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/lit/ - Literature

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10350135 No.10350135 [Reply] [Original]

Best books for /pol/acks? Looking for ultra masculine and traditional shit.

>> No.10350144

The big 5 of redpill
>Culture of Critique
>Mein Kampf
>'On Women'
>Brevik's manifesto
>Gulag Archepelago

>> No.10350150
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this desu

>> No.10350163

>he doesn't know that /pol/ thinks the following about Hegelian dialectics

read and weep

>I should probably just make a pasta about this at this point, Athism is a mix of marxism, nihilism, and Christianity and all bundled into one core idealogy which focuses its worship around the concept of the Hegelian Dialectic and solipsism, in which solipsism is selectively used to deny certain syllogisms and observable phenomena in the environment. Most athiest are Christians at heart, they have the same moral structures, beliefs, and carry themselves in the manner of heretical but still highly obvious Christians. lrn2 ontology
>He who controls the Hegelian dialectic controls the world.
>They are using global warming/climate change as a way to further their globalist agenda to establish a single planetary government. Remember: Global 'problems' require global 'solutions'. This is the Hegelian dialectic on a global scale. Not only do they want a single planetary government, but they also want to DE-INDUSTRIALISE THE WORLD via their global warming/climate change SCAM. Don't fall for it
>Neocohens aren't a new phenomenon. You're just waking up. Jews hve been playing the Hegelian dialectic forever.
>Bear in mind that the Hegelian Dialectic is another old and consistently effective page from the playbook. This same Chicago crowd also practices the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine; after sufficient chaos is created, then there is moral justification for militaristic forces to come in and stomp out the chaos in order to restore order: the new world order.
>I'd just point out that the most ''''conoservative'''' jews I know also happen to be the most neocon--Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris, for instance are super zionists in their own ways. Compare them to the ''''liberals'''' like Chomsky whose job it appears to be to break down other western societies in a Hegelian dialectic--good cop, bad cop tandem as you say

There are thousands of these posts

>> No.10350169
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Good short book.

>> No.10350170

>The beleif that everything is a complete accident of chemestry and everyone is a soulless machine driven by chemical interactions is an example the duality I speak of. Likewise people who become so fully immersed in religon that they beleive in God's predetermined plan for them. It's the same duality that has been created in people to control the way they react. Hegelian dialectic is a very basic form social engineering and there are much more subtle and advanced methods
>The World has echoes of the Hegelian Dialectic. The Illuminati NWO as the pyramid, and some other on the left, clearly being both controlled by some third party. Perhaps this has been rearranged from the Illuminati being in the obvious middle, to show their possible back-up plan, The Mask, acting like they were not the center.
>Hegelian dialectic is literally cultural marxism.
> It's called the Hegelian dialectic. Create a scenario, sow seeds of ideologies, and divide and conquer. As of now it's Pizzagate conspiracy nuts vs. your average bluepill drone, and they're trying to push that divide
>The Jew's are another Hegelian dialectic.
>I'd rather not be a pawn and get dragged into some Hegelian Dialectic race war bullshit which (((they))) are so clearly orchestrating.
>Until you realize they are the sole force behind the Great Depression, WWI, WWII, and soon to be WWIII. They are misguided fools—but they are tremendously powerful. They believe in achieving one world government through Hegelian Dialectic, which in short is—create so much conflict that the pain of separation exceeds the pain of unity.
>This is the hegelian dialectic, Judea's most powerful and efficient weapon. A weapon that plays on the insecurities and fear of the masses that are too afraid or lazy to band together and fight.
>Talk about advance Jewish mind control (aka Hegelian Dialectic)
>Hegelian dialectic is simple. Create a problem, with the solution ready to go when people are desperate.

>> No.10350268

Christ no.

If you want to dive into genuine rightist literature, look into Joseph de Maistre, Oswald Spengler, Rene Guenon, Julius Evola, and if you want a more modern thinker, look up Moldbug.

>> No.10350310

How to Succeed at Suicide.

>> No.10350673

stop falseflagging

>> No.10351126

Was having a really bad week, saw this and actually laughed. thanks anon

>> No.10351132

Is this satire?

>> No.10351887

are you a brainlet?

>> No.10351891
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Abandon your delusions of a masculinity that never was, and read the Gospels.

>> No.10351894
File: 139 KB, 605x800, just fuck my weapons up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright i'm done with this board

bye everybody thanks for introducing me to the greeks

>> No.10351983

Nah, fuck your spooky ultramasculine trad shit.

The Dialectical Imagination by Martin Jay
The Sublime Object of Ideology by Zizek
Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher
Society of the Spectacle by Debord
Valences of the Dialectic by Jameson
Critique of Everyday Life by Lefebvre
What is Philosophy? by Agamben

Read these in good faith and you may be well on your way towards removing your head from your ass

>> No.10352163
File: 824 KB, 2048x2048, C5FA475B-36A6-4B68-A6EF-B8EA65736E65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m getting really tired of /pol/tards invading every board

>> No.10352296

no. go away.

>> No.10352301

then leave 4chan. bye bye!

>> No.10352344

>Heglian Dialectic
You've got a lot to learn about Hegel because that is the easiest concept to into, and might as well be a marxist term at this point

>> No.10352348

And he used it completely wrong, kind of embarassing

>> No.10352351
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Fuck off redditor.

>> No.10352358

why did you post a picture of some random dude? is that supposed to be you? and, more importantly, why wont you quit your tantrum and leave already?

>> No.10352359

Peak /pol/tard?

>> No.10353705


What do you mean?

>> No.10353712

Not that guy but I think it's supposed to be you in the picture, judging by your cringeworthy newfaggot responses

>> No.10353784
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>It's everybody else's fault but mine

>> No.10354285

Stoner, Grapes of Wrath, A confederacy of dunces.

>> No.10354333

Homer (Lattimore)
Ted Kaczynski
Rene Guenon

>> No.10354350
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Eat shit nigger.

>> No.10354385

>Brevik's manifesto
>Not unabomber

>> No.10354581
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>> No.10354675

Adios America is actually a pretty good book though.

>> No.10354720

Is this an extremely esoteric Loss?

>> No.10355410


>> No.10355435

>enforcing kike on a stick meme this hard