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File: 302 KB, 1399x742, EB002803-F025-43B5-B54B-74DB564198F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10693137 No.10693137 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit guys,it’s happening. Lacan v Jung, left v right, clash of the titans


>> No.10693218

>Lacan v Jung
Never existed. Unplug all your electronics and read a book instead of watching youtube philosophers.

>> No.10693225

This is the only wish I've made in the past three years that actually might come true
Luck, please be a lady this year

>> No.10693230

He doesn't mean it literally, brainlet.

>> No.10693237

Hashirama v Madara

>> No.10693238

Why is he so butthurt? Zizek hardly even gives a shit about him.

>> No.10693249

this better be b8

>> No.10693251
File: 31 KB, 650x366, 547e59f63e343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the redpill, lit, you won't od or anything

>> No.10693254

you mean zizek phoned it in? hmmmmmm......

>> No.10693259

both of them thrive on publicity, Zizek to a lesser extent. Peterson has gone all in at this point, he can't stop now.

>> No.10693260

>t. TERF

>> No.10693261

Yeah. Why even point it out?

>> No.10693263

They're the two most public intellectuals of the current year, coming from opposite schools of both psychology and politics. They surely mean something to one another.

>> No.10693276

>oh shit, Zizek wrote a piece on Peterson? Finally, a genuine no-nonsense critique of him from the other si-



>> No.10693277

He relies upon constant consumption of publicly. Key word: consumption. He's a literal embodiment of capitalism.

>> No.10693281

>you really phoned this in

what does this mean? Like he's a phony, or he had someone transcribe the article for him in a rush over the p hone? please tell me

>> No.10693282

not a piece on peterson. a piece that mentions peterson. learn to read, idiot

>> No.10693286

Read the title. It's written for leftists to wake up and deal with it. The left doesn't have any solutions and that's why this guy is able to be a father figure for so many so easily.

>> No.10693288

fucc its like godzilla v king kong, freddy v jason, britney v christina

>> No.10693292

Means low effort. Imagine calling someone to tell them that you love them. It's kinda like that.

>> No.10693293

It mentions him in the title
And the subtitle
And the url
And five out of the eight paragraphs that form the piece
And the three that don't mention him are used to set up a point in the next paragraph that does
Filled with small quotes completely out of their contexts

Damn, you're probably right anon... why am I so stupid...

>> No.10693294

Most of peterson's popularity doesn't even come from le father figure meme
I think the average person in the silent majority is much closer to him than any alternative

>> No.10693300

It had to sell well

>> No.10693310

Fair enough

>> No.10693311
File: 719 KB, 711x1000, final_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone pls make a poster like pic related

'feud of the pseuds'

>> No.10693313

Why is your spacing so irritating you faggot

>> No.10693314

That's exactly what I mean by father. There was a position open for a spokesman of the average Joe and he took it.

>> No.10693317

Gogol vs. Dostoevsky

>> No.10693319

i bet you think godel escher bach is about a mathematician, painter and a musician

>> No.10693321

For emphasis on the plurality of references to Peterson, followed by a double-space to clearly indicate that the list was over

>> No.10693323

It’s because you have a shrimp dick and you can’t deal with that emotionally so nonsensical things like line spacing actually trigger autistic rage and you lash out without understanding why. Don’t feel bad, it’s not your fault!

>> No.10693328

Now this is strange... surely they meant to list the tags as "leftism," "political correctness," and "critique"... but through some small whoopsie-daisy it appears they accidentally listen "Jordan Peterson" and "alt-right" instead... do you think they'll fix it soon?

>> No.10693331

In Russian Gogol, because he was a much better stylist. In translation Dostoevsky for sure. Dead Souls' dabbling with the national question (muh troika) is mere child's play compared to ol Dosto.

>> No.10693333

>zizek wrote those tags

>> No.10693335

It's literally nothing

>> No.10693339


>> No.10693341

Does Zizek use they/them pronouns?

>> No.10693346

So what you're saying is Zizek vs. Peterson depends on the platform the debate takes place?

>> No.10693353
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>feud of the pseuds

>> No.10693356

>Zizek hardly even gives a shit about him
Why'd he just write an article about him then? Jordan's just responding to him, it's going to look really bad on Zizek if he doesn't respond back.

>> No.10693365

typical leftist brain, hyper-sensitive to dominance hierarchies and single-mindedly goes for the social status angle like some kind of lizard shooting his tongue at bugs
the guy has already written an article on him, he obviously cares

>> No.10693368

clean ur nose lol

>> No.10693377

He didn't really debate any of Petersons posts. He analysed why he's popular. I agree that it would look bad if he didn't respond since the last one who posts always wins.

>> No.10693382
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Hey, remember that time Zizek literally plagiarized a nazi?

>> No.10693383

Points *

>> No.10693387
File: 69 KB, 620x412, chomsky_harris-620x412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree that it would look bad if he didn't respond since the last one who posts always wins.


>> No.10693398


>> No.10693400

What happened with these two?

>> No.10693403
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I can't fucking believe he even TYPES "and so on"

>> No.10693405

Sam Harris spammed Chomsky's inbox with emails. Chomsky did literally nothing, so Harris published them all in a blog post to make him look like a coward. Chomsky continued doing aboslutely nothing.

>> No.10693410

Love it
What was Sam so hot and bothered about?

>> No.10693432

wtf I was just looking at JP's twitter because of this and your shitposting is a reality now

>> No.10693433

Morpheus is fighting Neo

>> No.10693436
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>> No.10693444

The only good piece of journalism on Peterson is the recent CanadaLand podcast, which (surprisingly) ends up being quite scathing. Everything else is just hand wringing

>> No.10693451
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be ready for utter decimation (again)

>> No.10693460

Russel Brandt? The muh oppression, muh power structure, muh consumerism, love and peace faggot? I've listen to him talk. He seems to be the type to like using big words improperly and talk like he's a good person by not judging other people. Doesn't responds to arguments and facts either but with muh feelings. A true leftist.

Might be a good podcast if Peterson blows him out of the water.

>> No.10693470
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plebeian reactionary VS plebeian reactionary

Oh boy how riveting.

>> No.10693472
File: 103 KB, 640x640, deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Might be a good podcast if Peterson blows him out of the water.
learn your fucking history, fool. peterson already lost to brand a long time ago, he's coming back i guess to lick the dogshit of brand's boots (or maybe just to cry while he watches brand jackhammer katie perry in his messy room). fuck you i won't clean my room. fuck you i won't do what you tell me. fuck you i won't clean my room. fuck you i won't do what you tell me. fuck you i won't do what you tell me. fuck you i won't do what you tell me

>> No.10693474


>The muh oppression, muh power structure, muh consumerism, love and peace faggot?

In other words "the facts faggot".

>> No.10693482

i wish i came from a country/culture where people with differing views can get together for a fierce heated debate and still have a laff afterwards

>> No.10693486

>Marxist hippy talking points are facts

>> No.10693490

>Peterson fan

>> No.10693491

Amerifats ruined politics

>> No.10693494


Neo-marxist actually. Also, Non-French identifying anglos OUT. You're not smart enough to comprehend you analytic apes.

>> No.10693495

Europoor top 100000 universities dont teach the joys of contention

>> No.10693503
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one more for good measure

>> No.10693513

i'm sure he would, because why not. but peterson also says he'll use them - he just doesn't think the law should compel him to do that, a point on which zizek agrees - he's very vocal about leftists using foucaultian analyses to make very anti-foucaultian demands like arbitrate accepted gender categories

>> No.10693547
File: 83 KB, 600x317, ramboiii-end-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual.
>Muscular Jihadis

I swear, his fascination with jihadi right-wing extremist Islam makes me think
>the Harris doth protest too much.

I think he's secretly always had a hard boner for these dusky musky men of action as they ploughed through America's consciousness following 9/11; a latent trigger of the phallic fantasies, adulation and homo-fascination wrapped in the most American of blankets of propaganda; the Hollywood Movie , the machine that influences young supple minds in a drench of salt-and sugar brain fluid once recounted as a tale for young Sam - specifically, "Rambo 3."

A confused lust of Stallone and the noble mujahideen smiting enemeies and holding onto the last remnants of righteous jubilant justice, has filled Sam with longing, adulation, thirst, hate, affection and regret that he will never meet nor reach such levels of Testosterone.
Thus the object of his affection must be demeaned and destroyed; the thought of never meeting is too painful for him to convey to himself and so it's very essence must be vanquished in regular stats, theories, podcasts, talks and unanswered e-mails to more knowledgeable people.

Either that or some beau left him for a hirsute Christian Arab who Sam erroneously mistook for an extremist Muslim.

>> No.10693548
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 1514967837074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah he doesn't care even though he wrote an article about him
Is this the power of leftist thought? Literally sounding like middle school children

>> No.10693560

>This, too, goes back many years, and Prof. MacDonald traces in considerable detail the sustained Jewish pro-immigration effort. Israel Zangwill, author of the eponymous 1908 play The Melting Pot,was of the view that “[t]here is only one way to World Peace, and that is the absolute abolition of passports, visas, frontiers, custom houses . . .” He was nevertheless an ardent Zionist and disapproved of Jewish intermarriage.

hahaha that is where mde got the name from, nice

>> No.10693573

Zizek is a neo-reactionary. That much is obvious. Petersonfags have even adopted "*sniff* pure ideoloy" as a way to defend their stupidity.

>> No.10693595

oh god, multiculturalism in sweden was introduced as a concept by a jew named david schwarz in the 60s. is this all really a conspiracy? has anyone read culture of critique?

>> No.10693605

>phoned it in
Would he preferred zizek screwed him harder

>> No.10693623

The CIA worked with Saudi Arabia to spread jihadism in order to counter the communist threat. Communist threat is over now but you still have a rapid bulldog that you raised to kill the soviet bulldog left to deal with. Sammie is right though. Islam is a threat to the western ideals of democracy and free speech. What he doesn't understand is that you have to provide a viable alternative that can incorporates violence in order for its adherence to be able to defend themselves from the spread of Islam. Islam blew the fuck out of the Buddhist and it rampage across India, Bangladesh, until it stop in Myanmar thanks to "violent" Buddhists. Shit must be seen in evolutionary terms.

>> No.10693626
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I haven't bothered keeping up with either of these people, what are good quality introductions and summations for both of them?

I don't care really but this happening seems to /comfy/ to miss, and I'd like to cultivate some emotional investment of some sort.

>> No.10693637

Sauce? I'd enjoy this because I dislike both of them, but if Peterson really got BTFO by the hipster actor guy, he is really a bottom tier psued and /lit/ is doomed.

>> No.10693639

>Jesse Benjamin Brown is a Canadian journalist as well as media and tech entrepreneur
sounds like some high brow shit my dude

>> No.10693645
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>> No.10693646

Well he should, and i like zizek but you cant ignore the currents and peterson is taking it by storm so to speak

>> No.10693649

lmaooooooooo this is incredible

peterson looks like the villain from the first klonoa game

>> No.10693684

Both of your definitions of "thriving" presuppose an amount of public exposure or "publicity." If they didn't thrive, there would be no publicity. Literally a pack of circular thinking simpletons.

>> No.10693692

>Sammie is right though.
He isn't. He ignores all other major issues to focus on one particular interpretation of Islam that has direct ties to the issues he calls trivial
Which strand? All of it? A good chunk of it? As opposed to good ol' Christianity in it's George Bush incarnation? Gosh darnett he's such a lovable god-fearing helper.
>is a threat to the western ideals of democracy
It is as one strand. Yet the west created Saudi Arabia and yet have it's economy inextricably linked to their own.

You mean plutocracy as in American finance, lobbyists and general crony capitalism masquerading as a democracy.
> and free speech.
Have you seen how the western media machine works and what they plan to propose for 4chan and the internet?

Literally gonna be a more fun version of China.
America Inc.

Sam Harris:
>Imagine a world of either Dick Cheney or ISIS/Daesh Islam? Which is worse? Therefore, all matters pertaining to any connection between the two are redundant because ISIS are worse and that's why I'm right to focus on right-wing extremist Islam doctrine above all else as if I'm the re-incarnation of Christian Missionaries in the 1800s and nothing else feeds into a particular starnd of Islam

he's a neuro-scientist, a decent man and atheist but he's an educated fool who knows far less about the subject he thinks he has most knowledge about precisely because his primary audience knows even less than he does about Islam.

if he took the Dawkins angle I'd respect him more.

>> No.10693701
File: 540 KB, 300x200, laugh Salman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made Peterson look like he's in drag which makes this even funnier considering his views on trans.

You absolute madmen - fucking class that.

>> No.10693709

>one particular interpretation of Islam
>Which strand? All of it? A good chunk of it?
This defense is always horseshit. There's always the rhetorical backdoor of claiming that someone's judgment of an abstract construct like a religion is always just a particular interpretation that shouldn't be counted on to predicate practical responses on. It's always there. And it's always used. And it's never productive. Fuck you.

>> No.10693714

>presuppose an amount of public exposure or "publicity."

>> No.10693738

That's an actual picture of him from his daughter's instagram. She wanted to put make-up on him and he played along
Also he's never said anything against male to female/vice versa transgender people. He's just argued against gender being a spectrum, and gender being completely independent of sex

>> No.10693752


Haha Peterson defenseforce activated.

>> No.10693759

What a fucking dumpster fire of a debate. Destiny-tier.

>> No.10693778

Who would win: lobster or cocaine?

>> No.10693789

Slavoj Zizek: Lacanian Hegelian pseudo-communist philosopher personality from Slovenia. Notable for his nervous ticks while being filmed—constant sniffing, nose rubbing, and shirt tugging—and his thick lateral lisp. Known for his provocative philosophy and tangential pattern of speech.
Best introductory material: The Pervert's Guide to Cinema and/or its sequel, The Pervert's Guide to Ideology.

Jordan B Peterson: Jungian, Nietzschian, Darwinian clinical personality psychologist at the University of Toronto. Notable for Kermit-like voice and tough-love-father manner of speaking. Known for opposition to Canadian Bill C-16, outspoken views against Marxism and the social justice movement, association with the alt-right although he condemns them and calls himself a classical liberal.
Best introductory material, 2015 Maps of Meaning lecture series, Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson, his Joe Rogan Interviews

>> No.10693797

I like how when someone mentions Islam someone else always has to go “b-b-but c-Christianity is bad too!” As if anyone actually thinks Christianity isn’t rife with problems as well.

>> No.10693800

>Kamikaze missions and Tamil Tiger suicide bombings were the sole result of doctrine - nothing more - and nothing else - in 3 2 1...

>This defense is always horseshit.

It's not a defence. never was.
it's highlighting Harris's lack of nous. He simply latches onto one politically manufactured brand of Islam (of significance) and doesn't even seek to dismantle it wholly. As a supposed academic he should know better.

>There's always the rhetorical backdoor of claiming that someone's judgment of an abstract construct like a religion is always just a particular interpretation that shouldn't be counted on to predicate practical responses on.

No. I never said that. in fact i would say the opposite.
There is a specific interpretation and it should indeed be practical to count on a predicated response.
It is not abstract for the millions slaughtered under it's watch.
But that slaughter, that watch, that strand of Islam isn't somehow "inevitable." It never was, and never has been. Just ask the other Muslims slaughtered.
I mean it is for Harris, but then he doesn't really speak or read other languages or have an interest in the subject he preaches.

Ask him why such rampant Jihadism and suicide attacks were not practiced in the days of Colonialism?

But Harris's argument is:
>look these nutters. This their book. Look it be bad. Look these people are insane. It's this book that's made them this. look they tell you themselves. I'm gonna ignore history, politics, etc and focus on these crazy men and their interpretation of the book

Fine; then what of their other protestations?
He then proceeds to ignore practically every economic and socio-political points these Jihadis make.

>It's always there. And it's always used.

Because ISIS in doctrine, speak and represent a billion+ people, right? Somehow someway?
Do Maoism and Communism represent the consequences of Atheism?
Or Pol Pot?
Does the Catholic Church and their edicts represent all Christians?

>> No.10693803

Hierarchy is bad and oppressive and a social construct guys, so lets reduce all value to status in the hierarchy and then just even everyone out from within that framework.

>> No.10693812

But Harris isn't saying Christianity is wholly defined in the English speaking world as doctrine led Priests bumming kids.

You could make an argument that neo-conservative imperialism is a manifestation of the nature of Christian intolerance and violence. Would that be fair?
It would be the Harris thing to do.

>> No.10693825

Lobster on cocaine as they team up

>> No.10693832

Wait, is phoning it in not a good thing? I thought it meant like hit perfectly.

>> No.10693834

and this is the literature board

>> No.10693843

Nice stats, this new wave of internet bloodsports has been exciting

>> No.10693845

Sizemore will shit on Peterson but each side will go off and believe that they won thanks to IDEOLOGY

>> No.10693895

If youre being serious, phoning something in means doing something half-ass. Instead of coming in to do some work in person lets say, you called and got the job done. Like an inspector calling in to inspect a job site. Its finished but not as well

>> No.10694016
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>constant sniffing
That explains so much, thank you. I thought it was some odd BRAAAAAAP meme I wasn't getting.

Thank you for the recommendations as well, time to pick my side and get /comfy/.

>> No.10694158

Ahhh so infuriating haha no stop don't xp

>> No.10694183
File: 44 KB, 218x150, Screen+Shot+2018-02-14+at+1.50.10+pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10694210
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>As opposed to good ol' Christianity in it's George Bush incarnation?
bus.h..... ckristin.....

>> No.10694234

>someone implies a person doesn't care about/for Peterson
>crossboarding teenagers come out of the woodwork defending their father figure with brainwashed meme speak
every time

Why are these threads allowed on /lit/?

>> No.10694237

That is like saying X respects blacks but thinks he can say nigger as much as he wants

>> No.10694260

but that’s completely possible you idiot

>> No.10694266

Maybe so but that is a hugely counter-intuitive statement that that anon is treating it as if it self-evident

>> No.10694379

He's saying how retarded it is that zizek faggots have to cope so hard with this weak article by saying he doesn't care about the person he wrote the fucking article about, and your attempt at painting anyone you don't agree with as a dumb strawman only furthers the middle school argumentative techniques you guys imply. I think Peterson is a hack but you guys are seriously pathetic

>> No.10694420
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>> No.10694445
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>It is totally blind for the inner antagonisms and inconsistencies of the liberal project itself: the tension between liberals who are ready to condone racist and sexist jokes on account of the freedom of speech and the PC regulators who want to censor them as an obstacle to the freedom and dignity of the victims of such jokes has nothing to do with the authentic left.

I wonder how long it would take Zizike to unpack what the "authentic left" is considering the "left's" inability to find any cohesion for the last twenty years has been dismal. The left is simply a fragmented protest voting block everywhere. There is no cohesion, no authenticity, no left.

But it's nice to see him like others picking up on the new battle grounds that have been chosen merely because it has for too long been the lefts playground.

It is also nice to make films of lemmings, even if they'd go so freely....

>> No.10694577

He said gender isn't COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT of sex, not that there aren't outliers

>> No.10694594


Is it weird I read zizek articles with his voice?

>> No.10694614

>Culture of Critique


>> No.10694622

Sauce on that my man. Sadly I think teenage angst rebellion against responsibility is all you've got

>> No.10694634

I know I'm late but this is just like Japanese beetle wrestling to me

>> No.10694674

>zizek faggots have to cope so hard with this weak article by saying he doesn't care

if you read zizek at all then you know it's 100% his mo to do real work every once in a while for a book or article that he actually cares about, and spend the rest of the time selling bits and pieces of old work in the form of half-assed articles. he copy-pastes some shit from an old book and does the minimum of work to relate it to some trendy current topic and bam, he gets paid for next to nothing. this is how he makes money because it's not like any of the people who watch youtube clips to laugh at his ticks will actually buy his 1000-page tome on hegel. anybody who knows zizek will immediately identify the peterson piece as another one of the "i just need some cash pronto" copy-paste jobs so it's not disingenuous at all to say that zizek does not care about peterson beyond an excuse to make some quick dosh.

>> No.10694695

woah is this real? i cannot even tell

>> No.10694731

it's real, he just cropped out the latter part of the article where it turns out to be basically a trivial misunderstanding

>> No.10694741
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>> No.10694769


So THIS is the power of the great Zizek. I'm underwhelmed.

This is fucking awful. What a hack.

>> No.10694779


>> No.10694782

Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please,Please, please, please!

>> No.10694790

zizek doesnt debate and jordan is really good at it so

>> No.10694794

this. people will have to learn that if it FEELS like a fact, it IS a fact.

>> No.10694802

Please go ahead and roll around in your own feces. I'll applaude you for your rebellious non-conformism.

>> No.10694807


Looks like they had a good time judging by the clip posted.

>> No.10694813


>tfw this might be sincere and not trolling

Lacan, not even once.

>> No.10694827
File: 86 KB, 900x517, 1517992913167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me lol how Zizek couldn't stay on topic and write a whole new article and had to copy/paste some tangentially related stuff about refugees that he wrote before instead

>> No.10694835

I hate to be the 'just don't get it' guy, but it's clear you haven't read much of Harris,if anything at all. He explicity adresses everything you present as some knockout counter. Listen to some of his podcasts with Nawaz if you don't want to read his main work.

>> No.10694845


>whines about memespeak
>on 4chan
>while greentexting

>> No.10694856

>Zizek (unironically)
>Russell Brand
God save us

>> No.10694883

Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not, but it is pretty good meta journalism, as well as one of very few independent news sources in Canada. It’s cover of Peterson is nuanced and the criticisms of him are measured and intelligent rather than being knee jerk and ideological. If you’re interested in hearing a good critique of Peterson (rather than just affirming your biases) Then you won’t find better than their episode on him.

>> No.10694892

literally nothing lacanian about that post, try reading a book for once faggot

>> No.10695070

Of course he phoned it in, that's pretty much what he always does, at least with popular topics (politics and such). He's either lazy as fuck or just doesn't care (but he wants to appear as if he does care).

Žižek is the same guy who at some lecture bragged about how he didn't even watch most of the films he's critiquing. Or how at some art event he analyzed some painting by just bluffing and everyone listening applauded him.
Deep down he probably enjoys (in a perverse way) the fact that most people are so stupid and it fuels his misanthropy.

So I won't even bump this thread. I can't even say I'm disappointed, because I had zero expectations from this lazy cunt.

Also fuck OP for not posting the link
Read if you have 5 minutes to waste on stale pasta.

>> No.10695288

in other words, the whiny faggot

>> No.10695308

Gender is a socially constructed, or in other words is located in the symbolic, but the Real or sex occasionally ruptures and conditions that symbolic.

>> No.10695327

Zizek would destroy Peterson. Peterson literally doesn't understand Jung while Zizek is an authority in Lacan to the point you would get more insight by reading his reinterpretation of Lacan than by reading Lacan himself.

>> No.10695328

I think Žižek is a Lacan/Hegel scholar who got roped into being a political commentator due to his popularity. But it's obviously not his area - when he gets around making political statements it's sort of embarrassing, pretty much "we need a new communism now". I mean, is that breaking news for anybody, to acknowledge that the Left is in shambles and requires a genuine project? Maybe to the center-left readers of The Guardian, it truly might be.

>> No.10695334

>Peterson literally doesn't understand Jung
Why not?

>> No.10695345

Bulls on parade !!!!

>> No.10695349

To tell you the truth I don't know enough about Jung to tell you exactly what Peterson gets wrong, but he does the same thing with Nietzsche. He loves to talk about him but Nietzsche would have literally thought Peterson has a slave morality.

>> No.10695370

>white supremacist

This is why leftists sit around all baffled when increasing numbers of young men move to the Right. You call everything vaguely right-wing or dissentient "NAZI KKK SCUM!" then people actually take a look for themselves and realise much of it is quite reasonable and now you just look like hysterical screeching banshees.

>> No.10695373

Jung and Lacan are not opposite schools of philosophy, thats more like Lacan and Cognitive Behaviorists
Not that the two are compatible but they're more alike than different within psychology

>> No.10695382

As someone who considers myself very right-wing, I find Zizek more compelling than Peterson. It's strange seeing Peterson being painted as some sort of reactionary when he's a fairly bog standard classical lib with some quirks.

>> No.10695392
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>> No.10695397

One is a God loving mystic pseud and the other one is a postmodern math loving pseud.

>> No.10695398

Jung doesn't love math

>> No.10695409
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>> No.10695412
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Slavoj Žižek aka "Stanley Hornbeck"

>> No.10695414

Maybe. But he was definitely very interested in your mom last time I checked.

>> No.10695421

So it's ok for Zizek to reinterpret Lacan but not for Peterson to reinterpret Nietzsche or Jung?

>> No.10695427

Example of Zizek reinterpreting Lacan?

>> No.10695430

I will check his debates with dapper Nawaz and hopefully Sam's books may further clarify the points I raised.

>> No.10695436

How can you even begin to read Lacan without reinterpreting him? Not even Lacan really knew what he was talking about.

>> No.10695441

Not really, once you understand him his work is almost common sense in how intuitive it is.

>> No.10695446

He does it all the time in his books

>> No.10695457

No. He doesn't. Give me one example.

>> No.10695471

Because Peterson doesn't just reinterpret them. He uses their ideas to fir his ideology. He's being intellectually dishonest.

>> No.10695478

>once you understand him
you mean once you interpreted him

>> No.10695479

zizek's explanation is that a friend sent him these summaries of macdonald for zizek to use as examples in his article and zizek used them without knowing that the friend didn't actually write them but rather copied them from somebody else's review. i'm honestly inclined to believe him because he's not an idiot and would have put the minor amount of effort into rewording these paragraphs if he knew they were already published. unless you have evidence of this happening more than this once this remains a trivial matter that gets endlessly and disingenuously reposted to fuel the liberal meme that leftists are secret nazis because of muh horseshoe. it lets you write misleading shit like "zizek plagiarizes nazis" that implies zizek's actual position is the same as the far-right reviewer's when the passages in question are purely a description of the position of a third party.

>> No.10695485

Ah yes, as opposed to Lacan the famous communist revolutionary

>> No.10695486

Check out the post-modernist over here

>> No.10695491

i can't wait for all these quotes you must have where zizek claims lacan was a communist revolutionary. it's just really obvious you're not familiar with any of the material and should just stop posting now to avoid further embarrassment.

>> No.10695492

Contender for the worst interpretation of a text ever:

>Jacques Lacan wrote that, even if what a jealous husband claims about his wife (that she sleeps around with other men) is all true, his jealousy is still pathological: the pathological element is the husband's need for jealousy as the only way to retain his dignity, identity even. Along the same lines, one could say that, even if most of the Nazi claims about the Jews were true (they exploit Germans, they seduce German girls, and so on) – which they are not, of course – their anti-Semitism would still be (and was) a pathological phenomenon because it repressed the true reason why the Nazis needed anti-Semitism in order to sustain their ideological position.

Non Sequitur: If a husband is jealous without reason to be jealous, then his jealousy is pathological; Nazis had very good reason to be anti-Semetic--the evidence was presented to them very clearly. How does Lacan's point even relate to the follow-up?

>> No.10695494
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>Jordan "THE HOLY FORG" Peterson

>> No.10695498

>Common sense
Yeah. Chomsky loves himself some Lacan with the morning coffee

>> No.10695501

Zizek IS Hornbeck, Zizek wrote both of them.

>> No.10695502
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shitposting made real for some reason

>> No.10695504

>the liberal meme that leftists are secret nazis because of muh horseshoe

>> No.10695507

why did izek try 2 plaigiaris his frind

>> No.10695511
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Found this is another thread. Isn't it interesting that it would fit in well both in Ayn Rand type of capitalism and in the 20th century communism?

>> No.10695512

But it's not like Peterson ever claims that Nietzsche was a Christian, yet he still gets criticized for quoting him just because he (Peterson) is a Christian.

>> No.10695515
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>'feud of the pseuds'
make this happen

>> No.10695518

Hornbeck is a pseudonym that Zizek uses to write for the American Rennasance.

>> No.10695520

That's because while Lacan wasn't a communism it's reasonable to use his ideas to support communism. But it's most certainly not reasonable to use Nietzsche's ideas to support Christianity. I don't see what's so hard to get about that.

>> No.10695521

Essentialism is bullshit. Even if every single Jew that lived in Germany was an asshole, this says literally nothing about the intrinsic nature of Jewishness or whatever stupid bullshit the nazis came up with. Anti-semitism was an escape from social-political reality, to fall into debates about "well, what are the Jews really like'" is already falling into incoherence. This ultimately doesn't matter for solving any of the issues that led to fascism.

>> No.10695522

epterson isnt a christian is in afct a liying sued
i think peterson s
fckc lp0-======================================= safraidsaeg

>> No.10695524

>peterson is a christian

>> No.10695532

Peterson is not a Christian. He reinterprets the bible at will just like he reinterprets Nietzsche. He's a hack.

>> No.10695533

ya fuckin retard ya frog ya retard ya frog
ya fuck
ya iksl;dfg
Look. Look man. Look. Ok? Look. Just. Look.. Ok? Look. Peterson.. look. I dont like that CUNT of a ma.. but look. ok? BMUh christianity. OK look. Peterson doesnt, even dal k about that shit mauch. Listen. OK? Who gives a cunt? Ok. Peterson.. Nietzsche isnights.. anyoen can read nietzsche insights.. he's not lik,e.. ok? Nietzsche - not restricted acecess. Just saying . Just like,you dont have to be a Jesusu Christian, to be like, OK hmm, intersting statemets Mr. Saint Augustine.. Or a COMMUNI to say, Mm interesting theories Mr. Marx.. so SO in the same vein.. hmm.. wll lets see. . MR PEtersondfump just .. can look at the mr mr nietzshce books. he can reference them too. ok??? just like i can read mr mr .. like.. freud and not be neo-freudian. ok? a d apply some his dieas but not all. OK? Petersumfp doesnt pretend to be Neo0NIETZHSFE ok, hes not mr WALter KAUfman
dumshit l CFo

>> No.10695539

the point is that both the jealousy of the husband and the antisemitism of the nazis are the pathological foundations of their respective identities on which the behavior of the actual wife or the actual jews has no bearing. you need to read it again more slowly because i'm pretty sure you're confused about what it says.

>> No.10695542

I like you, dublel dubz guy

>> No.10695543
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i'm kind of conflicted about this one. obviously a cool back and forth would be interesting.

not so long ago zizek debated graham harman, and it kind of fizzled because all he wanted to do was make jokes and kind of perform for the crowd without taking harman's arguments seriously.


i wonder if he won't just use the same tactics here. if that scenario happened again, in return, peterson would be able to claim victory afterwards by saying that zizek refused to engage him. both wind up accusing the other of being lightweights, both respective fan-bases feel justified, and the whole thing winds up being disappointed for anyone who was hoping to learn something new from the exchange.

that's what i would be dreading if they picked out a theatre or whatever. instead of a conversation, they both sort of uncomfortably play to their already-established strengths, only in a less successful way than usual. when people from totally different camps engage each other the result is less illuminating than we would like - see harris/peterson 1, foucault/chomsky, harris/chomsky, whatever.

which is all disappointing af, since i would much prefer two guys who have made their careers as culture diagnosticians to talk in a more enlightened way about society, capitalism, et al without trying to pivot or reposition as the superior guru and so on.

so i hope this debate comes off but that it isn't actually all about one of them trying to shit on the other.

>> No.10695545

rssentiment.. bt ho is it pathologic.. cause i ithnk.. in thi senese.. mr ZIZKE is resentmfnt against evil masculine thing s like NOT liking infidelity and NOT liking Jews (annoying Goy THings)
thanks bud

>> No.10695546

(((Peterson))) am I right?
Lacan would easily be gulaged in the good old CCCP.

>> No.10695552

He gave two clear beliefs: "they exploit Germans, they seduce German girls". There are empirically demonstrable, and yes, they has nothing to do with beliefs about "intrinsic nature"--but you and Zizek are using this very technical definition of "racism", meaning "inherent superiority due to genetic differences". But whether a certain group of people acts in a particular way because they are genetically predisposed to, or because of cultural reasons, or because of class struggle, none of that matters, people get called racists for even making race-based jokes. So this definition is useless, racism today isn't about genetic superiority, it includes things like culture and customs.

>> No.10695561

Read Girard and Vattimo you r*ddit plebtard

>> No.10695571
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>> No.10695578

Who are them and what do they have to do with Peterson?

>> No.10695579

I can't believe people are buying this.

>on which the behavior of the actual wife or the actual Jews has no bearing

But in the latter case it does have bearing. Being paranoid that your wife is cheating on you WITHOUT probable cause is jealousy, being paranoid of Jews WITHOUT probable cause would be anti-Semitism. Jews gave the Nazi very good reasons to become suspicious of them, hence the Nazi's hatred of Jews was justified, based on reality, and not pathological.

I don't give a shit either about Jews and Nazis but this is a straight up logical fallacy.

>> No.10695582

>Lacan would easily be gulaged in the good old CCCP.
Which makes him a real communist :^)

>> No.10695591


>> No.10695599

Can't argue with that

>> No.10695607

Honestly, even if Zizek reinterpreted Lacan or Hegel to justified socialism, I wouldn't mind and I give him a pass. He's doing it for a cause 1000 times more noble than Peterson's capitalism.

>> No.10695611

come 'er......e give your Daddy A KISS
eternal ILICE tickle toTRUR

>> No.10695616

Zizek is just arming us with ways to critique ideology. I don't think he'll ever offer us any political solutions.

>> No.10695618

And that's what makes him a better intellectual than Peterson. Intellectualism is all about asking the right questions.

>> No.10695623

peterson is pro trans, enbies aren't even fucking trans they're just trendy gender deconstructionists and need to suck start a shotgun t b h

>> No.10695624
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And that's what makes him a better intellectual than Peterson. Intellectualism is all about asking the right questions.

>> No.10695636

Yeah, but we need real answers and we need them yesterday. I can criticise my startup loving friend all I want, but when he asks me to show him an alternative, I can only stay silent and suck my own dick for the rest of the night.

>> No.10695640

remember the world is void
matter and chemical bonds
the heavenly choir and the mothers carress, the womb
from which everything came, and to which everything shall go
it all returns to nothignn

>> No.10695645

>>Which strand? All of it? A good chunk of it? As opposed to good ol' Christianity in it's George Bush incarnation? Gosh darnett he's such a lovable god-fearing helper.
>we should throw away all concepts that have no sharp borders
have fun in nihilist land

>> No.10695648

Am I missing something? Peterson's responding with a tweet. That's barely a response at all.

>> No.10695649

he was retrded but i dont think whats wha t he said pal
go bac to bal (pol).. w dont conder to your kind round 'er'e

>> No.10695650

yeah, but what about the crusades?

>> No.10695658

once again, the actions of actual jews are irrelevant. nazi ideology is founded on the impossible desire of returning to an imaginary state of lost harmony with the jews functioning as an obstacle. the obstacle is a necessary a part of the fantasy so that even if the nazis successfully exterminated every last jew on earth it would do nothing to eliminate their reliance on the fantasy of being victims of THE JEW, THE JEW being a self-contradictory mental construct unrelated to any actually-existing jewish person.

what you're trying to pose here is this incredibly naive view that all that matters is the truth behind a suspicion: all mental relationships to a reasonable suspicion are healthy, all mental relationships to an unreasonable suspicion are pathological. of course lacan's very insight is that the pathology is unrelated to the real wife's actions: the pathology is in how one relates to the belief, how the husband relates to the imaginary wife that lives in his head, how the idea of her getting railed by the milkman is necessary to the husband's functioning whether or not it's actually happening. the folk wisdom that "it's not paranoia if they're really out to get you" is false.

>> No.10695659
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zizek had a something to say in the post-ideological world, but he hasn't said anything interesting since we entered the post-post-ideological world

>> No.10695662

can't paranoia potentially have a constructive or "fitness-inducing" role? after all, the concept of "pathology" is a construction

>> No.10695667

Isn't Zizek shooting himself in the foot by saying that? Couldn't the same thing be applied to communists and the capitalist boogieman?

>> No.10695669


>> No.10695677

No, because if real communism were achieved it would lead to an actual utopia, something that nazism couldn't have ever done even if they had gotten rid of all their boogiemen.

>> No.10695693

sure, one of the major points of zizek's writings on lacan is that these fantasies are what makes us function and lacanian psychoanalysis focuses on learning how to live with these impossible desires. i believe it's lacan that said that people don't get therapy because they have neuroses, they get therapy when the neuroses stop working. in this example it might be that the guy's relationship will fall apart precisely when he STOPS believing that his wife's gorging herself on dick when he's at work.

>> No.10695705

>all that matters is the truth behind a suspicion
Well that is the difference between being right and having fucking schizophrenia... You are just repeating what Lacan said without really adding anything. Yes, the husband example makes sense, but the Nazi case is under a different set of circumstances. You are diagnosing someone with a pathological delusion without even considering that they might have had good reason for their beliefs.

Also it's not naive at all, it makes sense from an evolutionary perspective.

>> No.10695707


>> No.10695710

>if real communism were achieved it would lead to an actual utopia
Don't bother replying to any thing else. Anyone who still uses the phrase "real communism" has no grasp of reality.

>> No.10695712

The point is that the good reason is always "fake" and that pathology is always right. Even if your reasons are completely justified, it's still pathological.

>> No.10695724

That is, even if your wife is sucking your neighbours dick every day and you have it on video, your jelaousy is still pathological.

>> No.10695729

The "point" is nonsensical then: under those terms, if one day we discovered that bigfoot existed, we could still call anyone who claimed to had seen him a delusion/psychotic conspiracy theorist.

Zizek made a mistake, stop defending him.

>> No.10695734

Nice name, samefag. I'm going, it's obviously Zizek trying to defend his view.

>> No.10695749

That's correct. A beggar who believes that he's a king is insane, but a king who believes that he's a king is also insane. (Kings are not all powerful God given beings)
Yeah. I wanted the person to know its the same person who posted you nigger.

>> No.10695750

>do real work every once in a while for a book or article that he actually cares about, and spend the rest of the time selling bits and pieces of old work in the form of half-assed articles.
except his "put effort" work reads pretty much the same as his "half-assed" copy/paste fests

>> No.10695756

>(Kings are not all powerful God given beings)
They are though.

>> No.10695762

I know

>> No.10695766

stop pretending to know what Lacanian terminology means when you obviously don't, please

>> No.10695775

i don't think Memerson ever claimed to be a Nietzschean, he just used a few snippets of Nietzsche's texts for his own purposes, and given that Nietzsche writes unconnected shit pretty much exclusively you can probably find anything in there

>> No.10695788

zizek is the favorite philosopher of Richard Spencer though

>> No.10695790

Fuck off. Anyone in academia would tell you that Peterson doesn't understand Nietzsche. And even if he did, he still doesn't understand Derrida yet he keep talking about him.

>> No.10695795

>they might have had good reason for their beliefs

whatever the reasons, the beliefs they held were in relation to an enemy that's imaginary. we know it's imaginary because it's self-contradictory. THE JEW is an inferior creature doomed to lose the struggle for survival and yet to THE JEW are attributed incredible evolutionary advantages like the capacity to convert aryan wombs into jewish wombs via sexual intercourse so that all future children from that womb - even from an aryan father - will be jewish (actual belief of julius streicher). THE JEWS bathe in riches and control every government on the planet but THE JEWS "couldn't see for the dirt if we weren't there to wash their faces for them" or however the quote goes. when the bombs were destroying germany late during the war a popular superstition spread among the germans that the patterns of falling bombs were being controlled by superhuman jewish will so that if a city block is spared it might be because a jew is still hiding somewhere in there and so on. jewish survivor victor klemperer reports how near the end of the war germans would embrace him on the street and deliver wailing apologies for the fate of the jews as if he was an altar through which THE JEW in the sky could be reached and petitioned for mercy. THE JEW is a worm and THE JEW is god. does all of this sound like a reasonable worldview to you?

>> No.10695807

yes, because the copy-pastes are just random bits of the effort work reassembled into endless permutations and kinda worthless without the context of the original book.

>> No.10695808

real fascism has never been tried though

>> No.10695812

>being afraid of lions eating you is pathological even if you just fell on their cage and they are surrounding you
really makes you think

>> No.10695820

>if one day we discovered that bigfoot existed, we could still call anyone who claimed to had seen him a delusion/psychotic conspiracy theorist.

well of course we could and we should. have you actually seen those bigfoot hunter communities? they wouldn't be any less fucked in the head if the original source of the myth was an actual monkey dude instead of a fake one

>> No.10695821

It is though. How would you know that the lion is dangerous if you hadn't a previous pathological fear of it?

>> No.10695827

>And even if he did,
so you are recognizing that you are just memeing and you have no idea if he used those fragments from Nietzsche correctly or not

>he still doesn't understand Derrida yet he keep talking about him.
that's correct. But cultural critics keep talking about science and still don't understand it, so i guess they are even now.

>> No.10695838

>Anyone in academia would tell you
There's something very ironic in accusing someone for not reading something in the way that is deemed correct by the authorities while at the same time accusing him of not understanding Derrida.

>> No.10695841

Marxism doesn't require any boogeymen or pathologies focused on a specific group of people, this is one of the reasons it's a better socioeconomic theory than anything else. The social relationship of market exchange structures the class system of a society ; it's an intrinsic relation based on the fundamental conditions of labour. The proletarian and the capitalist are both reproduced by this structure - the capitalist cannot do anything but exploit the worker, if he didn't he would fail as a capitalist. Abolishing the class system isn't putting the worker on a pedestal, it abolishes the proletariat as well because it only exists in a social relationship peculiar to capitalism.

One of the common criticism against socialist states is that they were "workerist", they glorified the worker in his condition while the nature of work was not transformed - and probably in the historical-technological conditions of those societies it couldn't be transformed anyway. But post-industrial western societies are in a wholly different situation now, so it's ridiculous to suggest, like liberals often do, that a communist movement would result in something basically the same as the Soviet Union, or make everyone hungry or something. These are idiotic remarks which are not based on economic analysis of contemporary capitalism. The thing is, you have to go beyond Marx, you can't just read him and go "well, the industrial proletariat doesn't exist anymore so he's obsolete" - no shit, most Marxist writers from Lenin onward were precisely interested in how capitalism changed from Marx's time and what implications this has for a socialist movement.

>> No.10695847

no, being paranoid about lions eating you is pathological even though lions really have big teeth. once again, the point is that the pathology lies in how you relate to the symbolic idea of a lion, not in what happens when your ass gets torn to shreds by a real lion. it's embarrassing how much this fucking literature board struggles with distinguishing a lion from the idea of a lion, the wife from the idea of the wife, jewish people from THE JEW and so on

>> No.10695854

(you) from (((you)))

>> No.10695856

Pre-packaged solutions are anti-Marxist and idealist. A solution will organically show itself in the way anti-capitalist movements appear in the future, we cannot predict their appearance. Right now concrete Marxist praxis is supporting anti-imperialism and trying to remove countries from US influence, particularly in the third world. Where this will lead is still an open question, but it's crucial to forming new forms of political economy.

>> No.10695871

I'm not claiming every Nazi held anti-Semetic beliefs (I'm going to ignore the ridiculous ones you mentioned and stick to the well-documented ones like Jewish influence on mass media) because they arrived at them through their own rational observations and careful reasoning. In fact, the majority probably didn't, they bought whatever the propaganda ministry fed them. This doesn't make them anti-Semetic, because these people would have believed anything. American's bought a bunch of bullshit about weapons of mass destruction, nuclear threats and other lies from the beginning of the Cold War to this day. This doesn't make Americans pathologically racist towards Russians or Iraqis or anyone else. So ignore the lowest common denominator here, look at the actual views of the decision makers.

The original proto-Nazi anti-Semites didn't get their views from television in a totalitarian state, they built them from analysing the spread of Jewish power and their underlying agenda. The only way you can argue that this kind of anti-Semitism is pathological is by admitting that we have some kind of ingrained evolutionary mechanism that makes us be cautious around Jews. In that case, I see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.10695886

>Marxism doesn't require any boogeymen or pathologies focused on a specific group of people
It does. All the time you read a Marxist thinker besides Marx there's gonna be some element of society that is characterized as disgusting or repugnant. There are exception to this of course, but go read what Lukacs said about the bourgeois, or what Gramsci said about the "indifferenti". There are countless examples of this, from someone like Firestone who blames literally all the problems of the world on men and sexism, to present-day r*ddit commies who babble about "corporations" or worse, "neo-liberalism".

>> No.10695891

Don't you think that keeping American imperialism in power would be beneficial? Instead of everyone developing their own localised ideas and having local enemies, the planet would be able to stay somewhat connected with a definite enemy. I don't think that creating many different factions would be good long term, since we're already living in a connected world. By connected, I mean that it takes less than a day to go around the globe and that informations can flow insanely quickly due to the internet.

>> No.10695892

Every time a third world country becomes democratic and capitalist it prospers. Why can't you just be happy with what you have and let poor countries have some of it too?

>> No.10695927

So you basically agreed with him?

>> No.10695943

>I'm going to ignore the ridiculous ones
yes if you ignore the parts of nazi ideology that are not reasonable then all of nazi ideology is reasonable. good job, genius. i really don't have the energy for another cretinous member of the internet hitler fandom writing paeans on the piercing rationality of guido von list or whatever the fuck you're trying to do.

>> No.10695946

It doesn't matter who fed it to you. The point is that they believed it. It doesn't matter who you're afraid of, the point is that you are. Fear of the Other is always pathological and you can't get rid of it. Fear of Jews isn't evolutionary. Fear of the Other, on the other hand...

Think of it as if it's a function in which you put variables. We're not discussing variables here, we're discussing the function.

Also, a lot of nazis were "just following orders" which is disgusting in its own right and should be a topic for some other time since I'm going out.
Nice bait

>> No.10696027

He clearly cares about The Independent money, his "analysis" is obviously a lazy rehash of his points about political correctness from last year.

>> No.10696033

>Nice bait
I'm from south america. Let us be. We don't want your anti imperialist shit here. Things are starting to go well for us.

>> No.10696042

>He's doing it for a cause 1000 times more noble than Peterson's capitalism
do explain, ideologue nigger.

>> No.10696053

I'm from eastern Europe. Things only appear to be fine while in reality they're falling apart.

>> No.10696058

being a trendy leftist

>> No.10696060

A real Southamerican would never say that. You're either larping or a contrarevolucionario piece of shit.

>> No.10696065

>going out
Look at this fucking guy going out on Valentine's Day.

>We're not discussing variables here, we're discussing the function
If a function outputs the same thing regardless of its input, then it is not really a function. If all Nazis were pathologically xenophobic regardless of evidence, then it follows that humans people in general are pathologically xenophobic (since there should be no difference between the species). Unless of course, not all races are the same.

>Fear of Jews isn't evolutionary. Fear of the Other, on the other hand
I'd love to read more on this

>> No.10696081

stop hating freedom

>> No.10696085

For example, if a great actor is said to be "phoning it in", it means that he isn't really trying, obviously doesn't have his heart in it; "just in this for the paycheck".

>> No.10696116

What is interesting and intellectually engaging about supporting capitalism? You don't have to support it, it reproduces itself daily around you. A philosopher looks ahead, he liberates himself from structures that hold him down.

>> No.10696118
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>> No.10696125

>Look at this fucking guy going out on Valentine's Day.

>If a function outputs the same thing regardless of its input, then it is not really a function
Yeah it is

>If all Nazis were pathologically xenophobic regardless of evidence, then it follows that humans people in general are pathologically xenophobic
No. Remember that I said that it's a function and that variables don't matter. People are afraid of the unknown Other which they can't explain. A good example is Lovecrafts Cthulhu before cunts started spreading additional lore. Let me try another example. If someone is allergic to cat hair, it doesn't mean that everyone is allergic to cat hair. Then if you find someone allergic to dog hair. The only thing similar here is that they're allergic. They're allergic because it sends their immune system into overdrive because it recognises it as something foreign (something Other). I really hope this clears it up a bit. I have to go work on my procreation.

>I'd love to read more on this
I really have no sources on this. It's just a possibility. Maybe watch The Gods Must Be Crazy.

>> No.10696126

>Being an intellectual libertine is a good thing in itself
Peak post-68 western capitalist degeneracy

>> No.10696128

What may be 'interesting' and 'intellectually engaging' is not inherently noble or correct, neither is the liberation from structures in favor of other structures.
Also at where does Peterson use his favorite thinkers to support capitalism?

>> No.10696131

>he liberates himself from structures that hold him down
made me kek, has anyone ever met a "liberated" leftist?

>> No.10696135
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>> No.10696136

for (you)

>> No.10696145

>respected academic criticizes nobody pseud

A story as old as time itself

>> No.10696146

>If a function outputs the same thing regardless of its input, then it is not really a function.

/lit/tards in charge of mathemathics

>> No.10696154

Just finished listening, anon. It was very well thought out. I liked the parts about how Peterson's brand is based on "epic win" videos, and "seven times Peterson went beast mode" rather than his actual videos laying out his personal philosophy. He has created a brand based on schooling detractors on talking-head interview shows, rather than on the merits of his philosophy.

>> No.10696155

Which one's which again?

>> No.10696162

Liberating yourself from the wage slave mentality is already more than many people achieve. The educated proletarian doesn't feel inadequate for not occupying a high position in the social hierarchy, for not "contributing" to his country by indebting himself forever. I always kek at the supposedly great capitalist America, where people work themselves to death to repay a mortage or healthcarem and achieve whatever illusory dream they hope to reach, while for instance in Eastern Europe nobody does more than he strictly needs. I know plenty of people who are not rich but are also not indebted or perpetually stressed. The best thing you can do, in the absence of a socialist movement is to be a conscious worker and at least work slow and lazy.

>> No.10696165

Both are pseuds and internet memes

>> No.10696168

it's funny because it works both ways

>> No.10696169

you're memeing but it's incredibly depressing how much culture, education, art etc have become degraded in eastern europe since the fall of communism. a hundred years of actual tyrannical suppression of local culture by foreign empires have failed to do a sliver of the damage that less than 30 years of exposure to the free market has wrought.

>> No.10696170

ruselel with the comfy sox

>> No.10696174

>If a function outputs the same thing regardless of its input, then it is not really a function
Holy... I want more...

>> No.10696184

that's what happens when your renounce christ

>> No.10696191

>few seconds late to be the first response
>some shitposter response that isn't the original anon in the conversation gets there first and is the one responded to
Every time. But it's clear you just wouldn't mind Zizek using his thinkers for socialism because you're a socialist too. Your whole argument rests on pure materialism which is boring and where nobility is cheap shit that shouldn't technically exist.

>> No.10696193

I didn't even get to experience any of it but I totally see what you mean. I collect magazines and journals from ex-Yugoslavia and it's like a whole different world intellectually. There were so many cultural publications aimed at enlightening the working class, now it's like a minor ultra-pseud activity to even go to theatre.

>> No.10696198

Here's an example of a function with no input

f(x) = 1

This is technically a function, well done. Now if someone is telling me to look at human behaviour as a function, and that this function gives the same output regardless of input, then by definition the behaviour is inherently the way it is, and no input can change it.

If f(x) defines the behaviour of Germans, and the output is xenophobia, and the input makes no difference, then it follows that Germans are inherently xenophobic.

>> No.10696203

>fall of communism = renunciation of christ

>> No.10696218

In f(x)=1 input and output are the same. Xenophobia----->Xenophobia This is why metaphors are not to be taken literally. In any case, the point is The Other---->Anxiety works a function and it doesn't matter who the other is and how anxiety realises itself. The other is input and anxiety is output. Let's please not discuss this metaphor any further.

>> No.10696222

Lacan sucks.

>> No.10696225

I'd disagree, but trips confirm

>> No.10696226

I hope you're not running late to this date because you're here arguing with me. I'm going now too, getting smashed in the park (I lied to my parents about having a date).

>> No.10696229

I Donno if you’ve read much Zizek, but also being from Eastern Europe his books have extensive comments about life after 89

>> No.10696234

I'm phone posting on my way there. Using public transport instead of owning a car gives me the privilege of being able to shitpost more.

>> No.10696235
File: 101 KB, 600x486, Here+have+this+stored+on+my+hd+for+ages+naaah+_2f825603a95ec01494bdd1de20446840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10696243

more like clash of the memes

>> No.10696339


Much of what he was a rewording of stuff he has already published but just added Peterson to it.

In other words, Zizek still plagiarizing himself.

>> No.10696353

>In f(x)=1 input and output are the same
You are retarded. Stop posting here.

>> No.10696361

Fuck. I thought f(x)=x. I will stop posting here though.

>> No.10696379

pretty much, it was just an introduction plagiarized from any leftist Memerson hit piece, and then a bunch of copy/pasted paragraphs with Memerson added for effect even when he isn't relevant or is just relevant very tangentially like on the refugee thing which he hasn't addressed much

>> No.10696381

Wow. This.>>10693843
Thanks for the reccs.

>> No.10696418
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>Arguing with a Zizek quotes account

Big brain genius.

>> No.10696431

Why does zizek appeal so much to left wing teenagers?

>> No.10696433

>cheering for sports has been replaced by cheering for YouTube public intellectuals online
I'm not sure if this is a good development, but I sure dig it as a limp-fisted shut-in.

>> No.10696454

Are you the schizofrenic guy that scared that youtuber chick?

>> No.10696474

Neither has real capitalism. Nor real Absolutism, there was always some cunt piggybacking on the king.

>> No.10696492
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Peterson accuses Zizek of not saying exactly where he is wrong, but he himself fails to address any of the points Zizek made. Zizek addresses Peterson generally, so of course his arguments aren't going to be specific. Peterson addresses a particular article by Zizek, so he has no reason to to respond to his specific points. Peterson's response was pretty much 'if you have anything to say to me then say it to my face faggot!'. And then, to top it all off, he responds to a fan account, not realising that Zizek hasn't stooped to using social media with a restrictive word count that prevents you from saying anything substantial. Sad!

>> No.10696496

I think the most presentable guy should win and we should do whatever he says. it really shouldn't be about ideas, we just need someone who inspires confidence and everything else will follow

>> No.10696544
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LMAO , not even Tim "The Cuck" Heidecker likes Russell Brand. Jordan Peterstein is really showing his colours nowadays...

>> No.10696550

links pls

>> No.10696658
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>> No.10696693
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how very ..... postmodern

>> No.10696738

Protip, he probably didn't write the title.

I know this because they rewrote mine and published it without telling me.

>> No.10696764

>go and clean your room. NOW!

10 years later...
>i think you should clean your room because...

>> No.10696783

Yep. The alt-right is not wrong to point out disproportionate Jewish involvement in promoting multiculturalism, feminism, and many other social movements. If you know something about Jewish theology, this is not surprising, considering that the Jewish self-understanding is of being a divinely chosen people who are divinely tasked with 'repairing' the world through the application of the correct interpretation of the Torah. One cannot help but wonder if the Jewish obsession with white privilege is not a projection (of sorts) of their own anxiety at being 'chosen'.

>> No.10696799

Watch Jordan Peterson's Hitler lecture and despair if you think he has a hope of beating Zizek. It's the one where he claims Hitler didn't use Jews for manual labor to finance the war effort.

>> No.10696800

How do I unironically confront the dragon of chaos?

>> No.10696865

you have to expand your domain of competance. instead of doing what you know all the time you should go a little outside of your comfort zone in order to learn how to handle yourself in that new situation. then you should share the information you learned with others

>> No.10696910

I think Zizek's a lazy cunt but seeing as Ontario Kermit has spent the last day angry tweeting at a Zizek quote generator bot on Twitter as if it were Zizek's own, I'm reminded of how low the standards are for right-wing "intellectuals".

>> No.10696915

Implement fully automated luxury communism now, for capitalism is obviously of the devil.

>> No.10696926


>> No.10696947


>> No.10696960


Believe in the Resurrection

>> No.10697120

It's certainly possible to use Nietzsche's ideas to support Christianity, and, as the other anon mentioned, those two are really good examples of thinkers who've done it.

>> No.10697331

make that phone call

>> No.10697669

Maybe, but they don't understand Nietzsche either. Nietzsche was not a Christian.

>> No.10698531

i wish