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11108342 No.11108342 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite /lit/ubber?

>> No.11108350
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>> No.11108351

orpheus and paperbird

>> No.11108354

Does Jordan Peterson count?

>> No.11108356

She looks like a handsome 19th century composer from Norway

>> No.11108368
File: 62 KB, 498x450, 20518de107675b50d3cae2ec2efa2145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one i can tolerate is better than food, and thats on the borderline of me hating his pretentiousness

>> No.11108377

i wonder if it would even be possible to design a more unlikable person

>> No.11108381

is this a variant of "she looks like a boy" meme

>> No.11108406

That's an uglier Daisy Ridley

>> No.11108410

She looks like she would make a great gf (male).

>> No.11108416
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pewdiepie of course.

>> No.11108417

Cliff is pretentious but can be cool from time to time
Bookchemist is pretty cool, but he pretty much exclusively talks about litcore
I like paperbird a lot

>> No.11108418

Daisy Chinley.

>> No.11108421

>i look like a dog/bird
>look my hair is short
>i do anal
>i like cigarettes
>and drink my whisky straight
>i have a light boyish voice
>i forget to shave lol
>i cheat but its ok because men aren’t people
>i get mad when Chad won’t fuck me but im anti-patriarchy
>i like to be choked as an affirmation of my sexual potency
>i am losing fertility with every month from BC
>ive had 55 partners since 18 and will reach triple digits before 27
>ugly guys love to hit on me because i falsely put myself out there as approachable
>i have drug problems and a useless degree
>please love me, but i can’t love
you back and won’t
>also fuck my ass chad

>> No.11108447

>is this a variant of "she looks like a boy" meme
No it's not a variant of "she looks like a boy" meme you fucking effeminate retard. God I wish we were looking at each in real life so I could punch you in the fucking face. This isn't Reddit you bellwether. First, there's no "she looks like a boy" meme. Second, she actually looks like a boy.

Fucking passive-aggressive piece of shit ruining this board

>> No.11108473
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I like you anon. Excellent post.

>> No.11108484

not the way she acts atleast

>> No.11108486

how are gifs like this even made

>> No.11108513

why are you incels leaking from your containment boards lately?

>> No.11108516

ask your parents

>> No.11108517
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u right m8

>> No.11108541

No its a "she looks like a handsome 18th century composer from Norway" post

>> No.11108552

Holy fuck... this is...
holy fuck
You just found the words for the thing I've been thinking
True god among men

>> No.11108557

I keep seeing pictures of this girl who is this?

>> No.11108559
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Is it a sin for a Catholic man to find boyish girls attractive?

>> No.11108565
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>> No.11108568

the worst woman on the planet

>> No.11108575
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Anytime you show any fucking passion of course you get these damn steer with their "u alright anon" and fucking nigger reaction pics.

>> No.11108577
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u alright anon?

>> No.11108583
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>> No.11108586

Looks like antifafu, one of pol's girls

>> No.11108589
File: 112 KB, 226x269, dce595_62a56dc0ec9241ee9280e6fe77586927~mv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually recently found quite the gem in Charles Tew. His show Functional Philosophy is pretty damn good. He started fairly recently and it feels good to catch a new fish when he's still under 1000 subs.

>> No.11108590

Why is she so horrible?

>> No.11108596

Oh I get it she's an Antifa bitch or something right

>> No.11108603

fucking quality post

>> No.11108604

even the goddamn homely """"philosophy"""" student stay-at-home "I'm so rational and not like the other girls :^)" girls take the traditional thot-before-the-mirror pics
LMAO I weep for the state of modern women holy shit I'm never going to find one that isn't a tinder-cock-carousel-veteran, it's actually impossible nowadays

>> No.11108614

go on tinder, its a law that you have to display hyper sexuality or have a weird body morphology. legions of them, countless millions of them. think: all of them will have to reach the age of motherhood and a considerable fraction must inevitably produce children. gen z and their successors are absolutely fucked

the most bizarre aspect is how relatively reserved and staid the boomer whores were by comparison despite the rampant degeneracy

>> No.11108615

Nobody hates her, quite the opposite

>> No.11108621
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>> No.11108633
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An Übermensch, there's no other words that can describe him.

>> No.11108648

Calm down faggot

>> No.11108673

this is unbearable

>> No.11108674
File: 40 KB, 105x157, whyamihere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman takes a nice picture of her self

I'm Muslim and even I think you're retarded

>> No.11108693

what do you think about especially white muslims who don't denounce terrorism in the name of allah?

>> No.11108696


>> No.11108708

this level of resentment, my god

>> No.11108710

They do just no one listens to them

>> No.11108713

what do you mean?

>> No.11108725

what is a /lit/ubber?

>> No.11108726

Lol you are out of touch with the insane relationship western women have developed with images of themselves in the last 10 years

>> No.11108732

I've heard moderate Muslims denounce terrorism more times than I can count. And there's a point where a crime is so horrendous that it doesn't need condemning. You'd never see a formal condemnation of murder or rape. It's just stupid. Same goes for terrorism. It's so obviously wrong that to expect Muslim communities to denounce it everytime is plain stupid. Not only are such acts clearly wrong, but it is just dumb to treat Islam as a single homogenous community ,as though everymuslim repreesnts islam entire


>> No.11108734
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>> No.11108743


Probably not very high.

>> No.11108745

i wasn't talking about the 'community' i'm talking about singular people (often white, who's converted) who not only don't deny it, but support the massacre of jews.
i'm just curious, cause i saw a clip on youtube recently where that happened and i was astonished.

>> No.11108803

Why? Ive seen women go from taking photos at birthday parties, to making one post a day on fotolog with digital camera pics of them and their friends, to having 300 pics a week of mostly them in contribed photoshoot sessions with nikons, to curating a gallery of their life via cellphone pics taken throughout the day, every day