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11283919 No.11283919 [Reply] [Original]

>Meanwhile, a new ideology was growing among the Left, the idea that the United Kingdom was an artificial creation of the Hanoverian era, an invention whose time had gone. Linda Colley, in her influential book Britons, helped to make this idea highly fashionable. So, on a more populist level, did the film Braveheart, a misleading hymn to Scottish nationalism and a one-sided denunciation of English oppression and cruelty.

>So Year Zero came at last, rather gently and gradually, after many of those who would have been most bitterly distressed by it were already dead. We were alone and faced with absorption into a European superstate, but millions did not care. We no longer spoke, dressed, ate or behaved as we used to, but the changes had worked their way through our society so quietly that we did not feel as if our way of life had been stolen. Our national constitution came under question, but few even thought that the 1688 settlement was important any more. Our monarchy, robbed of much of its role by the Tory decision to elect party leaders, went through an undignified frenzy of adultery, divorce and melodramatic death. And perhaps it was that death, with the grim reaper’s dark ability to drag out our deepest feelings, which shocked millions into realizing that they now lived in a country that was not what it had once been, and would never be again.

>> No.11283947

It's all the long-term consequences of Anglicanism. God works slowly, but thoroughly.

>> No.11284105

london paki did you finish it then?