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11408366 No.11408366 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11408407


>> No.11408421
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>> No.11408563
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>Leon Uris, now thats a writer!

>> No.11408568

last night i had a nightmare about what boomer's eyes look like

>> No.11408572


>> No.11408576
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>> No.11408596

Alan Watts' "The Book" was basically your dad's "12 Rules for Life."

>> No.11408624

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
The Tao of Pooh
On the Road

>> No.11408683

You can believe me. 21 years boomer here.

>> No.11408717

Old man and the sea, also anything Hemmingway

>> No.11408754

I find the "[young-ish] boomer" meme interesting. I noticed it being spammed perhaps a month ago and found it funny then without really working out why. The hostile reactions were also pretty hilarious. I wonder if it's a result of 4chan's "oldfag" population approaching their 30s and feeling self-conscious that politically they have become right-wing and pro-tradition (Trump, etc) and that many are now involved in careers and so on, and thus can't shit on their parents' generation as much as they did when they first found the site. I imagine it also has something to do with the new wave of 4chan users being in their mid-teens and not really "getting" the notion of a boomer, and therefore just shitting on anyone over 25 because anyone over that age seems boring and boomer-ish. It's quite the meme I must say.

>> No.11408778


>> No.11408780
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OP here. I find it to be the perfect balance of self-deprecating and ridiculous. From what I have seen it is usually used to denote behaviors or tastes that are ignored in public out of politeness but laughed at behind closed doors. To me, it is a wholesome return to reality for people who live their lives in a box. After all, nobody wants to be that Boomer who is always out of touch or that Boomer who is grappling with lesser ideas or media. However, the Boomer is almost always the more well-established man in these memes. He is just out of touch. I love it.

>> No.11408794

its a good meme. also interesting to note that the boomer wojak, however much he is losing touch with culture and becoming unattractive, is less existentially burdened and emotionally isolated compared to the original wojak

>> No.11408813
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>> No.11408818

Brave New World/1984

>> No.11408822

This. Especially Grisham and Clancy.

>> No.11408829

I think, since it was a forced meme, the errors was just part of the shitpost but gained those connotations as it caught on.

>> No.11408843
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This is the best meme of all time

>> No.11408847

I don't think it was really forced, maybe a bit in the last month or so. It had a very slow progression, you could find signals of it on /fit/, /biz/ and /pol/ since 2016

>> No.11408853

it's the only meme that makes me chuckle every time. idk what it is about his face, its even funnier with the sunglasses

>> No.11408854

>forced meme
every meme is forced

>> No.11408864

so you're saying 40 years from now the generation after gen-z will be making techno remixes with samples from JBP?

>> No.11408870
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>> No.11408877

>40 years from now

>> No.11408879

Catch 22
Cat's Cradle
Lord of the Flies

basically redditcore

>> No.11408885

Did you not see the pics where some jackass was making a variation on literally every board?

>> No.11408910

not nearly as relaxing as my nigga watts


>> No.11408945

That's natural, the meme just blossomed, it can become worse if normalfags get to it. It's all part of the meme cycle, it will normalize after a bit and become a piece of our language

>> No.11408958

>That's natural
As far as I've seen 4chan memes come about after being spammed on one board and gradually branch out. This was a case of one guy or a group doing sweeps across the site in intervals.
And I'm not saying this isn't a legit meme now but I think it was definitely forced at the start.

>> No.11409070

Interesting. I didn't notice the spamming. I wonder if some day we will have a group of professional meme makers. Maybe not really a group that works together, a bunch of people that produces and forces a large quantity of memes.
It kinda happens in slow boards like /jp/, /n/ and /qa/. You can recognize that many memes were produced (and are probably forced) by a single person. Sometimes you can sense that someone is trying to unnaturaly change the boards culture.

Maybe that's what have always happened. It's not all that different in real life. Think about literature. Authors don't magically become popular, people need to force it, editors, critics, etc, sometimes very devoted fans. It's not a big group of people that decides what should becomes popular and work on it
I don't know, just a random thought that popped out. Sorry for the possible bad english, I'm esl and don't feel like editing this wall of text

>> No.11409071

>feeling self-conscious that politically they have become right-wing and pro-tradition (Trump, etc)
Why are Americans such retards who have to make everything about politics? The boomer meme has nothing to do with this at all, it's entirely about the userbase's anxiety over getting older.

>> No.11409142

Jordan Peterson

>> No.11409312
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>> No.11409344
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all you need to do is defend the western canon against its critics, don't bother actually reading any of it just defend it

>> No.11409351

Any libertarian/old-school progressivist trash.
Anything that praises corporations instead of creative individuals.
Anything that spreads fear of "the red menace".
Anything that calls for people to accept universal values and shit like that, without seriously reflecting upon what they mean, and why they should be considered "universal" instead of culture-specific.

>> No.11409621
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>> No.11409818

It has a few layers to it
A big portion of it's foundation is from /pol/
Many gen z kids would blame everything on boomers to the point where people started questioning if anyone on the board even knew what a boomer was. Then it became a meme to purposefully call people who could never have been boomers "boomers"

>> No.11409859
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Perhaps thats just ageing, most boomer wojaks seem like they come before the mid life crisis - everything is good media and lit are chosen because they're easy and relaxing and confirm worldviews already held. Will we soon hit mid life crisis boomer meme, that 30 year old boomer who suddenly hates his life and radically upends it? Who knows

>> No.11409869

lel this.

>> No.11409890
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Sports biographies

>> No.11409907

Earliest iteration I can remember is on /fit/ someone kept posting “that 30 year old guy at the gym”

>> No.11409918

House of Leaves
Wikipedia articles on Nietzsche and Kant
Fight Club
Lord of the Rings
The Story of B
Are You a Monster or a Rock Star? a Guide to Energy Drinks - How They Work, Why They Work, How to Use Them Safely

>> No.11409922
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>> No.11409939

I think you mean ten years from now when Gen Gas is really bringing the based politiks.

>> No.11410018

When you complain about boomers you're automatically a retard. It's capitalism to blame and the bourgies. Unironically saying this too. You're blaming people that fell for propaganda (of which you have also done if you're not blaming capitalism). What will you blame once all the boomers are gone? Millennials? Gen X? It's always the fault of a nice scapegoat generation, right. Fuck you. Idiots.

>> No.11410024

Write about it anon

>> No.11410028

It's the result of the overuse of "millenial"

>> No.11410033

proving once and for all that this is a bad meme, you don’t know what you mean, you don’t understand anything and you think you actually do. interesting

>> No.11410037
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King of the Boomers

>> No.11410073

I thought it was lampooning the all-encompassing "millennial" badge.

>why do Americans deconstruct and theorize
Only when you've made the world a desert, kid.

>> No.11410075

I work at a library and I hate seeing his fucking melty face on the back of every goddamn book.

>> No.11410079

The number of books with his name on them is patently absurd

>> No.11410091

Le Carre

>> No.11410101
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Really makes you think

>> No.11410116

my dad is an actual boomer and his favorite authors include :
le guin

>> No.11410118

Bukowski and Ginsberg.

>> No.11410130

he high on dat grass

>> No.11410134

my dad also is an actual boomer, he doesn't read books, but he did watch charlie rose every day, until rose got #metood

>> No.11410141

W-what’s wrong with Hesse anon

>> No.11410159
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As an actual 27 y/o Boomer, one of my favorite books is Siddhartha by Hesse.

>> No.11410207

Do boomers really believe in this #metoo shit that's going on in the US currently?

>> No.11410228

my dad is super low test i think he's a repressed homo, i think its cuz he was the youngest of four brother so it made him beta, so i doubt he sexually harassed many chicks t b h

>> No.11410235

although i should say he was a union laborer for his whole life and drove a motorcycle and fixed his own cars and shit, so even if he wasn't constantly hollering at chicks out the window or plastering swimsuit models all over the garage he was probably higher tee than many millenials

>> No.11410237

i guess he had what the new yorker would call "non-toxic masculinity"

>> No.11410249

I don't understand the fucking monster energy drink. I've never seen a boomer drink a Monster. Boomers are old as fuck by now, they don't touch that stuff.

>> No.11410250

i was just presenting a true boomer taste, no comment on the quality of the taste

>> No.11410262

yeah most boomers bitch about energy drinks like "i tried a redbull once tasted like bull piss! ain't that right stanley? haw haw yeah, bull piss, hey darling get me another five of those gjumbo bux scratch tickets would ya"

>> No.11410265

the boomer meme in this form refers to basically a late 20s early 30s guy

>> No.11410268

What I think is interesting is the fact that what constitutes being a boomer is basically becoming part of society, having a job, finishing your studies, whatever.
It's like the aging process of people simply hits you in the head as soon as responsabilities come and you can't be sustained by your parents. It's not like it has any arbitrary line like age that says you are a wojack boomer from now on, it simply has to do with the moment when you can't play videogames 12 hours a day, you don't know what is hip in the radio or spotify because you spend 8 hours in a job and you don't have time for it, you can't go out drinking mid week because the hangover is too much nowadays, you have to start taking energy suplements, you go to happy hours with co-workers, 4chan isn't your main site, etc...

For our parents it was probably as soon as they got married or when they had their first kid. Maybe our grandparents moment was then they got their first job at 16 or when they got kicked out of house because they were slacking, having a bf/gf, etc...

I think this meme is super interesting and probably the best one after the debacle that was /pol/'s forcing of Trump and meme magic durng 2016/17.

>> No.11410353

You're thinking of actual boomers and not 30-year old boomers

>> No.11410380

Literally the worst social commentary I have seen on this website.

The boomer meme is making fun of conservatives because they are literally younger versions of boomers. Their lifestyles, tastes and ideals are cringe. When I think of 30yo boomer I think alt-lite retards like Jack Posobiec.

>> No.11410391

i'm glad that i have no idea who jack posobiec is

>> No.11410396

that's not even vaguely what the boomer meme is, how are you this delusional. It has nothing to do with politics

you are basically being a boomer right now by misunderstanding and appropriating the meme to serve your outdated political agenda

>> No.11410397

Thomas Sowell

>> No.11410441

exactly. everyone knows boomers take the wrong messages form things and appropriate them for their own ends, just like the gommies and Obama, and westboro baptist, and Trump

>> No.11410989

>that Boomer that tries to appropriate memes to fit his deluded axioms and has to resort to straw man tactics to prop up his dying ideology but instead just outs himself as the Boomer he is

>> No.11410991

Wait; who else does techno remixes other than STRFKR?

>> No.11410995

Except the Boomer is literally a winner in every way. He has a car, a wife, a nice car, and an active social life. The meme is that the Boomer looks silly and it is funny to see him in random social situations.

Kill yourself, Leftist scum

>> No.11411012

does liking to fish make me a 20-odd-year old boomer?

>> No.11411069

t. coping 30 year old boomer

>> No.11411104

I think we're all wrong

The "30-year old boomer" meme is tapping into something that is hard to even articulate.

It's implying that:
>around the age of 30 you start losing your edge
>you start losing your hair
>you may start becoming equally as lame as a 60 year old boomer
>many young people have tastes that are as poor as boomers
>many young people have not broken out of the naive retardation of boomerism, even at a young age
>as you get older, you start enjoying the lame shit your boomer parents enjoy, like washing your gay ass car that you're so proud of

It has nothing to do with Trump or any of that, especially considering Millennials are more like their 1960's liberal parents in general.

It's also laughing at the low-brow tastes of the middle class as well

>> No.11411106

Amerimutt and 30-year old boomer memes are two of the funniest memes I've seen on 4chan in the 12 years I've been here

>> No.11411114
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>Except the Boomer is literally a winner in every way. He has a car, a wife, a nice car, and an active social life. The meme is that the Boomer looks silly and it is funny to see him in random social situations.

No the joke is that the boomer is totally satisfied on a shallow consumerist level with some gay ass car, a tract home, a cartoonish wife, and drinking a Monster drink with his stomach hanging out on a saturday

Just shitty low-brow taste, probably making 60k per year or something

I think the meme is implying that we all get sucked into this American Capitalist culture where we shed any edgy beliefs or ideas as we integrate into American adulthood

We're all boomers after gaining just a few assets

>> No.11411126


>> No.11411145

Clive cussler

>> No.11411147


>> No.11411159

>I think the meme is implying that we all get sucked into this American Capitalist culture where we shed any edgy beliefs or ideas as we integrate into American adulthood
I think if you can make peace with the establishment then you never really had a problem with it in the first place

>> No.11411173
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Well i think when people start moving up in society, they shed a lot of their sincerely edgy beliefs.

People get a decent job, acquire a few assets, get a new-earned respect from people in your daily life, and they think "Ehhh well okay even though I don't like it, I can live with this. It's not THAT bad" and then kinda just stop giving a shit

That's why the boomer meme shows a naive apathetic smirk. The 30-year old boomer has embraced the shallow shitty parts of consumer culture and just kind of accepted it. He no longer cares, he's found a nugget of satisfaction and he's checked out now.

it's a good meme

>> No.11411183
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Christ im not yet even 20 and im a boomer.

>> No.11411184
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Boomer wojak is the most wholesome meme of 2018.

he leads a honest life, he has a nice car. He is kind to his friends and he engages in literary pursuit with genuine vigor.

>> No.11411223

Give a communist a thousand dollars and he'll become a capitalist.

>> No.11411233

Real communists already have $1000 because it's impossible not to when you don't buy into consumerism.

>> No.11411236

What car would boomer-kun have? A Thunderbird or something?

>> No.11411270

A car worth as much as his house

>> No.11411282

Your car.

>> No.11411366

This image genuinely makes me think. I mean, out of this specific context, I'd have no idea what to make of it, but here, I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a 'subversion' of the meme, or if it is presenting the 'boomer' as someone ostensibly more respectable but who's habits are still ultimately unhealthy vices all the same.

>> No.11411382

>I thought it was lampooning the all-encompassing "millennial" badge.

This is my impression of it's purpose; though >>11408754 is also part of it. It's making fun of how people around 30 are classified with a label that is used by people in a way which throws them in with everyone younger then them as a catchall, and so the 'boomer' meme switches this around and throws them in with their parents' generation.

>> No.11411393

I like old cars, does this make me a boomer?

>> No.11411394

The joke is that they're drunk by people who *think of themselves* as being young.

>> No.11411395


>> No.11411396

A good book.

>> No.11411401

Dean Koontz, combined with monster energy drink. You can basically get high.

>> No.11411405

Not necessarily, but owning one certainly does.

>> No.11411428
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Guys, really, how to stop boomerisation of yourself when you are nearing thirty?
Materialist aspect, as car, house, all that middle class bullshit, is something I'm safe from, I;m too poor for all that, but spiritually what to do?

If I'm gonna think of one guy that transcended boomerisation in all it's aspects that would be Zizek.

>> No.11411435

Of course, only a retired dad could afford a gas waster on this economy

>> No.11411439
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You can't escape boomerism. Trying to do otherwise - behaving like a teenager at 30 years old - is a boomer trait as well.

>> No.11411445

Someone fucking help me. I never want to see another boomer picture again.


>> No.11411451

I've worked with several Monster-drinking boomers (real ones 45+)
You must not work in restaurants

>> No.11411461

> how do I escape becoming a Boomer

You can't. As you get older trends and society change, you have two choices: Keep doing stuff you enjoy and not give a shit that younger people think you're lame, ta da you just became a Boomer. OR try to keep up with modern trends, which will make you look like an weird old dude being embarrassing, thus you still became a boomer.

>> No.11411464

The Boomer is an individual who does not want to leave the apolitical riskless private sphere. He rests in the possession of his private property, and under the justification of his possessive individualism he acts as an individual against the totality. He is a man who finds his compensation for his political nullity in the fruits of freedom and enrichment and above all in the total security of its use. Consequently he wants to be spared bravery and exempted from the danger of a violent death.

>> No.11411471

This description doesn't just fit boomers

>> No.11411550

It's okay to become less edgy as you age, the important thing is to be fashionable, or cool, for your age. Be original. A 40 year old can still be cool, but they have to know what works. The most baseline recommendation is to stay in shape and be fashionable - this extends to tastes in things like food and drink, style of house and furnishings, books, media, hobbies, etc. You can have your nice house, but it doesn't have to be a shitty McMansion with no charm or interesting decor.

>> No.11411571

>that Leftist boomer who misunderstands the boomer meme

>> No.11411587

nobody has ever been cool or uncool because of their tastes, it is entirely about charisma

>> No.11411619

The truth that I've discerned from these comments is that the boomer meme doesn't really mean anything. It's just another stupid way for retards on 4chan to insult each other. If nobody can agree on what it means, other than that it's bad if you are one, is that it doesn't mean anything besides a vague notion of poor taste. It's the meme equivalent of just calling someone a loser.

>> No.11411624
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on the road sucks
dharma bums is much better

>> No.11411638

the boomer meme was used for months on other boards to mean basically 'aging out of touch dude'. It is only lit in its eternal autism that fails to grasp this obvious point

a truly meaningless meme is the Shrek snap one, which is literally just 'cringe'

>> No.11411643

this is truth

>> No.11411673

>a truly meaningless meme is the Shrek snap one, which is literally just 'cringe'
this meme emerged because it was forced on /pol/ by shills. We then started using it for anything anyone wrote that was mildly autistic in a lampoon of the originally forced version that was spammed in every white nationalist/fascism/Nazi thread.

also /lit/ trying to describe the 30-year old boomer meme and failing miserably MAKES you all fucking 30-year old boomers, from your pure incompetence at comprehending a meme from a board that towers over /lit/ in relevance and cultural sway. stay mad bookworms

>> No.11411734

These posts most precisely get at how I understand the meme. It doesn't have to be like this though. Me personally, I know I wouldn't be very satisfied working for the man so I've been bouncing around some non profits, political advocacy groups, etc. since out of college. As long as I make enough money to be independent from my parents but not enough to be complacent, I derive a lot of energy from my dissatisfaction at the way things are, and hope to change them for the better.

I'm still in my 20s so my time may be yet to come, but I've met people who live dynamic lives well into their middle age without being that crusty old guy that hangs out at the college bar.

>> No.11411765

>people who live dynamic lives well into their middle age
essential 30 year old boomerism right here

>> No.11411772

varg and right wingers touch boomers meme in some way but miss whole other dimension, you must be honest bout it.

>> No.11411774

The boomer meme is about younger millennials not being able to relate to older millennials

>> No.11411841

So many people here have the boomer thing backward. You're actually thinking in a way that led to boomerism. The problem isn't that they are out of touch, it's that they're so narcissistic they won't admit that they are out of touch and retire from dictating public life. They should have accepted that it was time to allow a new generation to come to cultural power and gracefully retired to watch Lawrence Welk like their parents did. Instead they need to still engage in a pissing contest with their kids to prove they "still got it"

>> No.11412000

it's a mediocre meme, made up of several shit memes put together. It's main purpose is simply to piss off the people who were fucked over financially by boomers (thus the large audience for (you's)) If anything more is to be said, boomers will not relinquish their swords, most of them are turning 70 odd and have still not retired, to the disgust of many others who want their positions.

>> No.11412007

it's to make fun of anyone who isn't like 17 because after that age it gets harder to convince yourself you are going to be something if you arent already succeeding. It's a pretty versatile meme honestly

the origin of the boomer thing is clueless boomers having retarded opinions about stuff, this was just expanded from opinions to behaviors and attributes, and from actual boomers to anyone older than the poster.

>> No.11412027

good thread

>> No.11412063

How is Tolkien /boomercore/? He's the greatest fantasy writer of all time

>> No.11412631
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>> No.11412643

my work is like this, there are three full time jobs in my department taken up by geriatric boomers, FINALLY one of them takes a hint and fucks off, he was pretty chill to talk to, knew about literature and the world, but refuse to get a cellphone and can't use a computer except to check worldcup scores...meanwhile the other two are fucking retarded and insufferable to talk to, but will just keep working till they keel over dead, one said that she things people always die right after they retire because someone she knew retired and died so now she thinks if she just keeps working she'll be immortal, its like bitch the reason these people die 6 months after retiring is cuz they wait until theyre fucking 80, try retiring at 65 wtf

>> No.11412815
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my understanding of the boomer meme
its one part a very simple making fun of someone for being close to 30, that being something that many people on 4chan are now approaching and are insecure about, on the same level as prompting insecurities in manlets and wristlets etc. depicting a 28 year old as balding, obese, dumb, drooling and so on, this is why the boomer is 30 years old. the other part is the general disdain and ressentiment of the baby boomer generation, they are usually either inconsistently progressive or neoconservative, having lived in time of great comfort and economic ease they created the degenerate and cancerous deconstructionist relativist "free love" culture of the 60s that both the young left and right seem to frown upon. and had enough hubris to think that they could maintain certain traditional values whilst also exalting the mindless destruction of them as rebellious and cool, but at the same time failing to really achieve the dedicated edginess of the younger generations. they are disliked for their naivety, for their unironic use of terms like "just be yourself" and "be positive" despite the fact that being positive is surely at best appropriate 50% of the time. disliked for their belief that an easy life is a better one, for their genuine belief that uncomfortable information is less likely to be factually true, for their faith in popular culture and capitalist consumerism, for their hand in creating the superficial decadence of the culture we know live in, for their claimed commitment to open mindedness, tolerance, and equality despite being ruthlessly adherent to fashionable thought and failing to ever really think through the implications of those ideals, as if they were designed for an irrational utopian idealism rather than as an actual ethical theory meant for reality, and also disliked for their anti-historical rebellion against what they perceived as an oppressive discriminatory mindset of their own parents. the meme manifested because of the animosity the millenial(?)s have for their parent generation who they in part blame for the mess that is western culture right now, the left blaming them for the worse parts of the right and the right for the worse parts of the left.

>> No.11412879
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>> No.11412994

Ted "Unaboomer" Kaczynski

>> No.11413020

i'm talking about real boomers anon, LOTR was a big deal in the hippie movement

>> No.11413035

only because it was slightly anti industrialist? lotr is very reactionary

>> No.11413127
File: 32 KB, 381x353, 139321327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11413149

I thought it's supposed to prey on an aging 4chan demographic who hasn't "made it" yet. Calling 30 year-olds boomers is supposed to precipitate your insecurities by implying that your life is already past its peak, that you're aging, that you're out of touch with society, and have nothing to look forward to but a slow decline.

>> No.11413152

jordan peterson

>> No.11413166

dude u gotta admit it will be easy for trump to maga as the boomers all start to retire opening up tons of new jobs for the youth, but the boomers will keep spending their retirement money thus putting more cash into circulation, and boomers that refuse to retire will eventually just die, sorry but the boomers definitely pulled a lot of resources from future generations, which wouldnt be so bad if they werent so whiny yet simultaneously smug about making 60k with a high school diploma etc. although some boomer lies have been exposed like growing up i heard a lot of boomer assholes trying to blame gen-x and millenials like "i would have gone to college but i couldnt afford it! not with u kids!" etc. but its like dude a semester of college back in the boomers day was like two weeks of minimum wage work, now its like 10 years of min wage work per semester or something, boomers who didnt go to college and blamed it on "too expensive" were just fucking liars, fuck boomers

>> No.11413171

>It's capitalism to blame and the bourgies.
do you guys never get tired of this bullshit

>> No.11413175

the fact that people post a 100 replies but no one really knows what the fuck its supposed to mean shows its a fucking stupid meme since it doesnt gets its point across quickly or humorously, its probably just marketing by monster energy to get millenials to think drinking monster will make them look more mature, like how tobacco companies used to do with cigarettes

>> No.11413188

t. rather insecure aging boomer

>> No.11413215
File: 8 KB, 255x255, ar ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or that it has such a depth of meaning that 100 posters can interpret it in 100 different ways, all more or less valid.

>> No.11413222

ambiguity is not a value add in memes bro, u seem stupid

>> No.11413238

value in memes is decided by those who choose to employ them

>> No.11413247

well if the goal is to get manchild neets to associate monster energy with being a comfortable adult white male, then mission accomplished bro, or did u think it wasnt an advertisement?

>> No.11413263

you know shit

>> No.11413296

hippies are a bit more reactionary than you think.
the "brand" so to speak has been tarnished by potsmoking degenerates

>> No.11413303
File: 82 KB, 716x537, 1501091798407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no real youngcels here. They use other sites and are unironic social media users. This place is old-timey and weird and the only reason the boomer meme caught on is because we (as in the original, now grown up userbase) are all disliking adulthood and feel greater and greater anxiety as we eke closer to middle age.

>> No.11413305
File: 99 KB, 380x349, 1528131626217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11413323

>This place is old-timey and weird

>> No.11413334
File: 194 KB, 675x601, 1508382945111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a literal web 1.5 relic with shit boomer memes that zoomers can't relate to. I unironically think the vast majority of the user base are people that started using the site 5-10 years ago and just never left.

>> No.11413338

i wasnt disagreeing it just made me laugh how you said it

>> No.11413341

when does middle age starts in usa and what are the first signs of it?

>> No.11413347
File: 603 KB, 1868x1140, 1528205899894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like 40. People will say the sign are that you have teenaged kids and are out of touch, but IMO it's when you get a "career" and can't handle abusing your body anymore, so like 25-30.
I agree, I was impressed by my own boomer-ish phrasing

>> No.11413657

Whenever I'm in the book section at BJ's all I see are boomer's looking at thriller espionage books, the Clancy type of shit. Don't know what's the attraction with boomers and that genre.

>> No.11413702

>tfw that one anon spammed the boomer meme on every board for weeks and finally its taken off as an actual meme

A hard-fought victory

>> No.11413734


>> No.11413755

Did Richard fight in 'Nam? I mean, look at his arm

>> No.11413758

underrated post

>> No.11413803

hunter s thomspon fo sho

>> No.11413806

You're not wrong but the boomers fell for the capitalism meme harder than the younger generations have, probably because they grew up in an economic golden age.

>> No.11413824

dude boomers are the biggest hippy anti-capitalist shitlords of the country, u think some nappy dreadhead vegan stinker in oregon is as anti-capitalist as a boomer? hell no, at my work they hired this boomer chick with like white hair and a bunch of granny moles sprouting on her forehead, and sure enough she's all like code pink fuck drumpf democracy now ban fracking stand with standing rock blah blah blah which i actually dont mind im just sayin boomers aint the most capitalistic peeps out there by a long shot

>> No.11413835

The hippies are a small subset of the boomers, when people say "boomer" they mean the guys living in florida and the midwest who's principle concern is the upkeep of their riding mower.. I know the kind of people you're talking about though, I had one as a teacher in fourth grade and it turned me into a leftist.

>> No.11413843
File: 13 KB, 356x205, 2016_02_05_bd_OUT932181.3d2be[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know its true

>> No.11413863

i always felt like he was more of a gen x thing, gen x chicks love him, but maybe its cuz i grew up near amhest college so everybody was dug him cuz he felt like a local homie that you would see walkin across the amherst green in bandana and cargo shorts to go buy some powerbars from the mountain bike store, pick up a copy of the valley advocate to see if there are any good foreign film screenings going on this weekend, and then head over to umass to try to get laid, he's such a gen x mother fucker man

>> No.11413883
File: 158 KB, 1039x529, tboomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point im really looking forward to living boomer life in suburbia desu.


>> No.11413890
File: 33 KB, 480x747, ae5ccae88d300222d46d15bbf0ae09987d549805823835e935fd9976bfc1db04[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its probably just marketing by monster energy to get millenials to think drinking monster will make them look more mature
this is more likely than not desu
I still find the whole "sippin" meme that was relentlessly forced on /fit/ and /tv/ very, very weird. Is it really that unfeasible that, after all these years, at least a single company decided to astroturf their way into 4chan memedom?

>> No.11413902

For me the appeal of the meme is that people grow up thinking they are going to be so different from their parents and then they turn 28 and move to suburbia.

>> No.11413911
File: 1.62 MB, 3672x3024, start with the mutts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11413921

I thought summer was just a meme, but it seems like these fucking memes accelerate past lightspeed once the weather gets warmer out. it's uncanny

>> No.11413928

oh was there earlier aborted attempts to create a monster meme? interesting...

>> No.11413935

Is there a better forced meme? That anon must be real proud

>> No.11413942

>no Holocaust 101 book

>> No.11413949

ya as far as forced memes go i dig it, also i enjoy the product so that helps

>> No.11413959
File: 26 KB, 485x443, 151249987090144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's forced because it portrays me

>> No.11413982


how times have changed, i remember seeing in the 90s and thinking wow man those boomers are such sadsacks its so much better to be a hip musical guy than a boomer, now im like wow that bbq looks comfy af, then again i know its supposed to be some kind anti-war shit where the poor patriotic jingoists get smoked by their own military tech, but still looks p comfy

>> No.11414403

Tom Clancy

>> No.11414496

It’s interesting that “faggot” was the mainstay for nearly a decade, but we’ve gone from cuck to soiboi to boomer in a matter of months. I wonder if there’ll ever be an insult that sticks again

>> No.11414524

I hope the next insult that sticks is philistine. I love that word

>> No.11414560

redditor was pretty hot for a while too. there's still a sitewide filter to 'go back to r3ddit'

>> No.11414587

objectively wrong

>> No.11414970

american pastoral, although it might rattle some boomers if they reflect to hard on it

>> No.11414981

show me a classic meme destined for the history books that is ambiguous, the aesthetics of memes are closer to advertising than fine art, possibly because many memes are in fact advertising, so it needs to be direct, clear and impactful

>> No.11415142
File: 4 KB, 221x228, cons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 33 years old; I haven't outgrown the problems of puberty, I'm already facing the problems of old age. I completely skipped healthy adulthood. I went from having orgasms immediately, to taking foreve

>> No.11415189
File: 65 KB, 540x374, ComidaArte-Bananal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling people filthy arabs
Wow racist much?

>> No.11415200

>some day we will have a group of professional meme makers
some day is now, dude. Memes are easier to force than they have ever been due to lax moderation, precipitous drop in average IQ of internet poasters, and chatbot technology

>> No.11415201
File: 87 KB, 700x350, C07CAA85-88EF-4B22-B9EC-EDC9CF4EE1E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup Boomers. Glad to see the thread took off. I have a book to add.

George R R Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire

Happy 4th

>> No.11415208

>trump sun
VERY nice addition. it's the details that matter

>> No.11415253

there used to be daily threads on /ck/

>> No.11415309

The 30-year-old boomer is an older millennial who has adopted a boomer-esque lifestyle and ideals. He is funny to us because we see our colleagues or even ourselves in him and his aloof adherence to the social mores of his parents' generation. He has one or more steady (menial) jobs, he has a mortgage, to motivate him in his tasks he imbibes disgusting stimulants like Monster, he's proud of his 52-inch television and says so, he mows his pointless suburban lawn on weekends when I should be enjoying some peace and quiet, he spends lots of his (hard-earned, don't forget) money on a car and other things that were socially valuable to his parents. He is a consumer whore and will perpetuate the system the boomers perfected, as was his destiny; delayed by the 2008 financial crisis until now, an extra decade after he was supposed to become an adult in the boomers' world and carry forward the torch of consumption. This delay is what makes him special, and what makes the meme. The saturation of the term "millennial" in media over the past decade alone makes this meme hilarious, but especially so when you consider the associations we've been taught to make between millennials and a kind of medley of boomer moral panic (the fact that I want to say something about video killing the radio star in reference to the "industry-killing millennial" trope is itself proof of the staying power of boomer pop-cultural drivel, perhaps I am also a 30-year-old boomer). Despite much noise being made about increased disillusionment with society and millennials being this or that way different from their elders, our generation will now get on board with the boomer program. You may very well be a NEET, but if you look up from your monitor I guarantee you will see that your contemporaries are becoming living embodiments of the 30-year-old boomer. The end of history is back on schedule after only a brief delay, a hiccup in the global financial system that caused a momentary retardation of millennial adulthood. The dichotomy of boomers and millennials and their respective value systems are etched onto our collective consciousness after a decade of media kvetching, hence the millennial who finally grew up is now a 30-year-old boomer.

>> No.11415313

>that 30 year old boomer who expects me to read all this

>> No.11415390

oh my god I'M a 30-year-old boomer?

>> No.11415405

It's unsettling how the "30-year old boomer" meme appeared exactly as I turned 30.

>> No.11415417

>This delay is what makes him special, and what makes the meme.

This. It's also the uncomfortable realization that there is NOWHERE to go when you hit 30 if you don't go boomercore. A 20 year old who acts like a loser can be forgiven, a 30 year old who acts like that is hopeless. Society was not built for the kind of stupid ironic punkish lifestyle 4chan idealizes.

>> No.11415457

it is because stupid ironic punkish lifestyle is absolutely unable to build a viable environment obviously

>> No.11415499

God damn, as a 29 year old faggot you hit right in the nail.
I have seen to many of those types both on 4chins and in real life. Gret observations anon.

Sometimes I wish I was at least a bit succesfull as them though, they live happy and simple (Not saying this as a bad thing) lives, you space out at work, spend your cash on useless shit and come home to sperg out to people on /pol/. While here I am a phd student, living with 4 roommates.

>> No.11415527
File: 44 KB, 625x579, DbzSgr1WAAECQ_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet the part about cars you pleb

We affirm that the world’s magnificence has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed. A racing car whose hood is adorned with great pipes, like serpents of explosive breath—a roaring car that seems to ride on grapeshot is more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace. We want to hymn the man at the wheel, who hurls the lance of his spirit across the Earth, along the circle of its orbit.

>> No.11416005
File: 227 KB, 1128x1048, 15274654120522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post on /lit/, no, on 4chan right now.

>> No.11416052


This stands only for few western first world countries. In most parts of the world, people only dream about boomercore opportunities and middle class life style.

But anyway, in anno domini 2018, eschewing boomercore (your own personal vagina, your own personal goblinos, car and hot place to shit) is no more 'stupid ironic punkish', it's reality for many youngish people; new ways of travel, education, job and globalization changed that boomercore default. That old boomer ideal of society is going into history along with them.

>> No.11416112


>> No.11416173

it's simple , we outsmart the commies.
back in the 80s we new who the bad guys were.

>> No.11416204

millennials are boomers without money

>> No.11416248

What's your alternative faggot. I have a feeling that most people blaming the always nefarious "capitalism" don't actually want to stop immigration that fuels cheap labor for major corporations, don't want to end neoliberal managerialism, debt-cycle college credentialism or even vote for Trump.

>> No.11416270

That one was made to reflect boomer sadness but it resonates with young people most, Hesse was angry as fuck because of it

>> No.11416280

This >>11411765 lmao, that's total boomer speak: "we have to stay dynamic," "derive a lot of energy from [insert meme]"

Highlight: "I wouldn't be satisfied working for the man so I've been bouncing around some non profits, political advocacy groups etc."

>not satisfied working for the man
>bouncing around political advocacy groups

>> No.11416366

Only if you're in the business world. Academics can act this out indefinitely.

>> No.11416377

The only alternative is to slowly Sean yourself off consumerism while playing the game and amassing power before the system inevitably collapsed when we're in our 40s or 50s

>> No.11416384

gay unrealistic day dreaming: typical

>> No.11416473
File: 120 KB, 822x1024, chadmech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu, its a garbage forced meme and not very funny. virgin vs chad and brainlet wojak are the only good memes in recent memory

>> No.11416512

>non profits, political advocacy groups
*vomits everywhere*

>> No.11416541


>> No.11416752

Who is it? Clancy? Grisham?

>> No.11416886


>> No.11417430

>The end of history is back on schedule
lol no, we're fucked. The bubble is bigger now than it ever was pre-08

>> No.11417485

bourgeois bohemian was pretty popular for a while

>> No.11417548

That's a nice looking house

>> No.11417599

Pepe and Wojack also make no sense, which doesn't make them any worse.

>> No.11417676

30 year old Boomer is another Jew psyop

>> No.11417748

What's that purple thing on the car

>> No.11417755

I sure hope so

>> No.11417786

Not bad desu

>> No.11417831

dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.

the most classic meme of all is pepe, and at various points in time he's represented smugness, sadness, being an aggressor, being a victim, a racist icon (that no one even on this site can agree on), rage, mysticism, and feeling good man. This all started with him pulling his pants all the way down to pee. Even the original artist doesn't know what pepe means.

Also, if you dispute this, you're proving me correct, lol

>> No.11417895

and yet each separate iteration of pepe has a very clear meaning, whereas boomer (a specific iteration on wojak) does not have any meaning and is a very poorly assembled character

>> No.11417916

the hood

>> No.11417926

30-year-old boomer confirmed for pleb filter meme. If you don't get it you're probably well on your way to becoming one.

>> No.11417930

I disagree. Think of that red pepe with a third eye screaming, what the fuck does that mean? Someone might think it's existential anguish, someone else might think it's just a demon. Do you really not see that you yourself are drawing your own meaning from this meme? Silly little child

>> No.11417934

its just forced and unfunny mate. something like s o y boy is a very specific and real societal trend whereas 30 year old boomer is more of an absurd figure except its not a particularly funny one (see chad from virgin vs chad for a funny one)

>> No.11417974

Soiboi isn't a societal trend because soi doesn't actually feminize you. I'd wager that 99% of the dude's pictured in soiboi memes actually eat meat.

>> No.11417986

30 year old boomer is definitely an observable trend

>> No.11417991

Well, the pink I mean
It looks like a finger

>> No.11418015

It looks like a finger
He's covering the license plate so he can post it to Reddit without getting doxd

>> No.11418116
File: 617 KB, 761x1000, 1528602854662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain why boomers hate anime? Anime liking zoomers seems to be the antithesis of the 30 yo boomer.

>> No.11418130


>> No.11418136

I was kinda talking about myself there. I don't have many anime pictures. It looks anime-like to me. Seems good enough.

>> No.11418139

Boomercore Tier-List:

Boomercore must reads-tier:
>Think and Grow Rich Action Pack-Napolean Hill
>1776-David McCullough
>My Life-Bill Clinton
>The DaVinci Code-Dan Brown

I liked it in the ancient, mythical time known as High School-tier:
>The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
>The Great Gatsby
> The Old Man and the Sea

The 60's were far-out man-tier:
>On the Road-Kerouac
>Eichmann in Jerusalem-Hannah Arendt
>Reality Sandwiches-Ginsberg
>Catch-22-Joseph Heller

Never finished the series-tier:
>Left Behind
>Lord of the Rings
>Foundation Trilogy

I hope my kids think I'm cool-tier:
>Harry Potter
>The Hunger Games
>Anything John Green

>> No.11418173
File: 34 KB, 735x368, trains dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 59 year old boomer dad likes Tom Clancy, things about trains and WW2. Occasionally something about engineering. Its the most pure-dad-core imaginable.

>> No.11418186

>things about trains
what the fuck is this phenomenon anyway its like a whole thing

>> No.11418204

I think when you have a 800k credit debt and a fat wife something about nice little steam trains going around on a predictable track in serene plastic surroundings is reassuring. Same reason little kids like trains its just soothing and nice

>> No.11418228
File: 32 KB, 434x327, 65d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice thinly veiled recommendation thread

>> No.11418296
File: 45 KB, 409x409, 500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're talking about versatility, not ambiguity
every single instance of pepe has a clear meaning, it's almost never ambiguous

>> No.11418716

Whatever kind his teenage self perceived as a high-end pussy magnet.

>> No.11418720

boomers rejected, publicly humillated

>> No.11418731
File: 64 KB, 332x499, The Alchemist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11418738

It's the Millenial Revenge

>> No.11419105

I like this post the best, but I think at a more basic level the 30 year old boomer is more like "that [midwestern] guy who has all of his equity tied up in his home." it's a caricature of a commonly-encountered sort of person, and that;s why its funny.

>> No.11419267

It’s a self-deprecating joke for millennials. We’ve grown up and matured a bit. We’re no longer the youngest generation. We see ourselves becoming adults like our parents. We criticize the younger generation like boomers did to us.

>> No.11419273

It almost seems like Millennials have become their parents on steroids. Our parents were either Democrats or Republicans, we seem to be either socialists or reactionaries.

>> No.11419295

its because inequality is going back up to 1890s levels so 1890s style extremism is coming back, its easy to be a bland liberal when you have a job for life based on your state school liberal arts degree that cost 5 grand in 1972, but now a certain spectre is haunting again

>> No.11419299

Been thinking about reading Dharma Bums, do I really need to read On The Road before it though? I keep seeing people saying that I won't "get" Dharma Bums if. I dont.

>> No.11419302

There's going to be another huge-ass war, isn't there?

>> No.11419307

t. never left his house

>> No.11419322

>Thirty-somethings are now calling themselves baby boomers

You milennials are so fucking desperate to not be identified with the millennial group, its fucking hilarious.

1980+ is millennial, deal with it.

>> No.11419345


there are too many people, it's likely about on schedule for a massive orgy of death and suffering

from the end of it, who knows what may emerge? perhaps a utopia this time around?

>> No.11419362

the trade war with china could set it off, not directly, but like indirectly it will destabilize the world economy, and then something minor like the archduke getting smoked by an anarchist will happen, and all hell will break loose, i wonder if i live far enough away from manhattan to not die from radiation if it gets nuked, probably not

>> No.11419384

nah, you got it backwards. the meme started from younger millenials making fun of older millenials.

>> No.11419385

eh, the younger generation isn't a threat like millennials were to boomers wrt understanding of internet and computers since tech has essentially stalled out since the 90's (unless you count the 'machine learning boom' AKA 'I ran some python code some retard precompiled and said I did machine learning even though I never took lin alg' )

Also gen z is fucking retarded since they grew up with smart phones. Hoping I can be a comparative chad in 10 years when emotionally scarred gen z peeps enter the workforce.

>> No.11419421

Maybe we'll be able to snag Gen Z pussy because we'll actually know how to hold a conversation.

>> No.11419428

wait, we do? when did this happen?

>> No.11419432

we don't, but being able to string 15 words together is better than only being able to do 5. Small victories anon, that's what will win emotionally disturbed gen-z pussy.

>> No.11419434

not the same anon, but I've never saw people saying that and I think it couldn't be far from the truth

and I also agree that The Dharma Buns is much better than On the Road

>> No.11419438

Well, I do. I don't know about the rest of you fuckers. It's going to be every man for himself.

>> No.11419446

I don't, but the anxiety and stimulant drugs that speak through me do

>> No.11419458
File: 204 KB, 1148x746, 1530834478733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerimutt is just intentionally antagonizing and obnoxious. There's no real depth to it, it's basically just draw the ugliest thing possible and call it an American.

For me, its Apu Apustaja. I just love the ever evolving Pepe-Wojak dichotomy. Pepe went from happy, to sad, to smug and now he's just a retarded little kid.

>> No.11419497
File: 82 KB, 449x725, 1213147504422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new moeshit aint like the mecha flavored moeshit that was popular when boomer's watched anime on the tv channel SciFi

>> No.11419508

as an xennial i find all these weebs have shit taste in anime and i dont even like anime, back in my day, ok. if i wanted to see some shit i had to go to the local arthouse video store and go downstairs into the foreign film section and go past a bunch of kurosowa type shit, and then they had like shit that was actually animated by artists and not just some 3d shit made in some cad sweatshop in korea and rendered with a cel shader, i mean fags try to convince me anime is good, and they recommend asinine tv series, like they never even saw mainstream shit like ghost in the shell, or lupin or anything, im like dude please millenial weebs are fucking weak

>> No.11419534

Yeah Pepe and Wojak, at this point, have a dialectic that's nearly worthy of study. There are so many little angles and sideplots. Pepe of course shot to global fame thanks to Trump, but it seems to have cost him all his depth. Meanwhile, Wojak has settled into middle-class comfort and seems to have overcome his earlier feelings of inadequacy, although he has not perhaps risen beyond it.

>> No.11419650


>> No.11419677

Most of it is animation without the animation part.

>> No.11419863

>30 year olds today consider themselves as part of the Baby Boomer generation

But you aren't, fucking dipshit.

>> No.11419932

>also /lit/ trying to describe the 30-year old boomer meme and failing miserably MAKES you all fucking 30-year old boomers, from your pure incompetence at comprehending a meme from a board that towers over /lit/ in relevance and cultural sway. stay mad bookworms

>> No.11420019

Congratulations on taking everything literally and outing yourself as an autist

>> No.11420048


Its not funny.

>> No.11420181
File: 303 KB, 1032x1242, 1530403578311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11420311

No its not you moron

>> No.11420363

But when it is animates it surpasses most of western animation.

>> No.11420450

the point is that onions is a substitute for meat: men that don't eat meat are not *real* men, they are to real men what onions is to meat.

>> No.11420451

forgot the word filter, obviously s o i instead of onions

>> No.11421608

The joke is that 30 year old boomers always stick their finger in the shot to cover up the license plate frame when selling cars on craigslist instead of just blurring it with software or not giving a shit because it's trivial to find any address from social media.

>> No.11421700

My dad's a boomer, and drinks that stuff all day long

>> No.11421707
File: 18 KB, 500x431, 1526756487052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11421712

>that you're aging, that you're out of touch with society, and have nothing to look forward to but a slow decline.
Doesn't sound much different from my youth.

>> No.11422759
File: 106 KB, 881x997, boomercry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that feel when you take the first sip after beating your wife and a fresh mowed lawn

>> No.11422820

40 years? Try 5 years.

>> No.11423793

The boomer's mantra... to be said 12 times daily

>> No.11423811

Boomercore: Hemmingway
Zoomercore: Mishima

>> No.11423868

almost all of them sold out though. There's a whole genre of music and lit revolving around the death of the hippy movement and how it ended up just being a phase that got lost to consumerism and being a cog. All but the dirtiest hippies ended up getting a job or marrying someone who did, and became moderate neoliberals. Thankfully it will be a bit harder for this generation to sell out since there isn't anyone willing to buy for much of anything.

I disagree with the majority of the shit they talked about but for fucks sake if you're going to stand up for something don't back down in five years or you may as well just kill yourself for being spineless.

>> No.11423878
File: 11 KB, 237x213, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a Prius and join a spin club! You'll be the "spice" around town for sure. You know what they say, sixty is the new thirty, and boy do you look like a young, happening thirty year old in those fresh Underarmour(tm) threads!

Don't look now, but I think that pretty young thing might be taking a look at your watch Watch out there cowboy!

>> No.11423885

>not smoking
you know you're almost tripling your risk of Parkinson's m8? Why take that risk?

>> No.11423893

It's the son taking a picture of the dad. The hand is pink since it's the pink wojack that's taking the picture. This one comes from /biz/.

>> No.11423904

>tfw only car model autistic self could recognize as a teen was the chevy lumina my mom drove.
I want one so bad m8

>> No.11424289


>> No.11424439

Don't you mean Celine, dickhead?

>> No.11424449

In other words somebody more concerned with living happily than dying gloriously. Like the old Italian in Catch-22.

>> No.11424460

To clarify, it isn't about right or wrong, true or false, it boils down to the subjectivity, what's good for you? You want struggle, pain, hardship, confrontation, obstacle, devastation, ruination, martyrdom, you shall have it, be fed to the teeth on it, it will be all you know, all you experience, your every waking hour consumed by the fire of your desire (you like that?) You want peace, contentment, enjoyment, relaxation, tranquility, languid reminiscing and dreamy sun-drenched days sipping lemonade under the cherry blossoms, likewise it shall be yours no matter what invader floats onto your shores (again!) "Vis-a-vis, Hesh believes because Hesh chooses to!"

>> No.11424470

Honestly this is kind of true, I've heard the whining about the "kids these days having no attention span," good God though, guys I work with can't sit still for more than 5 minutes at a time, can't get anything done and it escapes me why that is, the ability to "naturally multitask" on 20 different gadgets is useless if the results are all half-assed.

>> No.11424506


>> No.11424509
File: 41 KB, 1016x984, B08AE3ED-6D8E-483B-BCF1-A6D76F035DF6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, being a boomer seems so peaceful. You got your 401k, all your kids are responsible, you could just do whatever you want

>> No.11424571

The 30 year old boomer is only superficially content. At his core he is depressed Wojack. He'll be back to his old self soon. I'd be surprised if he lasted 2 meme cycles.

>> No.11424589

4chan is going to be filled with suicidal, mid-life crisis wojack before the end of the month calling it now.

Wojack was conceived as meme embodying the spirit of depression. He is depressed by nature. He'll be back to his old ways before long.

>> No.11424802

On The Road is a youthful exploration of excess. Dharma Bums is an attempt to overcome that in a way and look for something more meaningful. Big Sur is the excess winning out in the end.

It’s the essential Kerouac trilogy I think.

>> No.11424835

We all laugh at the boomer knowing that in the inside, we want to be him

>> No.11425004

idiots. the "boomer" meme is nothing more than mocking retired boomers and people who behave like them despite being younger. some people who didn't get it was one idiot shitposting would reply pointing out that X age isn't boomer age, and then it would get spammed for (You)s.

nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.11425100

It probably is considering that I've never seen non-wojak-like close versions of the boomer meme except for /fit/ ones before the boomer meme took off.
This. Although the new interpretations are interesting and have generated much OC---kinda like the Virgin vs Chad meme.

>> No.11425695

>I liked it in the ancient, mythical time known as High School-tier:
Butchers Crossing

>> No.11425698

memes evolve though, the boomer now has multiple iterations and the genuinely autistic among us are incapable of dealing with an idea without one simple definition

>> No.11425754
