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/lit/ - Literature

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11151614 No.11151614 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11151626
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i have problem with Power Cleans. You are supposed to jump, and then like do squat under the weight, but my jump is both too short, and i fail to do squat

>> No.11151637

Where is the best place to buy cheap used english books if i live in Norway? I mostly read philosophy.

>> No.11151693

you use the same motion of hip explosion to drop into a front squat right as the weight starts to fall

>> No.11151737

It would be very painful..

>> No.11151750

>too short
for a clean? lmao

>> No.11151774
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I am unfulfilled.

>> No.11151813

I'm going down a career path that i know i will hate, but i'm doing it so that i can write while working

>> No.11151819

Anyone ever lost contact with a really good friend? Being in a different city is so weird and when we do meet up on rare occasions it's just, I dunno, not like it used to be. Gib me a book for this feel

>> No.11151820

"Midway upon the journey of our life. I found myself within a forest dark, For the straightforward pathway had been lost."

>> No.11151824

Actually don't I don't want to read a book about my problems I have better books to read

>> No.11151827
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I had a dream where I was a diver and had to spend hours swimming through this cloudy teal water where was nothing but a shark stalking me. It never approached but was always there, a grey silhouette in the distance. The dream barely lasted a moment but it contained an awful reflection on a lifetime of terror. My bones felt brittle and I was crying.

>> No.11151831

I am angry because the point was to prove something

>> No.11151870
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kinda, It's mainly work load that's separating me from my best friend. Once the summer starts i'll hang out with him more

>> No.11151880

I've fallen for a girl and she has a fiancé. She's giving me mixed signals and I just wish I had the slightest clue of what's going on.

>> No.11151883
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I found this girl's erring and returned it to her.
She gave me a long hug and the next day even brought me some cake that I ate greedely on the spot as we talked.
I had not recieved such attentions by the opposite sex since when I was a little kid.

Do people that are ingaged in a relationship feel such happiness every day ? Is that even allowed ?

>> No.11151896
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Dad might have cancer.
Mom i crying.

>> No.11151919

Stay strong anon. Remember you are doing it for him, and for her, and it will help you be strong too. There's still a lot you can do even if you get the news.

>> No.11151933

I had been depressed for two days for unknown reasons. I had began contemplating to kill myself for a short while but I think I had recovered from it now. I plan to move from this shit city I live in to stay back with my parent semi-suburban/rural hometown.

Right now it feels like nothing in this world can particularly make me happy. I just experienced things and then pretend I enjoy them. I don't know why I'm here.

>> No.11152032

give both of them all the love you have

>> No.11152040

What happened to journalism? Are all the Hunter S Thompsons dead or something? Did they get into too much shit?

>> No.11152136

If you need to be smothered, you're bound to be disappointed in mates. But nothing wrong with seeking a nurturing, compassionate person to alleviate your separation anxiety and general infantalist desire. Maybe you'll win the lottery and meet a furry that will only cuck you occasionally. Seriously though, being this lonely and feeling happiness for that moment says more about your self-loathing and fear of being vulnerable in front of others. I suspect you will find contentment, but still outsource most of this discontent to a consumer lifestyle, with intellectual consumption holding the greatest merit to you. Have fun.

>> No.11152177
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New Journalism. Followed by the triumph of television. Then the rise of intellectualism as cultural product, The Rebel Sell. The internet then gave us this glut of self-styled authority, globalism never reaching the practical, the localism becoming awash in abstract pseudo superiority, pragmatism becoming a bad word. Too much peace makes us go something, something....

>> No.11152247

>only for two days
You're better than most of us

>> No.11152251

Not him but is it even possible not to live a consumeristic lifestyle in such a time ?

>> No.11152256

My mom died of cancer. Now my dad is dying of it. Here's what I've learned: start drinking and smoking a to excess

>> No.11152290

today my dad had to go to hospital. Something with constipation problem, what could it be?

>> No.11152546
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Pizza, pizza.
Tastes so good.
Cut it up into triangels.
Slice into squares.
Pizza, pizza.
A trip I took to Oak Island in a white van.
A character from GR who I think was neato, and I can't remember if he was isolated to only a few parts or he came up again and again under different names. A behaviourist, though I don't know what that pretty words means. Except for your interpretation, what bells ring for what purpose for him, why is he so sure of himself and his agency isolated from the rest? Is it insanity? Is Joseph de Maistre relevant to the Pynch? Am I learning?

>> No.11152562

I have about 4 close female friends and maybe 4 more not so close ones and I'll never bang any of them

>> No.11152685

Journalism is dead. All the ad money has dried up with the coming of the internet, meaning everything from newspapers to TV to websites themselves (clicks really don't bring as much revenue as legacy media ads did) are suffering. What this means is that salaries have been stagnant for 20 years, and they were already low to begin with. The only people who can go into journalism these days are people who don't need money, people who are supported by their wealthy families. Anyone who actually needs money to survive will leave after one or two years of making <30k a year and not being able to afford rent. Literally any other field will pay more. I worked at a small market TV station as a reporter and made 24k a year and was living on rice and beans while my coworkers came to work in brand new Mercedes-Benzes. I wanted to make a difference in the community, in the world. They were "following their dreams of being on TV." These people are psychopaths who don't know anything about anything but still want to be seen as authorities on world affairs. Print and online journalism is exactly the same, except the people are uglier. It's a disgusting field and I don't trust a single person who calls themselves a journalist.

>> No.11152725

Same. I've had many female friends over the years and nothing has ever happened with any of them except one let me see/touch her enormous yum yums. (Pierced nips too, was very hot.)

>> No.11152759

I can't remember mom's face and it's killing me. She died 3 months ago. I feel so guilty.

>> No.11152764

I've been trying to get a new job for like 10 months and have only gotten one interview. I'm so burnt out of it all and I'm starting to feel like I'll be stuck at my current job living at home making $11 an hour with no health insurance forever. I don't know what's wrong with me. I have a degree from a good school. I've never had an employment gap. The interview I had went very well, but I was still rejected. Nobody in my family has done anything with their lives for two generations and I almost think people can smell that on me, like they know I'm from a bunch of nobodies with no contacts and no reputation and they see me as destined for nothing.

>> No.11152903

A diet with too much red meat.

>> No.11152940

Welp no longer have my part-time job, here's to another 1.5 years of NEEThood for me.

>> No.11152947

I'm going to tell her, I'm going to do it.

>> No.11152951

I want to learn to play Go.

>> No.11152959

Learn Mahjong, Go is gay.

>> No.11152963

I've never seen anyone who isn't an old woman playing Mahjong.

>> No.11152992

You obviously don't know Fukumoto, or Mahjong really.

>> No.11153005

Evidently not.

>> No.11153016

Yeah, my best friend graduated from film school and then moved out to Los Angeles, while I'm still in the midwest finishing grad school. We still manage to see each other a handful of times throughout the year, but sadly, I don't think that will last. On top of that, I now live about an hour away from the rest of my good friends and my girlfriend is in Europe on a Fulbright scholarship for a couple more months. At least I have more time to read.

It's not exactly that feel, but A Grief Observed explores CS Lewis's grief and bereavement from the death of his wife.

>> No.11153029

Is it literary to sell my blood plasma to buy books?

>> No.11153058

Yes, we don't really meet anymore because of our jobs, but when the rare occasion comes it's awkward.
He hasn't changed somehow during these years but I did for the best, to the point where I cringe at thinking that I was like that once.

>> No.11153069

It'd be literary to steal the books desu. Use your blood money for booze and the bars like the rest of us degenerates

>> No.11153302
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Hello fellow intellectuals. Life is hard with a big IQ. I can feel it in my belly. End of story.

>> No.11153313

good luck anon

>> No.11153337

I'm trying to write more about what I see around me because I was told self-centered prose is boring.

I saw a bird shit on an old woman's shoe at the grocery store, so I guess that's got something to do with the universe or whatever. I'd much rather write about something personally interesting, not about bird shit on an old lady's shoe. I think it was Bukowski. I think he said don't write about yourself, or something about self-centered prose.

Can prose be anything but self-centered? Even at my best I'm only imitating another self as I understand it.

>> No.11153372

I really find difficult to find people to connect with. Also, the ones toward which I feel some kind of connection, in some cases bore me because they talk often about the same subjects. I have a lot to speak about many topics and it's hard to find others who do the same. Then again I may have my faults, but it's a really frustrating situation sometimes

>> No.11153386
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I have a long narrative poem out for submission to a magazine. They said their typical response time is two to three months, and that if four months have gone by without a response, I can query them. Today is three months and I haven't heard anything.

I'd like to think this means they're giving my work serious consideration. Getting a poem like this published would probably be a big deal for my writing career. I've been rejected so many times, but I've had a few successes, too. Even so, I have yet to really hit the big time as a writer and poet, and I'm hoping to do it soon. Wish me luck, /lit/.

>> No.11153407

choux pastry demonstrates the superiority of steam power

>> No.11153424

Man is a musical animal, he sings about existence. He sings songs that go on for too long, they lose their novelty and deeper appreciation of his music is maturity.

It is because nature is song. The stoic mountains across the lake hint of abyssal tones and above them the hazel sky hides the stars in the deep black infinite. There lies the rhythm which beat far before mind can comprehend, and the sun grew and the earth danced around. The mountain sings and the clouds hum. I am he who writes my life as a song, and they who pass observe the maturity of this creatures melody.

>> No.11153488

god damn that is sad. Don't you have any pics?

>> No.11153902

If you're miserable and someone who isn't miserable finds out then they resent you for not being happy like them, because if they can do it why can't you? If you're miserable and someone else who is miserable finds out then they resent you for complaining about it or for showing weakness, because if they can hide it why can't you?

>> No.11153938
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I hope you are still around anon.

>it's impossible to find satisfaction or avoid suffering in this state with a normal human mindset. Not as in a Western sense specifically, but any that depends on a constant release of pleasure. When you consider life in the long term this way, the justifications become very weak, and often simply come down to increasing the odds of pleasure and minimizing the pain
That's completely correct. But you should also see that it's impossible to find true satisfaction or avoid suffering in *any* -not just your current- state even if you have a *normal* (what is normal anyway?) human mindset. This is the basic knowledge and feeling that enables you to understand the first Noble Truth of dukkha.

>Someday comes more tragedy. It is not awful, but it seems quite empty. Like running in place for centuries.
There are similes where the Buddha explains samsara as without discoverable beginning or end. It's indeed as if you were a dog chasing for its own tail without realizing it's in fact your own tail. Now, don't get caught up in the negativity of the impossibility of avoiding suffering, just like a dog would get caught up chasing its own tail only generating more and more suffering. This is where the other three Noble Truths come into play. There is actually a way out of this never ending cycle.

>To be honest though, I am still divided on whether coming to Buddhism to avoid pain is sensible or not. It shouldn't matter what you're feeling, right? The conclusion holds true at any time.
You won't avoid the pain that comes, for example, if you get hit by a dart. You will avoid the pain that comes with identifying yourself with that pain you feel. The dart simile touches exactly this point (see https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/sn/sn36/sn36.006.than.html))
I'm not sure what you mean by "It shouldn't matter what you're feeling". Can you explain better? I'd be inclined to say that it does matter what feeling you are experiencing. Feeling hate is not the same as feeling sadness, even if the underlying process through which they come about are the same.

>> No.11153950


I don't know about that; there are empathetic people out there. I don't resent people for opening up to me. The people I know (so far as I'm aware) don't resent me for revealing my misery.

>> No.11153994

thats not him boy

>> No.11154032
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Made peace with my father today,great feeling being on the big man right side,family is important.Also wanna try some argyrea nervosa seeds again soon. Fucking my classmates would be nice too.

>> No.11154038

There's a small town where the clockmaker's hobby is sneaking inside a house once a month to change all the clocks and watches' mechanisms, with the sole purpose of making everyone living there late for their appointments, but not more than 10 minutes.

>> No.11154053

Life is boring and unfulfilling. I keep trying new things but quickly lose interest.

>> No.11154111
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>That's kind of a tricky thing, isn't it? I've heard that nirvana is samsara and samsara is nirvana, and the only barrier is deluded existence.
That depends on which Buddhist tradition we are talking about. There are three main branches, namely, Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana. Each has different approaches and definitions of what exactly is nirvana and its nature. A particularly interesting position is that of the Madhyamikas, a Mahayana school, which is based on Nagarjuna's concept of emptiness (sunyata). Even nirvana is empty of substance. Nirvana is "the unconditioned", and samsara is conditioned. How can the unconditioned be the same as the conditioned? Anyway, this discussion won't take us to anything, as it's a discussion that goes back to the origin of the Buddhist community and it is still being debated. Let's stick to what the Buddha said and not what Buddhists say. Buddhism doesn't have an institution per se. Buddha transmitted the Dhamma, not Buddhism. I have to say that I try to adhere to the Theravadins, so what I'm trying to base what I say on the Theravadin view.

>Our thoughts condition our lives
True. See the first couple of verses of the Dhammapada (https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/dhp/dhp.01.budd.html).).

>I do think it's valid to suggest the Middle Way as an alternative to that cycle.
Hmm... The Middle Way is not an alternative to samsara. It's not some alternate reality you jump into and are automagically free from suffering. Imagine this world we experience as a jenga tower. Desire and ignorance makes you add blocks to the tower, thus making it sturdier and more difficult to destroy. The Middle Way allows you to remove blocks from the tower so that it collapses and you are free from adding more blocks or building more towers.

>> No.11154171
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The Middle Way also isn't a goal on it's own. It's only a means to an end and it has to be ultimately dropped. Attachment and clinging to the Dhamma is a danger you have to be aware of. This is very tricky, and it has lead me to situations where I doubt the Buddhist path, though having doubt is a given and with enough practice you will be able to surmount that obstacle. See the raft simile for a more in-depth account on dropping the path (https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/mn/mn.022.than.html#raft))

>It's not another shiny new thing to strive for, but freedom from striving altogether
Striving is very important in Buddhism and is seen as a good thing. I think what you are referring to is actually attachment/craving and clinging (both of which are central concepts on the second Noble Truth of the origin of suffering). "The monk strives for non-attachment through non-clinging", "The monk strives for the ending of all effluents and release from suffering (i.e. enlightenment)" are common formulations you find throughout the Pali canon.

>It's such a beautiful thing, and I am starting to think this above all things would be best for me.
Buddhism is highly pragmatic. Understand the frame of reference and start practicing. You won't lose anything if you try it out. I'm obviously biased when I say this. but I also think it would be a good thing to follow.


>> No.11154253
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>> No.11154300

I'm so overwhelmed by the process of editing my novel that I haven't touched it in two weeks. I literally need to rewrite everything and I just can't handle it

What do I do?

>> No.11154311

not him but theres a doc on netflix about some monks and their lions

>> No.11154314

also, before anyone says "just do it" I was doing that two weeks ago but every change made it worse than it already was and now I'm terrified of changing anything else

>> No.11154317

its not like it has a deadline, so whats the issue, just edit it when you feel like it

>> No.11154322
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Please don't yell at me.
Buddhist societies have some fucked up shit.

>> No.11154326

I just want to be done with it. I don't want to have this sitting on my laptop gathering dust until I forget about it or decide "fuck it, it's never going to happen"

>> No.11154352
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All my apreciation for you guys and your dubs,thanks!

>> No.11154371

>literally need to rewrite anything
Nigger that's not editing, that means you're not sure of your own work, and it's probably time to just rip the bandaid off. You understand?

>> No.11154397

I'm not going to throw this away. If I give up now then I'm never going to get this far again. That's a certainty I'm not going to fuck with

>> No.11154412

try pulling with a very narrow stance, so after the triple extension your legs will have to spread out and squat down to catch the bar

this one makes me feel pretty sad desu

>> No.11154433
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i am very scared. i would like to make something really good and meaningful but i don't think i am talented enough. from what i have read it seems i have picked up very little because i was not wise enough to understand their importance. things that i once considered beautiful, moving and giving meaning to life seem shallow now and i think it is because my creativity is drying up. now i don't know why to live

>> No.11154438

another semester in the history books! time to shitpost!

>> No.11154464

I'm past my bill date
I'm ganna fail this semester and be dismissed again
I think I have adhd
I don't want to use that as an excuse for being a fuck up

>> No.11154474

I'm so jealous of all of you still in college. If only I knew then what I know now. I would have done everything different.

>> No.11154480

same, my whole life is like a chain of bad decisions, my decisions do get slightly less bad as time goes on but right around the time they finally flip from bad to good i'll be dead

>> No.11154499

Sometimes I think I'm actually a little autist

>> No.11154503

>I saw a bird shit on an old woman's shoe at the grocery store, so I guess that's got something to do with the universe or whatever.
Ha! I'd pay to read a book filled with these.

>> No.11154514

What are some bad decisions you've made? For me some of the worst are:
>majored in journalism
>accepted a terrible job in the middle of nowhere that paid shit
>left that job after only a few months so my resume looks like shit
>thought a girl loved me who didn't actually love me so I stayed a virgin for her because I dreamt that we would save ourselves for each other and get married but it turned out she fucked other guys and so that whole time I could have been having experiences and maybe even falling in love with someone else or at the very least fucked at least once or twice but oh well that was only multiple years of my life down the drain for nothing

>> No.11154616
File: 1.83 MB, 2952x1957, 18640011~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Splintering blue
A gust of wind,
An act of God,
A swaying branch,
A nest perched precariously in a pine tree,
Grass that seemed so soft and safe
Now a wall of bricks,
Hard, unforgiving, treacherous,
Does it hear the rushing wind,
The ground closing fast,
Split seconds, split shells,
Light green, light blue and yellow,
How does the mother feel,
Does she feel?

One less mouth to feed,
One less worm to catch,
Does she notice,
Does it eat her up inside,
Why would he do this,
Who's to blame,
Does she blame?
Sadness, grief, regret?
Still, she wakens to welcome the rising sun.

Below, a reminder,
Does it take its toll?
Or will it be forgotten,
Blue and yellow dried on grass.

>> No.11154703

Hi, I'm still around.
>it's impossible to find true satisfaction or avoid suffering in *any* -not just your current- state
There's certainly some truth to this. I think most people live in a style of constantly off-setting the most important questions with a steady flow of pleasure, and this illness only really highlights a problem that was there all along. To that end, it's almost like a spiritual experience, since pleasure and emotions so often complicate things to the extreme. I should almost consider this a kind of blessing, since I now have definite proof that the common way of life we all share now is not always the best.
>Can you explain better?
Sure. Everything in existence is lined with dukkha, Do you know that crushing feeling of loss when you finish a great story? Or how every beautiful song loses its magic as you keep thinking about it? Or how you consider someone you love, and some part of you imagines their death? When we are honest with ourselves, we find this trace of dissatisfaction in all things. I know what it's like to have friends you love, and how you really genuinely want those days to last forever, but they can't. If we are all honest with ourselves, we know this is not something to be shrugged off, but a fact of life itself.
>The Middle Way is not an alternative to samsara
I suppose 'samsara' is the wrong term here, since it refers to the cycle of rebirth itself. Instead, I should write that The Middle Way is an alternative to the hedonistic life, and due to the way thoughts shape our lives, a disciplined monk and a traditional layman could be said to experience very different worlds despite both still existing in samsara. I hope that makes it clear.
>It's only a means to an end and it has to be ultimately dropped
That part is confusing. Supposedly, you use your desire for liberation as a vehicle until it may be safely dropped (ex. abandoning your canoe once you cross the stream), but like all cravings it comes with many drawbacks, and I'm sure many prospective students of Buddhism have struggled greatly as their dependence on the vehicle to be saved is too great a burden and they quit early due to the pressure. I wrote previously that Buddhism had shown excellent results in my situation, so why did I quit? It was realizing that I depended on meditation to bring a transcendental experience and restore my capacity for pleasure, rather than to acquire liberation from the system and strip out the desire for becoming. It is like a textbook example of wrong view, though I do not judge myself for it.
>Striving is very important in Buddhism and is seen as a good thing
Ahh, yeah, monks do live very arduous lives in pursuit of the goal. It's very clear how one can approach this like a discipline and plant the seeds of wholesome kamma in this life through concentrated effort. I don't know whether I'll 'walk the path' traditionally, but it is certainly worth investigating. Thanks for the response.

>> No.11154773

Blew off a girl who was into me so I could bang a different chick. Found out that she had a boyfriend partway through but still banged her.
I don't really feel bad about it but I'm pretty sure that girl 1 was the first person that wanted to spend time with me outside of a quick fuck and now I don't think I'll ever see that again.

Also whenever I drink alone now it just makes the anxiety worse so I poured out my last fifth of Jameson.

>> No.11154777

russell simmon's self-help books are so good, he's like a black hindu peterson for hip-hop kids

>> No.11154803
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>If we are all honest with ourselves, we know this is not something to be shrugged off, but a fact of life itself.
If it is to happen then it will be a fact in the future, but isn't one now. Causation gives us probabilities which are more likely, but the facts of a death is never beheld. The same is true of all lose. The dissatisfaction you assume in all things is pretty much just you making a distinction about creation and destruction, and the mood music of this flowing away from order and how any instance conceptualised as diminishing or breaking down necessarily should be played a song of dissatisfaction or mourning. It is human and humbling to feel this way, but it's such a grasping onto a state or solid, a being over becoming...and it's sadly such an animal feeling, though lacking in the passion and joy that dispersion should fill you with when you realise that the opposite of your expression of dissatisfaction in joyful things is the satisfaction in suffering.

Existence is violence.
It is necessary.
You should enjoy this.
or take the One taste.

>> No.11154813

I will never know what that feels like.

>> No.11154816
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>> No.11154844

need to motivate myself to finish my thesis revisions but it's harder and harder to get started. haven't written a single word today, want to die.

>> No.11154855

Feels Shitty. Sex doesn't matter honestly. Just buy a fleshlight and it's almost the same thing as a one night stand for all practical purposes. I just wish I had someone I could be honest with and trust they wouldn't use it against me.

>> No.11154868

poast it! oringally

>> No.11154889
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>Sure. Everything in existence is lined with dukkha, Do you know that crushing feeling of loss when you finish a great story? Or how every beautiful song loses its magic as you keep thinking about it? Or how you consider someone you love, and some part of you imagines their death? When we are honest with ourselves, we find this trace of dissatisfaction in all things. I know what it's like to have friends you love, and how you really genuinely want those days to last forever, but they can't. If we are all honest with ourselves, we know this is not something to be shrugged off, but a fact of life itself.
How do you make the connection between that and "It shouldn't matter what you're feeling"? This is what I don't understand.
If we are feeling desperate or if we are feeling happy, the fact that they both are subject to the three characteristics (impermanence, non-self and dukkha) doesn't mean it doesn't matter if you feel one or the other. I guess we should first define what "to matter" means though. Indeed, the feeling of happiness won't matter in the long run, as it's not unconditioned, but it does matter in the moment. Specially in the way that you react to that particular feeling of happiness. You won't react the same way to a feeling of despair than to a feeling of love; you need to train yourself to control your reactions to them and decide which action (understood as kamma, which means you should include intention and all mental actions/formations) you will undertake in that particular situation and feeling you are experiencing. In this way, it wouldn't be correct to say that "it shouldn't matter what you feel".

>a disciplined monk and a traditional layman
I'd say "a disciple of the Buddha and an uninstructed worldling" to use the same monikers you find in the canon. A disciple of the Buddha can either be a monk or a lay follower. An uninstructed worldling aka run-of-the-mill person does not know the words of the Buddha.

>That part is confusing.

>It was realizing that I depended on meditation to bring a transcendental experience and restore my capacity for pleasure, rather than to acquire liberation from the system and strip out the desire for becoming. It is like a textbook example of wrong view, though I do not judge myself for it.
You should congratulate yourself actually. Being able to have that level of self-reflection is not something most people have. Reflecting on your past actions actually helps you to stay closer to the path. Realizing you were seeing Buddhism from the wrong point of view is the same situation the Buddha faced when he realized that the teachings of his previous teachers (Alara Kalama and Udaka Ramaputta) were not the way to true release from suffering.

>> No.11154892
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>I don't know whether I'll 'walk the path' traditionally, but it is certainly worth investigating.
What do you mean by "walking the path traditionally"? I didn't consider myself a Buddhist for about 2 years while I investigated their teachings. I'm still not sure if I can call myself a "Buddhist" since I have my own reservation towards some doctrinces, but I've certainly found many great teachings and learned a lot through this experience, and I definitely still have a long way to go.


>> No.11154910

I have a job interview tomorrow. I hope I don't become autistic and sperg out.

>> No.11154915

i got one audible credit i need to cop something non-fiction that's long and patrish can't decide

>> No.11154917

12 grools for wife

>> No.11154923
File: 57 KB, 640x360, 20yrsacandle47yrslit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I just figured out which one of those acts of data gathering is an actual creative television talking head talking point scripted argument generator. I'm sort of proud of myself. To have prior knowledge and depth of character is and isn't important I guess when you move both as a person and a caricature. It reminds me of what happened to The Stones, but this is so much worse because it's daily, hourly, a self that is caricature and known to a certain degree in the public imagination, but how much and how, and where is the market, where is the conversation and how can I act through my caricature to get my moderate opinions across, how can I remain in favour with these fancy people and go after this or that market of ideas, how can I show I am not a talking head from a moral position of aesthetic authority, but a thinker who has those others in mind, even when it is against their way of life. I get this totally, but I'm surprised at the middle management involved, the marketing departments - - - workplace literature, memos that prove we were never modern .

>> No.11154933

i wish I could give my years to someone who wanted to live them.

>> No.11154951
File: 41 KB, 500x500, The Penguin Book of the Undead Fifteen Hundred Years of Supernatural Encounters (Unabridged).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i torrented this years ago when it was free leech on halloween on some torrent site, but its so comfy, nice survey of undead in literary history, underrated

>> No.11155197 [DELETED] 


astroworld when

>> No.11155203


better version

travis scott avatar of dionysus

>> No.11155206


>> No.11155214

read nietzsche nerd, become one with the chorus

>> No.11155236

And no more lights shined upon me, time lost its pace, slowly decaded and then it was it, darkness and emptiness covered my soul. Silence took its place once more.

>> No.11155245

Then kill yourself and leave your organs for people who need them, my dude.

>> No.11155249

I can't understand your message very well. Do you suggest that we should take pleasure in the constant stage of change instead? Apologies, my mind's not fully together tonight.
>How do you make the connection between that and "It shouldn't matter what you're feeling"?
Perhaps I should take that back. The original statement was that an informed response to the three characteristics should not vary based on your current mood. However, I recall that devas, which are higher beings than us, are still naturally prone to complacency which prevents them from attaining higher births. All of us here are bound by states of joy and misery, so that in the former, we feel a brief sense of contentment. The flaw here is not joy itself, but rather that we train ourselves to chase a pleasure which is by nature fleeting. If one could live as a deva forever? That may be fine. But when suffering is inevitable, pleasure can be distracting. In this sense, states of pain are important because we must reconsider our lives and ask what is going wrong. Inevitably, we will again feel happiness, but later great pain, and so on. Would you endure aeons of tragedy for aeons of pleasure? Does that sound purposeful? I would say no. When we view our lives in this perspective, liberation seems the only way forward. So, I would end up agreeing with you. Your mood does matter, because it is linked to the reality of dukkha itself. This idea is a bit tangled in my head, but I do think you're correct, and that people who come to Buddhism after a bit of tragedy are not acting irrational, but very sensibly to a piece of wisdom they cannot fully convey in words.
Walking the path as in following the five precepts, the Noble Eightfold Path, and taking refuge in the Three Jewels - that sort of thing. It's no doubt left a mark on my conscience, but it is one thing to understand the dharma conceptually and another to practice it. If one views the dharma as truth, though, there is no reason not to devote one's full effort into it. Still, it's easy to remain in a state of skepticism so as to perpetually delay ever making a decision on your practice. For all of the hope on the horizon, there is still that ever-present fear of the unknown which makes dropping it all feel like coming home to a nice warm bed out of the darkness. If I do consider quitting again, I will at least reflect on why it is I feel that way, and whether or not it is the best path. If lack of willpower is the problem, then the solution is obviously to keep going, since that will improve over time. Buddhism does seem very promising though, unlike anything else, so I think for now it is almost guaranteed to be the way forward out of this empty routine so many of us wind up in.

>> No.11155280

does anyone read this shit? get a fucking blog

>> No.11155346
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I'd hold you. I'd crawl into your bed,while you were asleep, and let you hold me. I'd snuggle tightly against you, make us puzzle pieces, and lay my head against yours, if I thought it was right, or safe.

>> No.11155354

she has a fiance bro, move on

>> No.11155398

A prison guard given out books at a prison.

>> No.11155419
File: 116 KB, 430x381, 9A1594D8-D774-43DC-9A9F-A8551314B2F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not sure how to quit being a brainlet. I’ve got a buddy who was a Mensa member who says to me “spend time in your own thought, not other people’s. Form your own opinions.” I unironically don’t know how to have an independent thought or idea.

>> No.11156379

I'm sorry to break it to you anon, but your friend is a pseud.

>> No.11156387

Mensa members are unironically some of the most stupid people on the planet.

>> No.11156627

how do i stop masturbating to porn

i can't abstain from it longer than 2-3 days I just dont have the willpower

it deprives me of dopamine much like smoking a lot of weed does

it dumbs me down and makes me feel depressed but then i start watching even more porn because of depression

>> No.11156853

Keep yourself away from places you can masturbate. Hang around other people. Occupy your time with other things. These are the secular solutions I can think of, to go above and beyond, you'll need to wholeheartedly convert to Catholicism.

>> No.11156967

Fuck, I couldn't get any sleep to prepare for my job interview. Now I'm going to sound like an autistic sperg

>> No.11157143

I've being talking a lot with this engaged girl. She has opened up a lot with me and keeps telling me how important I am for her. Her relationship with her boyfriend is also pretty unhealthy and I really don't know where this is going.
I can feel I'll at least kiss her sooner or later, but I really don't know whether that is a bad thing or not. I don't know in which direction it's better for me to proceed.

>> No.11157176
File: 649 KB, 1200x1545, ygg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which translation of the Poetic Edda should I read?

>> No.11157187
File: 44 KB, 680x765, 2512843827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you're not as important to anyone as they are to you

>> No.11157225

Write your own. Icelandic isn't that hard :)

>> No.11157246

she's using you idiot. even if you end up with her, she'll just talk to someone else if she gets engaged to you. how can you possibly trust her

>> No.11157251
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>The original statement was that an informed response to the three characteristics should not vary based on your current mood.
Oh, then I agree. I think you have a good understanding of the nature of the world and dukkha.
However, we cannot deny that in practice, in our day to day life, it does in fact vary depending on your mood. Not being aware of how your reaction changes and dwelling in the thought "it should not vary" will concomitantly lead to more suffering. You will be disappointed at your inability to achieve equanimity. The mere act of understanding and being aware of how your reactions to different feelings originate and pass away, and how they are conditioned by those same feelings is much better than being hard on yourself because "it should be this way but it isn't".

>Walking the path as in following the five precepts, the Noble Eightfold Path, and taking refuge in the Three Jewels
Following the five precepts and taking refuge is the core of every Buddhist school when it comes to lay followers. The Eightfold Path, along with vipassana meditation, is much more enforced in the Theravada tradition. Other traditions have different paths to enlightenment according to their own definition of enlightenment, like the boddhisatva path of most Mayana schools or the multiple tantric techniques of Vajrayana. Some don't even want to get enlightened by their own means and strive for rebirth in Buddha realms. There is also a secular Buddhist movement.


>> No.11157263
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>he can only communicate through memes and <2 lines replies
you disappoint me /lit/

>> No.11157271

Hhahahahahahaha. She's gonna marry him, you retard. She's using you to get the emotional support he doesn't give her, but she's still going to marry him and never fuck you. And she'll probably be miserable. But that's what she deserves unless she leaves.

>> No.11157329
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>like the boddhisatva path of most Mayana schools

>> No.11157384

I think I might be quite a hateful person, unfortunately. I really don't have much love to give to the people that most deserve it in my life.

>> No.11157502

lately I am feeling too lazy to exactly to not do anything. and it feels kinda good.

>> No.11157527

The Goblin War

His boss was on his ass again. His phone rang, he answerd. A distorted noise came through the speaker, "KRRSHHH Be there at 3 AM and wear black only". The call had ended.
He looked at the clock, not much time to waste, he quickly changed into something black and made off to the city, further instructions would come later, usually it starts somewhere in the city. He took his headset with him so he could follow instructions more closely once the action really got started...

>> No.11157558


I have no romantic intentions with her. The thought of a clandestine thing is intriguing though

>> No.11157603

Go to an antique shop, they sell used books. Try to find one which only sells antique books, the people in the shop are usually very nice to talk to and can tell you a lot about the books.

>> No.11157750

I'm bored. Nothing really entertains me except socializing and comedy, and I don't have any friends or any comedy to watch.

>> No.11157806

My mother sees me as a worthless parasyte, my dad thinks I'm an ignorant retard, my sister thinks I'm a loser. All I do is just study for my profesional career, I'm not even chasing an impossible dream like being an artist or a writer, just preparing for a profession that will almost 100% land me a job without much effort. Why the fuck can't I get any support from my family?

>> No.11157818

This doesn’t address my actual issue, though!

>> No.11157824

Cut them out of your life.

>> No.11157900

The Chapo thread should have been deleted a long time ago.

>> No.11157919

Nabokov was a hack

>> No.11157932

and to run on fields of words without definitions or context is to understand but not implement is to play but abstain in your head a mountain over an island over a clous, mr. come down someone is ringing for, some who made fully metalised children out of cardboard cut outs, mr. please dont call out for your loved ones after 10 pm, mr. please tell us how we may assist for for a small fee of life and everything you own, I would like to know your name but not today please, I'm busy.

Fully metalized children in a wooden hut outside new new york city, fully mobilized computers in fully augmented hands they call out as their voice-boxes fail and a screech is lost by the booms of highway 452.

3 Lovers on the airfield of pari, just like the movies said they would a kiss and some saliva feel on the grounds. a bot came around to clean it, a fault in its programming killed them. 1 lover on the airfields above pari.

as saliva turns to come I'd like you to know I apprecieate you, as a person, now turn around and let me fuck you oh yeah you stupid bitch.

fun is the meaning of life? said the good citizen. no, searching is the meaning of life, said his dad, who has obviously fucked some women. no, sex is the meaning of life said a passerby, and a proffesor with his hand in his pants on the subway on his way home thought to himself no, knowledge is the meaning of life as he went to his small concrete box thinking of his wife's tits. what a bueatiful world.

>> No.11158004

Squash that shit. It'll end badly. I was in the exact same situation. We fucked once. Then the next time we met up she was with her bf and she was super cold to me but unusually affectionate with him. At a party one night I broached the subject with her and she said "i love him, i was confused and made a mistake. Too much booze. Forget it. Besides i dont wanna wreck our friendship."
Eh, bitch, that ship sailed when you we fucked on my couch and you got filled with my seed.
She knew i liked her in more than a friendly way and she fucked me, in more than one sense. So i was left with my dick in my hand while her and her bf played happy couples. I never said it to her bf because, big surprise, we were friends.
Skip ahead 4-5 months.
She shows up to my place half drunk and talking about her bf being a dick and she just wants me to take her to bed.
I sent that bitch packing. I dont make a habit of being someones fool.
Its bad news bro, it'll only go one way.

>> No.11158287

I have a friend who constantly complains about his life. For a long time I listened with no resentment but eventually you hit a limit where you just don't want to hear about it anymore.

>> No.11158488

That's all of my questions, then. Whether or not I follow it, it's clear that in this situation Buddhism is the path to take. There's a zen center within walking distance of my university, so once I resume classes I'll go and check it out. Until then, I'll keep meditating at the least, and ideally read to maintain the right mindset. Thanks for answering some things, anon. Hopefully your journey goes well too.

>> No.11158573
File: 24 KB, 240x240, hit the desk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so lonely

>> No.11158600

Reminded me of this song

>> No.11158631

I'm caught up in playing the career game, working and going to college. My job pays about 50,000 a year and I'm 24, and everything is getting pretty cushy for me. I have a loyal girlfriend, who cooks and cleans for me. I'm starting to dislike all the nice things around me, I miss having more time to read, and to learn new things that aren't bullshit curriculum. I feel like everything in the "rich" world is so sterile, we have to have our desks clean for the CEO. My girlfriend is constantly cleaning up after me, but I miss things feeling empty and imperfect. No one even smells their own shit anymore because they spray everything with scented aerosol.

>> No.11158651

I'm going away for the weekend at a friend's. There will be 20 or 30 people there, alcohol... A part of me hopes that I'll get laid there. Another part of me thinks I hate sex with anyone but her.

I feel like such a pseud.

>> No.11158667

Same. I tried to be helpful and give advice but it gets to a point where you feel like the person doesnt want help, they just want to bitch and moan. I mean, okay you are having a rough spot now but fuck, if you wont help yourself then how can anyone else?

>> No.11159347
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>Another part of me thinks I hate sex with anyone but her.
I know this feel.

>> No.11159500

what field are you in?

>> No.11159736
File: 51 KB, 615x409, E-Nesbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't cry for help about my suicidal ideation to anybody. Parents, best friends, everybody just gets angry at me that their particular solution to the problem doesn't work, and I have to spend a 2 hour phone call being told I'm just 'tired' from work because it's been a busy couple years, and once I realize this my depression will vanish. And if I say that I can't take hearing a long slow exposition of this point when it's not helping because my anxiety attack is going haywire, I get yelled at and hung up on.

I hate myself and I want to die.

>> No.11159750

That's good, then. The possible upside to the long absence will be that your friendship will feel more refreshed, and you'll most likely enjoy your interactions with him more.

>> No.11159780

The thing is, not everything you see is gonna be interesting. Hell, some people would say that most of the shit that prose observes is uninteresting and that the author is simply trying to force it to be something it's not. The main trick is to write about stuff that really resonates with you, your worldview, and maybe your personal experiences while framing it in such a way that it's an observation on the world itself, or society, or something like that.

>> No.11159942

I know that feel anon. I get depressed and anxious thinking about how I'm going to be stuck doing some useless job for decades. Best advice I have is to go drink some coffee and focus on the present.

>> No.11159972

Some people's sensitivity towards animals is pretty ridiculous and feels to me like a really faggy lack of respect towards oneself and their kind. Beating up a puppy is pretty mean and should be reprimanded but when you have thousands of people rallying for that persons public castration and death by skinning it's just barbaric.

>> No.11159999

Completely agree. Advocating for the torture of animal abusers is just as sadistic as the abuse itself, but because people delude themselves into thinking the former is "justice" they're OK with it.

>> No.11160058

I've been rejected by girls a few times in a row now, and I'm also just coming out of a lengthy period of extreme panic/anxiety and agoraphobia. Things have been hellish for a few years, only improving through great personal effort and courage (no drugs or therapy), and I yearn for affection and companionship more than ever after my ordeal.
I just got a job at a place with numerous female workers around my age. One has caught my eye, and I can't stop thinking about her. I just started the job, and so I haven't had the chance yet to speak to her one on one. I feel a longing for her that I've never felt for another woman. There is a feeling of resonance when I see her, a thrumming in my soul that my previous romantic partners haven't given me, even at our most intimate. It isn't purely physical, though she is beautiful in motion and at rest.

Am I ugly? Will she reject me outright, like the other girls for the past five years? I'm not fat, I have decently developed arms and chest from hundreds of pushups a day. I'm outgoing, and I have accomplished things in my life which give me confidence. I'm working and going to school, establishing a foundation to build a life that I dearly wish to share with a lifelong partner. If she rejects me, word will spread among my coworkers about how pathetic I am, and I will have to work with people who will know me as the lonely guy who was rejected a week into his job. I'm familiar with that species of pity, and it makes me sick to my core when people think that way about me.
I want her bad, /lit/, and I don't want to fuck this up. I need someone special to be strong for, to hold and be held by. I want to feel love again, stronger than before because it's real and alive and vital. What do I do?

>> No.11160106

>What do I do?
You stop being so codependent or you wind up keeping her in an icebox. The second one is more likely, but that's just because detective fiction's still a bigger market than CoDependent No More!

>> No.11160126

Use that energy as motivation to show her that you're interesting and you like her.

>> No.11160146


Where does wrath fit into a justice/mercy dichotomy and does it constitute a subordinate force to justice? No, that doesn't make any sense, it's an emotional thing; righteous anger vs. vengeful fury.

Vengeance vs. Justice: Justice requires impartial compensation as an address of wrong, vengeance is concerned only that a perceived guilty party suffer for a wrong. One seeks to correct, the other merely to inflict.

Man, this has been a long shift

>> No.11160151
File: 138 KB, 900x750, 1525535900274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep trying and eventually you'll succeed. You need to 1. refrain from porn, masturbation, and orgasm and 2. begin doing other things that release dopamine (learn an instrument, paint, draw, lift weights, go for a hike, read, go on a date, hang with friends, cook a meal, etc.). Once you start feeling the benefits, the general mood boost and self-confidence, and feel the death of jerking off, you'll know you're heading in the right direction

>> No.11160153

i'm enjoying lonesome dove more than i thought i would. from the title i thought it was going to be some kind of western romance or some shit but so far it's mostly been page after page of dudes reminiscing and trashing each other

>> No.11160155


This guy sounds like a faggot and it worries me it could be something I wrote.

>> No.11160164
File: 1006 KB, 1105x1080, sketch-1525144864671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This guy sounds like a faggot and it worries me it could be something I wrote.


>> No.11160197

Uhh, what?
How do I do this without scaring her? I am a romantic, but should I avoid anything suggestive? I toyed with the idea of casually saying the effect she has on me (once we're introduced of course) while we pass each other at work or whatever. "Oh, so-and-so, you've taken my breath away again." "You look radiant today." etc. I'm a clumsy flirt when I have to pretend I'm not thoroughly infatuated with someone. Are secret admirer letters too creepy these days? I will proceed somehow, but I need to be impactful in just a few moments at a time because our work is strenuous and allows little time for small talk. My problem is that I work best talking one on one with girls, and I so rarely get the opportunity.

>> No.11160211

>Uhh, what?
I consulted my books, I presumed it's what you wanted from a books board.

>> No.11160212

I need your help /lit/. So I'm a novice reader and I currently started reading a non-fiction book. The first sentence made me feel like a complete brainlet and I feel so unmotivated to continue reading. Am I just lacking patience and experience?

This is the sentence:
>All thinking begins with intermediate generalizations and then develops in two different directions, one toward concepts of ever higher abstraction, which en- compass ever larger areas of reality by registering properties shared between ever more things,
I think I get this one. One starts off by thinking in general terms, but as one begins to dive deeper into the thought process, the concepts get more abstract and encompasses more of reality.

>the other toward the intersection of all conceptual lines, the concrete complex unit, the individual, which we can only approach in our thought with the help of an infinite number of qualifications and which we define by adding to the highest generalization, a “thing” or “something,” an infinite number of specific distinguishing features.
What about this sentence? How many times should I read and for how long until I understand this? Am I better off just reading fiction and save my self the trouble of dealing with philosophy?

>> No.11160217

I can only tell the truth of my situation. If you think I'm a faggot for wanting to prove myself to a woman and gain her affection, I'll leave others to decide what that says about your intelligence.

>> No.11160223

Your response was woefully unhelpful and at best a rambling attempt at sounding wise.

>> No.11160225


I'm identifying with your plight, man.

>> No.11160241

what is this thing?
1) is it a flying thing? a crinkly thing? is it like a hunting thing or blanket thing? do we give it to the children? it has the sharp pieces but also the flat pieces? do we put that with the folded things or the rustling things? it's like them both
2) it's a poorly constructed paper aeroplane, most of them you throw, but this one is slightly borked from the natives handling it (highest generalization paper, aeropane: modifications from those forms there down)

that actually changes from language to language
the famous japanese "counting objects uses different endings for the shape of the objects being counted" places that specification before any other that might follow the general rule of numbers. that it is a long shaped thing will always come before that the things you're counting are green in terms of grammatical importance.

or so i would assume but it's just one sentence.

>> No.11160248

It was a joke about what detective ficiton and self help says about your using a books board as >>>/adv/ If you wanted advice, why not try the right board? Why expect people to be helpful on a board you're shitting up?

>> No.11160254

Just ask her questions about her life. Act interested in how she feels and what she thinks and what she likes. And drop casual compliments here and there. Go easy, don't push things too far too fast.

>> No.11160308

Meme don’t. Do the right

>> No.11160322
File: 30 KB, 659x464, Days in Combat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First semester of medicine is ending soon, and surprise surprise, I won't be passing it. I have no interest in physics and biology, and I'll rather be rid of the entire medical school completely.

"Study so that you won't go hungry!" my mother says, but this is definitely not the way to go. I honestly don't know what career interests me. Might be that I go to psychology, or something else that has nothing to do with mathematics. I wasn't good at it at school, and I'm not much better here, and there are no fancy classes like philosophy and creative writing, since my country is not that "first world" enough to have those things.

Also I want to go out and drink but I need a group of mates to do it. Otherwise it's just gulping down beer that's horrid to my palate. What's the purpose of getting drunk if you don't have pals to share? After all, I'm told that I get funny when drunk, and I certainly start to greatly enjoy company after drinking a bottle or two.

Related to writing now, I have this queer insinuation in my mind that if I read other people's writing prose and style, that I will lose my own. That it will become corrupted, and distorted, and no longer my own. Pure rubbish, but it always pours into my mind no matter how many leaks I plug. For example, I start reading Harry Potter and I fear that this military-focused piece that I'm writing will lose its spark that spawned it on the first place.

>> No.11160338

If I get short answers or she's hard to engage, is it bad to keep trying? I've heard from girls that they often look back and only realize guys were trying to chat them up way after the fact.

>> No.11160392

>what is this thing?
You mean where it's from? It's Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.11160429

You'll know after a few days or weeks whether there's any chemistry or not. If not then you tried. If there is then something will come of it, be it what you want or something else.

>> No.11160466

Do you think I interpreted the first part of the sentence correctly? I think my lack of understanding for these sorts of texts stems from 3 sources: Lack of patience (diligence in my reading), experience and intelligence. Two of those I can work on.

>> No.11160475

Thanks, anon. I guess I just have to be patient. It's just hard because I'm 24 and I don't want to be alone. I wanted a wife by now, kids as I neared my thirties. Evidently, women don't widely find me desireable, so I spend sleepless nights praying and wishing for a stroke of romantic luck. If they knew how much I yearned for them, and how relatively pure and well-meaning my desires were, maybe they wouldn't be so cold to me. Or maybe I'm as pathetic as I sound, and they can smell it a mile away, despite my efforts to appear confident.

>> No.11160567

I'm 24 too and feel similarly. What kind of job is it if you don't mind me asking? I sometimes think about changing jobs just so I can be around more women my age. At my current job there are no women, only old bitter divorced men with bad backs.

>> No.11160631

I'd rather not get specific, but it's related to entertainment. I'd say my place is actually disproportionately female. Hell, maybe that helps me. Sorry I can't help you much, this is the best chance I've had to meet women in years, and that's part of why I feel such urgency in my endeavors.

>> No.11160653

Ah, of course, a strip club.

>> No.11160704

Genuinely made me laugh. You must think I've got a better body than I really do. That or I'm the guy behind the bar slinging watered down beer to sleepy-eyed perverts and sweaty bachelor types.
The women at my place are cleaner and prettier than strippers.

>> No.11160940
File: 8 KB, 509x619, 8e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never felt like some quasi-/pol/tard until today.

It all has to do with what's happened the past few weeks. I always thought that I stood at the center of the Israel-Palestine debate. I thought that lefties calling Israel an apartheid state was going too far. The massacres not only alarmed me, but I started reading about Israel's blockade of Gaza and I came to realize the truth.

But the worst part is when I realized how the Zionist extremists have been able to control the government and media to shape public opinion. It's not even a conspiracy; it's pretty much plain to see. Millions of people who aren't even Jewish are being conditioned into becoming extreme Zionists. My poor father is one of them. He was a libertarian-leaning conservative whose prejudices have been deepened by our polarized era, and now he reads Trumpist, neocon blogs where he gets fed Zionist propaganda.

I don't want to become an anti-Semite. I know that not all Jews are extreme Zionists. One of my best friends is even Jewish. But the depth of this deception is so great and so vile, that I fear it will bring me to prejudice.

>> No.11161157

I hate Israel but if anything the media is completely rejecting Israel and is now spouting Hamas propaganda. They keep calling it a massacre, saying it was only peaceful protestors, talking about how a poor little baby was killed.

It's almost as if Hamas specifically wants women and children to get killed for political gain. Why the fuck would a mother bring her infant to a location where there is bound to be violence and tear gas?

>> No.11161168

Hey me too. Yet I find it hard after an 8 hour a day to focus and get solid writing done

>> No.11161394

i'm a muslim and I know there's actually a jew that convert to become muslim, though it's pretty small in numbers
>my main point is to hate zionism and all its supporter and not the jew that against it.
be like natalie /hershlag/ based portman

>> No.11161430

yeah i was shocked the nytimes editorial board and that new libera op-ed writer "goldberg" both condemned the slaughter which surprised me, ten years ago they would have said they the protesters were savage terrorists who deserved to die for daring to attack a democracy etc.

its probably because that "caravan" of undocumented central americans that came to our border wall and many got refugee status and none died is happening at the same time that israel is just letting live far rip on crowds of protesters, so they little "immigrant caravan" at the border backfired

>> No.11161435

>Why the fuck would a mother bring her infant to a location where there is bound to be violence and tear gas?

why the fuck would jesus stay when he knew somone would betray him? why didn't christians not deny christ in rome persecutors? to expose the inhumanity of the oppressor

>> No.11161438

I know that it is very likely that the rest of my life will be misery. The universe does not care, people can suffer and suffer with no redemption. My health could deteriorate, my goals could forever be unachieved. The guy at work who I don't like might be endlessly rewarded with unearned kudos and money simply because he is unafraid to put his stamp on the world, to hold back, ruminate and hesitate. It is not about skill, or reflection, or literacy or vocabulary, you just have to take what you want and not be self-conscious of your sloppiness and idiocy. Why do I need so much validation from the workplace and others anyway? I don't even care about then as people, they are just threats, some of them are good people but am I only engaged with them because by laughing at my jokes they are reinforcing my sense of self? I would help them move house, if only because I wouldn't want to be seen as the guy that is selfish and unhelpful. It's all construction and I want to run away from it. If only I could live a peaceful life somewhere, a little pocket in the earth for an underground man like me.

>> No.11161580
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>> No.11161590
File: 68 KB, 700x700, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm such a fucking faggot bitch
I just totally let her toy me around, play with me and my feelings. My life has been constant misery, anxiety, depression, mood swings, etc. Ever since that night me and her got together and she said a bunch of shit that she probably didn't mean.
I try not to get too attached to girls or anyone because from my experience it never works out, it never lasts, it always ends the same. But after we made out and she said a bunch of sweet shit I gave in because I thought we were gonna be together and I really love her. But no, things are back to normal, and that shit has never been mentioned outright.
And I let her play with me because I'm pathetic, because I still reserve hope for NO REASON. I still do things out of extreme care for her, far more care than she has ever shown me. I do all this because it's better than being alone, I'm so sick of my loneliness that I'm just letting myself get dragged through the dirt, she probably doesn't give me the time of day to be thought of in her head
Fuck me I hate myself

>> No.11161634

the fuck are you on about? That might be the mother of all false equivalencies; you dimwit.

>> No.11161847

I want to go to the library but I'm literally to lazy so I only sit here, shitposting and reading a couple of paragraphs once every hour.

>> No.11161916

as far as i remember it's not so much where it's from so much as
>is it more jew or woman?
i think you got it. it's a good process to build into a habit anyway, because a lot of people tap out when they get to more advanced shit because they don't want to spend the time on working out what the greek word means

>> No.11161980

>is it more jew or woman?
this excerpt was about women. he will deal with the jews later on.

>> No.11161996
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If I wrote what was on my mind yours wouldn't exist any more.

>> No.11162140

There's something about medieval life and culture that makes it really amusing. Whenever I am sick, it seems like a terrible thing initially, but it becomes silly when you think back to the living conditions of yore and remember that it was like a constant meat grinder where famine and disease spread so readily that they became almost mundane and funny. I know that Monty Python is a huge contributor to this feeling, but I still remember laughing as a kid when I discovered that some houses were littered with hay and people would just go piss in the corner whenever they felt like it. And in a lot of the art from that time, the masses often show up as a gigantic crowd of fools suffering all kinds of terrible fates. Oftentimes the idea sounds tragic, but the paintings themselves provoke more of an entertained feeling. It is like being surrounded by the grotesque gives them another more relaxed attitude towards it. Do you know what I mean? Would you say it's true?

>> No.11162146

is jerking off the problem though? i think refraining from porn should be the priority, shouldnt it. most of the time i don't even feel horny i just crave for porn and masturbation is just something that comes along with it

>> No.11162205

You don't need to support Hamas to realize that live fire is not an acceptable form of crowd control.

>> No.11162229

why? it controls crowds

>> No.11162252

This is why I hate being a phoneposter. Whenever I want to get my point across, it takes a long-ass time.

>> No.11162472

If you're trying to rewire your brain away from the anxious state of dopamine addiction, the biggest evil you're going to face is porn and the least is orgasm. You should try to avoid porn, masturbation, and orgasm, in that order, but keep in mind that having sex during that time period is preferable to jerking off and jerking off is preferable to watching porn. The real problem is the constant novelty of porn; It keeps you in an anxious state of hyperstimulus for a period of days.

>> No.11162514

Of course. It would have never been a habit to begin with.
Masturbation and all sexual excesses exert debilitating effects on mental vigor alertness and focus.
You only need to "jerk off" because you consumed too much sexual thought to have gotten you aroused in the first place. It's like gorging yourself with food than having to throw up. It doesn't make throwing up necessary or a good thing.

Aut liberi, aut libri.

>> No.11162530

>than having

>> No.11162641

Go to the /jp/ riichi mahjong thread, read the entire beginners pdf and you'll quickly develop an appreciation for the game. A good point of reference is poker, but with more depth in scoring and defense.

>> No.11162656

For all the search of meaning in life. It was the silence. That Peace of Mind through silence was the one thing that I was looking all along.

>> No.11162659

Do psychedelics actually help with depression or is that just a meme?

>> No.11162670
File: 32 KB, 653x490, 3324772424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you needed me as much as I needed you

>> No.11162710

Did I ever say anything about Hamas? No I didn't. You're turning into a Zionist shill without even realizing it.

>> No.11162716

The irreconcilibility of thought and being takes all responsibility of faithlessness off my shoulders, right?

>> No.11162838
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x1341, 1490665241645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no friends
>no career
>no significant other
>mother died when I was a child
>father had a brain hemorrhage and don't recognize me
>refuse to live a hedonistic life
>can't seem to live a eudaemonic life
>can't kill myself because my brother who is doing significantly better than myself would be hurt by it
It's hard to explain.

>> No.11162874

You're the fool for acting the part of an emotionally attached and clingy woman. She was looking for a man to provide a quick fuck, like any dude would without getting anywhere near as salty and bitchy as you. Poor girl somehow chose a cuck.

>> No.11162889

The easiest way to get started, at least for me, was to pick an Oxford Classic at random and analyse each page as I went.
Think about the why behind the writing. After you get used to that, apply to other topics and soon you'll be that annoying guy with an opinion on everything.

>> No.11162891

>this is what anons think masculinity is

>> No.11162898

I don't understand why that girl in my first year of high-school, who wasn't that pretty, made a lasting expression on me. She was unfortunate and she was living poverty but her ambition and made me remember her. She was hard working and she was smart. She always had this queer smile on her face and even though her clothes looked like rags. I can't help but remember her even after all these years. It's odd but I realized that after ten years I did love her.

>> No.11162908

There's plenty of robots coming here lately, don't act surprised

>> No.11162920

This guy is right.
>guy literally bangs a chick who is in a relationship with another guy
>anon calls him a cuck
He did right sending her away and separating sex from the emotional attachment that belong to it is a road to disaster.

>> No.11162925

The View From Above.
What is within your Control.
Power Over your Mind.
Pre-Meditations of Evil.
And silence.

>> No.11162935

same but with the prospective of saving enough money to make a movie

>> No.11162947
File: 6 KB, 236x225, Wojak huhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Im going to stop writing fiction completely.
Me writing fiction is like a right-handed person trying to write in a foriegn language with their left hand. It just doesnt go well at all, and I know writing isnt always going to be fun and satisfying but for me its something I dread now. I hate it. And the more I learn about the fiction world, and how competition is cut throat and the more I turn to hating writing, the more I realise this is not what I want to do. Even as just a side hobby.
Im going to go back to my none fiction/journalism roots. I still enjoy that even when its not fun anymore, and Im so much better at it. Ive actually had people who have wanted to read more of my stuff before, which is unimaginable to me since I switched to fiction.

Im gutted because I think sticking to one type of writing is really going to harm my already abysmal career prospects but fuck it, if I even managed to become a proffesional writer I still wouldnt like writing fiction. My problem now is what do I write about. I'll think of something hopefully.
I feel a lot more free at least.

>> No.11162951

yep, i had a good friend (the only person who i trusted in my 20 years of existence), shame she quit college because of "monetary problems"also the lack of enthusiasm she had for studying, shame, now i have to deal with normies every fucking day of my life for the next 4 years, alone as always

>> No.11162969
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Happening to me as I type this. Next week I'm going to see them for the first time this year, and after that the earliest I'll see them again is next year. I'm still in denial about it. We still talk about all these things we want to do together that I know are never going to happen. We still pretend that it's two years ago and we still see each other every day and still know everything that's going on in each other's lives. Despite moving to a much more populated area I still haven't made any friends nearly as good as those from my tiny hometown. I miss them more than anything.

Life is just a big fucking meme isn't it?

>> No.11162971

do what makes you happy

>> No.11162974
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>I saw a bird shit on an old woman's shoe at the grocery store

>> No.11162979

Memento Mori has been good to me

>> No.11163001

it happens quite frequently to me but the difference is i don´t bang any of them, both chicks hate me at the end

>> No.11163009
File: 275 KB, 1000x1333, the_man_in_the_glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am about to face my fate by the end of this week, and a mix of dread and relief is setting in. What happenned two years ago, the thing that made the world go mad, I can make it right. I didn't speak about it with anyone, and only now I realize that in my weakness I renounced the right to share the weight with my loved ones, and the people that could back me up. Doesn't matter now. I'm a man, I know what I have to do. My grandma, who I love very much, knows something is wrong, she just knows me too well, and I'm causing her pain by keeping this a secret even when she asked me to share whatever's in my mind with her. But I can tell her nothing, for she would get in the way. And I know that’s my fault, too. In the end, the order that’s been broken shall be restored, or another will replace it That is my task. In the face of uncertainty, a man should act with courage and dignity, and do what he must.

>> No.11163011

No Fap posters are littering otherwise good threads.

>> No.11163019

No, people are reaching a tipping point and they want to just do whatever they are really interested in instead of being fucking slaves to randomly jacking off which does nothing other than leave them drained and tired.
We've reached peak pornography consumption and people are realizing that it isn't "free". That it brought along a crippling addiction that has done nothing but undermine their potential in life. They are SICK of it. They just want to read books and be free.

>> No.11163028

I appreciate 4chan for being a home for the societally dispossessed modern youth. I probably would have killed myself by now if it wasn't for this sit. I hope one day we can find a place in the world for ourselves lads.

>> No.11163033

How do I stop masturbating four times a day

>> No.11163045

I think it is more likely that someone will find a place for us, and it will not be a pleasant one.

>> No.11163116

There's nothing on my mind, in fact, I was lying in the bath today and it suddenly hit me just how empty my mind really is. I feel as though I've been lobotomized if I don't have a book in my hands, and seem to have completely lost the ability to think for myself. I feel as though I'm turning into that scholar that Schopenhauer talks about in that essay.

>> No.11163208

I think my internet and smartphone usage is destroying my ability to focus when reading books, and it’s killing me because I’m finally getting back into reading. And I can’t avoid it because my job in IT requires me to be on the computer all day and I have to have my work email on my phone, where I’m constantly getting notifications. I would take a more outdoor job so I can break free from the digital drug but there’s no way a college dropout like myself could find another job paying $24/hr as I currently am, especially since I’m going back to finish school next year and I really want to have my car paid off by then, which a lower paying job would hamper.

I don’t hate my job, but it’s killing my brain.

>> No.11163243

Yeah office jobs suck like that. I never felt physically and mentally healthier than when i did a few weeks of hard labour. It's fucking hard work but it gives such a sense of reward.

>> No.11163512
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I don't know how to make friends in the city.

>> No.11163528
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If in college talk to classmates and club members
If in office talk to co-workers and maybe interns
If neither go to local shows and talk to familiar faces

>> No.11163590
File: 36 KB, 521x223, gngcjg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm super depressed
>dad is super depressed
>problem is that dad is wallowing in self-pity
>it's extremely stressful to talk to him
>I have constant anxiety attacks about it
>go into a clinic for a few weeks
>too scared to call him afterwards
>finally take a shit ton of anti-anxiety meds and call him
>number is out of service
>now I'm even more stressed
>I don't know what to do

>> No.11164035

I can't let the past go.

>> No.11164069

Me neither. It's when I was last genuinely happy; even if it was a lie.

>> No.11164489

I absolutely hate doing dishes when starting the task.

>> No.11164492
File: 61 KB, 850x400, Unger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You remind me of one of those guys at work who always needs to be complimented and praised to do his job. That need for validation is worthless. And you're only weak if you don't figure out what you need from her to feel equally cared for and then ask for it. If she denies it and you're upset, then you leave and find another one.

Your attachment to woman is not a problem, but your ability to speak, to be open and vulnerable in order to get your desires met is a problem.

Just go for a run or a walk, and then come back and lay down the law. Try not to get addicted to angry sex though, cause it makes fighting way more enticing.

>> No.11164493

I just thought about hitting on a fat chick. I wish I was back in high school where I could talk to pretty girls

>> No.11164513


>> No.11164523

I started at a call center, but got promoted up several times quickly, now I work as an analyst hoping to work my way up to data scientist. Once I do that, I'll probably switch companies.

>> No.11164535

The only people who are to be pitied are the ones who never ask.

>> No.11164625

what does a familiar face look like?

>> No.11164638
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Yes and no. Depending on the psychedelics, the drugs can amplify the effects of a good cognitive therapy program. Some can also induce a state of awe or interest akin to that of childlike wonder, which if you've been depressed before is the complete opposite experience. That awe or interest can linger for many days or even months. However, if you're young and depressed, then ego dissolution, something sometimes experienced after taking LSD, will make your life worse. Wait until your mid to late twenties until you try it.

A year of travelling, backpacking cheaply, meeting people, exploring new places, a year of rest and relaxation and reading and fucking and making music and writing poetry is a million times more powerful than psychedelics for depression.

And I say this as someone who micro and max dosed mushrooms for a year for that purpose. Found out that a mixture of SSRI's and Dex worked better for me.

Have tried LSD, Mescline, Mush, DMT, Salvia. Each is different, so don't just go out and try one without proper guidance and support.

And if anyone here says you've gotten out of depression from psychedelics, you're probably not aware of what melancholy is, or what cognitive behaviour therapy is either.
Reminder that Psychedelics are an emotional drug, not a cinema experience or sacred passageway.

>> No.11164681
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Fuck off. It'll be pleasant, don't worry about that. But you'll pay for it, and there sure as fuck will be compromises you stubborn bastards.

>> No.11164710

Yes. Do a sufficient dose of either LSD (at least 300ug tested) or Magic Mushrooms (at least 5 dried grams) *alone* in mediation in an environment where it is impossible for you to be interrupted. Turn off all electronics including your phone. Make sure you are comfortable and alone, and dig deep into the experience. Do not expect any particular thing to happen, trips between persons vary so much that expecting a particular experience you heard from another user is foolish.

>> No.11164755

for that to work you'd have to be experienced in meditation first

>> No.11164774

You are right, but trial by fire can be amazingly cathartic. Psychedelics are like getting dropped into the middle of the ocean in order to learn how to swim, especially if you are new to the experience. The psychedelic state of mind is sort of like a forced meditative state in which one's most intuitive instincts are brought forth. A user will learn how to settle into a meditation during a trip if they prepared the environment properly beforehand (no possible interruptions, bright and comfortable area).

>> No.11164901

The Paranoia
The fear they're your friends
Wish to hear nothing
While seeing all the same
Bound and chained by your silence

>> No.11164940
File: 74 KB, 386x661, wageslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i adapt to wageslave life? After years of NEETdom i can't deal with it. All my free time is interrupted about anxiety about work and anxiety when i'm at work ect

>> No.11164961

I agree.

>> No.11164975

Just don't actually work for more than an hour or so a day, that's what I do.

>> No.11164984

19 y/o virgin here
should i lose it to this random girl
or should i wait until i meet someone that i like and that likes me

>> No.11165004
File: 5 KB, 232x40, tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, it's all so tiresome. I made a thread about a literary feel and they mods just deleted it. I know I have shitposted but this wasn't one of those times and many other times I am serious I get threads deleted while my shitpost threads gets over 200 replies.
no I would not. Only fuck her if you want to put babies in her. (Not saying to be a dad)

>> No.11165041

I made one of those /tv/-esque
>forgot to feed the bookshop owl
threads a few weeks ago and it got removed, then last week an identical thread was allowed to 404. Mods don't make sense desu.

>> No.11165100

Pisses me off desu. Especially when the thread itself is good but two assholes shit it up so they delete the whole thing and any reawakening of it

>> No.11165107

what's on your mind

>> No.11165117

>man walks into a store
>bells ring as he swings the door open
>greeted by cashier
>the quiet hum of fluorescent lighting leave an unnatural glow on the walls
>crashing into the the light fixture just above, a fly adds an unrelenting soft thud to the quiet of the room
>it reminded him of the basement hallway in his apartment
>acting natural and pretending to look at items he was never going to buy, he finds what he needs and sets a bag of chips along with a lighter and an energy drink on the counter
>"Cash or debit?"
>he says
>the bells chime once more, and the door swings open
>turning his head to right, wallet in hand and fingers on a bill, he sees it before she does
>A gun is being pointed directly at him
>he is frozen
>starting to put his wallet away
>the gun-man flinches
>falling to ground he brings his hand to his chest
>he raises his headoff the ground
>his hand is covered in blood
>the gunman is yelling at the cashier
>sirens are heard in the distance
>dropping his head back down and closing his eyes
>he bleeds out
>sprawled out on the convenience stoor floor
>the puddle of blood below him expands

>> No.11165124

Dip shit samefag

>> No.11165125

If I go backpacking for a year my resume will have a huge gap in it and I will look like a fuck up.

>> No.11165136

>I was volunteering in [area you backpacked in] helping the underprivileged. The experience had [some positive effect] on me and I'm very glad I did it.

>> No.11165210

After she dropped out you didn't keep contact through your phone or the internet? Surely you could atleast hang outwl with her if she went to the same college as you right?

>> No.11165227
File: 31 KB, 220x341, Alchemische_Vereinigung_aus_dem_Donum_Dei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. The other guy's an idiot.

>> No.11165228

You are, for want of a better word, a faggot.

>> No.11165239

Those posts have nothing in common.

>t. recreational abuser

>> No.11165244

>The women at my place are cleaner and prettier than strippers

>> No.11165246

I wish I had a girlfriend who I took pictures with, and who I could write songs about those pictures. Here I am just dumping all of my exes

>> No.11165248
File: 365 KB, 500x275, 2587328704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever really get over heartbreak, or will the feeling stick with you forever?
t. still not over it a year later

>> No.11165250

It's depression. If it's bad, you aren't getting out of bed for work or you are going to work but your work is shit.

But yeah, two sentences in and I can see you need to learn about cbt and actually practice it.

>> No.11165256

Not that anon, but is there a cbt resource one can use on their own? Therapists are mostly hacks desu.

>> No.11165265

I didn't have the exact heartbreak, but I had a childhood friend who was basically that (I know we were both into each other) but past high school come nowadays I still think of her even though it's been 4 years. I still wish I didn't let her go

>> No.11165277

eh. depends on you, personally.

are you concerned about your virginity or the experience of sex? are you afraid of dying a virgin or is that not even a concern to you?

if you seriously feel like you just want to experience sex, and you don't care who you do it with as long as it's just sex then go for it. otherwise you'd be kicking yourself in the ass for passing up this opportunity. there's no guarantees you'll find "the one" in this life.

otherwise if you don't really care about sex or you sincerely want to wait until it's with somebody you care about then that's perfectly fine too. yes, your first time with a loved one is usually better, not because it feels better or anything but because sex is a lot different when its with a stranger vs. someone you care about. either way nobody on earth really cares, it just matters what YOU think about it. go with your gut feeling if you ask me

>> No.11165283

either way W E A R A C O N D O M

>> No.11165298

Nope. The heartbreak is always there. You'll stop feeling feels for that particlaur women after sex with a new one though.
t. Guy with 1year(ish) relationship still feel broken inside from the last one 5 years ago

>> No.11165323

M, I still miss you. I never wanted to move away, I never wanted to lose contact, but it ended up that way. I thought about you almost every day for the first year. I still think you are the only girl I could ever say I loved. I told myself that others i met I could as well, but they were all vain attempts to replace you inside my mind. When I finally got word of you three years later, and I saw that you had just gotten a boyfriend, I got angry. He looks like a twink. But I liked seeing your face so much, it was a different change. We only talked twice from there and that still bothers me. I thought you would break up with him in a month, but over two years later you are still with him. I still hate his face, but it's easy to see that he is good for you. You have obviously let go of me, forgot me. Not that it's bad, just a natural feeling. I still need to do the same with you, so I can live my life without thinking about you.

>> No.11165338
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>> No.11165345

I'm trying. I just have to keep moving.

>> No.11165351

Reading War and Peace for the first time. Anna Pavlovna a cute, a CUTE!

>> No.11165358

How you feel about Denisov?

>> No.11165414

It's good that I'm finally washing my hands more often. I'm making a change in my life one step at a time. One habit at a time..

>> No.11165481

I'm an anxious mess during the day, I only start to relax and loosen up once it's evening. I greatly prefer evening me, I'm much more creative, I'm not as hung up on women, I laugh a lot more, I just generally feel a lot better. I wonder if I ought to try sleeping less so I feel this way more often.

>> No.11165493

Don't think I've meet him yet. I'm still very early, on the part where Anna Mikhaylovna goes with her son to beg for money.

>> No.11165521

Are you most anxious around people since you see more of them during the day? Or is it the darkness of the evening that calms you?

>> No.11165549

I've been working a shit part time job for almost two years now. The drive to find a new one sure is something, ain't it?

>> No.11165722

general lit discord


>> No.11166756

Lmao very pathetic

>> No.11167008

It's lose lose. If she's willing to break up the engagement for you she's willing to do it to you.

>> No.11167057

Proportionate to the time spent in love?
Also dependent on your personality. The other anon's situation doesn't have to apply to you too.

>> No.11167084

I wonder where you are. I wonder what your name is. I wonder what stage you are at in your life. I don't think I'm quite ready to meet you yet, I'm still recovering from something. I'll tell you about it one day. Though I was hurt, I suppose I've become a richer person for the experience.

>> No.11167272


>> No.11167453

>finally work up nerve to ask girl out
>she's out of town until next week

>> No.11167474
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Why admit imperfection when you can entertain yourself with the delusion of faux godhood?

>> No.11167826

Only made about $10 from my writings so far this month. May is pretty slow, it would seem, but who knows. Maybe I'll get a nice, juicy order on Fiverr within the next few days.

>> No.11167845

this kinda stuff is hella expensive in Norway, and I think the anon asked about cheap books, which has also been a problem for me to find in Norway aswell. And yes, my local library is absolute shit

>> No.11167849

Why do you subject yourself to this eroticaanon? Isn't it depressing to have to grind out commissioned shit for people for an amount of money far too low to possibly live off?

>> No.11167972

Well there's a couple aspects to it. For one, if I particularly think it turned out good and they're ok with me publishing it, then I can self-publish it on one of my pseudonyms to make extra money from. It also gives me an opportunity to discuss fetishes with people, to see what sorts of things are out there that people are hungry to read. It also gives me an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and write about things I normally wouldn't write about which seems like a positive thing to me. I've gotten all 5-star reviews so far, 20 of them. I've also gotten to 'Level One Seller' because I've made over $400 and I'll reach 'Level Two Seller once I hit $2000, which is just a matter of time as far as I'm concerned even if that 'time' will be several months or potentially over a year. It's also worth noting that I made over $200 in March.

Anyhow as I get more 5-star reviews and reach higher levels, I can increase my pricing because I'll have a more familiar and more proven name. A more reliable presence, because when an order is placed you never know if the seller is just going to hand you a pile of steaming crap or potentially even something that they themselves didn't even write. Something that's plagiarized. I've heard some horror stories, but so far I've been doing the best job I can for any order I'm given and I've been rewarded some repeat buyers for it along with all those pleasant 5-star reviews that include a flattering amount of praise. There's also more that I write than just erotica; I've ghostwritten things for people that didn't have any sex whatsoever.

>> No.11168202

Do not rush things or be overwhelming. Get to know her well and put your absolute focus on her body language when you speak and her choice of responses. You should know when shes showing interest towards you. After a decent time has passed and youve learned her way of thinking, when the time is right then you express your feelings. Ultimately though I think it's wrong to get to know a girl soley for romantic reasons, it can lead to obsession. Your developing very strong feelings for her because shes physically attractive and you're lonely, not because she might actually be good for you. Don't let your emotions control you and be insightful and aware to your motives as much as hers.

>> No.11168210
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>academia sucks
>"the real world" is even worse
books for this feel?

>> No.11168343
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How does fantasy genre make sense of vehicles/tanks/airships in a universe with medieval soldiers/knights???

>> No.11168420
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>> No.11169396

You wouldn't happen to be a girl, would you?

>> No.11169400

>to go above and beyond, you'll need to wholeheartedly convert to Catholicism.
this is what I have unironically been thinking about doing for a while. But I feel like I'm far from being ready. I need to read much more and meditate on this idea. I don't want to commit to something so big, unless I can promise myself that I will give my all. my ideal life is to live a traditional family life with a loving wife and many children. I feel so far from this ideal, but I'm still young and have time to sort my self out. I need to become a man of character.

Also, why catholicism and not orthodoxy?

>> No.11169401

We live for sex and only sex.

>> No.11169442

Please expand on this. I have been curious about these sorts of substances for a long time, but the idea that your mind will change forever and ever after the first try, is a very scary thought to me. I don't want my mind to change, what does that even mean to begin with? Is it safe?

>> No.11169504

You could say the same for every species that reproduces sexually. Birds only live for sex, fish only live for sex, your mom only lives for sex (with me), etc. Also, I hope you're not implying that the only means for fulfillment is to have sex because we both know that you're not getting enough pussy to justify 80 years of this shit. You would serve yourself well to find something else to occupy your time in between orgies, m8.

>> No.11169889

Have you ever drunk alcohol? Your mind changed forever when you first tried it. Same with any substance. Nothing ever really leaves your body, an infinitely small amount will always remain.
That being said, I'd stay away from any drugs if you have history of schizophrenia in your family, or if you notice schizoid traits in your personality. Specially if you are if you are <25 years old.
You don't really need any of that shit to make changes in your life.

>> No.11170026
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You're putting yourself on a downward spiral of negative thinking. Think you can do it, anon.

Think and practice that shit daily, and copy copious amounts of other people's work -- rewrite it in a way that feels like your own speech pattern(s). Don't worry about editing/revision or how cringey or shit it is yet, just file a piece or a couple off every single day.

>meme or not, the greatest works are never built in one day

>> No.11170069
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I can't stand where I am but don't know how to change to get to the end result I'm looking for. People keep telling me "it's about the process, anon" "love the journey anon, not the destination" but I couldn't care less about cooking chicken, I'm hungry and want to eat, dammit.

>Have tried dozens of lines of work, no matter how much effort I put into someone else's dream, it does not make me feel remotely happy/satisfied/interested in continuing after 6-12 months.
>Only thing that makes me feel anything positive is stuff I don't make money on yet.

Thinking of taking a loan so I can spend 3-4 years just grinding on what I care about instead of trading 8-10h/day at minimum to pay for food/rent and using leftover energy to do what I love. I can see all the wrenches that could get stuck in these rather frivolous/societally-irresponsible plans, but the gears composing the life I'm living are eroding. Anything I find interesting in all these other places for other people's dreams lose their lustre and make me wonder "What's the point if I'm not advancing, if I'm not working on my dreams day in/day out?"

>> No.11170096
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The trick is to bang them before they learn enough about you to hate you.

>> No.11170280
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Well, looks like my childhood is finally over. I've drifted away from my friends, my old flame hates me, I'm not close to my parents anymore, and in a few weeks I'm moving to a different city. It's a strange feeling, on the one hand I have total freedom to live how I want, but with that freedom comes a degree of uncertainty I've never known. There's also the struggle of letting go of the past, it's hard to forget the thing that all your hopes and dreams and joys and sorrows were wrapped up in.

Books for this?

>> No.11170300

What are your plans or projections for the future? Go to new city, meet people or go to new city and become hikki?
I got ~5 years until I get to where you are and I already can't wait. For some reason your post makes me have hope.

>> No.11170329

Continuing my studies mostly, don't know if I'll get a PhD but I want my master's. I want to meet people and have a somewhat-normal social life, and the new place should be really good for that. But I also don't know anyone, so at the moment I'm going to be completely alone.

>> No.11170649

How old? What city? How do you have total freedom? I feel like I have very little freedom without the money to travel or move or really do anything at all.

>> No.11170912

Kafka's The Judgement

>> No.11170915

Bullshit artist

>> No.11170921

The problem with learning Go is there's no one to play it with. There's no good online Go or even computer controlled Go. There are decent Mahjong ones though. Or you could get better at a game everyone plays, chess.

>> No.11170940

I can't stop my thoughts; I can spend 1 hour just thinking in situations that will never happen. Sometimes when i hear music i made stories (for videogames or movies) with characters and all, sometimes i cry for a sad ending or laugh for a funny gag; it doesn't matter, all dissapear inmediatly when i tried to write some shit, i just turn on blank. I can do something with this? or it's only wasted time