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/lit/ - Literature

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10929867 No.10929867 [Reply] [Original]

LITERALLY WHO is Thomas Pynchon???
Like seriously does he even exist?

>> No.10929868

he's literally like four different niggas man

>> No.10929876

Someone took pictures of him. Dude's old and lives in a nice NYC flat.

>> No.10929881

>Someone took pictures of him

>> No.10929893

Pynchon would be on Team Mini

>> No.10929913
File: 111 KB, 960x720, pizza yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Mini unanimously requests your reverent presence, Mr. Pynchon

>> No.10930161

bumping to summon Tommy Pynch

>> No.10930181

Pynch show up. Mini demands it

>> No.10930193

Here I am guys, whadap?

>> No.10930195

Team creme executed Pynchon gangland style.

>> No.10930202

an american medium pizza

>> No.10930204
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My lecturer for american lit said he thought Pynchon died in the 80s, and a committee of people who studied under him publish books in his name.

>> No.10930210


I saw another photo her on /lit/ showing the side of his face but couldnt find it.

I'm >>10929876
But now Im a peanut butthole for some reason -

>> No.10930213
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>> No.10930217


>> No.10930232


>> No.10930478

Pynch should write a new novel based on the chan teams

>> No.10930516

I don't know who he is but hes kinda handsome. I want to marry him

>> No.10930539

There's a guy who looms in the background of various shots at the Boards' house in the film of Inherent Vice. One time he walks behind Doc and Coy and looks directly into camera. I believe this is Pynch, possibly in a wig as a nod to Doc's many wig-oriented disguises in the book.

>> No.10930603

>Pynchon thread
>all the minis
really makes you think

>> No.10930660

that link gave me cancer

>> No.10930841 [SPOILER] 
File: 213 KB, 1200x1496, 1522586460938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to christ if I'm on Team Creme I'm going to off myself

>> No.10931030

Damn is that really Tommy?

>> No.10931153

Yes. Salman Rushdie lunched with him in 2013 and described him as such: "Thomas Pynchon looks exactly like Thomas Pynchon should look," said Rushdie. "He is tall, he wears lumberjack shirts and blue jeans. He has Albert Einstein white hair and Bugs Bunny front teeth."

From the article these photos came from (roughly translated from Dutch):
"For a long while I see no one who reminds me of Thomas Pynchon. But after having walked around for a while and looking - in the process of giving up the whole thing - there's a man, a bit confused, against me. He stands on a black cane, it is decorated with a metal headpiece. On his body, he has a t-shirt and a green trousers held up by two braces. The hair is powerful and wavy, so to speak completely white. Do we have him now? Rabbit teeth and protruding ears. A thoughtful look. Pynchon? He went to a bakery, and bought a bag of baked goods. We ran after. I'm now looking straight at the face: The white hair covers both of his ears, but: Are they actually quite out? As he gets even closer, I also see this: Two dark eyes, and in the middle of the white beard: A pair of teeth like ... on a rabbit."

>> No.10931192
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Paul Thomas Anderson more or less admitted on Marc Maron’s WTF Podcast that “Pynchon” is not a person but a group of people.

>> No.10931607



>> No.10931638

Someone took a confirmed pick of him back in the 90s when he was walking with his son

He looks exactly the same as the OPs pic but he was older, grey and wore glasses

>> No.10931643
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>> No.10932708

Gottq be him

>> No.10933010
File: 285 KB, 1926x1436, 1522394958011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cornish hens, Cronos' Herd, Contumacious Nerds, bugger off!

Anon, up against all, I see you there—
Straining eyes and tear ducts, collecting more
To add to your database of horrors;
The innumerable maladies all
Across this scant globe that seethe on your screen,
That lock away the child from so long
Ago in the opaque memories of
Being three feet tall, having a whole day
To bask in the sweet innocence that was.

The passive eyes of the dolt run across this sordid displays of zeroes, ones, lighted in blue.

One must want. Bottomless, nothing... And there he felt the awful truth, feeling just as it was in all his dreams: being pelted down from a fierce swell, this sum of safety betrayed, from years of collecting, now to cold salt-brine straits on shores strewn with bone, the calamity of a storming sky overhead, colliding with an outline of a town undiscovered just on the horizon—the opaque palace hinted at throughout life, lighted through a dense fog only growing thicker, a milk filling the atmosphere, ever elusive as he'd grow nearer, feeling in front, expecting to grasp the cold stone and its mask of vapour, only to have the haze-yellow of the light inside suddenly jump further away into the obscurity… left behind, sold to some circuit rider, tantalizing those across Nations, through Oceanic Passage below, in cables in the Deep Blue.

>> No.10933017

Unless you're female this is creepy.

>> No.10933022


>> No.10933026

WHat team am i in

>> No.10933035

He's a busted ass nigga.

>> No.10933041

Non-whites out.

>> No.10933044

I'm white you stupid cracka.

>> No.10933054

Then behave like it.

>> No.10933072


>> No.10933081

where do I start with thomas pynchon?

>> No.10933091

Yes, he does, but some parts of his books were co-written with other writers, Salinger being a prominent one.

>> No.10933146

I just picked up Vineland as my first Pynchon book since the only other one they had at my store was Bleeding Edge. Was this a mistake?

>> No.10933178

I'm not sure. It's one of his worst but if you haven't read the rest you probably will like it just fine and it will serve you as a way to get used to his ideas and style. I think it's not such a bad place to start to be honest.

>> No.10933212

lot 49 if you're in it for the goofs and gags, V. if you're in it for the serious literary voice of our age (and also goofs and gags)

>> No.10933248

>roughly translated from Dutch

>> No.10933274
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... here we go again.

Happy Easter, Sir

>> No.10933279
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Here, Anons. Except that the black and white Penguin edition of Gravity's Rainbow has been corrected and it's free of errors now, so you're fine if you buy it.

>> No.10933288

thanks dudes

>> No.10933299
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>> No.10933301

Inherent Vice is his most accessible book, also a good starting point, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it, it's certainly more entertaining than lot 49.

>> No.10933306

Can someone explain this years april fools thing?
How do I decide which team I'm on?

>> No.10933315

it's randomly assigned, it changes according to your IP address, the team with the most mentions wins.

>> No.10933317

You don't, They do.

>> No.10933320

It's behind a paywall, unfortunately. And it turns out it's Norwegian. My mistake.

>> No.10933323

So am i stuck with team chocolate?
Also is it counted by (You)s?

>> No.10933334
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well thanks anyway anon

>> No.10933437

Nah dude it's a fine book.

Just know beforehand that it drags in the middle.

>> No.10933470

based peanut bro

>> No.10933528
File: 3.18 MB, 4032x3024, 58BB306C-3585-48D1-AB12-29AC95427AC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leafing through the /lit/ a few weeks ago found a thread that was about pynchons drug use (do you think he did drugs links sources etc)

I thought nothing of it, i mean it was obvious that the man was a degenerate rambler- substance gambler. Have you even read the Crying?

Anyway i recently collected Gravitys Rainbow and that day, immediately after the /lit/ thread, i began reading (well actually i stand up and speak it)

Kid you not I go to put the book down and a leaf fell on to the ground. At first, oh another leaf blew into the house- then: i froze

Flushing from my face. Were they onto me? Are they slowly closing in on me? They must be tracking my purchases through the Amazon now..

I stared at the leaf for 2 minutes straight while short circuiting and tried to rationalize- it was just the minimum wagie pothead working at Big Wagon Books dropping a leaf into the book, thinking it was funny, haha, yeah pynchon is for the brain dead hippy at the grateful dead concert trying to read a book but gets too distracted and after 3 hits from the bowl- a whole five words read- puts the book down and heads to the kitchen

I live alone. The leaf fell from the book, tucked in there to sleep for weeks until one day i shook it, just enough to unhinge and fall back into catatonic paranoia

Not the first time coincindentals unhinged this one

>> No.10933551

Use periods, jackass.

>> No.10933822

1:40 mark.

>> No.10933955

team lol

>> No.10934126
File: 255 KB, 1125x1500, StB2i23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I refuse to believe this is not Tommy

>> No.10934186

It doesn't baffle me why no one ever discusses Pynchon in-depth either inside or out of /lit/ and at one point in my life it would have actually led me down the melancholic path until I was Jaques and then Hamlet and then Charles Mason. Now, though, I see, and it's as if I were Lucretius on top of my tower of knowledge. Even the critics can't do Pynchon justice because they drag him down into the mud by being critics. The best of them know this. The best of them know, too, that he really is the closest thing we'll ever get to Shakespeare for another couple hundred.

>> No.10934306


I wonder what's in the bag
Smokes? Shampoo?

>> No.10934357

That's funny - I began reading Pynchon because someone drew a WASTE trumpet on the 4th floor bathroom of my university library

>> No.10934527

Too well-dressed and short to be Pynch. He's known to wear drab colors and plain clothes. Compare the way his feet point outward between these two:

>> No.10934627

Based pepperoni jalapeno pizza

>> No.10934633


mr. pynchon pls tell me I'm team peep

>> No.10935419


>> No.10936505
File: 12 KB, 323x343, BLACKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Follow around old man taking photos of him creepily
>Never show his face
>Order a drink with the name Thomas

>> No.10936523


>> No.10936547
File: 287 KB, 552x678, 20180402_031544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see his face here.

>> No.10936552

Pynch is tall?

>> No.10936555

I heard he plays some kind of sport in Catalonia now

>> No.10936590

Nice try Pynch but we got you.

>> No.10936668

I like the where's Waldo covers

>> No.10936938

Evan Dara is a pseudonym for Pynchon

>> No.10938178
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Pinecone unironically looks like a philosopher

>> No.10938197

holy fuck New York looks so patrician.
Got to move there!
Also, how much would an apartment like his cost?

>> No.10938203

looks pretty convincing

>> No.10938730

around two million back in the 90s... not sure now

>> No.10939035

New York is patrician. It’s as patrician as you can get in the US. That said, it’s no place for aspiring artists anymore. Given sky high rents, occupants are mostly bankers, lawyers, doctors, the already famous, etc. Brooklyn, however, may be worth it

>> No.10939083
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>tfw u realize Tommy probably posted ITT and left hours, maybe days ago, without considering coming back or revealing his identity

>> No.10939114

I was asked to change my name by Thomas Pynchon himself. I was paid an unmentionable amount to take his whole name. Now, when people hire private detectives to find him, they find me. It's a great gag.

>> No.10939117

I love Pynchon. I started with Lot 49, then went to Mason and Dixon which definitely got me addicted. Moved to Gravity's Rainbow, then V., blew Against the Day at coffee shops and I'm reading Vineland now. I don't really have an interest in Bleeding Edge or Inherent Vice but are there other authors who do historical fiction in the way Pynchon does?

>> No.10939120

>81th Street
i'm convinced

>> No.10939127

whats so good about his writing? is it true that it is difficult to get into? what should I start with?

>> No.10939143
File: 3.65 MB, 1440x1810, Screenshot_2018-04-02-16-16-50~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know his writing process? Id love to know. Does he get drunk? Is he alone? Does he do copious research or just work off his knowledge? Where does he write? How long does he write? Has he had any roadblocks? How did he get where is he today?

So many questions. I love this man's writing.

>> No.10939151

write him a letter you fag

>> No.10939161

Good idea actually. Think he would respond?

>> No.10939164

There’s an article somewhere about his time in Mexico writing GR, where he locked himself in a dark room for hours and hours and days and days writing an building little idols.

>> No.10939167

Find it and link it.

>> No.10939172

>Does he do copious research
that's the common wisdom, but I don't have a source

>> No.10939175

john barth

>> No.10939182

No im busy

>> No.10939193

>Does he do copious research or just work off his knowledge?

It's not just plain old research, it's the esoteric connections he makes that's so out of this world. I agree with PTA: he just knows more than anyone else

>> No.10939202

Can you give me an example? I want to join the Pynchon cult but I don’t quite buy it all.

>> No.10939219


Phoebus cartel. He used the story of a light bulb named Byron in GR to talk about it. In Bleeding Edge he hints about the Mossad and 9/11. It's all densely layered.

I still think Vineland is supremely underrated

>> No.10939242

But all that implies is he read some article about an energy monopoly conspiracy, turned it into some allegory, and randomly put it in GR. Emphasis on the word random.

Why should I conclude he knows more than the rest of us? Maybe hes just good at research?

>> No.10939250

According to the introduction to the Gravity's Rainbow Companion, "The first draft of Gravity’s Rainbow was written out in neat, tiny script on engineers’ quadrille paper. The idea had grown, parts of it during a stint in Mexico, from V., Pynchon’s first novel. It had been put aside for a second book, The Crying of Lot 49 (“in which I seem to have forgotten most of what I thought I’d learned up till then,” Pynchon would later lament, too harsh a critic of his own work [Slow Learner 22]). It was completed in southern California and New York. Visitors to his cave-like rooms perched two blocks up from the Pacific in Manhattan Beach, a Los Angeles suburb, recall only a cot, desk, and some bookshelves. One ruling mood of the place was a monkish impermanence; another, his warm, nonchalant eccentricity. Arranged on the shelves were an assortment of piggy banks and several books about swine. He delighted in a friend’s wife who could parody Shirley Temple singing “On the Good Ship Lollipop.” On his desk were deposited, in strata, various letters, miscellanea, and those quadrille sheets. Atop them stood a rocket constructed much like one of Picasso’s found objects: it was made out of a pencil-type eraser (the kind from which you peel off the corkscrew wrapper) in which a needle had been inserted to form a nose and to which a bent paper clip had been attached to serve as a launching pad."

>> No.10939322


You’re missing the point by just blindly assuming it’s random. I don’t think he just throws in references simply to be difficult on purpose. One of the focuses in the oeuvre is how there are ominous undercurrents to world events, and the prevailing sense of paranoia

>> No.10939327

>he hints about the Mossad and 9/11
the Mossad didn’t do 9/11 lol, what does he hint at?

>> No.10939558

He smokes weed and watches cartoons

>> No.10939573

The man in the photo definitely isnt tall unlike in

>> No.10939769

He uses it to distill the idea that authority muddles scientific research, and innovation; it all becomes politicized, like the Rocket, leaving a trail of actual, real trauma in its wake, despite the bulb game not seeming so insidious.

>> No.10939804

nonentity to me

>> No.10939967
File: 59 KB, 570x591, Malcontent1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy on the Sad, my lad.
Acute vision hits you hard. Keep a head on you.
But God, what a day...the day we were sold. A Monday from what my Old Memory tells.
A searing through the September sky, as mouths stretched in mournful distortions, and eyes sunk as they looked aloft to a Sun they could swear grew darker. Sordid weight was felt just before, under the skin. Dust flung up and reconfigured. Something left as those glass pillars fell, flying away to other regions where baleful, all-ensnaring falsehoods are left in the salt brine undisturbed, and finial gland-like beings spiral and intertwine with greenery so lush, like a caul, adhered together like wounds healed; away from the brute afflictions tormenting those aligned still with flesh, who now, trapped, alone, together, scream amidst the stalled taxis, eddying papers, the pungent scent of fuel stabbing through the chaos, and the tears in brooks down their faces, obeying abhorrent forces to fall in agony over the souls caught in the first onslaught. Fear clenched the sinew near their hearts. The moment hung for a while; before the sheer confusion of trying to make sense of something no one would prepare for; ones not knowing whether to abandon their vehicles, step out and embrace another, or to roar down avenues to the nearest exit of the city, the speed-induced ennui of highways, seeing the nightmare dwindling behind.
Another heat, another blunted hit at the aether... certain now intended for the world to gnash their teeth at, to stand silent, nearby screens, straining their ears for state-sanctioned words to nullify their fears of this contaminating the years ahead. Sirens pounded the concrete. Wide eyes marched on the streets whitewashed with dust. Faces sunk as they noticed tissues strewn across the pavement, red-staining and lucent in the early sun...

>> No.10939995



Had a feeling I read that before. Ah.

>> No.10941656

this thread was all Team Mini yesterday now it's gone......... i miss the teams man...... good memories