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/lit/ - Literature

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10295810 No.10295810 [Reply] [Original]

Mind your on what's write

>> No.10295860


>> No.10295972

How would the world be with no pleasure, how different would be mans demeanor? What is the meaning of such, would there still be intellectual pleasure? The 'excitedness' about information and complexities or sublime simplicities of aspects and concepts about reality and potential? What is the meaning of feeling, we know, but I am just wondering, how history might play out, how the character of man might be, if there was no function such as dopamine, as if human were literally physically unfeeling robots, to not be able to detect the nuance or wide gap between feeling good, feeling happy, contented, fulfilled, positively, experiencing an explosion of intrigue and entanglement with interesting information, physical and or mental, physiological, and having no intimate detection of extremely qualitative experience in relation to sapieo-physio-intellectum-spirtus consumption of complex interaction of physica-chemico media resulting in some real fantastic phantasm (how much does individuals relation to the varieties of the oftenicity of their awareness of the possibilities and the real possibilities they are not aware of that may have effect if they were, possibilities of what can be defined thus as 'pleasure', 'the pursuit of happiness'. No pleasures of taste, no feeling of sex, or game (?), or sport (?), there would still be everything people do they would do, including these things, and skydiving, and skiing, and snorkeling, even if they could not feel adrenaline, and 'feel' the difference between average general experience of 'pretty much nothing', sitting around seeing nothing interesting, or different, or far from nothing in a positively sensual way, 'feel' it as in inner body and mind 'entanglement' reaching higher rates of intricacy, interaction, speed, smoothness, coherence, (I am merely trying to express attention to the nature and essence of 'feeling' anything at all, noting that it is a particular aspect of being human on earth, and wondering if it were possible for a being to exist without this aspect, and if it could be an intelligent being, how different it might evolve, and view everything we could view and maybe more). (must everything one chooses to do be pleasure? (Obviously there are examples of actual evils one would not want to choose the lesser or greater of) (does pleasure exist, or only different intensities of pain (a semi joke, a goof <)?) Does every pleasure have an equal and opposite absence of pleasure, every reward requires work?

>> No.10295977

I just have the chorus to "Love in an elevator" stuck in my head I'm not typing that out.

>> No.10295980

2/2 ^^

One, and many might say already and to a large extent throughout history it has been the overiding of a desire for purely experiencing pleasures and pleasantries, easynesses, (I guess pleasure is a tricky topic anyway) that has been the driving force via the strict needs to generally be successful, but is the status quo, or should it be and attempting to exceed, but from where to judge, a fair balance of of a variety of pleasures/goods, nothing and the attempt to make rarely not good. It is necessities first and foremost which shape our lives, and then pleasures, or a battle and race of both (some necessities are pleasurable, some may attempt to find all)

Can happiness, can pleasure, exist without feeling? the pleasure of recognition, if there is no feeling related, but just a novel experienced, a quantitative difference, that event was a 5, that event was a 3, that event was a 0, that event was a 72, even without feeling I recognize happyiness and pleasure because I can understand why that event contained around 72 happy/pleasure/good/desired points.
(but there is no 'feeling' of the points, what reward does the points come in? (cash?)

what percentage of people are actually miserable and why, who and what is at fault, and how difficult would it be to make them otherwise?

something about the relative bearabilty of possibly becoming boring sameness

pleasure is preference, pleasure is a moment youd prefer (which can exist without 'feeling' or a 'sensual wiring of experiencing informations physicality, intimately in some inner 'chamber realm of psycho-physiological feeling'

>> No.10295985

>Steve he's a rockstar living in a kick ass elevator you don't think he's getting laid?

>> No.10296014

After 10 years of ibs i can say my life hasnt improved. Time to quit?

>> No.10296030

Don’t quit. I’m glad you’re here.

>> No.10296165

I'm incontinent myself anon, you'll make it yet I'm sure.

>> No.10296696

How long until I can teach it?

>> No.10296715

my cat is comfy when he doesnt bite me

>> No.10296728

How can i lose my self?

>> No.10296737

Striving towards a point of clarity in a day. Reach it, become depressed at how fragile it is, but see things clearly.

>> No.10296752

Very nice

>> No.10296807
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All life will be. And for every one, character is all he is and will possess.

>> No.10296842

The top of my skull :^)

>> No.10296960
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Hey guys. I hate myself and want to die. I've been writing, but I haven't been able to write anything that's worth anything. It's not even a middle of the board genre fiction. I hate it. I want so bad to just write a story, but I can't even write a single cohesive chapter. I'm basically an alcoholic at this point, and I can't even manage some garbage urban fantasy trash.

>> No.10297052

Been writing books for about a year and a quarter. Self-published several books and also got into ghostwriting as well as writing custom erotica stories. Averaged about $100 a month from August to October, November is going pretty slow. Strong desire to write, but don't yet know what I WANT to write. I have a project in mine, an experiment, but need to figure out how to go about approaching it. I think short stories will be the trick. It could very well provide much lulz and potentially much income, but it all depends on how well I orchestrate it.

May the snowflakes melt and the frogs kek.

>> No.10297141


Go out and get some life experience. Maybe inspiration will follow.

>> No.10297147

at what age do cringeworthy acts become entirely unacceptable

>> No.10297150

>life experience.
I've got that in spades. Too much, actually. That's not the problem.

>> No.10297153

depends. every 5 or 10 years, everything you did 5 or 10 years ago will be cringeworthy. it doesn't get better.

>> No.10297184

Going to Law school was the worst decision I ever made and I will never Escape this profession and be happy again due to my cowardice.

>> No.10297196


Oh. Then become a shut-in and do nothing but autistically read things and compare them arbitrarily.

>> No.10297198
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oh no

>> No.10297205

Due to lack of funds I can't go and write in my favourite café so I'm stuck inside with the internet and checking my current draft for stuff I could research in the days until I get paid.
It's frustrating but I've found a fair bit of stuff I needed to fix.

>> No.10297207

I should rephrase that question as "how long is it excusable to be a cringeworthy person before you can truly be considered maladjusted or insufferable" ie when age do teenagers start being held accountable for their actions

There's just something on my mind I did from back when I was 16 that I can't get out of my head

>> No.10297208

This break from school and the surplus of downtime it has given me further accentuates my current state of limbo.

I'm in my last year of real youth and all my applications are submitted. I've nothing to do now but wait.

Will I use this time to trudge through another book? Will I go out and apply for another job? No, I'm just going to lay in bed, read about the football games, refresh my email once more, and wait.

>> No.10297222

Mind what's on your right.

>> No.10297224

I can't tell whether I'm destined for great things or whether heaven was being sarcastic.

>> No.10297228

>There's just something on my mind I did from back when I was 16 that I can't get out of my head
Tell. It really depends. I mean, everybody has bullshit that haunts them. Like, it could be anything and it'll make our eyes snap open in the middle of the night, horrified that we did or said that, but that's normal.

You'll have to say what it was, and you'll get a better answer than "crippling embarrassment will always haunt you."

>> No.10297242

essentially I sent a very retarded email to someone thinking it was anonymous, saw that my name was attached to it, and apologized in a very sycophantic manner

>> No.10297247

Typed out it doesn't seem so bad, fuck.

>> No.10297249

Oh, I mean, yeah that's bad, but that not even in the top 50 of worse things people have done. Did you just bitch at them, or say some weird shit like you wanted to fuck their mother?

>> No.10297273
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Putting my dog down today.

>> No.10297276

I wasn't being offensive, just saying confusingly retarded shit. It's kind of hard to explain.

>> No.10297294

Why were you holding him?

>> No.10297320

Life was more enjoyable before the internet. My need for the internet is compulsive, like an addiction. Everything functioned perfectly well before the internet. Business was transacted. We wrote letters. We experienced the material world.

My upstairs neighbor plays her stereo too loud. The bass causes the light fixture in my room to rattle. If I confront her about it, she'll tell me to check my privilege and then intentionally play it louder.

The most depressing thing about the computer age is the analogy between the human mind and a computer. The computer age teaches us we are just computers. This is nihilism.

>> No.10297334

ah, well, if you weren't being /pol/ or /r9k/, then I wouldn't worry about it. Everybody does dumb shit, especially smug bullshit. It's not a big deal. Just consider it the cost of not doing that shit again.

What I do- is I just remind myself that the people you inflicted that bullshit on probably don't even remember who you are.

>> No.10297526

best consolation I can get. One day maybe 10 years from now I'll share the finer details, there's a reason I don't do it today

>> No.10297629

law is cool, or I mean, if you are interested in reading, writing, thinking, justice, if you can become obsessive maybe passionate about intricate information and details, and law in general is a big field of many relative specifics, so maybe you can find a few particulars that appeal to you? Also from the very little I know, compared to some other averageish jobs, it seems work in the field gets paid averagely or above averagely well. Get paid more, maybe much maybe much much more, for doing work involved in reading interesting mysteries, problems and solutions, theories, arguments, discussions, upholding the order and goodness of the world. Sure I guess its a learning a lot of new words and a shit ton of possibly boring and relatively worthless and uninteresting information, and I personally can't imagine the stresses of tests and homework and workloads, and then at the very beginning and end of it, it is very possibly as you suggest, law work, or school, is not for you

>> No.10297654

>The computer age teaches us we are just computers
As opposed to what? What could humans be? If the computer age was not, or it didn't teach us this, what might we be taught? Are humans just computers? Is this the most advanced age that will teach us something about what humans are?

>> No.10297730

Girl has no profile on tinder and now I have to come up with subjects to talk out of thin air.

>> No.10297773

Ask her what she does for fun.
Her favorite movies, books, etc.
Ask her why they're her favorite.
Tell her your favorites tell her why they're your favorites.
Those are the foundational stones of any relationship.
If you can't even manage fifteen minutes of half assed conversation, then don't bother. You might as well just ask her if she feels like a dicking at that point.

>> No.10297788

You are right.

>> No.10297804

no problem.
either way, good luck.

>> No.10297834
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Why is it I feel so mind numbingly depressed and alone and scared a lot of the time, but after taking the first sip, I feel instantly warm and things are fun.

The annoying thing about this is that I can't read when I drink. I would prefer to read rather than drink. When I spend my day reading, I feel good the day after, but bad and sad while it's happening, because reading isn't enough.
When I drink, I feel warm and nice while it's happening, but shitty the day after.


>> No.10297852

Hahaha, poor boy, I'd help, but sad for you, I'm also a functional alcoholic. I've been able to keep it under control for years and years now, but right now, I really think I've crested the hill, and hit the NPR. I'm scared.


Sometimes things just hurt, and if drugs and alcohol didn't numb the pain, then people wouldn't take them as much as they do.

If you want to stop, then stop. If feel like you can't, then get help.

You have a choice, not because you're at the precipice, but because you're aware enough to know that what you're doing is unhealthy.

>> No.10297871

I'm quite in need of help, but I don't wanna delay my timeline, career-wise.
That's stupid and not a good way to think about the situation, because if I keep going like this I will hit a wall very soon and very painfully, probably, and then there will be no "career"!

I'm also still fairly young and a bit scared of my family's reaction they would have if I were to take the steps towards help.

It's the silliest thing, a lot of the time I actually manage to make myself believe that soon enough "I'll have a gf and get published" anyway and then just quit drinking no probs.

What's the NPR?

>> No.10297908

I find that when my mind wonders and I begin to contemplate topics such as life and death, I no longer pose any questions. I just acknowledge that which is known to me. An example would be contemplating my existence, but only so much that I am mindful that I exist in this moment, and what I'm currently occupied with. I don't seem to question where I came from, or what my purpose is anymore.
I can't decide whether this is a good thing or not. It's impossible to come to a definitive answer that I would be satisfied with in regards to the questions that I had, so I suppose that the acknowledgement of not knowing is a step in the right direction.

>> No.10297933

NPR is- well PNR actually is point of no return.
Kid, I think, honestly, that if you're at the point where you really want to change so early, you should really focus on that. Whatever your goals are otherwise, if you end up an alcoholic, it won't happen. Getting help can be scary. It IS scary. But you have options too. I don't know where you live, but there are a lot of anonymous help sites you can look up, and at the very least you should check those out.

Being crippled by substance abuse isn't a good place to be, and if you can cut it off at the pass, than you should.

Getting help, even if it's embarrassing, is better than not getting help and keeping it a secret.

If you really really don't want anybody to know (which I don't suggest) you can try yourself, by making yourself rules like "only drink after x o'clock" and "only at home" and then restricting yourself until you don't drink anything.

There are options you can look into without your friends and family knowing, but that shouldn't keep you from getting help.

If you can save yourself, then save yourself.

>> No.10297968

Thanks lad, things are working out.

>> No.10297982
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>> No.10297986

I meant imageboards

>> No.10298038
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I feel burnt out, even though I want to educate myself further (learn new languages, aquire more knowledge about different topics etc). I just can't get motivated, it seems.
I'm also pretty bored because I feel like I've grown out of my hobby (video games) and I now struggle to find a replacement for it. I feel like I lack character. Something that defines me for who I am.
I want a girlfriend, but at the same time I do not. Why is that? I've had girlfriends, but I grew tired of them and regretted it after some time. I wonder why? If I had to draw an image of myself, I would draw a thousand pieces scattered everywhere.

>> No.10298062

>I want a girlfriend, but at the same time I do not. Why is that?
Well, I don't know you, so I can't give you a definitive answer, but if I had to guess, it'd would probably be that you've been told (either directly or indirectly through media and marketing) that you need a girlfriend to be complete, but you as a person don't actually feel the need for a girlfriend. That's completely fine. Either you'll eventually gain the desire naturally, or you won't, but forcing the issue will only make you and the other person unhappy. See how it goes, and pay more attention to your own feelings.

>If I had to draw an image of myself, I would draw a thousand pieces scattered everywhere.
I think that's normal, honestly.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I think what you're feeling is pretty normal. We've been taught that we have to be smart and interesting and what have you. Give yourself a little breathing room. Explore. As long as you put honest effort into it, you'll find what you're looking for.

>> No.10298064

/lit/ is fucking retarded.

>> No.10298138

Thanks, anon. I appreciate your insight.
What else is new? Could be worse though.

>> No.10298171

no problem. hope I could help.

>> No.10298235

I drink 4-6 beers a week, am I an alcoholic?

>> No.10298239


>> No.10298250


>> No.10298265

The amount does not matter. Your relationship to the consumption of it does.

>> No.10298271

Neither: nor heaven exist or anybody is destined to anything

>> No.10298274

this guy gets it

>> No.10298288




>> No.10298298

but rule of thumb is if you're drinking every day, you have a problem.

>> No.10298317

also, if you're fretting about how much you drink...
you're probably drinking too much

>> No.10298338


>> No.10298365

I don't understand how you mod skyrim.
You need like five files all downloaded from different places to get any big mod to work. Then you have to like download and install each mod in a very specific order.

>> No.10298392

“The dream of the future you see dissolves
And with time so does the apprehension
The world under sun is no exception
And all you see around you evolves

New traits in things familiar can be sensed
But futile is hope without fruition
The grief you knew begets no vision
The happiness you felt becomes regret

Winter fades and takes its cold and storm
Spring revives the world with love and warmth
But still the law: all things decay and age

Vanity itself won’t dry your tears
And so you fear as your time draws near
The world will turn but never change”

>> No.10298433

Which of these if any is manageable?

"can everything just be dandy for some long while?"

"can everything just be dandy for some long time?"

"can everything just be dandy for a long while?"

"can everything just be dandy for a long time?"

"can everything be just dandy for a long while?"

"can everything be just dandy for a long time?"

"can everything be just dandy for some long while?"

"can* everything be just dandy for some long time?"

(or * *can* (all of them) = can't*)

>> No.10298972


>> No.10299059
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I loved someone. I was someone who he loved too. I was dear to him, and he was dear to me. But, there was a trifle; there was a misunderstanding.

He held pain, trauma from his past that would drown a person given time. And, because of this trauma, a shadow gradually encroached upon my lover's eyes and he fell deeply into that darkness.

Then, he died.

Despite my tireless love, it was all crushed underfoot, like an egg left unattended.

However, even though my love became a tragedy, I still remember him as someone I love.

Because he loved me.

>> No.10299101



>> No.10299135

College is driving me insane. It's filled with so many performative individuals, each of whom obsesses over the cultivation of a very specific image and the filling of a very specific role.

It's funny - people here actually seem less genuine then they did in high school.

>> No.10299146

(the liberal arts are making me lose my mind)

>> No.10299535

School is a horrible, horrible, horrible thing.
No, really. It's a living nightmare.
I dropped out of college after a year, will never go back.

>> No.10299599


>> No.10299609

I want to write a visual novel. It's a light hearted comedy laced with drama about a guy's teenage years.

>> No.10299621

Modern life is empty and not worth living. There is nothing of value to be achieved. It makes mindless huxleyan drones out of young people with loads of potential that will never be fulfilled and seeks to destroy everything good and beautiful.
I hope i will witness the day this tumor called modernity collapses unto its rotten roots.

>> No.10299626

great to hear

>> No.10299781

how can things be different, how should be things, what do you change?

>> No.10300083

its the most wonderful time of the year

>> No.10300103

The boyfriend of the only girl I truly loved wants to be my friend. I have nothing against him, but I don't think I can be his friend. I don't even think he knows about her and me and what happened. I haven't spoken to her in years and I would like to keep it that way.

>> No.10300118

I don't know why mozart is always considered one of the 'greats of the greats'
his music is pleasant but it lacks depth

>> No.10300124

Similar experience for me. Never looked back

>> No.10300140

>so I suppose that the acknowledgement of not knowing is a step in the right direction.

Closing the doors to particularity is opening the door to universality.

>> No.10300179

I hate the way these last couple of days have felt. The hours pass mindlessly; the Ox said 'the heedless is as if already dead'. The only minutes I know myself alive account for nothing but a feeling of helplessness at my situation. I feel dead inside even when I feel alive. Hollow and expired and shallow and still and melted and tired and tired, exhausted.
What can I do to avoid this? Get out of the house? Where? I don't have the motivation to go anywhere. Build a routine? I'm undisciplined and changing that will take me years. Breaking my current routine?
I want to do something about this but I don't see any way out of it. I don't know any way out of it.

>> No.10300200

Western society is sloly colapsing to a torrent of coffe colored barbarians.All the values that Rome stood for will perish with the European people,humanity may never touch the stars.
All this because all of the western peoples lost thier sense of patriotism,militarism and identity.All the great empires were built on the corpses of non-whites you know that.Now those good warriors forged a life of plenty for us and we have grown weak and pacifist.
We have forgotten the fundamental truths of this world:struggle and that equality is a false god,the weak should fear the strong,woe to the vanquished.
All of this just to keep the profit going into the pockets of our capitalist overlords and jewish bankers,whose interest is to transform Europe into a cultureless,raceless coffe colored mogrelized nation with the iq of 90,smart enough to work but not smart enough to see the hand that controls them and rise up.

>> No.10300217

>his music is pleasant but it lacks depth
not all his music lacks depth

>> No.10300231

For the first time in months I slept for 8 hours uninterrupted. While I'm happy, of course, I'm also kind of anxious. What did I do different and how can I make it happen again? I usually sleep 5-6 hours and wake up in between. Also it frustrates me that others are on cheat mode - well rested, adjusted, etc.

>> No.10300240

How is steering society away from violence congruent with coddling violent people and groveling at career criminals' feet? Expansion of culpability is only useful for melodrama and self-martyrdom. By its proponents' own words, it has no utility. How it can protect a single person from violence or ameliorate suffering in general concerns them even less that it does their alleged Fascist opponents.

>> No.10300598

There will never be a joy so profound as a midday shit. 20 minutes I’ve been clenching this turgid log inside me. Now it’s dropping out of me like a clutch of eggs out of a crocodile.

>> No.10300622

Can you cut down to 2-4? If not, then yes.

>> No.10300631

at some point it stops

>> No.10300658

Neat trick I learned: if you're having trouble falling asleep, give yourself a butt cheek massage. Knocks me out. Give it a shot?

>> No.10300664

I should finish my requests so I can start my novel. I should also abandon the whole "YA" aspect because there's no way to write the hook without shitloads of violence and gore...

>> No.10300667

>Get out of the house? Where?
Out. Observe and experience nature, how it functions, what being 'alive' means for other species, or even other humans.
> Build a routine? I'm undisciplined and changing that will take me years.
Then so be it. At least you can make a start on it, and improve yourself.

>> No.10300677

Just found an old copy of MHFU on a box in my house, started reading the manual for a nostalgia rush and all these memories of my teenage years came back to me. At that moment I realized how much I've changed, I used to be this socially active guy who constantly had female attention and now after being depressed I turned into an incel loser who can't even talk to women and has like 10 friends at best.
Should I just end it?

>> No.10301010

What nature is there to be found in the middle of the city? Only hard concrete and cold steel make up the urban scenery.
Yes, I'm trying to at least clean up my room and get a shower every day.

>> No.10301843

>his music is pleasant but it lacks depth
you lack depth, not his music, and your''e not even pleasant

>> No.10301953


>> No.10302222


>> No.10302307

Got 2 phone numbers from girls just today and one date. Feels good, man.

>> No.10302356

because no one will ever read this:
My one female friend got a phone call today while we were hanging out. Her relative died. She started crying and I am retarded and didn't know what to do so I hugged her. She held me tight and began crying harder into my shoulder. With a yearlong absence of contact with the other sex so unexpectedly broken I started to get an erection. She wanted to keep holding me and I would really have liked to keep doing the same but I was increasingly worried that she would notice how I was poking into her thigh so I broke off the hug and mumbled I hope you're okay and left.

>> No.10302639


>> No.10302676

For that matter humans are also nature.
I crave for mountains, forests, rivers and lakes, unforgiving rain, the ocean, endless amounts of sand, pillars of ice and a blanket of snow. I'm tired of this innocuous place. I want to see death, the same death the deer sees when the lion jumps on it. I want to see disease, like the terrible plagues of old. I want to see old age without teeth implants, without make up, without surgery.
That will make my insides stir and feel alive again.

>> No.10302686

Can't stop being dumb and lazy, no matter how much I read

>> No.10302707

and then you will get bored of that in a year or 10 and want back at the city? Or you think you have had just about all you need from the city or one city for a lifetime?

>> No.10302724 [DELETED] 


>> No.10302772

Sadly, I won't have enough of this until I've read every book an learnt everything I want to read and learn about.
My dream is to travel and help people around the globe once I finish uni. This way I'll get to see what I want to see and at the same time I'll be able to keep connected to the written teachings.
I hope I can work at the Antarctica for a time. Imagine the silence. The snow eats all external sounds, birds don't thrive there. You'll be left alone with that silence that's not just the absence of noise.

>> No.10303476

By lacking depth do you mean, it is too tending to be 'positive' and uplifting, or can positive and uplifting music have depth? Because Mozart certainly has musical depth, I can understand if there are some small things you dislike here or there, but he also touches upon in cases anything else I could think you could mean by the term depth. Where does beauty fit into depth? I think there is great depth in the effort and decision for his what many believe to be successful attempts at creating a kind of idllyc music, to time and again aim for the heights of perfect order and harmony and fundamentality and universality but particularity too and with style and flare, to create many masterpieces, I don't know what you mean by 'depth' exactly, how much that weighs on the judgement of great composers of history.

>> No.10303712


>> No.10303933


>> No.10303938 [SPOILER] 
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Go out and meet some girls. Gamble a stamp.

I can show you how to be a real man!

>> No.10303942


>> No.10304141

Nobody likes to be reminded they're being a piece of shit.

>> No.10304280



>> No.10304281

I want to talk to people in a non-shallow way using the internet
I've exhausted all my avenues to do this
I mean something more immediate than the ultra lag that is this board
And this board is .. not uh, well any of 4chan I've come to notice is just lacking in people wanting to do this
To really talk about anything
It feels so strange
Discord servers are a joke
Omegle is a joke
Tinychat is a joke
All these boards are I don't know, I can't get behind anything
to use /soc/ to facilitate this is a nightmare
I enjoy anime, but guess what, anything anime related is people just role playing and posting inane shit
I actually would enjoy talking about anime, but this doesn't exist
It is a very weird thing
I'm a unique case to notice this shit
There is nowhere online to really get into anything in a non-shallow way
The internet facilitates shallowness, I have come to know
You get your person who is an exception once in a long while, and I guess that's what I look for, but I can't seem to find that anymore
This is good, I need to stop resorting to this
The world outside my bedroom/house is just a landscape of alienation and nothingness, so it feels like the only recourse I have to talk to anyone is this shit
But this shit is such shit
It is nothing, it continues to be depressingly nothing
Don't talk to me about how there are "good threads once in a while"
This is stupid, I feel stupid for having wasted my time like this
For looking for people in this manner

I have had this theory for awhile and I feel stupid for not abiding by it:

The way to meet people who you'd like to meet is to do things you like to do, not just look for talking partners via this website or any other

That is to say, if you did music, create it and perform it etc
If you like to write publish a goddamn book

People will gravitate towards you that you would enjoy thereby

There is this childish idea that anyone is going to meet that special person to be a friend or a lover or just a person who thinks alike via the internet medium but fuck it, I more than anyone now know how false this is

I'm 28, I've been doing this since i was 16
There is really nothing here
There is no one worth talking to
This is a fraud, and you and I must escape it

Do the thing instead of talk about the thing to strangers

>> No.10304283

Happy Thanksgiving Yall, enjoy some good food and football and awkward family, tell us your stories

>> No.10304293

Happy (corporately owned and managed) Football (sponsored by your dad's budweiser paunch) Day! I mean, Thanksgiving! (genocide of indigenous people by the millions and erasure of the buffalo by the millions -day)

Purchase those (Tyson TM) Turkeys everyone!

>> No.10304402

one enemy remains, two if you count god

>> No.10304414

Why didn't I found about this then?

>> No.10304606


>> No.10304893
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Unironically, I still prefer seriously.

>> No.10304923

Making up a new pen name, writing some SJW/post-modernist drivel as unironically as I possibly can, gonna see if I can trick some far leftists into giving me their money even though I'm quite Conservative/right-wing. It's difficult, trying to portray such ridiculous situations and thoughts in a serious light, but I find it absolutely hysterical that I may very well end up getting paid by leftists even though if they knew who was writing this stuff, they'd be furious. We'll see what happens. No, I'm not going to share what the pen name is, or what the book title is.

>> No.10305036

I've started writing a video essay on the entirety of the internet culture and internet persona. Think AVGN and TGWTG. I want to be able to do an overall analysis on one of the most eccentric youtube channel out there that criticized these types of personas and how they affected the internet at large. It's an audacious project, even more than my last big youtube project, and I'm unsure what to do. I feel as though I'm missing information but the problem is not that I lack knowledge on internet culture, but that there doesn't seem to be any credible academic sources on what I want to examine. I want to analyze and explain how internet persona are formed and why internet audiences tend to be interested in attaching themselves to the personas, thinking they are 'buddies', and find out more about the author making them. The closest I've come to is the examination of cults of personalities, but those tend to be formed from propaganda and the state to enlarge a person's legacy and accomplishments. The overall expression seems to be accurate but there is still no academic sources on such a topic. I am not sure what to do.
There is also the topic of audiences wanting to know more about an author to know more about the work by osmosis (why people read biographics) and I haven't seen any academic work on that topic either. I'm again wandering alone without any guidance on how to proceed.

>> No.10305237

Two enemies remain, (you) and the Karma Sutra

>> No.10305316

My hair is thinning badly at the top of my scalp. My hair is sort of medium length so if I brush it around it seems to become mostly unnoticeable, but if I part my hair at the top its extremely obvious and looks like shit.
I never realized how much I valued my hair.

>> No.10305354

get one of those racoon hats, trust me

>> No.10305359

time to turn back and descend the stair,
with a bald spot in the middle of my hair
they will say: " how his hair is growing thin!"
my morning coat, collar mounting firmly to the chin

>> No.10305425
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>> No.10305435

Sometimes the line between constipation and a seeming existential crisis is, disappointingly, thin.

>> No.10305443

I need something else to do other than lurk on /v/ all day. I feel like I'm going nuts.

I've lived with almost no capacity for pleasure for about a year now. Do you want to know what it's like?

>> No.10305458

is this Ryuichi Sakamoto's latest album

>> No.10305461
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>> No.10306206 [DELETED] 


>> No.10306224
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>> No.10306476

I'm about to stick it in crazy, God help me

>> No.10306536

Don't fuck crazy, dude. It's a bad long-term decision for VERY short-term fun to stick your dick in crazy. This includes leftists/SJWs, whom perpetuate the bulk of false rape accusations.

>> No.10306638

I´m sorry I couldn´t be a better friend.
I´m sorry about the situation with your girlfriend. About hunting for pleasure and finally having her on my lap, whispering sweet poison in my ear. I´m consumed by guilt. Do you see that in me?

And I can´t even fucking tell you anything about this fucked up situation.
Have you two talked? Can I still call myself your friend? I´ve fucking lived toghether with you and this is how I fucking repay you.

I wish we could return to simpler times old friend.
Maybe I can.

>> No.10306706

I should stop reading about better men and start being a better man

>> No.10306831

Fuck being mediocre and fuck being a lazy piece of shit. I used to be worth something, I used to get up in the morning and actually have some self respect.

I don't know when it happened but it happened slowly. I became this mess of a man, a walking talking automaton faking human emotion and any form of intellectual depth.

Not anymore, something broke in me recently. No, not broke something was finally fixed in place.

I have wasted the past 5 years drowning my self in escapist media and avoiding anything that could be labeled constructive. Like that can be called living.

I think its time for me to trim my life down, go full minimalist and build it up from there. Just the bare essentials until I understand what is truly important to me.

It's time to throw some shit out.

>> No.10306894

No non-crazy girls want anything with me.

>> No.10306957

So? Why do you feel that you need a female? Go another week without a woman, then another month, and another year, make it a decade if need be. If a chick shows interest then give some thought to perhaps asking her on a date but don't do so within, say, a week of knowing her. Don't treat her special either; she is JUST a person. She belches, she farts, she defecates, and whether she might seem like it or not she is most definitely capable of every bit as much cruelty as a man, some might argue more-so. They are not angels, or special snowflakes. View women as men, but generally smaller, almost always weaker, with more fat tissue on their upper-torso and no dangly-bits between their legs. They are not necessary to your survival. I understand that at some point you may want offspring, as do I, but choose the female you wish to mate with VERY wisely, especially in this politically charged climate with so many leftists making false rape accusations after PURELY consensual sex. Regret is not rape.

>> No.10307239

when will there be a hot 100 year old or is there

>> No.10307258

tits and soft women parts in bed

>> No.10307291
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There is another error in the standard framing of authenticity as an
ideal, and that is the philosophical realism (which is nowadays usually
called “essentialism”) that seems inherent in the way questions of au-
thenticityarenormallyposed.Authenticityspeaks oftherealselfburied
in there, the self one has to dig out and express. It is only later, after
romanticism, that the idea develops that one’s self is something that
one creates, makes up, like a work of art. For reasons touched on in
chapter 1, neither the picture in which there is just an authentic nugget
of selfhood, the core that is distinctively me, waiting to be dug out, nor
the notion that I can simply make up any self I choose, should tempt
us. As we saw, we make up selves from a tool kit of options made
available by our culture and society. We do make choices, but we don’t,
individually, determine theoptions among which wechoose. To neglect
this fact is to ignore Taylor’s “websof interlocution,” to fail to recognize
the dialogical construction of the self, and thus to commit what Taylor
calls the “monological” fallacy.

>> No.10307362

I have no idea what's going on desu also I wish I could make my video games

>> No.10307471

To consider the absolute an immanent pursuit of mankind - would this be accurate? The logic of language dictates that the absolute is almost not a thing but rather an object i.e. not formal.

It is in this vein of thought that I ponder religion and god as a concept. The absolute? We yearn.

>> No.10307532
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I started writing shipping fanfiction when I was in middle school. I'm now in my early 20s and I truly love reading and writing romance. Every year for the past 5 years, I read Let it Snow by John Green, although only the first two stories because the last one is kinda shit. The only person who knows about this is my therapist, although people on the internet seem to like my stuff, incredibly low standards notwithstanding.

Also, when I was in middle school, girls used to come up to me at random to hug me and tell me they loved me. Eventually I found out they would dare each other to hug guys they found especially ugly/creepy and I was a prime target. One of them who particularly didn't like me started a rumor I was stalking her because we both walked home and lived on adjacent streets, after which most of my friends stopped associating with me.

>> No.10307928 [DELETED] 

living in the citys awesome if you know a lot of people

>> No.10308124


Monsieur, it is the absence of nature and the longing for it and the cramming of people together in a contrived environment that drives the best art, the best angst, the most explosive of man's conscious and anger. Let the concrete and steel be mirrors into your own conscience and if you must wallow in it but don't discount the possibility of sheer joy and terror.

>> No.10308128

Feminism turned humanity into vaginal excrement.

>> No.10308144

For women to be so attracted to Romance, ruining families when they hit 35 is betrayal on themselves as well. It isn't in the female nature to be loyal.

>> No.10308162

A few things.

One, the most imminent, is that my anger is constantly looking for a new target. Right now it's a dick-head co-worker whom I fantasize about beating the shit out of. He's got some size on me but he doesn't realize I could take him. I have always been afraid of violence, but I've been in fights and I know instinctively that this guy is a bloated coward. He's very condescending and has used threatening language to me in the past, saying things like he'd put me to sleep if I talked to him a certain way and calling me an idiot. He also makes me out to be a fool and jokes about me touching kids and I've told him to stop. I know I shouldn't let these things get to me but I'd love to see him in mortal fear.

He seems like he gets that temptation to fight too (he said he wanted to "put me to sleep" when I looked him in the eye and told him to shut the fuck up about joking about touching kids because it's fucked up.) My office is closing soon so I'll only see him a few more times but I know I'm going to tell him off in a confrontational way again because he's not going to stay out of my way no matter what I do. I'm not sure there's any other way.

Before that it was a guy who screwed me out of a lot of money (for me) when he acted crazy and threatened legal action against me because he didn't like me when I lived in his house. He made sexual passes at me and used verbal threats against me then claimed I threatened him. When I confronted him about his awfulness he said he had cancer as a shield. I know he was probably lying, though. He is probably the worst person I've ever had to deal with and the world will be better with him dead.

The last time I saw my father he told me to go to hell. I believe he and his wife ruined my immediate family's life and I can't talk to anyone about it. I used to have my therapist. I really loved her. But, I had to move away. I talked to him a few times recently but it's been a couple years since I've seen him. Everyone else in my extended family is dealing with their own shit and they see him as this great guy so I don't even know if I should broach that with them.

Given the aforementioned facts, I think I may be stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage. I worked very hard to get to the point where I was offered a business analyst role in another state after my father kicked me out. I turned it down based on salary even though it would have been enough money to significantly change my living standards for the better. I have enough quantitative skills and gift of gab to convince people I can do these "difficult" jobs but I feel that I'm settling for mediocrity with them and that eventually I would sabotage them like I witnessed my father do when I was a kid. I feel like I can't maintain a presence in any institution without eventually exploding or snapping on someone.

So I've convinced myself I'm a writer, an academic quasi-quant mind who wants to research and produce content. Where to go?

>> No.10308880

>I fantasize about beating the shit out of
Do it.

>> No.10310135

like taking candy from a baby, and candy can be very very good you know

>> No.10310151

stop making things so complicated, one needs money to live, one goes and gets money to live, thats about all there is to it

>> No.10310215

Why do I hate him so much? It's like all the hate I don't feel for anybody except him is condensed and multiplied. Would it be better if I could hate other people? All the violence I don't have is reserved to him. At this point it's greater than my self-loathing. He is truly someone I despise.
I should probably leave this house soon. I already want to kick his teeth every time I see him, break his nose with my bare hands and grab his throat with all my strength. It's unnatural, or way too natural for what I'm used to feel.
I'm really surprised with these new feelings. I guess it was inevitable, but I never thought I'd be like this.

>> No.10310262
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i'm feeling ok actuallym i'm eating chocolate and watching a guy stream splatoon 1 because the sploon 2 servers are down and it's pretty amusing

this is an old picture of my cat with his tongue out a tiny bit

>> No.10310313

maybe not ON my mind but lights under the keyboard shine through with endless digital posibilities lying behind a push of them. with sounds running through wire through speed its maker couldnt ever imaginably do so. a wave of pressure waves hitting his flesh, rumbling for it to enjoy an immense narrative through things it calls sound.

>> No.10310369

Of course it's inevitable that you be miserable. Just ask yourself: how many nights? How many nights have you crawled into bed at 4am and told yourself that tomorrow you would change? How many times have you woken up at 2pm, only to immediately log back onto the computer? How many times? Have you bothered to count? Of course not. If you can barely handle the anxiety of checking your email, how could you possibly be expected to track the exact magnitude of your failure? You've lived in pain for decades, and despite all that time, it's a testament to the permanence of your condition that you still find yourself unable to identify the precise source of your misery. After all, how could you possibly be in so much agony when hope and change are just around the corner, unblocked and unimpeded? For instance: You don't actually have depression, not really. You think you do, but only because it comforts you to think that your pain is not your fault. You don't have any disablities. You're not poor. So what's wrong with you? People a million times worse off than you have struggled and succeeded and found happiness. "If people worse off than me can find happiness, does that mean I have a chance?" You still don't get it. Finding happiness necessitates one trait above all else. Just one. Can you guess it? It's willpower. And for the last several decades, every single year, every single month, every single week, every single day, every single hour, you have had the choice to make a change. The easiest choice in the world, with absolutely nothing stopping you but yourself. How many thousands of times have you been unable to take that offer? Are you beginning to see it now? Can you now see the thing you should have seen ten sentences ago, much less 10 years ago? I'll spell it out for you: your misery is inevitable precisely because you can choose to end it at any time, and you have failed that choice over and over and over again, a million times every day. Your misery is permanent. It is inevitable. You have no hope, nor can you even hope for hope. You have demonstrated, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that you intend to stay on your present course, forever. "How could you possibly know that?" Good question. Here's mine: why are you still reading this?

>> No.10310393

I don't understand why Americans are so willingly ignorant and stupid? It really bothers me.

>> No.10310427

What the fuck is going through this guy's mind? I don't know what an splatoon is, but hey that's a pretty cute cat, would I have a cat if I didn't have the cat hair allergies? How do you even get an allergy? Is it like a genetic deficiency? Is one of the cat's eyes more slanted that the other one? That's a cute nose, I think I met a girl with a cute nose once. She was hot but she thought I was weird. That is one groomed cat. How thick is cat skin? When you pet one it always feels like you're rubbing their hair over a slippery body. I wonder how cat tastes. Would I eat this cat? I don't think I could look a cat in the eye and kill it.

Look at those ears

>> No.10310429

Because they're Americans. They think they rule the world and they're pretty much right. No effort is required of them and they know it. Everybody speaks their language, buys their products and swallows their culture. The fact that they, individually, have nothing to do with this success doesn't bother them, if it ever occurs. The result is Not-Too-Bright Spoiled Rich Kid: The Country.

>> No.10310431

You're miserable because you accept personal responsibility for your failings (good) but you keep choosing to be a loser (bad).

>> No.10310479

I'm finding that, as more things improve in my life (appearance & dress especially) people are willing to attribute other positive qualities to myself that I'm not sure I've even cultivated yet. It's like hitchhiking the galaxy, if you're found to be in possession of a towel then other people will happily lend you any number of things that you may have 'lost'.

>> No.10310490

do not kill the cat. i read 'let the right one in' recently and the only part that made me legit cringe was when the cat's neck got snapped. i think i'm crazy

>> No.10310513

One day, as a child, still a bit sleepy, I stepped into the garage. My mother was washing our car.
It was a fairly pretty sunny day.
This is my most far back memory, and almost uncounciously, I hold it very dearly into my heart, even though it's such a trivial moment...

>> No.10310616

because there are so many, they are free, and there is a lot on tv

>> No.10310624

sounds nice

>> No.10310971
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You know, I'm in my bed right now. It's 03:13. I have a cold, and I didn't do anything productive today. I'm procrastinating most of the time I'm awake. I want to brush my teeth, but I'm too fucking lazy to get up and go to the bathroom.

I have a lot of characters in my head, on the pages, in my books. That one bald retard whose fingers are bound together. That woman of unknown age that's a tardwrangler or a prizefighter, or both at the same time. That other bald guy who's the woman's other half; they were split by the gods because they didn't behave. That desert king of an alien race, he exchanges letters with a mentally unstable prohet who claims to be in a sort of jail guarded by "Mommy" and "Daddy". That four-armed outcast artist that lives in a hut in the most dangerous jungle on the planet, creating art in order to understand the crab god.
That manipulative asshole that's half-machine and barely alive, but controlling most of the shit that happens.

I feel incredibly stupid and uncreative. I want to live a life, but don't know how. I don't have any goal besides this fucking story and waste my time watching wrestling and shitposting/lurking on various sites. I can't take anything seriously, even if I understand its importance. I fucking hate my autism and the disadvantages it puts upon me.

Pic related is the prophet.
It's 03:42. Rant over. I believe.

>> No.10310985

Holy shit anon yes. I will remember your words.

>> No.10311025

I want to live with no regrets, but it sounds very scary.

>> No.10311100


I have a cold too. Very strange, friend. It seems like once I went past twenty five I am no longer immune to anything. Allergies activated. I started getting sick more often (once a year but still more than I did).

It's suffering.

>> No.10311194

superb taste, anon. eyedea was a treasure

>> No.10311206

my oldest memory is rolling in a stroller down a parking lot

>> No.10311224

it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes

>> No.10311243
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Well, since you asked. I'll tell you what's in my doki doki kokoro. This was a first try no edits. Pws no bully desu sugoi.

I remember, when at one point I felt as though everything was possible. My world was small but I was king of it, the halls I walked and the people I met, they where easily understood and always interesting.
It was once something that I felt so much pride for, such certainty for. My age has only made the world larger and harder. I was no longer king, no longer where easily understood. Now I live in a world of difficult people with harsh problems. A world I can not fix, a realm I am no master of. The only terrifying thing about the entire experience is not that it was once the case that I was so great, but that I realized that I was never great. I was always small, always weird, and weak. I knew nothing than and I know nothing now. Ignorance and idolence filled me with such disgust, but now it's all I see in myself. An ignorant lazy man. I try, I really do, but with every step forward I feel as though it only becomes your apperant of how ignorant I was and how much I am still. How lazy I was and how much I am now.
We are all sysphus, rolling the bolder to the top of the hill and watching it drop again. Only to it again faster this time and watch it drop faster again.
My only solace, the only thing that keeps me from losing hope, is the constant reminder that I am not alone. For even the greatest scholars and most active of men are too cursed to say they know nothing still after many papers written, and the proactive always cursed to see their inefficient ways.
Life is growth, forever we grow, forever we strive. At this point I know I can only do so much, so I must do what is right for me m life is judged not in years but in the life within those years.
Quality of life, what a silly little dream. So I crave only one thing now. To make an impact. I shall do my best.

>> No.10311249
File: 7 KB, 283x255, incredulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish a nigga would. Everyone on this uni campus is so pussyfooted about their opinions while simultaneously having such a high capacity for being offended at other people's. It's like it's totally okay to believe whatever the fuck you want, but as soon as you actually explicitly state your beliefs everyone gets quiet and awkward and stares at the ground. And I mean the generic "you" - I'm a mild centrist and I don't stick my oar in or go slinging around opinions, I've never been the target of the masses' ire. But so many of my friends will say something ever so slightly controversial - whether in a conservative or a progressive direction, or not even politically related at all - and everyone else in the room immediately gets this smug/awkward expression on their face like "omg did he really say that" and none of them acknowledge it but instead just stand around doing nothing. Fuck every bitch-ass coward so afraid of actually holding beliefs that they don't even despise other people's beliefs, but just despise the fact that other people hold beliefs at all. I'm about to start bringing up The Bell Curve in everyday conversations just to get these slackspined navelgazers to commit to an argument.

>> No.10311273
File: 504 KB, 3200x1680, 636311529476163277-rupi-kaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no opinion. I'd rather keep to the center on this one. I know that some people can feel this way and others another on this topic. I don't wanna pretend anyone's right because it's all relative to your respective culture and Outlook on life.
Let's just accept the fact that where both right for different reasons and be friends.

>> No.10311277

Perhaps modern society is moving past affording equal opportunities to the less fortunate to giving those weak in the mind a pulpit

>> No.10311287
File: 69 KB, 570x529, o-RUPI-KAUR-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else want to hatefuck Rupi and then read her poem about it?

>> No.10311302


nope, looks gross, did they airbrush out her mustache in the photo? i didnt bother maximizing it

>> No.10311353

Are your convictions so shaky that even the most cursory questioning sends you scurrying to the corner to nurse your metaphysical wounds? Or are you just so apathetic that you genuinely hold no beliefs, you are tabula rasa and events happen at you while you watch, a passive cuckold in your own life story? Why don't you act like a fucking man and stand face-first toward a challenge? Why is your first instinct to run?
I would a thousand times rather disagree with someone on some ethical or moral issue than come to learn that they hold no opinion on that issue at all. "Because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I spit you from my mouth."

>> No.10311454

imagine how awesome it would be to have a fat, ugly, semi jovial woman who truly loves you

>> No.10311471

Your story sounds cool, email me if you want to talk about it or anything derndernit123@gmail.com

>> No.10311490

their reaction likely implies the great powers and forces of the status quo and that which smoothly and swiftly upholds it is their opinion.

>> No.10311733

I always thought that, no matter how suicidal I became, I would never genuinely want or be able to kill myself. But lately I've given into total apathy, and I think I might actually be degrading my life to the point of suicide

How do you find the will to go on when everything points to giving up?

>> No.10312062


>> No.10312079

You are a wise man. Thank you.

>> No.10312116
File: 31 KB, 529x370, 1511209559966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you find the will to go on when everything points to giving up?
By reminding yourself that existing is good enough.
Dying will not guarantee an end to suffering. For all you know, the terror I fever dreams you've had in life may be of other world's your conscienceness has drifted from.
If you suffered in this life you will suffer in others.
Might as well adapt and keep your requirements for a satisfactory life small.

>> No.10312157
File: 3.75 MB, 280x302, 1490986947132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if I have undiagnosed Asperger's or if I'm experiencing neverending existential dread.


>> No.10312191

Holy shit - literally me rn

>> No.10312554

Currently juggling between 3 girls on whatsapp hoping at least one pays off.

>> No.10312557

Maybe you just try to intellectualize everything instead of living in the present and experiencing dharma with no projection and true enlightenment.

>> No.10312645

Today I realized that my live served primarily to draw attention from those whom I wish to love, and be loved by.
Not only in pleading actions and pleading speech, but also in the very creation of my self. Strip away that which was created for others - the intelligence persona, the artist persona, the carefree persona - what is left? What is there but a cold and sad and abandoned visage?
He wishes so desperately to be loved that love will never come. He wishes so anxiously for someone to take care of him, and for this reason alone he will be forced to care for himself.
The Healthy do not touch the Sick; they know better, should they sicken just the same.

>> No.10312649

*Life serves primarily

>> No.10312652

i still want to tell him every thing that happens during a day for me
i still want to hear about his

>> No.10312655
File: 2.18 MB, 972x1635, Rublev&#039;s_saviour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is with you all

>> No.10312675

What happened :(

>> No.10312788

Yeah that's definitely not it

>> No.10312806

I fucked up. I've basically wasted the most important experience of my life and fallen back into a sense of helplessness and squalor and rage. I tried, though, and nothing happened. I guess my problem was lack of patience? I guess I'm not strong enough to remain my best self under all conditions. I've probably hurt people as a result of this too. Fuck.

>> No.10312885

I like being alive. There's no place I'd rather be, and I hope the other anons out there can find this place too.

>> No.10312900

And you too

>> No.10312902


>> No.10313319

"you can train yourself to pursue happiness, the American mistake, the engine of our consumer dissatisfaction"

>> No.10313353

life is hard and I have little

>> No.10313582
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I want to live in U.S. but I'm uneducated white trash and don't know a way to make my dream come true.

I will probably try and get into some school that has partnership with U.S. school and work it out that way I guess.

>> No.10313606

Where are you from?

>> No.10313615
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northern Norway.

>> No.10313919


>> No.10313944

I want to write a book, but I can never motivate myself past the first page.

>> No.10313968

I'm looking for this too and I've come to a similar conclusion.


Destiny's discord is one place I've people to actually talk to. And on Tinychats in the past. Soc had a few good ones

The only thing is no one is talking about anything I want to talk about - or at least working from the axioms I'm interested in.

Destiny's debate room is the closest I've found. You can talk about anything there. I'm sure a lot of people there would find that to be a nice place on the internet to spend their days on - the only thing is I'm not one of them.

I want to approach life in a very specific way, so I've come to the conclusion that I should try to cultivate a platform for like minded people (you are the average of the people you spend time talking to).

That's basically why I'll name up with a period.

There are literature discussions and readings in real life where I've met people. There's a spectrum of the type of meetups with one more centered around partying - including good looking girls.

A site like this is where I'd go to find them in this area

There's also weekly meetings at a communist library near me for political discussion. It's a lot of really old people at most of these things with more young people - including girls - at the kind of activist things they do.

>> No.10313974

mean to reply to


>> No.10314513

and I am curious to hear the story that follows? I am one year away from finishing this arts degree. In fear of what comes post-graduation as far as work and lifestyle changes are considered, I wonder if knowing how life went for you will ease some of that fear.

>> No.10315423 [DELETED] 

Im not gay, in the last 14 years I have not gone longer than 3 months without a girlfriend, and I can even remember as a child being very aroused by my mothers breasts during feeding time, but the past few months I have had a strong unshakeable subconscious fetish for my girlfriend to pleasure my ass with her nipples. They are just so long and get so long and she has the nicest perkiest tits, I just feel it would be real intimate and possibly pleasurable sensation for her as well. I am just scared to bring this up to her because our relationship is rather vanilla.

>> No.10315425

fuck my head hurts

>> No.10315471

I find myself contemplating suicide, but not because I'm depressed or because I'm stuck in a situation which forces me towards such.

It might be because of a disconnect from the external world, I've got a happy life where I may achieve and fulfil most wants or needs and yet suicide still seems alluring in some sense.

I don't plan on taking my life, my family, friends and lovers wouldn't allow me anyways. So I'm wondering if my past decisions lead me towards this or I'm in need of help.

Probably both

>> No.10315484

Stopped being a daily masturbator and it just made me more perceptive of my sexual urges and more aware of the fact that I'm a permavirgin loser, making me more depressed than before. Is this the power of #NoFap?

>> No.10315487
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I wish I were a good person.

>> No.10315596

Adrift in a sea of nothingness.
Ive run the Gambit, now whats left?
Right. I must stay afloat.
Is it truly for her, or is it my own self-righteous fear of the unknown.
Known is such comfort and such pain.
Perhaps tomorrow I will be rescued from my delusions.
Settle in for another expanse.

>> No.10315607

Bunker ss49 here.

Walmart lines have been quite tonight, but I observed a fair amount of FEMA camp activity earlier in the day.

Once martial law is declared, DO NOT VIOLATE THE NAP. My bunker is stocked with enough food, weapons and ammo to sustain a militia for 3-5 years. i will send out radar vectors when the time comes.

Bunker ss49 over and out

>> No.10315618

I am not a weeaboo at all but I wish America would adopt a few things from Japan. Stuff like wearing masks when you're sick, fat tax (and their general thoughts on obesity), cleanliness, etc. I know Japan has messed up ideas too but if we applied just three things to America it would really help, I think.

>> No.10315656

women are wonderful, their tendency towards the mean is a biologically perfect strategy for motivating and regulating reproduction in the only species intelligent enough to arguably have informed free will. women's IQs are more average, there's few geniuses in exchange for a much stabilized lower bound - just as there are few geniuses there are also few criminals, the woman too stupid or flithy to raise a childhood to adulthood basically does not exist in nature and can only be created through extreme stimuli like meth. this makes them the backbone of society, responsible for it's continued existence as surely as your own heart must keep beating. women are totally and completely necessary.

that said feminism is essentially selling everyone's patience and understanding for the naturally beautiful sex down the river, basically for money but also importantly, attention. of course you should be able to control your own destiny but to both the genius and criminal man you are ultimately boring, your opinions aren't revolutionary because you're having them as a woman and right now feminism is ignoring all the wisdom men who really are smarter than you put forth. those men were only smarter than you FOR YOU anyway, you're the core of the species and that can't change, female subjugation is a myth created by the inability to see history beyond military cultures in which women are only inferiors for the purpose of guarding reproductive assets. a village with 80 men and 120 women loses 40 women and 10 men - what happens? What if it was 40 men and 10 women instead? Better outcome for their tribe, their village. That's why militaries, that's why "patriarchy". There's no patriarchy just military remnants. The status of women reflects the status of peace. We'd have to lose millions of people to need to go back to the old rules but go back we would if we did lose them.

>> No.10315680

last night I got drunk for the first time in months

it felt really good

now I feel like shit, extremely anxious, massive craving for more alcohol

sometimes i feel like life is just constant pain and suffering

>> No.10315687

I think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Living with my family has become unbearable. Working has become unbearable. Reading, writing, the things I used to enjoy have become unbearable. I desperately want seclusion from the world but have no sustainable way of achieving this. I am defective by mine and everyone else's standards. If only they knew - they'd flatten me out with medication, then send me back to work, gray and dull as the rest of them. I'd rather die.

>> No.10315695


We've created a culture of momentary attention grabbing.

Most people only attempt to leave an impression with quips and edginess.

It's an epidemic of loneliness and self absorption.

>> No.10315708

I just want someone who knows the things that I want that I don't.

>> No.10315720

ive learned entirely too late to appreciate my family, the only people who will ever truly love me.

>> No.10315729

I'm not sure

>> No.10315736

LOOT is what will order your mods for you. I assume you're using reddit.com/r/skyrimmods for instructions? Just follow that to the letter and you'll get there. Also, download the Clockwork mod once you get it all set up.

>> No.10315751

oh how i can relate to you my friend. Keep steady stay strong.

>> No.10315760

I don't know if I should read the Iliad or Thus Spake Zarathustra next. I tried to read the Iliad earlier but just stopped five pages in because the bombardment of figures and roundabout way of addressing them (sometimes referring to them by name, other times by lineage/family) made it confusing. This is the biggest problem in my life right now (thank the Lord) so it's hardly pressing, but I do feel pretty intimidated.

>> No.10315785


>> No.10315788

why do people make fun of cucks and give them a hard time, they are the biggest bros, the only thing that sucks is if the girl leaves them. All im saying is if my friend let me have sex with his girlfriend I wouldnt insult him about it.

>> No.10315796

>too late
not too late, unless, they are gone, or don't want to see you anymore? If those aren't the case, make up for all that time you lacked

>> No.10315799

I feel like you might be saying something interesting but this style of writing is so fucking pretentious and needlessly complicated that I just skimmed through it got annoyed enough to make this response

>> No.10315800


>> No.10315812


This is sort of funny. I read it, anon. You should put that erection into her.

>> No.10315818

>the only context you can glorify cucks in is when you are taking advantage of their cuckoldry
That should tell you enough.

>> No.10315828

Its a streamy unedited rambling musing, also at times trying to be retarded on purpose, being silly.

The first sentence encapsulates the gist. Then if I remember, I try to probe at a wondering of the nature of 'intellectual pleasure', if the concept of physical, chemical pleasure did not exist, if there is a kind of intellectual pleasure that is not based on physical chemical pleasure, but based on 'mental', cognizant, recognition of the beauty of nature and or mans abilities.

I without much thought, theorize even if humans did not have physical chemical internal 'pleasure' feeling, (no taste, no sex pleasure, no 'feeling of excitement or happiness', or adrenaline when playing sport) that humans would still do many things similarly, possibly (I haven't thought much about it, what would be similar and different, that is what I semi rhetorically asked, what might be the difference of humanity and history.

My intuition says even if we all could not feel any pleasure, knew nothing of the possibility or concept of pleasure, that somehow we would still desire the concept of fun, of play, of appreciating beauty, the desire to create and work and have a good life, I think much would be the same. Major differences from what I said would likely be, food (no taste, no big deal with millions of foods), drugs (cant feel), sex (cant feel)(would there still be similar obsession with and desire for sex even if it couldn't be felt? is there still some reason to desire being intimate with another, to feel closeness, touch (can feel touch? just no pleasure from it?) to interact with something, someone, beautiful, or without pleasure and hormones would people only have sex for reproduction and have no urge to have sex otherwise?

There would still be the game aspect of life, competition, which would drive much of the sameness, even if I don't feel pleasure, I still don't want to be the one doing the shitty job, I still would prefer nicer things, and more leisure time, etc.

>> No.10315833

>so the only context in which people antiglorify cucks is if cucks are not letting them sex their gals
That does tell me enough, I think

>> No.10315848

I guess part of the reason I ventured the thought was when considering how much pleasure and happiness drives people. If you couldn't feel happiness or pleasure, could you intellectually comprehend happiness and pleasure enough to psuedo feel it?

Could you experience different settings, as one would on earth, and have any preference, and if you preferred one over the other, would experiencing the preferred setting equal the experience of happiness, of pleasure, even if no feeling existed.

Is the human biological mind, intellect, impossible to exist without feeling, is the mind operating automatically pleasure.

Does this somehow relate to ai and neural nets and the difficulty of them and consciousness and physically feeling interactions with the world.

I got rid of taste in the example, but what about hearing, do people gain physical pleasure from hearing music?

>> No.10315894

Watching the drunkards sing in a raucous ensemble brings both feelings of despair and jealousy.
I hate them for the noise that grates on my nerves, but I love them because I will be one soon enough,
Cheersing heartedly with a silly buffoon so hard that the glasses break apart in our hands, and then we laugh and laugh as the beer and glass spills on the floor and our shoes.

Shots of irish whiskey mingle on our breath as we lean in close to tell every passerby why we love them or want to fight them.

Another Saturday night outside the irish bar.

>> No.10315936

From the time I was ten I either became aware of or created a daemon. I don't think I was aware of it as an entity in any actual way that I knew it to exist outside myself, but I became aware of it in some way inside myself as though I had turned my awareness of a mood change or some situation into a being. I became aware of it by creating it, but then I kept with it. Not as though it were always the same thing. It morphed into many shapes, so that by the time I started writing fiction and studying philosophy it became a sort of chained beast. I could do with it as I pleased, except my mind went places I shouldn't have let it go when I started taking large amounts of LSD. Somewhere along the line when I started to understand that experience, that sensation can only reflect yourself back onto yourself, I started reaching out for reason to save me from my imprisonment in a world of only myself. And I there found the deamon again, and this time it offered me a solution. It took my chains and tugged on them, and I looked at it with sympathy. I fed it. I gave it comfort. I let it grow strong because I could see that it might take me out of myself. And so when it got stronger, I told it to leave and it yanked on the chains and I yanked back. It though I was teasing it, but I only wanted it to bring me with it. Yet it settled back into a passive state, waiting for me feed it again with my praise. And that made me more and more anger. So I screamed at it. And it still did not move. So then I began to kick at it. I kicked and because it was now strong, it moved away grunting. It moved until it felt the chain attached to me. Then it looked back with fear. And I looked at, needing it to break me free of myself and yet seeing what I'd done. I could not bring this beast to break me free of this in this way. If I knew it could break me free of myself then I could only give it gratitude for what it could do, so how could I be so cruel to it now? I knew at once that it was only our friendship that could lead me beyond myself without reason. I knew I must attempt to see it as an equal. Yet as soon as I made the daemon an equal, it told me the method to becoming a being in the world again, a being that has no distance to all that comes to it. The daemon told me the method and I broke the chains.

I suppose I at least get to type this now. I get these moments - though I know it is the creatures cruelty only that allow it. Some days I even feel in control. But I suppose that is false also. It all seems false now. Only when I sleep, and I sleep often here inside, do I feel released from the pact. I just hope one day it will be done with and I will, as it said, be finally asleep.

I am glad the daemon thrives. Really. I am glad for it. It brings me peace to see a daemon returned to its home world.

>> No.10315964

The condemnation of cuckoldry is for "letting" your girlfriend be fucked by other guys, not because cucks won't include you in their humiliation. Your rashness to just shuffle around the negatives demonstrates superficial consideration of the paradigm.

>> No.10316010

Not him, but "pseudo feeling" pleasure is still feeling it.
Beyond that, pleasure is how we experience attaining our wants and needs. Unless you'd want us to eliminate the pursuit of biological needs and basically accept death then there will always be some form of pleasure. or satisfaction.

Feeling is a lesser version of thinking. The only way to completely eliminate feeling would be to basically attain such a high state of sentience that we cease the need for our bodies to act for us.

I see feeling as a grasping and intangible aura around a tangible 'conscious knowledge' - all within an larger box.
That aura is largely how we perceive things in that box and influences how we interact with those things.
The only way to eliminate the aura would be to have conscious knowledge take over what it does for us.

I believe there are actually ways to consciously control all unconscious biological processes, or at least a lot more than we are currently in control over.

Elon Musks Neuralink is seeking to basically give this power to an Operating System but in the meantime it needs to solve the problem of how to get a detailed picture of everything that is going on in the brain. I think if there were biofeedback equipment like that, we could just teach ourselves things from there.

If we were able to see our live testosterone level on a computer for example, I think we'd be able to learn to consciously boost it.
It would feel similar to making ourselves feel a certain kind of anger until we refine the feeling to just test.

>> No.10316051

I really love you all

>> No.10316062

the post the poster I responded to originally responded to, is the 2nd in the thread, and is not saying 'how can we stop experiencing pleasure', but is merely a thought experiment, about how different humanity and history might have played out and be, if humans, or theoretical planet with theoretical conscious intelligent species developed without being about to consciously, physiologically, chemically, feel pleasure.

I am wondering things like, would people ever smile? Would humor exist? would Art? What would daily life for people be like? Without taste there would be no need for many foods.

But I think a lot would be the same.

Value would simply not be in terms of pleasure.

But then I was wondering about 'intellectual pleasure', abstract, not derived from chemicals, wondering if this does occur or if its possible.

Like pleasure from certain aesthetics. Would kids still desire to go to ball games, and play laser tag.

I guess a crux of my wondering, is even taking pleasure, physical chemical biological nervous system sensation whatever pleasure out of the equation, off the table, there are still many many reasons and values to living:

but then where the philosophy and semantic parsing begins is: Is any desire, motive, automatically 'a pleasure'.

If noone can feel anything, but in that world, a person still wants a yacht, and to sail around, and ''''enjoys'''' (without feeling, what is the meaning of this term and concept?) the scenery, if the person chooses to go out on their yacht instead of walking on hot coals, or going sky diving, does that mean in that moment going on the yacht ''''pleases'''' him more? Is of greater desire? And what compels this desire, or any desire one might have in that world of no feeling?

If one can feel no difference internally of happiness between winning a game of monopoly and getting shit on by a pig, and eating a steak and viewing a sublime piece of art, and riding a bike; if all of that felt the same as sitting and doing nothing, why not sit and do nothing:

If not for the feeling, than what for?

(And then that gets into the real world, many people sacrifice their feelings for security, maybe to degrees most: and thus security becomes the feeling of happiness, or its base.)

So then, even if one cannot feel pleasure from sailing, or surfing, or yachting

thats when I wonder about the '''intellectual pleasure'''

(first to interject, there is the real 'runners high' and there is some 'pleasure' to thinking, or can be, when the mind is actively smooth and thinking, it can feel good sensation at forehead and maybe put everything else at ease)

Is if apart from feeling, the intellect can '''experience pleasure''' just by realizing and thinking: I know there is a difference between sitting in a dark room and moving about, I can detect differences between these paintings, and I can see how much more effort this painting might have taken and that inspires me to try harder with my craft

>> No.10316065

>The condemnation of cuckoldry is for "letting" your girlfriend be fucked by other guys,
What is the condemnation for? You just said the condemnation of cuckoldry is cuckoldry, a tautology, were trying to dig deeper here

>> No.10316075

Is life as contentless as it seems or do I just have fucked up serotonin levels? Can both be true?

It just isn't any good. I don't understand what people mean when they say "I agree life sucks, but have fun anyway :)!!!!" How can you have fun if life sucks? I'm not going around trying to be morose or being an adolescent nihilist about it. The fucking place sucks.

I just don't understand it. They tell me to go home and watch funny Youtube videos or learn to enjoy watching TV adaptations of movie adaptations of shitty YA books. The whole reason life sucks in the first place is because all that shit is terrible and not worth experiencing. It's awful. I can't unwind by watching the things that leave me bored and numb in the first place. I'm not shunning the shit out of some hipster pride. It actually fucking sucks. It's endless grey predictable nothingness.

My poor family wants me to learn to enjoy doing nothing. My rich friends want to solve every problem by throwing money at it and consuming prolefeed at MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE. I don't like either solution. Where is the place where history still has meaning and it's possible to take life seriously? Am I in the wrong dimension or something?

>> No.10316089

Do you treat your girlfriend's carnality as communal?

>> No.10316102

Finding meaning is difficult. It is not something that becomes cliche or pointless, it is a continuous exercise.
It requires critical thinking upon minutia, as often as it requires distant perspective. I have trouble with myself, however, in accepting my mercurial meanings. Libal to change from one week to the next I spend my life spread thin.
Follow through is a beam that rests in the middle of a impressive domicile as comfortably as it rests in a single roomed cabin, where in both instances it is uncovered and proudly visible as it supports the house. It is there that meaning comes together and finds comfort love and joy.

>> No.10316108

It's these early morning hours that gnaw at me, as I find myself reflecting on everything that I have destroyed.
Work can be a hopeful refuge, as I find myself distracted by my repetitive and menial tasks at hand, until my customers slowly abandon and I'm left on my own, feeling alone.
I find myself overwhelmed with thoughts of my last love and feel distraught of the power they still hold on me.
You were absolutely absurd and yet, I am the one acting foolish now. You are no longer physically with me and yet, you are all around me. You are missing from me.

>inb4 I write a book about us and become the next John fucking Green

>> No.10316117

Though pleasure does or can come with winning (in relation to ball games, laser tags, competition in general, life, success) the desire to win, to be successful, to triumph, may be beyond pleasure, beyond happiness, may be the most fundamental thing, the concept and or essence of existence, remaining.

Though it just so happens that in life, winning, being successful usually comes with or means increased access to increased pleasures and enjoyments: so a bit of a chicken or the egg in all of this.

Is pleasure, happiness, enjoyment not King? To whom we all bow and praise, celebrate and cherish above all?

We do the one thing so we can have the other, and have the other so we can do the one thing. There are only so many hours in the day, and life, what should we want of them. There is what is necessary, the need to play and win the games of life to remain existing, and try to enjoy it, and pursue your happiness where and when you can.

If it were completely up to us, would we not just mainly want happiness and pleasure and fun and enjoyment as much as possible? And then maybe we would get sick and tired and want a break, what are we after? What is our points? Is the happiness and fun we want 'beyond feeling pleasure', some of it? What I mean by that, is, the things we like a love, and think are exciting, pleasurable and fun, how much is because of the chemical pleasure it gives us, and how much because of some 'grand special coolness' beyond physical feeling and what is the meaning or matter either way?

Are all forms of entertainment and pleasure simply 'large abstract needles or pills' which 'only exist' to administer the pleasurable chemical feeling associated with them? Or are the forms of entertainment and fun and pleasure meaningful, special, cool, important, valuable, on their own, and little spurts of feeling above 0 pleasure here and there is a small bonus? I understand if that is ponderable and approaching answerable at all, it is case by case basis.

>> No.10316122

is everyone a cuck?

>> No.10316177


>> No.10316213
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Does anyone else ever get really weird about being a brain, existing behind your eyes, and you pilot a meat-mecha?

And everyone else are just, brains piloting fucking meat robots. And nobody ever talks about that.

I think about it a lot.
What the fuck.

>> No.10316227

You should read Merleau-Ponty

>> No.10316277

out of all the ways things could be (?) this is how they are

>> No.10316289

If I had a speakeasy my password would be, "Yes, I will allow you to masturbate to me."

>> No.10316357

You're not "supposed" to find contentment in all that garbage. You're trapped in a little first-world privilege bubble, but you're more healthy than they are. Your problem is not trying hard enough to seek out meaning in the world. You've only realized it's not where you are now.

>> No.10316382

Thank you anon

This shit keeps me awake

>> No.10316408

Im 24 and I'm mentally 14
I did absolutely nothing these 10 years, most of it was spent on watching porn and jacking off. I mean I had friends and girls and went to uni (drop out) and did some drugs. Nothing was accomplished, nothing developed, nothing changed

>> No.10316414

Pleasure and pain are intertwined. The feeling of pain going away is pleasurable.

So if there was no pleasure then there would be no pain. Humans would lay down, not move, and die. We do everything we do by chasing pleasure or fleeing pain.

Any desire whatsoever is something that is seeking a pleasure. No pleasure, no desire. No nothing.

I'm more interested in the question of what if we can make ourselves automatically feel pleasure through conscious control of serotonin, dopamine, etc. This is where technology is going.

What would there be left to do after that?

>> No.10316415

Projecting? Sorry to hear that.

>> No.10316436

I want to fuck the portuguese 19yo homely petite girl at work

>> No.10316437

How is he projecting?
I get the feeling you're a schizophrenic and you think he's talking about you.

>> No.10316441

Thats an oddly schizophrenic comment to make.

>> No.10316446

I've really grown fond of our londonfrog friend. I can tell hes really trying to better himself and hes just looking for support.

>> No.10316448

great pic anon :)

comfy post

>> No.10316455

how do I fuck the 19yo portuguese lady?

>> No.10316462

In three hundred years, writers will title their novels after Falkner’s work as well as ShakespeAreks

>> No.10316481


>> No.10316485

"As I Stand Living"
a nod at least

>> No.10316494


The weight of generations

>> No.10316598

Seems inappropriate my lad, she's a lass at best

>> No.10317735
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>> No.10317740

i'm wondering whether you'll ever realize that the issue is you; interesting people do exist, but you're unlikely to meet them—you aren't worth their time, and they aren't interested in your opinions about anime

have a good day

>> No.10317826

It's a leap but intuition tells me there's a good chance I'm right.
A friend irl is schizophrenic and he'll accuse me of things like that when he's in a mood.

I've noticed it online before too. They often seem to have the same types of delusions.

>> No.10317893

That's rude.
He alludes to the life he's living being the cause of nofriends and says he needs to live differently, and pursue his interests.

But I can see what he means. I never see the kind of people I'd genuinely want to be friends with. Not here, not when I hang out with the people I call friends irl, and not when I try to meet new people.
It's depressing. especially because - being so far away from a healthy social life - it's hard to be sure if getting one would even fix anything. (Though when it comes down to it, I know that getting a healthy dating and social life would obviously go a long way in making life more enjoyable - that just doesn't offer much consolation when it feels so far away )

Anyway, becoming the kind of person that would have the friends you want - and doing it by pursuing the things you want to do. That's the take away.
It's not particularly original. I've been thinking the same for over a year now. But it seems to be the way to go about things.

>> No.10318014

That's a really weird way to tell me I have a caffeine problem anon.

>> No.10318022

An egg left unattended is crushed underfoot?

>> No.10318175

its hard to find people with your similar interests irl maybe, he thought, assumed, as many people might, it may be easier to do so online, he is disappointed that he has still not found good friends

>> No.10318227

I psyched myself into thinking that my girlfriend was pregnant but then she started her period on my birthday

cons: birthday sex put on hold
pros: I'm not a father

Good birthday desu

>> No.10318287
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I am a legitimate madman and a fool. I think that alone grants me the ability to write a something that would show the world to others in a new light. It would be my greatest joy to do so.

At the same time I am plagued by constant self doubt because of my inability to accurately spell without spellcheck. Also my lack of a higher education.

Still to be quite honest I have retreated so far away from society that I certainly have quite the view. Really though my heart pounds as I write. I have never actually created something before. I had just sat. I sat and sat and sat playing with the next set of instructions and mechanics.

I never created something in my life and the thought of showing it to someone is killing me.

>> No.10318362

i feel what isn't there

it's real

his hands hurt me

he chokes me

no speaking

nowhere is safe

he lives inside

i feel him now

i feel him everywhere

he lives, i die

my body is a host for evil

(i'm not trying to be deep i'm literally just a venting schizo)

>> No.10318377

If its absolutely necessary to vent here to feel better then please vent. Also seek help and medication if you aren't.

>> No.10318412
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Relax and breath.

>> No.10318759

a little more:
have you ever tried to kill somebody
have you ever really tried to kill somebody
not out of malice
but survival
predator and prey
which was i?
have you ever had to look around and think
"what can i use to kill this person"
i had to kill him
he was going to kill me
i was at his mercy
i am still at his mercy
but if he killed me
he would have killed her too
a man twice my size
i hurt him
i hurt him bad
have you ever seen a ring of keys and thought
"i can use these to gouge out his eyes"
"this is what will save me"
have you ever stabbed somebody with a key
have you ever been covered in somebody else's blood
i have
he kissed me when i did it
his mouth was full of blood
i tasted his sickness
he was crazy
i am crazy
his blood is in mine
my veins are tainted
i am tainted
he's still alive
i wish i was dead

thanks anon, sending my words away helps. it's like a lamer version of putting a message in a bottle and throwing it into the ocean
(i'm getting help btw but thank you)

it's nice to be reminded sometimes

>> No.10318765


>> No.10318964
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Please watch our for Rabbits fellows. They're in full force tonight.

>> No.10319078

Well that's a pleasant thought to stroke the ego.

>> No.10319111
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You got your pat on the back. Please leave.

>> No.10319191

why? this is basically a feels thread. if my rambling makes you uncomfortable, i'm accomplishing my goal. it's not supposed to be good.

>> No.10319317

>menstrual cycle means you're not allowed to have sex
>accidental pregnancy would mean you have to have a kid

I think we all carry with us some level of learned helplessness but you seem to have it worse than most.

>hard to meet people that share interests

Finding people isn't the hard part. See:

>intellectually geared discord. A place to talk about anything
>cool kid lit meetup / party source
>intellectual / political meetup

I found that guy Destiny's discord after a few days of looking into the discord communities of random twitch streamers.
I was looking for a decent online community before coming to a similar conclusion as 28 year old anon ( >>10304281 ): you have to do your own thing and do it in real life.
Except unlike him I do think the internet can serve a purpose. Let's look at his 2 examples:
Both are forms of content creation and content is meant to be consumed. The internet is where you scale your search for consumers. The internet can basically just scale You.

But I agree that doing things in the real world should precedence. Actually Doing is the hardest part. Finding potential friends is as easy as Google searching and sifting through the duds for venues that put on events where interesting people go.

Unless you live deeply in the middle of nowhere there are probably websites, facebook and meetup.com groups where events are posted. If you're looking for lit events just stay away from venues that have a lot of memoir readings (unless you're interested in making friends with aging liberals - if not a cougar then I'd bet you could at least find an unattractive older couple to swing with)

The hard part isn't finding the people you're interested in; it's consistently showing up there to ingratiate yourself in that scene, pushing through anxiety to meet people, then pushing the embarrassment when you make a fool of yourself + all the shit in between. That's the hard part.

>> No.10319383

Because I saw this post >>10318964
and it reminded me of the reddit alien. The other. The boogeyman. The fact of the matter is after I had shown you compassion I felt a ping of guilt because I am still connect to this god forsaken hive mind. I'm sorry. I wish you nothing but a brighter future.

>> No.10319422


Right, Watt's son, you're mined

>> No.10319427

This is how I feel
In high school there were some fake people and all but mostly just guys and girls trying to get through the day and go home, maybe make a few friends and shit, even the preppy kids were generally pretty real to you when you leveled with them
Now everyone's playing some fucking game where they've got to be 100% on top of themselves at all times to try and fit in and all and I truly detest it
Serves me right for going to a school with 75% Greek life enrollment

>> No.10319460


In the last 4 hours I've
giggled like a lunatic
read trainspotting out loud
and I just realized that my apartment door was open was open the whole time.
how fucked am I?

>> No.10319465

Not at all. Have fun! Out of sight out of mind!

>> No.10319473

Thanks my man!

>> No.10319484

No problem bud. Make sure to start a routine next time. Like leaving an inconvenient out of place box in front of the door. That will make sure nothing like that will ever happen again!

>> No.10319504
File: 24 KB, 592x328, ennui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize I'm self-aware enough to realize I'm kind of stupid
>mfw I'm too stupid to do anything useful about it

>> No.10319521

Usually I lock my door, but I was drunk from the very beginning. Stupid of me, I know, but I'm just so neurotic. I remember all the weird bumps and noises that come from my neighbors apartments, so I assume everybody is the same as me.
Guh. Stupid.

>> No.10319527

Do you make noise during masturbation?

>> No.10319545

Hahaha, nope. I'm that kind of neurotic masturbator from years of masturbating while living with the parents. I don't live with my parents now, of course, but still...
I mean, Jesus, I fucking hope so. Can you imagine?

>> No.10319563

Hey now. That self awareness is the key and catalyst to anything of value. If you are stupid go use khan academy, read, think, convey, and watch the world go to hell through the window called 4chan.

It happens. I once came home from school when I was a wee lad while my parents were away for work. Now see we had 4 cats at the time and apparently I had left the door open. One ran away, though it did come back exactly 1 month later. You are not alone. These things are normal to slip the mind.

Also odds are yeah your probably silent as you jerk it. Same. A lot of our tendencies check out its its disconcerting to say the least but all in all I wanna say don't worry so much. Give yourself prostate cancer ya prude. So have a giggle m8. Bathe in that vomit till you can make it a jetpack.

>> No.10319609

Thanks dude, honestly it's pretty late here and I DO try to be real quiet otherwise, but I'm also super neurotic and end up convincing myself that I've fucked up the whole time anyway

>> No.10320479 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10320520

hahaha now I'm sober, and positive that my neighbors hate me for being a drunk fuckhead on a sunday. Jesus, somebody just fucking kill me.

>> No.10320568

i have this rough draft i have to do for my 10 oclock english class and im like 1k words in and the word count is like 2k so i took another vyvanse and im almost out even though im prescribed them because i abuse them like a reasonable college student so anyways im gonna write this meme literary analysis on ray bradburys the veldt

>> No.10320632

What do't you like about the legal field? I'm a philosophy major so this feels like my only option. I might switch to economics but I might be too dumb for that.

>> No.10320942

In this moment, I am jouissanced. Not because of any filthy hedonist's injunction, but because I am uncompromising with regard to my desire.