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11117803 No.11117803[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Minotaur of Milwaukee has spoken, this is the official phil starter pack:
>1. Plato, The Last Days of Socrates – this includes four dialogues: the Euthyphro, the Apology, the Crito, and the Phaedo
>2. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
>3. Epictetus, Discourses, Fragments, Handbook
>4. Augustine of Hippo, Confessions
>5. Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy
>6. Anselm of Canterbury, Three Philosophical Dialogues – this includes On Truth, On Freedom of Choice, and On The Fall of the Devil
>7. Thomas Aquinas, Selected Writings – includes a wide selection of Thomas’ works
>8. Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy (with the objections and replies)
>9. Mary Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights of Women
>10. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Genealogy of Morals


>> No.11117833

I feel 9 might gain the ire of my fellow Aristophanean frogmen. I've only got 2 and 8, gulp!

>> No.11117837

>(with the objections and replies)
Is there any good "standalone" editions of this? I already got the Meditations.

>> No.11117841
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Get into Hackett, one of two philosophy publishers worth being a fanboy of.

ISBN: 0872207986

>> No.11117845

>old shit

>> No.11117848

>Newer is better

>> No.11117854

This seems like a lot of moral philosophy, so that's why there's much old shit.

Anyway, anyone interested in knowledge needs to read Descartes, Hume and Kant - so I guess that's why there's a beginning there in Meditations, at least.

>> No.11117900
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>> No.11117910
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>11. Gregory B. Sadler, Half Hour Hegel: The Complete Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.11118051

What is the other one?

>> No.11118085

>>9. Mary Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights of Women

Only American and/or Briton would suggest this shit

Shocked that he didn't cram in that bitch that got burned as well

>> No.11118117

not him but possibly loeb?

>> No.11118215

Fuck that ten. It won’t get you anywhere.
>1. Plato: Complete Works
>2. Plotinus: The Enneads
>3. Philo: Complete Works
>4. Proclus: Comm. Timaeus
>5. Proclus: Theology of Plato
>6. Iamblichus: On the Mysteries
>7. Damascius: On Plato’s Phaedo
>8. Iamblichus: De Anima
>9. Olympiodorus: On Plato’s Phaedo
>10. Porphyry: Works
>11. Proclus: On the Alcibiades
>12. Nicomachus: Theoretic Arithmetic
>13. Nicomachus: Manual of Harmonics
>14. Proclus: Comm. Euclid
>15. Macrobius: Comm. Dream of Scipio
>16. Emperor Julian: Complete Works
>17. Numenius: Complete Works
>18. Damascius: Problems and Solutions
>19. Iamblichus: Comm. Plato
>20. Anonymous: Theology of Arithmetic
>21. Proclus: Comm. Parmenides
>22. Proclus: Comm. Cratylus
>23. Calcidius: On Timaeus
>24. Olympiodorus: Comm. Alcibiades
>25. Anonymous: Prologomena to Philosophy
>26. Alcinous: The Handbook of Platonism
>27. Plutarch: Isis and Osiris
>28. Macrobius: Saturnalia
>29. Boethius: Consolation of Philosophy
>30. Ficino: Platonic Commentaries

>> No.11118235


>> No.11118296

Yeah, I was thinking of Loeb.

Obviously most Uni Presses are great too, but they print good shit in every field.

>> No.11118310

>Fuck that top 10
>heres a top 30
>I think im helpful

>> No.11118384
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>> No.11118447

literally yes
it's called the evolution of thought you psued, ancient people only reasoned the way they did because they didn't know what we know due to science. thus they are basically a big waste of time

>> No.11118511

I’m not not going to take this bait. Fuck you. Why do you think the Christians made it their top priority to burn all the Platonism they could find and gangrape platonists for so many hundreds of years? Their knowledge was so much more valuable than ours.

>> No.11118515

>no Spinoza,literally the perfect thinker


>> No.11118520

>Oy vey this poster is such a good goy!

>> No.11118529

Where do you go after this? Renaissance hermeticism? Guenon?

>> No.11118549

>Someone bangs at the door
>le minotaure continues to read nonetheless
>A red axe crashed through
>"HERE HE IS. I FOUND HIM," yells a fireman to the others through the hole in the door.
>A cigarette-wielding detective swears, placing his arm through the gap and turning the door knob.
>"We've been looking for you for five (5) days, Gregory PhD. Damn, you know how many manhours I put into this mansearch?"
>An emphatic woman cries out: "Where have you been, Greg?"
>His eyes have not moved from the page, he reads til the last word.
>Then, he peels his eyes away from the book he's spent 121 hours looking at.
>He folds the book closed, and holds it aloft. He is done with the preface.

>> No.11118562


As a list for introductory readers, would it not stand to reason Spinoza is something of a "next step"? Not to say that's what was thought. I just hardly see it as conclusive that he necessarily be included. Not really arguing against his inclusion either, though.

>> No.11118569

>wasting time on Spinoza when Leibniz exists
never gonna make it

>> No.11118574


>> No.11118578

This anon is not wrong

>> No.11118592

Based Sadler. Although, is this a new list? I thought Republic was on his top 10?

>> No.11118594

join philosophy discord


>> No.11118602
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Collab when?

>> No.11118609
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>> No.11118638

You certainly might want to. I think I’m going to keep re-reading the books in this list and relevant scholarship until I die or get spiritual-equivalent-of-beamed-up. I think some of the later writers miss certain emphases and they didn’t have access to many of those thirty works, so I don’t know how reliable they are.

>> No.11118724

These hack frauds ain’t never read no book unless it was going to be turned into a movie, or movie related in some way.

>> No.11118808

>The Minotaur of Milwaukee
Is that an axe murder or something?

>> No.11118852

Curious as to why? I’ve never actually read him but everything I’ve seen from him seems like nonsense that was completely refuted by people after him.

>> No.11119921

great green text.

>> No.11119938
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>Mary Wollstonecraft

>> No.11119948


Yes, insofar as he prepares you for understanding advaita vedanta, which deals with many of the same ideas and concepts as neoplatonism (but far more accurately and clearly IMO). After Guenon you read the primary Advaita commentaries and texts.

>> No.11119967

Wow thanks, I thought no one liked it. Have my reddit leprechaun gold.

>> No.11119983


>> No.11120339

Can anyone prove this wrong? Why would I bother with the bible when it was written by Bedouin shepherders

>> No.11120399

Damn I have a degree in philosophy and I've only read 1, 2, 8, 9 & 10. Thanx college :^)

>> No.11120448

Oy vey goyim, you don't really want to read those stupid outdated Christians, do you...?

>> No.11120468

isn't common sense the most plebish of things? nice list otherwise