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/lit/ - Literature

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10324669 No.10324669 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw inviting a girl over from my French Lit class to talk about literature and share what we've been writing but she just wants to have sex

I'm not even being ironic here, it genuinely bothers me to trust in someone the intimate experience of sharing our thoughts and feelings that should personally mean something to us, only to have her not even remotely giving a fuck and using it as a pretext for hooking up. I fucking hate how disconected we are from art, how we're reaching a Huxley-esque era of biological necessities over a deeper, more meaningful experience of being, and it genuinely makes me want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.10324673

Just a daily reminder that we live in Brave New World not 1984. It's all our fault.

>> No.10324675

fuck her and then talk writing anon, you wont get anything sincere otherwise

>> No.10324679

Calm down, drink a single malt Irish whiskey, fuck her, and then talk about faggot lit in bed while having a smoke.

>> No.10324688

keep the fuck buddy, find a nerdy ho to talk about serious shit with.

>> No.10324694


>> No.10324695

>thinking women actually enjoy art
>not just using it as a machiavellian means of gaining social capital
why do you think ugly girls read so many books

>> No.10324698
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You can talk about those things after sex, though.
Damn, if you play your cards right you can even make her want to stay and talk to you about it among other things in a long lasting relationship.

>> No.10324702
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>> No.10324707

Humans are bound by biological impulses developed through evolution. We are dumb monkeys programmed to breed. Remember, whats the first thing that comes to mind when you see a smoking hot chick? "FUCK FUCK FUCK". So, yeah.

>> No.10324708

i know that you nicked this from a post about movies you queer

>> No.10324712


>taking a class on the literature of the country famous for libertines and Marquis de Saade
>being surprised a student of such literature is down to fuck

lol do you even France

>> No.10324716

You are so fucking gay

>> No.10324719

Might be hard to believe, but I didn't. I'm just stating some self evident truths.

>> No.10324846

dude, you're supposed to fuck her first and turn to literature in the post-coital pillow talk. If you want trust and intimate experience with a girl, there's nothing that builds up that closeness and comfyness like sex

>> No.10324907

like the whole point of taking a french literature class is to get beyond our American protestant hellhole where pleasure and the higher things are thought to exist in completely independent realms. Why can't sex lead you to a deeper, more meaningful experience of being? Why does pleasure have to only be guilty, shallow, and immoral?.

If you live your daily life thinking that you're better and more sophisticated than everyone else because you search for "depth" and "connection," but turn down sex because it's too base and impure and unthinking for you, then of course you're gonna be a bitter, edgy loner who wastes all their time searching for meaning in "philosophical" novels and posting wojaks on an shitty omani camel-racing forum

>> No.10324910

whoops, meant to reply to op's original post

>> No.10324948

>protestant hellhole

How's that inferiority complex working out for you? https://www.amazon.com/No-Offense-Civil-Religion-Protestant/dp/0816403856

>> No.10325008

reminder that a girl loves to have good sex on her birthday

>> No.10325226

You could always fuck her and talk about literature afterwards you fucking homo.

>> No.10325328

I wish I could say I knew that feeling.

>> No.10325398

Did you forget to read On Women?

>> No.10325425

c-can I read what you've been writing anon?

>> No.10325460

this but unironically

>> No.10325483

I used to be the kind of person to call you a fag for not wanting pussy, until I actually had sex. Sex is great, but it's never even come close to the emotional intensity of sharing really intimate moments opening up to someone you care about, and the pleasure of sex hasn't come close to the feeling of emptiness that follows it most of the time, realizing how baseless and disconnected it is from real intimacy.

>> No.10325486

first post best post. Sigh

>> No.10325489

tell me more about your experience with women

>> No.10325508

>hey, now we are done fucking, wanna talk about the homeric poems?

>> No.10325533

If a girl tried to fuck me like that I'd throw her out of my house.

>> No.10325633

Weininger was right about women. The only way to save them is if all the men in the world decided not to have sex with them ever again.

>> No.10325656
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>not fucking and talking about art afterwards while cuddling in bed

Your loss, autismo.

>> No.10325694

this post is so fucking gay

>> No.10325702

No it's not. The human race would end but it would be worth it to see women actually self-actualize for once in their lives.

>> No.10325715


>> No.10325742

all women arent real, they're npc's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophical_zombie

>In such a being as the absolute female there are no logical and ethical phenomena, and, therefore, the ground for the assumption of a soul is absent. - Otto Weininger

they are our collective imagination in physical form. no soul, no concept of morality nor logic. they do not exist as people.

>Women have no existence and no essence; they are not, they are nothing. Mankind occurs as male or female, as something or nothing. Woman has no share in ontological reality, no relation to the thing-in-itself, which, in the deepest interpretation, is the absolute, is God. Woman has no relation to the idea, she neither affirms nor denies it; she is neither moral nor anti-moral; mathematically speaking, she has no sign; she is purposeless, neither good nor bad. She is as non-moral as she is non-logical. But all existence is moral and logical existence. So woman has no existence. - Otto Weininger

>> No.10325758
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You gave up an opportunity for sex due to pride. No matter what you're getting sex. Win win. If you weren't such an autistic faggot you would've found a way to make it work. I'm glad you didn't, because I don't want your ilk muddying up the human gene pool.

>> No.10325765

now that is really fucking gay. I'd love to hear your comeback for that faggot!

>> No.10325777

i have a child

>> No.10325946

How was the adoption process?

>> No.10326019

>Watches mad men once

>> No.10326023

try low self-esteem and an ugly face

>> No.10326027

>tfw went on a date today with a lit qt and browsed second hand book shops together
>tfw she bought The Pilgrim's Progress for herself and then A Confederacy of Dunces too after I recommended it

Feels good desu, plus she doesn't want to have sex yet :D

>> No.10326060

Can be said for both genders DESU. Why do ugly guys read books?
Hint: both know they lack in looks department and have to make up for it elsewhere senpai

>> No.10326064

It's a 3-way:
>Brave New World where everyone has a copy of DFW's The Entertainment with a sprinkle of 1984.

>> No.10326068

I'm 30 and have fucked nearly 70ish (?) women, and the few times I didn't carry through I regretted it.

>> No.10326322

>good looking people is dummies who don't read

>> No.10326360
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>Humans are bound by biological impulses
You know that niggers aren't the only species in the homo genus, right?

>> No.10326493
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Become Catholic. We venerate chastity and virginity.

>> No.10326503


>> No.10326645

Didn't say anything about good looking people reading books, only about possible reasons for less attractive people who do.

>> No.10326649


OP, my suggestion is to wait and see if she comes onto you. If she does, slap her hard in the face and tell her she is a whore doomed to eternal hellfire if she doesn’t repent. Then, force her to give you her father’s phone number. Call her father and tell him you had to chastise his daughter for him. He’ll probably be grateful, and who knows, there may be one less slut in the world.

>> No.10326856

Truly 'tis the golden age of /lit/

>> No.10327587

>doesn't remember the glorious tripfag age

>> No.10327672


>> No.10327715

What are you even doing here?

>> No.10327752

>be OP (faggot)
>see a post in threadshot thread
>make nearly identical one with some details changed
>fresh rebbit arrivals still give you infinite (you)s and ebyn sex advice from 25 year old virgins
Well played, OP. Well played.

>> No.10327782

>mfw all these serious responses
>mfw OP stole this from /r9k/ and made it /lit/ related

>> No.10327800

>drunk brazilian girl offers to teach me portugese
>definitely just hitting on me
>her boyfriend gets mad and drives off
>she vomits all over the pooldeck
Why couldn't she have just been sincere? I'd have liked learning portugese

>> No.10327814

1984 and BNW aren't mutually exclusive. I think we're in a mixture of both.

>> No.10327875
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>tfw we live in a world where brainlets keep comparing anything and everything to overly dramatic fiction works for teenagers

>> No.10327966

This but don't drink and don't smoke and tease her with your dick such that you receive a thrust she must first give you a literary opinion

>> No.10328296

And that can be solved, with some nice, deep, french literature after-sex talk with your playmate

>> No.10328309

>not having sex while loudly shouting foucault passages at each other

>> No.10328407

>having sex while loudly shouting foucault passages
That's how you get the AIDS most of the time.

>> No.10329397

Bout damn time you got that dick of yours wet lmao

>> No.10329415


>> No.10329757

You talk after the fug :D

>> No.10329761
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>be 14
>read both books
>think I'm enlightened
>see this post
>feel belittled

just fucking ban me already so I can leave and my feelings don't get hurt again

>> No.10329764

you're too romantic for this world lad

>> No.10329790

I mean Bnw actually fits really well into what’s happening today. Do you expect them not to point it out

>> No.10329818

>how disconected we are from art, how we're reaching a Huxley-esque era of biological necessities over a deeper, more meaningful experience of being
What makes you think it was ever different? Keep in mind that until recently, almost all humans were subsistence farmers. Subsistence farmers are compelled by circumstance to spend a great deal of energy dwelling on biological necessity.

>> No.10329846


retarded gobledy gook

>> No.10329858

t. BUTTBLASTED roastie

>> No.10329896

Et tu, feelus?

>> No.10329930

I think it depends on where you live if you live in North Korea Its 1984 In America or Canada its a BNW

>> No.10330002


>> No.10330235

Do it.

>> No.10330279

The entire point of literature, hell, EVERYTHING is sexual intercourse.
Theres even a suboard dedicate practicly to complaing all day about the lack of it (/mu/).

>> No.10330550


>> No.10330559

wew lad.

>tfw doesn't matter how hot she is, when im not genuinely madly in love with her I feel like scum the moment im finished.
>i have to get out of bed and smoke a cigarette in the kitchen while i contemplate my life

>> No.10330564

That should be the contrary you retard. When you truly love a woman, you admire her, you deify her, and you can't fuck her.

>> No.10330594

>The entire point of literature, hell, EVERYTHING is sexual intercourse.
This is such a stupid idea but part of me is worried that it's true

>> No.10330608

No it's not true at all and it's retarded. You can't be surprised a 20 some teenager brain comes up with such a stupid idea though