118

That's pretty dumb. Why can't you just enjoy things on your own terms?

>> No.10240127

NO escape

>> No.10240138
File: 496 KB, 662x687, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. I guess that whenever I see someone I dislike enjoying something I like, the two are inexorably linked in my mind and the negative emotions overpower the positive.

>> No.10240154

I'm not referencing them.
"the archetype of a hero" was not meant to sound like "the archetypal hero" Jung envisioned.
To "overcome ego" is to run alway from your desire to make it larger than life, I think of virgin puny monks wasting away their lives.

>> No.10240180


>> No.10240202

>what's on your mind
How do I write a strong female character that is good?

>> No.10240203

Alcohol is efficient at killing my ego, but it also kills everything else. I will only sit down and write if I quit drugs altogether.

>> No.10240406

think of and write a strong male character but give them a female name and possibly make them sexually interested in men instead of women

>> No.10240474

This album is chilling me out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhY5JD0Gvpk

Early Hall & Oates rules

>> No.10240545

i went to get some food at a major fast food chain right now. i went through the drive thru because i'm lazy.

i was sitting there waiting my turn to order when some random homeless woman came to my window and asked me for money. i'm an unemployed college student but i had two spare dollarydoos so i was like, let me do a nice thing for a woman who has it worse than i do.

i made a mistake, though.

>this is all the cash i have right now.
>oh, are you going to pay with your card?
>can you buy something for me? i don't think this is enough.
>uh... okay.
>i want one of the double cheeseburgers

and in my head i'm like, okay, double cheeseburgers are like $2 before tax, that's fine

>not the small one, though, the big one

i look at the menu and the burger she wants is $5

>i don't know if i can affor--
>actually, can you get me the meal? is that okay?

the meal is almost eight dollars before tax

>yeah, i can do that. what do you want to drink?
>raspberry iced tea
>i'll wait out front by the drive thru exit

as soon as i got my food i fucking peeled out

>> No.10240547

tacos are mexican hamburgers

>> No.10240715
File: 137 KB, 465x996, 1444346811178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm losing my beauty. Each day I grow fatter, lazier and angrier. Choosing to escape from my figure I retrieve my eyes away every time I'm against my reflected self.
It's not pretty nor glorious the way a body decays from its prime. And, given that there's nothing left to do against the will of time I must riddle myself how much time will I keep dragging this body trought the flows of history.

>> No.10240791

Ugh. I give spare cash to homeless sometimes, but i fuckin hate when they ask me for stuff. Like bitch just take what ppl give you, don't make it weird. Even worse if its like your case where you offer and they want more.

>> No.10240902

Work makes me feel like less of a human being

>> No.10240944

I dream of killing a cat, looking up subtle methods so as to not arouse suspicion for when courage for such a heinous act finally possesses me (and it shall) I will be ready. My brother bought a cat and never spayed it. Never pays attention to it. The smell and hair and toxicity factors of a creature no one has any need for. If the cat died, he probably would not give a shit. The cat just exists. Much like my brother. Acetaminophen is very toxic to them and one small tablet can easily be hid in a bowl of dry food. I can do it while no one’s home. Where was this attention to detail in college? Most days I cannot even delegate enough time to masturbate properly. Here I am planning a murder.

>> No.10240974

Come on

>> No.10240977

Exercise faggot

>> No.10241386

recommended reading: The Wasp Factory

>> No.10241808
File: 95 KB, 753x870, 1508474577128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, i'll bite. what?


>> No.10241986

The very idea of "misgendering" infuriates me. I am fully prepared to suffer any and all consequences for calling someone by the sex God gave them.

>> No.10242005

I would love too the rest of the pics from that Polaroid taken that night.

>> No.10242010

I absolutely hate the idea of sex, sexual attraction, and lust. Everything about it all seems so disgusting and degrading.
Even though I think this, I masturbate daily (virtually always to this one fictional character since I feel masturbating to anyone else would be an act of disloyalty).
I can't get over how hypocritical, weird, and loathsome I am. I always think to myself I'll stop masturbating at some point but I've to really even try.

>> No.10242044

Kill all Christians desu senpai

Go to therapy

What's your job, anon?

>> No.10242054
File: 383 KB, 269x270, 1505356681116.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My novel (series of 3) is in mid-development hell after 5 years of hobby writing. Now I can barely stand to go through most of the older parts, what I hear in my head is just nails on a chalkboard, cringe to the point of me being embarrassed.

Now I have to go through all 250,000 words or so and fix it up, which seems daunting.

I could use a nap.

>> No.10242075

>t. Just read Crime and Punishment but is too much of a pussy to kill a human

>> No.10242080

>Now I can barely stand to go through most of the older parts, what I hear in my head is just nails on a chalkboard, cringe to the point of me being embarrassed.
Same, really makes me think

>> No.10242125

it would be premature to call what i'm feeling "love" but it still feels fucking great anyway. i met a supercute girl a few days ago and i've been feeling blissful ever since. our interaction didn't really exceed standard friendliness but i think (or just hope) i made a good impression anyway and i'm excited to see her again. i'm not sure when that will be but hopefully soon. this possibly comes off as hyperfaggy but i don't even care i feel great bros.

>> No.10242131

Every day is more boring than the last. Is there anything left on this planet worth experiencing?

>> No.10242187


>> No.10242244 [DELETED] 

what do yall think of this joke my black friend told me today:

what do you call unruly white people with no taste? animal crackers

>> No.10242257

what do yall think of this joke my black friend told me today:

what do you call unruly white people with no taste? animal crackers

>> No.10242264

pretty shit
>unruly white people with no taste
too specific

>> No.10242266


>> No.10242273

>too specific
so specific you guessed it?

would it be better: what do you call wild white people?

>> No.10242278

I was going to go to bed. Every goddamn time I actually want to go to sleep I end up writing instead.


>> No.10242293

I almost have a bachelor's in Philosophy with a shit GPA and I realize now that I actually want to be a writer, but feel like my writing is shit also I failed writing 121 twice. I know I have these great ideas in my mind but just getting them expressed in the fashion I want them to be expressed is near impossible. I'm starting to fear that I'm going to live a low income life and I'm starting to find beauty in that but I'm just worried of disappointing mom and pop.

I write my will on a weekly basis as a poem or a small diatribe. I think there's some poetry in that but I'm not sure what.

>> No.10242375

Skiing a double black by yourself

>> No.10242397

I know ho feel anon, it truly is the best feeling ever. I hope it works out

>> No.10242404

I like it. Is that everything or is there more?

>> No.10242414

le privilège est un fantôme cachant le potentiel de l'individu. Par la dissipation des fantômes, l'homme trouve le possible. La connexion d'un homme avec sa culture est profonde, mais cette connexion s'ajoute à son potentiel - ne le définit pas.

>> No.10242419

that joke really does stink. the punchline could have been okay but that setup is garbola

>> No.10242515

i have a better one for you:
>I exist.
Holy shit that was really hard to realize

>> No.10242558

what about it is bad?

>> No.10242559

I don't know how you can experience it, but knowledge? I guess studying is the process that gets you to knowledge.

>> No.10242595

action too. Knowing/learning and doing. There are always many things to learn and do

>> No.10242597


>> No.10242684


>> No.10242724

Hard boiled eggs on toast (with hot sauce) for breakfast, fuck yes. Only thing that could make this better would be tomato, bacon, avocado, onion, what else peppers, olives, could have put some salt and pepper, might do that.

>> No.10242744

Stone soup for breakfast, fuck yes. Only thing that could make this better would be chicken stock, beef, bacon, avocado, onion, what else peppers, olives, could have put some salt and pepper, hard boiled eggs, toast, black pudding, turducken, pretzels, waffles, eggos, jaffa cakes, etc, etc.

>> No.10242749

Maybe you should try filmmaking instead.

>> No.10242758

One more scene to write and I'll have a finished first draft.

>> No.10242832

>not fried over easy on toast with a thin slice of cheddar underneath and some ground black pepper on top

>> No.10242845

I was reluctant to take meds for depression but now I'm glad I did. I'm feeling so much better now, finally I can read books and do things I like again.

>> No.10242929

What do you like besides reading books, anon?

>> No.10242935

I feel small. I go overlooked by everybody. Friends, peers, co-workers, and yeah girls too. Try as I might, i can't seem to get over that. Maybe i'm just desperate for anyone to like me because I've gone so long without anyone. I'm cute, as they say. That's all, though, cute. I'm nothing more than an adorable little accessory to their infinitely vivid and wonderful lives. To them i'm only good for a bit of saccharine fluff when they need it. I'm a shitty writer, a shitty musician, a shitty actor and a shitty artist. Nobody hates me, and nobody likes me. Worse, they have no opinion of me and I hate that.

>> No.10242980

Numale beta chuck effeminate soyboy bugman

>> No.10243100

>usually have non hardboiled eggs for weeks and months and then get sick of them so want to switch it up to hardboiled for some sessions, then when get sick of that switch back, you caught me during a switch, with my pants down;) which explains my excitement

>> No.10243110

whats your music like? Whats your writing like, have you been trying to write a book? What acting have you tried, what do you desire to do? The world is big, I assume where you live is small (at least compared)

>> No.10243426

Ive just dissapoited the person i love the most for the last time,although ive tried my hardest not to.

>> No.10243435

How did you disappointed her/him?

>> No.10243475

I understand, anon. You're only human. It might not be much, but I just want you to know I'll be here to support you even at the hardest boiled of times.

>> No.10243942

For starters I guess it's cooking, just the basic stuff.

>> No.10244220

Have you ever had sex?

>> No.10244470

Lad, he's been masturbating to a virtual character (probably some anime stuff).

>> No.10244471
File: 2.74 MB, 3264x1836, IMAG0228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels bad man, I know not all of it's as bad as I think it is.

>> No.10244719

>tfw you are a huge filmmaking fan and someone on a Frisian Fiscal Forum says you should get into filmmaking.
Anon you made my day.

>> No.10244752

Im pondering about turning my life around.
Not only the half hearted thing but a full 360° spin.

I wonder if ill ever find the courage.

>> No.10245351


>> No.10245486

Good luck with the full circle thing

>> No.10245527 [DELETED] 


>> No.10245931

I end up not killing it, letting the defining moment pass as inert as a benign aroma meant to scent propane. Dead cat in my future does not sound appetizing. Everything must sound good. Why else do it? My pathetic lizard brain has cemented a highway of comfort among the neural sprawl of its sensation-starved matter.

>> No.10246272 [DELETED] 

My boss is a beautiful intelligent irish lady. She's at least 15 years older than me (I'm early 20's) but I'm mesmerized by her charming accent amidst this American cultural wasteland. Can't lose my job for being a sperg so I have to hide it all day.

>> No.10246330

No I haven't. Even if I somehow ended up with a girlfriend I would never want to have sex with her.

>> No.10247041

>m-muh purity

>> No.10247390

I'm feeling exhausted, worn out. Every time I wake up in the morning, still tired, I don't wish for more sleep, I just want enough energy to become a morning person.

>> No.10247458

i'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained.
So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.

>> No.10247559

what's even happening?

>> No.10247583

I don't understand this reply. I didn't say anything about my theoretical partner's virginity.

>> No.10247596

I'm thinking about paying someone to write my thesis for me.

>> No.10247719

You really couldnt intuit that that anon guessed the reason you would never have sex with your girlfriend is because you care about your 'purity'?

But there could also be 'asexuality', 'false belief', i.e. you are young, and/or have been so long without contact you are saying I dont even need that I would be fine just to be with her and not have sex, and you are right or wrong about that and that belief would last a certain amount of time or all time, and/or you are low test and/or you have the genes of a nun and/or as mentioned you are without knowing it lying to yourself and others

>> No.10247763
File: 16 KB, 472x482, 1510114533497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually when I hear someone chastising another over "muh purity" I think of how some weebs are obsessed with a character having to be a virgin, and how some people make fun of them for that.
I wouldn't say that I am asexual, I most certainly feel sexual attraction. I wouldn't be masturbating all the time if I didn't.
It's just that I wish I didn't feel this attraction, and would rather live a life where I didn't feel the constant growing need to sate these desires. I likely would cave in and fuck someone if they initiated it and I reciprocated their emotions, but ideally I wouldn't.

>> No.10247889

Yeah, just get laid and you'll be thinking a whole lot different.

>> No.10247927


>> No.10248184

I don't want to get laid.

>> No.10248441

there is a difference between a person admitting that it is possibly they would prefer and enjoy life more if there was not some semi ingrained regular sexual compulsion: and also that; if given an opportunity in which sex, and apparently with someone you tolerate and maybe even like, is a possibility, or explicitly presented, that out of a number of cases of these occurrences, it would be difficult to find a reason as to why not just do it, and possibly there is something about the experience that can be enjoyed:

Either, sex truly does now (and for some amount of time following) you find sex repulsively disgusting, and/or you have some unbearable and uncontrollable mental anguish associated with the act, psychologically, physiologically

and/or you so hate how the ingrained regular sexual compulsions have power and shape and sway over your life that to give it any power at all, even after, in some hypothetical or if possible medical world, you were cured of natural and unnatural sexual desires, you still would stand strong against them, out of fear that they cwould again gain strong hold, creep in, form a slippery slope, or that your hatred of their current power is so absolute that you just would like to fully protest its existence by being celibate, or your sentiments at shakey and flimsy and hazy and you really just said what you said uncertainty and acting and projecting a part of a part of your desires to see how you and people possibly felt at it or to show off a perspective, or something.

>> No.10248483

got a girls number
she was thicc and had tattoos
i asked what books she had read
she said "milk and honey"
what now

>> No.10248701


>> No.10248910

SHOULD I feel weird because I never raped anyone?

>> No.10248928

dawg, you're never gonna end up with a girlfriend

>> No.10248948

you guys should talk

>> No.10248950

Thats why I implied it was unlikely.
I don't want a girlfriend or wife anyway, if one by some weird miracle fell into my hands I guess I might oblige but I won't ever bother searching for someone with the intent to be in a romantic relationship with them. I feel fine on my own.

>> No.10248957

I really, really hate people and myself.

>> No.10249086

what meds do you take?

t. depressed anon on wellbutrin (not working)

>> No.10249094
File: 31 KB, 680x680, b7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Set time aside to do what makes you happy
>tfw nothing makes you happy because you're depressed

>> No.10249998

coffee or tea?

>> No.10250003


>> No.10250139

is plentifull in both

>> No.10250157
File: 71 KB, 445x337, 1480133523424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is any of it even worth it? I've deleted all of my social media but Twitter and even that makes me feel depressed. No one pays attention to what I do. No one on 4chan cares and /lit/ has become such a hotbed for disingenuous 19 yr old "shitposters."

What's stopping me from cutting my internet connection and living in true isolation?

>> No.10250209

if you rape a prostitute is that theft what is it

>> No.10250213


>> No.10250223

nothing you you dumb cunt do it

>> No.10250237
File: 83 KB, 500x450, hahaha-ive-had-enough-1346466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw literature has always been a fleeting thing in my life that I come back to here and there but never fully commit to, similar to various other "hobbies" of mine I've picked up over the years
I'd like books for this feeliomajig that I can drop 3 chapters in

>> No.10250772
File: 844 KB, 898x644, 0000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10250977

My ass

It leaks. It parps. More importantly, it gives off an energy that only 10,000 suns can omit. The poop which ferments in my ass warms me, gives me weight, and gives me love as I let the brown balls ferment in my juicy ass. I walk around letting it hang out a bit, just to tease every little turd that I might expel it. Sure, it stains my pants but I am one to not care, for I love my ass and more importantly, I love myself.

>> No.10251059


>> No.10251180

I can't believe people actually take video games seriously.

>> No.10251494

I broke my left hand, hindering the ease and past-time of masturbation. I then have to urgently track any trace of suitable pornography, before putting my right hand on this glorious cock, making any instantaneous action null. My cock desires the illustrious times of masturbation past. This is my only concern at the moment

>> No.10251647

And I have to take supplements to feel emotions again. Isn't that funny? When I try to cry, I get headaches. The more time you spend in this state, the less likely you are to recover. Let's hope I can afford that drug.

>> No.10251769

Girl I'm in love with just got engaged and stopped talking to me altogether. Just fucking kill me.

>> No.10252292
File: 22 KB, 424x486, 314 - aX34vwR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit happens. It's futile to love someone who doesn't feel the same way towards you. Blind love, I guess. Stupid decision from you, instead of letting her go, man. She's got a life now, with someone else and she won't think about you, so you should do the same and look somewhere else.

Good luck, friend and take care!

>> No.10252299

There's no one else, that's the problem. I'm too much of an autist to get a girl.

>> No.10252300

The guy who keeps posting Russian names, I mean, what's his endgame?

>> No.10252326
File: 437 KB, 640x711, 16 - r8Uer8u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no one else
I know this feeling. Whenever a girl broke up with me, I felt the same way, "there's no one else, how am I going to get trough?". There is ALWAYS someone else. Just go out more frequently with some girls, friends of yours and I'm sure you'll be back on track, anon.

>> No.10252335

>wanting to feel emotions
just got back from a family member's funeral a few days ago, emotions suck. Crying sucks. I miss being a robot and I can't wait for the grief to subside so I can go back to my comfy soulless life.

>> No.10252399

>Friends of yours
I'm not sure you gpt the full of sense of the "no one else".

>> No.10252428

So you had just this one friend that you were in love with and that's all? Kinda sad, friend. You should really get more socially active, like go to a reading club or something.

>> No.10252450

>I’m pretty sure retracting will soon become my third favourite thing to do with my penis.
top kek

I think I had a mild case of the 'mosis when I was younger and eventually solved it with some good old rip and tear.

>> No.10252462
File: 125 KB, 1054x576, The-Hacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to write an essay till tomorrow, in twelve hours.
"An ounce of reputation costs a pound of work", and I have no idea what to write. Any books/excerpts which would help?

>> No.10252475

It's not that hard, lad. View it "outside the box", you can read any book and see how much work the author put in the making of that book and how much reputation he received afterwards.

>> No.10252521
File: 65 KB, 480x411, 1495349169332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first thought was about a human, who is a social creature by default. It does mean that to survive in society or to advance anyhow he should establish a reputation among peers, which is not that easy to gain. You have to consider everyone's values and desires and align with it, as followers make leaders, apply power when necessary, be sure your enemies won't crush you. People who failed to do so, eventually become ostracized and alienated, and it might be applied to modern times.

Fuck, cringe. Should I also add some points about honor, etc?

>> No.10252536

If there's really no one else, you're better off alone.

What did you love about her? What kind of love did you feel? Did you only love an idealized image of her? If you really felt a genuine, giving love, why can't you accept her decision? She's still alive, she's well, just not with you and in time you may be able to stay friends - but you don't want that, do you? You have carnal desires, you seek companionship, you want to be and stay comfortable, you do not want to be alone.

>> No.10252541

You're eclectic.

>> No.10252573

my brain is so goddamned broken. i haphazardly oscillate between "i can stay in the NEET world until i fritter into nothing, surely that will happen" and "i have to kill myself as soon as fucking possible" and i really cant decide which one is more reasonable. when im in the latter mode and i get to the proverbial edge my brain flicks back to docility and i regress back into the mopey idiot.

>> No.10252817

It sounds pretty good to me, not cringy at all.

>> No.10252821

He's better off reading Norwegian Wood. It's similar to his situation, somehow.

>> No.10254091


>> No.10254095
File: 25 KB, 509x377, homer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had three whole days to study for an exam and I haven't done shit. Why can't I just do the fucking work I don't understand

>> No.10254119


Also curious.
yes, past 27 or 17, not sure

>> No.10254130

That's a red flag. If you hang out with her you'll be accused of rape within a week

>> No.10254394

Because you're a lazy fuck.

>> No.10254403

But I had two back to back exams 4 days back which I'd studied intensely for a week straight

I don't know if I burnt out or if I just hate this subject

>> No.10254433
File: 624 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2011-04-16-11h06m25s95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We like Utena

>> No.10254682

You should've mentioned that, my friend. Than you probably are worn out.

>> No.10254994

Will you morons fill the thread already? I have a very insightful thing to say and I'm waiting for the new thread.

>> No.10255052

Just say it, god dammit.

>> No.10255771

Gong farmer (also gongfermor, gongfermour, gong-fayer, gong-fower or gong scourer) was a term that entered use in Tudor England to describe someone who dug out and removed human excrement from privies and cesspits. The word "gong" was used for both a privy and its contents. Gong farmers were only allowed to work at night, hence they were sometimes known as nightmen. The waste they collected, known as night soil, had to be taken outside the city or town boundary or to official dumps for disposal.

Fewer and fewer cesspits needed to be dug out as more modern sewage disposal systems, such as pail closets and water closets, became increasingly widespread in 19th-century England. The job of emptying cesspits today is usually carried out mechanically using suction, by specialized tankers called vacuum trucks. Hundreds of thousands of people are employed in India as manual scavengers, without equipment or protective clothing.

>> No.10256001

cream cheese and butter are milk

>> No.10256035


>> No.10256077

from milk*

>> No.10256905

One thousand years ago I would be dead. My saving grace is disposable income. Contemporary society’s quintessential role for the dull. If you cannot produce, then buy. If you cannot buy, you are fucked. No madhouse to cottage the lost and prison is reserved for the real talent, least according to a Private I met at Fort Jackson. Ex-civil servant far from his domain. Funny guy. Did not like the sight of dicks. I asked him once, “How can you be a prison guard and not like the sight of dicks?”

“Respect.” He said, grabbing slack from the shower curtain

This guy is spooked. I returned to my own mess in the latrine

>> No.10256913

believing in spooks is the only spook

>> No.10257131
File: 10 KB, 480x360, comingallthetime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw lightning fury with knockback gloves

>> No.10257378

“Do you know how beautiful the people of your country and your town are, Mr Bryant? They have never known hunger or want, the people of this country. It has been two generations since they knew anything close to it, and even then it was like a voice in a distant room. They think they have known sadness, but their sadness is that of a child who has spilled his ice cream on the grass at a birthday party. There is no…how is the English?…attenuation in them. They spill each other’s blood with great vigor. Do you believe it? Do you see?”


“The country is an amazing paradox. In other lands, when a man eats to his fullest day after day, that man becomes fat…sleepy…piggish. But in this land…it seems the more you have the more aggressive you become. You see? Like Mr Sawyer. With so much; yet he begrudges you a few crumbs from his table. Also like a child at a birthday party, who will push away another baby even though he himself can eat no more. Is it not so?”

“Yes,” Corey said. Barlow’s eyes were so large, and so understanding. It was all a matter of—

“It is all a matter of perspective, is it not?”

“Yes!” Corey exclaimed. The man had put his finger on the right, the exact, the perfect, word.

“I might have bypassed such a rustic community as this,” the stranger said reflectively. “I might have gone to one of your great and teeming cities. Bah!” He drew himself up suddenly, and his eyes flashed. “What do I know of cities? I should be run over by a hansom crossing the street! I should choke on nasty air! I should come in contact with sleek, stupid dilettantes whose concerns are…what do you say? inimical?…yes, inimical to me. How should a poor rustic like myself deal with the hollow sophistication of a great city…even an American city? No! And no and no! I spit on your cities!”

“Oh yes!” Corey whispered.

“The folk here are still rich and full-blooded, folk who are stuffed with the aggression and darkness so necessary to…there is no English for it. Pokol; vurderlak; eyalik. Do you follow?”

“Yes,” Corey whispered.

“The people have not cut off the vitality which flows from their mother, the earth, with a shell of concrete and cement. Their hands are plunged into the very waters of life. They have ripped the life from the earth, whole and beating! Is it not true?”


The stranger chuckled kindly and put a hand on Corey’s shoulder. “You are a good boy. A fine, strong boy. I don’t think you want to leave this so-perfect town, do you?”

“No…” Corey whispered.

“And so you shall not. Ever again.”

Corey stood trembling, rooted to the spot, as Barlow’s head inclined toward him.

“And you shall yet have your vengeance on those who would fill themselves while others want.”

Corey Bryant sank into a great forgetful river, and that river was time, and its waters were red.

>> No.10257403

Two hundred yellow beams looked at the sun. They were on Earth.
"Hello," said the sun. "What are you doing down there?"
The beams laughed, but it was dreadful. They spread out across all of the earth and never spoke again. The sun searched for them and sent more beams down to earth, to retrieve their two hundred brothers.

>> No.10257749

this made me smile. good on you

>> No.10257754

Watson, your blind!

>> No.10258287

hey anon, I had problems with melatonin for a while too. I used to smoke weed ritually in the evenings and that was the only way to fall asleep. After I quit that melatonin was my goto. At first it seemed like a risk-free lifesaver pill that put me right to sleep and gave me wild vivid dreams. After taking it for a while I realized it was making me extremely anxious and depressed. At least I figured out there was a specific cause for it and my brain wasn't just fucked up, so I guess that;s a plus.

>> No.10258335

are you me?

>> No.10258468

I've been a leftist my whole life, but lately I've found myself turning to fascism. Sure I used to sneer at those silly /pol/lacks and their paranoia, but that was before I grasped the true extent of Cultural Marxism. Civilisation itself is being suffocated by the awful shrieking of those 'marginalised voices' those blue haired 'folks' menacingly wielding their dildoes, hysterical snivelling 'trans people', the POCs and the WOCS this is the apotheosis of the post christian cult of the victim. The semitic jesus of old replaced by blue haired genderqueer victimblob. I think It's time for the whiteman to rise up and make the shriekers the snivellers and the victims know weve had enough of their shit.

>> No.10258540
File: 3.30 MB, 3840x2160, 1510188776775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you actually supposed to get over insecurities? I don't know why but it feels like being actually secure and confident in yourself is just permitted arrogance and I'd have a hard time actually buying into it even if nothing was actually against me. It seriously feels like taking any pride in what I do or who I am is inherently wrong.

>> No.10258795

This is nice.

>> No.10259066

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