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/lit/ - Literature

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11077741 No.11077741 [Reply] [Original]

What compels you the most to pick up a book?

>> No.11077747

That's a pretty creepy picture.

>> No.11077752

People talking and conversing about literature.

>> No.11077756

It's just Diogenes man, it's what he did

Are you really shitting on Diogenes for 'looking creepy'. Fuck you.

>> No.11077766

Pseud cred.

>> No.11077771

I like to do the proofs and exercise problems.

>> No.11077773

biochemical processes in my brain

>> No.11077780
File: 155 KB, 326x311, Blank+_dfb33e5aa3d4d57d3668b535cff24149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first thing I look is the subject. If it sounds interesting, may give it a try. The second thing is that I check the mood I am at the moment. There are times I simply can't read some books, and if I try force myself to, I ain't gonna read and ain't gonna learn shit. The third thing is price. I ain't going to buy expensive if I can have the same quality by a lower price, so I now make a pretty deep price check.

Those are the major things I use when searching for a book. Usualy I read the classics, but them there is a limit for me readig dead people talking about serious subjects, so I need to break a bit. I usualy go for something very simple and interesting when I hit this rock, and usualy is YA. Althought 90% YA's are absolute trash, I find 10% with are pretty cool. And tho even the 10% suffer from time-to-time of some awfull YA trops, they are still very enjoyable and I like them very much.

>> No.11077839

No its not. That picture is an illustration from the inferno. I believe that was when they were entering the gluttony circle?

>> No.11077890

That's Pluto I think

>Pape Satan Aleppe

>> No.11077901

>implying it's not Diogenes
Whatever you want to believe.

>> No.11077972

sadly enough this.
nice full house btw

>> No.11078049

this and the σοφός itself that i feel φίλος towards - i want to learn shit for it's own sake too.

>> No.11078064


I'm schizophrenic and worry that I'm caught in a Landian time vortex that can only be escaped when I find out and do whatever I did on the original timeline. The books are talking to me. They're terribly inconsistent but I assume that's because time is changing all around me.

>> No.11078079

Nothing compels me to do anything

>> No.11078207
File: 210 KB, 900x1040, viggo_mortensen_in_the_road_by_starfishenterprise-d3bx1es.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether the book fits with whatever current obsession I have at the time. Last week was radio theory. This week is WWI tech. I'm sure there's other dilettantes here who know the feeling.

>> No.11078368

I usually look at works that other authors I like admire or may randomly pick something if it deals in subjects I am interested in

>> No.11078419
File: 320 KB, 640x444, 121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11079103

Good cover design or a cool title.

>> No.11079117

The categorical imperative

>> No.11079119

The title.

I started reading Kierkegaard just because “The Sickness Unto Death” caught my eye.

>> No.11079128

Is it my moral duty to read mein kampf?

>> No.11079147

If the cover looks nice and pseuds will think im smart

>> No.11079150

Would you will it reading Mein Kampf as an universal law of nature?

>> No.11079156

t. 18 year old boring weed smoker troglodyte

>> No.11080993

how sad it'll make me. I find reading to be very cathartic

>> No.11081494

The cover
If you can’t afford a decent graphic designer or a decent artist
It ain’t worth my time