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11398935 No.11398935 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight.

>be Foucault
>born from rich doctors and have a great youth
>be emo in your 20s
>wants to kill himself because he's a gay man that's not accepted and can't become a doctor
>dad sends him to the best therapist in France
>proceeds to get better because of therapy
>realises he's more of an academic and also a marxist
>proceeds to spend the rest of his life trying to come up with arguments to support the notion that the modern improvements of western society were actually failures so that he can make marxism excusable
>dies of aids

Did he just have daddy issues because he couldn't get into medicine? And also, why did he try and debunk the thing that cured him of his depression?

>> No.11399552

Go to bed Sigismund Schlomo Freud.

>> No.11399571

Actually he was a neoliberal

>> No.11399574

He himself denied being marxist and was somewhat hostile towards marxism.
>proceeds to spend the rest of his life trying to come up with arguments to support the notion that the modern improvements of western society were actually failures
source? where did he say that? or are you familiar with him trough /pol/ "le fugo destroys western civilization" memes?

>> No.11399644

Have you actually read anything he wrote, or just the Jordan Peterson bogeyman version?

>> No.11399649

>make marxism excusable

>> No.11399702

I haven't read Foucault at all but having read enough of these threads I'm obligated to post that he was a bloody degenerate postmodern marxist but actually he was a crypto-neoliberal but actually he was a baste trad crypto-fascist but actually it was all just his gay s&m fetish

>> No.11399706

Lol no.

>> No.11399916

He is basically the retarded version of Derrida, which is why he hated him so much

>> No.11399940

He wasn't actually a marxist, as in he did not actually espouse Marxist doctrine. Saying you were a Marxist was a retarded meme with French guys from that period. See also Derrida especially.

>> No.11399962

>and also a marxist
How illiterate can one literature board get?

>> No.11400219

>start reading
>want to watch anime

What is wrong with me, /lit/

>> No.11400441

How strangely accurate

>> No.11400463

Animu, ergo sum.

>> No.11400466


Yeah, by the end of reading that I was like "wait, that is Foucault."

>> No.11400473

>Dies of aids
But not before intentionally transmitting HIV to a number of gay men out of his own self-spite.

>> No.11400481


You're horny. Whack off to an eroge visual novel and get back to it.

>> No.11400485

>so that he can make marxism excusable
you dont know shit

>> No.11400498

<get this straight


>> No.11400556

any recommendations? i remember enjoying Rance

>> No.11400594

Don’t take Foucault so biographically

>> No.11400653

>we must analyze the structures of power in our institutions
as if that did anything for anyone
even nowadays we know how the political and economical structures influence eachother, but it isn't some insightful revelation that helped society in any way.

If anything, people that try to understand the structures from the power perspective are simply stating the obvious. There is no way we can create a functioning society without power structures and even then everyone is hopeless to even affecting them, so "unveiling them" is simply mental masturbation. How has that helped us? How can that change society?
Deleuze and Baudrillard were way more interesting desu

>> No.11400683

Uhh yes he was. He become disillusioned with Marxism after he saw the rampant homophobia and antisemitism among Marxist leaders in iirc Poland.

>> No.11400854


>> No.11400894

u mad

>> No.11400898

Where the fuck did you get any of this?

>> No.11400914

He was a neoliberal late in life though.

>> No.11401041

He made a very mild series of commentaries on the liberating possibilities of neoliberalism and died long before the full propagation of the ideology. It is intellectually dishonest to label Foucault as a neoliberal and those who do either haven't read his work or are reflexively contrarian.

>> No.11401046

he was a marxist. have you never read his late lectures?

>> No.11401053

Yes. It's not as if he disavowed Marx entirely.

>> No.11401055

The ones where he supports private ownership of capital? That sure sounds like marxism.

>> No.11401058

Anglo-saxons are incapable of understanding Foucault

>> No.11401060
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>> No.11401063

Late Foucault isn't canon. He wrecked his mind with LSD

>> No.11401067

>Picks up book
>starts posting on 4chan, or watch YouTube instead
How the fuck I get out of this loop lads? it's been my daily routine for most of 2018 now

>> No.11401187


t. brainlet

>> No.11401209

>let me get this straight
let me stop you right there.

>> No.11401392

Only at the very end of his life.

>> No.11401454


>> No.11401457

>reflexively contrarian

So pretty much this entire website, /lit/ included.

>> No.11401573

>Foucault thread
>OP hates Foucault
>only discusses biographical information
>nothing at all relating to any of his ideas
Every time. Back to Peterson's YouTube channel, OP.

>> No.11401657

How the hell could anyone ever accept anything a homosexual has to say about anything as worthwhile? He literally shoves his dick, the symbol of his virility and sexuality and legacy, into literal shit while it's still inside another man's rectum, and packs shit up inside his own euethra. I'd sooner listen to another lunatic who at least had the decency to use fecal matter as masturbation material after it had exited the rectum. That seems more hygienic and reasonable and sane. There are plenty of suck people locked away in asylums. If I wanted to hear their opinions I'd visit an asylum.

>> No.11401774

Maybe Foucault was a bottom.

>> No.11401777

t. brainlet

>> No.11401779


>> No.11401956

you are addicted to the supernormal stimuli of anime

if you browse /a/ that probably makes it worse too

>> No.11401964

>Late Foucault isn't canon.

>> No.11401968

so just the bad ethnicities then?

>> No.11402004

Imagine wasting your time with philosophy, this guy literally shoved dicks in his ass hole until they squirted their poz loads up his receptive colon. Literal cum-loads of AIDS went up his poop shoot before he caught the bug and died like every other generic faggot. If you were smart you'd realize that this man shouldn't be taken seriously and any analysis of his work should understand that philosophers are just a bunch of angry faggots. While the world collapses around us, real disciplines like sociology are being abused and semi-intellectual youths (<110 IQ) waste their time with nomadic faggots who launched load after load of HIV cum up their bums instead of actually contributing to the world. Obsessed with the irrelevant systems of autists who argue in circles about assumptions. Let Foucault be an example to you all, since you nerds are asexual virgins you'll only get AIDS of the mind if you continue on this path, some of you even getting degrees in philosophy, from which point it will only be possible to contain the disease of your mind, never to defeat it.

>> No.11402038

>AIDS of the mind

I love this place sometimes. Also, AIDS of the mind should be 4chan's tagline.

>> No.11402043

But use GRIDS in.

>> No.11402047

Install SelfControl or something similar.

>> No.11402059

he wasn't a marxist, he criticized marxists for being obtuse and authoritarian
he dabbled with several ideologies that were anti-mainstream
obviously not a conservative but he did spend a lot of time criticizing modernity and was one of them neetch fanboys
in the end he came to be drawn to classic liberalism, which shouldn't be too surprising since being anti-authoritarian was the most consistent thing about his intelectual life
overall, he wasn't a very rigorous historian, i wouldn't put much weight on his critics of modernity

>> No.11402078

you really touched off poorly on the marxism bit but otherwise you are on the right track. all philosophy is essentially projection and cope

>> No.11402169

foucault is more than the american reception tells about him. idk if youd consider his actual works good or bad, but his 'french theory' image is quite reduced.

and im telling you this after being once under that image, and after coming back from studies in france.

>> No.11402173

He was an AIDS riddled f faggot.

>> No.11402716
File: 6 KB, 250x173, 1493936405734s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For someone who allegedly doesn't like homosexuality you surely seem to like describing homosexual acts in great detail. Really makes one thunk.

>> No.11402718

the faggot had it coming lol

>> No.11402721

>He himself denied being marxist and was somewhat hostile towards marxism.
Only later in life
>Muh /pol/ boogeyman
Stay off this board

>> No.11402734

Assmad /pol/tard detected

>> No.11402820

/pol/tards are not welcome here

>> No.11402978
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current mainstream view of Foucault scholars is that he matured into some sort of neoliberalism late in his life. He was never really a marxist to begin with.

t. aspiring Foucault scholar

>> No.11403064
File: 58 KB, 514x536, 1452630311431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't grasp or accurately critique a man's work
>i-i'll attack the man!
Is there anything more pathetic, more attention seeking?

>> No.11403238

Could you provide some sources for where he embraced or praised neoliberalism? I know people say his late courses, but I've never seen any quotes and am not familiar with Foucault's work overall or where to search precisely. Hopefully it's translated, my French isn't great.

>> No.11403775

>lsd makes you ancap

>> No.11403781

he, literally, memes aside, came up with the idea to study police state while seeing anal fisting and thinking “what is the pleasure for the fisting perosn?”

>> No.11403888

It made me even more of a fascist

>> No.11403893

you just gotta hit me with this genetic criticism

>> No.11404032

Just this.

Most of Foucault's works just say the obvious. In a fucking unreadable write. An inspiration to our post modernists.

>> No.11404051

Ass sex is an option for heteros. How we can know who shovr shit in the peepee?

>> No.11404061

If it weren't for Foucault it would have literally been impossible for there to be such a widespread discourse on trans rights.
So whether you like his effect or not you cannot deny that the man is (still) changing the world.

>> No.11404103

Instead of being snarky as is de rigueur, I'm genuinely interested: how do you figure?

>> No.11404151

That's mostly thanks to Derrida's concept of privileged and unprivileged being applied outside the linguistic realm though
Foucault was literally stating obvious upon obvious stuff (as in the core of his ideas). He is interesting in his insights about how certain institutions act like prisons, but that's about it, his examples were the interesting part. If you think really clearly about it, even going back to Nietzsche (who he held in high regard), everyone with a proper understanding of the world knew that power dynamics shaped society. There's nothing super insightful about it.

Deleuze and Guattari were crazy, but they had genious ideas about rhizomes, the body without organs, acceleration, etc... Their hidden pessimism was a huge slap of reality about late capitalism.

I honestly think that Foucault is overrated and you can spend your time better if you want to read french theory.

>> No.11405741

You left out:
>fuck a bunch of underage rent-boys in San Fran

>> No.11405821

I don't know if I hate him more for being a sadist or for being french

>> No.11405828

>trans rights
That's a bad thing. TERFs did nothing wrong

>> No.11405840

>>proceeds to spend the rest of his life trying to come up with arguments to support the notion that the modern improvements of western society were actually failures so that he can make marxism excusable

you missed the part where he did LSD for days in California desert and dropped all of his views.

People who took anything serious from this man are just posers, like the art hoe who pretends she reads the NYT.

>> No.11405853

that's because you're orgastically impotent

should work in the opposite direction unless you clung to fears and resentments

>> No.11405863

r u mad that foucault btfo chomsky and made him into his bitch backstage and but also dropped acid and humped will burroughs into the dirt

>> No.11406241

Every time you see somebody saying gayness was not an identity but a thing you do (e.g. sodomy) until the birth of disciplinary societies, you hear someone, whether they are aware of it or not, citing Foucault.

>> No.11406306

It was all predetermined by the biopolitics. None of this was Foucault's fault.

>> No.11406373

Where did foucault state this?

>> No.11406492

That's the main point of History of Sexuality vol. 1.
That it's not, as those inspired by Freud think, that sexuality was repressed and now we have our natural gay instincts liberated, but that homosexuality was invented first as a medical condition in the 18th century, then became an identity. Thus, he concludes, the repressive hypothesis in the history of sexuality is not adequate, and power should be conceived of as a productive force that invents categories (general theme of biopower, he wrote vol. 1 and delivered the biopower lectures at around the same time) rather than merely repress people.
It is also interesting that the conclusion of this would be that creating new (trans) identities in some manner is power at work and identifying as a homosexual is working within the limits granted by the powers that be.
He finishes the book by saying some stuff about how perhaps we should not see ourselves as desiring subjects (man desiring man) but as bodies having pleasurable contact.
He talks about the history of the 'desiring subject' in antiquity in vol. 2 and 3 but from a rather different perspective.

>> No.11406621

Informative post
What exactly did Foucault define/view power as?

>> No.11406642

I don't know but in an interview he said he laughs everytime he sees someone say he viewed power as knowledge (as identical to knowledge) because if it were so it would have saved him years of research.
Power is in many ways domination - but how that manifests itself when you claim to know something (about someone, yourself etc.) is one way in which power and knowledge relationship can be investigated.
There are some scholars who have suggested he is trying to act out what Nietzsche suggested was possible (i.e. explain everything in terms of will to power) but was faced with its impossibility. I don't think he was that naive.

>> No.11406672

>a Marxist
Derrida and Lacan were. But Foucault was just a liberal sociologist.

>> No.11406680

Lacan was no a Marxist.
Derrida claimed to be one in Spectres of Marx (relatively late) but he's only talking about the eschatological-messianic dimension as far as I know. Not dialectial materialism.

>> No.11406685

Basically, there are very few Marxists in the Humanities.
There are more of them in the social sciences such as sociology, political science/economy and so on. Humanities is an mystical anarchistic fuck fest with the occasional common sense conservative and old school marxist, but these are very rare. That you developed your ideas as a critique of marxism doesnt make you a marxist is as evident as marx not being a capitalist.
>based beterson

>> No.11406751

hahaha americans are a joke. this board would be a better place if we could have discussions without those loud mouthed pathological retards.

oh and I've lived in the US for many years, surrounded by ivy league graduates. They simply cannot understand basic politics and sociology. It's pathological. sorry americans, I like you guys but you need to shut it when it comes to serious subjects.

>> No.11406753 [DELETED] 

fuck off to litpat, leftycuck

>> No.11406887

They don't exist. There is one article where he explores the consequences of viewing humans as capital, but he makes it very clear he's not condoning it. Some degenerate sensationalist has taken this as endorsement and mongoloids on this board don't read beyond headlines.

>> No.11406966

Lacan was conservative in far too many ways. He went hard for the Christian priest audience for some reason, despite making it all about sexuation and sexuality. He might've used Marx inspired terms (surplus enjoyment), but he was in no way a Marxist.

Interesting. I recall people posting similar replies as yours before, but the neoliberal thing still caught on. At least the CIA backing thing hopefully didn't.

>> No.11407010
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His description of the Panopticon is, therefore, a description of the "architectural figure" of "all the mechanisms of power which ... are disposed around the abnormal individual, to brand him and to alter him":


"The Panopticon... must be understood as a generalizable model of functioning; a way of defining power relations in terms of the everyday life of men... Bentham presents it as a particular institution, closed in upon itself... But the Panopticon ... is the diagram of a mechanism of power reduced to its ideal form; its functioning, abstracted from any obstacle, resistance or friction, must be represented as a pure architectural and optical system; it is in fact a figure of political technology that may and must be detached from any specific use."

>> No.11407423

His later seminars on ancient philosphy and parrhesia are gems. I invite you all to read them. Honestly it changed the way I view philosophy completely.

>> No.11408048

Why are people that are anti-gay so obsessed with anal sex? Every fucking time.