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11341185 No.11341185 [Reply] [Original]

Is poetry dead?

>> No.11341196
File: 28 KB, 619x453, apu crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why u do such a thing, fren?

>> No.11341198

it's actually coming back, just a really shitty version

>> No.11341203

wyh u do thet? ;-;

>> No.11341224

it will outlive (you)

>> No.11342329

>grinding pistachios

>> No.11342348

fuck you love doesn't exist all frogs must be crushed

>> No.11342355
File: 60 KB, 807x605, 1525436056144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im keeping it alive

>> No.11342393

It evolved, but became shittier

>> No.11342822

Referring to the likes of Kaur, I assume.

>> No.11342876
File: 299 KB, 1400x1400, Sakura Morning Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm sweaty, kaur saved poetry

>> No.11342936

Kaur is shit but I can't explain why

>> No.11342990

That's not a Kaur poem you moron lel

>> No.11342995

No I know but it prompted me to make that post

>> No.11343015
File: 98 KB, 736x956, 1513212034829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mmmm sweaty

>> No.11343027

>Actually uses rhyme
Definitely not Rupi

>> No.11343082

Well, her poetry is shit because her themes are banal and pandering to dumb tumblr women. Her bland, cheap, self-help-tier thoughts are presented in the most uninteresting, prosaic and blatant way imaginable. The line breaks are used with very little art and purpose, they're just mechanically separating the prose into smaller semantic units (they're not utterly random) instead of being in dialogue with them or doing anything interesting, really.
I remember being actually touched by one of her poems. The rawness and simplicity was affecting me. But then I read the end of the poem with the most blatant conclusion imaginable. As if it was written for idiots who need everything spelled out to them instead of leaving something to the reader, some mystique or anything for me to do. She treats the reader as if they are braindead.

Look at this shit
>the show must go on, said the sun
You really have to have zero self-awareness to use this sentence unironically. I could also see it used by Nicanor Parra, the highly regarded Chilean "antipoet", but he'd use it ironically, subvert and destroy it and then give the reader space to find meaning in something that isn't a cliche of modern life, he'd want you to explore yourself and your surroundings further. Rupi Kaur doesn't want that, she just wants you to feel nice and happy with predigested platitudes.
Nicanor Parra - Warnings

In case of fire
do not use elevators
use stairways
unless otherwise instructed

No smoking
No littering
No shitting
No radio playing
unless otherwise instructed

Please Flush Toilet
After Each Use
Except When Train
Is Standing At Station
Be thoughtful
Of The Next Passenger

Onward Christian Soldiers
Workers of the World unite
we have nothing to loose but our life
Glory to the Father
& to the Son
& to the Holy Ghost
unless otherwise instructed

By the way
we also hold these truths to be self evident
that all man are created equal
that they have been endowed by their creator
with certain inalienable rights
that among these are: Life
& the pursuit of happiness

& last but not least
that 2 + 2 makes 4
unless otherwise instructed

>> No.11343088

Modern (really post modern) poetry is total crap because there hasn’t been enough time for the good stuff to bubble to the surface. Everyone’s putting out their simplistic political drivel that’s going to be completely forgotten in five minutes, but in the moment, it’s hard to watch people tie themselves in knots to praise it.

>> No.11343109

>Everyone’s putting out their simplistic political drivel
Who, beside Kaur?

>> No.11343144

I don't think so bro, but only time will say. What do you understand by dead? And poetry? Ultimately it is relatively subjective to you

>> No.11343772

That poem you posted also seems like complete shit

>> No.11343862 [DELETED] 

I blame TS Eliot and Ginsberg for that shitty non-poem. Eliot was himself great and Ginsberg alright at times but their descendants are just awful. They paved the way for “bunch of loosely related sentence fragments and jingles with an edgy feeling linking them together let’s slap a title on it and break it up into lines and call it a poem”

>> No.11343864 [DELETED] 

I blame TS Eliot and Ginsberg for that shitty non-poem. Eliot was himself great and Ginsberg alright at times but their descendants are just awful. They paved the way for “bunch of loosely related sentence fragments and jingles with an edgy feeling linking them together let’s slap a title on it and break it up into lines and call it a poem”

Or maybe:

bunch of loosely
related sentence fragments
and jingles with
an edgy feeling
linking them together

let’s slap a title on it and
break it up into lines and
call it a

>> No.11343867

>Chan, a Poem
Anon posted in his murmured state
He became irate
The wildflowers bloomed
With the harshness of high noon
All for you my dear

I'll take my book deal with Kaur now

>> No.11343869
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Poetry evolves. It's your fault you can't keep up.

>> No.11343926

>Is poetry dead?
Not entirely.

>> No.11344042
File: 82 KB, 630x630, pepeblender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

And no it's not dead, dumb froghater.

>> No.11344462
File: 56 KB, 640x640, rupi kapur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't write poetry but God damn can rupi not write poetry either. She's like pretentious Shel Silverstein but with more fame because she is a non-white nonman when that's the big fad

>> No.11344469

you know that her work is god awful when it's hard to tell the difference between her real stuff and parodies

>> No.11344563

If you can't tell the difference between Rupi Kaur and Nicanor Parra I really don't know what to say.

>> No.11344753

We'll probably see a resurgence in poetic forms and adherence to strict metre and tonality.

It's going to be fun watching all those hack poets like Rupi try and fail to catch up.

>> No.11344798

Nah. Try actually exploring the contemporary production. Nobody is preventing anyone from writing in classical forms, and some poets indeed are using them and expanding upon them, but overall it is an uncommon thing and there seems to be no sign of the situation changing (beside your fantasies).
Do you visit /pol/? This delusional optimism is something I'd expect from someone who does.
Also, tonality is a musical and not a poetic element.

>> No.11344836

Nobody wants to read the nth copy of Bukowski's style with shitty enjambment and free verse.

Most of these """poets""" can't even write in form. To break the rules you must first know them by heart, these are just pseuds that woke up one day and decided to smear the world with their bowel movements.

>> No.11344881

Lyrics in songs is a form of poetry and it is flourishing.

>> No.11344970

>Nobody wants to read the nth copy of Bukowski's style with shitty enjambment and free verse.
Yet Rupi Kaur is selling like hotcakes, and many better poets are getting by too.

>To break the rules you must first know them by heart,
Says who? You're treating rules and poetry as if it is something god knows how vague and mystical, as if writing in regular verse gave Whitman some arcane knowledge that he then applied to free verse. That's not how things work. The visual aspect of poetry is now stressed and more versatile, the rhythmic tools are more varied and poets can use them ad libitum. Knowing how to write iambic pentameters is irrelevant for all intents and purposes beyond writing iambic pentameters.

Look, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. You're imagining some incoming conservative, traditionalist revolution, but most of these new conservatives are just shitposting on pol instead of contributing or shaping the culture in any substantial way. I'd be glad if more conservatives entered the cultural playfield, it'd possibly create some very interesting dialogue, but nobody is actually doing anything beyond endlessly complaining about Kaur and slam poetry.

>> No.11345002

>plebs buy pleb poetry in droves
>that means its good

How midwit of you.

>> No.11345019

That image made me legitimately sad.

>> No.11345133

>>that means its good
Nice job, making up things that I didn't say, moving the goalposts and ignoring nearly everything I wrote. That will surely bring us a renaissance of poetry.

>> No.11345190

>welcome to you're "doom"

>> No.11345195

That blender looks like Homestar Runner

>> No.11345206

al other artforms were rendered obsolete with the creation of videogames